Shingles than to treat drugs. Treatment of shingles in adults: drugs, pills

Herpes zoster is a common disease, accompanied by herpetic eruptions on the surface of the skin and a noticeable pain syndrome. It develops when the chickenpox virus Varicella zoster, which belongs to the group of herpes viruses and causes the appearance of the familiar chickenpox, enters.

Treatment for this disease should be carried out, although in some cases the pathology goes away on its own after 2-3 weeks.

But severe symptoms, itching, redness and soreness, cause great discomfort to the patient. Therefore, effective medical treatment of herpes zoster is still required.

This is necessary in order to facilitate the course of the disease, speed up the healing process and prevent the occurrence of various complications.

Herpes zoster, drug treatment

For the treatment of this disease, antiviral, painkillers, as well as anticonvulsants and antidepressants are prescribed.


The most common, safe and effective drugs are Acyclovir, Famciclovir-Teva, Valaciclovir. If you start taking them within three days of the onset of the rash, you can reduce the duration of the disease, the intensity of pain and the risk of developing postherpetic neuralgia.

  1. Acyclovir. An effective antiviral drug. It is indicated for infections of the skin and mucous membranes, the causative agent of which is the Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2. The active substance is acyclovir.

Dosage: the drug should be taken orally during or after a meal, washed down with water. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor individually and depends on the stage of the disease.

Adults and children over 3 years of age are prescribed 800 mg 4 times a day, a course of 5 days.

Contraindications: children under 3 years old, feeding period. With caution appoint during pregnancy, with renal and hepatic insufficiency, neuralgic disorders, the elderly.

Side effects:

  • diarrhea;
  • bouts of nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • drowsiness;
  • fatigue;
  • fever;
  • skin allergies (rash, itching, redness).
  1. Famciclovir-Teva. Has antiviral action. Active against viruses Varicella zoster, Herpes simplex types 1 and 2, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus. The active substance is famciclovir.

Dosage: Tablets are taken orally, regardless of food, not chewed, washed down with water. Adults are prescribed 500 mg in the morning, afternoon and evening. The course is a week.

In the acute form of the disease, the dosage will be 250 mg three times or 500 mg twice or 750 mg once a day. The course is a week.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, children under 18 years of age. Take with caution in renal failure, severe violations of the liver.

Side effects:

  • headache, dizziness;
  • bouts of nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • sweating;
  • skin allergies;
  • an increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood.
  1. Valaciclovir. An antiviral drug is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases caused by Herpes zoster. The active substance is valaciclovir.

Dosage: taken orally, a single dose for adults is 0.25-2 g. The frequency and duration of the medication is prescribed by the doctor.

With caution appoint in violation of the kidneys.

Side effects:

  • bouts of nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • fatigue;
  • allergic reactions on the skin.

Preparations for local treatment

Locally, to relieve severe symptoms, antiviral drugs are prescribed in the form of creams and ointments. First, the affected area is treated with antiseptic solutions, and after 20 minutes with creams or ointments. Such treatment ensures the prevention of the development of bacterial infections, and also accelerates the healing process of the rash and the restoration of the normal structure of the skin in the affected area.

Antiviral topical agents are also used to prevent the formation of scars and pigmented spots on the surface of the skin at the site of herpetic eruptions.

Of the antiseptic drugs used: Fukortsin, Boric acid, Chlorhexidine, Tsindol, Zelenka.

Antiviral creams and ointments

  1. Epigen. The cream has antiviral, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, immunomodulatory effects. Contains glycyrrhizic acid, which is active against viruses such as cytomegalovirus, human papillomavirus, Herpes zoster and Herpes simplex.

The cream is applied 3-5 times a day with a thin layer on the affected area, not rubbed. The course is 5-7 days.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity.

Side effects: local reactions, burning, rash, itching.

  1. Herpferon. The ointment has an antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, immunomodulatory effect. Active substances: interferon alfa-2b, acyclovir and lidocaine.

Indications for use: herpes zoster, herpetic lesions of the mucous membranes, genital herpes.

It is applied externally, locally in the affected area. It is applied in a thin layer 4-5 times a day at intervals of 4 hours. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity.

Side effects: slight peeling of the skin.

  1. Zovirax. Cream for external use, has an antiviral effect. The active substance is acyclovir. It is used for skin infections caused by herpes viruses.

It is applied in a thin layer to the affected area 5 times a day with an interval of 4 hours. The course is 7-10 days. Apply the product with clean hands or with a cotton swab.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity.

Side effects: short-term peeling, itching, redness of the skin, burning and tingling, allergic dermatitis.

  1. Infagel. Gel with antiviral action. Active against the herpesvirus family. It is prescribed for herpetic lesions of the skin and mucous membranes. The active ingredient is human recombinant interferonal-2b.

Apply a thin layer to the affected area in the morning and evening with an interval of 12 hours. It is dried for 15-20 minutes in order to form a protective film. The course is 3-5 days.

Contraindications: allergic diseases in the acute stage.

Side effects: no side effects.

It is important to know that herpes zoster is by no means treated with topical corticosteroids. These include Triderm, Dexamethasone, Lokoid. Ointments containing hormones suppress the inflammatory process, and with it significantly reduce immunity. And this can lead to a long and severe course of the disease. In this case, there is a high risk of complications from the nervous system.

Shingles: treatment - tablets with antibacterial effect

With the development of the gangrenous form, a bacterial infection may join the disease. In this case, prescribe antibiotics with a wide range of effects. Most often they are administered intramuscularly. For example, Erythromycin, Oxacillin, Gentamicin.

In severe cases of the disease, intravenous administration of Ribavirin at a dose of 15 mg / kg per day as a long (12 h) intravenous infusion is prescribed. The introduction of the drug acyclovir does not reduce pain, but it prevents the occurrence of visceral complications.

Shingles is one of the infectious diseases provoked by the herpes virus. Pathology is accompanied by severe pain and skin rashes. With an integrated approach to therapy, symptoms can be quickly eliminated, while it is important to choose the right drugs.

Shingles treatment

An infectious rash on the body develops under the influence of the herpes virus type 3. This is the same pathogen that causes chickenpox. After chickenpox, the virus lives hidden in the human body and, when the immune system is weakened, manifests itself in the form of shingles.

Before the appearance of herpetic vesicles, the skin swells and itchs severely. The reason for the decrease in the body's defenses is often chronic diseases, major operations or long-term use of potent medications. The exacerbation phase lasts from a couple of weeks to a month.

Herpes zoster is treated with antiviral drugs. The means of choice are ointments, gels for external use, which are used to treat inflamed skin. Since the herpes virus is based inside nerve cells, treatment is difficult. All topical preparations help to eliminate only the external manifestations of the disease and partially reduce the pain syndrome. Therefore, therapy must be approached comprehensively, using a tablet form in addition to external agents. Thus, the impact on the virus will occur simultaneously from the inside and outside, which will speed up recovery.

It is not recommended to endure pain with shingles, this condition often leads to chronic pain syndrome.

To date, many remedies have been developed that help cure herpes zoster, treatment in children and adults is carried out with antiviral drugs.

In addition, the patient will also be prescribed antiseptic and antibacterial drugs. This is necessary to avoid complications and the development of a bacterial infection. To relieve pain, you will need to take analgesics, and antihistamines will help reduce itching. You will also need to take medications that stimulate the immune system.


Various antiviral agents will help to slow down viral activity, as well as stop the vital activity of pathogens in the described disease. The most effective of them are recognized:

In severe cases of the disease, as well as elderly patients in whom the body's immune function is reduced, antiviral agents are prescribed in tablet or injectable form. External preparations are used only at the first skin manifestations.

Antibiotics and antiseptics

With shingles, the skin becomes inflamed, itchy, which leads to the formation of wounds. To avoid bacterial infection, the appointment of antiseptics is required. They quickly dry the rash bubbles, preventing bacteria from penetrating into the wounds that have appeared. The most commonly used antiseptics for shingles are:

When combining several drugs, the skin is first treated with an antiseptic, and after about half an hour, antiviral drugs are applied. The simultaneous use of medicines is strictly prohibited.

The most effective antibacterial agents are Ciprofloxacin, Erythromycin, Amoxicillin.

The use of antibiotics is required when there is a risk of an extraneous infection.

Complications in this case lead to the development of severe pathologies: meningitis, inflammation of the heart muscle, renal failure. In such cases, inpatient treatment of the patient is required.


In the process of the appearance of rashes, the herpetic virus infects the myeloid sheath of nerve endings. That is why nerve impulses pass not only along the nerve rod, but also spread throughout the body. As a result, the patient with shingles lesion experiences acute pain. Pain syndrome, even after the disappearance of external manifestations of a viral infection, can persist for up to a month. This continues until the nerve endings regenerate myelin.

To reduce pain in shingles, as well as to relieve postherpetic syndrome, patients are prescribed painkillers. In this case, a good analgesic effect is possessed by:

The appointment of painkillers is necessary in case of a severe course of the disease in order to avoid the development of chronic pain syndrome. In this case, drugs are prescribed on an individual basis.

Itching medications

Herpes zoster is always accompanied by severe itching. Patients comb the bubbles that form, resulting in wounds that become inflamed over time and also bring discomfort. To eliminate itching, patients are prescribed the following drugs:

The period of course treatment is usually about 7 days. If the patient needs a longer use, then one antihistamine should be replaced with another.

Immunostimulants and immunomodulators

Comprehensive treatment of herpes zoster should include drugs that enhance the body's immune response to viral exposure. The task of such funds is to improve the production of specific antibodies in large quantities. This action allows you to strengthen the body's defenses and avoid the development of serious complications. The most common drugs that improve the immune response are:

  • Neovir;
  • Giaferon;
  • Likopid.

When immunostimulants do not cope with their task, the use of immunomodulators is necessary. Especially their effectiveness is manifested in a protracted viral disease. For these purposes, Cycloferon, Lavomax and others are usually prescribed.

Features of therapy in pregnant women

Treatment of herpes infection in women bearing a child is carried out with the use of drugs that do not adversely affect the pregnant woman and the fetus. In most cases, these are drugs for external use, from the group of antiviral drugs. To support the immune system, Interferon may be prescribed. From the second trimester, it can be used in the form of candles.

Also, vitamin-mineral complexes can be added to the therapy complex.

During pregnancy, herpes zoster can be treated only in a hospital setting.

If shingles occurs in the prenatal period, there is a risk of infection of the unborn child. In this case, pathogenic microorganisms will lead to the development of chicken pox in the newborn. At such an early age, pathology threatens the development of severe lesions of the liver, kidneys, lungs, and also the nervous system. The treatment of diseases of this etiology is carried out by an infectious disease specialist and a neonatologist.

How not to get infected?

To protect yourself from such a disease as herpes zoster, an adult must first of all refuse to visit crowded places. In addition, you should try to avoid stressful situations. Doctors also recommend to patients:

If, nevertheless, the herpes virus began to infect the body, it is necessary to contact a medical institution. Treatment in each case is selected on an individual basis.

homemade recipes

Alternative treatment methods for shingles are often no less effective than traditional ones. With a mild course of the disease, it is easily treatable. The following recipes are recognized as the most effective:

Method Recipe Indications Contraindications
wet towel A towel soaked in cold water is applied to itchy places. Cold helps relieve discomfort. Strengthening the body's defenses. Missing
Tar Lubricate the affected areas 2-3 times a day. Wash off after 15-20 minutes. Effectively fights the virus, relieves itching. pregnant women, children
Bath with iodine and salt 0.5 kg of salt and 10 ml of iodine per 150 liters of water. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. Dries blisters, accelerates healing By doctor's prescription

To alleviate the condition with the herpes virus, herbal infusions and decoctions are taken orally. Most of all they have proven themselves: ginger root, lemon balm, St. John's wort, willow bark. In addition, you should follow a diet.


Many people who had to deal with chickenpox in childhood are confident that they will no longer have to deal with this disease. But this is not at all the case, since there are no official studies confirming this fact. The virus that provoked the development of chickenpox can be in the human body for many years, and then become more active in the form of shingles. The disease is similar to chickenpox in terms of pathogen and severity of the course, which makes it quite dangerous. What is shingles, is it contagious or not, and how to deal with pathology - all this will be discussed in this article.

What it is?

Shingles or, as it is also called, herpes zoster, is a dermatological disease, caused by infection with the Varicella zoster virus. The danger of pathology lies in the fact that it can affect almost any part of the human body, starting with the hips or buttocks, and ending with the front part.

Reasons for development

After infection with a virus in the patient's face, nerve fibers are damaged, which causes small red rashes to appear on the skin. In such cases, the help of not only a dermatologist, but also other doctors, for example, a neuropathologist or an infectious disease specialist, is required. Varicella zoster is unstable to most external factors, but when exposed to a disinfectant, it bends. It can also happen under the influence of ultraviolet light or high temperature.

The virus can remain in a latent phase for a long time(to be stored in the human body), but certain factors can provoke its reactivation. These include:

  • the development of diabetes mellitus, against which the human body weakens;
  • violation of immunological reactivity (immunodeficiency);
  • negative effects of hormonal treatment;
  • transplantation of internal organs or bone marrow;
  • increased fatigue of the body;
  • prolonged depression or severe stress;
  • diseases of the blood and hematopoietic system;
  • consequences of previous chemotherapy;
  • age factor;
  • decreased cellular immunity.

Note! To prevent the development of many diseases caused by various viruses, it is enough to maintain the level of the immune system. This also applies to shingles.

First signs

Mostly herpes zoster occurs in adults and the elderly, while in childhood the pathology is diagnosed extremely rarely. The primary symptoms of shingles include itching and burning in the affected area. Sometimes the patient has chills of the body, headache and fever.

Symptoms may appear singly or as part of a symptom complex.. During the first 3 days, the intensity of symptoms may vary, but if an elderly person was infected with the virus, then the symptoms in this case appear much brighter. This is due to the weakening of the human body and its immunity against the background of age-related changes. It is worth noting that shingles is not transmitted, so it is not dangerous to others.

Main Symptoms

Approximately 4-5 days after the onset of the primary signs, small pink spots appear on the patient's skin. Painful sensations appear in the affected areas, and after a while - severe burning and itching.

On a note! At night, the symptoms of shingles, including itching, intensify, so the disease is often accompanied by sleep disturbance. Patients often suffer from insomnia, which only worsens their well-being.

After some time, purulent vesicles will appear on the site of pink spots on the patient's body. At this stage in the development of herpes zoster, the risk of infection is very high.

Active phase of herpes zoster

The vesicles formed on the skin of the patient burst after a few days, and their purulent contents are released to the outside. After that, the affected areas of the skin dry out and become covered with a yellowish crust, which soon exfoliates itself (this happens about a week after the bursting of the blisters). The lack of complex therapy can provoke the recurrence of a rash. Moreover, a rash can appear not only on the former, but also on healthy areas of the skin.

Incubation period

The Varicella zoster virus, which is a provocateur of herpes zoster, can persist for several years asymptomatically. But after weakening the immune system, it is activated. In this regard, doctors can not yet establish the exact duration of the incubation period. Between infection with the virus and the manifestation of the first symptoms, it can take from a week to several years - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the human body and a number of related factors.

If a person has contracted Varicella zoster for the first time, then this virus will manifest itself in the form of chickenpox (chickenpox).

Risk factors

Since herpes zoster is a viral disease, people with reduced immunity are the main risk group. Also, the risk of infection is very high among the elderly, since at the age of 45 the human body undergoes global changes, which is not reflected in the best way on the immune system.

The herpes virus poses a great danger to patients who have undergone several courses of chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer. Under the intense influence of potent drugs, the human body is not able to resist pathogenic microorganisms, including the Varicella zoster virus, since its immune functionality is greatly weakened.

Despite the latent course, the virus is considered very contagious, so the answer to the question, is it possible to get shingles, the answer is definitely yes. But herpes zoster is quite rare, mainly in autumn or spring, when the human body is weakened due to a lack of vitamins. The disease is freely transmitted from an infected child to an adult who has not previously had to deal with chickenpox. If a person has had chickenpox, then the risk of infection in this case is low.

When in contact with patients, children are most often infected, so the carrier of the virus, who may not be aware of his special status, poses a great threat to the health of others. But herpes zoster is not contagious at all stages of development, but only during the period when the vesicles formed on the skin are still fresh. As soon as the surface of the sores is covered with a crust, the virus is considered harmless to others.. The infection can be transmitted to the unborn child from an infected mother through the placenta, which must also be taken into account.

Possible Complications

The danger of shingles lies not only in its contagiousness, but also because of the complications that can occur with improper therapy or its absence. The most common complications include:

  • paresis of the lower extremities;
  • retinal necrosis (bilateral or unilateral);
  • paralysis of the oculomotor nerve;
  • myelitis (inflammation of the spinal cord);
  • meningoencephalitis (a neuroinfectious disease accompanied by inflammation of the meninges);
  • uveitis, keratitis, viral blepharitis - all these ophthalmic diseases, under certain circumstances, can provoke glaucoma or blindness;
  • encephalitis (inflammation of the brain).

Among all the possible consequences of the pathology, it is worth highlighting the most frequent ones - postherpetic herpes zoster neuralgia and itching. Sometimes they do not appear separately, but together. If we talk about postherpetic neuralgia, then every tenth patient encounters it. The pain syndrome can manifest itself for several years, causing the patient severe discomfort or even torment.

During childbearing, shingles is especially dangerous because the virus can infect the fetus, leading to death or birth defects. If a woman, while in the first trimester of pregnancy, becomes infected with a virus, then the disease in this case often leads to an abortion caused by placental insufficiency. At a later date, such complications appear much less frequently.

Features of diagnostics

Which doctor should I contact if I suspect shingles? Primary diagnosis should be done by a dermatovenereologist, but as practice shows, if the disease begins to manifest itself with fever or painful sensations, then patients, thinking that they have the flu, turn to a general practitioner.

Note! An experienced dermatologist often needs only one look at the skin lesions that have arisen to confirm the presence of herpes zoster. But at an early stage of development, pathology is quite easy to confuse with other diseases, so diagnostic measures in such cases are indispensable.

Differential diagnosis of heprevirus involves the exclusion of signs of other diseases that are similar in symptoms. These include:

  • eczema;
  • bullous form of erysipelas;
  • renal colic;
  • catarrhal appendicitis;
  • embolism or thrombosis of the branches of the pulmonary artery;
  • pleurisy of the lungs;
  • angina pectoris or, as it is popularly called, "angina pectoris";
  • inflammation of the appendix.

To make a clear diagnosis, the patient is prescribed various procedures, among which it is worth highlighting the most effective:

  • polymerase chain reaction (laboratory diagnostics that allows to identify pathogenic microorganisms that provoke infectious diseases);
  • virus isolation in cell culture;
  • immunofluorescent analysis (method of fluorescent antibodies);
  • serological studies (study of antigens or antibodies in the blood);
  • microscopic examination.

These laboratory diagnostic measures are required for severe or atypical forms of herpes zoster, as well as for children with a weakened immune system.

How to treat

The effectiveness of therapy depends on many factors, for example, on the patient's condition or the prescribed medication course, so treatment tactics should be selected on an individual basis. You can cope with the unpleasant symptoms of shingles with the right combination of medications and folk remedies. Let's look at each of these treatments separately.

Medical therapy

When confirming the diagnosis of herpes zoster, the patient may be prescribed the following groups of drugs:

  • antibiotics - designed to prevent the development of a bacterial infection;
  • antihistamines - eliminate the symptoms of pathology, in particular, skin itching;
  • analgesics - contribute to the normalization of the general state of health, eliminate pain and fever;
  • vitamin complexes for general strengthening - affect the body in a positive way, strengthening its protective functions.

Important! Among all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs used for herpes zoster, Ketoprofen, Ibuprofen, and Ketorolac are considered the most effective. In some cases, doctors prescribe narcotic analgesics.

Avoid the use of corticosteroids because they, despite having anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, negatively affect the immune system, which complicates the course of the disease. Therefore, it is best to deal with signs of lichen with antibacterial local preparations, for example, Solcoseryl or Oxolinic Ointment.

Folk remedies

Herpes zoster requires complex treatment, so along with traditional medicine, doctors can prescribe proven folk remedies. They will improve the effectiveness of treatment. But in order to help your body, and not harm, you should consult a doctor before using home remedies.

Table. Traditional medicine for herpes zoster.

Product name, photoApplication
Grind 50 g of fresh cinquefoil leaves until a mushy state is obtained. Then use the prepared mixture as a compress, applying it to a sore spot before going to bed.
The medicinal properties of burdock make it an effective antiviral agent. Pour 200 ml of vodka 2 tbsp. l. crushed plant and leave for 30 minutes. With the finished infusion, treat the affected areas of the skin 1-2 times a day.
To prepare a decoction, pour 1 tbsp. l. plants 250 ml of boiling water and insist for an hour. Treat the skin with a ready-made decoction 2 times a day.
Mix horsetail, marigold flowers, rose petals, chopped willow bark and blackberries in one bowl. Then pour 500 ml of water 3 tbsp. l. herbal collection and cook over low heat until boiling. Once the product has cooled, strain it through gauze and make a compress by soaking the bandage in the solution.
Another effective remedy for shingles. To prepare it, pour 100 ml of vodka 1 tsp. wormwood and insist in a dark place for 7 days. With the finished infusion, treat the gauze bandage and apply it to the body. After a 20-minute procedure, treat the skin with castor oil.
Mix 1 part calendula tincture with 10 parts olive oil. Wipe the affected areas of the body daily with the resulting remedy until the symptoms of herpes zoster are completely eliminated. This remedy is also effective in other skin pathologies.
A simple, but at the same time effective anti-lichen remedy. Pour 300 ml of boiling water 3 tbsp. l. peppermint and steep for 30 minutes. Daily make lotions from the decoction or add it to the bath.

The high efficiency and naturalness of all ingredients does not eliminate the need to use traditional medicine, such as anti-inflammatory, antihistamine and antibacterial drugs. If you have any questions, please contact your doctor for help.

What Not to Do

If you have symptoms of shingles, you can not self-medicate. Many people who are faced with intercostal pain, without the slightest idea of ​​their origin, use various warming ointments or apply mustard plasters. But such actions only aggravate the situation, because the infection that occurs along with lichen poses a great danger to the patient's body. Therefore, doctors should deal with therapy.

How to avoid infection

With the contagiousness of shingles sorted out. But how to avoid infection and further development of pathology? To do this, you need to follow a few simple recommendations. First of all, if you are in the same room with an infected person, try to exclude all possible contact with him. Do not use a shared towel, hygiene products, dishes and other items.

Note! If a patient has herpes zoster at an active stage, then for safety reasons, you should not only not use common objects, but also try to avoid being in the same room or room with him. These precautions will help prevent infection.

Prevention measures

Shingles is a dangerous and painful disease that is rather painful. Fortunately, this disease can be prevented and for this purpose there are various methods of prevention.

Step 1. Get vaccinated regularly. Since the risk of developing herpes zoster increases with age, vaccination is desirable for people over 50 years of age.

Step 2 Do not avoid people who suffer from chickenpox. The fact is that this virus helps to strengthen immunity against shingles, so even accidental contact with chickenpox patients is an additional protection for the body.

Step 3 Engage in strengthening immunity. It is not only about proper and healthy nutrition, but also about regular exercise.

Step 4 Prevent the spread of the virus if someone in your family or friends has already contracted shingles. Eliminate all kinds of contacts not only with the patient himself, but also with his personal belongings.

At the first symptoms of the disease, you should not self-medicate, but seek medical help as soon as possible. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chances for a successful and, most importantly, quick recovery. In addition, early medication significantly reduces the likelihood of serious complications.

Video - How to treat shingles

Herpes zoster is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox, Varicella Zoster. Those who had "chickenpox" in childhood are at increased risk, because the virus permanently settles in the human body and is activated when the defenses are reduced. Treatment of herpes zoster in adults is a complex taken orally and externally.

With shingles, the picture is as follows:

  1. the patient experiences burning, pain in places of herpetic eruptions;
  2. the temperature rises;
  3. headache and other symptoms of intoxication are present.

Herpes zoster needs to be treated because it causes complications. Among them:

  • inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, severe neuralgia;
  • staphylococcal and streptococcal infections;
  • myocarditis, periocarditis.

A specific treatment regimen is developed by a doctor, taking into account age, the state of the immune system, and the severity of the process.


The main "weapon" of the doctor and the patient is antiviral agents that force Varicella Zoster to return to a state of "hibernation". It will not be possible to expel the virus, so efforts are aimed at minimizing its activity.

Tablets from herpes zoster are, first of all, Acyclovir. Effective in herpes simplex and Varicella zoster.

The medicine is taken twice a day according to the scheme: 200 mg per dose. You can drink it regardless of the meal. Treatment continues for a week (minimum period).

Side effects according to the frequency of occurrence are distributed as follows:

  1. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Headache.
  3. Liver problems.

These phenomena are rare, but in patients with a history of chronic diseases, the risk of side effects is increased. Reason: weakened immune system.

"Acyclovir" is produced by the pharmaceutical industry and in the form of an ointment. External use: apply a thin layer on the inflamed areas. In order to speed up the healing process, it is recommended to do this 5 times a day.

With small lesions and strong immunity, doctors sometimes limit themselves to prescribing an external antiviral agent.

But the manifestations of shingles in humans are not only damage to the skin. The virus inserts into DNA, causing the cell to produce "daughters" with disorders. The immune system does not recognize the cells affected by the virus, taking them for normal ones, so the virus reproduces unhindered. The risk of developing complications is high. The attack must be stopped as soon as possible. In addition to Acyclovir, another antiviral drug, Valaciclovir (based on acyclovir), copes with this task.

"Valacyclovir" inhibits the synthesis of DNA viruses. The result - the reproduction of diseased cells slows down.

At the same time, healthy tissues are not affected: they act selectively. "Valacyclovir" take 2 tablets at a time. Drink 6 tablets per day. The course lasts from 7 days.

It is not excluded intolerance to the drug, expressed in:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting
  • increased levels of bilirubin;
  • skin itching.

Pronounced or increasing side effects require replacement of the drug.

For the treatment of herpes zoster, Famvir tablets are also used. Their action is similar to the previously described means: "Famvir" prevents the replication of viral DNA.

A single dose for adults is 250 mg. A day is required to take 250 mg of the drug three times.

If infections begin to develop, the dosage of the drug is increased to 500 mg three times a day. This is necessary to prevent the penetration of infection deep into. take 10 days.

External antiviral agents

When deciding how to treat herpes zoster, the doctor will take into account the need for early relief of pain and reduction of external manifestations. For this purpose, gels are also prescribed:

  • "Acyclovir";
  • "Zovirax";
  • "Pencivir";
  • Panavir.

The recommended frequency of use is up to 5 times a day. Treatment is carried out for at least 10 days, until the bubbles disappear completely. "Panavir" can also be found in pharmacies in the form of a solution for injection. are needed in the most severe cases and in some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that prevent the normal absorption of the drug.

Ointments are becoming one of the main components of treatment in pregnant and lactating women, for whom not all drugs that require oral administration are allowed. With external use, any effect on the fetus and the child is excluded, since there is no penetration into the uterus or into breast milk.


Shingles worries mostly older patients who have crossed the threshold of 50 years. the strength of one's own immunity is reduced. This provokes the activation of the virus. Patients notice the appearance of herpetic eruptions after:

  • hypothermia;
  • severe stress;
  • lack of sleep;
  • recent viral or infectious disease.

Hence the conclusion: the patient should take drugs that restore the normal functioning of the immune system. These are drugs based on interferon:

  • "Cycloferon";
  • "Viferon";
  • "Arbidol".

They stimulate the production of macrophages and leukocytes (immune cells). Medicines reduce the likelihood of exacerbation of chronic diseases, which can be triggered by a virus. They struggle with intoxication, weakness.

Another drug is Isoprinosine. It restores the efficiency of cells-defenders, increases the body's resistance.

Attention those who suffer from autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, glomerulonephritis)! The appointment of immunomodulators is impractical, as it can enhance the manifestations of the underlying disease. Protector cells will increase activity, opposing their own body.


Mandatory components of the complex treatment of herpes zoster are drugs that reduce the intensity of pain. Pain during the disease is severe. The patient may need to prescribe ganglionic blockers, which include Oxycodone.

Pain cannot be tolerated. Its strengthening can aggravate the course of the disease, up to convulsions and fainting. Pain is especially dangerous for, since a spontaneous abortion can become a reaction of the body.

Relieve pain with drugs:

  • "Ibuprofen";
  • "Paracetamol";
  • "Analgin".

As a strong remedy, the anticonvulsant drug "Diazepam" is used. The hormonal ointment "Prednisolone" relieves pain and itching.

If necessary, prescribe antidepressants.

Remember: the use of painkillers requires strict control! As soon as the pain becomes tolerable, it is necessary to abandon them if possible so as not to cause the appearance of gastritis or stomach ulcers. Such a side effect is not excluded: painkillers irritate the walls of the stomach.


The question of the advisability of using antibacterial agents arises in cases where herpes zoster has caused complications. The doctor will decide to add antibiotics to the regimen if signs appear:

  • myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle);
  • tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils);
  • pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys).

The most severe complication is meningitis (an inflammatory process that occurs in the membranes of the brain). His treatment is started immediately, the patient is hospitalized, because the probability of death is high.

The virus activates the activity of bacteria that are normally present in the human body in minimal quantities. It is impossible to cope with them only with antiviral and immunomodulating agents.

Antibiotics are used as follows:

  • "Ciprofloxacin";
  • "Amoxicillin";
  • "Augmentin";
  • "Flemoxin Solutab";
  • "Erythromycin";
  • and others.

The choice of the drug is due to the nature and severity of the disease, the presence or absence of the patient's susceptibility to this drug. Before prescribing, it is important to find out if the patient has allergic reactions and find out what medications he takes constantly. Not all of them are combined with antibiotics. So, if a woman drinks COCs (birth control pills), antibacterial drugs will reduce their effectiveness.


Allopathic doctors sometimes treat homeopathic medicines with prejudice. However, their effectiveness has been proven over many years of use. The principle of action of a homeopathic medicine is different from the traditional allopathic one: the essence of the treatment is not to destroy the pathogens that caused the disease of any one organ, but to restore the body's ability to heal itself.

Homeopathy for shingles is:

  • acidum nitricum;
  • graphite.

Drugs are prescribed only by a doctor who has undergone special training! Homeopathic treatment is combined with the use of traditional medicines recognized by official medicine.

Shingles lasts up to 3 weeks. Sometimes the healing process is delayed. Much depends on the state of immunity, on the body's ability to adequately respond to treatment. It is important to prevent complications, to prevent the appearance of postherpetic neuralgia, which is difficult to deal with.

After the removal of acute manifestations, physiotherapy is prescribed: phonophoresis, ultrasound. Hardening is useful, which begins with dousing with warm and hot water alternately, gradually increasing the temperature contrast. Prevention:

  1. chronic disease control;
  2. prevention .

A vaccine has been developed that protects humans by 100% from Varicella Zoster. But they vaccinate those who have not had chicken pox, which means they do not have a virus in their blood - the causative agent of shingles. The task of the rest is to increase immunity. This is the main measure for the prevention of herpetic lichen. When signs of the disease appear, treatment is started immediately, which increases the chances of a mild attack.

Herpes zoster has another name - shingles. The causative agent of this infectious pathology is the herpes virus. The disease affects the skin and nervous system, and therefore therapy is carried out by both dermatologists and neurologists, depending on which clinical symptoms are most pronounced. Herpes zoster and chickenpox share a common etiology and pathogenesis. This is a secondary infection of endogenous origin in people who have previously had chickenpox in a latent or clinical form. After chickenpox, viruses can persist in the body for a long time. They are localized in the ganglia of the cranial nerves and spinal ganglia, and under the influence of pathogenic factors they are reactivated, which is most often observed when cellular immunity is weakened.

Varicella-zoster viruses spread rapidly through the blood, cerebrospinal fluid, and nerve sheaths when they enter the human body. If they have settled in the nerve cells of the spinal ganglia, they will persist there for life. Since they have a tropism for the cells of the nervous system, varicella-zoster viruses cause diseases that often proceed as an infectious disease of the central and peripheral nervous systems.

Life-long latent carriage has been established in approximately 20% of the inhabitants of our country who have had chickenpox in childhood. Asymptomatic carriage of the "dormant" virus can be lifelong. The main refuge for him are the nerve cells of the body. Under the action of internal and / or external agents, the virus is activated.

Injuries, stressful conditions, hypothermia, infectious and somatic diseases can also activate herpes. The pathological anatomy of the disease in its classical form is an inflammatory process in the spinal ganglia and in the areas of the skin adjacent to them. Sometimes the process may involve the anterior and posterior horns of the gray matter, the roots of the spinal cord, and the soft membranes of the brain.

The disease develops gradually, with common symptoms: dyspeptic disorders, headache, fever, malaise and chills. In the future, itching and burning of the skin, rashes join. The intensity of these manifestations in each patient may vary.

After a short prodromal period, there is a sharp rise in temperature and symptoms of intoxication (loss of appetite, muscle pain). At the same time, a painful rash appears on the skin in the form of pink spots, 2-5 mm in diameter. Very often, herpes zoster occurs on the back. Children may develop catarrhal inflammation of the respiratory tract (laryngitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis), which significantly complicates the course of the disease.

Why is herpes zoster dangerous?

Herpes zoster, despite its prevalence, is considered a very dangerous pathology. In addition to neuralgia, numerous other complications are possible. With the development of rashes, ulcers can form, which leave scars and scars on the skin. This is due to deep damage to the skin.

But the main danger of herpes zoster is the development of meningoencephalitis, in which intense headaches, vomiting, photophobia occur, and loss of consciousness is possible. Such a disease often leads to disability of the patient. Herpes zoster is especially dangerous in the elderly.

With lesions of the eyes and facial nerve, the patient may develop serious consequences in the form of blindness or glaucoma. In certain cases, herpes zoster can provoke the development of viral hepatitis and pneumonia.

The presence of the virus in the female body often leads to cervical erosion, problems with pregnancy, the development of infertility and cancer.

Recurrent herpes in the body of a man causes a weakening of the immune system, which creates positive conditions for the development of many diseases. In men, prostatitis, vesiculitis, epididymo-orchitis, and bacterial urethritis are often diagnosed.

Neonatal herpes can result in serious neurological pathologies and even death. Often the consequences of such a viral infection in children are meningoencephalitis and hydrocephalus, affecting the brain. So, let's find out how herpes zoster is treated.

Therapy of the disease

Etiotropic therapy of the pathological process is based on the use of selective inhibitors of viral DNA production, for example, acyclovir. Such treatment is effective in the initial stages of the disease. In this case, the drug "Acyclovir" is administered intravenously, at a daily dosage of 15-30 mg / kg, which is divided into three injections with an interval of 8 hours. A single dose is diluted in isotonic solution. When prescribing tablet forms of this agent, a single dose is 800 mg 5 times a day for 5 days.

It is not always possible to quickly treat herpes zoster with medicines. Pathogenetic therapy is based on the intake of dipyridamole, which slows down the processes of platelet aggregation. The course of treatment with this drug substance should be at least 5-7 days. Furosemide is prescribed for dehydration. To activate immunogenesis recommended homologous use of immunoglobulin (via intramuscular injection).

Symptomatic therapy of this disease is prescribed individually, and it depends on the severity of its course. To do this, use analgesics, restorative and antipyretic drugs, for sleep disorders - hypnotics and sedatives, in some cases - antidepressants. If the signs of intoxication are pronounced, detoxification treatment with forced diuresis is carried out.

Locally, rashes are treated with a solution of brilliant green, and during the formation of crusts - with dermatol ointment. When a secondary bacterial infection is attached, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed. What is the treatment for herpes zoster, the doctor will tell.

Drug Overview

The main medications for the occurrence of herpes zoster are:

  • "Acyclovir";
  • "Famciclovir teva";
  • "Amixin";
  • "Viferon" (means to enhance immune defense).

The following types of medicines are used in the complex:

  • antiherpetic;
  • painkillers;
  • antiviral;
  • immunomodulating;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • relieving itching.


This medication is an antiviral agent for parenteral, internal, external and topical use. In the treatment of this type of herpes, it is usually used in the form of tablets "Acyclovir 200 mg". It is a synthetic analog of the acyclic purine nucleoside. The drug has increased specificity against Herpes simplex viruses (HSV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Varicella zoster virus (VZV). The greatest activity of the main substance is observed in relation to HSV-1.

The mechanism of action of "Acyclovir" in herpes zoster is due to the penetration of the active element directly into cells infected with the virus and producing viral thymidine kinase, as a result of which it is phosphorylated to acyclovir monophosphate. The functionality of the thymidine kinase of the virus in relation to acyclovir is much higher than the effect of intracellular enzymes on it (the volume of acyclovir monophosphate in cells is 40-100 times higher). Subsequently, acyclovir triphosphate is formed, which is a selective and extremely active inhibitor of viral DNA polymerase.

According to the instructions, parenterally and orally "Acyclovir 200 mg" is prescribed for the treatment of the following pathologies: recurrent and primary genital herpes of severe forms, herpes zoster (Varicella zoster), herpes simplex with damage to the skin and mucous membranes (Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2), herpes zoster with eye involvement.


What is the treatment for herpes zoster, it is better to find out in advance, since the drugs have quite a few contraindications. The drug "Acyclovir" is not prescribed if there is:

  • hypersensitivity to the elements of the composition;
  • lactase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • age less than 3 years;
  • lactation period.

"Famciclovir teva"

This is a drug that is produced on the basis of the substance of the same name famciclovir. It is an antiviral agent. After oral administration, famciclovir rapidly transforms into penciclovir, which has activity against human herpes viruses, as well as against cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus.

Penciclovir penetrates into infected cells, where, under the influence of viral thymidine kinase, it is rapidly converted to monophosphate, which, with the participation of cellular enzymes, is converted to triphosphate. Penciclovir triphosphate stays in infected cells for more than 12 hours, inhibiting the production of viral DNA in them. The concentration of this substance in uninfected cells is not higher than the minimum determined, therefore, in therapeutic doses, penciclovir does not affect uninfected cells.

The drug "Famciclovir" significantly reduces the duration and intensity of postherpetic neuralgia in people with herpes zoster.

The medicine should be taken as soon as possible after the onset of pathological symptoms, since in this case the therapy will be more effective.


This drug for the treatment of herpes zoster in adults and children belongs to the category of antiviral drugs. It is a fairly effective synthetic inductor that stimulates the body's natural synthesis of interferons belonging to the alpha, beta and gamma types. The main active element of the "Amiksina" remedy is tiporon. Hepatocytes (liver cells), granulocytes (white blood cells), T-lymphocytes (thymus cells) and intestinal epithelial cells react to its entry into the body.

When the drug enters the body, they begin to actively produce interferons, the maximum amount of which is produced within 24 hours. The drug has immunomodulatory and antiviral properties. Its use is effective against the background of the treatment of many infections of viral origin, including herpes, influenza, respiratory infections, and hepatitis viruses. The antiviral effect of the drug is due to its ability to inhibit the reproduction of pathogens by inhibiting the translation of virus proteins in infected cells.

The remedy "Amixin" for herpes zoster is prescribed according to the following scheme: the first 2 days - 1 tablet, then - 1 tablet once every two days. In total, the patient should take 10-20 tablets for the course of therapy, depending on the severity of the course of the pathological process.


Since herpes zoster appears with weakened immunity, Viferon helps to recover from the disease in a short time. This medication is allowed to be used in pediatrics, during pregnancy. However, despite the high effectiveness of the remedy, self-medication is contraindicated for them.

The main elements in the preparation are interferon - protein cells that do not allow viruses to multiply. In addition to interferon, ascorbic acid and tocopherol-alpha are present in the drug. "Viferon" is produced in the form of ointments, gels and rectal suppositories.

In general, what to smear herpes zoster, and the scheme of therapeutic measures must be agreed with the doctor. Candles are considered more effective than ointment and gel. They are applied rectally, the dosage depends on the weight and age of the patient. For adults, the medication is prescribed in the morning and in the evening, one suppository at a dose of 500 thousand IU. It is very important to use this remedy within 5 days. Externally applied ointment "Viferon", it is recommended to lubricate rashes on the skin.

In order for the treatment of this pathology to be as effective as possible, it is recommended to start taking it as early as possible. In addition, complex therapy is important - a combination of "Viferon" and antiviral agents.

This medicine has practically no contraindications and has no side effects. In rare cases, a slight burning sensation may occur at the site of application of the ointment.


Find out why you need painkillers for herpes zoster. In addition to medications that directly eliminate the virus, medications that relieve pain are often prescribed. As they are most often appointed:

  • "Analgin";
  • "Paracetamol";
  • "Nurofen";
  • "Indomethacin";
  • "Butadion".

If the soreness is too pronounced and does not disappear for a long time, some anticonvulsants, such as Gabapentin or Diazepam, may be used. In combination with tablets, capsacin-based ointments and lidocaine gels are used.

In severe cases, the doctor may recommend strong pain medications from the category of narcotic drugs or antidepressants. They are "Promedol", "Fortral", "Tramal", etc. Such drugs should be used strictly under the supervision of a specialist and only if there are appropriate symptoms. What other drugs are used to treat herpes zoster in adults?

Immunomodulatory substances

Herpes zoster should also be treated with immunomodulatory drugs. They are prescribed in addition to antiviral treatment, and their action is aimed at inhibiting the vital activity of the zoster virus.

Since the task of such medications is the artificial stimulation of the patient's immune cells, they must be prescribed only in accordance with the indications, and used according to the indicated scheme.

Preparations of this group can be natural and synthetic. Both those and others actively use herpes zoster in the disease. In the treatment of pathologies provoked by herpes viruses, the following have a good effect:

  1. "Lavomax" is a medicine based on the active element of tilorone, which is obtained as a result of the synthesis of interferon. The drug is produced in tablet form, it is contraindicated in lactation, pregnancy and under the age of 18 years. Negative phenomena that occur during the reception are insignificant. These are dyspeptic disorders, allergies and short-term chills.
  2. "Proteflazid" is a medicine in the form of drops, which is based on wild cereal flavonoids that can suppress the DNA of viruses. The drug not only improves local immunity, but also has antioxidant properties, helps to eliminate lipid oxidation products. With caution, the drug is used during pregnancy. Contraindications to it are peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract during the period of exacerbation and sensitivity to the components.

Medicines for topical use

What is the treatment for herpes zoster yet? People often suffer not only from pain, but also from severe itching that occurs in the rash area. Therapy of this pathology requires the use of appropriate medications.

As a rule, they are gels, ointments and creams based on acyclovir:

  • "Zovirax";
  • "Gerpevir";
  • Virolex;
  • "Herperax" and others.

The category of anti-itch remedies for herpes zoster also includes medicines containing other active substances. This, for example, "Viru-Merz Serol", which is based on tromantadine hydrochloride, "Panavir" with plant extracts, "Fenistil Pencivir" based on penciclovir and others.