Oratory - exercises for improving speech. Why do I need rhetoric courses and where to take them

The inhabitants assume that everyone can speak. Maybe. But speaking on any topic, making your story captivating, keeping the attention of the audience for at least an hour - such oratory skills are not for everyone!

So, you have decided to learn how to speak beautifully. Yes, not just talk beautifully in the circle of your friends and relatives, but so that from the stage, in front of an unfamiliar audience, but so that the public is interested, and the listeners catch every word. Then you are on courses in acting and public speaking.

You ask, what does it take to learn how to perform beautifully? Just perform! Lot! Lots of! Regularly!

Find the rhetoric courses in Moscow that are right for you and go to study with the teachers of GITIS and Pike in just 8 lessons! Already in the first session:

  • you have to introduce yourself in front of your colleagues and teacher
  • the teacher will notice your strengths and weaknesses
  • An individual training plan will be developed for you.

Do not be afraid that your classmates will laugh at you. After all, the same people signed up for lessons and training in oratory in Moscow with the teachers of GITIS and Pike, call! Agree, it would never occur to anyone to laugh at the same people with fractures in the queue for a traumatologist.

Psychological training for fear of public speaking involves an analysis of the rules of behavior on stage. Starting with the appearance (image, gestures, postures) and acting skills (the ability to pull yourself together and overcome fear on stage, acting pause, the ability to work with the public), ending with the content of the speech itself and answers to the most provocative questions.

Public speaking is an unpredictable process, and if your speech technique, text content, and appearance were at their best, then you can fall over answering questions, encountering audience aggression. That's what acting and the art of improvisation are for.

Public Speaking for Executives

At the theater school, you may be interested in a special training "Oratory for leaders". Public speaking by leaders has its own peculiarity. The speaker's charisma, self-confidence are very important in them, the audience should be fascinated by him, not doubt his words, follow him. The leader must be able to create distance. This is not a performance in front of a crowd of fans, where you need to please, create the illusion "we are on the same wavelength."

The speech of the leader is usually voluminous and it is easy to get confused in it. How to make a presentation plan? What theses of the plan will help to remember the structure of speech? How to keep the attention of the audience for such a long time?

  1. The structure of speech is its main supporting theses.
  2. Numbers, dates, quotes

One of the secrets of mastery is the presence in the speaker's arsenal of a special "magic wand" in the form of a supply of relevant jokes, stories that defuse the atmosphere, de-emphasize an uncomfortable topic, and create a pleasant image of the speaker. Such "lifesaver" come to the rescue when the concentration of the speaker is lost. A teacher in stage speech, oratory and acting skills will help you choose the stories that are appropriate for any situation.

Some people have a hard time expressing their thoughts clearly. This is usually characteristic of representatives of mental labor. They fixate on complex terms, numbers, abbreviations. It is an impossible task for them to tell about their work in an accessible form, in a “living” language. Very often they seem to be “nerds” around, and it is very difficult for them to attract a sponsor to their project because of the inability to “hook”, infect with interest, make them believe in a project or idea. Practical training in rhetoric and voice control can help to cope with this problem.

The art of oratory is multifaceted and includes many components. To find indulgence from the public, you need to try. For this you need:

  1. grab and hold the attention of the audience
  2. interact and "play" with the audience, like in a theater
  3. evoke certain emotions and induce certain actions

The best oratory trainings in Moscow from the teachers of GITIS and Pike offer you to immediately plunge into the world of public speaking and try to speak to your colleagues in the master class. Various conditions will be offered: colleagues will distract you, laugh, yawn, interrupt, and you will need to cope with all the difficulties and take the situation back into your own hands. All this is an invaluable school of humor, rhetoric and oratory, as well as the art of speech.

We also need trainings and the best oratory courses in Moscow in just 8 lessons to study all genres of public speaking, the features of which they will definitely give explanations.

Courses for children and teenagers

It is also important to speak beautifully, to hold yourself confidently in front of the public and for children. Some schoolchildren are embarrassed to answer at the blackboard because they are afraid of being ridiculed by classmates, while others have serious problems in communicating with peers due to the inability to maintain a conversation. Inexpensive courses in rhetoric and oratory for children and teenagers can help correct these situations. The lessons of experienced teachers and young talents who are going to seriously engage in acting or just want to try themselves in a theater group will help out.

The School of Public Speaking (Skills) in Moscow is not only 5 studios in the city center and 7,000 graduates, but also a place to meet interesting people, share cultural leisure and develop communication skills in an informal setting.

Oratory- one of the most popular training topics. And this is not surprising, because many people need the skills of rhetoric and oratory. Oratory skills are necessary both for work tasks and in order to be an interesting conversationalist, a charismatic leader.

On the public speaking training special exercises are used that open up participants, develop their ability to speak easily, convincingly and beautifully, help participants master the great art of public speaking.

And trainers teaching public speaking often have a question about where to get new interesting exercises that will not only strengthen the public speaking skills of the participants, but also actively involve the group, increase its energy and motivation, and be liked and remembered by the participants of the training.

The experts of the largest professional portal for trainers, the site, have selected for you several high-quality exercises for developing public speaking skills that you can safely use in your public speaking trainings.

Exercise for the development of oratory "Debate"

: training for speaking in front of a group, developing argumentation skills.

Time: 10 minutes per participant.

Number of participants: not limited.

Carrying out the exercise:

The facilitator sets the topic of the speech and calls two participants. They take turns speaking on a chosen topic for 2 minutes. After the presentation, the participant answers questions from the audience. His opponent has the right to ask first.

Then his opponent performs in the same format, also 2 minutes.

Each new pair is given a new topic.

Oratory training exercise "Connected Words"

: training creativity in speech.

Time: Five minutes per participant.

Number of participants: not limited.

Carrying out the exercise:

The host prepares several tickets (papers) in advance. One word is written on each (for example, penguin, hat, umbrella, etc.). The participant draws two tickets at random and makes a speech for 2 minutes, in which he beats these words. You need to make a logical presentation.

After the presentation, listeners give feedback:

  • How logical was the presentation? Bound? Beautiful?
  • I wonder if these 2 words were noticed?

Recommendation from the expert of the largest portal for coaches website Olga Paratnova:

To make the process go faster, it is more convenient to do this exercise in micro groups, for example, 6-7 participants. So it will take less time, and the participants will not get tired.

The involvement of the group will be even higher if they are given the opportunity to write 2-3 tickets themselves, then put them in a common basket (in each micro-group), and pull out from there.

Exercise for the development of oratory "Interview"

argumentation and stress resistance training.

Time: 5-7 minutes per participant.

Number of participants: not limited.

Carrying out the exercise:

We call two participants. One conducts, the other passes the interview. The purpose of the negotiations is to get a job or increase wages. The applicant in these negotiations should use as much reasoning as possible why they should hire him (or why it is really necessary to increase his salary).

Then we summarize:

  • Were you able to complete the task?
  • What helped / hindered?

Then the participants change roles in the same pair.

These exercises are taken from free sources, so you need to consider that they:

  • may already be known to your members. this should be clarified before exercising.
  • do not contain detailed instructions and methodology for the exercise. and you will most likely need to run them several times to find the most successful and effective format.

When you need exercises on other topics, and at the same time you want them to be:

  • the best exercises for trainings
  • exclusive exercises known only to a narrow circle of professional trainers
  • exercises with detailed coaching methodology for their implementation, explaining exactly how to conduct the exercise and summarize the exercise in order to arrive at the best result,

you can choose such exercises for professional coaching portal

This portal has grown on the basis of the largest training center "Sinton". For more than 30 years of work, the Sinton center has collected, probably, the largest database of the best games and exercises for business training and personal training.

And when we realized that trainers are constantly faced with the problem of a lack of quality training material, we assembled a team of professional trainers who:

  • select only the best, the most professional and effective exercises on a variety of coaching topics
  • professional and detailed describe a hidden technique holding them!

And you can purchase our exclusive coaching exercise manuals at the most affordable prices in the section or purchase ready-made training programs in the section.

The exercise "My Capital" is exclusive, you will not find it on any other resource.

This is a challenge game, a competition game, at the beginning of which all participants in the training have an equal amount of resources, and at the end of the game the participants find themselves with very different results. In the process of this exercise, the group members line up in a clear ranking, while the one who knows how to look at what is happening impartially, objectively, and correctly evaluate other people has more chances to win.

Usually, the game "My Capital" evokes many different emotions, and provides rich food for thought. And leaves no one indifferent - that's for sure!

The exercise "Traffic Light" is unique, since it is the author's development of professor of psychology N. I. Kozlov.

Incredible in its effectiveness, an exercise capable of making a "revolution" in the minds of the training participants in just an hour. A real "pearl".

Many people do not know how to appreciate what they already have in their lives: material, spiritual benefits, relationships with loved ones. If, in an unexpected way, a person loses what he previously had, then he falls into a state of emotional negativity. And the stronger the event is in terms of the degree of negativity, the more difficult it is for a person to maintain his positive attitude towards people in particular and towards life in general. With the help of this tool, the trainer helps the participants, without going through the situation of loss in life, to make an inventory of their values, while at the same time reducing their emotional involvement in an unpleasant situation.

A good targeted exercise that allows you to quickly help in solving one of the most exciting questions: “How to choose a job (business, profession) that would be not only profitable, but also pleasant (interesting)?”

A simple technology will help the participants of the training to believe that, firstly, the combination of "favorite work" is very possible, and secondly, to make an inventory of their desires, skills and correlate them with deeds (professions) that can bring profit.

With a high degree of probability, this exercise can be called a “win-win option”, so it is great not only for experienced trainers, but also for beginners.

A simple and effective exercise that can quickly change the attitude of participants to their shortcomings, raise self-esteem, increase self-confidence and open up a world of positive thinking.

One of the best of its kind.

The exercise significantly increases the energy and involvement of the group, creates a positive atmosphere and activates the creative potential of the participants.

We recommend unique coaching manuals for the best exercises for training:

  • Role-playing game "Slalom"

    A beautiful and effective exercise "Slalom" will decorate any training for managers as well as sales training, negotiations or communications.

    Exercise allows you to quit call the ability of participants to effectively and harmoniously negotiate in a limited time, the ability to prioritize, quickly make decisions. The exercise will help not only to activate the creative potential of the group, but also to maximize its attention on further learning.

    Your attention is invited exclusive coaching manual exercises that describe all the pitfalls of its implementation, all coaching subtleties and nuances.

  • Exercise for trainings "Million Euro"

    Interesting, rich in conclusions exercise for goal-setting training, success or personal growth trainings.

    This "training" exercise develops in the participants a meaningful attitude towards the goals they set for themselves, helps to findthose inspiring goalsthat a person will trulyjoyfully realize, and separate these goals from artificial, imposed goals or intermediate goals. Thanks to an interesting legend, the "Million Euro" exercise always goes lively, the participants of the training are strongly involved, the energy and interest of the participants increase. And the motivation of the training participants to achieve their own goals!

    Judge for yourself, the volume of the training manual for the exercise: 8 pages.

  • Warm-up exercise "Unclench your fist"

    An effective exercise suitable for many training topics. Taking only 10-15 minutes, the exercise allows the trainer to quickly raise the energy level of the group, in a memorable way to draw the attention of the participants to the next topic and increase the motivation of the participants for further learning.

    The exercise demonstrates to the participants that force methods of influence give losing results, but we often act out of habit precisely by force.

    The exercise will be a good introduction to mini-lectures on the topics: how to deal with customer objections; How can a manager deal with employee resistance? how to deal with conflict...

    The volume of the coaching manual: 8 pages.

    Bonus! An audio recording of the exercise and appropriate music are included.

Before embarking on this or that training, the question becomes natural: do I really need it? And if necessary, why? Courses you can take the art of oratory are no exception. Each of us from early childhood received the skills of speaking and communicates with people every day. Why, then, learn to communicate if you have been using this skill for many years? Then, that ordinary communication and effective communication are two different things. Let's try to figure out what ours can give you and why it's really worth it.

Let's begin with oratory and the art of speaking- this is a whole science, the study of which allows you to conduct a conversation in such a way as to arouse trust and sympathy in people. Your every word will be a tool on the way to achieving your goal. Conflicts, misunderstandings, inattention to your words - all this will remain in the past. Besides, the art of public speaking is simply an indispensable skill in almost every area of ​​our lives. Don't believe? Then let's take a closer look at each area separately.

At work, we communicate with people every day: management, employees, customers. The ability to build a dialogue correctly will help you achieve incredible results.

Do you want to advance in your career, but you are being overtaken by more successful employees? Does the boss not notice your outstanding abilities? Did you know that career growth depends entirely on your communication skills and communication skills? Not without reason, Napoleon said: "He who cannot speak will not make a career." If at first only you know your worth, then by going to, you will see that others will appreciate you, you will be able to present yourself correctly and attract the attention of management.

Oratory and the art of speech is simply indispensable for those who work with clients. Properly structured negotiation dialogue will make you a successful, successful and influential leader who is a pleasure to deal with. A businessman / employee / manager will be able to attract and retain a client, establish trusting and strong relationships, using knowledge of the psychology of influence.

It is thanks to oratory skills that a leader will be able to inspire his subordinates to more selfless and high-quality work. Material motivation is far from the only way to achieve high results, you will see this by gaining skills in the subtle art of communication.

Finally, it is thanks to oratory skills and knowledge of various subtleties, tricks and patterns in communication that you will be able to win over strategic partners, you will be able to make sure that we are not only listened to, but also heard, and also agree with your opinion! All this will give you.

Personal relationships. The way to a woman's heart lies through her ... ears, this is well known to everyone, and the way to a man's heart, contrary to popular belief, lies not only through the stomach. A beloved woman should be able to support her knight, inspire him to "feat", namely his personal self-realization.

Our relationships with the opposite sex depend not only and not so much on an attractive appearance, but on the ability to present ourselves, intrigue a partner, be an interesting conversationalist: an attentive listener and an interesting storyteller.
Remember how many times you sat in a cafe with a girl / man, frantically coming up with topics for conversation in an attempt to avoid unpleasant pauses? Having comprehended the art of public speaking, you will be able to communicate at ease, easily, causing sympathy and interest in the interlocutor.

Our courses will help you easily meet people you like, build strong and trusting relationships with your partner, and learn the patterns of perception of the opposite sex.

Success in love and work is not all that education at our school can give you. With the help of properly built communication, you will be able to honorably get out of any conflict situations, easily find new friends, and achieve your goals.

The art of oratory lies in the fact that the master does not think about the beauty of the syllable (his speech flows like a stream), the master of communication is focused on achieving the goal of the conversation. If the goal is to seduce, then to seduce, if simply to win over, then to win over the interlocutor, if to inspire a sale or an act, then such a goal is achieved. It is in your hands that control and management of the situation will be in your hands: you will be able to create genuine interest in your person by intriguing the interlocutor, or you will be able to capture the partner’s imagination with your charisma, involve him in thinking about you. You will make exactly the impression on others that you yourself want.

So why is it important to improve your communication skills?

1. Brightly, unforgettably, charismatically speak at a conference, presentation, so that you, as a true speaker, can involve, inspire listeners to one step or another
2. Conduct effective negotiations, having and bewitching your interlocutors, easily inclining to your idea
3. At a wedding, holidays, corporate events, eloquently tell a toast, an anecdote or congratulations. Eloquence is a sign of good education, erudition, as well as ingenuity and resourcefulness.
4. Be able to create a brilliant speech, turning your performance into a source of pleasant sensations for subdued listeners
5. Communicating with an aggressive person, be able not only to avoid a conflict situation, but also to win over the aggressor. You will understand that a person who does not control his emotional state is easily influenced and controlled.
6. On dates, talk in a fun, witty, casual way on absolutely any topic that you, quite possibly, do not even understand.
7. Locate, captivate and inspire the client to purchase your services, goods
8. Learn to convey information to your employees
9. It is easy to commute, get to know people, be able to win them over
10. Develop the practice of staying in non-standard situations in order to easily and naturally fend off any attacks, deftly answer tricky questions, and not be led to provocations.

remember, that

The master of communication is always a welcome guest in any team, they say about him: you are the soul of the company.
The master of communication is a charming bright personality, he is always expected and always welcome.
A master of communication is a person who, with the help of words, can help better than any medicine!!!

The ability to speak correctly and convey your thoughts to a person or audience in the future can help in various areas and spheres of life: when applying for a job, moving up the corporate ladder, or simply expressing your point of view to someone.

You can listen to a pleasant and correct speech for hours, therefore, in order to achieve such mastery, you must first learn the basics of oratory and figure out what the ability to speak beautifully consists of.

How to learn public speaking on your own

You can learn oratory with the help of special programs in courses, or you can do it yourself. Both the first and the second methods have their advantages and disadvantages.

Self-learning to speak beautifully allows you to experiment with various techniques and devote as much time to them as necessary. You can learn the basics and information about oratory with the help of special video tutorials and choose the best option for yourself.

You can get material about eloquence and hone your skills with the help of special literature that explains the basic and main principles.

To be able to speak well and be a convincing and pleasant interlocutor, you need to put your voice up and constantly develop your intellectual abilities. For such purposes, there are special exercises.

Rating of the best courses


Presenter: Valeria Nikolaevna Kryaneva - theater director, business coach of speech communication on international technologies, coach-consultant in the field of oratory, stage speech, image of business behavior and the art of communication, speech technique teacher of the highest category, voiceover director.

Price 18525 rubles. The price includes lunches, coffee breaks, handouts.


Hosts: Olga Mashchenko and Mikhail Obukhov.

Price 4750 rubles. Duration: 1 lesson from 10:00-18:00, with two coffee breaks and an hour for lunch.

Classes are held on Sundays.

Learn more about the course and enroll

Rules for beginners

To learn how to speak beautifully and correctly, there are certain rules. The main enemy of any novice speaker is the fear of public speaking. Therefore, in order to overcome it, it is recommended to practice your performances in front of a large number of people more often. For starters, you can train on your family or friends and gradually move on to less familiar people.

1. Theory. Before using oratory techniques, you first need to study the theory. Material can be found on the Internet or in books.

3. Speech speed. A person often fears that during a conversation he will be interrupted and will not be given the opportunity to complete his story, so the speed of speech increases significantly. This negatively affects audience engagement.

5. Knowledge. The speaker's knowledge of the topic raised should be comprehensive and constantly updated with new facts. Otherwise, confidence in one's own words may decrease, which will affect the entire performance.

6. Confidence. This feature of a person should not develop into self-confidence. This will make listeners feel disadvantaged and not competent enough. Such a speaker will have a smaller audience.

7. Eye contact. You must always maintain eye contact with the viewer. Otherwise, you can easily get lost in thought and lose the essence of the conversation.

8. Ability to keep up a conversation. This quality helps to carry on a conversation even with unfamiliar people or in an unusual environment.

These rules are the basis that will help you develop your oratory skills and achieve success in a conversation with any people.

What prevents to comprehend the truth, and what helps to understand it

The main reasons that prevent us from comprehending the truth were identified by Bacon, a philosopher of the 13th century. Based on these principles, oratory is hindered by such factors:

    determining the mood of the interlocutor or audience;

    beliefs about the issue;

    degree of willingness to dive into the problem;

    subjective attitude towards the speaker.

Only the professionalism of the speaker, his awareness of the problem under consideration, as well as his personal authority can help solve the problem.

Advantages of beautiful speech and applications

The ability to speak beautifully has many advantages. Most importantly, a person who knows how to speak beautifully is pleasant to listen to. Communication with such a person is interesting.

Eloquence helps to convince a person of his point of view or the rightness. The stated thoughts are almost impossible to refute, and this increases the status and authority of a person regarding the issue under consideration. Listeners or the interlocutor does not question the words spoken.

The skill of persuasion and oratory is necessary in various areas - in business during negotiations, in the educational field (schools, universities).

Basic rules for creating beautiful speech

To make speech easy and beautiful, there are several main principles.

    speech should abound in epithets and adjectives;

    vivid metaphors add color to speech;

    avoidance of tautologies;

    speech should contain visual examples and images.

What exercises will help you become more eloquent

Special exercises will help to train your speech and make it attractive.

The following exercises are suitable for beginners:

1. They take a book and choose a small passage from the text. Then cross out a few words at random. After that, the resulting passage is read aloud, replacing the crossed-out words with synonyms on the go.

2. Choose any topic and have a conversation for 5 minutes. They speak without hesitation or hesitation.

3. Exercise with an explanatory dictionary. They take an explanatory dictionary and choose words, starting with simpler ones. The selected terms are defined in their own words.

4. Choose any word and select 5 adjectives for it - suitable and inappropriate in meaning.

To improve skills, exercises are carried out daily, without missing a day. The selection of synonyms is a more productive way.

What books are worth reading

A book on the use of speech turns will help to enrich your speech. I. Golub “The Art of Rhetoric. A guide to eloquence.

Eloquence for beginners can be learned with the help of a book O. Bolsunova "Oratory for beginners."

You can learn exercises from the book K. Bredemeyer "Black Rhetoric".

This literature will give you a start, the necessary basics.

To learn oratory on your own, it is recommended to follow these tips:

    choice of circle of communication;

    reading literature will help replenish vocabulary;

    one should speak only on the case without water;

    during the report it is necessary to look at the audience;

    pauses help to emphasize the phrase.

It should be remembered that a novice speaker needs to find his own style. Copying and imitating others will not bring great success.

How to choose a course

Several criteria will help you choose a course in public speaking:

1. Teacher. The person must be a practitioner and a real speaker. You can check it by the number of views and subscriptions on video hosting. It is not recommended to choose those teachers who do not have video or voice accompaniment of videos.

3. A place to study. The location of the course should be comfortable.

For self-study, it is only necessary to take into account the 1st point, on the basis of which it is necessary to focus on the quality of the presentation of educational material, consistency and systematicity.

Explanations should be accessible and understandable.

Who can benefit from the courses

Public speaking courses are useful for anyone who wants to improve their speaking skills. The reasons for this may be different.

Courses provide an opportunity to learn easy and easy communication with people, to make a favorable impression on them. Courses help you make new friends and meet people easily.

Eloquence is necessary for those who want to build relationships with others and be able to smooth out conflict situations without entering into open confrontation.

Oratory skills are also necessary for those whose activities are related to communication or teaching. Businessmen will also benefit from such courses. The ability to negotiate or conclude contracts is useful in any business project.

How and where can you apply the acquired knowledge

Possession of eloquence can be useful and applied in various spheres and areas of life. Especially for career advancement, be it a manager or CEO.

The acquired knowledge can be applied in the following situations:

    interview when applying for a new job;

    presentation with a report to the management;

    report to own employees;

    business communication with partners (conclusion of contracts, business transactions).

In any company or place of work, management encourages sociable and active employees. People who know how to speak correctly and beautifully get a promotion or a coveted position faster.

Oratory helps to improve your knowledge of the Russian language, improve literacy, and learn foreign languages.

Each course has its own curriculum. However, the initial stages should contain the basics of public speaking.

First lessoninvolves the study of terminology- logic, rhetoric, style, oratory. The spheres of application of eloquence, its significance and the need for knowledge of the literary language are studied. At the end of the lesson, all students are given the opportunity to make a brief statement about themselves and talk about their hobbies, interests, work.

2nd lesson talks about exercises and common mistakes, which beginner speakers admit. Also understands the manner of imitation of their idols and why this happens. The teacher explains the role and meaning of gestures, posture and facial expressions during the performance.

Third lessonPconsecrated to social and everyday eloquence- congratulatory speech. It is studied what it is, why it is needed and its significance for the listener and the speaker himself.

At lesson 4 study business negotiations. Increased attention is paid to such a concept as a compromise. The future speaker is taught how to reach an agreement. It is studied how to properly build a business speech, when it is conducted and what is emphasized.

Further classes are devoted to the ethics of business speech. The influence and compilation of a person's image, the correctness and accuracy of the use of words are studied, typical mistakes are analyzed.

At the end of the course, the individual style of each student is formed. Each student independently prepares a plan for a future speech and practices his speeches in front of a large audience.

Upon completion of the course, a novice speaker will be able to communicate with any audience without any problems, be able to influence and convince almost any person. Eloquence will help him get out of conflict situations, get a new job and move up the career ladder, reaching managerial positions. Oratory skills will help you become a literate person and just a pleasant conversationalist.

Poetic creativity is the play of feeling, guided by reason, eloquence is the work of reason, animated by feeling. (Immanuel Kant).

Who is primarily interested in oratory courses in Moscow? They will be of interest to you if you:

  • you want to learn how to successfully and confidently speak in front of a large number of people,
  • you want to acquire the skills of an effective speaker, who completely owns the attention of the audience,
  • want to learn how to easily inspire and win over interlocutors,
  • strive to gain self-confidence, forget about stress and excitement when communicating with an audience,
  • you want to learn effective communication techniques that can be used for business and personal negotiations.

Our courses in rhetoric and oratory in Moscow at the A. Petrishchev center "IGROKS" are created especially for you! We offer a highly effective training program that will teach you the art of public speaking in practice, give you an unforgettable feeling of self-confidence.



Public speaking training offers you an excellent opportunity to learn effective communication skills. After all, if you are not a hermit, then you constantly interact with other people. With our help, you will master many useful subtleties of public speaking, learn the techniques of effective communication in general. You will learn how to conduct a conversation correctly, how to easily win over an interlocutor, how to convince a person by harmoniously instilling in him your view of the situation.


Oratory training is self-confidence training. After all, it is this quality that most often determines life success or failure. In addition, a sense of self-confidence is a prerequisite for productive personal growth. Thanks to our training, you will learn how to resist stress and control your emotional state, effectively achieving your goals. You can boldly move forward without getting lost in conflict or difficult situations.

With the help of our qualified teachers, you will gain new knowledge and master it in practice, thereby revealing your rich potential. One of them is Alexander Petrishchev, a well-known coach, the founder of our center and the author of many unique techniques.

We made sure that the trainings were held in a comfortable and friendly atmosphere. The interesting form of our classes will undoubtedly make studying fun and enjoyable pastime.


Stage 1 - Oratory Training.
The art of public speaking:

  • types and rules of speaking in front of an audience,
  • acting and psychological techniques of the speaker,
  • rhetorical techniques of brilliant speech,
  • development of determination, ingenuity and ingenuity,
  • methods of attracting and retaining the attention of the public,
  • the art of eloquence and improvisation,
  • development of charisma, confidence and stress resistance.

2nd stage of rhetoric courses - Training "Skill of Effective Communication".
Persuasion skills (debating, persuasion techniques and skills):

  • psychology of influence and training of business communication,
  • manipulation countermeasures,
  • conflict management techniques and defense against aggressive opponents,
  • the ability to motivate, inspire and dispose interlocutors,
  • methods of effective negotiation,
  • psychological techniques for developing stress resistance,
  • technology and secrets of harmonious relationships.

We invite you to public speaking courses in Moscow at our IGROX center so that you can become more confident, stronger and armed with the skill of eloquence. Knowledge of the skill of communication, oratory is the basis for the development of a harmonious personality.

The modern world is a world of communication and constant interaction of people. The more efficiently and effectively you can interact with the people around you, the more opportunities you have. We are happy to give you a chance to learn this amazing art, the art of effective communication. After you comprehend its basics and can improve further, changes for the better will not take long.

Sign up for training now!