Oropharyngeal candidiasis treatment. Treatment of oropharyngeal urethritis

Oropharyngeal candidiasis (thrush of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity) overgrowth of Candida yeast. The disease is easy to recognize by the main indicator - an extensive white coating on the inner surface of the mouth. Moreover, the zone of involvement is rarely limited only to the tongue, it quickly spreads to the gums, lips, and even to the tonsils. In this case, local inflammation becomes diffuse.

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On the basis of what does such an active spread of pathogenic yeast fungus appear?

There are two ways of occurrence:

  • External influence factor (exogenous)- most often manifested in maternity hospitals. Babies are susceptible to infection from mothers, visitors and medical staff.
  • Internal influence factor (endogenous)- against the background of chronic immunodeficiency (decreased immunity). That is, people in adulthood, weakened by chronic diseases, are most susceptible. The fact is that in every healthy organism a certain amount of this opportunistic fungus is also present. In small quantities, it is not dangerous to the health of the body. Candida is just waiting for the right moment, and in the period of weakening the protective function of the body, it begins to progressively attack. That's when the problems begin. Thrush on the oral mucosa is a sign that the immune system is weakened to a catastrophic level.

Medical statistics says: on average, 5% of newborns, about 10% of infants, and the same number of people of retirement age are exposed to oropharyngeal candidiasis. Prolonged wearing of dentures increases the excitability of candidiasis up to 60%.

Children tolerate the disease much easier, are easier to treat, but they are more susceptible to it, they can get sick more than once in a row. Especially dangerous is constant contact with a mother who has a pronounced fungal infection in the body (the focus often settles in the intestines or in the genitourinary system).

Also, the prerequisite for the occurrence of a fungal disease, including oropharyngeal candidiasis, can be given by such factors that reduce immunity:

  • Obesity. This state is an extra burden for the body. A stressful state. Emotions are important, but everything is good in moderation.
  • Fascination with diets, prolonged fasting. Such preventive health often turns into a danger to him.
  • severe hypothermia organism. The disease is easier to prevent than to cure - do not forget this old truth.
  • Oversaturation with medications- radiation therapy, long-term use of antibiotics and hormonal drugs. Thus, the integrity of the microflora is violated.
  • Bad habits(systematic alcohol intake, drugs, smoking - greatly weaken the restorative function of the body)
  • Passion for confectionery. Excessive glucose content actively feeds the fungus.
  • Affected by this type of candidiasis are many among diabetics and HIV infected, in people affected by severe endocrine diseases.
  • In women, pathological overgrowth of the fungus may occur against the backdrop of pregnancy.

In men, oropharyngeal candidiasis is extremely rare.

This fungus can also affect other organs, migrating from the primary focus. For example, the intestines, organs of the genitourinary system, the skin of the feet, hands, lungs, spleen, bones, affect the nervous system.

Scientists say that the total number of species of the fungus belonging to the genus Candida reaches 160.


The classification of this disease has many subparagraphs.

  1. 1. Depending on location The inflammatory process is divided into several types of this disease:
  • Cheilitis - affected lips. The tissue in the lip area thickens, painful cracks and plaques appear.
  • Heilitangular - erosion creeps into the corners of the lips, forming a mycotic jam.
  • Glossitis is a focus in the region of the oropharynx.
  • Tonsillitis - focus in the tonsils. These places turn red and become covered with a curdled coating.
  • Stomatitis whitens from the palate, tongue and inner surfaces of the cheeks. Sometimes the tongue swells so much that it is impossible to eat normally and say a few words.
  • Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums. A grayish film appears, sometimes with a yellow tint, which, in advanced cases, acquires a yellow tint and bleeds.
  • Pharyngitis - candida massively settles in the throat of a person. It is necessary to connect antifungal agents of systemic action.
  1. By type of morphology oropharyngeal candidiasis is:
  • Pseudomembranous, affecting infants and the elderly.
  • Erythematous (atrophic), appears on the background of taking steroid hormones. Hypertrophic, also known as hyperplastic, is already equivalent to a malignant form.
  • Erosive and ulcerative.
  1. By clinical course share two forms:
  • Acute. It is manifested by the presence of various visual indicators - redness of the mucous membrane, curdled plaque, cracks, bleeding.
  • Chronic, which, in turn, can be divided into: 1). Persistent oropharyngeal candidiasis. It proceeds in waves, with temporary improvements in the condition. 2). Recurrent oropharyngeal candidiasis. It manifests itself already in the second round, after the treatment.

Symptoms of the disease

The disease can begin and proceed in different ways, it depends on the specific organism, the activation of its internal forces. In children, for example, appetite drops sharply, irritability and tearfulness appear, and sleep is disturbed. Dry mouth, burning, swelling haunt the baby. Curd points that appear in the child's mouth should be removed in time and the oral cavity should be wiped with a disinfectant. If such measures are not taken in time, the plaque points will unite into a rough white crust, under which open wounds will form. With further aggravation, the plaque may gain a brown tint, the smell from the mouth will worsen. The general condition will also worsen. It's better not to let that happen.

Most often, a person abruptly begins to feel a general weakening of health - weakness, lethargy of the limbs, one wants to lie down. The temperature rises to subfebrile. Everything develops as if in the initial stage of ARI.

Then redness appears on the mucous membranes and plaque characteristic of candidiasis. A feeling of pain when swallowing, a taste of metal, a constant desire to moisten the oral cavity are characteristic of this condition. If it is not treated in time, the curdled foci will unite together. Fighting this type of raid will be much more difficult. Angular cheilitis can also be connected in the form of a jam.

Acute course of the disease

The acute form begins rapidly.

It is more common in infants up to one year of age. Children at such a young age are especially weak, and therefore susceptible to inflammation. It is necessary to qualitatively treat the child at an early stage, preventing the process from developing and spreading further.

Sometimes there is an exacerbation, which is manifested by severe pain in the throat area, the mucous membrane dries up a lot. This condition is characteristic of acute atrophic oropharyngeal candidiasis.

Here are the circumstances that help the acute form to transform into a chronic one:

  • The presence of a viral infection in the body. To avoid it will help - personal hygiene, limiting dangerous contacts.
  • Wrong metabolism. This is bad for general well-being. It is necessary to fully examine and take measures to normalize this process.
  • Protracted beriberi. Especially felt in the spring. Review your diet, introduce the maximum amount of live foods - greens, vegetables.
  • Long period of exposure to physical activity. You have to be able to rest. Dose your work.
  • Oncology. To avoid it, it is necessary to periodically be examined, take the necessary tests. Early detection of the disease is the key to successful treatment.

Chronic form of the course of the disease

This form is manifested in the smooth movement of foci of inflammation from one to another. It turns out a combination of almost all forms of the disease.

And yet they stand out two main types of symptoms:

  • atrophic, accompanied by increased sensation of thirst, burning sensation in the mouth, sharp pain. The papillae on the back of the tongue begin to atrophy. Edema and hyperemia.
  • Hypertrophic, white plaques cover the edematous tissues of the mouth, later a yellow crust appears, inseparable from the mucous surface.

In advanced cases, scarring occurs, scars, cracks form, self-infection continues, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe focus grows uncontrollably. Candidiasis angina may be connected.

In especially weakened children, oropharyngeal candidiasis can develop into a generalized one. Then several organs are affected at the same time.

Chronic disease is difficult to treat. The fungus of the Candida family is less and less responsive to different groups of drugs, it is becoming more and more resistant.


  1. The most common treatment is right at the location of the hearth, wiping the pharynx from the inside with sterile wipes moistened with an antiseptic solution. Applicable here: Lugol's solution, Zelenka, methylene blue, etc.
  2. Antifungal external preparations- gels, aerosols, drops, ointments (nystatin and levorin help well). Their use literally immediately alleviates the patient's condition.
  3. In case of complicated course and ineffectiveness of topical drugs, it is prescribed systemic drugs.
  4. Important restore normal bowel function and remove it from the state of chronic dysbacteriosis, since it can be the main source (cause) of oropharyngeal candidiasis.
  5. Immunostimulating drugs will be very helpful (interferon preparations, eleutherococcus, etc.).
  6. Still actively used physiotherapy: inhalation, quartzization. When the inflammatory process is localized in the sinuses, in the region of the tonsils or the hard and soft palate, the impact of ultrasonic waves is connected.
  7. For oropharyngeal candidiasis mothers are checked in children from the very beginning, investigate whether the mother has a Candida lesion. The mother's mouth, vagina, and hands are examined.

If the child is still in the so-called risk group, then he is protected from the use of tetracycline antibiotics in the treatment. Due to their introduction, immunity in the body is sharply reduced, and this is completely unacceptable in this period. Children are prescribed antifungal drugs of a systemic type of exposure. Treatment should not be stopped when the symptoms disappear, it is necessary to continue treatment (at least three weeks in total).

Treatment should be prescribed strictly individually, against the background of test results.


Oropharyngeal candidiasis will not develop regular oral hygiene. You also need to periodically undergo a preventive examination in the dentist's office. It is necessary to follow the rules for caring for removable dentures, clean them regularly, because this is a foreign body for the cavity, which creates discomfort and provokes rubbing. It is necessary to periodically remove them, giving the gums a temporary rest.

It will also not be superfluous to donate blood for a serological examination, to donate smears taken from the affected area. Such tests will help to exclude (or identify) the presence of generalized candidiasis.

In conclusion, I would like to warn you: do not think that such a local disease as oropharyngeal candidiasis does not entail any serious complications. Everything has a beginning. You need to know what it threatens. In the most advanced cases, sepsis can sneak up, and this is no longer a joke. Fatalities are not uncommon. So the main thing is to prevent the duration of the course of the disease and stop it at an early stage. Professional doctors will help you with this. Do not take responsibility for self-medication, it is extremely dangerous. Delaying recovery will not lead to anything good.

Candida fungus lives in the body of every person, which, when exposed to external or internal factors, causes various diseases, including oropharyngeal candidiasis is a disease manifested by damage to the mucous membranes of the mouth.

The fungus can affect different parts of the oral cavity, and depending on the location of the foci of infection, several types of thrush are distinguished:

  1. Fungal tonsillitis. The tonsil becomes inflamed, as a result of which glossitis begins to develop, as well as stomatitis. The surface of the mucosa is covered with a whitish cheesy substance.
  2. Candida pharyngitis. The pharynx becomes inflamed from the infection, which causes pain when swallowing food.
  3. . This pathology affects the tongue, the inner surface of the cheeks and the palate. These organs are covered with a white coating and are destroyed by erosion and small sores.
  4. Glossitis. Yeast fungus infects the oropharynx.
  5. Gingivitis. In this case, the gums are covered with a gray-yellow film, they begin to hurt and bleed heavily.
  6. cheilite. The lips are covered with a large number of microcracks and scales.
  7. Angular cheilitis("zaeds"). The disease is manifested by erosion of the corners of the lips. The resulting sores often bleed and eventually become covered with a thin film of white plaque.

Reasons for the defeat

The baby's body suffers from oropharyngeal candidiasis due to external infection from the mother, other people, various objects, including through personal hygiene products.

And in adults, this pathology most often develops if the protective functions of the immune system are weakened.

Factors contributing to the manifestation of the disease include:

  • avitaminosis;
  • various bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol or drugs;
  • radiotherapy;
  • chemotherapy;
  • stressful situations;
  • the use of a large number of sweets;
  • organ transplant surgery;
  • development of diabetes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • prolonged use of antibiotics, as well as other strong medications;
  • manifestation of allergic reactions;
  • scleroderma;
  • development of systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the use of birth control pills;
  • use of dentures;
  • the use of hormonal drugs;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • various chronic diseases.


Oropharyngeal candidiasis develops in several stages, accompanied by the following manifestations:


If you suspect oropharyngeal candidiasis, you should immediately be examined by an otolaryngologist or dentist.

A specialist is chosen depending on the localization of foci of mycosis.

For accurate diagnosis, doctors perform the following procedures:

  • study the patient's card;
  • examine the oral cavity;
  • perform pharyngoscopy of the throat;
  • make a smear, as well as scraping from the affected area of ​​​​the surface of the mucous membrane (it is better to take from several places) to check for the presence of pseudomycelial threads.

Attention! Chronic oropharyngeal candidiasis requires additional consultation with an immunologist, as well as an endocrinologist, who can assess the general condition of the body and determine malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs and systems. In addition, you will need a blood test for hormones and biochemistry.


The mucous layer of the oral cavity, affected by oropharyngeal candidiasis, requires timely and comprehensive treatment. When prescribing therapy, doctors take into account the symptomatic manifestations of the pathology and the development of concomitant diseases.

During the first three weeks, the patient should take medications that have a local effect on fungal foci, and after that it is recommended to use folk remedies for another week.


The medical course of treatment of oropharyngeal candidiasis begins with the use of antimycotics in various forms: absorbable tablets, sprays, and rinsing solutions.

If the lip is affected by the fungus, then it must be regularly lubricated with Nystatin or aniline dye.

To ensure antifungal action, you should use:


If the oral cavity is affected by a yeast fungus, then you can try to treat with traditional medicine:

  • soda solution;
  • tea tree oil;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Most often, doctors recommend, in addition to the main course of drug treatment, to use a tea tree solution, which, when rinsed, has a disinfecting effect and destroys fungal foci without killing beneficial bacteria.

Video: Self-treatment - is it possible to treat any type of candidiasis on your own?

The presented video informs about thrush, symptoms and undesirable self-treatment.

diet for candidiasis

Thrush primarily leads to a violation of the normal intestinal microflora, so you need to follow a diet that will help restore it and improve the condition of the whole organism.

People with oropharyngeal candidiasis should avoid:

  1. Happy baking.
  2. Various sweets.
  3. Soda.
  4. Alcoholic drinks.

Instead of these products, cottage cheese, kefir, and yogurt should be included in the daily diet. They contribute to the replenishment of beneficial lactobacilli, increase immunity, and prevent the re-development of pathology.


A person who neglected the symptoms of oropharyngeal candidiasis and delayed treatment may face the fact that the disease becomes chronic.

In addition, in many cases, a decrease in the protective functions of the immune system leads to the parallel development of a secondary infection, accompanied by the appearance of abscesses, as well as pustules.

Attention! In the treatment of an acute form of pathology, it is necessary to choose a combination therapy, with the complex use of antibiotics with antimycotics and immunostimulants.

In advanced cases, the development of candidiasis causes a number of complications:


Every doctor advises people to try to avoid infection of the oral mucosa with thrush.

Important! Even the most effective preventive measures will not give a 100% guarantee that a person will not become infected with Candida. However, they will significantly reduce the risk of developing oropharyngeal candidiasis.

  1. Careful observance of the rules of oral hygiene.
  2. Compliance with all recommendations of the dentist for handling dentures.
  3. Have your mouth examined by a dentist at least once every six months.
  4. Compliance with the principles of proper nutrition, which implies the rejection of flour products and sweets.
  5. Timely treatment of various diseases in order to maintain immunity.
  6. It is necessary to take drugs that contribute to the normalization of the intestinal microflora.

The mucous membrane of the mouth is one of the most vulnerable places in the human body. Oropharyngeal candidiasis is a disease that affects people of different age categories, so you must immediately respond to any discomfort felt in the oral cavity.

Indeed, in the early stages of the development of the disease, it will be possible to get rid of its manifestations much faster.

In contact with

Oropharyngeal candidiasis is a fungal infection of the oral cavity and adjacent mucous tissues. The disease can cover the lips, gums, tongue, pharyngeal mucosa and palatine tonsils. With simultaneous inflammation of all these organs, diffuse oropharyngeal candidiasis is diagnosed. The defeat of individual areas usually has a small area and chronic.

Oropharyngeal candidiasis is caused by the yeast Candida. In the oral cavity of adults, this fungus is constantly present, only special conditions are required for its reproduction, in particular, a decrease in immunity, and then the disease will go into the active stage.

Infection with oropharyngeal candidiasis of newborns is also a fairly common case. The fungus joins the mucosa of the baby during childbirth or from employees of the maternity hospital or relatives.

Oropharyngeal candidiasis often affects people with immunodeficiency, including older people who have had many chronic diseases. Sometimes oropharyngeal candidiasis can be a complication of the intestinal form of the disease.

Taking certain medications that affect the immune system can also provoke the disease. These can be hormonal drugs, including contraceptives, antibiotics, as well as drugs and alcohol.


Oropharyngeal candidiasis has several groups of varieties depending on various signs. Like many other diseases, it can be acute and chronic. In the first variety, it affects the membranes of several organs at once. In the second case, it has an exclusively local character.

According to the place of their development, the following forms may occur:

  • pharyngitis - damage to the pharyngeal mucosa;
  • tonsillitis - defeat of the palatine tonsils;
  • cheilitis - located on the lips, in the corners of the mouth - seizures;
  • gingivitis - inflammation of the gums;
  • glossitis - inflammation of the surface of the tongue;
  • stomatitis affects the inner lining of the cheeks and palate.

In medical practice, the word fungal, or candidal, or mycotic is added to the name of all these varieties, which means the fungal nature of the disease.

According to the degree of impact on the mucous membranes:

  • pseudomembranous - it is more likely to affect children and the elderly;
  • erythematous - caused by antibiotics or taking drugs based on steroid hormones, also has a second name - atrophic;
  • hyperplastic - a type of candidiasis that threatens to go into the stage of a malignant disease.


The first stages of the disease are easy to miss due to the mild severity of symptoms. The body temperature rises slightly, a slight malaise can be attributed to everyday stress or a cold. Further, a whitish coating appears on the affected mucosa. At first, it has a loose structure and is easily removed by mechanical action. With the development of the disease, plaque turns into a film, reliably growing together with the mucous membrane.

Most often, with oropharyngeal candidiasis, the inner membranes of the cheeks and lips are the first to be affected, then the fungus spreads to the outer side of the lips and to the corners of the lips, forming jams.

It is these symptoms that often appear in children under one year old and require urgent treatment until they have a serious impact on the state of immunity.

Also, infection can be localized on the surface of the tongue, palatine tonsils, on the back of the throat.

With the atrophic form of candidiasis, an uncomfortable sensation in the mouth appears, such as drying out or itching. White plaque does not occur, but there is a strong reddening of the oral mucosa, as well as the tongue to a thick crimson hue.

Chronic oropharyngeal candidiasis is a common disease in people who regularly wear dentures. It is characterized by swelling and redness of the affected cavity, and when neglected, yellowish films appear that are difficult to separate from the mucosa.


Treatment for oropharyngeal candidiasis varies depending on the type of disease, its cause, and associated health problems.

At the first stages of the disease, local preparations based on antifungal agents in the form of sucking lozenges and tablets, ointments, sprays, rinses are effective (Ketoconazole, Fluconazole, Natamycin, lips are treated with aniline dyes, such as methylene blue and an antifungal ointment is used, for example - Nystatin).

With a more complicated form of the disease, inhalation may be prescribed. In the most advanced cases, complex therapy is used in the form of a combination of antibiotics and antimicrobials with the addition of immunostimulants.


Particular care should be taken by persons using dentures, the oropharyngeal airway - all these items, with inadequate hygiene, can become a source of infection.

It is also important to know concomitant diseases that can both cause candidiasis and the result of untimely treatment. For example, oropharyngeal dysphagia, characterized by difficulty in swallowing food.

To exclude oropharyngeal candidiasis, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene as much as possible. Bad habits like smoking or alcohol reduce both local and general immunity - it is also better to refuse them.

Excess consumption of sugary foods creates a favorable environment for the development of fungal diseases, since glucose is the main nutrient for the fungus.

Any medications should be taken strictly in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician in order to prevent a decrease in the immune functions of the body.

Oropharyngeal candidiasis is treated (depending on the location of the focus of infection) by an otolaryngologist or dentist.

The tactics of treatment depends on many factors: the age of the patient, concomitant diseases, the method of infection, the state of immunity. Therapy can be local and general.

General therapy methods

General treatment is carried out with drugs that have a systemic effect on the body. Antifungal drugs are divided into 2 groups: polyene antibiotics (Levorin, Nystatin, Amphotericin) and imidazoles (Clotrimazole, Econazole).

Polyene antibiotics are taken 2 to 6 times a day for about 2 weeks, imidazoles - up to 100 mg per day for 1-3 weeks.

Local impact

Local treatment for oropharyngeal candidiasis is performed with drugs that are not absorbed into the bloodstream. Medicines are effective in the form of sprays, solutions, tablets (Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, Natamycin).

When lips are rubbed with aniline dyes. Nystatin, decamin ointments, iodine preparations are also used ().

Bactericidal effect is exerted by Lysozyme, Lizak. A good result is observed from frequent (up to 6 times a day) rinses of the oral cavity with solutions of boron, boric acid, sodium bicarbonate. When the tonsils or sinuses are infected, physiotherapy (inhalation, quartzization) can be prescribed.

The course of treatment lasts 1-2 weeks. After completion of therapy for another 6-7 days, it is necessary to take the preparations recommended by the specialist for prevention.

In order to strengthen the immune system, vitamin-mineral complexes are prescribed. Calcium gluconate may be recommended. You need to take it for about a month. To eliminate the signs of an allergy caused by Candida fungi, Fenkarol, Suprastin, Pipolfen are prescribed.

Easily digestible carbohydrates are limited in the diet.

Possible complications and prevention

If oropharyngeal candidiasis is not treated, then the disease becomes chronic and manifests itself in an acute form with a decrease in immunity.

It is possible to attach a secondary infection with the formation of abscesses. In this case, you will need combination therapy (antimycotic with antibiotic), as well as the appointment of immunostimulants.

The sad result of thrush of the oropharyngeal region can be meningitis, nephritis, endocarditis, rheumatic changes in the joints. Sometimes there is dysphagia and cachexia. However, in patients with a good immune status (subject to timely treatment), the risk of complications is minimal.

To prevent the infectious process, it is necessary to abandon bad habits, observe, visit the dentist annually, balance the diet, reduce the consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates (buns and sweets), and treat chronic diseases.

Oropharyngeal candidiasis, due to the specifics of localization, can cause significant discomfort and worsen the quality of life. The running process is dangerous with serious complications. However, treatment started in a timely manner relieves the disease, and lifestyle correction minimizes relapses.

And (oropharyngeal candidiasis) is a fairly widespread disease in people suffering from various forms of immunodeficiency, primarily AIDS.


From a clinical point of view, acute and chronic oropharyngeal candidiasis should be differentiated. In an acute process, a general reaction of the body is possible, manifested by phenomena (weakness, malaise, fatigue, rise in body temperature, etc.), although its intensity is often low. Distinguish recurrent (occurs again after clinical recovery) and persistent (the clinic of the pathological process persists for a long time with a greater or lesser degree of severity) forms of the disease. Oropharyngeal mycosis can manifest itself as a limited process or widespread (diffuse), which is most typical for the acute course of the disease. Local manifestations are quite diverse and are determined not so much by the type of fungus that caused the pathological process, but by the antimycotic activity of a particular individual.

There are the following types of localized oropharyngeal candidiasis:, angular cheilitis (zaedy), gingivitis, glossitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis.

With candidal cheilitis, patients complain of dryness, burning lips. The red border is hyperemic, moderately edematous, striated with radial grooves. Thin, tightly fitting scales are often visualized. The course of cheilitis is most often chronic, which leads to the development of macrocheilia. Lips (often lower) are significantly thickened, edematous, hyperemic, dry, with stratification of scales and serous crusts, there are multiple transverse deep cracks. In patients with chronic candidiasis, cheilitis is often combined with angular cheilitis, which may indicate a lack of cellular immunity. Angular cheilitis (candidiasis of the corners of the mouth, seizures) occurs both in physiological immunodeficiencies (in adults over 45 years old, children) and in immunopathology. Raspberry-colored erosions appear in the corners of the mouth, covered with an easily removable white coating. The boundaries of erosion are quite clear, with closed lips they can be invisible. The process is often bilateral, has a chronic course. Characterized by pain when opening the mouth. Of the 38 patients examined by us in stage 4 (AIDS) (according to the WHO classification), angular cheilitis was detected in 29 (76%). Bacteriological examination revealed a candidiasis process in 21 (72%) of them.
can occur, both as a result of a fungal process, and with a bacterial infection. Allocate marginal gingivitis (marginal gingival erythema), in which the mucous membrane covering the edge of the gums is hyperemic, edematous, tense. The ulcerative-necrotic form of the disease is characterized by the progression of the process with ulceration and necrosis of the gingival papillae and marginal gums. On examination, a necrotic film (usually gray-yellow) is revealed covering the edge of the gum. Possible, both spontaneous and when brushing your teeth. This condition is noted in patients with severe immune suppression. Ulcerative necrotic gingivitis was detected by us in 74% of HIV-infected patients in the stage.

Fungal tonsillitis (tonsillomycosis) is quite rare in isolation, in most cases it accompanies candidal stomatitis, glossitis. On the tonsils, whitish, cheesy plaques appear, localized mainly in the lacunae of the tonsils. Plaques are easily removed, but quickly reappear. Inflammatory phenomena on the mucous membrane are insignificant. Pain when swallowing is often absent.

Damage to the oral mucosa (stomatitis) is one of the most common forms.

Causes of occurrence:

This type of candidiasis occurs in a third of cancer patients who have undergone chemotherapy. In addition, the disease affects up to 90% of people with AIDS. In this regard, it has been proven that thrush is a clear indicator of a weak immune system.


For treatment appoint:

Treatment of oropharyngeal candidiasis should be individualized for each patient, taking into account the immune status, the presence of concomitant diseases, localization, prevalence and severity of the process. The sensitivity of the pathogen to drugs in vitro and in vivo sometimes does not coincide, however, studies have shown the importance of culture isolation and resistance determination for the choice of a specific treatment regimen.

A comprehensive method for the treatment of oropharyngeal candidiasis includes the following fundamental principles: local application of modern antifungal drugs, general use of antifungal drugs, restoration of normal intestinal biocenosis.

In most cases, the treatment of candidiasis begins with the appointment of local therapy. Preparations for topical etiotropic treatment are divided into two groups: antiseptics and antimycotics. The duration of treatment of acute forms of the disease with topical drugs is on average two to three weeks. Treatment is continued until the complete disappearance of the clinical manifestations of oropharyngeal candidiasis, after which it is usually carried out for another week.

Antiseptics with antifungal action are prescribed in the form of rinses and lubrications. These drugs are quite widespread and available: Lugol's solution, potassium permanganate solution (1:5000), 1% boric acid solution, 0.2% chlorhexidine bigluconate, 0.1% hexetidine solution, 2-3% sodium bicarbonate, 1 % iodinol, 2-3% propolis, 2% copper sulfate. Rinsing is carried out at least three times a day and, in addition, after each meal. To local antiseptics, resistance of microorganisms develops quite quickly, therefore their weekly alternation is recommended. The disadvantages of this group of drugs include an irritating effect on the mucous membrane and a relatively low level of antimycotic activity. Topical antimycotics (polyene and imidazole derivatives - nystatin, levorin, amphotericin, natamycin, fluconazole, ketoconazole, clotrimazole, etc.) are prescribed in the form of solutions, aerosols , lozenges and chewable tablets. When prescribing them, it is necessary to explain to the patient that the drug for local treatment should be in the oral cavity as long as possible. When swallowed quickly, they do not have the proper effect on the mycotic pathological process.

With candidal cheilitis and angular cheilitis, tissues are treated with a 1-2% solution of aniline dyes, followed by topical application of antifungal ointments (levorin, nystatin, clotrimazole, mycospor ointments, etc.).