Basic rules for training puppies at home. How to train a pet: the secrets of successful dog training Training from what age

A dog, regardless of the characteristics of the breed and size, needs education and training, that is, training. For serious breeds (German Shepherd, Alabai, Rottweiler or Boerboel), training is mandatory, otherwise the dogs will be socially dangerous and uncontrollable, which can lead to negative consequences. Also, decorative animals must be trained in the simplest dog literacy, so as not to be a burden for the owners and others.

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    Necessary conditions for effective learning

    Not only the result of the classes is important, but also the process during which the relationship between the owner and the pet should become stronger, become more trusting and friendly. Therefore, you should pay attention to the following points:

    • It is necessary to start the simplest training from scratch and at home during a game that brings pleasure, then the necessary commands are easier to assimilate and consolidate.
    • Dogs are individual: what one can easily master, another may not do right away. You should not compare animals and be disappointed, draw a conclusion about the intelligence of your pet based on one moment in training.
    • Train the animal when it comes from a walk in a good mood. Against the background of positive emotions, with rewards in the form of treats, dogs achieve the desired results faster. Harsh treatment and physical punishment will not inspire trust and obedience.
    • Commands should be unobtrusively continued in everyday life.
    • The correct actions of the dog must be encouraged with a treat.

    To make the puppy more willing to try to get food as a reward, it is recommended that all classes be carried out before feeding.

    Raising and training a puppy

    Education precedes and accompanies training and has no age restrictions. You can train and train a dog at home, both 2-month-old and adult. At almost any age, the animal is quite trainable.

    But the most effective way to start raising a pet is in childhood. As soon as the puppy began to move independently around the house, then along the way there is a need for certain rules of behavior. Like training, educational moments should be carried out from the very beginning with the help of rewards, not punishments.

    It is recommended to start classes at home. This territory has already been repeatedly examined by the puppy, it is well known to him, so there will be no distractions in the form of new smells and unfamiliar animals. When the skills are fixed, you can continue training on the site and complicate the task.

    Highlights of education and typical mistakes

    Dogs (even domestic ones) are pack animals and they obey the laws of life in a pack, think in categories that are often incomprehensible to the owner. Due to human misunderstanding, confusion arises in the dog's mind, which results in the wrong behavior of the animal, which causes both people and the dog to suffer.

    Absolute obedience to a person in everyday situations

    The correct behavior of the pet is in the following provisions:

    • Never allow a pet to be present when people eat, and do not feed the dog from the table.
    • Do not allow sleeping in a person's bed or occupying his chair.
    • Do not play games of tug of war or rag toys.

    In a flock, dominant individuals always eat first and the best. The rest are waiting to be allowed to eat what's left. Such a principle is not a humiliation for the animal, but a simple rule that everyone obeys. This maintains order in the flock. The leaders themselves choose their own rookery, no one dares to encroach on it. Nobody takes anything from the leader's property. This is perceived as a rebellion and is strictly suppressed.

    Mistakes in training:

    • Begging a dog during the owner's meal is bad not only because it bothers people. It damages the psychology of the animal, which gets what it wants on demand. This in the mind of the pet means that the main thing is not the owner, but the dog.
    • Permission to sleep on the bed, or permission to take away a toy, produces a similar result.

    Choosing a decision when performing various actions

    A puppy, like an adult dog, does not have the right to make decisions and act according to its will: bark, howl, show aggression towards animals or people, leave the owner, etc. All decisions in the pack are made by the leader (owner). Subordinates must obey, disobedience is unacceptable. The exception is rare cases when a dog is taught to act quickly in extreme situations without waiting for a human command (teaching Newfoundlands to rescue drowning people, etc.).

    A dog that behaves according to its preferences is always a burden to others: it barks and howls when it wants to, threatens to attack or runs away. The owner should take the position of the dominant and not allow the pet to encroach on power in any situation.

    The position of the dog and the owner when moving

    When moving, a person dominates, because only he has the privilege of being the first to enter the door, the first to meet guests, the first to leave the house.

    This is also confirmed by observations of the life of pack animals. Only the leader has the right to be ahead of the pack. He will not give up his place to anyone, because he is responsible for what can happen.

    If a person follows a dog, it automatically takes responsibility for everything that happens (including the person). Therefore, she herself has to make decisions and act according to her choice.

    The successful upbringing of a dog depends entirely on the owner, he must understand the dog's psychology and use it in training. If you ignore the pack instincts of the dog, it is very easy to form a nervous animal with a spoiled character and a disturbed psyche, since the dog cannot bear the share of responsibility that an unreasonable or careless owner places on it.

    Dogs, like other animals, have such a genetic program of instincts that, when used correctly, practically does not fail. The owner can upset the program by ascribing to the four-legged human feelings and desires, which animals do not actually have.

    Basic commands

    For a small puppy (2-3 months old) that was recently brought into the house, the first learned commands will be standard phrases. In parallel with the beginning of education, the puppy should get used to the collar and leash. At an older age, about 5-6 months old, large breed dogs are taught to respond calmly to a muzzle.

    The basis for the successful assimilation of commands by a pet is the development of the ability to obey a person. Teams are fixed in stages.


    In order for a dog to learn to respond to its name (nickname), it is necessary:

    • When feeding, when stroked, caressed, call the name of the dog. The voice should be even and pleasant. In a pet, this word will be associated with pleasant actions.
    • You can’t call a dog by its name when you need to scold it in a stern voice. At the same time, it is necessary to accustom the dog to the collar.

    "To me!"

    What you need to do so that the dog learns the command "come":

    • When the owner calls the pet to feed it, you must say the command. The puppy came up, you need to encourage a treat.
    • When the command is assimilated at home, it should be continued to consolidate it under more difficult circumstances - on the street, where there are many distractions.
    • If the puppy does not respond to the command, do not insist and yell at the pet. In such cases, you need to continue learning at home again and persistently consolidate the result with treats.

    With disobedience and persistent repetition of the words of the command, the pet will have a causal relationship between his behavior and the command: "to me" will mean for him "do whatever you want." Frequent repetition of words will be fixed in the mind of the dog with its behavior. In cases where the words "to me" are already incorrectly fixed, the phrase must be replaced with another, synonymous one, for example: "here", "to". For a pet, there is no difference what word is pronounced. It is important for him that this word promises to receive a treat.


    At first, this means that the puppy must go to his bed, his resting place. When the owner calls the puppy by name to the place allotted for him, then he should put a treat on the litter and praise the dog. This can be done several times during the day. When the puppy has learned the command well, it should be complicated: the pet must remain in place until he is allowed to leave. If the puppy stays in one place, he will receive a reward in the form of a tasty piece.

    With successful mastering, you need to achieve such a result that any place indicated by the owner will become the place where the dog should sit and wait for the owner or permission to leave. The transition to a more complex stage of learning is possible only when the previous one is perfectly mastered.


    Even a 3-month-old puppy can be taught to walk nearby and not tear the leash, if everything is done correctly:

    • This command is worked out with certain tools. They serve as a collar and leash.
    • The dog is required to simply walk alongside, and not rush with all his might to the side and not create discomfort for the owner and everyone around. The animal must walk quietly next to the owner's left foot half a length behind, with the leash hanging freely without the slightest tension. To work out this command, you will need to put on a ring or a "Controller" leash over or instead of a regular collar. It is a thick cord with a clip-regulator for tight fastening around the pet's neck. The "controller" is attached above an ordinary collar, below the ears, where the dog has sensitive points.
    • It is necessary to ensure that the dog is not ahead of the person, but is slightly behind. When pulling the leash forward or to the side, you should make a sharp and short jerk up.
    • If the dog walks calmly and correctly, you need to say "next" and reward with a treat. A sharp jerk of the leash in case of incorrect behavior will create discomfort for the dog, and after several similar actions, it will understand that after pulling the leash, unpleasant sensations will follow, and with a calm movement there will be a reward in the form of a treat.

    A common mistake of the owners is the incorrect use of the command: when the dog pulls on the leash, he hears the word "near!", which the animal associates with his behavior. Therefore, this command (in the understanding of the dog) means pulling on the leash.

    "Fu", "no!", "No!"

    When trying to pick up food from the ground or perform some other action that should be stopped, the command "no!" is given. You can use another short word that is pronounced in a confident and stern tone. When teaching this command, clicking with a clicker (a special keychain with a clicking button) or fingers works well, this distracts the dog from the intention to do something and draws attention to the owner. If the dog is on a leash, then a sharp jerk of the leash up and the word "fu!" will help. or not!"

    Experienced cynologists do not recommend even beating a puppy or dog for disobedience with a twig or a newspaper. Punishment is opposed to food rewards and repeated practice of skills.

    "Sit!", "lie down!"

    Options for sound signals for the command can be "sit!", "down! "In order for the dog to learn how to perform them, you should:

    • Offer your puppy a treat that requires him to tilt his head up. At this time, the owner gently presses the pet's lower back and sits him down. If the dog sits down, give him a treat.
    • In order for the puppy to lie down from a sitting position on the “down” command, he again needs to be offered food, at some distance from his muzzle (it will be more convenient to reach it while lying down). The owner should again help him lie down and only then give food as a reward.

    After a few training sessions, the dog will understand what needs to be done to receive the reward and will act without human assistance. Be sure the animal must remain for several seconds in a given position, waiting for permission to other actions. Later, you can work out these commands only with the help of gestures, without voice.


    In order for the dog to learn to follow the command, you must:

    • When pronouncing the word "stand!" from a sitting or lying position, lift the puppy under the stomach, and hold the collar with the other hand. The dog must rise in place, without moving forward. After that, the animal receives a treat.
    • For a more perfect working out of the command, it is necessary to pause (starting from 3 seconds and bringing the pause time to 15) and reward the dog with a treat only after the sustained time.
    • With clear execution, they switch to a complicated form - giving a command with a gesture. You should also gradually increase the distance between the pet and yourself (up to 10-15 m).


    The command is very similar to the "no!" command, as it restricts the dog from doing the desired action. To take away from the puppy an object in which he is interested, he should be offered something more attractive: a favorite treat. You should not take away by force and at the same time pronounce the word of the command. The dog itself must voluntarily give what the owner requires. The stimulus for this is your favorite food. At first, the puppy gives away the toy for food, and when the skill is fixed through repeated repetition, the dog can be encouraged with words and caress.


    The development of this difficult team also begins with the game:

    1. 1. First, you should work out the “give!” command so that the dog gives the brought object to the owner.
    2. 2. While playing with a stick or toy with the owner, the dog tries to take possession of the object. At the moment of the greatest interest of the animal, the owner throws the object of the game away from him and says "fetch!". The pet runs after the toy, tries to find it and take it.
    3. 3. The owner calls him and demands to execute the command "give!"

    If the dog does not run after the thrown object, the owner runs up to him with the dog and repeats the word of the command. At the slightest success in studies, the dog should receive a reward. But gradually the task should become more difficult, since only with a clear execution of the command from the first time does the animal receive a reward.

    Ideally, the dog should, on command, find an abandoned object, bring it to the owner, run around it from behind, go to the left leg, sit down and then give it back. Experienced trainers find it difficult to teach this command, because not every dog ​​will be able to learn how to perform it perfectly.


    Do not immediately give the treat to the pet, it is better to show the food and hold it in front of the dog. She will start begging for it by barking. At this time, the owner repeats the command "voice!". Promotion is carried out necessarily after its implementation.

    If the dog silently asks for a treat, does not give a voice, you can ask another family member to demonstrate in front of the animal what is required to receive a reward. Usually after 2-3 times the command becomes clear to the pet.

    "Give me a paw!"

    This command is useful for cutting nails and for entertaining guests. The treat is given to the dog to sniff and clamped in a fist in front of its nose. The dog may begin to scrape his fist with his paw. At this time, the words of the command are repeated and food is given to the animal.


    There is no need to practice this kind of action in decorative dogs or in all others that do not belong to service dogs. Small breeds are more likely to show aggression towards strangers on their own initiative and without a request from the owner. The command is considered difficult and is usually practiced with an instructor or assistant, who must be dressed in a protective suit.

    Algorithm for processing the command "face!":

    1. 1. A stranger approaches the owner with a dog and inflicts sensitive, but not painful, blows on the back of the pet.
    2. 2. When the dog gets angry, the stranger gives him some soft object to grab, something like old clothes.
    3. 3. When the animal grabs an object with its teeth, the owner pronounces the command "face!" and encourages the dog.

    In addition to these commands, you can teach the dog to others: "walk!", "Forward!", "Barrier!", "Crawl!", "Guard!" (at the discretion of the owner). But achieving perfect execution of a standard set of commands is not easy.

    Classes on the site with an instructor

    This is the right decision for inexperienced owners or for difficult breeds to train. When choosing an instructor, one should be guided not only by the recommendations of several acquaintances or a club, but it would also be good to look at the work of this person directly on the site before contacting him.

    Serious and correct training requires the presence of the owner along with the dog and trainer. Staying a pet on overexposure with a cynologist during training is possible if the dog is being prepared for patrol and search service in the police.

    Training with a specialist is especially recommended for dogs of large breeds intended for security guard and search service. Also, the advice of an experienced cynologist will also be required by the dog owner himself, especially regarding his own behavior in raising a pet.

    Features of training different breeds

    Education and training of different breeds has its own characteristics: for service dogs it is obligatory to pass a general and special training course (from 6-8 months) on the site with an instructor, for hunting breeds (from 1-3 months) there is a special set of commands with skills development in in the forest or in the field, for decorative breeds (from 3-6 months) it is enough to educate at home.

    How to train dogs of various breeds:

    Name of breeds Features of training and education

    Security and sentry: rottweiler, german shepherd, alabai

    With general education and training, guard dogs are taught special commands that are needed when guarding and patrolling the territory. These commands include:

    • "Listen!". A wary dog ​​should listen carefully to extraneous sounds.
    • "Track!". The dog must take the trail and follow it.
    • "Protect!". The dog is obliged in the absence of a person to prevent strangers from entering its territory. The skill is practiced together with the helper, who plays the role of a stranger and provokes the dog to defensive actions.
    Hunting: spaniel, shorthaired pointer, terrier, jack russell terrier, husky, huskyUp to 6-8 months with a dog, they are engaged in the education and development of standard commands. After six months, special training begins: training, which consists in chasing hounds, training huskies, baiting burrows and greyhounds, in the ability to get an object out of the water and bring it to the owner. An important exercise for hunting dogs is endurance. After executing the command, the animal does not immediately receive a reward in the form of a treat, but after a few seconds, and the owner, during such an artificial pause, moves away from the dog by several meters. Also, hunting dogs are taught not to be afraid of shots and loud sounds.
    Decorative: spitz, pug, chihuahua, japanese chin

    In addition to basic commands, small dogs can be taught to know the names of all family members. This technique is worked out simply:

    1. 1. The dog is brought to the person and his name is called, after that the person gives the dog a treat.
    2. 2. After a few exercises, the pet will remember which word is attached to which person, and will unmistakably go to the family member named by name to get a treat.

    You can also teach to close the door on command, bring slippers, stand on your hind legs, imitate a dance

    Shepherd and cattle: alabai, labrador

    After learning the basics of training, a grown puppy is taught to animals so that the herd is not afraid of dogs, and the dogs do not attack the herd.

    In teaching shepherd work, special commands are needed:

    • "Drive!"(when driving out of the paddock or moving forward through the pasture).
    • "Circle!"(when collecting scattered animals).
    • "Forward!"(to level the edge of the herd).
    • "Quiet!"(slow down pace).

    The shepherd or trainer works out these exercises directly near the herd on free pasture. All the correct actions of the dog are necessarily encouraged with a treat.

Our educational complex is designed for puppies aged from one to three months.

The upbringing and adaptation of a puppy begins from the age of one month, and it is better to take a puppy up to three months.
At this age, all phobias (obsessive fears), all wrong behaviors are laid. And also laid all the right skills.

What can we teach a puppy at the age of one to three months. A lot:

Don't jump on the owner
sleep well at night
run on the street for the master's feet
sit quietly and wait for food to be served
do not bite people's limbs and clothing
get acquainted with the commands "to me", "fu", "sit"

How can you teach your child all this?
Your readiness and patience is required.

Many people ask: “What can and cannot be punished for at such a young age?” It is better at this age to do without punishment. Take care of your and puppy's nervous system.
I especially want to draw your attention to this enumeration.

Puppies under three months of age should not be punished for:

  • heaps and puddles on the floor or carpet
  • for all property damage. If at this age the puppy took out one of the valuable things and gnawed it, it means that you did not remove it in time in a place inaccessible to the baby. If you have electrical and similar wires in an accessible place, remove them immediately. This is a favorite treat for many puppies.
  • running around, jumping on furniture
  • biting off pieces from the walls. If the puppy does this, see a doctor, he may be lacking in minerals and vitamins, or he may have worms.
  • grabbing and ruffling your clothes as you pass by.
  • biting the master's hands and feet. These are typical puppy games and usually disappear on their own after changing teeth. Sometimes I even tell my clients: “If your puppy under the age of 4 months does not run after your legs and does not gnaw them, but lies quietly in the corner. He is sick. Take your puppy's temperature

Maintaining a positive emotional state in dogs is essential. But in puppies from 1 month to 3 months, it is necessary to evoke such emotions that strengthen the nervous system and in the future will lead the dog to balance and restraint. The dog will choose the right situation where you can throw out your emotions, and where you need to remain completely calm.

Puppies, from 1 month to 3 months, are brought up with methods that cause them only joy and satisfaction and instill in them the hope that everything will be fine. Therefore, the methods of working with a small puppy are based only on positive reinforcement (petting, treats, play). Or purposeful exercises based on the right to choose.

In order to start practicing with your baby, learn how to cook a treat, give it correctly and, most importantly, learn the correct intonation of your voice. This will be the preparatory stage for you. Until you learn these exercises yourself, you should not start exercising with your baby.

Learning how to cook a treat.

Starting today, you are introducing a new form of home clothing. It's called "The owner of the big pocket of cheese." Carry a treat with you all the time, and for every correct action of the puppy, reward him with a treat and affection.

It can be tiny pieces of hard cheese. Cheese can become hard if it lies a little without packaging.

The size of the treat is important. If the pieces are large, then the puppy eats up quickly, and he will no longer be interested in further training. If the pieces are very small, then they will fall out of the baby's mouth.

Therefore, we take the best option with a pea. It is not necessary to round them, the main thing is not the shape, but the size. I foresee the question: if my dog ​​is on dry food, can he be given cheese? I answer as a veterinarian: You can. But only during class. Another question: why cheese, and not the dry food we feed? Because dry food is given strictly according to the norm - this is the first time, and secondly, the puppy can choke on dry pieces and will cough as well as from dry cookies. How about sausages? You can, of course, but your hands and clothes will be greasy, which is just unpleasant. So cheese. Learn to give treats. It always lies in the right-hander's pocket, and in the left-hander's pocket. We do not use cellophane bags. Otherwise, the dog will react to the rustling of cellophane. And we don't need it. Therefore, appropriate clothing is selected. We do not mind getting it a little dirty, and there are pockets on these clothes.

No more than 5 seconds should elapse between the actions of the dog and their encouragement. Otherwise, the promotion is not effective at all.

Treats are given in two ways. On the open palm and in a pinch (between the thumb and forefinger). Both ways are in place. And in the classroom we will use both.

So, the owner of the "big pocket of cheese" walks around the house and begins to teach the dog the right behavior. You can train a puppy in parallel with several methods of correct behavior.

We teach the puppy to his nickname.

The name of the dog must be short and sonorous. It may not match the pedigree name. There are many names for dogs on the site, take a look and take one of them into service. Example: Siegfried is a good name, but too long to get the puppy's attention, Sigi or Reed is better.

And when the baby grows up, you can use the full name. And he will respond to it. I like to teach the puppy to the name in the process of feeding. Take a bowl and call the baby in an affectionate voice: "Zigi, Zigi, Zigi", repeating the nickname often and several times. At the same time, show a bowl of food. From the second day, the kid will understand that it is his name and that he needs to run faster, as they will give him delicious food. So fun and on a pleasant note, you will teach the puppy to respond to the name.

We teach the dog to respond to the word "Good."

The question is, why do we need it so that the puppy reacts to the word "Good." Everything is very simple. Not always you will be able to give a treat to the dog for a job well done. For example, working from a distance means that your dog is 10 meters away from you. And how can you let him know that you are happy with him? But like this. Say the word "good" and the dog will know your mood. And so we teach a puppy. We stretch out a delicacy to him and, saying in an affectionate voice, always affectionate, the word "good", we feed him delicious cheese from our hands. You have already read about the delicacy in the previous post.

You can stroke and caress the baby at this time. Learn how to pet your dog properly. Pat her lightly on the chest. Slow down. But make sure the puppy enjoys it. Don't stroke your head or back. Why I will explain to those who will be engaged in our virtual group.

Practice the skill only when the puppy is not doing anything illegal at that moment. For example, he just lies still or has come up to you and has not yet put his paws on your knees. Praise and give a treat.

A newcomer has appeared in your house - a small charming puppy. He immediately won the love of households who want to hold him in their arms, caress or just stroke him. When to start training a puppy so that over time it does not turn into a spoiled and naughty domestic tyrant?

If by “training” we mean teaching a puppy obedience, rules of behavior in the house, the formation of a “dog” character, the maximum disclosure of the qualities genetically inherent in this breed, then purposefully starting to deal with a dog should be from the age of two to three months.

Raising a puppy from one and a half to two to three months old

This is the most important period for raising puppies. They are already doing without a mother, the owners are taking care of them. At this age, puppies easily acquire "positive" skills. They quickly remember the commands “place”, “come to me”, “walk”. But it is still difficult for them to get used to the execution of forced commands “no”, “sit”, “lie down”.

The owner of the puppy needs to be patient so that the animal learns to obey the owner without harsh violence, accepts the owner as a leader. It is important not to overload the puppy, not to develop in him the habit of obeying only through punishment or pain.

At this age, the puppy is accustomed to his place of lying and eating, to the tray. He develops the habit of asking "as needed." It should be remembered that the dog’s bed, its dishes for food and drink are the “private property” of your four-legged friend.

Be respectful of this, do not allow children and other members of your family to make the dog feel like an encroachment on his property. It is necessary to achieve the eradication of the desire of a young dog to ruffle indoor slippers, gnaw on furniture, and beg for food at the dinner of the household. The puppy must remember the rules of his behavior in the house.

The main period of raising a puppy

People often ask - at what age should a puppy be trained? Experts recommend starting training at the age of three to six to seven months. At this age, the individual characteristics of the nervous system are formed in the dog. This is the best period for educating in a puppy the ability to independently manage the processes of nervous excitation and inhibition, control the mutual balance of these processes, and, at the command of the owner, move from one mental state to another.

This period is the main for the formation of the character of your dog. Achieve a calm reaction of the puppy to the appearance of strangers and foreign animals - dogs and cats. It is considered normal for a puppy to show natural curiosity towards them, to observe them carefully - this is a sign of a healthy passive-defensive reaction. Teach a young dog to behave with restraint and dignity, stop attempts to pursue strangers and bark at them.

It happens that people get older dogs, when the foundations of the character of a young dog have already been formed. Do not torture yourself with the question - at what age to train a puppy. Be patient and train a newly acquired dog at any age, because training even at a later date is much better than an untrained and unruly dog.

Some dog owners are sure that there is no need to engage in targeted education and training of dogs, that the dog will learn everything by itself. A categorically incorrect judgment, leading to the subsequent retraining of such dogs, correction and adjustment of their behavior. This implies a significant stressful effect on the psyche of the animal, which in most cases does not pass without serious complications.

After reading this article, you learned at what age to start training a puppy. Perhaps you have the impression that by training and training a dog, you get complete control over your four-legged friend. This is not entirely true. Dogs are very smart animals. Learning and obeying its owner, the dog simultaneously studies the owner, finds weaknesses in his character, thereby gaining the opportunity to influence and manipulate his owner.

Don't let your dog abuse this influence.

Treat your dog with strict kindness and he will respond with loyalty and obedience.

So that your puppy can fulfill basic requests, obey, and you can curb his activity, you need to train him from childhood. Then he will be able not only to overcome the barrier or bring a stick, but to serve or walk not on a leash, but on his own. How to teach a dog commands at home, and how to quickly teach basic requirements, you ask. But this is quite real, it is enough to get a little advice from experienced dog handlers, watch training videos and clearly follow the rules that we will mention below.

Why does a dog need to know commands?

It is necessary to train commands in order for the pet to exist normally with other animals and people, especially for and. Although without education they can grow up no less aggressive and uncontrollable. Training is also necessary in order to correct behavior, eradicate bad habits, develop the natural instincts of the animal.

Can an adult dog be trained? It is possible, but much more difficult, so it is better to start classes from the age of six months, although they are carried out in a playful way. The process will go much faster, as puppies are more active and love to learn new things.

But before starting classes, you need to consider the following points:

  • the nature and habits of the pet;
  • set priorities;
  • do not retreat from classes, make them permanent;
  • praise and encourage the puppy, make the exercises more interesting;
  • distinguish between work and play moments.

It is also important to take into account the fact that exercises do not need to be arranged after lunch or dinner, but training should be carried out only on an empty stomach.

Basic commands

What commands do you need to learn?

Basic commands:

  • near;
  • lie;
  • sit;
  • give paw;
  • it is forbidden;
  • stranger;
  • stand;
  • bring;
  • walk.

These exercises will be needed in order to develop mobility, agility and quick wits and obedience.

But commands such as spin, barrier, somersault, die, search and bring are considered quite complex, not all dogs perform them, and only at a more mature age. For this, the pet must be encouraged with food and repeated classes constantly.

Team "voice" especially useful for those dogs that are used for hunting, guarding the house or in the process of searching for people. But initially you need to take into account that some breeds will not be able to learn at all and make a loud bark, and Labradors and Shepherds learn the fastest.

  • tie the dog near the tree and step on the leash;
  • do not let your pet jump on you when he sees food;
  • ask to vote and show a yummy;
  • encourage the pet after the command;
  • repeat the exercise two or three times.

It is important not to encourage the animal if it barks and barks without command, otherwise the exercise will not be remembered correctly.


"down" command can also come in handy in everyday life, especially if you travel a lot with your pet or often go to visit. Training begins at three months, simultaneously with the “sit” command. If the command is correctly executed, give a treat, and if there is no reaction, press on the withers.

Easy, for this you need:

  • go to a quiet place, even outside. But there should be no dampness and snow on the ground;
  • press on the withers and back, saying "lie";
  • at this time, you need to show the yummy in the other hand at ground level;
  • after following the instructions, release the animal with the words to walk.

Remember that training can take up to a year, but it should take place without rudeness, gradually becoming more difficult. If at first the pet is trained at home, then later, on the street or in a public place. And do not expect that the first time the dog will be able to lie on the ground for a long time.


How to teach your dog the "next" command almost everyone knows, but not everyone knows how to do it right. Training begins at six months, when the pet is already accustomed to walking on a leash. Note that the exercise is considered the most difficult and is remembered for a year.

It is important that the puppy is on your left side and walks beside you until you let him go for a walk.

You need to start training like this:

  • take the dog on a leash and bring it as close to you as possible;
  • say "near" and lead the pet near you for a few steps;
  • then let go and say "walk";
  • give a treat as a reward;
  • then call the puppy and repeat the exercise a few more times;
  • each time you need to loosen the tension on the leash and let the dog go free more and more.

It must be remembered that if the command is not followed, it is enough to pull the leash closer to you and repeat the exercise.


Fas Team is considered one of the most difficult and dangerous, but training should begin from three months of life, when the pet has weaned from the mother.

Remember that a pet spoiled by attention and affection may not follow your commands or do it with stubbornness. Therefore, try to pamper him less, and be more strict.

How to teach a dog the “face” command, we will describe below.

For this you need:

  • find a closed area on the street without people;
  • put on a protective suit;
  • find props in the form of sticks, tires, stuffed animals;
  • then tie the dog on a leash and sit next to it;
  • then tease the pet with the chosen object and speak face;
  • each time it will annoy more, and the dog will rush;
  • reward the dog with a treat after the command is completed.


Before describing how to teach a dog "sit" command Let's highlight a few important points. For example, learning starts from early childhood, from three to five months. To perform the exercises, use the method of encouragement and punishment - press on the sacrum when not doing it and give a treat when doing it.

The training scheme is as follows:

  • call your pet to you;
  • call him by name, say "sit" and press on the sacrum;
  • hold the dog in that position for a few seconds, and then give a treat;
  • complete the exercise with the words walk;
  • repeat the exercise every five to seven minutes.

give paw

How to teach a dog command "give paw" a dog handler can tell, but this is easy to teach at home. Then the pet, at your request, will give you its paw.

The exercise is carried out like this:

  • sit the dog next to you;
  • call by name and say "give paw";
  • point to a paw and show a treat in your hand;
  • take the paw in your hands;
  • repeat the command several times and after execution, give the yummy.

Few people know, but you need to start training the team from six to eight months, and decorative breeds are trained the worst.

How to teach your dog the fu and not commands

Team "fu" considered one of the most important, similar to command "no", because it makes the dog refuse your things or some items. It will be useful on the street, at a party or at home. How to teach a dog a command "ugh" and "it is forbidden"?

Simple enough:

  • show or give the pet a forbidden thing;
  • point to it or take it in your hand and say "fu, you can't";
  • pick up the item and repeat the command;
  • make sure that the pet gives the thing himself and does not take it without your permission;
  • give a treat as a reward.

Keep in mind that you need to start the exercise at the moment when the puppy has decided to perform an action, but has not yet done anything wrong. Talk to him only looking into his eyes.


Team "Aport" can be trained quickly, although some breeds have difficulty. The exercise implies that the puppy returns the thing that the owner threw, then the dog sits next to him and waits for further instructions. Training begins from the eighth month of life, after the commands “sit and beside”. How to teach a dog the “fetch” command, we will consider together:

  • find a stick or bone;
  • show it to the dog, tease a little;
  • throw a thing and say fetch;
  • let the animal run after the thing and return it to you;
  • praise and give a treat;
  • repeat the exercises three to five times.


This command must be taught to both an adult and a small pet. Although there are two types, when the dog lies down in its place in the house or near the specified object. How to teach a dog command "place"? Simple enough, all you need to do is lure the puppy with a treat or point your finger there, saying “place”. Upon completion, the dog is encouraged. And in order for the dog to stay in place longer, throw his favorite toy there.

It is also important that when returning from a place without a command, you need to return the pet there, pointing your finger there, saying in a menacing voice.


Before deciding how to train a dog team "foreign", we determine that it is important for many pets, as it notifies that an unknown person with bad intentions is in front of them. Then the dog should give a voice, growl or go to the side.

For training you need:

  • find an assistant who will attack you;
  • then look at the animal and repeat the command "stranger";
  • repeat this for five to seven minutes;
  • after the pet approaches you and starts to growl or bark, praise.


"Stand" command you need to teach from the age of seven to nine months, after mastering the basic exercises. For training, a contrasting method of reward and punishment is used. The command is necessary in order for the animal to obey you while bathing, combing or doctor's examination. How do you teach your dog the "stand" command?

Learning together:

  • bring your pet to you;
  • push him under his stomach so that he gets up and listens to you;
  • as a reward, give a treat;
  • if the dog lies down, lift it by the coat;
  • combine command with words "walk".


Bring command has much in common with "fetch", but in this case it is not necessary to throw a thing.

To complete the exercise you will have to:

  • sit the pet next to you;
  • point to a thing and say bring;
  • if necessary, come up and hold the thing in your hands;
  • show a yummy, sit down and repeat the instruction again;
  • after accomplishment, encourage.


The search command especially important for hunting and guard dogs, bloodhounds. She is taught from a year of life, after the exercises "fetch, sit, alien and fu."

The training is carried out as follows:

  • take a certain thing;
  • let the dog sniff it;
  • hide a thing;
  • give a command "search", repeat several times;
  • if the dog chooses the wrong thing, say "ugh", and repeat "seek well";
  • after finding, repeat the exercise and praise the animal.

Interestingly, you need to start learning by looking for a thing with your smell, then complicate it and force someone else to look for a thing.


"serve" command also called "bunny", and it is easier for small pets to perform it. Because it will be more difficult for the big ones to keep the body with a straight back.

It is not difficult to train, for this:

  • invite a puppy to you;
  • pick up a tasty treat;
  • raise your hand with the treat above the dog's head and say "serve";
  • after the pet lifts its front paws off the floor, reward it;
  • each time, force yourself to rise higher and hold the position longer.


Education command "wait" implies that the pet will remain motionless until you allow it to leave. Training begins at nine months, using a contrast method with rewards and punishments.

The training is carried out as follows:

  • call your pet;
  • seat him or lay him down by pressing on the sacrum;
  • tell "wait" and hold with your hand;
  • show a treat
  • after a couple of minutes, give the treat and say "walk";
  • repeat the exercise several times.

Few people know, but team training begins at home, and only after a couple of months of classes, you can transfer classes to a noisy street.


Team "walk" most necessary for pets used in the security or detective service. Most often used after the execution of other commands, as a reward. For training, it is enough to pat the animal on the back, let go and say "walk".


Education team "somersault" not difficult, if the puppy already knows how to lie on his back, the exercise is very similar to "die" command.

To perform it is necessary:

  • put the dog on its back;
  • show a treat, give it a sniff;
  • hold a yummy along the ridge;
  • do not let the dog get up;
  • it is important that the dog follows the food and smoothly turns on its side;
  • and this is repeated several times.

start exercise "die" It is possible from any age, even with an adult dog. To do this, it is enough to fill up the pet on its back or give it the appropriate command, take a tasty treat in your hand and let it smell. After that, hold your hand with food to the side, further along the ridge. When the animal falls on its side, give the reward.


An exercise "barrier" must be performed after a year of life, and then your pet will learn to overcome obstacles. It is important that the first height is no more than 45 cm, even for a large breed.

The training is carried out as follows:

  • find a small horizontal bar, obstacle or rope;
  • stand on the other side and show the puppy a treat;
  • beckon him and call to you;
  • after the dog jumps over, give a reward.

Not everyone knows, but even a hoop, a living barrier made of a person, can be used for training. But each time the load should increase, putting several barriers in a row.

spin around

An exercise "turn around" it looks like a somersault, because the technique is the same. In this case, you need to lay the puppy on its back, show a treat, run your hand along the ridge. After the dog falls on its side and rolls over, repeat the manipulation. When the dog has made several turns, give the reward.


Train "snake" it will be easy if the puppy already knows how to perform "eight". The exercise itself implies that the owner goes forward, and the dog passes between his legs.

The training method is as follows:

  • say "close" and seat the pet near the left leg;
  • show yummy;
  • take a step forward and show the food to the dog;
  • wait for the dog to take a step;
  • then take a step with the other foot and again show the food;
  • after the first five steps and following the commands, give the reward.

It is important that you do not move quickly and give food not in one step, but in full fulfillment of the conditions of the exercise.

High five

An exercise "high five" suitable for large and small breeds, the point is that the pet brings both paws to your hands on command.

It's easy to do this:

  • show yummy;
  • raise your hands and bring them to the animal;
  • say "high five" and wait for a reaction;
  • after completing, give the food.

For the first time, it is enough for the dog to simply bring his paw to your palms..

Most owners of four-legged friends are interested in teaching their pets various tricks. And many of them succeed. What determines the success or failure in dog training - is the breed of the dog to blame or the approach that the owner uses? In fact, various factors are important, including the actions of the host.

If a funny peanut gets into the house, then the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis upbringing and training does not immediately come to the owners’ mind, but in vain. When can you start this process, and what nuances should be taken into account?

Most owners make the common mistake of thinking that a dog should have a carefree childhood. For almost half a year, they allow the puppy to do whatever he wants, without limiting his actions in anything. And then, when the dog is 6 months old, they begin to correct its, in fact, well-established behavior.

But with this approach, in almost 100% of cases, the owners face a number of problems. First of all, the dog will be surprised by such a change, because he is not used to obeying and following commands. A grown animal is more difficult to train, because the pet is already spoiled by attention, carelessness and is not ready to refuse it. So, the approach “the sooner the better” is the most rational solution.

What is the best way to start dog training?

Education and training are two important processes that take place simultaneously, and in both cases consistency, systematicity and regularity are important. You can’t work hard on the site all week, and then stop classes for a month - in this case, you should not expect a lasting result.

The owner must establish a number of rules in the very first days and not deviate from their implementation even a single step. For example, they might look like this:

  • it is forbidden to spoil shoes;
  • you can not sleep on furniture;
  • only special devices are used as toys;
  • it is forbidden to feed the puppy from your own table, etc.

Moreover, exposure will be required not only from the pet, but also from the owner and his family members. You can’t let the baby sleep on the sofa in honor of the holiday, and kick him out the next day. It is recommended to start training with the simplest tasks that can be started at home.

The puppy must learn the commands "", "", "", "", etc. In the future, they will form the basis of more serious training. You should not hope that the baby will immediately successfully complete tasks, even if he belongs to the smartest of the breeds. Who doesn't have trouble doing something for the first time? In this case, it is important to be patient, not to get angry or scold the pet.

Frequent classes are welcome, but with obligatory intervals. The puppy should not get tired of learning, it is important that he always responds with pleasure to the invitation to play and learn. We should not forget about encouragement, puppies respond well to affection, kind words, and, of course, treats.

Mastering basic skills

Each command is another step in the right direction, giving the dog new knowledge, and the owner - confidence in the trainer's own skills. But each of them has its own characteristics:

  • To me! One of the main mandatory skills, and at first it is better to practice it during walking. When the puppy plays and frolics, it is necessary to call him periodically, and when he responds and approaches, encourage him in every possible way.
  • ! This is the next command in which you can not use the method of sharp pulling on the leash. Such an action can irritate the pet, but will not force him to obey. In this situation, it is better to make patting movements on the thigh, as well as slightly increase the tension on the leash.
  • Sit! The dog must learn this command simultaneously with the previous one. When the pet approaches the owner, then he should say “sit!”, You can help by pressing weakly on the croup. Quite often, puppies do not catch what the owner wants, so it is recommended to sip the leash up, and then the dog will have to sit down.

These are the basics of learning to start with. When the dog will perform them at a glance, without being distracted by extraneous stimuli, you can complicate the tasks.

Features of training adult dogs

Situations are not uncommon when an adult dog, who has formed in all respects, gets to the owner. In this case, you can train a pet, but it will take a lot of attention and patience. When it comes to serious dogs,