From a cold on the lips fenistil. Fenistil from herpes: methods of application and possible contraindications

Fenistil is a popular remedy for allergies, one of its varieties, Fenistil Pencivir, is also used to treat herpes, as it contains the substance penciclovir, which has a depressing effect on viruses. Most often it is recommended for herpetic rashes on the lips, however, Fenistil is prescribed for herpes of the second type, which can manifest itself as a rash on the genitals, as well as for infection with the Varicella Zoster virus, which manifests itself in the form of shingles and chicken pox.

The ointment has a gel-like consistency, which is why it is often called a gel. A 1% brown ointment is produced in metal tubes of 2 and 5 g.

The effect of the application of the ointment will be the more pronounced, the earlier its use is started. However, even if the moment is missed, Fenistil copes with the manifestations of herpes very quickly. In most cases, four or five days is enough for the rash to go away. Ointment Fenistil acts very quickly. The active substance penetrates the cells within a minute, while other similar drugs take at least half an hour. The local method of application provides additional safety: the active substance enters only the affected cells on the surface of the skin, does not penetrate deeper, does not enter the bloodstream.

Ointment Fenistil is highly effective, however, its price is quite high. This is a significant and, perhaps, the only drawback of this tool.


Penciclovir, penetrating into the structure of the virus, destroys its DNA, which leaves it no opportunity to multiply. Also, the components of the drug well eliminate the uncomfortable manifestations of herpes, such as itching, the desire to scratch the sore spot, swelling at the site of the rash, and the sores quickly heal. A medicine that kills all herpes viruses in the body does not currently exist in the world. Fenistil perfectly copes with the external manifestations of the disease and suppresses the activity of the virus, but is not a remedy for completely curing the infection.

Application for herpes

Ointment Fenistil is a remedy exclusively for topical use. The treatment will be most effective if you start using it at the first manifestations of herpes: slight itching and slight swelling. In this case, painful vesicles and sores may not appear at all. If they have already arisen, then the drug will accelerate the regeneration of the affected skin cells and make recovery as fast as possible, and also reduce pain.

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly before applying the gel.
  2. The drug is applied with a finger or with a cotton swab.
  3. It is necessary to distribute the ointment over the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with light circular movements, without rubbing.
  4. The tool is active for two hours, after which you can apply the next portion.
  5. It is better to discuss the duration of the course with your doctor. It is recommended to apply the ointment for at least five days, until complete healing.

Contraindications and possible side effects

  • Instructions for use state that the drug Fenistil is not recommended for use in herpes in children under twelve years of age.
  • It is contraindicated in pregnant women. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the use of the ointment is completely contraindicated. In the following months, the gel can be used with the permission of the doctor and under his supervision.
  • It is also better for nursing mothers to refuse to use this remedy in the immediate vicinity of the mammary glands.
  • It is unacceptable to use the drug in case of intolerance to any component that is part of Fenistil.

When using the product, local skin reactions are possible in the form of itching, tingling, slight burning. If you are allergic to the components of the product, the swelling of the affected area may increase, an additional rash may appear. Possible short-term numbness of the treated area of ​​the skin

If you experience any side effects, you should consult a dermatologist. He will examine the manifestations and establish how dangerous the side effects that have appeared are, and whether drug withdrawal is necessary.

The drug should not be used in newborns

Additional Information

The use of Fenistil is practically safe, the risk of side effects is minimal. However, before using the tool, you must carefully study the instructions.

  • Ointment should not be used in conjunction with other local remedies.
  • It is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages during the period of use.
  • After treatment, do not expose the skin to ultraviolet radiation.
  • It is unacceptable to get the drug on the mucous membranes.


Pharmacies offer products with other active substances, but similar in therapeutic effect. The most popular are acyclovir-based drugs: Acyclovir, Zovirax, Gerperax, Virolex and Gerpevir. From cheaper analogues, consumers distinguish Psilo-balm. It is similar in action to Fenistil, but it has a different manufacturer.

Often, drugs are used that are intended for local action and do not have direct antiviral properties. These include Fenistil ointment. It is worth finding out what is remarkable about this remedy and what are the features of its impact, and also whether it makes sense to use this remedy for a herpetic rash.

Composition and form of release

The drug exists in several forms: ointment, gel, emulsion, drops and tablets. They differ in their application and composition.

The basis of any of these funds is dimethindene maleate. Auxiliary components will join them.

As part of the ointment, they are:

  • propylene glycol;
  • water;
  • carbomer;
  • disodium adetate;
  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • sodium hydroxide.

Ointment, cream and emulsion Fenistil are intended for external use. Drops and tablets are applied internally.

The ointment has a homogeneous consistency. The medicinal composition has no color and smell, it is transparent. It is placed in aluminum tubes in the amount of 30 or 50 g.

Fenistil tablets are in the form of capsules. Drops have no color and smell, they are characterized by transparency. They are sold in bottles of 20 ml. An emulsion with this name is also homogeneous. It is white, with a slight smell of benzyl alcohol.

It is sold in small bottles with a capacity of 8 g. Fenistil gel has a uniform structure and no color. It is transparent and odorless. This product goes on sale in aluminum tubes (30 or 50 g).

Indications for appointment

The principle of action of this drug is to weaken the permeability of capillaries. This prevents the development of allergic reactions, so this remedy can be classified as anti-allergic. It also relieves itchy skin.

Fenistil, intended for topical use, has a pronounced cooling effect. It helps to soften the skin and moisturizes it. In addition, the drug can eliminate pain at the site of application.

It is important to know what this medicine can be used for.

It is prescribed in such cases as:

  • allergic rhinitis;
  • eczema;
  • hives;
  • hay fever;
  • measles;
  • rubella.

Fenistil, intended for topical use, is recommended against the following diseases:

  • eczema;
  • hives;
  • dermatosis;
  • skin itching;
  • insect bites;
  • burns.

The remedy can be prescribed for other disorders, but this requires a doctor's prescription. For the use of Fenistil in these cases, it is also desirable.

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Instructions for use

The drug should be used according to the instructions for it, so that there are no problems. It is optimal to consult a doctor before starting treatment, since each organism is individual, and general recommendations are not suitable for everyone.

This type of ointment is supposed to be used only externally, treating damaged areas of the skin. You do not need to rub the medicine. On average, 2-4 applications of the therapeutic composition are made per day. The duration of the therapeutic course may be different.

If the disease is accompanied by severe skin irritation or itching or a large amount of damage, then there is a need to use this in combination with oral forms - tablets or drops. This will enhance results and speed up the healing process.

Exposure to sunlight can reduce the effectiveness of the medicine and even lead to deterioration. Therefore, after applying Fenistil to the skin of open areas, you should not go outside, and during the treatment period it is forbidden to sunbathe.

It may also require the use of this drug, since it significantly reduces pain and itching. Usually, for young patients, the same therapeutic regimen is used as for adults.

It is imperative that the use of Fenistil for the treatment of a child be recommended by a doctor. It is also necessary to test for sensitivity to the components of the composition. Parents need to monitor the progress of treatment, informing the attending physician about any changes that seem suspicious to them.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug should be used in the presence of a diagnosis from among the indications for the appointment. But it is even more important to consider contraindications. If they are, you need to choose a different remedy, since treatment with Fenistil will not lead to the desired results or even harm.

The main reasons for not taking this medicine are:

  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • prostate enlargement;
  • age less than 1 month;
  • breastfeeding;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • component intolerance.

These features are contraindications for the use of any form of Fenistil. Also, caution requires treatment with this remedy in the presence of chronic obstructive diseases of the respiratory system.

The use of this remedy may cause side effects.

The instructions for the drug mention the following adverse symptoms:

  • drowsiness;
  • increased excitability;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • bouts of nausea;
  • dry mouth;
  • labored breathing;
  • muscle spasms;
  • skin rashes;
  • swelling.

Some of these reactions appear only in the first days after the start of therapy, and then disappear. But if there is a tendency to increase them in the absence of positive dynamics in eliminating the disease, you need to talk with your doctor. Such an action may indicate intolerance to the drug or other unidentified contraindications. In this case, it is necessary to stop treatment with Fenistil and choose a different path.

Analogues, price

The cost of a drug very often forces patients to refuse it - if it is too high.

Fenistil cannot be called an expensive remedy, so it is widely used. Its price depends on the form of release.

On average, it may take from 300 to 400 rubles to pack an ointment. You can buy the drug at any pharmacy without a prescription.

Despite the reasonable cost, sometimes patients are asked to prescribe an analogue of this drug. This may be due to side effects, and in some cases, people are looking for more expensive products, considering them to be more effective.

Among the main analogues are:

  1. Tsetrin. Its main ingredient is cetirizine. It is available in tablets and syrup form. The tool effectively suppresses allergic reactions.
  2. Vibrocil. The composition of this medicine contains the same active ingredient as in Fenistil. In addition to it, it contains phenylephrine. The drug exists in the form of a spray, gel and drops. It is used to eliminate allergic manifestations, it is mainly focused on diseases of the nose and ears.
  3. Claritin. The drug is produced in the form of tablets and syrup, its basis is loratadine. It is often used for allergic rhinitis, urticaria, skin rashes. Be sure to take into account contraindications to it.

A specialist should choose the right tool. Self-activity in this situation can lead to problems.

Fenistil for herpes is a reliable and time-tested remedy that allows you to get rid of blisters on your lips in a matter of days. Its manufacturer is the well-known German company Novartis Pharma Produktions GmbH, which supplies its products to dozens of countries around the world. Fenistil Pencivir (this is the full name of the drug) is available in the form of a cream and is intended for external use only. Before starting treatment with this remedy, the patient should carefully read the information provided in the instructions.

Composition, appearance and action of the drug

Fenistil Pencivir is an antimicrobial drug that is active against herpes simplex types I and II, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr viruses and chickenpox (Varicella zoster). The active substance of the drug is penciclovir. It also contains propylene glycol, cetostearyl alcohol, liquid paraffin, cetomacrogol 1000, soft and liquid paraffin, water. The drug is produced in the form of a homogeneous white cream with a pearly sheen. The proportion of peniciclovir in it is 10 mg for each gram of the product.

Cream Fenistil Pencivir is packaged in 2 g and 5 g in aluminum tubes. Each tube is inside a simple cardboard box or plastic case, equipped with a small mirror and a set of disposable applicators for precise application of the product to the site of inflammation.

Fenistil Pencivir is prescribed by doctors for the treatment of recurrent herpes localized in the lips. Penciclovir, which is part of it, when applied topically, quickly penetrates the cells affected by the disease and is retained inside them for more than 12 hours, blocking further reproduction of the virus. It relieves itching and pain, reduces the healing time of herpes sores and quickly restores the skin affected by the infection.

Contraindications and features of use

The use of Fenistil for herpes must be agreed with the attending physician. Before starting treatment, the patient should be familiar with the contraindications to the drug. The manufacturer prohibits the use of the cream if a person has an individual intolerance to its constituent substances or farmciclovir. Also, Fenistil Pencivir should not be used in the treatment of children under 12 years of age. The drug is not contraindicated for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, however, it should be used in these categories of patients with extreme caution and only on the recommendation of a specialist.

The drug Fenistil Pencivir should be used in accordance with the treatment regimen drawn up by the doctor. They need to smear only the areas affected by herpes, trying to avoid contact with healthy skin. It is recommended to apply the cream with the tip of a clean finger, a sterile cotton swab or a disposable applicator. Before starting the procedure and after its completion, be sure to wash your hands in warm water with soap.

Treatment with Fenistil instructions for use recommends starting immediately after the first signs of herpes appear.

But even in cases where bubbles have appeared on the lips, you should not refuse to use the product. Fenistil Pencivir will accelerate the healing of the infected area of ​​the skin, reduce its soreness and reduce the peeling time of the crust formed on it.

Side effects and overdose

Due to external use, Fenistil Pencivir does not have a systemic effect on the patient's body and is well tolerated. However, in rare cases, at the site of contact of the cream with the skin, the patient may experience side effects in the form of:

  • hypersensitivity reactions (urticaria, rash, swelling, allergic dermatitis);
  • soreness;
  • burning sensation;
  • tingling;
  • numbness;
  • irritation.

The appearance of any undesirable effects against the background of the use of Fenistil should be the reason for contacting a specialist. Only a doctor will be able to determine whether the symptoms that have arisen are safe for the patient's health and whether it is worth canceling the drug and prescribing another remedy for herpes instead.

When applied topically, Fenistil Pencivir does not cause an overdose. If the contents of the tube are swallowed by mistake, the patient may complain of irritation of the oral mucosa. Penciclovir has low oral absorption, so its accidental ingestion is not capable of provoking the development of life-threatening symptoms in a person and does not require special therapeutic measures.

Interaction with drugs, storage requirements

Fenistil Pencivir does not enter into drug interactions with other drugs, so treatment with them can be combined with the use of any medications of local and systemic action.

Fenistil does not require special storage conditions. It is recommended to keep the package with it at room temperature in a dry place, protected from bright light and inaccessible to small children. The shelf life of the drug is 36 months. You can buy it at any pharmacy without presenting a doctor's prescription.

Fenistil Pencivir is by far one of the most effective drugs for the treatment of viral vesicles on the lips. Its safety and ease of use have made it a favorite remedy for many herpes sufferers. But in order for Fenistil to really help get rid of the infection on the lips, it must be used as directed by a specialist. Self-medication with this medicine can not only not bring the expected effect, but also cause unpleasant side reactions in a person.

Fenistil Pencivir- a unique drug with which you will succeed quickly. It has high reliability, which has been repeatedly tested by time.

The drug is produced by the German company Novartis Pharma, which distributes it throughout the world. At the moment, Fenistil Pencivir has several forms of release, however, only ointment and capsules are suitable for the treatment of herpes. Before you start drug therapy, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of the application.

The active ingredient in Fenistil Pencivir is penciclovir. It has a high anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial activity, so that the rashes are perfectly treatable.

In addition, propylene glycol, paraffin, liquid paraffin, cetomacrogol, and cetosteryl alcohol are present in the composition in certain doses. The ointment is a dense white consistency, which is quickly absorbed into the skin.

It should be noted that Fenistil Pencivir belongs to the group. In its action, it can be called a complete analogue of Famvir. The ointment is most often used to treat a herpes infection on the lips.

It quickly suppresses the activity of viruses, prevents their further reproduction. In addition, such a remedy can be used to treat rashes on other parts of the body.

Active substances block the activity of a pathogenic pathogen, and also relieve pain and discomfort. Applying the product to the skin, it continues to work for 12 hours.

Release form

Fenistil Pencivir has a fairly high popularity, which is explained by the effectiveness of the drug. Many people fell in love with him because he quickly relieves the discomfort of herpes.

At the moment, the drug is available in the following dosage forms:

  1. Drops- are used to treat allergic reactions.
  2. - a remedy that is most often used for the treatment of herpetic eruptions. It is applied exclusively to the affected area.
  3. Capsules- also suitable for the treatment of acute herpes infection. It is permissible to use only in children over 12 years old.

Only the attending physician will be able to choose the most effective form of release for you. He will evaluate the individual characteristics of the body, as well as the degree of herpes damage. Most often, an ointment is prescribed at the initial stages, in more advanced forms, the therapy is supplemented.


Fenistil Pencivir has a huge number of advantages over its counterparts. It is for this reason that it has gained immense popularity.

The main advantages of the drug can be described as follows:

  1. Speed ​​of action- to get rid of herpetic eruptions with the help of Fenistil Pencivir, most often 3-4 days are enough. In the acute form of the disease, it takes about 10 days to relieve inflammation.
  2. high efficiency- the active ingredient in this drug has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, which ensures such a quick result.
  3. Complete security- thanks to a carefully designed composition, Fenistil Pencivir occasionally causes side effects, does not interfere with the normal functioning of the body.
  4. Ease of use- all forms of release of Fenistil Pencivir are very easy to use, everything is clearly and clearly described in the detailed instructions for use.


You can buy Fenistil Pencivir at any pharmacy without a prescription. The manufacturer recommends before starting therapy. The tool has a number of contraindications, in which the use of Fenistil Pencivir is strictly prohibited.

These include:

  • Individual intolerance to the components.
  • Children's age up to 12 years.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Allergic reactions to the composition.
  • Renal and liver failure.

Precautionary measures

Before applying Fenistil Pencivir cream, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface. First of all, clean it of accumulated dirt by wiping it with clean water.

After that, wash your hands and start applying the drug. You can also do this with a cotton swab or swab to help reduce pain.

After application, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly to prevent active ingredients from getting into your eyes. Within a few hours after the first use, you will be able to dry the rashes.

It is very important to consult with your doctor if the patient has significant. In this case, the therapy of a herpes infection with a cream alone is unlikely to give a significant effect.

It is necessary to start taking capsules that will help stop the reproduction of viruses in the body. Usually tablets are taken 2 times a day for 7-10 days. When using the cream, make sure that the product does not get on the mucous membranes.

The greatest result from the use of Fenistil Pencivir can be seen in the first 4 days. It is at this time that the drug relieves all discomfort.

However, you need to use the remedy for a few more days after that, in order to prevent a relapse with a subsequent deterioration in the condition. Fenistil Pencivir does not affect alertness and reaction, its use is not a contraindication for driving.

Side effects

Fenistil Pencivir rarely causes side effects. The manufacturer does everything possible to prevent the development of negative consequences from the use of its drug.

In rare cases, after prolonged therapy or intolerance to the components, skin irritations occur in people: itching, redness, burning, allergic reactions.

If you experience such consequences from the use of Fenistil Pencivir, you should immediately contact your doctor.

Herpes is a disease of viral etiology, manifested by the presence of skin rashes in the form of vesicles. Antiviral drugs are effective against the herpes virus, one of which is Fenistil.

The composition of the drug includes: the main substance - penciclovir, as well as auxiliary substances - paraffin, liquid paraffin, cetostearic alcohol and other components.

Release form

Fenistil for herpes is available in the form of a 1% white ointment, 1% ointment with a masking effect or gel for external use. Ointments have a uniform consistency and the same composition. The difference between an ointment with a cosmetic effect is a dye (a range of colors from beige to brown). With it, you can hide skin herpetic eruptions.

The ointment is available in metal tubes, which are in cardboard boxes. The boxes also contain applicators and a small mirror.

Pharmacological effects

The drug has antiviral, antipruritic and slight sedative effects.

The active ingredient is penciclovir, has a high activity against herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2. It destroys the sequence of the DNA chain, preventing the virus from replicating. Fenistil also reduces the possibility of infection with the herpes virus of others and helps to relieve soreness, burning and itching.

The mechanism of action on herpes vesicles

With the external use of the drug in the area of ​​localization of the bubbles, there is a blockage of virus replication and its destruction. There is a rapid regeneration of the skin, the affected areas are replaced by healthy skin, pain and itching are eliminated. It weakens the permeability of membranes, which helps to prevent the spread of an allergic reaction.

When used topically, there is a cooling effect that softens and moisturizes the skin.

When applied to the skin, penciclovir does not enter the bloodstream, does not affect its composition and the general condition of a person. The duration of the pharmacological activity of the drug is 10-12 hours.

Indications for use

Fenistil is indicated for the treatment of herpes caused by herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 and Varicella zoster, localized in the lips.

Treatment with penciclovir should be started in the early stages of the development of the disease, when swelling and itching have just appeared. This will help prevent the appearance of blisters and other rashes on the skin. The sooner you start treatment of herpes, the higher the effectiveness of drugs, and the effect of recovery comes faster.

Important! It is necessary to observe hygiene rules for herpes. Before and after applying the ointment, it is imperative to disinfect your hands (either wash with soap or purchase a special hand antiseptic) to prevent the spread of infection to healthy skin.

Restrictions and contraindications

The drug is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, as well as in persons who are hypersensitive to the main component of the drug - penciclovir.

During pregnancy, the drug can be used only in case of emergency, when the expected effect of recovery is higher than the risk of exposure to the fetus.
During breastfeeding, the use of the drug is not recommended. It can be used only under the strict supervision of a physician.

Permissibility of use for herpes in children

The product should not be used by children under 12 years of age. When conducting clinical trials in this age group, a placebo effect was detected.

When a herpes infection occurs in children over 12 years old, Fenistil ointment can be used for treatment. The ointment must be applied in a thin layer on the affected skin. The procedure should be repeated every 2 hours. The course of therapy is 4 days.

With constant use of the drug in adolescents, itching, redness, burning and pain begin to disappear. There is an improvement in the general condition of the child, and the skin begins to take on a healthy appearance.

Possible unwanted effects

Side effects of the drug include:

  • burning;
  • redness;
  • tingling / numbness in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bapplication of the drug.

Advantages of Fenistil compared to other antiviral drugs

  1. Quick positive effect. The active substance exerts its effect immediately after application to the affected areas of the body.
  2. The duration of therapy is 4 days, unlike another drug - Acyclovir, the course of which is 7-10 days.
  3. High level of efficiency. The main substance has a more powerful antiviral effect compared to Acyclovir.
  4. The minimum level of contraindications and side effects. There are very few contraindications for taking the drug. In rare cases, hypersensitivity to the drug occurs, and even less often - unwanted allergic reactions.
  5. Easy and convenient application. The ointment is sold in convenient metal tubes and there are applicators and a mirror in the box, with which you can apply the product to the affected areas.
  6. Cosmetic / masking effect. Due to its composition and the presence of a tonic effect, the ointment helps to hide defective inflamed areas of herpes.

There is only one drawback: the high cost, unlike Acyclovir, varies from 300 to 500 rubles.

The drug is dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. To eliminate the symptoms of the herpes virus, it is worth going through a full course of therapy, which is 4-5 days. If after application within the first two days the signs of herpes disappear, the course of treatment should not be stopped, as the symptoms may return.

The product must be applied every 2 hours for 4-5 days on the skin in the area of ​​the lips and mouth.
Do not use the ointment on the mucous membranes of the oral or nasal cavity, as well as around the eyes and in the area of ​​​​the organs of the reproductive system.

If the condition worsens or there is no positive effect, you should consult a doctor to prescribe an effective drug treatment.