Eye swelling treatment. Swollen eyes again - what treatment to apply

If you find in the morning that your eyes are swollen, do not immediately panic. First of all, it is necessary to find out the cause of such an ailment, which causes a lot of inconvenience. It is advisable to seek help from a medical institution. The doctor will find out why the swollen eyes, after a thorough examination, will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment. Self-treatment can lead to unwanted complications, because swelling of the eyelids can be a sign of a serious illness.

Causes of swollen eyelids

If in the morning you find swelling of the upper eyelid, the reasons may be different. Often swelling indicates an allergic reaction of the body to:

  • animal hair;
  • Food;
  • a bite of an insect;
  • flowering plant.

A tumor under the eye can appear due to high blood pressure, because in this area there are many blood vessels that expand from high pressure.

If the pressure is brought back to normal, then the tumor disappears over time by itself.

If the upper eyelid is swollen and reddened, then an infection may be the cause, and barley will soon appear on the upper eyelid. In this case, the patient feels that the eye is swollen and sore, and the skin in this place turns red. You can not touch your eyes with your hands and try to squeeze out the barley yourself. Swelling of the upper or lower eyelid can also be observed with an infectious disease such as conjunctivitis. In this case, the patient, in addition to swelling, has profuse lacrimation and pus. Often small children suffer from this disease, in the morning it is difficult for them to open their eyes due to pus accumulated on the eyelashes during the night.

Why do the upper and lower eyelids swell in the morning? Perhaps in the evening the patient drank alcoholic beverages or ate a lot of salted fish, washed down with a large amount of beer or water. It is often asked why the eyelids swell in the morning for those patients who suffer from diseases of the organs:

  1. kidneys;
  2. a heart.

In this case, failures occur in the work of the urinary system and the cardiovascular system, which must be urgently eliminated.

Sometimes swelling of the upper or lower eyelid appears due to the ingress of a foreign body into the eye, such as sand or dust particles. It is firmly attached to the eyelid, causing inflammation and swelling. At the same time, a person experiences obvious discomfort, his eyes are watery and it is felt that something is interfering under the eyelid.

Many women are interested in why the eyelids over the eyes swell in the morning? The reason may be a hormonal failure in the body, for example, during pregnancy or menopause. Often, swelling under the eyes also occurs from the fact that a woman cried at night, did not sleep well, or sat at a computer for a long time.

Edema of the eyelid can also appear due to a disease such as phlegmon.

Puffiness in this inflammatory process is quite dense, painful and hot. The disease is very dangerous, if you do not start treating it on time, then pus can spread to the brain tissue.

If the malaise is caused by salty food eaten the day before or alcohol consumed, then how to remove the swelling under the eye? In this case, tea bags will help - they are brewed, slightly squeezed and applied to the eyes as a compress. Light patting with your fingertips on the eyelids helps, but in this case it is not recommended to apply ice.

If there are swelling above the eyes due to an allergic reaction, then you can take an antihistamine pill:

  • Loratodin.
  • Suprastin.
  • Claritin.

Women with very sensitive eyes should pay special attention to cosmetics so that swelling of the upper eyelid or lower eyelid does not appear. The instructions for the cosmetic must necessarily indicate that it is hypoallergenic.

After an insect bite, swollen eyes, what to do? To remove puffiness, you can immediately apply a piece of ice or something cold. Then you can take an antihistamine and smear the bite with an anti-allergic ointment. Zinc-containing ointment is used to prevent bacteria from entering the wound and for its speedy healing.

What to do if the upper eyelid is swollen in one eye? When barley appears in this place in a couple of days, you can try to get rid of it yourself. First of all, you need to wait for the barley to ripen, you can’t touch it with your hands or crush it, you can only gently cauterize it with medical alcohol and warm it with dry heat so that the bag is quickly freed from pus.

How to remove swelling from the upper eyelid? You can heat an ordinary spoon and apply it to the eyelid, as long as it is not very hot. After all the pus comes out, the wound can be treated with chloramphenicol or tetracycline ointment and Albucid drops.

If the eyelids could swell due to conjunctivitis, then you should definitely seek help from a doctor, he will prescribe the necessary medications. As an addition, you can use a decoction of chamomile or calendula to wash your eyes, which has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

What to do if the eyelid above the eye is swollen due to a foreign body? Rinse the eye well with running water and use anti-inflammatory eye drops. If after this the foreign body does not come out on its own, and the eye continues to bother, you should seek help from a doctor.

If phlegmon is suspected, it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible in order to avoid complications. It is also necessary to visit a doctor if blood pressure often rises, and in the mornings we observe how the eyelid under the eye is swollen. In addition to medicines prescribed by a doctor, infusions of hawthorn or wild rose help well.

It is useful to drink regular tea with the addition of lemon.

Sometimes, if the lower eyelid is swollen, the reason for which it could swell may be the proliferation of adipose tissue under the skin in this place in excess. It will not be possible to cope with such a problem on your own - such a defect can only be removed surgically.

Folk methods of treatment

When a tumor under the eye is found in the morning, the causes of which are not known, then you need to consult a doctor, and if it is barley, then you can prepare a healing decoction and use it as lotions. It will take 1 tbsp. l. dried calendula flowers, which are poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted under the lid for about half an hour. Cotton swabs are moistened in a decoction and applied to the eyelid, the procedure is repeated several times a day until the barley disappears completely.

You can also prepare a healing infusion of aloe. A clean leaf is crushed into a glass jar, poured into a glass of cold water and left to infuse for about 12 hours. Ready infusion is used for eye lotions. You can also use fresh aloe juice if you dilute it with water 1:10.

Swollen eyelids can be washed with a decoction of chamomile if the cause is conjunctivitis.

A spoonful of flowers is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for about 3 hours. Using a cotton swab dipped in the prepared broth, gently rinse each eye. The procedure must be done at least 6 times a day for a week. A new swab should be taken for each eye.

It is good to rinse swollen eyes with an infusion of linden flowers or mint leaves. Of these, in the evenings, you can also make lotions - for 15 minutes. Any folk recipes must be agreed with your doctor in order to prevent complications.

In the event that there are no serious diseases that can cause swelling of the eyelids, it is necessary to follow simple rules so that you do not try to remove the tumor in the morning: get enough sleep so that dark circles do not add to the puffy eyelids. Do not consume a lot of alcoholic beverages or salty foods at night. Women should use only high-quality cosmetics that will not cause irritation and allergic reactions.

If it is swollen under the eye or above the eye, you should not independently choose eye drops and use them. They may be contraindicated in your particular case. It is recommended to visit a doctor, undergo a complete examination and receive the necessary treatment.

Finding out that the eyelid is swollen above the eye or under the eye, or even the eye completely - causes panic and fear for health.

Some rush for medical help, others resort to lotions from tea.

What are the reasons for this state of affairs? How dangerous can it be?

What are the symptoms and what to do to remove the tumor and prevent its occurrence?

Why do eyes swell

Puffiness under the eyes is not uncommon, especially in the morning. Therefore, it does not cause panic, but only upsets a little. But the swelling, accompanied by painful sensations, redness - disturb in earnest! What could it be?

If the eyes swell, the reasons may be as follows:

  1. Cold. It doesn’t sound like space, but it is the cold that often manifests itself as swelling of the eyes. this is due to increased lacrimation and swelling of the sinuses, nasopharynx. As a result, the eyes may swell only at the bottom or completely.
  2. Allergy. As a rule, during the period of active flowering of a number of plants, people prone to allergies can observe puffiness around the eyes. Most often, after a compress and taking an antihistamine, such swelling goes away. But there are also complications. For example, angioedema may develop. Due to food allergies (citrus fruits, fish and seafood, etc.), angioedema of the eyelids develops. Also, the eyes can swell after using low-quality cosmetics or cosmetics containing a large number of allergens.
  3. The presence of an inflammatory process. Any eye disease that occurs with inflammation provokes swelling under the eye. It can be conjunctivitis, dacryoadenitis, meibomitis (barley). In addition, inflammatory swelling of the eyelids is a reaction to insect bites, especially midges, bees and wasps.
  4. Violation of water metabolism in the body and circulation of important body fluids. This occurs due to diseases of internal organs and systems. Most often, these are diseases of the heart and kidneys.
  5. Hormonal disbalance. Violation of endocrine functions, diseases of the endocrine system - all this causes the body to retain moisture, which is immediately reflected in the eyes.
  6. Heredity. If there is a tendency to bags under the eyes, "inherited" from relatives, the eyes can often swell and swell.
  7. Pharmacological preparations, especially antibiotics. Taking some of these medications can make it difficult for fluid to drain, causing it to accumulate under the skin.
  8. Dehydration. As a rule, it occurs due to non-compliance with the drinking regime, insufficient drinking and abuse of salty and flour foods. Also, this is true after a hangover, when the body tries to replenish the lost fluid.
  9. Tears. People with sensitive and thin skin, after prolonged crying, may find swelling and swelling of the eyes.

Symptoms of puffy eye syndrome

Quite often, the symptoms of swollen eyes appear gradually. Depending on the complexity of the cause of this manifestation, the following changes occur:

  • Eyes gradually swell and usually both at once;
  • There may be a "water bag" under the eyes, the upper eyelids also "swell" a little;
  • Redness and itching may appear, sometimes pain is felt during blinking;
  • Dark circles appear under the eyes.

And if the eyelid above the eye is swollen?

In addition to all the listed causes of eye swelling, there is also such a reason as benign and non-benign tumors, and all kinds of cysts.

In medical practice, such benign tumors are distinguished:

  • molluscum contagiosum
  • Hemangiomas
  • Xanthelasmas

Molluscum contagiosum - usually formed in children. This is a viral infection that affects the upper eyelids. Manifested by desquamation of the skin of the upper eyelids and swelling.

Outwardly, this formation resembles "pearls". The infection usually clears up on its own. In some cases, these formations are squeezed out or cauterized.

Such formations include warts and papillomas.

Hemangiomas are also more often a children's problem and it occurs in babies of the first three to six months of life. They are flat formations of red color. As a rule, they are harmless and disappear by themselves by the age of five. In rare cases, hemangiomas can be too large and interfere with vision. In this case, you need to see a doctor.

Xanthelasmas are formations that are accumulations of lipids in the medial part of the eyelids of both eyes. At the same time, the eyelids are slightly raised above the eyes and acquire a yellow color. In this case, why the eyes swell, doctors explain the increase in the amount of lipids in the blood plasma. They are treated by cutting off the formations.

Malignant tumors of the eyes

The most common cancer that poses a threat to health is Basal cell carcinoma. If you are over 60 years old and you have swelling under the eye, redness is observed, vision is reduced, it is worth visiting an ophthalmologist in order to diagnose this formation in a timely manner.

Such a tumor, unlike most benign formations, will not “resolve” itself. She needs complex and lengthy treatment.

Cysts on the eyelids:

  • Moll's cysts
  • Zeiss cysts
  • meibomian cysts

Moll cysts are dense formations that affect the edges of the anterior eyelids. They are colorless and contain a clear liquid.

Zeiss cysts - similar to Moll's cysts, only they contain an opaque fluid.

Both types of cysts are removed by aspiration of their contents.

Meibomian cysts are external and internal barley. We wrote about barley in more detail earlier.

All of these cysts are fatty and result from clogged follicles.

Whatever the reason, a visit to the doctor and a complete diagnosis of the body are necessary. Indeed, the skin of the eyes, eyelids is a kind of “indicator” of the state of health of the body.

How to remove a tumor from the eyes and if the eyes are swollen what to do

Since there are many reasons why the eyes swell and the eyelids swell, their origin is different, there are different ways to treat this unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous phenomenon.

How to remove swelling from the eyes

First of all, it is necessary to determine the etiology of the tumor - benign, malignant, cyst, or is it a symptom of the disease, and so on. This can only be done by a specialist using special equipment.

After that, treatment is prescribed, including immunomodulatory therapy.

At home, the following proven remedies will help to quickly remove redness and swelling:

  • Soda, from which the solution is prepared (a tablespoon of soda in a glass of warm boiled water), used for compresses. In addition to the fact that the soda compress will reduce swelling, it will also disinfect the eyelids. Therefore, such a compress is indicated if it is swollen under the eye or the entire eye is swollen due to an infectious disease.
  • Tea brewing is the simplest and very popular way to effectively relieve swelling and dark circles, fatigue and eye strain.
  • Eyebright infusion, which we have already written about, has a wide range of effects on eye problems.

In addition to these compresses, it is necessary to use pharmacological preparations prescribed by a doctor, observe personal hygiene and monitor nutrition.

If your eyes are swollen, what should you do?

Edema, which is not painful in origin, is easily eliminated by lifestyle changes. All it takes is:

  1. Observe the drinking regime (drink any liquid half an hour before meals and one hour after meals; in addition to drinks, drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water without gas)
  2. Control the amount of salty food, try to eat less salty food
  3. Control the amount of flour foods
  4. Control blood pressure and sugar levels in the body
  5. Rationalize the daily routine, try not to strain your eyes
  6. Ensure quality and restful sleep
  7. Use only ophthalmologist-tested eye cosmetics, remove eye make-up every evening
  8. In the daytime, all year round, apply one hour before going out, product with filters from solar radiation
  9. Make time for morning or evening compresses of fresh potatoes or cucumbers. It perfectly tones, smoothes wrinkles and eliminates swelling, swelling and dark circles under the eyes.

Thus, eliminating and preventing swelling, eye tumors is accessible to everyone and very simple.

Swelling of the upper eyelid is a common phenomenon that can occur as a result of exposure to external or internal negative factors. It can be the only symptom or be accompanied by additional signs, occur in one eye or both at the same time. First of all, a swollen eyelid is a serious aesthetic defect, but do not forget that it can serve as a signal of serious problems in the body. What causes swelling of the upper eyelid of one eye and how to get rid of the problem?

Why does the upper eyelid swell?

The tendency of the eyelids to develop edema is due to their anatomical structure - they consist of loose tissue(mainly subcutaneous fat) and a large number of blood vessels. If too much fluid accumulates in the eyelids, swelling occurs quickly enough and can last for several days. The upper part of the eye increases in size, as a result of which the incision of the eyes narrows, the skin acquires a red or bluish tint, as well as an unhealthy shine, the tissues become dense to the touch.

Depending on the causes that caused the pathology, swelling of the upper eyelid can be inflammatory, non-inflammatory, allergic or traumatic. In each case, it may be accompanied by additional symptoms (itching, pain, fever of the skin, general symptoms) and requires appropriate treatment.

Attention: swelling of the tissues must be distinguished from a violation called, or drooping of the upper eyelid - in the second case, the eyelid does not increase in size and does not turn red, but descends, covering part of the eyeball.

Edema of an inflammatory nature

Edema of one upper eyelid most often occurs with eye diseases, less often with SARS, sinusitis, sinusitis and other diseases accompanied by an inflammatory process in the sinuses. Distinctive signs of such conditions are itching, tingling and burning sensation, tearing, photophobia. Most often, the eyelid swells with barley, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, dacryocystitis, abscesses, phlegmon and erysipelas.

Table. Diseases in which the eyelid swells.

DiseaseCauses and features of the course

The disease develops due to the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms (most often Staphylococcus aureus) on the surface of the eye, which causes inflammation of the hair follicle of the eyelashes. In the lesion, swelling with purulent contents occurs, the eyelid turns red, swells and hurts when pressed.

Inflammatory processes in conjunctivitis develop in the mucous membrane of the eye and are accompanied by redness of the eyeball, sensation of a foreign body and sand in the eye, photophobia, secretion of a clear secret or pus.

The cause of the disease is inflammation of the lacrimal sac, which prevents the normal outflow of fluid. Symptoms include redness, pain, and swelling closer to the inner edge of the eye.

Severe pathology of a chronic nature, resulting from the inflammatory process of the edges of the eyelids. Signs include swelling of the eyelid (usually around the edges).

Inflammation of the tissues of the eyelids, which usually develop as a result of a violation of the integrity of the skin and the entry of pathogens into the wound. Accompanied by severe swelling of the eyelid, impaired mobility, pain syndrome, in severe cases - fever, headaches, general weakness.

Edema of the eyelid with inflammation of the sinuses is most often observed in childhood, but can also occur in adults. Patients are concerned about nasal congestion and separation of purulent contents, headache, feeling of heaviness in the sinuses, general weakness, fever and chills. This condition requires immediate medical attention, as it can cause decreased vision and other serious complications.

Non-inflammatory eyelid edema

Edema of the eyelids of a non-inflammatory nature is most often observed in the morning after sleep, is not accompanied by redness, local fever and severe pain. The skin usually does not seem hot, but pale and cool, sometimes with a pronounced vascular network. Reasons for this condition include:

  • systemic diseases (disruption of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, thyroid gland, digestive tract);
  • violation of blood circulation or outflow of lymph;
  • oncological diseases of eye tissues;
  • excessive consumption of salty foods;
  • poor lifestyle, lack of sleep, eye strain;
  • bad habits.

In some cases, non-inflammatory eyelid swelling resolves on its own after normal rest and lifestyle changes. If they appear with a certain regularity, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and establish the cause of the swelling.

Allergic edema

Edema of allergic origin most often occurs suddenly and is often accompanied by itching, redness and discomfort. Additional symptoms may include nasal congestion, skin rash, tearing. Allergies are caused by food products, hygiene products, household chemicals, cosmetics, as well as plant pollen, animal dander and insect bites.

There are two types of allergic edema of the eyelids - allergic dermatitis and angioedema. With dermatitis, swelling is not too pronounced, but is always accompanied by redness and itching. Quincke's edema, on the contrary, is quite extensive (sometimes a person cannot even open his eyes), and there are no additional symptoms, but they are the most dangerous for the patient, since they can go to the respiratory organs.

Traumatic edema

The tissues of the eyelids are very delicate and thin, so any injury can cause bleeding and swelling. As a rule, this situation does not require medical intervention - you just need to observe eye hygiene and make sure that no infection gets into the wound. In women, eyelid edema is often observed after a tattoo procedure, which involves driving pigment under the skin of the eyelids. If the procedure was carried out correctly, the puffiness will subside within a day, but an excessively deep introduction of the pigment or its poor quality can cause allergies and inflammation.

For reference: in rare cases, swelling is the result of the anatomical structure of the eyes - if the membrane between the skin and the fat layer is too thin, any negative impact can cause swelling.

Swelling of the upper eyelid in a child

Edema of the eyelids in childhood is most often caused by a genetic predisposition, allergic reactions or infectious eye diseases (children often have a habit of rubbing their eyes with dirty hands). Allergies and infections require appropriate treatment, and in case of edema caused by hereditary factors, parents are advised to monitor the child's drinking regimen and adherence to the daily regimen, as well as reduce the amount of salt in his diet. In any case, if this symptom appears, you should consult your doctor.


There can be many reasons for the swelling of the upper eyelid, so the collection of anamnesis and the presence of additional symptoms play an important role in making a diagnosis. Diagnosis of ophthalmic diseases, as a rule, does not cause difficulties for specialists, but non-inflammatory edema may require additional examinations and consultations of narrow specialists (cardiologist, nephrologist, endocrinologist, etc.).

What can not be done with swelling of the eyelids?

In order not to aggravate the situation, with swelling of the upper eyelid, the following manipulations should not be performed:

  • warm the affected area;
  • independently open abscesses, if they are on the skin;
  • lubricate the eyelid with concentrated alcohol solutions, as they can cause irritation or burns.

Besides, It is not recommended to take antibiotics on your own, regardless of the form of release of the drug.- Misuse of oral or topical preparations can seriously harm the patient.

Eyelid swelling treatment

The therapy that is used for eyelid edema depends on the cause of the development of the pathology - conservative therapy, cosmetic and folk remedies are most often used to eliminate edema and their causes.

Conservative therapy

In infectious processes, patients are prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics and antiviral agents in the form of tablets, drops and ointments. In the case of allergic edema, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs containing synthetic steroid hormones are used, which eliminate not only swelling, but also itching, redness and discomfort. In addition, with edema of allergic origin, it is important to determine the factor that led to an undesirable reaction of the body, and, if possible, eliminate it. Non-inflammatory edema can often be eliminated with proper sleep, reduced fluid and salt intake, and the abandonment of bad habits. If the swelling persists, you should consult a doctor and check the function of the kidneys, the work of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.


If eyelid edema is an exclusively cosmetic problem, you can use special ointments, creams and masks to relieve puffiness. A good effect is given by physiotherapy procedures - electrical stimulation, mesotherapy, various types of massage (manual, vacuum, roller), which have a beneficial effect on tissues, remove excess fluid and stimulate lymph outflow, which helps to reduce swelling.

For reference: massage, which improves the condition of the eyelids with swelling, can also be performed at home - you need to gently massage the skin of the upper eyelid with light pressure for 1-2 minutes, and finish the procedure with light taps.

In extreme cases, usually during the formation of the so-called blepharochalasis(a crease in the outer part of the eyelid that hangs over the eye), they resort to a plastic surgery called blepharoplasty.

Folk remedies

Folk recipes for combating eyelid edema involve the use of anti-inflammatory and diuretic agents that draw out excess fluid, improve blood circulation and lymph outflow.

As a quick remedy, you can apply pieces of ice, slices of fresh cucumber, raw potatoes, or even cold spoons to your eyes, after putting them in the freezer for 10 minutes.

Important: diuretics, which are used to combat eyelid edema, have a number of contraindications - they are forbidden to be taken with urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

To prevent swelling of the eyelids, you should lead a proper lifestyle, stop smoking and alcoholic beverages, do not abuse salty, spicy and pickled foods, especially at night. Women should be careful about the choice of decorative cosmetics and be sure to wash off makeup before going to bed. In addition, it is important to protect the eyes from the negative effects of external factors (ultraviolet radiation, mechanical damage), treat infectious diseases in time, monitor the functioning of the kidneys and the cardiovascular system.

Swelling of the upper eyelid of one eye can be a common cosmetic problem, but in some cases it indicates the development of serious diseases, so you should consult your doctor if this symptom occurs.

Video - Ptosis of the upper eyelid

The human eye is a very sensitive organ that reacts almost instantly to any stimuli. Allergies, trauma, exposure to chemicals, cosmetics, medications, and even plain water can all cause redness, irritation, and swelling of the eye. If your eyes are suddenly swollen, you may have contracted a viral or bacterial infection. And also swelling of the eyes may indicate dysfunction of the kidneys, liver, heart or blood vessels, thyroid gland.

Obviously, swelling of the eye can be both a temporary phenomenon caused by external factors and a symptom of a serious illness. Of course, you can make a cold compress and remove tumors. But in this way the problem will not be solved until its cause is established.

The main causes of edema in adults and children

If the eye turns red, watery and swollen, it means that something has gone wrong in the body, and it signals this with swelling and tearing. This phenomenon is observed in adults and children, men and women. The reasons can be both physiological and pathological. For example, if you woke up in the morning with puffy eyes, it could be the slice of herring you had for dinner. But the swelling under the eye, which occurred in the late afternoon, is most likely a sign of allergies or kidney problems. It is the reasons that determine the way to eliminate puffiness around the eyes, consider the most common of them in adult patients and in young children.

An addiction to salty, spicy, fatty snacks leads not only to swelling under the eyes: an unbalanced diet threatens with excess weight and metabolic disorders throughout the body

Why do eyes swell in adults

  • Sleep deprivation or too much sleep. Incorrect, unstable sleep patterns are a common cause of puffy eyes in the morning. An adult should go to bed no later than 23.00 and sleep continuously for at least 7 hours. Then the eyes will not swim, and the general well-being will improve much.
  • Abuse of salty foods, especially at bedtime. Salt retains fluid in the body and causes thirst. The subcutaneous tissue in the eye area absorbs moisture like a sponge, therefore, if a person ate salty and then drank several glasses of water at the request of the body, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the eyes are swollen in the morning, no.
  • Alcohol. Alcohol, among others, also has the ability to retain moisture. At first it acts as a diuretic, but then completely the opposite. If a person drinks only occasionally, swelling of the eyes is temporary and goes away by itself as the alcohol is removed from the body. If you drink alcohol regularly in large quantities, swelling will become permanent.
  • Overexertion, eye fatigue. The computer and other modern gadgets are another common reason that adults have severely swollen eyes. At the same time, the mucous membrane of the organs of vision may turn red, irritated, dry out, and vision itself may deteriorate. Therefore, if at work you spend more than three hours at a computer monitor, it is better to relax and have fun at home in other ways, but not by playing computer games or watching movies.
  • Hormonal changes. This factor applies mainly to women. Menstruation, pregnancy, menopause change the hormonal background in the female body, which is manifested by a number of characteristic symptoms. Tumors above or below the eyes are one of them.
  • Allergic reactions. If the organs of vision are swollen suddenly and very strongly, reddened, watery and itchy, the causes may be irritation from decorative cosmetics, hygiene products, household chemicals, chlorinated water. Intolerance to certain foods and medicines can also cause swelling of the eyelids and redness of the conjunctiva.
  • Medicines. In addition to topical ophthalmic preparations, eye tumors can be caused by antibiotics prescribed for infectious diseases of internal organs, antihypertensive drugs, and drugs for the treatment of the heart.
  • Crying and stress. During crying, a large amount of lacrimal fluid is released, which irritates the mucous membranes and eyelids. It does not matter what caused the tears - resentment, anger, positive emotions or chopping onions. But if the cause of crying was negative stress, headaches, insomnia, lethargy and apathy can be added to the swelling of the eyes.
  • Injuries. If a person fell, hit or fought, there is nothing strange in the fact that the eye swollen. In this case, swelling after the impact is the least that should bother the victim. Much more dangerous than damage to eye structures that can lead to visual impairment, concussion, fractures of the periosteum of the eye. Therefore, even with minor, at first glance, hematomas around the eye, you should definitely contact a traumatologist and undergo an examination to exclude possible complications.
  • Ophthalmic diseases. The eye is swollen and sore, reddened, began to water, purulent discharge accumulates in the corners - all these are typical complaints of patients with conjunctivitis, blepharitis, dacryocystitis, meibomitis and a number of other inflammatory diseases of the organs of vision. Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory drugs will help get rid of swelling of the face, but only a doctor can prescribe them after an examination and an accurate diagnosis.

Tears caused by grief, joy, watching a touching movie or chopping onions also cause severe redness and swelling of the eyes.

Remember! If a person has constantly swollen eyes for no apparent reason, you should definitely consult a family doctor and do an ultrasound scan of the kidneys, heart, and respiratory organs. Heart and kidney failure, heart attack, stroke, arrhythmia, angina pectoris, hypertension - all these diseases are often accompanied by the formation of bags under the eyes and a general puffiness of the face.

Why do children's eyes swell

All adequate parents begin to worry if the child’s eye is swollen, especially if the baby is not yet a year old, and he himself cannot explain what is bothering him. In principle, the causes of swelling of the organs of vision in children are mostly the same as in adults. But some of them are more common than others.

Dacryocystitis is an inflammation caused by blockage of the lacrimal duct, predominantly in infants, always accompanied by severe swelling of the eyelid.

These include:

  • Dacryocystitis. This disease usually develops in infants in the first months of life with blockage of the lacrimal canal. As a result, the tear fluid does not receive an outflow, accumulates in the eye structures, provokes an inflammatory process and swelling. At the same time, purulent discharge appears in the corners of the eyes, body temperature may rise, the child himself is capricious, whiny, restless.
  • Abscess or phlegmon of the eye. Often this complication of untreated dacryocystitis is manifested, in addition to swelling of the child's eye, by a strong increase in body temperature, pain, copious purulent discharge, visual impairment, limited mobility of the eyeball, and a change in the shape of the eye.
  • Injuries. Children of preschool and school age are very mobile and active, they can collide while playing or playing sports, fall, hit a hard object or fight. By itself, a hematoma in the eye area is not terrible, although it can look frightening. In a few days everything will pass. But parents should make sure that, apart from the black eye, the child has no other head injuries.
  • Kidney dysfunction. Sand and kidney stones, pyelonephritis, severe intoxication lead to swelling of the eye, redness and itching of the eyelids, often with exacerbation of kidney failure, body temperature rises, and limbs also swell. Usually the left or right eye swells noticeably in the morning if the child slept on one side.
  • Insect bites. An external defect can occur after contact with mosquitoes, flies, bees, wasps, bedbugs. In this case, the bite site may not even be on the face. It is important to find it, if necessary, remove the sting, and consult a doctor as soon as possible: insects can be carriers of various dangerous infections.

As in adults, swelling of the organs of vision in children can also indicate the development of ophthalmic diseases: conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis, etc.

If a child has been bitten by an insect on the face, it is necessary to remove the sting (if any) and consult a doctor as soon as possible: wasps, bees, mosquitoes, ticks can be carriers of serious infections, in addition, insect venom often causes severe allergic reactions in children

What other symptoms to look out for

You can determine the cause of swollen eyes by the accompanying symptoms:

  • itching, burning, redness of the eyelids, watery eyes usually accompany an allergy;
  • if purulent discharge, pain, decreased visual acuity join the symptoms listed above, ophthalmic diseases are suspected;
  • bruises and hematomas occur with swelling of the eyes after a blow or injury, also in this case, pinpoint or extensive hemorrhages on the eyeball, numbness of the skin around the eyes, pain, dizziness, double vision may disturb;
  • swelling of the eyes without redness, itching, pain syndrome usually accompanies diseases of the heart, blood vessels and kidneys.

Attention! Puffiness can be caused by several factors at once, for example, severe allergies often turn into conjunctivitis. And blepharitis can easily develop on the background of renal failure. Therefore, it is important not to engage in self-diagnosis, but to consult a doctor if an unpleasant symptom worries more and more often and does not go away on its own.

If the cause of the eye tumor is trauma, then a hematoma is necessarily formed at the site of impact with a change in the color of the skin, their thickening, soreness, hemorrhages under the skin and on the eyeball

How to deal with the problem

If you notice that your eyes are often swollen, it makes sense to first check and rule out physiological factors. Try to get enough sleep at night, on weekends try to relax in the fresh air, and not at home on the couch. Refuse alcohol, do not eat salty, spicy, fried and fatty foods for dinner, and even stop drinking water an hour before bedtime. If all these measures did not help and the eyes still remain swollen, or symptoms such as itching, burning, discharge, headaches occur, it's time to see a doctor.

To solve the problem, an ophthalmologist can connect, if necessary, an allergist, an infectious disease specialist, a cardiologist, an endocrinologist, a neuropathologist. You will also need to undergo a series of diagnostic tests. After receiving the results, the doctor will determine how best to deal with swelling on the face. Systemic drugs are usually prescribed to treat the underlying disease and topical drugs to eliminate annoying symptoms. Usually these are ointments, drops, gels, which are used for washing the eyes, instillation, lubrication, preparation of compresses and lotions.

Eye drops to eliminate swelling around the eyes are selected depending on the cause of the symptom: with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-allergic or vasoconstrictive action

Decongestant drops and ointments for the eyes of local action

Edema is effectively removed by ophthalmic preparations of various groups: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, soothing, anti-allergic and homeopathic moisturizers. Appointments are made by a doctor depending on the diagnosis. The following drugs are most popular:

  • Sulfacyl. It is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, active against almost all known pathogenic microorganisms. As soon as the multiplication of bacteria is stopped, puffiness will also go away. The course of treatment lasts from 3 to 7 days.
  • Allergodil. They are prescribed for allergies caused by external or internal irritants. After the first instillation, the drops relieve swelling of the eyes, redness, tearing and itching. They can be used for a long time, which is important for patients suffering from seasonal allergies.
  • Taufon. The main action of these eye drops is vasoconstrictor. They quickly relieve redness, eliminate dry eyes, irritation and swelling, can be used several times a day for a long time.

Ointments usually contain an antibacterial or hormonal component and are prescribed in addition to drops for advanced ophthalmic infections. Tetracycline, Erythromycin, Hydrocortisone or Levomecithin ointments are prescribed.

Topical ointments with a hormonal component are prescribed only by a doctor for severe inflammation or allergies

Folk remedies for puffy eyes

If the causes of edema are not pathological, then you can try to cope with them at home with the help of folk remedies. What helps to quickly remove swelling:

  • Juice or gruel of parsley. Fresh greens are washed, chopped, then you can act in two ways: squeeze the juice out of the slurry and lubricate the bags under the eyes, or put the slurry on gauze and apply to the eyes for 10 minutes. Aloe juice can be used in the same way.
  • Cottage cheese. Fresh cottage cheese of medium fat content is rubbed and applied in an even layer to the area around the eyes. To enhance the effect, cream, milk, methane, honey are added to the curd. After a quarter of an hour, the mask is removed with a cotton swab and the face is washed with cool water.
  • Raw potatoes. One root crop is washed, peeled, rubbed on a fine grater. The resulting slurry is mixed with a spoonful of sour cream or yogurt, or with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, mint, spread the mixture on cheesecloth and apply to edema for a quarter of an hour.

Simple products from the refrigerator and pantry can also help deal with puffiness on the face in an emergency.

If you make such masks and compresses for a week, puffiness will noticeably decrease. It is important to gently cleanse the skin with a gentle agent before performing the procedures, and after a mask or compress, lubricate with a fat, nourishing cream.

Useful advice: in the absence of inflammation and bacterial infection, massage will help speed up the elimination of edema. It is carried out using hypoallergenic massage oil or any other that is well tolerated by the patient: almond, coconut, orange, calendula or rosemary oil. Massaging is performed very carefully so as not to stretch the thin skin around the eyes, only with fingertips. The pressure should be minimal, vibrating and patting movements alternate. The duration of a massage session is no more than 10 minutes.

How to treat swelling after a stroke

Here's what you can do if your eyes are swollen after a hit or fall, and the doctor and pharmacy are not available:

  • In the first hours after the injury, apply cold. It can be ice wrapped in a napkin, a towel soaked in cold water, snow, any product from the freezer. Cold is applied for five minutes, then a break is made for ten minutes and cold is applied again. The procedure is repeated for two to three hours. If you are not too lazy to do this, the likelihood of hematoma and bruising will decrease significantly.
  • After applying ice, apply a gel or ointment to the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face that stimulates blood circulation, relieves pain and inflammation. You can use Bruise-off, Rescuer, Troxevasin, Heparin ointment.
  • On the second day after the injury, make a warm compress using herbal decoctions - chamomile, calendula, mint. Compresses are done up to five times a day. At night, decongestant ointment is applied again.

Summary: Eye puffiness is caused by a number of different factors, regardless of the cause, such a symptom should not be ignored. There are many methods of dealing with swelling and swelling, if you correctly diagnose and act consistently, you can get rid of a cosmetic defect in a few days. If the cause is a serious systemic disease, then the sooner treatment begins, the greater the chances of a full recovery without consequences and complications.

It happens that everything is fine with the appearance before going to bed, but when a person wakes up in the morning, he finds that his eye is swollen. Most people immediately panic and look for a remedy to eliminate puffiness.

There is no need to make terrible diagnoses on your own, it can mostly swell under the influence of simple reasons, this edema is easily stopped. But you should not treat the problem negligently, since swollen eyes can be a symptom of problems in the body.

All the reasons when the eyes are swollen can be classified: external and internal. External are:

  • chronic sleep deprivation, it can also be a constant too long sleep for more than 10 hours;
  • many hours of sitting at the monitor, in connection with this, the degree of load on the visual organs increases;
  • frequent stress and depression, emotional exhaustion;
  • late eating can also cause inflammation of the periocular tissues;
  • abuse of alcohol, salty foods and even plain water before bed.

There are some other reasons that more often lead to edema in adults or in children. It can swell under one eye or immediately under both. If the eyes are swollen in an adult, this is most often caused by the following reasons:

  • Improper care of the eyelids and face, the use of expired or low-quality cosmetics with aggressive chemical components.
  • Sequelae of ophthalmic diseases.
  • Violations in the work of the kidneys, heart, bladder.
  • Pregnancy, as the fluid begins to linger in the body due to a violation of the water-salt balance.
  • Menstruation. At this time, the hormonal balance in the body of women is disturbed, fluid stagnation of varying degrees may occur. But by lunchtime, such swelling subsides.
  • Taking certain medications - vasoconstrictor, diuretic, antihistamine group, as well as antibiotics.
  • Prolonged crying at night. In addition to swollen eyes after sleep, in such a situation, headache, drowsiness, and depression may occur.
  • Wearing contact lenses. They need to be removed before going to bed, otherwise there will be swelling due to irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes.
  • Allergic reactions - to cosmetics, pollen, dust, wool, drops or lenses, swelling affects the eyelid both from below and from above.
  • Eye diseases - herpes with an inflammatory process on the cornea, conjunctivitis, barley, blepharitis, etc.

Now it is necessary to clarify the most common causes of tissue irritation, which can cause the eyelid to swell:

  • Abscess of the lacrimal sac - is manifested by the discharge of pus with tears, pain, redness and swelling of the eyelids, and the local temperature also rises. The disorder develops as a result of the lack of treatment of congenital and acquired dacryocystitis.
  • Injuries. An adult can hit. Then the eyelid swells and a bruise forms under it, and the skin in this place becomes inflamed.
  • Kidney dysfunction. The eyelid will swell with microliths, pyelonephritis, the presence of salts and sand in the kidneys, kidney failure. Pathologies can be accompanied by severe itching of the eyelids, which intensifies after waking up.
  • Phlegmon of the orbit is a severe inflammatory process of the orbital tissue of the mucous membrane of the eyelids with pus. Pathology is accompanied by nausea, blurred vision, headaches, redness, and limitation of eyeball movements. The left or right eye may swell separately.
  • Allergic reaction to the bite of insects - mosquitoes, wasps, bees, flies or bedbugs.


The clinical picture, when swelling appeared under the eye, depends on the cause. If this is an infection, then the eyelids are almost always covered with red spots, itching a lot. When infected with bacteria, barley may appear, then Sulfacyl antibacterial drops can be used as first aid. With allergies, burning, redness and itching also develop. With conjunctivitis or phlegmon, vision deteriorates sharply.

If the cause of the symptoms is trauma, then it is always accompanied by a bruise, usually on the lower eyelid, which is painful to touch. Sometimes there is severe discomfort from swollen eyes, numbness, and local temperature rises in the area of ​​the lesion. Depending on the severity of the injury, itching, profuse lacrimation and loss of eyelashes may appear. The eyeball fills with blood and a veil forms in front of it.

There is always puffiness of the eyes after tears, especially when a person cries before going to bed.

allergic reactions

With allergies on the eyelids and swelling around the eye, the symptoms can be very bright or, conversely, weak. This is affected by the sensitivity of the immune system, as well as the number of allergens that have entered the body.

When it is swollen under the eye on one side or both, the symptoms of an allergic reaction include:

  • lacrimation;
  • inconvenience when trying to move the pupil;
  • itchy redness of the retina;
  • increased sensitivity to light;
  • pain and burning;
  • redness of the eyelids;
  • discharge of pus (not always).

With a mild allergic reaction, a tearful effect is noted under the left or right eye. If the hypersensitivity is strong, the patient hardly opens the eyelids, and the swelling accompanies pain and pain.

When the eyelid swells up, it is dangerous due to a sharp increase in intraocular pressure, deterioration of vision and the risk of its complete loss. Next, we will describe in more detail what to do if the eye swells up, how to provide first aid before visiting a doctor.


The conjunctiva is a thin layer of tissue. Sometimes even if it swells up, it does not appear pronounced, but is always accompanied by discomfort, itching and dryness. Also touching the affected area is painful. With a bacterial form of conjunctivitis, the eye fester, with a viral infection there is no pus, but it passes much more painfully, the swelling under the eye is more pronounced.

Xerophthalmia is a dry eye syndrome. Signs of pathology depend on its severity. Patients complain that the eyes are swollen, the presence of a foreign body sensation, also symptoms include pain and burning, redness of the eyelids, sensitivity to light. When instilled with drops, pain is felt.

Symptoms of the disease are more pronounced in the evening after overexertion or when in a room with insufficient humidity, with prolonged exposure to cold or wind.

With the development of dry eye syndrome, xerotic changes in the connective and cornea occur. In such a situation, you need to visit a doctor who will explain how to remove the tumor from the eyes correctly. Pathology differs in different degrees of severity. With a light flow, the production of tears increases, and with an average one, on the contrary, it decreases. The conjunctiva swells and closes the free edge of the lower eyelid.


Sometimes redness becomes the only sign of damage.

With ulcerative blepharitis, yellowish sores form on the eyelids, then scars. This disrupts the normal growth of eyelashes and provokes their loss. Chronic forms of blepharitis are characterized by redness of the eyelids, pain and itching. Need expert advice on how to remove

What to do if your eyes are swollen

To answer the question of how to remove the tumor from the eye, you should contact a specialist. If the cause of the neoplasms is known, therapy can be carried out at home, but it is better after receiving the recommendations of a doctor who will select the appropriate treatment method.

A frequent question of patients is how to quickly remove swelling. When the eyelid is swollen due to increased pressure, you should drink a rosehip decoction or black tea with lemon. Drinking plenty of still mineral water will stop the tumor when it is caused by a hormonal imbalance.

Elimination of non-pathological edema of the eye is possible on its own. For example, when the cause was drinking alcoholic beverages at night or eating salty foods, the tumor can be eliminated using tea bags as compresses for the eyelids. They can be replaced with slices of fresh cucumber. The same applies to the situation when you had to cry before going to bed.

In the absence of information about the causes of the pathological condition, and the eyelid, in addition to being swollen, hurts, you need to immediately go to the doctor. Sometimes laser correction or surgery is required to restore vision.

First aid

To quickly eliminate the consequences when the eyelids are swollen, you need to know the methods of how to quickly remove puffiness and provide first aid. If a mechanical injury to the eyelid has occurred, a bruise and a bruise have formed under the eye, urgent measures are needed to remove the swelling from the eyes. In case of contact with chemicals, rinse them with running cool water, tilting your head as low as possible so that the water flows out freely. After the foreign substance is completely washed out, the eyelids are covered with a clean napkin. Now you should seek medical help.

The eyes after the impact in the first minutes need a cold compress, keep it for at least 5 minutes. You can take any chilled product from the refrigerator if there is no ice, wrapping it in a cloth or towel and applying it under the eye after hitting it.

If the eyelid swells after being in a draft, then the first aid to remove the swelling is treatment with Tetracycline ointment. When the eyes swell after sleep, traditional medicine methods will come to the rescue - compresses from cucumbers or raw potatoes, rubbing with ice.

If the eyelid swells after an insect bite, you urgently need to drink an antihistamine - Fenistil, Suprastin, Diazolin or another. The bite can be treated with a solution of soda and hydrocortisone ointment.

Eye drops if the eye is swollen

Now on sale there are a large number of eye drops, which differ in composition and principle of action. With a tumor, a remedy is selected in accordance with the cause of the lesion.

  1. Albucid is an antimicrobial drug used to treat conjunctiva even for children.
  2. Floksal - antibacterial drops that are prescribed for conjunctivitis and barley.
  3. Allergodil - used to relieve swelling and itching, with pain due to the development of an allergic reaction.
  4. Oftalmoferon - stops the process of inflammation, destroys pathogenic microbes and relieves pain.

With constant swelling, only an ophthalmologist should select the remedy. Drops also have contraindications, and only a full-fledged treatment based on the results of the examination will help eliminate the problem.

Other medicines for eye tumors

If the eyelid swells, in addition to drops, the doctor may recommend the use of other forms of drugs. Antibacterial agents are available in ointments - they are often prescribed for barley, bacterial conjunctivitis. The course with such means must be completed to the end so that the bacteria do not develop immunity to the medication.

If the cause of the tumor is an allergy, then you need to drink an antihistamine pill as soon as possible - Loratadin, Tavegil, Suprastin, etc. At the same time, it is recommended to make a lotion with soda - dilute a quarter of a teaspoon of soda in 100 ml of water.

How to remove swelling from tears

The eyes are always swollen after prolonged crying. To restore a normal appearance, you can use methods such as removing swelling from the eyes after crying:

  • apply a swab soaked in chamomile decoction, black tea or fresh cucumber juice to the eyelids;
  • it is easy to massage the eyelids, after wetting the fingers with cold water;
  • conduct a contrasting wash, clapping your hands on your eyelids;
  • do some simple eye exercises.

Folk methods

The folk methods of how to get rid of swollen eyes at home include:

  • Washing with running water, decoction of calendula, chamomile, which must first be insisted for at least 1 hour. Sage and string are also used. They soothe irritation.
  • Applying a tea bag compress to the lower and upper eyelids.
  • Washing with a solution of baking soda or rubbing with a solution of furatsilina - this will stop the inflammatory process when the eyelids swell, itch, itch.
  • Lotions from raw grated potatoes.
  • Lotions from fresh cucumber, grated apples.


Eyelid swelling can be prevented by following these rules:

  • Organization of the regime of work and rest - sleep 6 - 8 hours, and rise and end at the same time.
  • Refusal to drink heavily at night.
  • Include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet.
  • Timely treatment of any pathologies of the visual analyzer.
  • Take breaks while working at the monitor, doing exercises for the eyes, massage with light movements, without exerting strong pressure, the eyelids above the eyes, the area below them.