Swelling of the hand after a cast. Getting rid of edema after a fracture of the radius

The soft tissues in the fracture of the hand are injured and filled with fluid. There is swelling, which inhibits the regeneration processes. Blood circulation in the injured limb is disturbed, a temporary failure of the venous valves develops. Ointments, folk compresses and lotions help relieve swelling and disperse the lymphatic fluid, which soothe inflammation and start the recovery of the damaged hand.

Honey, salt and birch leaves

Edema that has arisen due to a fracture and dislocations is removed with table or sea salt. The medicine consists of 100 ml of distilled water and 10 g of dry raw materials. A piece of gauze is impregnated with a saline solution, a compress is squeezed out and the area protruding from under the plaster is wrapped around. The workpiece is removed after drying and again moistened with water. The procedure is repeated during the day, and at night a lotion is applied to the injured limb, tied with a plastic bag and left until the morning.

Removes pain and stimulates the fusion of bones with a compress of birch leaves. A cover or bag is sewn from a piece of dense fabric, which should completely cover the injured hand. Fresh leaves and young birch twigs are washed and dried on a waffle towel. The workpiece is divided into two parts: one is applied to the skin and fixed with bandages. Apply a bandage of 2-3 layers. The second part of the leaves is poured into a cover made of dense fabric and put on the limb. The edges of the bag are tied, left for 3 hours.

The injured hand will sweat. Thanks to the heat, metabolic processes and the outflow of fluid from damaged tissues are activated, and birch leaves soothe inflammation and discomfort. After 3 hours, the birch blank is thrown out and poured fresh. The bandage is also changed. The procedure lasts until the reduction or complete disappearance of edema.

Redness and discomfort are removed with honey. Dissolve 20 ml of bee product in 100 ml of boiled water. The sweet preparation is rubbed into the injured hand three times a day. Edema disappears on the second or third day if the patient is not allergic to honey.

Soap, onion and bodyaga

The arm, which has not yet had time to apply a fixing bandage, is lifted above the body with a pillow or a roller of clothing to stimulate the outflow of blood and lymphatic fluid. Apply frozen meat or a bag of vegetables. A cold compress is wrapped in a waffle towel. Pure ice causes frostbite if used for a long time.

They treat swelling of the limb after a fracture with laundry soap. Soak a piece of linen with cold water. A damp cloth is rubbed with a bar of soap until a thick foam appears, twisted, but not rinsed. Sprinkle the workpiece with fine-grained salt. Leave for 10 minutes, gently shake off the crystals that have not dissolved, and wrap the compress around the damaged area. A tight bandage with salt and soap removes not only swelling and redness, but also promotes resorption of the hematoma.

Raw onions have diuretic properties. Salads, main courses and sandwiches with spicy vegetables cleanse the soft tissues of accumulated fluid and remove swelling. The injured limb is treated with onion gruel, chopped in a blender. The compress stimulates the outflow of lymph and normalizes the functioning of the venous valves. A spicy vegetable is distributed between layers of gauze and a tight bandage is applied to the injured arm. The lotion is removed after 8 hours. The swelling is reduced immediately.

Swollen areas peeking out from under the plaster can be lubricated with freshly squeezed onion juice. Owners of sensitive skin are advised to dilute the component with water in a ratio of 1 to 1 so that burns do not remain on the hand.

Edema is also removed with bodyaga ointment, Lioton and Troxevasin. Pharmacy gels are replaced with homemade ones. The composition of an effective remedy that removes swelling and hematoma in 2-3 days includes:

  • copper sulfate - 15 g;
  • onions - 1 piece;
  • spruce resin - 20 g;
  • olive oil - 50 ml.

The husk is removed from the onion, the peeled ingredient is finely chopped. The oil is poured into a small enameled bowl, brought to a boil in a water bath. Pour gruel from a hot base from a spicy vegetable, season with vitriol and spruce resin. The products are boiled for 5 minutes, then the future ointment is removed and filtered through a cotton cloth or gauze folded in 3 layers. Olive medicine is stored in a dark bottle. The cooled remedy is rubbed into the broken arm twice a day. The skin is covered with parchment paper intended for baking. A compress of onion ointment is fixed with bandages.

Recipes with medicinal plants

Olive and salt lotions are supplemented with herbal decoctions for internal use. Healing plants with diuretic properties remove lymphatic fluid from soft tissues and restore blood circulation in the injured limb.

The composition of the first tea for edema includes:

  • comfrey root;
  • lingonberry leaves;
  • bean pods;
  • arnica flowers.

In a teapot or saucepan, 20 g of crushed herbal ingredients are mixed. Mix with a cup of cold water, bring to a boil over medium heat and remove from heat. Hot broth insist 30 minutes. Four times a day, drink 100 ml of strained medicine.

The second version of tea for edema is prepared from valerian, St. John's wort and chamomile. Pour into the mortar 2-3 tbsp. l. natural ingredients and carefully grind. Measure 30 g of the workpiece, steam it in a cup of hot liquid. Filter the infusion after 15 minutes, divide the drink into 3 servings. Herbal medicine drink per day.

Infusions of individual herbs help with swelling: lingonberry or bearberry leaves, calendula and juniper flowers. Pour 15–20 g of the selected plant into a thermos, combine the raw materials with a cup of boiling water and leave for 2–4 hours. It is taken orally in small portions of 50-100 ml. If you don't like the taste of the herbal medicine, add some honey.

Decoctions are replaced with mummy solution. The blank can only be bought at a pharmacy. Dissolve 2 g of the ingredient in a cup of warm water, mix thoroughly and drink 30 ml of the medicine. Mummy drink is taken on an empty stomach for 10 days. The tool removes swelling of soft tissues, restores damaged ligaments and blood vessels, heals bones. The unpleasant aftertaste that appears after drinking the solution can be removed with carrot juice.

Comfrey helps with fractures. All parts of the plant are used in folk medicine. The raw root is cleaned and passed through a meat grinder, mixed with honey in a ratio of 1 to 5. A sweet dark-colored paste is obtained. The mass is taken three times a day. Eat 5 g of medicine from comfrey. Fresh root, not mixed with honey, is smeared with a thin layer on the injured hand. It is not necessary to cover with polyethylene or bandages. The compress is kept for 40-50 minutes.

Comfrey flowers are mixed with stems and roots, crushed and seasoned with gruel from a large onion. Pour in milk so that the liquid only covers the cake, and bring to a boil. Simmer in a water bath for 4–5 minutes, moisten gauze in a filtered composition and apply to the injured limb.

Quick Folk Methods

Blood circulation and lymph outflow in a broken arm is stimulated by a potato compress. The peel is cut off from several raw tubers, the pulp is rubbed on a fine grater. The white mass is slightly squeezed out and spread on the area above the plaster. The compress is wrapped with cling film, bandages and a woolen scarf. Potatoes are replaced with cabbage or burdock leaves. The workpiece is beaten with a meat hammer or kneaded with fingers. A fresh lotion, on which juice has come out, is applied to the swollen area.

Helps with fractures of the hand blue clay. Dry raw materials are diluted with warm water until a plastic mass is formed. The elastic dough is rolled out, the swollen area is covered with a cake. After the clay compress, open areas can be treated with iodine.

Fir or cedar oil is rubbed into swollen areas. The product moisturizes the skin, has anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Natural medicine is used before bedtime and in the morning.

  • juniper;
  • golden mustache;
  • ivy budry;
  • cornflowers;
  • bitter wormwood;
  • coniferous buds or twigs.

Weak solutions are prepared from 30 g of raw materials and 250 ml of liquid. To obtain a concentrated anti-inflammatory agent, the portion of the herb is doubled. If the edema is accompanied by pain and bruising, 25–30 ml of freshly squeezed aloe juice is dissolved in the workpiece.

Treat swelling after a fracture with table vinegar. Dissolve 1 tbsp. l. nine percent component in 500 ml of distilled water. A napkin soaked in the workpiece is wrapped around the open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe arm above the plaster. The compress is left for a day, periodically moistening the fabric with an acetic solution.

A cake of incense mixed with rye flour is applied to the sore spot. Whipped egg white and much tincture of larkspur are poured into the dry mass. The dough is rolled out and a rectangle is formed with which the swollen area is wrapped. Fix the cake with plastic wrap and a warm scarf.

In case of a fracture, massage is recommended. Several holes are made in the plaster, through which soft tissues are kneaded with a pen or other object with a blunt tip. Press gently and gently on the injured hand. You can also rub healthy limbs and fingers to stimulate the flow of lymphatic fluid.

The edema that has arisen due to a broken arm is removed with saline and acetic solutions, herbal decoctions and diuretic drinks. Folk remedies restore blood circulation, heal damaged tissues and ligaments, but each prescription must be agreed with the attending physician so as not to worsen the patient's well-being.

Video: how to quickly relieve severe swelling in injuries

An ankle fracture is a violation of the integrity of the fibula and tibia with or without displacement. The injured leg is fixed with a plaster bandage until the bones are completely fused. Usually, after removing the cast, the leg hurts, and the ankle swells. This is a normal condition after immobilization, it is easy to eliminate.

Ankle fracture treatment

Swelling after cast removal is a typical complication

A non-displaced fracture does not involve soft tissue. A displaced fracture is always accompanied by internal hemorrhage and requires surgical intervention, since soft tissues get between the bone fragments. In both cases, a plaster cast is applied.

Treatment of a non-displaced fracture involves standard immobilization. In this case, the risk of complications is negligible, but still it is.

The treatment is based on the reposition of bone fragments and matching them in the right order. After surgery, the lower limb is fixed with a plaster cast for 2-3 weeks, then a control image is taken.

Often this procedure does not cause complications, but sometimes they happen. The main signs of complications:

  • Edema of the leg.
  • Aching pain in the foot.
  • Change in skin color.

Complications after applying a plaster cast

Any immobilization of a limb causes changes in blood circulation, lymphostasis, and depresses muscle tone. All this leads to complications that can be divided into several groups.

Complications caused by decreased muscle tone

Such complications include swelling of the limb, a change in muscle volume and weakness of the foot when transferring body weight to it.

The complication slows down the healing of the fracture, as it entails a decrease in the intensity of blood circulation, blood stasis due to the expansion of the veins of the limb.

This condition must be corrected as soon as the first symptoms appear.

Signs of a decrease in muscle tone under a cast:

  • Numbness of the limb.
  • Skin itching.
  • Periodic muscle pain.
  • Coming joint pain.

It is necessary to distinguish between muscle pain and bone pain. When moving the leg, the muscle hurts. At rest, when the muscles are relaxed, the bones often hurt. If there is a tendency to pain of this nature, you need to urgently seek medical help. Delay can adversely affect the further work of the limb.

It is possible that the cast is not properly placed and needs to be removed.

If the plaster was removed after an ankle fracture a few days ahead of time, it is necessary to apply a tight bandage with an elastic bandage and try to limit the ankle and knee joint in movement.

During the rehabilitation period, muscle tone should be restored within a few days by 50%, and over the next 10-20 days by 100%.

Complication caused by impaired blood circulation and lymphatic drainage

Severe swelling of the leg impairs mobility

Often the plaster cast is applied too tightly. This leads to compression of the superficial veins of the limb. Gradually, the blood that entered the leg through the arteries ceases to return to the heart through the veins.

This leads to blood stasis and oxygen starvation of soft tissues, the skin and toenails gradually begin to turn pale and blue.

Signs of circulatory failure in the leg under the cast:

  • Numbness of the limb.
  • Change in skin color in visible areas of the leg.
  • Crawling sensation under cast.

If there is at least 1 of the above signs, you should immediately contact a traumatologist, as circulatory disorders can lead to the formation of blood clots.

Treatment of such a complication after an ankle fracture should be started immediately after the emergency removal of the cast. The leg is examined for local circulatory disorders and bruising.

If there is swelling, it is better not to apply a new cast immediately, it will only aggravate the situation.

Complex complications of an ankle fracture

Exercise therapy after removing the cast will restore the tone of muscles and ligaments

Sometimes, even after the timely removal of the cast in case of an ankle fracture, the edema persists for a very long time. The cause of such prolonged edema may be a violation of the blood supply in a separate artery or blockage of a superficial vein.

To clarify the diagnosis, ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremity is done. With this study, you can determine the cause of circulatory disorders in a few minutes. It is also necessary to check the correctness of the union of the fracture, because breaking an unformed callus, if something went wrong, can be almost painless.

If the leg hurts after removing the cast at the site of the ankle fracture, you need to urgently take several x-rays in different projections. With the help of this study, you can easily determine the viability of the bone.

Sometimes, even before the plaster is removed, the injured leg hurts, the ankle swells noticeably, and the color of the skin of the leg changes. The cause of this condition may be infection of the wound.

Often, patients are diagnosed with erysipelas caused by group A hemolytic streptococcus. This condition is treated exclusively with antibiotics.

Late complications after cast removal for ankle fracture

After removing the plaster, rehabilitation is required. If it is neglected, delayed complications may occur. Such pathological conditions most often occur due to damage to nerve endings and small capillaries during trauma.

Late complications of fracture:

  • Contracture.
  • Decreased muscle tone.
  • Hygroma.

With contracture of the lower limb, the muscle tissue of the lower leg is replaced by connective tissue. It is less elastic, so the muscle loses its mobility. Sometimes the injured leg swells and hurts.

If not promptly treated, the initial stage of contracture can lead to a significant contraction of the muscles of the back of the leg, which will affect the ability to walk and run normally.

A hygroma is a benign tendon tumor that often occurs at the site of injury. It is removed surgically. After surgery, there is no swelling or any other signs of inflammation.

Some features of the treatment of edema and other complications

Herbal infusions help relieve swelling

If after removing the cast there is a slight swelling, then there is a slow resumption of blood circulation. Because of this, the leg can not only swell significantly in the evening, but also hurt at night.

Alcoholic lotions have a good analgesic effect, which are done 1 time in 2-3 days for 5-6 months.

Attention! Traditional medicine cannot be the only way to treat after removing the cast. It only complements the therapy prescribed by the doctor.

An effective therapeutic effect against swelling of the ankle has a lotion with dexamethasone, analgin and dimexide. To relieve inflammation and pain in such a compress, diclofenac must be added. Such lotions can be done an unlimited number of times.

The best treatment for this condition would be a local venotonic massage (Venarus).

Massage movements should be directed to the nearest lymph nodes located in the popliteal fossa.

Massage reduces swelling in the joint or at the fracture site, increases muscle tone, improves blood circulation and increases lymph outflow. Massage is performed in a course of 2-3 months.

During the day, it is better to wear soft shoes without a heel with an arch support and increase the walking time by 5-6 minutes. If pain and swelling persist, it is worth fixing the limb with an elastic bandage and continuing to exercise anyway.

To improve blood circulation, some doctors recommend making warm baths with sea salt.

So, edema in an ankle fracture occurs due to a complex of changes that can be influenced by a quality leg. You can start exercises to maintain muscle tone from the first day of plaster fixation. The success of rehabilitation of the ankle after removal of the cast largely depends on compliance with the recommendations of the doctor.

Swelling that persists on a broken leg for some time after the bandage has been removed is often referred to as post-cast swelling. In order to remove puffiness and restore proper movements in the limbs, rehabilitation measures are carried out, such as exercise therapy (physiotherapy exercises, for example), massage, physiotherapy (electrophoresis, paraffin), water procedures (baths with salt water).

I must say that the fight against edema should not be carried out fanatically, because overloads in this case can do much harm, and sometimes they lead to a new injury.

When are remedial procedures prescribed?

First of all, pay attention to their sequence. Often one procedure is a preparation for the next and is done one after the other with a short time interval.

For example, paraffin followed by electrophoresis works well. There are other combinations - electrophoresis after massage, ultrasound after paraffin, electrical stimulation after massage.

When planning rehabilitation, doctors take into account the following rule: after the first lesson in restorative gymnastics, local procedures (massage, electrical stimulation) are prescribed. After the following loads, general strengthening procedures can be prescribed - hydromassage, baths, sauna, general massage.

In winter, do not forget that the lack of sunlight and vitamin D in the body must be replenished with ultraviolet irradiation (UVR). This procedure increases immunity, a person's susceptibility to diseases decreases, and the absorption of food and vitamins improves.

Application of gels and ointments

After fractures, many different gels, ointments and creams are used. They have two directions. The first is cooling, the second is warming (Nicoflex, Finalgon). Cooling gels and ointments are suitable for removing edema - Lyoton-1000, Troxevasin.

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Edema often appears at the site of injury, and the radius is no exception. Edema after a fracture of the radius does not pose a danger, but one cannot but attach importance to this.

If, when applying plaster, the place for possible increases was not calculated, then after squeezing, complications are possible in the form of loss of mobility in the affected joint.

Causes of swelling after a fracture

With fractures, swelling often forms in the zone of immobilization. Why is this happening? With injuries, blood flow to the damaged area slows down, blood vessels, ligaments and muscle tissues are damaged.

With fractures, soft tissue bruises are observed, and if displacement occurs, ligaments or muscles can be torn. Edema in this case can spread to the entire injured arm.

The main causes of swelling include:

  • Violation of blood flow;
  • Excessive pressure;
  • A displaced bone occludes an artery or a large vein.

Often, swelling does not go away for a long time after removing the plaster cast. During the period of accretion, it is impossible to get rid of it. As soon as the bone grows together, it is necessary to begin to perform simple procedures to help get rid of blood stasis.

Gels and ointments to relieve swelling

Edema forms on the limb after removing the plaster cast. Medicines for getting rid of edema are of two types:

  • warming;
  • Cooling.

Cooling ointments are often used to remove edema.. How to relieve swelling after a fracture of the radius:

It will relieve pain and cool the damaged area. Due to its composition, the gel is rapidly absorbed, the maximum concentration is observed after 6-8 hours. Completely excreted in the urine.

Troxevasin is also applied to the skin after the cast has been removed. A strip of the product 3 centimeters long must be carefully rubbed over the skin. Both drugs can not be used for open wounds and purulent foci.


After removing the cast, a course of procedures is needed to restore blood circulation in the arm. Therapeutic exercise after an injury to the hand will help:

  • Restore blood circulation;
  • Increase muscle elasticity;
  • Get rid of swelling.

It takes a lot of time to completely remove puffiness. It is forbidden to load the arm immediately after removing the bandage, when performing exercises, it is important to follow the basic rules. The traumatologist must write down the permissible increase in the load by day.

Charging for an injured limb should be done every day, while it is important to control hand fatigue. If pain occurs, stop exercising and consult your doctor.

Hand massage in the hospital

For a full rehabilitation after an injury to the hand, a course of massage is prescribed. Only an experienced specialist should perform it, because if the tissues are squeezed excessively, the patient's condition can worsen. This procedure should be carried out regularly, massage will help to quickly remove the consequences of a fracture.

In most cases, a complex course of massage is prescribed. damaged area, which is directed to:

  • Increased blood circulation in atrophied limbs;
  • Improving the functioning of nerve endings;
  • Acceleration of tissue repair processes.


A course of physiotherapy will help restore muscle activity and prevent the development of complications in the future. When fusion occurs, a callus occurs, which in some cases has to be removed surgically. After a fracture, apply:

  • electrophoresis;
  • Applications from therapeutic mud;
  • Irradiation with ultraviolet.

These procedures will help to avoid complications and promote rapid recovery.

Folk remedies to relieve swelling

Medical methods are certainly effective, but they can be combined with proven and safe natural remedies. There are many time-tested effective home remedies. They help to establish blood circulation in the damaged area, restore tissues, and help remove the tumor that has arisen.

Can be applied:

  • Compresses;
  • Trays;
  • Applications;
  • Alcohol rubs.

When preparing baths, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory essential oils are added to the water. Oils have an anti-edematous effect:

  • cypress;
  • firs;
  • Pines;
  • Cedar;

It is also useful to add iodine and sea salt or dead sea salt to the baths. Lotions from a decoction of chamomile, juniper or calendula are no less effective. Also, fir oil and cedar oil can be added to the composition of the compress.

A few popular home methods to consider effective after fracture:

Massage at home

As a rule, after removing the bandage, the doctor prescribes several procedures to get rid of swelling after fusion. Massage should be done by a professional massage therapist, because inept and incorrect squeezing of the damaged area can lead to complications.

How to remove swelling after a fracture of the radius on your own? To do this, you should first consult with your doctor. He will tell you the execution technique and help you avoid mistakes.

Basically, self-massage consists in lightly massaging the damaged area with a healthy hand.

The hand is stroked and rubbed, while various coolants can be applied, this will enhance the effect.

You can cope with swelling of the hand after a fracture of the radius in a short time. It is important to follow all the recommendations of the doctor and attend the procedures prescribed by him. Traditional medicine methods can be supplemented with folk remedies. It is important to remember that if the problem does not disappear after therapy, you should consult a doctor.

Hello Max.

Edema and fracture

Since the integrity of the bones (femoral and tibia) is broken during a leg fracture, characteristic signs begin to appear - a change in shape, bruising, and swelling. Edema also occurred in your case (this follows from the description of the situation), and it was caused by a violation of the outflow and inflow of blood, to which the leg injury led. In addition to applying a cast, you should have been prescribed vasodilator drugs, as well as all kinds of physiotherapy procedures (including baths, compresses, lotions), the action of which is aimed at normalizing blood circulation and eliminating edema. There is no need to describe further the situations arising from the occurrence of edema, the risks associated with this process, and the measures that are aimed at its partial or complete elimination.

Based on the foregoing, I answer: swelling during a fracture is normal and happens to anyone who receives a similar injury.

Swelling and plaster removal

Did you have control X-rays before the cast was removed? Based on the results of these studies, the specialist must decide on the timeliness of actions to remove the plaster splint. Also, the pictures show how the bone has grown together, whether there are any complications. The fact is that sometimes a broken bone can block important arteries and veins, which causes severe swelling and problems with the limb in the future.

If the swelling after the removal of the cast is moderate, then this is due to the long stay of the leg in the cast. During her "imprisonment" the flow of lymph and blood was disturbed, which caused swelling. The doctor who removed the cast and saw the swelling should have warned you that at this stage of the healing of the injury, you must take all necessary measures to reduce swelling. They consist in restoring blood circulation, muscle activity, strengthening vascular tone, and eliminating congestion.

Therefore, the conclusion can be drawn as follows: moderate swelling after removal of the cast is normal.

What to do after removing the plaster?

Due to the long stay of a limb in a cast, many of its functions are violated. The rehabilitation course includes many procedures, the specifics of which depend on the complications that have arisen. In your situation, as I understand it, there are no complications, you just have to "help" your leg a little.

  • Pretty soon, you may notice the old skin peeling off the leg. Don't be afraid - there is nothing dangerous in this. If the process drags on, treat the limb with a scrub, so you can quickly and painlessly get rid of exfoliated skin. After the scrub, lubricate the skin of the foot with any nourishing cream.
  • Physiotherapy exercises (flexion, extension, rotational movements) are used only on the recommendation of the doctor who has observed you and can be carried out independently at home.
  • In a medical institution, electrophoresis can be performed. However, the need for this procedure is again determined by the attending physician.
  • If necessary, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed.
  • To relieve swelling, you can massage and rub the limb several times a day. This will help restore blood flow faster and get rid of edema.

Sincerely, Natalia.