Liver pate when breastfeeding. Is it possible to eat liver while breastfeeding

Pate - a dish in the form of minced meat from the liver of an animal or bird. The recipe may include vegetables and various spices. It has a delicate and mild taste. Traditional pâté is made from goose or duck liver. However, beef and chicken are more popular and affordable. Sometimes they use fish.

Pate is great for making appetizers, tartlets and canapés. The product is used as a snack, a full meal and filling for pancakes. In this article, we will consider whether pâté can be breastfed.

Pate with HB: benefit or harm

Natural high-quality liver pate contains B and E vitamins, calcium and phosphorus, iodine, iron, zinc and many other useful elements. It includes an increased amount of protein. It is a low-calorie product that rarely causes allergies and is easily digestible. Many pediatricians are allowed to eat the liver in the first month of lactation.

Liver pate performs the following useful functions:

  • Establishes material exchange;
  • Stimulates the growth and development of the baby;
  • Renews, shapes and develops cells;
  • Prevents diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • Normalizes the work of nerve cells, respiratory tract;
  • Forms a bone skeleton and strengthens bones;
  • Increases immunity;
  • Improves the condition of the skin and hair;
  • Maintains visual acuity.

However, store-bought products contain a large number of harmful components, including dyes, flavors, stabilizers and other chemical additives. Such food leads to severe poisoning. In infants, colic may increase, an allergic reaction, indigestion and other problems may appear. Therefore, it is better to cook the pate yourself.

Rules for the use of pate with HB

  • With HB, cook the pate yourself. For cooking, use chicken or beef liver. Other types of offal are more difficult to tolerate and take longer to digest;
  • Beef liver is not recommended for high cholesterol. It is better not to use pork and cod liver until the baby is 3-4 months old. Duck and goose - up to six months;
  • Choose dark, smooth pieces of liver without white spots. For more information, is it possible for a nursing mother to have a liver, and which offal is better to choose, see here;
  • For the first time, homemade pate can be tried two to four weeks after the birth of the crumbs. Try a small piece and observe the child's reaction. If negative consequences appear, refuse the introduction for a while and try again in a month;
  • If there is no negative reaction, you can sometimes eat pate in small quantities no more than twice a week. Otherwise, the child may experience constipation and other intestinal problems;
  • Do not use a large amount of spices and butter when cooking, do not put lard. This will make the product allergenic, fatty and high-calorie;
  • If you are worried about being overweight, eat brown bread pate or use diet recipes. Note that fish or chicken liver is less caloric than beef;
  • If you still decide to purchase a finished product in a store, carefully check the composition, date of manufacture and expiration date of the pate. Do not take products with an increased amount of preservatives;
  • A quality product should contain over 55% liver. The mass has a homogeneous consistency, light brown, beige or grayish tint. If it is pinkish or dark brown, such a product contains an increased amount of preservatives;
  • An open pâté should not be stored for more than five days. The liver quickly deteriorates, dangerous microorganisms appear in the offal, which cause intoxication and various infectious diseases;
  • Check the packaging for integrity. It should not be swollen, deformed or go in waves, be with traces of smudges and other defects;
  • Store both homemade and purchased liver in a glass closed container in the refrigerator.

Homemade Pate Recipes

From beef liver

  • Beef liver - 1 kg;
  • Carrots - 2 large fruits;
  • Onions - 3 heads;
  • Milk - 1 liter;
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • Pepper and salt to taste;
  • Bay leaf - 2 leaves;
  • Olive oil - 50 ml;
  • Butter - 50 grams.

Rinse the liver in cold water, remove the films and cut out the ducts, cut into large pieces and pour cold milk over. This will soften the product, make it more tender and remove bitterness. Leave the liver for two to three hours. Salt and pepper boiling water. Put the soaked liver, you can add a little nutmeg for taste.

Boil the liver under the lid for half an hour, then put the bay leaf and cook for another ten minutes. Peel the vegetables, chop the onion, grate the carrots, stew in olive oil. Twist the cooled liver with stewed vegetables in a meat grinder. Melt or soften the butter and add to the ingredients. Beat the mixture until smooth and leave in the refrigerator for six hours.

From chicken liver

  • Chicken liver - 0.5 kg;
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Fat-free natural yogurt - 200 ml;
  • Salt and yogurt to taste.

This butter-free diet recipe is great for breastfeeding moms. The product is tender and non-greasy, does not cause discomfort in the stomach, is quickly and easily absorbed, and does not contribute to the appearance of extra pounds. In addition, such a pate is prepared quickly, while it requires only three components and spices.

To prepare, prepare and thoroughly rinse the liver, cut into pieces and fill with clean water. Boil the product for five minutes, boil and peel the eggs separately. Turn the products through a meat grinder, lightly salt and pepper. You can add finely chopped herbs.

Add yogurt to the resulting mixture and mix, you can beat again in a blender. Let the mass infuse in the refrigerator. Other vegetables can also be added to pate recipes, such as cucumbers and tomatoes, a small amount of garlic. Nuts, cheese and dried fruits give an original and rich taste.

Pate can be stewed with vegetables, added to salads, cooked meatballs, meatballs and various dishes. You will find many interesting recipes for a nursing mother at the link.

The menu during the period of breastfeeding is an extremely important topic in the life of every mother, because each product is now in doubt: from what age of the baby is it allowed and in what quantities. Is the liver acceptable during breastfeeding: a favorite offal of many women, which is famous for its benefits?

We officially declare: you can eat the liver while breastfeeding! And even strongly necessary. The main value of this product is a huge storehouse of useful substances: you will learn about them in this article. You will also find all the necessary information on how to properly use the liver so as not to harm the baby. This knowledge will help you in making a balanced and proper diet, the importance of which can hardly be overestimated in the first months of a breastfed baby's life.

valuable treasure

If before the birth of a baby, the main criteria for choosing food were high palatability, then after the appearance of a small, but such an important little man, this is not enough. Now the obligatory “healthy” is added to the desired “tasty”. Sometimes it is difficult to find a product that combines these two qualities. If you love liver, then you should be glad that this delicacy is not only very tasty, but also valuable for the health of mother and child during breastfeeding. Here are some of the useful properties this offal can boast of:

  • B vitamins guarantee a healthy metabolism, as well as full growth and development;
  • vitamin C is indispensable for strong immunity;
  • vitamin A, in turn, guards good vision, a nice bonus is the excellent condition of hair and skin;
  • folic acid develops nerve cells;
  • calcium is known for its important role for a strong skeletal system;
  • zinc also forms the bone skeleton, and in addition affects the rapid healing of wounds;
  • iron ensures a healthy level of hemoglobin in the blood and supports the work of B vitamins;
  • copper is useful for the respiratory and nervous system, it also takes an active part in the synthesis of proteins.

In one serving of the liver, you will find the daily requirement of essential amino acids. If we compare this product with meat, then the first one will be much easier to digest. A lower fat content also guarantees a lower calorie content: an important bonus for moms who follow their figure.

We introduce into the diet

  • The beneficial properties of the product hint at a positive solution to the question of whether it is possible to eat the liver while breastfeeding. Moms who love this dish will undoubtedly be pleased that it is allowed in the first month. In addition, some doctors recommend adding the liver to the menu from the first days of a baby's life. Other experts take the position that this product should wait until the second week after delivery. In any case, all pediatricians and nutritionists agree that the first month of a baby's life does not exclude the presence of a liver in the diet of a nursing mother.
  • It is generally accepted that the liver belongs to the category of hypoallergenic products. However, the body of each child is individual, and it is not always possible to guess what surprises he is able to present. Sometimes an upset stomach or an allergy is manifested in a reaction to even the safest foods. So the main companions of the mother during breastfeeding are vigilance and caution. We advise you not to forget about them when using the liver.
  • Breastfeeding obliges that any new product excludes the introduction of other types of food into the diet. This means that if you try the liver, then for the next 2 days you should refrain from other unfamiliar foods. The first offal treat should consist of only a few small pieces.

If there was no negative reaction to the new product, then the liver can safely take its rightful place in your menu. It is very useful to eat the product several times a week, and one serving per day will be enough.

How to choose: video

What kind of cooking do you prefer?

The liver is beautiful in that it gives mom a great variety for all kinds of dishes. The product is friendly to almost any side dish: you can choose the one that is allowed during the lactation period and is well tolerated by the baby. To the universal compatibility with other ingredients, you can add the speed and simplicity of preparation.

In the first months after the birth of a baby, usually the last thing you want to do is spend time on complex dishes with a long cooking time. The liver is a completely different matter: it cooks quickly, while it does not require any complicated culinary manipulations from the mother.

As for the types of preparation of the product, a stewed or boiled liver is allowed for a woman during breastfeeding. These cooking technologies ensure that the dish does not lose all its benefits. But fried treats should be abandoned: cooking in oil will not benefit either mom or her baby.

Useful advice from chefs: the preliminary stage in cooking the liver should be soaking the product in milk: this is done in order to rid it of unwanted bitterness.

Such a different liver

Different types of this product have different features. You can be guided by them in what kind of liver you should choose, and which one will bring the greatest benefit. Well, of course, you should not forget about your own taste preferences.


Beef liver is perhaps the most popular product. It was in it that the ideal combination of proteins and fats found itself: this is 3-4 g of fat per 18 g of protein. This property allows you to classify beef liver as a dietary dish.

It boasts a record content of selenium - a strong antioxidant. This quality provides protection against malignant tumors and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

If you love beef liver, then we advise you to experiment with its preparation. Culinary sources abound in various salads with this ingredient. Patés, casseroles and rolls with beef liver deserve special attention.

But still, the laurels of the winner in the gastronomic world deservedly belong to the stew. This type of cooking is especially tasty when combined with sour cream. However, if you are ready for culinary innovations, we advise you to try a combination of stewed beef liver with apples, herbs or prunes. Too bold? Need to try!

The recommendation of experts to eat beef liver for anemia is known, because it saves from all the symptoms of iron deficiency. In addition, 100 g of this type of liver will give the body all the necessary vitamins for the whole day. In addition, even a small portion of the product can quickly satisfy hunger.


Chicken liver is also recommended for use by mothers during breastfeeding. It is characterized by a high content of folic acid, which is necessary not only during pregnancy, but also after the birth of the baby. This is justified by the positive effect on lactation and the healthy development of the baby. Also noteworthy is a large amount of choline: and this has a great effect on brain activity, concentration and excellent memory.

Chicken liver reveals itself best in a tender, airy pate. Another win-win option is a combination of offal with vegetables cooked in a clay pot in the oven.

The advice to add chicken liver to your menu can be heard from many nutritionists, because it is a low-calorie product that is very easily absorbed by the body. In addition, chicken liver improves digestion and helps the absorption of iron. Just 1-2 uses of the product per week and the mother's body will recover after childbirth.


Pork liver is not liked by many women because of its bitter taste. But a little effort in the preliminary stage of cooking and there will be no trace of an undesirable flavor shade. Professional cooks soak this product for at least 2 hours in milk or water, changing the liquid every hour.

All these efforts are justified by the great benefits of pork liver. It consists in the content of all amino acids, enzymes, copper, iron and phosphorus. If you suffer from diabetes, anemia or atherosclerosis, then pork liver is your faithful assistant in the fight against the disease.

Discover the world of delicious recipes from this offal: a variety of pâtés, pancakes and even cakes. However, when breastfeeding, it is better to wait with pork liver until the baby is 3 months old.

Cod liver

When using cod liver, the same age restrictions are reasonable as when adding pork offal to the menu. After 3 months after the birth of the baby, neglecting cod liver is a real crime, because it contains a record amount of vitamins and minerals. This storehouse of valuable substances will bring great benefits to both mother and child.

However, due to the sufficient fat content, cod liver should not be consumed daily. These elements, of course, are broken down by the body, but with their excess, they tend to accumulate.

The liver can diversify the breastfeeding menu with new dishes and enrich the body with vitamins. It is also remarkable that it is easily absorbed by a child. Long live the delicious and so valuable liver!

Every breastfeeding woman carefully monitors her diet. After all, the substances that the mother consumes enter the baby's body with breast milk. Sometimes the action of these substances harms the baby.

In the first months of life, the body of a newborn is still weak and can react sharply to new food. It can be allergies, colic, digestive disorders, anxiety and sleep disturbance.

The liver is an offal with useful biological properties, which includes a large amount of protein, iron proteins and ferritin. They saturate the body with hemoglobin, energy and other necessary elements.

Beneficial features

Unlike meat, the liver is less fatty. The body absorbs offal more easily than whole beef or chicken. At the same time, it is not inferior in usefulness to meat. The composition of the product includes a lot of useful vitamins and macronutrients. They ensure the normal functioning of the body of a nursing mother and help to recover after childbirth. Useful substances contribute to the growth and development of the baby.

Elements Action
B vitamins They are responsible for almost every action in the body, promotes metabolism, growth and development of the baby.
Vitamin A Maintains visual acuity, improves the condition of the skin and hair.
Vitamin C Forms and strengthens immunity.
Folic acid Forms and develops nerve cells.
Calcium Strengthens bones, promotes the growth and strengthening of nails.
Sodium Maintains a normal balance of substances in the body.
Zinc Forms a bone skeleton, promotes rapid healing of wounds.
Iron Forms hemoglobin in the blood, starts and normalizes the work of B vitamins
Copper Contributes to the normal functioning of the respiratory and nervous systems, participates in the synthesis of proteins

One serving of the liver will provide the daily requirement of amino acids. Such dishes are quick and easy to prepare, which is very important for a nursing mother who does not have enough time. This is delicious and healthy food.

Liver during lactation

Low-calorie and hypoallergenic product - a rational choice for a nursing mother. Doctors are allowed to eat the liver during lactation as early as the second week after birth. However, mom should be aware of the dosage! Start with small portions and watch your baby's well-being. If the baby has allergies or indigestion, then it is better to stop using.

To know exactly what food the newborn's body reacts negatively to, introduce one new product into the diet. Between the samples, make intervals of two days. This time is enough to determine the reaction.

Remember, the liver deteriorates quickly! Therefore, carefully choose the product, check the date of manufacture and expiration date. It is important to ensure the correct storage conditions after purchase.

Choose beef or chicken liver when breastfeeding. Other species are difficult to perceive by the digestion of the baby, especially in the first three months of life. Take a smooth dark piece without white spots.

When lactating, it is better to refuse fried foods. The liver can be soaked in milk and stewed with vegetables. Extinguish should not be long, as long-term processing makes the product tough. Before cooking, remove the film and bile ducts from the piece.

In complementary foods, the liver can be given to the baby from the tenth month after birth. It is especially useful for children with low hemoglobin. For complementary foods, wipe offal and dilute with milk.

What types of liver can be eaten with HB

  • Beef liver is a good alternative to beef meat. It is lower in calories and easier to digest. The composition includes a large amount of protein and iron.

A product that is saturated with carbohydrates quickly satisfies hunger and supplies the body with useful elements and vitamins.

However, a high content of cholesterol contributes to the occurrence of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, beef liver is not recommended for people with high blood cholesterol.

  • Chicken liver is a food recommended by nutritionists during breastfeeding and pregnancy. The dietary product contains a lot of useful substances, including folic acid and iron proteins. The latter elements are involved in hematopoiesis and in the production of hemoglobin.

Acid also helps the baby develop properly and stimulates lactation. Low-calorie chicken liver organizes the work of digestion and helps to absorb iron. This is an excellent prevention of anemia.

Choline in chicken liver improves memory and brain function, concentrates attention. The use of such a product once every one to two weeks will restore the functioning of the body of a nursing mother.

By the way, turkey liver has the same properties.

  • It is better not to use pork and cod liver until the baby is at least three months old. The composition includes a large amount of fat, which the still fragile body of the baby cannot digest. As a result, the baby will begin intestinal colic.

Cod and pork liver should be used with caution if there is an excess of potassium and vitamin D in the body.

Chicken and beef liver is a satisfying and healthy product that can be consumed while breastfeeding. When lactating, eat boiled and stewed dishes, liver pate.

The liver is an offal that has valuable biological properties and is considered a delicacy. The protein content in it is not inferior to beef, the aferritin contained in the protein increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and contributes to normal blood formation. According to the chemical composition, the main component of the product is water, which explains its short shelf life.

Since ancient times, people have eaten this delicacy, and appreciated it not only for its pleasant taste, but also for certain medicinal properties. During lactation, a woman's diet is quite limited, let's talk about how the liver during breastfeeding affects the body of the baby and his mother.

Breastfeeding experts agree that a mother can use this product immediately after childbirth while feeding a newborn.

It is necessary to observe moderation in portions, make sure that the liver is fresh and of good quality, and also make sure that the baby does not have problems with stools or allergic rashes.

This rarely happens, but there are cases when, during lactation, the child's intolerance to the individual components of this product is detected. If your acquaintance with the liver was successful, you can regularly include it in your daily menu, but even taking into account all the beneficial properties of the liver, you should not use it more than once a day.

What kind to eat

There is a huge variety of dishes that can be prepared from this product. Mom during breastfeeding should give preference to boiled or stewed food. This rule also applies to the liver, with the above methods of preparation, it will not lose its valuable nutritional properties, which means that they will be passed on to the baby with mother's milk.

An important rule for everyone who is going to cook the liver: before starting the cooking process, the product must be soaked in milk for some time, and only then cooked.

If you do not observe moderation in proportions, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases increases. Also, the liver should be used with caution for those who have high cholesterol levels in the blood.

We have already come to the conclusion that it is possible to use the liver during breastfeeding, but it can be different: chicken, pork, beef, cod. Let's look at each species separately and find out what of the above can be eaten by mom during lactation.

Cod liver

It is famous for its high content of useful vitamins and minerals necessary for the health of mother and child:

  • vitamin A - helps maintain visual acuity;
  • zinc - affects intellectual abilities, is good as an antiseptic, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys;
  • phosphorus and calcium are indispensable for the proper formation and growth of bones and teeth;
  • amino acids.

Scientists believe that if a mother during lactation introduces cod liver into the menu, the child will grow intellectually developed. Due to the high content of fat in the product, you should not use the product daily. Eat cod liver with yeast-free bread, or prepare a light salad to reduce the effect of a heavy product on the newborn's body.

Chicken liver

The product can be used by lactating women. Its fat content is much lower, but useful minerals (calcium, iron, zinc) are present in sufficient quantities.

The composition of the chicken liver contains folic acid, which is necessary for every baby, as well as iodine, which is valuable for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

Beef liver

No less useful for the body of mother and child than the above types of liver. Valuable amino acids contribute to sufficient lactation, and a high level of iron will normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood, thereby eliminating the possibility of anemia.

Whichever of the above delicacy you choose, before using it, make sure that the product is fresh. Long-term storage can provoke the reproduction of harmful microorganisms in the liver, which can lead to the development of diseases.

pork liver

The product contains useful substances and minerals, but it is distinguished by high fat content. Limit the use of this product until the baby is 3 months old and the stomach begins to produce the necessary enzymes for its digestion.

We cook ourselves

If cod liver is sold ready-made, then chicken, pork or beef must be cooked. For your convenience, we present a simple universal recipe for cooking liver. This delicacy can be used by mothers during breastfeeding:

  1. After the procedure of preliminary soaking the liver in milk (30 minutes), it is important to cut it into small pieces, otherwise it will take a long time to cook (up to 40 minutes).
  2. Pour in water and cook over low heat until the water boils.
  3. Drain hot water and pour boiled cold water and cook (10-15 minutes).

A healthy and tasty dish is ready, but to diversify the taste palette, if you wish, you can grate zucchini, carrots, cauliflower, stew them and make yourself a healthy vegetable side dish.

If the liver, cooked without frying, seems dry to you, you can fill it with kefir after the dish has cooled down.

Conclusion: tasty, healthy and unpretentious dishes in cooking must be present in the diet of lactating women. A valuable source of vitamins will help restore the mother's body after pregnancy and childbirth, and the baby will grow up active, healthy, smart and cheerful.

Video recipes

The liver has always been considered a very useful product. It increases hemoglobin, is an excellent source of protein. In addition, the liver is very tasty and it is cooked in hundreds of different ways, there are a lot of all kinds of recipes. But is it possible to have a liver while breastfeeding? Yes, you can. But like everything else, be careful.

Liver in the diet of a nursing mother

This offal contains complete proteins, it contains a lot of ferritin, which increases the level of hemoglobin. In addition, it contains many other useful trace elements: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, vitamins D, E, A, K. The liver helps a woman recover after childbirth.

This product can be eaten already in the first weeks after the birth of a child. But it is imperative to monitor the reaction of the baby, not forgetting that the liver of different animals can be perceived differently by his body. Allergy to it occurs quite rarely, but still not excluded.

It is best for nursing mothers to eat boiled and stewed liver, however, like all other products. With fried foods, it is better to wait until the end of breastfeeding. And you should not eat the liver every day, a couple of times a week will be enough. It contains a fairly large amount of cholesterol and, if abused, can provoke cardiovascular diseases.

Since the liver is a perishable product, which, moreover, it is undesirable to subject it to prolonged heat treatment, it must be bought in trusted places and carefully selected. The liver should be a rich dark color. Before cooking, it must be cleaned of veins and films.

Beef liver

It is usually used in dietary nutrition. It has an excellent ratio of proteins and fats: for 18 g of protein, only 3-4 g of fat.

Beef liver contains a large amount of selenium, which is a strong antioxidant, so its use helps prevent malignant neoplasms and diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is recommended to eat it for anemia. Only 100 g of beef liver provide the body of a nursing mother with vitamins for the whole day.

Boiled liver is usually added to salads, the recipes of which are many. Rolls, pates and casseroles are also made from boiled liver. But the most delicious beef liver is stewed. You can cook it in sour cream according to the classic recipe, or you can stew it with apples, prunes, herbs and even oranges, with which, however, you need to be more careful during lactation.

So that the liver does not taste bitter, before cooking it must be soaked in water or cold milk for at least 30 minutes. So that the liver does not become tough, it must be cooked no more than a certain time:

  • whole - about 40 minutes;
  • small pieces - no more than 5-10 minutes.

pork liver

This is the most useful kind. But, unfortunately, it has a bitter aftertaste, which many do not like. Because of this, pork liver is quite difficult to cook. It must be pre-soaked for at least 2 hours in milk or cold water, not forgetting to change the liquid every hour.

Pork liver contains a complete set of essential amino acids, enzymes, iron, phosphorus, copper, magnesium. Doctors recommend this type of offal to people suffering from anemia, diabetes and atherosclerosis.

There are a lot of recipes for dishes based on pork liver. You don't have to be afraid to cook it. If everything is done correctly, the finished dish will be very tasty. It is from pork liver that the most delicious pancakes, pies and cakes are obtained. Minced meat for pies is prepared from the boiled liver, you can add it to the salad. Cook it for about 40 minutes, placing it in boiling water.

Baked pork liver is very tasty and not contraindicated for nursing mothers.

Chicken and turkey liver

These types of liver cook faster, they are difficult to spoil. But they contain significantly more fat than pork, beef or lamb liver. Duck and goose liver are not recommended for nursing due to their very high fat content.

Chicken liver is high in folic acid, which is absolutely essential in the first trimester of pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects in the fetus. But for nursing mothers, folic acid will also not be superfluous. Choline, which is also abundant, stimulates brain activity and improves memory.

To choose the right chicken liver, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  • fresh liver is stored no more than 2 days;
  • it is brown;
  • its surface is smooth and shiny;
  • there are no blood clots on it;
  • there should be no unpleasant odor.

If possible, it is better to cook chilled rather than frozen liver.

Chicken liver makes a wonderful airy pate. You can cook it in the oven in a clay pot along with potatoes, vegetables or cereals. Buckwheat with liver is a classic recipe.

Can the liver be harmful?

Sometimes the liver is afraid to eat, because it cleanses the blood of all kinds of harmful substances and accumulates all this in itself. If the animals are raised in a large plant, then they are pierced with special antibiotics, which are excreted through the liver. Various additives are also used to increase the intensity of growth.

But the liver removes all these harmful substances along with bile. Yes, and a healthy organ of an adult is quite capable of removing all these hazards. And in addition to animals and birds grown at large plants, there are also so-called farm animals. If a woman is afraid that all kinds of unnecessary antibiotics and hormones will get into her body and, accordingly, into her milk, then you should buy the liver of a village chicken or cow. It is best, of course, if the supplier is known.

People suffering from kidney disease should eat the liver very carefully, in small quantities. This by-product contains a very large amount of protein, which gives an unbearable burden to unhealthy kidneys.

Any kind of liver is a healthy and tasty product that nursing mothers should eat from time to time. You just need to know the measure, be sure to buy only a fresh product and cook it correctly.