Drying food for quick fat burning: weekly menu and recipes. The best salad for drying the body

A properly composed menu during the drying period on the relief is the main condition for reducing the fat layer. The basis of a sports diet is nutrition with protein dominance. Thanks to lipolysis - the release of fat from adipocytes with a deficiency of glucose and using it as fuel, the silhouette takes on a different shape. The proposed recipes for drying the body for women for every day will help diversify the diet, cover the body's needs for nutrients.

dry soup recipe

Soups on mushroom and vegetable broths without potatoes and cereals contain a minimum of calories. If you like rich meat stews, choose lean varieties and drain the first water after boiling. For this purpose, white meat chicken and rabbit meat are more suitable. For fish soup choose hake, cod or pollock.

Variant of vegetable soup:

For 2 liters of water:

  • 180 g cabbage;
  • 120 g of chicken;
  • 2 tomatoes and peppers;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • celery root;
  • seasonings to taste.
  1. Put the chopped onion, meat, carrot, tomato into the pan.
  2. Allow 2-3 minutes, add water and continue to cook.
  3. Once boiling, toss in the celery cubes.
  4. After 5 minutes, add the pepper and the second tomato. Before turning off the burner, put the greens.

Hot appetizers

Quick mussel dish contains less than 100 calories.

  1. Pour 50 ml of cream with a fat content of 10% into a saucepan.
  2. Throw in a handful of finely chopped green onion feathers, a couple of garlic cloves.
  3. Set aside frozen mussels.
  4. Mix carefully with a spatula.
  5. After boiling, simmer over low heat for a few minutes.

Salt is not necessary, but you can add lemon. If desired, you can transfer the finished mussels to the coconut bowl, add a little cream and sprinkle with cheese. It will turn out delicious diet julienne.

Shrimps with tomato sauce

Shellfish are rich in protein in 100 g of the product only 95 kcal. Even a spoonful of olive oil adds little to the nutritional value.

  1. Boil the shrimp and cut.
  2. Grind 2 tomatoes in a blender, dilute the mass with vegetable broth and add stewed onions in 1 tsp. oils.
  3. Pour in the sauce and bring to a boil.

Nutritious protein salads

Cold snacks with protein products are a complete replacement for dinner. They cook quickly, saturate and stimulate metabolism. The calorie content of this salad does not exceed 110 kcal.

  1. Cut the boiled breast, squid carcass, egg.
  2. Season with fat-free kefir with lemon juice and 5 g of mustard.

Seafood Cocktail Salad

  1. Throw the contents of the package into boiling water and cook for 4 minutes from the moment of boiling.
  2. During this time, cut the egg, bell pepper and sour apple into strips.
  3. Season the ingredients with a spoonful of oil and generously sprinkle with herbs (95 kcal).

Recipe for drying dishes with seaweed and fish

Cooking technology:

  1. 300-400 g of fish, 2 eggs, chop the head of red onion, and mix with seaweed.
  2. Pour a spoonful of oil with lemon and crushed garlic clove (120 kcal/100 g).

Salad for drying the body with squid and vegetables


  • boiled carcass - 150 g;
  • egg;
  • big cucumber;
  • head of red onion;
  • greenery.

Cut the products and season with a mixture of 30 g of yogurt and mustard on the tip of a knife.

Delicious dry chicken and mushroom salad

Calorie - 90 kcal. Ingredients:

  • jar of champignons;
  • chicken breast;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • dill;

Mix the ingredients and pour dressing of kefir and ginger.

Cabbage drying salad

Value - 78 kcal / 100 g. Take:

  • half a head of Chinese cabbage;
  • cucumber;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 130 g of boiled meat;
  • a slice of hard cheese;
  • homemade yogurt.
  1. Cut the vegetables into strips, grate the cheese;
  2. add a couple of sprigs of parsley and dill;
  3. Top with sour milk dressing.

Dish for relief in haste

  1. Let the champignons, mix with chopped boiled chicken, onions, seasonings;
  2. season with kefir with spices (88 kcal).

Recipes for drying the body for girls from vegetables

Fresh garden products contain the nutrients necessary for the body and are low in calories. Broccoli, various types of cabbage, spinach, tomatoes and cucumbers have no more than 25 kcal. Carrots, beets, green peas have a little more of them. Due to the high fiber content, they create the illusion of satiety and promote rapid satiety.

color salad


  • 2 boiled or baked beets;
  • garlic;
  • green apple.
  1. Grate the root crop and garlic on a coarse grater;
  2. cut the fruit into small strips;
  3. mix, season with kefir or oil (80 kcal).

Detox - salad

Calorie content - 70 kcal / 100. Products:

  • 250 g of white cabbage;
  • Red pepper;
  • half an avocado;
  • parsley.
  1. Chop vegetables, pour vegetable oil;
  2. top with flax seeds, sunflower seeds or a pinch of sesame seeds.

Energy value - 110 kcal. Composed of:

  • 1 young zucchini;
  • 20 g chopped almonds;
  • small grapefruit.

For refueling- paprika + a spoonful of grated ginger root, linseed oil.

  1. Cut the seeds out of the vegetable;
  2. cut straws with a vegetable knife, mix with sauce.
  3. Sprinkle with nut crumbs on top.

Also read what protein to drink while drying the body.
Recipes for protein bars for weight loss.
How to make a protein shake for gaining muscle mass at home.
Cardio training for home and gym is described.
All the necessary information for drying the body in the rubric.

Drying recipes for girls for breakfast

Treat yourself in the morning to cheesecakes in the oven (120 kcal).


  • 200 g fat-free cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 l. bran;
  1. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork, add soda, bran, beaten egg, turn on the oven.
  2. While it is warming up, put on a baking sheet with baking paper a spoonful of the mass and form cakes.
  3. Put in the oven and turn them over after 4 minutes.
  4. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top.

Drying is used in bodybuilding to show the relief of muscles gained during their build-up. It is impossible to gain muscle mass and burn excess fat at the same time. Therefore, it is necessary to achieve these goals alternately in different periods.

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Do not confuse drying the body with the usual weight loss. After all, its goal is to burn fat with the obligatory preservation of muscle mass. This can be achieved only if there are two components: regular training and following a special diet. In addition, before starting drying, you need to be sure that sufficient muscle mass has been gained. Otherwise, you will not be able to see the relief.

    Show all

    Basic principles of drying

    On drying, it is necessary not only to adhere to proper nutrition, but also to train hard with weights. This distinguishes it from the standard diet. After all, you can get rid of extra pounds without physical exertion. It is enough to maintain a calorie deficit, and the weight will go away. But the quality of the body as a result will be poor - the skin will lose firmness and elasticity.

    Drying is necessarily accompanied by strength training. Therefore, fat is burned, and muscle mass is preserved. As a result, the body becomes not thin, but embossed and toned.

    This is achieved by increasing the proportion of protein in the diet and the almost complete elimination of carbohydrates. The ratio of BJU for drying the body should be approximately as follows:

    In the full sense, drying is necessary only for professional athletes performing at competitions where muscle relief is assessed. Ordinary people who work out in the gym or at home do not need strict drying.

    For example, a woman weighing 70 kg without developed muscles is better to make a simply balanced diet without severe restrictions. Drying in this case will not give the expected results.

    In addition, you can’t sit dry for a long time, like on any strict diet. This period should not last longer than 2 months. The exact timing is individual and depends on the characteristics of the body. For some, 3 weeks is enough for muscle relief to appear. Others will need at least 1.5-2 months to achieve results.

    If health deteriorates during the drying process, it is worth increasing the proportion of carbohydrates in the diet or completely abandoning the diet. After all, not everyone can genetically have a low percentage of body fat.

    You should not resort to drying at the age of over 50 years or under 18 years of age. In addition, contraindications are serious diseases of the digestive tract, cardiovascular and other systems.

    Allowed and prohibited products

    On drying, as well as with normal weight loss, it is necessary to maintain a calorie deficit. It should not be too large - 15-25% of the norm. You can calculate the basic calorie content for weight maintenance using the formula:

    Calories = weight (kg) x 30

    The list of foods allowed during drying is more limited than with a standard diet. Although the diet should also include all macronutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates.


    Proteins play a major role in dry food. They are essential for maintaining muscle mass. Their rate should be even higher than with muscle building.

    You can get high-quality protein from the following products:

    • chicken breast;
    • lean beef (red meat is also a source of creatine);
    • fish;
    • egg whites (yolks can be eaten, but not more than 1-2 per day);
    • cottage cheese.

    In addition, on drying you can not do without special sports supplements. First of all, they include protein. It contains a large amount of protein, but has a low calorie content and is practically free of carbohydrates and fats.

    The table shows the nutritional value of the listed protein products.

    You can consume no more than 1-2 servings of protein per day. In addition, BCAA amino acids, L-carnitine and some other supplements are suitable from sports nutrition. They will help block catabolic processes and maintain muscle mass in a carbohydrate-free diet.


    Carbohydrates during drying should account for only 10-20% of the total daily caloric intake. Moreover, it is necessary to consume mainly complex carbohydrates that feed the body with energy for a long time.

    Fast carbohydrates, which include sweets, chocolates, honey, sweets, and so on, will have to be almost completely abandoned during drying. A small amount can be eaten only in the morning or immediately after training. But their share should be severely limited.

    Allowed complex carbohydrates can be obtained from the following foods:

    • buckwheat;
    • brown rice;
    • oatmeal cooked in water;
    • legumes;
    • whole grain pasta.

    BJU and calorie content of these products are indicated in the table.

    Many people think that fruits and vegetables should be completely excluded from the diet during drying, as they contain simple carbohydrates. However, in addition to this, they are a source of fiber, which helps to cleanse the digestive system. Therefore, it is worth eating fruits and vegetables in the morning, when energy reserves are completely used up overnight, or after a workout.


    You can not do without drying and fats that are healthy for the body. They are a source of energy, help maintain the health of hair, nails, the cardiovascular system and other organs that are under increased stress in conditions of carbohydrate deficiency.

    This does not mean that you can consume fatty fast food. These foods contain saturated and trans fats. Useful for humans are polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which can be obtained from the following products:

    • nuts;
    • oily fish;
    • vegetable oils (olive, linseed, sunflower and others);
    • avocado.

    You can also use fish oil for drying. This supplement allows you to increase immunity, resistance to stress and support the normal functioning of the whole organism.

    The nutritional value of the listed products is presented in the table.

    These products should make up 30-40% of the daily diet during the drying period of the body. Many of them are high in calories, but this is due to the fact that fats have a high energy value for the body.

    Dry recipes

    Of the products listed above, it is important to be able to cook healthy, low-calorie meals. Contrary to popular belief, on drying, as in ordinary life, you can eat varied.

    Delicious meals will make it easier to survive a carbohydrate deficiency. To prepare them, you can use the following recipes.

    Salad with chicken, squid and Chinese cabbage

    At home, you can cook a high-protein salad with chicken, squid and Beijing cabbage. For this you will need the following ingredients:

    • 300 grams of boiled chicken fillet;
    • 300 grams of Beijing cabbage;
    • 100 grams of boiled squid fillet;
    • 1 bell pepper;
    • 2 tomatoes;
    • 1 apple;
    • 3 teaspoons of lemon juice;
    • 2 tablespoons of linseed oil.

    Cooking instructions:

    1. 1. Cut the cooked chicken and squid fillet into cubes.
    2. 2. Wash and cut vegetables.
    3. 3. Mix all the ingredients in a container and add lemon juice.
    4. 4. Dress the salad with linseed oil and mix thoroughly.

    Salting salads and other dishes during drying is undesirable. After all, salt retains fluid in the body, which leads to edema and prevents the achievement of visible muscle relief.

    100 grams of cooked salad contains more than 8 grams of protein, about 3 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram of fat. Calorie content - 58 kcal.

    Creamy salmon soup

    The second dish on the menu can be a creamy salmon soup. To prepare it, you need to take:

    • 200 grams of salmon;
    • 150 ml cream;
    • 3 medium potatoes;
    • 2 small carrots;
    • half an onion;
    • greenery.

    Cooking steps:

    1. 1. Pour 500 ml of water into a saucepan and put it on the stove. You can add allspice if you like.
    2. 2. Finely chop the onion and add it to the water.
    3. 3. Peel carrots and potatoes and cut them.
    4. 4. Bring the liquid to a boil and cook it for another 5 minutes.
    5. 5. Then throw chopped vegetables into the pan and wait another 7-10 minutes.
    6. 6. At this time, cut the fish into pieces. After the allotted time, it is also thrown into the soup.
    7. 7. Immediately after this, pour the cream into the pan.
    8. 8. Cook the soup until the fish is ready. During this time, the vegetables should become soft, but not boiled.

    This soup is served sprinkled with herbs on top. It tastes good and contains only 78 kcal per 100 grams. In addition, this volume contains 6 g of protein, 7 g of carbohydrates and 3 g of fat.

    Peppers stuffed with vegetables and rice

    Another dish that can be dried is a pepper stuffed with vegetables and rice.

    To prepare it, you will need to prepare the following components:

    • 8-10 pieces of bell pepper;
    • half a glass of rice;
    • 2 tomatoes;
    • 2 carrots;
    • 1 onion;
    • 3 cloves of garlic;
    • greenery.

    Step by step cooking method:

    1. 1. First you should prepare the filling. To do this, you need to boil the rice for 5-7 minutes until half cooked.
    2. 2. Then you need to chop the tomatoes, onions and herbs, grate the garlic and carrots.
    3. 3. Fry onions and carrots in a pan with a little oil for 7–8 minutes.
    4. 4. After that, mix rice, tomatoes, garlic, greens and fried carrots with onions.
    5. 5. The prepared stuffing can be peppered to taste. Salt is not recommended.
    6. 6. Now you need to wash the peppers, cut off their tops and cut out the seeds, being careful not to damage the walls.
    7. 7. Then fry the prepared peppers in a small amount of sunflower oil, turning on all sides until cooked.
    8. 8. Fill the peppers with the prepared stuffing and put in a frying pan, fill with water halfway.
    9. 9. They should be simmered for 40 minutes at a low boil.

    100 grams of such a dish contains 63 kcal, 1.3 g of protein, 11 g of carbohydrates and 1.6 g of fat.

    sample menu

    An example of a menu for every day, which should be followed during drying, is presented in the table.

    meal Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
    BreakfastLow-fat cottage cheese, low-fat milk, appleThree boiled eggs (remove the yolks from two eggs), orange, green tea without sugarOatmeal on the water, nuts, kefirMuesli without sugar, skim milkLow-fat cottage cheese, avocado, low-fat milkOatmeal on the water, banana, kefirOmelet without yolks, unsweetened yogurt with cereals
    LunchProtein barProtein barProtein barProtein barProtein barProtein barProtein bar
    DinnerBuckwheat, steamed fish, vegetable salad with pumpkinBrown rice, beef stewVegetable stew, boiled chicken breastVegetable soup with cabbage without potatoesBrown rice, steamed fish cakes, vegetable salad with olive oilBuckwheat with steamed chicken breast, vegetable slicesVegetable stew without potatoes with chicken pieces
    Afternoon snack (protein snack)Whey ProteinWhey ProteinWhey ProteinWhey ProteinWhey ProteinWhey ProteinWhey Protein
    DinnerStewed vegetables, steamed chicken cutletsBuckwheat, stewed turkey fillet, mixed vegetablesBrown rice, baked fish filletCottage cheese casserole without sugarVegetable stew, stewed chicken filletStuffed pepperBuckwheat, tongue, vegetable salad with olive oil

    Such a nutrition program can be difficult for the body. If hair begins to fall out, nails break, and so on, you need to ease the restrictions and add more carbohydrates to the diet.

    Drying the body is especially difficult for girls. By nature, their percentage of fat is higher than that of men. If you reduce it too much, you may encounter problems in the reproductive system: changes in hormonal levels, lack of critical days, etc.

    And some secrets...

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Drying is a sports term or the name of compote mix, or the name of cute miniature bagels? For many losing weight, this term remains a mystery. In this article, we will talk in detail about the food law under the interesting name “drying”.

The concept of drying came to us from bodybuilders. Athletes use this technique, as a rule, before responsible competitions. They “dry” their body from excess subcutaneous fat, thereby demonstrating the most aesthetic muscle relief.

From here you can form the correct designation of this term - drying is weight loss by reducing subcutaneous fat deposits. And like every food system, there are several laws.

  1. Reduce the amount of carbohydrate food. The fact is that all carbohydrates (cereals, fruits, desserts) cause the release of insulin, which in turn is the main converter of carbohydrates into fats. Therefore, by reducing the number of carbohydrates in the diet, you will allow the body to break down already existing fat stores.
  2. Eat the same amount of food every day. You can measure it using plastic boxes in which you will lay out your food in advance. This will allow you to control the quantity and quality of food, as well as its calories.
  3. Eat often and in small portions. Meals should be at least five or six.
  4. Monitor the heat treatment of food, food can be baked without oil, steamed, stewed.
  5. Increase cardio. That is, more running, walking or jumping than squatting or lifting dumbbells.
  6. Decrease your calorie intake weekly by reducing carbs, but don't cut them out completely. Vegetables and fruits should be eaten every day. But it is better to eat cabbage than corn.
  7. Drink water - about 2.5 liters per day.
  8. Do not eat two hours before and two hours after training.

The body drying diet menu will allow you to get a good result only with prolonged use. Athletes focus the attention of everyone who has chosen this food system on the fact that the sharper and tougher the food and physical restrictions, the higher the chance that the body will slow down the metabolism and you will lose weight for a very long time.

Therefore, the menu for drying the body for men is somewhat different from the female diet. So, male bodybuilders sit on the “drying” for about six to seven weeks. Women will need about seven to eight weeks, and ideally three months of gradual gradual weight loss.

To make a menu for every day, it is important to remember that:

  • you can safely eat protein foods - eggs (with yolk only 2 pieces per day), chicken breast, seafood, fish, beef, low-fat cottage cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes, all greens, cabbage;
  • a lot of people talk about salt restriction. Yes, salt should be limited, especially towards the end of the diet, but this is only suitable for athletes. An ordinary person without salt can earn dehydration and kidney problems. However, one must be careful with salt;
  • the amount of vegetable fats should be no more than 2 tablespoons, and ideally - olive or linseed oil;
  • carbohydrates should be of high quality - whole grain cereals, fresh vegetables, berries, nuts. All this can be consumed in strictly regulated quantities;
  • from fruits you can eat only green apples and kiwi and sometimes you can afford berries such as raspberries, blackberries, cranberries - they are not so rich in sugars;
  • You must calculate the amount of carbohydrates individually, so there is no universal menu for drying the body for a week. Everyone must calculate this rate on their own. To do this, you need to start with 2-2.5 grams per kilogram of body weight, and if after a couple of days the weight does not go away, lower this rate gradually.

We offer a variant of the diet for drying the body at home, the menu of which was developed by professional trainers:

For breakfast you can eat:

  • protein omelets;
  • cereals (buckwheat, brown rice, oatmeal) on the water with dried fruits;
  • sandwiches on whole grain bread with chicken breast pastorma;
  • vegetable salads with herbs;
  • fat-free cottage cheese with berries;
  • protein casseroles with broccoli;
  • steamed sea fish with lemon and herbs.

For lunch you should eat:

  • chicken fillet baked in spices with buckwheat and green salad;
  • mushroom cream soup with chicken and cauliflower;
  • chicken fillet with stewed cabbage;
  • stuffed squid;
  • lean ear without potatoes;
  • stewed veal with green beans;
  • vegetable stew with beef.

For dinner, choose:

  • a cup of non-fat cottage cheese and a glass of kefir;
  • baked fish with spices and green salad;
  • stewed breast with vegetables;
  • steam fish;
  • mix of seafood with fresh vegetables;
  • protein omelette and a serving of cottage cheese;
  • baked veal with fresh vegetables.

For effective drying of the body, the menu for a month can be compiled based on the proposed products, according to the time of their use (i.e., morning, afternoon, evening). The diet is very rich and nutritious, and do not forget about snacks. They should also be more protein:

  • hard-boiled eggs (watch the allowed number of yolks);
  • pastorma from chicken fillet;
  • boiled squid or mussels marinated in lemon juice;
  • green apples;
  • kefir;
  • fruit kefir, prepared independently;
  • steam cheesecakes with raisins;
  • apples baked with cottage cheese;
  • various natural yoghurts.

Remember that drying is a complex physiological process and it is recommended to carry it out no more than twice a year. At the same time, the food for drying the body for the girls of the menu should be complete and as balanced as possible, because hunger is the worst enemy of your weight loss.


All sports girls are once affected by such a problem, when it seems that the body is already pumped up, but in order for it to look like on the covers of glossy magazines, just a drop is not enough. It is this drop that becomes drying, which brings the figure to relief perfection and draws every muscle of the body. Drying is a diet and training regimen that is aimed at burning subcutaneous fat. So, what kind of diet should girls have when drying themselves, and what menu, for example, for a week? You will learn all this in the article below.

See also: Drying the body for girls at home: recommendations, menu, training program

  • Drying food features
  • Menu for the day and week
  • Drying Recipes

Protein products are the basis of low-carbohydrate nutrition (photo: vesdoloi.ru)

A diet for drying the body is a phased transition, first to a low-carb menu, and then to a non-carbohydrate one. The body stores carbohydrates, which are the easiest and fastest source of energy, as body fat. If carbohydrates are supplied in a limited amount, then the body begins to spend its strategic reserves.

The main principles of the diet for girls:

  • The diet is based on foods with a maximum protein content and a minimum fat content: chicken fillet, beef, egg protein, cottage cheese, etc. Protein can be consumed almost without restrictions, as it allows muscle mass not to burn along with the fat layer during training.
  • During the drying of the body for girls, you can not completely refuse fats, as this will ruin the skin, hair and nails. The necessary fats can be obtained from vegetable oils (olive, linseed, sunflower). The menu for each day should be no more than 2 tbsp. oils.
  • In order not to overdo it with carbohydrates consumed, you need to get a notebook, or use a special application and calculate the calorie content and composition of what your menu contains for the day and week.
  • Due to the fact that carbohydrate foods are digested for a long time, it is better to move it to the first half of the day, and after dinner, give preference to foods containing protein. Eat small and frequent meals every couple of hours, and never skip breakfast as it is the most important meal of the day.

Nutrition program for 5 weeks:

First week. The diet allows no more than 2 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of weight per day. Numerous reviews confirm that in order not to harm the body, you need to give up carbohydrate-containing foods gradually. And, of course, do not forget to control and count the calorie content of food consumed. During the first seven days, it is not recommended to eat fruits, it is better to eat whole grain cereals, which will replenish the required percentage of carbohydrates, and protein foods. If you can, reduce salt and spices in your diet.

The amount of protein in the menu should be 50 percent, fat - less than 20, and the rest - carbohydrates.

Second week. This week, it is allowed to consume no more than 1 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight per day, and salt should also be removed.

The amount of protein should be 80 percent, fat does not change, and carbohydrates should be minimal. You can eat cottage cheese, beef, chicken breast, seafood, as well as cucumbers, cabbage, etc.

Third week. Consumed carbohydrates should be reduced to 0.5 g per 1 kg of body weight per day. If the smell of acetone from the body or from the mouth appears and the head is spinning, then it is allowed to drink the juice. During the third seven days, it is also worth cutting back on the amount of liquid. Remember that only egg white is allowed, and the yolk must be discarded. In addition, it is recommended to start taking vitamins.

Fourth week. Based on your well-being, spend the fourth seven days either as the third or as the second.

Fifth week. The final week of the low-carb diet for girls should be carried out similarly to the first, so that the exit from drying is safe and painless.

Do not forget that weight can easily return if you continue your normal lifestyle immediately after drying. Nevertheless, such a diet, despite all kinds of reviews, sets itself one main goal - clear body reliefs for a short period of time. And, of course, you must definitely go in for sports and perform special exercises for girls, otherwise the whole diet will be meaningless.

See also: Drying the body for girls: menu for a month by day, useful tips and diet

An ideal drying lunch is buckwheat porridge, low-fat boiled fish and cucumber (photo: dama-plus.ru)

If you decide to dry your body muscles, but you can’t imagine what to eat every day, then you should follow the special menu for drying girls. When you know what to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, the diet will be much easier for you.

For those who do not want to fully dry, but would not mind unloading the body, a one-day unloading diet (for a short time), built on the principle of drying, is perfect. A day on a low-carb diet activates the metabolic process in the body and removes excess fluid.

The menu for a fasting day looks like this:

And if you still want to go through a full-fledged drying program, then this menu for a week will help you with this:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Breakfast Oatmeal - 30g, tbsp raisins Buckwheat - 30g, cheese, cucumber Diet cottage cheese casserole with dried apricots - 70 g Buckwheat - 30g, cheese, cucumber Oatmeal - 30g, some raisins Diet curd casserole with dried apricots – 70g Steamed omelet from 3 egg whites, cheese
Lunch Low-fat cottage cheese - 50g, st.l. peanut Boiled egg whites -2 pcs, greens Low-fat cottage cheese - 50g, tbsp peanuts Boiled egg whites - 2 pcs, greens Low-fat cottage cheese - 50g, tbsp. peanut Boiled egg whites 2 pcs, greens Low-fat cottage cheese -50g, st.l. peanut
Dinner Boiled beef - 60g, cabbage, greens Boiled chicken fillet - 60 g, vegetable salad with 1 tbsp. oils Baked white fish 80g, assorted vegetables, greens Boiled turkey fillet - 60g, vegetable salad with 1 tbsp. oils Baked chicken fillet - 60g, vegetable salad with 1 tbsp. oils Boiled white fish -70 g, assorted vegetables, greens Baked beef - 60g, cabbage, greens
afternoon tea Low-fat cottage cheese -50g, sour apple Low-fat cottage cheese - 50g, tbsp. raisins Low-fat cottage cheese - 50g, baked apple Low-fat cottage cheese - 50g, dried fruits - 30g Low-fat cottage cheese - 50g, sour apple Low-fat cottage cheese - 50g, tbsp raisins Low-fat cottage cheese 50g, baked apple
Dinner Steamed turkey cutlet, tomato, greens Baked beef 60g, cheese, greens Steamed turkey fillet - 60g, stewed vegetables, greens Steamed fish cutlet, vegetable salad with 1 tbsp. oils Chicken breasts and vegetables in baked form - 80g
Second dinner Low-fat cottage cheese - 50g, kefir Low-fat cottage cheese - 50g, kefir Low-fat cottage cheese - 50g, kefir Low-fat cottage cheese - 50g, kefir Low-fat cottage cheese - 50g, kefir Low-fat cottage cheese - 50g, kefir Low-fat cottage cheese - 50g, kefir

Important. This menu is only suitable for girls in the first week of drying. In subsequent stages, reduce the amount of carbohydrate foods. Do not forget that this diet is quite approximate. Adjust the menu based on your goals, initial body weight and well-being, and not on people's feedback.

See also: Drying the body for girls at home: features of the process, useful tips, menu for the week

Cottage cheese casserole is an excellent substitute for sweets (photo: vkus-zhizni-ak.ru)

Drying diet is a rather tough and stressful restriction of your body and body. However, it is quite possible to facilitate this process by making your menu more varied every day. To do this, below are several recipes for dishes that are not only allowed for drying, but also very tasty (according to numerous reviews).

Protein omelette with cottage cheese - 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, 3 egg whites. Separate the whites from the yolks and beat them with dietary cottage cheese, add herbs and spices to taste. The resulting mixture must be poured into a mold and baked in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

Cottage cheese casserole - 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, 4 egg whites, 1 tsp. cocoa, vanillin on the tip of a knife. Mix diet cottage cheese with cocoa, vanillin and cocoa. Bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes.

Cheesecakes without oil - 180 g low-fat cottage cheese, 2 egg whites, 15 g fiber, 2 tsp. sweetener. Mix cottage cheese with egg white, sweetener and a few tablespoons of fiber, mix the resulting mass. Form cheesecakes from the dough, put on a plate and bake in the microwave.

Cottage cheese jelly - 300 g low-fat cottage cheese, 3 egg whites, 15 g gelatin, 1 tsp. cocoa, 1 tsp sweetener. Gelatin must be poured into a glass of water. Heat the gelatin mass and mix so that there are no lumps. When the mass has cooled, add cottage cheese, cocoa and sweetener. After that, beat with a blender, pour into molds and leave in the refrigerator until solidified.

Chicken in kefir - 250 g of chicken fillet, 0.25 l of kefir, herbs and spices to taste. Rub the chicken breast with herbs and spices, pour in kefir, which is diluted with water, and send it to the refrigerator overnight so that the meat is thoroughly marinated. The finished fillet can be fried on a grill pan without oil, or baked in the oven.

Superprotein salad - 200 g squid, 100 g chicken fillet, 1 egg. Boil squid, chicken fillet and soft-boiled egg. Cut the squid and fillet and mix with the egg.

Chicken in cottage cheese sauce - 200 g chicken fillet, 100 g cottage cheese, 1 head of garlic, herbs to taste. Boil the chicken fillet, make a sauce by combining and mixing cottage cheese, herbs, garlic and water. Pour the boiled breast with sauce and leave for an hour to infuse and soak it.

See also: How to dry girls properly: a set of exercises and the choice of fat burners

For more drying recipes, see the video below.


Drying the body is a method of losing weight, the purpose of which is to reduce weight by getting rid of fat reserves, while maintaining muscle tissue. This method is distinguished by a strict low-carbohydrate diet. Drying the body for the girls of the menu for a week involves combining nutrition with intense physical exercise. Initially, it was used by bodybuilders in order to reduce body fat and obtain muscle relief. Gradually, this complex began to be used for body shaping not only by athletes. Let's look at the features and menu for the week.

The ideal figure is the dream of every girl, and in order to get the cherished forms, all means are good. Drying involves a quick, real achievement of the desired result. The essence of the method is to exclude carbohydrate-containing foods from the diet. Rejection of simple sugars contributes to the consumption of existing fat reserves, which supply the body with the necessary energy. Therefore, drying the body for girls on the menu for a week includes protein foods. When following this type of diet, it is necessary to take into account following rules:

  • The duration of the diet is 6 weeks.
  • The food is divided into small portions.
  • The rate of fluid intake per day is increased to 2.5 liters.
  • To control the amount of food consumed, it is necessary to keep a daily calorie count.
  • During drying, aerobic sports (fitness, step aerobics) are required, alternating with strength training in the gym.
  • At the beginning of drying the body for girls, the weekly menu should contain a small amount of carbohydrate food.
  • You can not immediately exclude all carbohydrates from the diet. The transition to protein foods should be gradual in order to eliminate stress for the body.
  • By the end of the diet, carbohydrate intake is reduced to a minimum.
  • A prerequisite for drying are hearty breakfasts.
  • The main amount of food should be consumed in the morning.
  • Drying menu items must be stewed, boiled or steamed.
  • Flour and sweet foods are excluded from the diet.
  • During the drying period, multivitamin preparations should be consumed.
  • The amount of fat should be limited, the ideal option would be to replace them with vegetable oils.

When drying the body for girls, the weekly menu must necessarily include protein and carbohydrate products, with the condition that they do not contain simple sugars and high fat content. The menu does not include cheese, fatty meat (pork, duck, beef), smoked sausages, stew, canned meat, lard. The drying diet should consist of protein foods. The list of prohibited foods includes foods rich in fats:

  • mayonnaise;
  • sour cream;
  • olives;
  • butter.

Effective weight loss requires maximum restriction of the consumption of sweets, baked goods, and fruits. It is not advised to use salt, spices and sauces during drying. Due to the significant physical activity that is included in the drying program, the main amount of food should be consumed before lunch. All calories received at this time are completely absorbed, not deposited in fats.

The menu for drying the body for girls provides for a low-carbohydrate diet. To rid the body of fat, but at the same time not to “burn” muscles, protein foods rich in protein will help. It is a "building material" and promotes the growth of muscle fibers. The protein menu for every day when drying includes the following products:

  • not oily fish;
  • seafood;
  • greenery;
  • legumes;
  • egg white;
  • poultry meat (turkey, chicken), rabbit, veal;
  • dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt) with a low fat content.

Drying the body for girls menu for a week involves a carbohydrate-free diet. However, the complete exclusion of such products can provoke the development of serious abnormalities in the work of some body systems. Carbohydrates are the main substance that supports the normal functioning of the central nervous system. It is recommended to include vegetables, pasta, cereals, unsweetened cookies in the diet.

These products are absorbed gradually and do not provoke significant insulin surges. It is recommended to use them either a couple of hours before sports, or before lunch. During the drying period, the diet should not be scarce, otherwise fasting will lead to poor health, lack of strength to attend training and exercise.

All effective diets are distinguished by a varied diet. Drying is no exception. Designed for 1.5 months, it involves the phased exclusion of carbohydrates. The process of losing weight should be entered smoothly. The first week is preparatory and the most gentle. At this time, carbohydrate intake cannot exceed two grams per kilogram of body weight.

When drying the body for girls, the menu for a week consists of products that contain fats - 20%, proteins - 50%, carbohydrates - 30%. If you want sweets very much, you are allowed to eat one apple or banana. At this time, it is recommended to include a large amount of food rich in fiber, which will help to cope with the growing feeling of hunger. Sample menu for the week by day:

  • Morning: 2 baked egg whites, oatmeal, a glass of unsweetened tea.
  • Lunch: steamed skinless turkey breast, vegetable salad (cucumbers with herbs).
  • Afternoon snack: 50 g of buckwheat porridge boiled in water.
  • Dinner: stewed white fish with cabbage.
  • Morning: 2 omelet egg whites, pasta, a glass of fat-free kefir.
  • Lunch: a piece of steamed beef; vegetable salad of pepper, parsley with olive oil.
  • Snack: boiled fish, half a grapefruit.
  • Dinner: fat-free cottage cheese with kefir.
  • Morning: boiled egg, buckwheat porridge, milk.
  • Lunch: soup with a piece of low-fat fish without potatoes, salad (any fresh vegetables).
  • Snack: cottage cheese 1% fat.
  • Dinner: coleslaw.
  • Morning: oatmeal, 250 ml skim milk.
  • Lunch: stewed squids seasoned with a spoonful of sour cream; salad with red cabbage and bell pepper.
  • Snack: soup without potatoes with buckwheat in vegetable broth.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese and kefir.
  • Morning: rice porridge on the water (2 tablespoons), tea, half a grapefruit.
  • Lunch: mushroom soup with herbs, a piece of boiled chicken breast.
  • Snack: vegetable salad (cucumbers with cabbage).
  • Dinner: white fish, stewed or boiled.
  • Morning: scrambled eggs from one egg, tea.
  • Lunch: peas stewed with rabbit meat, greens.
  • Snack: fat-free cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: buckwheat porridge.
  • Morning: oatmeal with dried apricots or raisins, tea.
  • Lunch: boiled veal with fresh bell pepper.
  • Lunch: salad with vegetables.
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese.

Proper weight loss when drying the body for girls on the menu for a week, starting from the next 7 days, involves reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed to 1 gram per kg of body weight. At this stage, a complete rejection of fruits is recommended. If the feeling of hunger overcomes, then in the first part of the day it is allowed to eat 1/2 apple. In the evening, it is allowed to eat only fat-free kefir, cottage cheese, boiled fish or steamed white meat.

The third week of drying is the most difficult. It provides for a maximum reduction in carbohydrates to 0.5 g per kg of weight. Only foods containing a large amount of protein (legumes, meat) are left on the menu, with the complete exclusion of fruits. The amount of porridge consumed is reduced. The 4 week menu resembles nutrition at the 3rd stage of drying with a reduction in the consumption of cereals to 6 tbsp. spoons a day. In the first three days of the 5th week of drying, dairy products and cereals are excluded, meat and vegetables remain. Then there is a smooth return to the diet of the first week, which lasts for 6 weeks.

Marina, 23 years old: I have been drying my body for three months. After 7 weeks of the diet, I adhere to the principles of protein nutrition. Now the figure is approaching the desired result, but it is still far from perfection. I combine nutrition with regular workouts in the gym. Completely excluded sweets and potatoes. I allow myself two slices of bread a day, sometimes biscuits. The first 7 days were the hardest.

Elya, 44 years old: I have been practicing this diet for the second year. After I managed to lose 10 kg, I decided for myself that I would eat the right foods every day. I do not eat fried, sweet and do not want to. I get pleasure not from food, but from “muscle joy”. The body has acquired a beautiful contour, the sides, stomach, arms, hips have become taut. The difference before and after drying is very noticeable.

Vitalina, 30 years old: A year ago I completed a full drying course under the guidance of an instructor. During the first week, thanks to her lessons, I lost 7 kg. It was not possible to achieve a beautiful relief of the press, but she lost 18 kg. The weight is holding up even though I don't follow a strict diet plan. I continue to go to the gym every other day. I'm going to repeat the course to get these same relief muscles as in the photo.

To the question of how to lose weight, the host of the Miss Bikini video project, fitness center trainer, will help you find the answer. According to her, what you cook for your diet is no less important when losing weight, as is regular exercise. Maintaining a given rhythm will allow not only to get a beautiful, athletic figure, but also to join the proper, healthy diet. The leader of the column will likewise talk about the basics of nutrition. It will show what portions of food should be in terms of volume, and will help calculate their calorie content.


A diet called body drying is a nutritional complex common among girls, following which you can achieve a significant reduction in the percentage of fat in the body and stabilize weight. The uniqueness of the system lies in the purpose.

In the past, cutting the body was the privilege of men who prepared for competitions and achieved muscle relief, leaving a minimum of fat. Now this diet is boldly chosen by girls who want to build and form perfect forms. It should be noted that local drying is not possible. It will not work to remove excess fat from the legs separately from the body.

Drying the body of girls comes down to carbohydrate starvation. In other words, the diet requires a reduction in the calorie content of the diet on the menu by reducing carbohydrates. Insufficient consumption of glucose causes the formation of fat.

The elimination of sugar in the diet is aimed at breaking down body fat in order to provide the necessary energy. Drying the body of girls, including the legs, is based on the same principle and does not differ from the dietary system used by men. A month is a safe period for the body to comply with the nutrition complex.

The basic part of the diet menu, which implies a diet, is protein food, including chicken breast and cottage cheese. In the morning, a menu of cereals, beans and rye pasta is suitable.

The first week, nutritionists and athletes are advised to consume a couple of grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight in the daily diet. The next week you need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates to one gram.

The diet provides for the addition of cold-pressed olive, linseed or sunflower oil to food. At the beginning of the diet, whole grain bread is allowed, which later will have to be completely abandoned.

There is a menu for the week, designed specifically for the nutrition complex during drying. It is suitable for reducing the volume of the body, including the legs.

There are two food options to choose from:

  1. At the first, the norm of carbohydrates is observed daily, fruits and grains are not consumed for afternoon tea and dinner.
  2. The second option is to rotate carbohydrates. The first day the girl eats a carbohydrate norm, the next two days she adheres to a menu with a low carbohydrate content, the fourth day's diet involves the use of a carbohydrate norm.

Rejection of habitual carbohydrates should occur gradually. Forget sugary treats and fast food snacks. Such recommendations should be followed for a month, after which, if necessary, repeat the diet.

If the lack of carbohydrates negatively affects well-being, the diet allows you to add one apple or half a grapefruit to the menu in the first week of the diet.

Compliance with such a diet will lead to the loss of thirty kilograms in three months. It should be remembered that it is necessary to take a break so as not to harm the body.

During the drying of the body and, in particular, the legs, experts are allowed to eat soup prepared according to special recipes. Such a dish would be appropriate for girls on a strict diet. As a basis for soup, you can take a broth from fish or meat. You can eat the dish for the whole month of the diet.

To prepare fish soup, cod, haddock or burbot are used. Meat broths should be prepared from rabbit meat or chicken fillet. The diet allows you to add food cereals from whole grains.

The peculiarity of the first courses in the drying menu for girls lies in the process of their preparation. Washed fish or meat fillets are boiled for about thirty minutes. The prepared product is removed and cut into pieces, together with pre-prepared vegetables, placed in the resulting broth. Do not cook diet soup with frying.

Chicken in kefir

To prepare a tender dish that is ideal for a girl when shaping her body, you need to take a chicken breast. Sprinkle the meat with spices and place in a container with kefir. First, the drink must be diluted with water. It is better to marinate the chicken overnight in a cool place. After that, the marinated meat is to be fried without adding oil.

Protein salad

A magnificent salad will ideally fit into the diet of a girl who is engaged in drying her legs. To prepare a delicious salad, you just need to mix pre-cooked and chopped chicken fillet, squid carcass and eggs. After eating such a dish, the word diet will no longer scare girls.

Chicken in curd sauce

The rules for drying the body allow you to use the recipe for an unusual treat that is perfect for the last meal. Boiled chicken fillet should be poured with a mixture of spices, herbs, cottage cheese, garlic and water. After that, you need to let the dish stand for two or three hours.

Chicken julienne with mushrooms

A dish based on boiled fillet is a great option for the menu while drying the body of girls, including legs. Pieces of steamed meat must be cut and fried in a pan. Layers of cooked chicken and mushrooms are placed in special molds. Then the products are poured with low-fat yogurt. To get a golden crust, granular cottage cheese is suitable.

Fish meatballs

For cooking, you need to use minced meat from a variety of fish with a low fat content. The fillet should be boiled and all the bones removed from it. The fish must be scrolled in a meat grinder. Place the onion in the minced meat, add the raw egg. After that, you need to form meatballs and fry them in a pan without adding oil. You can also use the oven, in which place the cue balls for a quarter of an hour.

chicken breeze

The basis of the dish is the chicken breast. The meat is cut into strips, mushrooms are fried. Then these ingredients must be mixed and seasoned with soy sauce. The resulting mixture is simmered for fifteen minutes. This dish can be consumed for a whole month without fear for the figure.

Squid stuffed with cottage cheese

An interesting option for dinner while drying the legs is stuffed squid. To prepare the dish, you need to take two squids and dip them in boiling water for four to five minutes. It is allowed to stuff carcasses with mushrooms, low-fat cottage cheese and egg whites. Cooked seafood must be fried in a pan with the addition of soy sauce.


The dish is an aspic based on seafood. To prepare the aspic, gelatin is required, which is diluted with water and allowed to stand for about an hour. The broth obtained from sea delicacies is added to a container with ready-made gelatin. After that, the goodies are laid out in containers, pouring the resulting liquid.

Protein omelette

An excellent solution for a morning lunch is an omelet with cottage cheese. To prepare it, you will need egg whites, which you need to beat with herbs, low-fat cottage cheese and spices. The finished dish can be baked in the oven. By eating a protein omelette, a girl can be sure that the diet for drying legs is fully observed.

Cottage cheese casserole

It does not take much time and effort to prepare a delicious dish for drying the body. You need to mix two hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese with cocoa, cinnamon and vanilla. The resulting mixture is baked in the oven.

Omelette in a water bath

The essence of the dishes used for drying the body is their reduced fat content. For this reason, the classic omelet is replaced by boiled. Combine eggs with low fat milk and spices. Beat the resulting mass, pour into a glass and bring to readiness in a saucepan with boiling water.

To get a beautiful body relief, you need to pump muscles and reduce body fat. To solve the first problem, it is better to use power loads, and for the second, drying is ideal. There are certain rules regarding training and menus.

What does "drying the body" mean?

Bodybuilders and other athletes use a special direction called drying to draw inflated muscles. It implies a significant restriction in the use of carbohydrates, due to which subcutaneous fat burns. To get good results, it is not enough to know what drying the body in sports means, since there are certain rules and contraindications, without which you can harm your health.

What is body drying for?

As a result of intense training, metabolic processes are launched in the body, which makes it impossible for a person to simultaneously gain muscle mass and lose weight. Drying is used when a girl understands that the muscles are well developed, but there is no desired relief. Many people, speaking on the topic of why a woman needs drying a body, believe that this direction helps to remove excess fluid from the body, but in fact, intensive fat burning occurs.

Drying the body - how long does it take?

Since the process of losing weight by refusing to eat carbohydrate food is dangerous, it is necessary to use this technique for a long time. Effective drying of the body for a girl should last five weeks, this is the optimal period. The first weeks are input, which allows the body to get used to, and the last two are days off, so that when you return to the usual menu, you do not experience stress and do not gain weight. The most difficult is the third week, when the load is maximum.

How to do body drying for girls?

To get the result, it is important to follow certain rules. You will have to work in two main areas: changing the menu and sports. As for the first, during the allotted time you will have to adhere to a protein diet. It is recommended to give up carbohydrates gradually, which will not be stressful for the body. Proper drying of the body for girls should take into account a number of important principles.

  1. It is best to continue to use a strength training regimen, which will not give the muscles an opportunity to shrink. To burn fat should be added. A good solution is three cardio workouts a week for half an hour, and then, the time is increased to an hour.
  2. It is impossible to remove fats from the body drying menu for girls, it is also important to ensure the supply of vitamins and minerals. Without them, there will be serious health problems.
  3. Drying the body for girls, whose menu is protein, allows the use of a minimum amount of carbohydrates. They must be eaten before lunch so that the body has the strength to process them quickly.
  4. If desired, you can use sports nutrition.

Nutrition for drying the body for girls

To achieve results when using any technique, you must consider the basic rules. It is recommended to adhere to fractional nutrition, eating up to six times a day. You need to drink a lot of water, so the daily norm is 2.5 liters. It is forbidden to eat two hours before and one hour after training to allow the body to waste stored fat. Another rule - breakfast is the most important and most satisfying meal. Products for drying the body should not be high-calorie. It is necessary to eat 60-70% of all daily food before two in the afternoon.

Drying the body for girls - menu for the week

The program lasts for five weeks and each of them differs in some principles in building the menu. The first week is introductory and carbohydrates are still allowed on it. Their number should be calculated as follows: for 1 kg of a girl's weight, there should be 2 g of carbohydrates. The amount of proteins is 30%, and fats - 20%. It is necessary to abandon junk food containing simple carbohydrates. In order for the drying diet for girls to give results, in the second week the amount of carbohydrates should be halved, but proteins should be 80% of the daily menu. It is recommended to consume 10 g of bran every day.

Next week, carbohydrates are cut in half again, but in order to avoid ailments, you need to include 0.5 tbsp in the menu. sweet juice. It is also important to reduce the amount of food consumed by 1/3. The diet of the fourth week can repeat the previous two seven days. In the fifth week, drying the body for girls, the menu of which is similar in principle to the first, makes it possible to consolidate the result and prepare for a return to the regular menu.

Recipes for drying the body for girls

From products that are allowed for drying, you can cook many dishes that will be very tasty. For cooking, use stewing, baking, boiling and steaming. Recipes from turkey for drying the body are very popular, since poultry meat contains little fat, so it is dietary, and it is also an excellent source of protein. An original and easy-to-prepare dish is turkey timbale.


  • fillet - 250 g;
  • low-fat soft cottage cheese - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • parsley - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • garlic - 0.5 cloves;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • salt and pepper.


  1. For this dish for drying the body, cut the fillet into thin strips.
  2. Mix cottage cheese with chopped onion, garlic, lemon juice and other ingredients.
  3. Spread the filling in layers in a form, alternating with meat.
  4. You need to bake at a temperature of 180 degrees. Cooking time - 20 min.
Salad for drying the body


  • cabbage - 250 g;
  • celery - 100 g;
  • low-fat cheese - 40 g;
  • olive oil- 1 teaspoon;
  • fillet - 200 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • herbs and salt.


  1. Boil the fillet and the egg, and then cut them into small pieces.
  2. Grate cheese or cut into cubes.
  3. Chop the vegetables into strips, add salt and herbs, and crush with your hands so that the juice stands out. Mix all parts and serve.

Sports nutrition for drying the body

You can not use this technique in order to lose weight. It is only effective if the goal is to draw existing muscles. To fully understand what it means to dry the body in sports, you need to turn your attention to sports nutrition, which will be a great help for people who want to get results quickly. There are various drugs that allow you to actively burn fat, deliver protein to the muscles and saturate with energy. The type of sports nutrition should be selected individually.

  1. Fat burners. The drugs help speed up the fat burning process. For the result, it is important to actively engage in sports.
  2. L-carnitine. This tool does not burn fat, but directs it to a disposal site.
  3. Protein. In order for the girl's muscle mass not to collapse, this supplement is needed, which nourishes the muscles and reduces the feeling of hunger.
  4. Amino acids. Important for maintaining muscles, and they also reduce appetite.
  5. Vitamins and minerals. During a strict diet, the body lacks nutrients, which negatively affects health.

The harm of drying the body for women

There are times when it is harmful, so it is important to consider contraindications. You can not use drying for diseases of the pancreas, heart, liver and kidneys. The harm of drying the body also applies to the serious stress experienced by the body, so many feel unwell. You can not use a carbohydrate-free diet for women in position and breastfeeding. During drying, the following problems may occur:

  1. Due to the reduction of fats in the menu, there are problems with nails, skin and hair.
  2. The absence of the girl's menstruation for several months.
  3. Violations in the work of the reproductive, hormonal and endocrine systems.
  4. Increased nervousness and irritability.

Soup is a liquid dish cooked in meat, fish or vegetable broth, it is characterized by a large number of vegetables and easy digestibility. Can soups be eaten dry? Let's figure it out. When driving off excess weight, 70% of success depends on the right diet, without this, no matter how intense the workouts, there will be no result. Moreover, the diet should not just be low-calorie, it should be special - low-carbohydrate with a lot of proteins, vitamins and minerals.
A portion of soup cooked in vegetable broth will contain no more than 300 kcal, but at the same time this dish will fill the body with vitamins, minerals and will not cause difficulties for the digestive tract with digestion. Therefore, we can conclude that soups when drying the body are a great way to diversify the diet.

What kind of soup can you eat when drying the body

Drying soup should contain a minimum amount of carbohydrates, so it is better not to add potatoes to it, since this product contains a large amount of starch. To dry the body, the soup must be cooked in a broth from low-fat varieties of fish and meat.
Fish broth can be prepared from:

  • hake - contains no more than 1.4% fat;
  • cod - about 0.3% fat;
  • haddock - contains about 0.5% fat;
  • navagi - 0.8–1.4% fat;
  • pollock - no more than 0.9% fat.

From meat, it is optimal to cook broth on chicken breasts, but you can also use veal and rabbit fillets. From cereals to the dish, you can add only buckwheat or rice.
From vegetables for soup for drying, sweet peppers, onions, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, asparagus, celery are suitable.

How to cook soup while drying the body

Is it possible to eat soup on the dryer, we have already figured it out. Now we have to figure out how to cook it. So, the dish can be cooked on meat or fish broth, or on vegetable broth with the addition of ready-made meat.
For meat or fish broth, you must first wash the fillet, remove the bones and boil in water for about 30-40 minutes. Then pour the broth into another pan, cut the fillet into portions, prepare the vegetables. Bring the broth to a boil, add chopped vegetables and fillets to it. It is not necessary to fry vegetables first, intensive heat treatment leads to the loss of a large amount of vitamins and minerals. If desired, you can also add no more than 50 g of buckwheat or rice groats to the soup for drying the body.
To prepare a liquid dish in vegetable broth, you will need to pre-boil onions, carrots and asparagus with bay leaves - this will be its basis. Next, the broth must be filtered, add vegetables, cereals and fish or meat fillets to it. To reduce the number of calories, you can boil the fillet separately, and then add it to the vegetables, so all the fat from it will remain in the water.

Drying can be soup for dinner

A liquid dish is perfect for an evening meal, as it is quickly digested even before bedtime. But in this case, you should not add meat to the dish, since it may take about four hours to process it. You can add green peas or beans to vegetables, these products contain a lot of natural protein, are nutritious and well digested.

How to cook soup for drying the body for men

For men on drying, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be 60: 20: 20. This means that meat should prevail in the menu, but it is also impossible to completely refuse fats and carbohydrates, this can seriously disrupt metabolic processes in the body. The proportion of protein in this case should be about 4 g per 1 kg of weight. Therefore, the first dish must contain meat.