What causes dizziness and nausea. Severely dizzy and nauseous: possible causes and remedies for symptoms When reading, dizzy and nauseous

Many patients do not take dizziness, nausea and weakness as a serious symptom, but attribute them to fatigue, malnutrition, magnetic storms, weather changes. However, nausea, weakness and dizziness can signal a serious diagnosis, so these symptoms should not be ignored.


Dizziness is a sensation of movement and rotation of everything that is around the patient, which in reality is false. Most often with this condition, a person experiences bouts of nausea and vomiting. The causes of these symptoms include all diseases that affect the vestibular apparatus, space control, as well as diseases of the joints, muscle and bone corset.

Dizziness may be accompanied by:

  • weakness;
  • fainting;
  • darkening in the eyes;
  • loss of balance;
  • veil before the eyes.

A person may experience pre-syncope, which negatively affects the vestibular apparatus and can provoke a fall, severe uncontrollable weakness in the legs, loss of orientation.

Vertigo has two types of manifestation: central and peripheral.

Causes of central vertigo include:

  • neoplasms in the region of the brain;
  • violations blood flow brain;
  • migraine;
  • shake brain;
  • epilepsy.

Causes of peripheral vertigo include:

  • violations related to dorsal brain;
  • failures in blood flow in the area of ​​the vestibular apparatus;
  • disease Meniere;
  • diseases spine;
  • inner trauma ear.

Weakness and dizziness

Weakness and dizziness can signal the following pathologies:

  • diseases hearts;
  • harbingers stroke in the form of hypertensive attacks;
  • violations blood flow into the brain;
  • low level hemoglobin, anemia;
  • neurocirculatory dystonia, as a consequence of stress;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • reduced sugar in blood;
  • poisoning;
  • side the effect after taking certain medications;
  • solar hit;
  • diseases oncological character at an early stage.

Teenagers may experience dizziness and weakness during puberty.

Dizziness in women

In women, nausea, dizziness, and vomiting can be caused by:

  • pregnancy;
  • nervous surge;
  • diabetes
  • diseases hearts;
  • menopause;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • strict diet, fasting;
  • diseases endocrine systems.

Dizziness in children

If a child has dizziness and nausea, then parents should definitely consult a doctor, since these symptoms very often indicate various disorders and diseases that can lead to:

  • inflammation and infections;
  • hereditary migraine;
  • different ENT diseases.


If dizziness is accompanied by severe progressive headaches and nausea, which comes with seizures, hearing loss, facial asymmetry, then most likely it signals the occurrence of an ischemia focus or neoplasm in the brain area.

Dizziness, which occurs in attacks and is accompanied by weakness, can be the cause of high blood pressure. But if fainting, slurred tongue, stiffness of movements are added to these symptoms, then you need to urgently call an ambulance, since all this can be a sign of an incipient stroke.

Diabetics may periodically experience dizziness with fainting, most often this occurs during a period of critical decrease in blood sugar. Experts recommend immediately calling an ambulance, and while waiting for the doctor, offer the patient something sweet.

Photophobia, nausea and dizziness are very common during severe migraine attacks.

Nausea, dizziness and increased sweating signal problems with the spine.

Pancreatin, cholecystitis, liver disease can also cause nausea, vomiting and dizziness. In this case, adequate treatment must be prescribed.

Nausea, vomiting and dizziness, which occur with noticeable frequency in women, may indicate a pregnancy, in which case a test will help to confirm or refute these assumptions.

Weakness and vomiting are signs of intoxication or poisoning with alcohol, poor-quality products, gas or smoke.

All symptoms must be checked, as it can also indicate other equally serious pathologies.


To diagnose symptoms such as nausea, weakness, dizziness, the specialist first collects the entire history. The doctor may ask about possible injuries, hearing, visual disturbances, and other pathologies and symptoms.

It is also worth talking about the drugs that have recently been taken. The specialist may inquire about alcohol and drug addiction.

The following studies are mainly assigned:

  • General analysis blood and urine.
  • ultrasonic study of the head and cardiovascular system. Confirm or refute diseases of the cardiac system, their course, pathologies.
  • Electroencephalography. Shows the presence of epilepsy and other diseases associated with brain activity.
  • Electrocardiogram. It will help to determine the heart rate, all changes in the work of the heart muscle, inflammation.
  • x-ray cervical spine. Identifies pathologists. from the musculoskeletal system.
  • Magnetic resonance brain tomography. It will help to identify heart attack and stroke, multiple sclerosis, pituitary adenoma.
  • neurological diagnostics is an opportunity to make or refute such diagnoses as migraine, insomnia, genetic pathologies, stroke, inflammation of the nervous system, osteochondrosis, multiple sclerosis.
  • Tonal audiometry. Detects hearing loss or hearing problems.

After all the examinations have been carried out, the specialist prescribes treatment.

What to do

If the patient suffers from various chronic diseases, he may periodically experience nausea, weakness, dizziness, malaise, and drowsiness. If all these symptoms were noticed together or separately, then most likely there was a sharp exacerbation of the disease.

In diabetes, this may mean that sugar has dropped significantly due to a large dose of insulin. If this happens, then it is imperative to contact your doctor and adjust the dose or receive instructions on how to behave in these cases.

With frequent and heavy loads, symptoms appear from overwork, in connection with this, it is necessary to take a break and properly distribute your forces.

An ambulance is urgently called in the following cases:

  • arose fainting;
  • severe dizziness ;
  • headache, dizziness combined with speech impairment, facial asymmetry, weakness in the limbs;
  • with decompensation hypertension and diabetes;
  • if increased with dizziness temperature and there was vomiting.

With nausea, dizziness and weakness, they initially turn to a therapist who, having studied the problem, will appoint a visit to a specialist of a narrow specialization. It can be: a cardiologist, an endocrinologist, a neuropathologist.

If dizziness occurs suddenly, the patient is placed in the position lying down on any surface and be sure to open windows so that more fresh air enters the room. The temperature in the room where the patient is located should be within normal limits.

If fainting occurs, then be sure to use ammonia, which is dripped onto cotton wool and brought to the patient's nose.

If a person experiences a nervous state, overstrained, or he has a tantrum, then he is necessarily offered herbal sedatives or tranquilizers. Most often they use valerian, motherwort, etc.

With reduced pressure or hypotension, the patient is offered to drink sweet tea.

If a person suffers from diabetes, when sugar drops, it is worth offering him candy or sugar, this will help raise blood glucose levels, which will improve well-being.

How to prevent dizziness and nausea on your own

If nausea and dizziness occur, the following actions should be excluded:

  • slopes head, torso.
  • Sharp movement.
  • Abrupt change of position body.

Also, you should not move at this moment in those places where you can get injured when you fall in case of fainting or feeling as bad as possible.


The main therapy for dizziness and nausea should be prescribed by a doctor after identifying the diagnosis and finding out the causes of the symptoms. To alleviate the condition and reduce signs of poor health, a specialist may suggest the following medications:

  • Lorazepam;
  • Metoclopramide;
  • Betahistine;
  • Dramina.


If a person often feels nauseous, he feels heaviness and dizziness, then the following rules should be observed, which will relieve unpleasant symptoms:

  • Exclude from your life alcohol and taking drugs.
  • Right eat, without overeating.
  • Take a break from taking some medicines, if it is not possible to exclude them completely.
  • Get into the habit of taking frequent walks in the fresh air. air.
  • fully get enough sleep.
  • Minimize stress, nervous tension.
  • Visit every six months doctor.
  • Avoid exacerbation chronic diseases.
  • Accept vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • Monitor the health hearts, muscle and bone corset, spine and prevent head injuries.

It is also very important to play sports, lead an active lifestyle and be treated on time.

A painful condition, when dizzy and sick, can suddenly arise for various reasons and in people of different ages. One can be confused by such a phenomenon, since a strange attack is often impossible to explain. Doctors believe that this is a clear failure in the balance system, which includes sensory organs and the vestibular apparatus. And this system is controlled by the brain, which receives signals from distant organs.

If the information is distorted, the functioning of the system is disrupted, and primary symptoms appear: dizziness, weakness. Nausea always speaks of a loss of control.

Feeling dizzy and nauseous is also seen in healthy people. The reason is:

  • Changes in the hormonal system during puberty and pregnancy. The temperature rises, dizziness, vomiting, and sometimes diarrhea occurs.
  • Often nauseous and headache from excitement. This is due to the release of adrenaline, which causes vasospasm.
  • The head is spinning in adolescents during the development of the vascular system.
  • A "whirlwind" in the head and nausea can appear due to a lack of glucose, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain. This also happens with strict diets, which are better to refuse.

Unpleasant state of food poisoning

Such poisoning is difficult to overlook or confuse with another disease. Primary symptoms are diarrhea, vomiting and dizziness. Often the patient has a fever with diarrhea, but only slightly. What to do in this case, when weakness, nausea and dizziness, severe diarrhea? Immediately you need to free the stomach from food, which was the cause of intoxication.

It is done very simply: you should drink plenty of water with the addition of potassium permanganate. This solution causes vomiting and disinfects the intestinal tract.

Then it is desirable to make an enema with the same solution. You should also reduce the toxic load by using a sorbent, such as activated charcoal or Enterosgel.

Dizziness as a harbinger of a stroke

A dangerous cause of the "carousel" in the head is considered to be a cerebral hemorrhage. Due to the rupture of the vessel, severe pain occurs, it darkens in the eyes, and speech is disturbed.

The condition is very serious and it is difficult to count on a favorable outcome. Therefore, in order not to lose precious time, you need to urgently call an ambulance. Especially if nausea is added to these symptoms.

Dizziness associated with dystonia

This disease is of two types - the pressure exceeds the norm or it is greatly reduced. Both species have the same symptoms:

  • the temperature rises and a slight headache appears;
  • digestive problems - vomiting and diarrhea;
  • lethargy, diarrhea and weakness.

If the treatment is chosen correctly, then the disease goes away without consequences.

Dizziness in children

The child often has a combination of nausea and whirling. Parents sometimes do not perceive complaints and as a result, a serious illness develops.
Why does dizziness and nausea occur in children:

  • School workloads contribute to stress.
  • Migraine. Most often it is inherited. The disease can be identified by specific symptoms: throbbing headache, dizziness, diarrhea and fever.
  • Infectious inflammatory processes. Dizziness, nausea, high temperature causes fever.

The worst cause would be a brain tumor.

Other diseases that cause dizziness and nausea

Symptoms, when the head is very dizzy and nauseated, often accompany diseases of various body systems. If attacks of nausea and dizziness appear regularly and are pronounced, then you should urgently seek help from doctors. These unpleasant sensations occur with vascular disease, osteochondrosis, old head injuries and malignant neoplasms in the brain.

  • The most common cause of dizziness and nausea is the pathology of the middle or inner ear. These symptoms usually accompany otitis media. The disease is serious and treatment should not be postponed, otherwise its progression will lead to partial hearing loss. If untreated, dizziness will be regular.
  • Severe dizziness and nausea always occur if the blood flow to the brain is disturbed. This is clearly manifested in encephalitis and Lyme disease. The same signs are observed with migraines, head injuries and various bruises. Dizziness, nausea, vomiting are all present during an epileptic attack.
  • People with heart disease often experience sudden dizziness.
  • Often sick, sore and dizzy in diabetics. Low sugar blood and long stretches of time without food cause such nasty problems.
  • Often nauseous and dizzy with pressure surges. By the way, anemia is manifested by similar symptoms.
  • It should be noted that you may feel dizzy and feel sick, in connection with taking medications, their side effects.

Of particular note is a strange disease in which the head is spinning and nauseous - this is hypersomnia. This disease is characterized by an increase in the duration of sleep. A person is always drowsy. The condition has a lot of distinguishing features, including dizziness and nausea. There is a variation of this pathology - idiopathic hypersomnia, in which drowsiness and dry mouth occur for no apparent reason.

Knowing the reasons why nausea and dizziness appear, a person will be able to independently provide first aid to himself.

How can you help yourself?

There are time-tested ways to help with such ailments.

What should be done if you feel sick and dizzy, but this phenomenon is not associated with any disease?

If you notice that you often feel dizzy, then avoid sudden movements. Even from bed, get up carefully so that severe dizziness and nausea do not occur.

When suddenly dizzy and nauseous, a piece of chocolate can alleviate the condition. Eliminates the risk of starvation.

If you feel dizzy in transport, then carry medicine for motion sickness with you. Sleep will also help during the trip, the movement will not conflict with the position of the body.

But with a hangover, a whole bunch of unpleasant symptoms: dry mouth, vomiting, diarrhea, headache. There are many remedies that alleviate the condition, but it is advisable to give up alcohol altogether.

If the cause of vertigo is physiological in nature and visiting attractions is accompanied by nausea and dizziness, then Betaserk will help.

Features of treatment

Attacks of sudden nausea and dizziness are caused by various factors. Therefore, it is not the symptoms that need to be eliminated, but the causes due to which dizziness, nausea and weakness occur. First, a diagnosis is made, after which the appropriate treatment is prescribed. It must be adhered to and not independently corrected.

According to the results of diagnostic studies, the cause of such a disorder will be identified. Additional tests may be needed if a serious illness is suspected.

The basis of therapy is drugs, but in rare cases, surgery is also required: a tumor or a stroke. Sometimes bed rest is recommended.

If the malaise is mild, then you can do without the help of a doctor - paracetamol and analgin will help out. But take a maximum of 2 tablets, more may have the opposite effect.

Dizziness with severe nausea is quite unpleasant and can be a sign of a serious illness. If you often feel dizzy, feel sick and feel weak, then you can’t do without the help of a doctor. Only qualified specialists will be able to determine the cause of such an ailment.

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When a person periodically experiences dizziness, which is accompanied by nausea, it can be concluded that there are problems with the vestibular apparatus. But this is not always the cause of such a condition, quite often quite serious diseases that will require more than one month of treatment can provoke such symptoms. Only a qualified doctor can correctly diagnose, based on tests and research results. It is not worth delaying going to the hospital, but if for some reason a person cannot get to a medical facility, you need to know what to do if you feel dizzy and feel sick.

Causes of dizziness with nausea

There are quite a few diseases that are accompanied by similar unpleasant symptoms. It could be:

  • Osteochondrosis - with this disease, there is a violation of blood circulation. Brain cells lack oxygen, which is manifested by such unpleasant symptoms.
  • Oncological diseases - brain tumors lead to a gradual compression of the center of balance, which is accompanied by dizziness and nausea.
  • Patients with epilepsy also often suffer from such conditions.
  • If your head hurts from time to time and it is accompanied by nausea, you can talk about a migraine.
  • When vomiting is accompanied by fever, headache, diarrhea and weakness, this indicates an acute intoxication of the body. This may be the result of eating poor quality food or coming into contact with poisonous plants.
  • Nausea and dizziness in women of childbearing age, which are accompanied by atypical drowsiness, may be the first signs of pregnancy, while the morning body temperature is always more than 37 degrees, due to the gradual increase in hormone levels.
  • Diarrhea with nausea and headache can be side effects of certain medications.
  • Diabetes mellitus - this condition can occur with a strong decrease in blood glucose levels.

Among other pathologies that provoke the development of vertigo, ear injuries, neuritis and encephalitis can be noted. These diseases can give high fever.

Dizziness, nausea and darkening of the eyes are common in people who suffer from hypotension, with a sharp change in body position.

How to normalize the condition at home

Sometimes it is difficult to find out the reason why such a condition arose. But if a person knows about a chronic disease that occurs with such symptoms, then before going to the hospital, you can slightly normalize your well-being at home.

If nausea and vomiting are accompanied by dizziness and diarrhea, then this is a sure sign of intoxication of the body. In this case, you can wash the stomach and intestines, and then take any sorbent preparations. If a high temperature has risen, it is permissible to take one dose of paracetamol, after which you still need to consult a doctor.

The number one task in any poisoning is the prevention of dehydration. For this, the patient is often, but in small portions, given water, compote or rice water.

Help with hypotension

When a person who suffers from low blood pressure feels dizzy and sick, it is necessary not to make sudden movements. When getting up from the bed, they first lower their legs to the floor, then make several movements with their hands, and only after that they gently stand up. Such actions are usually enough to prevent unpleasant attacks.

Help with diabetes

If there is an attack of glycemia, due to a sharp decrease in the level of glucose in the blood, then it is first necessary to increase this indicator. To do this, you can eat a small candy, drink a glass of juice or eat a piece of regular bread. When this condition occurs too often, you need to see an endocrinologist to find out the cause.

Help with osteochondrosis

With this disease, cerebral circulation is impaired, as a result of which oxygen delivery to the brain cells is impaired. As a first aid, you can recommend airing the room and a short walk in the fresh air. If your health permits, you can do some light exercise.

Help with migraines

If nausea and dizziness are accompanied by a local headache, then this is most likely a migraine. A neuropathologist should deal with the treatment of this disease, but not all people immediately run to the hospital with such a problem. To reduce discomfort, you can take a hot shower, drink hot tea and lie down with your eyes closed in a dark room. Sometimes this is enough to relieve an attack. If the pain is completely unbearable, you can drink pain medication.

Very often, a migraine attack is significantly weakened or disappears after an attack of vomiting.

Help during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women often feel nausea and dizziness, especially in the early stages. This is due to the restructuring of the whole organism and with a gradual increase in the level of hormones in the blood. You can stabilize the condition by eating small meals and very often. The first light breakfast should preferably be eaten in bed.

A pregnant woman must be protected from sharp and unpleasant odors, both natural and artificial. The atmosphere in the house should be calm and friendly.

You can relieve attacks of toxicosis with a slice of lemon, which is absorbed along with the peel, or a cup of mint tea. Mint tablets can be found in the pharmacy to relieve nausea.

Help with other diseases

If a person suffers from epilepsy or has had a head injury, then self-medication at home is not worth it, as well as playing for time, delaying the trip to the hospital. This approach can significantly worsen the state of health and stretch recovery for many months.

Do not delay with the examination and with severe headaches, which are accompanied by nausea. This may be a sign of a tumor process and only a doctor can correctly diagnose, based on a series of examinations, which necessarily include tomography.

If dizziness and nausea are side effects from treatment with certain medications, then first of all the medications are canceled, and then they go to the doctor to adjust the treatment. Most often, it is enough to simply change the medicine and the patient's condition quickly returns to normal.

What to do if you suddenly feel dizzy

There are situations when a person abruptly stood up or turned around, and everything swam before his eyes. This can result in loss of coordination or fainting. To protect yourself from injury, you need to know what to do in this case. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. You need to sit comfortably or lie down and concentrate on a large, stationary object.
  2. Place pillows under the upper body so that it rises about 30 degrees relative to the legs. In this case, the head and shoulders should be in the same plane.
  3. Open a window or door so that the room is well ventilated, the influx of fresh air improves blood circulation and an unpleasant attack is stopped.
  4. A cotton napkin soaked in cold water is placed on the forehead.
  5. They measure blood pressure, at high rates they drink medicine to lower pressure, you can take papazol. When pressure is low, you can drink hot tea, eat a piece of chocolate, or take a hot shower.

With attacks of hypotension, Eleutherococcus tincture helps well. It is enough to drink 10-20 drops and the condition returns to normal after a few minutes.

Dizziness and nausea from the sun

In the summer, nausea and dizziness can be the result of prolonged exposure to the sun or in a hot room. To prevent deterioration of health, it is necessary to follow a number of rules:

  • Go outside in sunny weather only in a cotton headdress.
  • Provide a good drinking regimen for both adults and children.
  • In summer, do not wear tight ties, belts and other attributes that can press on blood vessels.

At any time of the year, you need to often take a contrast shower, this procedure improves the blood supply to the organs and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Help with motion sickness

During long trips by any type of transport, not only children, but also adults often get sick. This indicates a weak vestibular apparatus. This phenomenon does not require specific treatment and disappears on its own as soon as external stimuli are removed.

People who suffer from seasickness already know how to improve their condition and endure a long trip normally. The following methods are used:

  • A person in transport fits and rides in a lying or semi-lying state.
  • Sucks on citrus or mint caramels all the time.
  • Behind the cheek is a slice of lemon.
  • Medicines are used, it is better to choose these medicines together with a doctor, some have a number of contraindications.
  • Validol tablets help well, but you need to remember that it is impossible to dissolve more than 6 tablets per day.

If the vestibular apparatus is weak, it must be gradually trained. For this, riding a bike, rollerblading, swinging or jumping on a trampoline is suitable. All these actions will not only perfectly entertain and cheer up, but also help to cope with nausea in transport.

Feeling dizzy and nauseous is familiar to everyone. The reasons for this condition are varied, almost all of them are caused by a malfunction of the vestibular apparatus or a violation of brain activity. Dizziness, weakness and nausea can occur after drinking alcohol or due to motion sickness in transport. At the same time, the causes of their appearance may lie in serious diseases that require immediate treatment.

Nauseous and dizzy: causes of malaise

The feeling of dizziness and nausea can be caused by physiological factors, external stimuli (triggers) and serious pathologies.

Physiological factors contributing to the appearance of dizziness with nausea:

  • Susceptibility to stress - dizziness and incoming nausea occurs due to a sharp release of adrenaline and vasospasm. Emotional people with a subtle and vulnerable psyche are most susceptible to seizures.
  • Natural hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle, menopause, pregnancy.
  • Problems with focusing the gaze, when a person begins to feel dizzy with a feeling of nausea, peering into the distance. The reason can be both a physiological feature of the vestibular apparatus, and disturbances in its work.
  • Violation of blood circulation caused by a long stay in one position and its abrupt change.
  • Side effect or individual intolerance to drugs. Most often, nausea and dizziness from sedatives, muscle relaxants, strong antibiotics.
  • Lack of glucose, vitamins and microelements in the body, caused by metabolic disorders or malnutrition.
  • The natural aging process - supplemented by weakness and nausea, arise due to the reduced work of life-supporting systems and poor blood circulation.

Temporary ailments, accompanied by nausea, dizziness and weakness, can be caused by the following reasons:

  • severe alcohol intoxication followed by a hangover syndrome;
  • food or chemical poisoning;
  • motion sickness on boat trips, during air travel and transport;
  • staying at the top;
  • traumatic brain injury and the formation of intracranial hematomas as a result of this.

Serious pathologies, the symptoms of which are frequent dizziness with nausea, include:

  1. Arterial hypertension - the described symptoms occur at the time of the crisis, are complemented by ringing in the ears, palpitations, bursting pain in the head.
  2. Hypotension - abnormally low blood pressure is characterized by bouts of nausea, dizziness, sweating and weakness.
  3. - a neurological disorder characterized by sudden changes in blood pressure.
  4. Hypoglycemia - a decrease in blood glucose levels leads to malnutrition of brain structures.
  5. Anemia (anemia) - a reduced rate of red blood cells in the blood leads to a lack of oxygen in the structures of the brain and the onset of symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, lack of appetite, nausea, and pale skin.
  6. Meniere's disease is a pathology affecting the vestibular apparatus. The first sign of disruption of the vestibular system is systemic dizziness, which in advanced cases can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
  7. ENT diseases - otitis media in chronic or acute form, labyrinthitis.
  8. - Dizziness with bouts of nausea are common symptoms of an aura that occurs before a migraine attack.
  9. - the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the brain and its pressure on certain nerve endings can cause bouts of nausea and dizziness.
  10. The vertebral artery syndrome resulting from development leads to brain hypoxia and the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.
  11. Infectious damage to the brain and its membranes caused by meningitis, encephalitis (including tick-borne). The condition is aggravated by fever, severe vomiting, impaired consciousness, unbearable attacks of headaches.
  12. - nausea and dizziness can be caused both by the pressure of education on certain centers, and by the toxic effect of cancer cells on all vital systems.
  13. A stroke is a serious condition in which there is a real threat to life or loss of vital functions with a low probability of their full recovery. In addition to severe dizziness and a feeling of nausea, a person at the time of an attack experiences vomiting, impaired speech and balance, and paralysis of the limbs.

Among the described causes of nausea with dizziness, it is important to identify the true one in order to take measures to eliminate it.

What to do if you feel dizzy and nauseous

With the appearance of regular dizziness, aggravated by nausea and weakness, it is necessary to see a doctor and undergo an examination. The primary examination is carried out by the therapist, who, depending on the nature of the additional symptoms, can refer the patient for a consultation to one of the specialized doctors:

  • neuropathologist - in the presence of a complex of signs indicating disorders of the nervous or vascular system;
  • ENT doctor - in case of suspected diseases of the hearing organs and the vestibular apparatus;
  • infectious disease specialist - if there is a possibility of developing infectious diseases in the body (for example, tick-borne encephalitis, rotavirus infection);
  • vertebrologist - in the presence of symptoms of diseases of the spinal system;
  • oncologist - if intracranial formations are suspected.

After the initial examination and clarification of complaints, the patient is assigned a number of studies, which may include:

  • laboratory blood tests;
  • measurement of blood pressure indicators in dynamics;
  • echo encephalography;
  • electroencephalography;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • MRI or computed tomography;
  • audiography;
  • vestibulometry;
  • x-ray of the cervical vertebrae;
  • virological studies of smears and blood in case of suspected development of such dangerous diseases as tick-borne encephalitis or meningitis.

Passing a thorough examination will allow the doctor to determine the profile of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

If a person often feels dizzy and sick, he should know the simple rules of behavior when feeling worse and be able to help himself on his own.

To do this, at the time of the attack, do the following:

  • do not make quick and abrupt movements, but without haste and carefully find a solid support to sit down or lean on it;
  • normalize breathing by taking a few deep breaths through the nose and exhaling through the mouth;
  • with hypoglycemia, eat a piece of sugar or a sweet candy, drink warm sweet tea;
  • eat mint or lemon flavored candy if nausea with dizziness comes from motion sickness in transport;
  • move to fresh air if similar symptoms occur in a suffocating room.

With regularly occurring bouts of dizziness and nausea caused by kinetosis (sickness), the appearance of these symptoms can be prevented by taking an anti-nausea drug before traveling or climbing to a height. The nomenclature and dosage of such a drug should be determined by the doctor, having confirmed the diagnosis before that.


In cases where dizziness, combined with nausea and weakness, is a symptom of one of the diseases described, a serious approach to treatment is necessary. Depending on the type of pathology, the patient is prescribed a course of treatment, consisting of the following drugs:

  1. With hypertension - taking vasodilators and diuretics.
  2. In case of impaired blood supply and functional activity of the brain, a course of drugs that provide brain nutrition (neuroprotectors, B vitamins) and contribute to the normalization of blood circulation is recommended.
  3. With osteochondrosis - taking muscle relaxants, drugs with B vitamins and nootropic drugs, undergoing massage sessions and a course of physiotherapy according to indications.
  4. In Meniere's disease, symptomatic treatment is prescribed, since it is impossible to cure the pathology directly. Antihistamines, diuretics, sedatives, and antiemetics are among the drugs that relieve the feeling of nausea and dizziness.
  5. With labyrinthitis and otitis, a course of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs is necessary. With pronounced inflammation and suppuration, surgical intervention may be required.
  6. In case of infectious diseases of the brain (encephalitis, meningitis), complex therapy is prescribed, which includes antiviral, anti-inflammatory and hormonal drugs, as well as immunoglobulins.
  7. In case of alcohol or food poisoning, gastric lavage, adsorbents and diuretics are required.

Are you worried about something? Illness or life situation?

Without a clear diagnosis and consultation with a doctor, it is not recommended to remove the described symptoms with folk remedies, since natural components can have side effects on the body and aggravate an already poor state of health.

Many people wonder: "Why is my head spinning?". To begin with, it should be noted that dizziness is not a disease, it is just evidence that something is wrong with the body. The causes of this disease can be both the reaction of the body to the environment, and pathological conditions of the body.

Causes of simple dizziness and accompanying symptoms

Dizziness is an unpleasant state of a person in which he feels a false rotation of the body, or the movement of objects surrounding it. In most cases, a pathological ailment is accompanied by symptoms: nausea, vomiting and weakness.

In any case, such a condition will be associated with the presence of a disease in which a violation occurs in the system of spatial control of a person.

Often, dizziness can be due to reasons that have nothing to do with the course of pathology in the body. This kind of dizziness is considered safe and goes away fairly quickly.

The causes of simple dizziness are:

  • rotation around the axis of the body;
  • side effect of the drug;
  • reduced levels of glucose in the body;
  • a surge of negative emotions;
  • transport motion sickness;
  • poisoning;
  • hangover syndrome.

This ailment will be released as soon as its source is eliminated. As mentioned above, dizziness is not always harmless, and can be a signal of a serious pathology.

It is worth sounding the alarm if the disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • ear discharge;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • hearing loss and tinnitus;
  • headache;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • weakness in the limbs;
  • doubling.

The above symptoms indicate that dizziness is not under the influence of any factor, but due to the course of the disease in the body. Dizziness with its accompanying symptoms may appear against the background of: migraine, neurological pathology, spinal or head trauma, tumors in the brain, fistula and stroke.

Head spinning - what to do?

When such an unpleasant condition appears, it is important to remain calm and resort to the necessary measures. Do not panic and accept everything that comes to hand. Most importantly, you should reflect on the causes of the disease and think about what kind of help you should turn to in this case.

The list of actions that must be performed first of all in case of dizziness:

  • the very first thing to do is to lie down, and the shoulders and head should be at the same level;
  • when nausea occurs, do not restrain yourself;
  • a chilled object should be applied to the forehead;
  • you can close your eyes and focus on one object;
  • it is desirable to create darkness in the room;
  • you can drink cold strong coffee.

Of course, after the state of health began to return to normal, it is necessary to think about a further plan of action. In this case, each person decides this issue, based on the general state of health and the likelihood of an ailment due to the impact of negative factors.

What to do if you feel dizzy and nauseous

Dizziness accompanied by nausea can be caused by various reasons. Accordingly, the action plan will differ depending on the source of the disease.

For dizziness accompanied by nausea:

If it is not possible to identify the cause, then you should not pull and suffer from guesswork. In this case, you must immediately seek the help of specialists.

What to do if you feel very dizzy

In the case when the head is very dizzy, you should not let everything take its course. Some people simply do not know what intense dizziness may indicate.

Causes of severe dizziness may include:

  1. An old head injury.
  2. Epilepsy that has not been previously diagnosed.
  3. Progressive migraine.
  4. Diseases of the vascular system of the head.
  5. Brain concussion.

When an ailment appears, which is characterized by swiftness and causes a lot of discomfort, it is best to consult a specialist. The doctor, in turn, will prescribe the required examination, and then proceed directly to the choice of treatment methods.

In a situation where the head is very dizzy, it is necessary:

  • visit a neurologist;
  • undergo computed tomography;
  • examine the brain on an x-ray.

Do not neglect your health, it is best to identify the cause of the disease in a timely manner and eliminate it as soon as possible. The above recommendations are not costly, both in terms of money and time.

When to See a Doctor

Going to the doctor is not an extreme measure, but just a manifestation of concern for your health. Consultation of a specialist in any case does not hurt, even if the head was spinning due to a rather banal reason.

It is important to consider that contacting a specialist is mandatory if, in addition to dizziness, other uncomfortable symptoms occur. This symptomatology was given a little higher.

When an unpleasant phenomenon occurs, you can resort to help:

  • neurologist;
  • surgeon
  • orthopedist;
  • otolaryngologist.

The choice of a specialist, first of all, depends on the nature of the symptoms. Some signs of pathology are telling, and, as a rule, they can be correlated with one or another group of diseases.

Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of dizziness in persons with serious illnesses. For example, diabetes or hypertension.

Medical treatment

Drug treatment in the event of the appearance of this disease should be prescribed exclusively by a specialist on the basis of a thorough diagnosis and anamnesis. First of all, the doctor identifies the cause of the unpleasant condition.

According to statistics, there are about 80 causes of dizziness. Often, the sources of dizziness are combined, which greatly complicates the task of a specialist.

The main therapy is directly related to the factor that provoked the onset of the disease. In order to get rid of vascular compression, specialists prescribe various medications.

They may be:

  • drugs that improve blood circulation and dilate blood vessels;
  • drugs that relieve muscle spasms;
  • drugs that improve microcirculation in brain tissues;
  • blood thinners.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. Therapy should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a physician and in compliance with the permissible dosage.

Folk remedies

Of course, traditional medicine did not disregard such a common phenomenon as dizziness. Means of this kind are made very easily and quickly, moreover, they do not require cash costs.

Folk remedies for dizziness include:

  1. Herbal collection of hawthorn, motherwort and rose hips.
  2. Parsley seed tea.
  3. Linden blossom tea, lemon balm and mint.
  4. Clover flower tea.
  5. Dry nettle infusion mixed with freshly squeezed apple juice.
  6. A decoction of hawthorn flowers.
  7. A mixture of camphor, fir and juniper oils (used for external treatment of lymph nodes).
  8. Freshly squeezed carrot, pomegranate or beetroot juice.

The use of the above funds is permissible only after agreement with the doctor. Some ingredients may cause an allergic reaction or adversely affect health.

Dizziness during pregnancy

Almost every woman carrying a pregnancy had to face firsthand the problem under consideration. As a rule, dizziness is the first harbinger of the onset of pregnancy and is often accompanied by other symptoms.

These include:

  • pulsation in the temporal region;
  • tinnitus;
  • darkening in the eyes;
  • feeling of weakness;
  • stiffness of the limbs;
  • cold sweat.

This deceptive state of circling your body and surrounding objects is associated with changes that begin to occur in the female body immediately after conception. In addition, dizziness during pregnancy can be caused by a change in weather, so during this period the expectant mother becomes more sensitive, including to weather conditions.

Dizziness while carrying a baby is not a sentence, rather, it is an uncomfortable phenomenon that will pass on its own over time.

Still, when such a condition appears, it is worth consulting with a gynecologist to make sure that there are no pathologies.

Summing up, we can say that the above phenomenon is not always harmless. It is very important to know its cause and be sure that there is no pathological process. In order to avoid possible complications, it is necessary to contact a specialist in a timely manner and respond correctly to the appearance of dizziness.

There is some more information about dizziness in the next video.