Multivitamins with trace elements for men. The best vitamins to improve potency and spermatogenesis

Men do not think about their health until everything is in order with them. But in vain, because they are much more likely than women to develop pathological conditions such as heart attack and stroke.

This is due not only to lifestyle and increased stress, but also to the structural features of the male body.

Vitamins can help prevent various diseases and disease states. What multivitamins do men need at different ages and which vitamin complexes to choose, read on.

The role of multivitamin complexes for men

There are a lot of factors that can undermine men's health. However, there are also physiological reasons that explain the fact that women live much longer than men.

Estrogens, which are produced by the female body, increase the elasticity of blood vessels and strengthen their walls, which reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system by several times.

The male hormone testosterone does not have this property, which is why representatives of the strong half of humanity so often suffer from arterial hypertension and heart disease.

To prevent the occurrence of such problems, it is recommended to use and, which have a healing effect on blood vessels and the hematopoietic system, prevent the formation of blood clots and cholesterol plaques.

It is not always possible to provide the body with all the necessary vitamins only from food. Often, the daily diet of a man is rich in proteins and fats, but there are very few minerals and vitamin elements in it. In this case, it makes sense to think about choosing a synthetic multivitamin complex for men.

Additional intake of vitamins for men is indicated in the following cases:

The main indication for taking additional vitamins for men is increased physical activity.

  • increased physical and mental stress;
  • poor and monotonous diet;
  • rehabilitation period after injuries and diseases;
  • recovery period after surgery;
  • work with harmful substances;
  • elderly age;
  • pregnancy planning;
  • stress and the state of emotional stress;
  • signs of deficiency of vitamins or macro- and microelements.

To choose the right multivitamins for men, you need to know what vital processes are responsible for certain vitamin elements:

Vitamin A (retinol acetate). It is necessary for the full synthesis of male sex hormones, as well as to maintain the optimal state of the sperm ducts. Ensures the health of the oral mucosa. Normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive organs, supports the functioning of the bladder.

Vitamin E (tocopherol). Helps to increase tone, strengthens muscle and connective tissue. Helps the thyroid gland and pituitary gland, and also has a positive effect on the condition of the genital organs.

(vitamin C). Helps fight fatigue, weakness and fatigue. Increases immunity and improves performance, allows you to cope with increased physical exertion.

Necessary for the health of the heart and blood vessels, it is part of the complex preventive therapy of certain diseases, for example, prostate adenoma.

It is an excellent means of preventing malignant tumors (cancer) of the prostate.

(calciferol). Helps calcium to be better absorbed in the body, due to which the normal growth and functioning of bone tissue and muscle fibers is ensured.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine). It ensures the conduction of nerve impulses and the good functioning of the heart muscle. Helps maintain vascular health for a long time. Necessary for a good erection and increased sexual desire.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). Just like thiamine, it is responsible for the sexual activity of a man and ensures the good functioning of the genital organs.

(pyridoxine). Increases testosterone levels, normalizes testicular and prostate function.

(cyanocobalamin). Increases attraction, promotes energy production and maintaining the required level of energy reserves.

Vitamins for men at a young age

Young men under 35 years of age, when playing sports and planning pregnancy, need to receive all the nutrients

Before you buy a multivitamin for young men, you need to consider several factors: lifestyle, nutritional habits, as well as the purpose of use.

For men involved in sports, as well as working in heavy or hazardous industries, it is best to choose a drug that covers the required amount of vitamins and minerals by 85-100 percent.

It is worth paying attention to the iron content in the composition of the complex. This is very important, since an excess of this element can affect the work of the heart muscle and even lead to a heart attack and tremor of the limbs (which is fraught with the appearance of a convulsive syndrome).

Men aged 18 to 35 who plan to have children in the near future should also be very responsible in providing the body with all the necessary elements.

For these purposes, men are prescribed drugs containing mandatory vitamin E, folic acid, vitamin C and zinc.

Multivitamins for men containing zinc provide good testosterone production, increase the chemical parameters of sperm and increase its quantity. In addition, zinc contributes to the preservation of spermatozoa, making them more stable and "survivable".

Folic acid when planning pregnancy is prescribed for both men and women. It is necessary to start taking folic acid preparations six months before the expected fertilization.

Multivitamins from 18 to 35 years:

The peculiarity of the AlfaVit for Men complex is that it contains L-carotene and ginseng extract

  1. . Contains L-carotene and ginseng (root), they allow you to increase efficiency, improve overall well-being and increase vitality. They also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system, increasing sexual activity. All useful elements in the composition of this drug are divided into three tablets, which are taken separately from each other.
  2. "Duovit for men". Designed for those who play sports and lead an active lifestyle. It increases efficiency, promotes the formation and synthesis of energy, and also regulates metabolic processes. The complex contains only the most essential vitamins and minerals for men's health, allowing to maintain tone and vitality for a long time.
  3. Vitrum Life. Although this drug does not contain the mark “for men”, there are exactly as many active components in it as necessary for young men to maintain health and strengthen immunity. Due to the content of amino acids, the drug contributes to the development of muscle tissue. In addition, a balanced formula prevents the appearance of cancerous tumors, atherosclerosis and prevents the aging process in the body.

Multivitamins for older men

With age, the body's ability to synthesize and absorb vitamins is significantly reduced, so taking special drugs becomes a necessary measure to maintain men's health in men over 50 years old.

In addition, with age, the sexual activity of men also weakens. This phenomenon is due to several reasons:

  • general health;
  • the presence of urological diseases;
  • stress and nervous tension;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • bad habits.

At the age of 50 years and older, pharmacy vitamins for men are a must

Of course, the main factor that allows you to maintain health, including in intimate terms, is a full and varied diet, as well as quitting smoking and drinking alcohol.

But, unfortunately, in the conditions of modern life, not everyone can eat properly and varied, therefore, in old age, a natural lack of vitamins and minerals is so common.

In such conditions, vitamin preparations are much more than just multivitamins. This is a means to maintain vitality, increase tone and maintain libido at any age.

When choosing a complex for older men, you should pay attention to the presence in the preparation of such a macronutrient as zinc. He is responsible for the quality of intimate life and can significantly improve it, ensuring the preservation of an erection and sexual attraction to the female sex.

Preparations for men over 50:

Even with a varied diet, it will not be possible to ensure the daily intake of all the substances necessary to maintain vital activity.

Therefore, the most optimal choice for representatives of the strong half of humanity is the intake of special complexes containing vitamins and minerals, which will allow you to maintain health and remain a man in every sense at any age.

To support the health and normal functioning of organs and systems in the body, it is important to eat right and lead an active lifestyle. The daily diet should contain different foods in order to regularly replenish the loss of valuable substances, vitamins, minerals, macro- and microelements.

Unfortunately, due to seasonal characteristics, it is not always possible to eat a balanced diet, therefore, in autumn and spring, the human body undergoes vitamin deficiency and a deficiency of important substances. Against this background, various diseases can develop, as well as a decrease in vitality and performance. So you need to take vitamin preparations regularly to make up for the lack.

Why do men need vitamins and is it possible to live without them?

It is quite difficult to choose a vitamin complex according to the needs of your body, since pharmacy chains offer a huge range of such drugs. You can choose among universal complexes, according to age limits, as well as by gender - for men, for women.

For reference! Only a medical specialist will be able to select the most accurate vitamin complex for a man, based on his lifestyle, nutrition and health status. It is necessary to resort to the help of vitamins not on the fact of the presence of diseases and disorders, but to prevent this.

Taking vitamins is a prerequisite for the stronger sex, as a strong immune system is the guarantor of good health. Every day she faces the negative impact of stress, conflict situations, excessive physical and mental stress, as well as the environmental situation. If the body's resources are not replenished, a man will suffer from chronic fatigue, psycho-emotional disorders and sleep problems.

Top 10 men's vitamin complexes

The list of the best men's vitamin preparations is an introductory and advisory information. Before choosing a vitamin complex, you should consult with your doctor to choose the best option according to the individual characteristics of the body.

Top 10 vitamin complexes for men:

Alphabet- the best and most popular complex for the representatives of the stronger sex, the composition of which is made according to the characteristics of the structure of the male body. In addition to 13 minerals and vitamins, the composition is supplemented with substances such as Siberian ginseng extract, taurine, L-carnitine and carotenoids.

Operating principle:

  • increase in tone, strength and endurance;
  • protection of the body from adverse environmental factors;
  • increasing the level of physical and intellectual performance.

It is necessary to take 3 capsules per day, preferably in the first half of the day, since the composition of vitamins suggests tonic supplements. The price of such a complex is on average 350-450 rubles.

"More than a multivitamin" - a vitamin-mineral complex takes the second place, the composition of which includes 11 essential minerals and 20 vitamins, as well as plant extracts for men's health. Such a drug is aimed at a general strengthening effect, increasing the tone and immune system of a man.

You can use the remedy with low performance, fatigue, excessive physical and mental stress, as well as in the case of frequent colds. The cost of the drug ranges from 420 to 500 rubles.

Duovit- complex vitamins that replenish the exact daily norm of minerals and vitamins of the male body. Taking such a drug, you can prevent anemia and osteoporosis, as well as improve the health of hair, nails, and skin. Indications are also considered disorders of the cardiovascular system, alopecia and harmful living conditions. Price - 400 rubles.

Vitrum- a popular remedy for the prevention of beriberi. The manufacturer produces several types of vitamin at once, depending on the needs. The most popular among them are Vitrum Superstress for any psycho-emotional disorders, Vitrum Memory for better brain and memory function, as well as Vitrum Life to replenish the costs of athletes. The average price per pack is 450 rubles.

Centrum- in fifth place, this particular drug is not without reason, it contains about 24 vitamins and minerals aimed at supporting blood vessels and the heart, organs of vision and the immune system. For 30 capsules you will need to pay 570 rubles.

Vitiron Suscaps- the composition of such a complex implies the presence of 11 vitamins, 3 trace elements, and 10 minerals for the full functioning of the body. A distinctive advantage of this tool is the rapid and maximum digestibility of all constituent components. Indications for it are beriberi, excessive physical loads, rehabilitation after antibiotics, low performance and a period of convalescence. Price - 1500 rubles.

Oligovit- the daily dosage of such vitamins saturates the body of a man with all the necessary substances. It is necessary to take dragees with excessive intellectual and mental stress, athletes, as well as to strengthen the immune system. The cost varies from 270 to 350 rubles.

The composition of the capsules includes 10 minerals and 9 vitamins to stimulate immunity, mental and physical tone. You can also drink such capsules to improve metabolism, subject to frequent colds and diseases. Price - 500-600 rubles.

Orange Triad Controlled Labs- the optimal proportions of vitamins and minerals can increase resistance forces, the overall tone of the body, improve the functioning of the digestive system and protect joints from destruction and injury. For 270 tablets you will need to pay 2300 rubles.

Lamin Vision- L-carnitine, eleutherococcus, Paraguayan tea leaves and flower pollen, as well as a number of vitamins help to overcome chronic fatigue, beriberi and other disorders in the body. In addition, vitamins help to cope with stress, increasing resistance to them, brain function. The disadvantage of such a drug is its cost - 3500 rubles for 60 capsules. This rating is aimed at helping men find the best vitamin option for their personal goals and purposes. You need to understand that the main factor of choice should not be the price or reputation of the pharmaceutical company, but the composition of the drug and its indications, as well as the consultation and advice of a doctor.

Today we decided to present you with a rating of vitamins for men, as a healthy lifestyle is gaining more and more popularity in our modern world. Proper nutrition, healthy physical activity, the rejection of bad habits are becoming a new and completely natural norm of life for many, as well as a vitamin complex for men.

Every man who strives to adhere to the rules of a healthy life and goes in for sports, probably thought about the problem of how to choose a complex of vitamins for men of decent quality. This is understandable - without them it is more difficult to maintain good physical shape and regularly supply the body with the necessary energy. Even a balanced and well-thought-out diet is not able to provide a modern active person with a sufficient amount of vitamins, microelements and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

And here the vitamin complex for men comes to the rescue. Its advantages are obvious - this is a clearly adjusted dosage and ease of use.

But the shelves are just full of an abundance of all kinds of boxes and jars, in which it is quite difficult to get confused. So how not to make a mistake and choose what you need?

How to choose vitamins for men?

Here are some tips to help you choose vitamins for men:

You are what you eat

Analyze your diet.

The fact is that different vitamin complexes have different amounts and dosages of their constituent components. For example, some preparations contain one hundred percent of the daily dose of vitamins, while others contain only 30-50% of the total recommended intake.

If your daily menu necessarily contains fresh herbs, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, meat and fish, then vitamins will do for you, replenishing half of the daily dosage of vitamins. The principle “the more the better” does not apply here, since an excess amount of useful substances simply cannot be absorbed by the body without bringing benefits.

Who needs a vitamin-mineral complex for men?

In those men who are actively involved in sports, or are subjected to daily heavy physical exertion, the need for vitamins increases. Here, one cannot rely on enhanced nutrition. The best choice in this case will be vitamin complexes that cover 80-100 percent of the body's need.

In addition to an active lifestyle, factors in which the body needs an increased dose of vitamins and minerals also include:

  • Conditions after prolonged or severe illnesses, including influenza and SARS;
  • Constant daily stress, the age of a man (with its increase, the need for vitamin supplements increases);
  • Spring-winter period, when the body is most depleted.

So vitamins for men during physical exertion and stress are simply necessary!

You are not iron!

Iron, present in many vitamin preparations, affects male and female bodies differently. If a woman will only benefit from an increased amount of this mineral, then for men, the dose that enters the body with food is enough. An increased level of iron in the male body is fraught with complications of the cardiovascular system, the occurrence of tremors, and even myocardial infarction. Therefore, most vitamin complexes for men contain very little or no iron at all.

Secrets of male power

Vitamin E and the mineral selenium affect the production of testosterone in the male body. Experts are sure that the increased content of this hormone in the body has a positive effect on reproductive functions and sperm quality, and can also prevent problems with the prostate and other diseases of the male reproductive system.

Therefore, choose complex vitamins for men, which contain vitamin E and selenium.

Rating of vitamins for men?

We have compiled a selection of the best vitamin complexes for men, the most balanced in composition, time-tested and well-recommended by medical specialists. Considering the above tips regarding the characteristics of your lifestyle, you can choose the drug that is right for you.

This drug is the development of domestic pharmacology. The peculiarity of this vitamin complex is that in the morning, afternoon and evening you take pills that are different in composition. Manufacturers claim that, according to studies, this regimen of taking the drug minimizes the risk of allergic reactions, and also allows all vitamins and minerals to be absorbed to the maximum.

The Aevit complex contains more than a dozen vitamins (A, C, E, group B) and 12 minerals necessary for the healthy functioning of the male body. In addition, "Aevit" contains Siberian ginseng root, which is known in medicine for its properties to increase stamina, energize, stimulate mental performance, and most importantly - ensure the smooth operation of the male reproductive system.

Another useful supplement for men's health is L-carnitine. This vitamin, related to the B group, is an indispensable assistant for men involved in sports. It increases endurance in training, reduces bad cholesterol, increases resistance to stress, removes toxins, and also has the ability to burn excess fat (in conjunction with physical activity).

Another undoubted advantage of Aevit is its quite democratic cost.

Pharmamed has developed a range of multivitamins specifically for men - Mens Formula. They differ in composition and are aimed at solving various male problems.

The Mens Formula line includes drugs that work in six main areas.

Energy. If your task is to recharge the missing energy, then the Active Day preparation will suit you. Vitamins, minerals and extracts of medicinal plants in its composition increase endurance and performance, improve memory and attention, strengthen immunity.

Antistress. A distinctive feature of the drug with the same name "Antistress" is that it has a good effect on the central nervous system - it normalizes sleep and blood pressure, and also has a calming effect. This vitamin-mineral complex is especially indicated for men who experience regular mental and physical stress, headaches and high blood pressure.

Sex. Potential Forte is a plant-vitamin complex that enhances erection and libido, increases testosterone production, and helps increase arousal and duration of sexual intercourse. Contains about ten extracts of plant and animal origin: cayenne pepper, green mussel, yohimbe, Siberian ginseng and others.

Man's health."Prostate Forte" - this multi-complex is aimed at the prevention and complex therapy of prostate diseases. Improves urination, reduces the manifestations of inflammation and swelling in the prostate gland, slows down the growth of prostate adenoma.

Strengthening hair. An indispensable assistant in this process will be vitamins "For hair", stimulating growth, strengthening hair follicles, and accelerating the regeneration of the skin.

And one more product from the Pharmamed line is the drug “More than multivitamins”. This unique complex is a versatile remedy containing 20 vitamins, 11 minerals and 4 herbal extracts. It is recommended for the general strengthening of the male body and maintaining health.

Wondering where to find quality vitamins and other health supplements? We offer you from the best manufacturers and at competitive prices!

Summing up, it should be said that when answering the question which vitamins are best for men, do not forget to prioritize for yourself: what do you first of all want to get from taking vitamin complexes - energy, activity, excellent immunity, or a solution to one of the health problems. Do not forget to take into account the peculiarities of your lifestyle and nutrition. And only then make an informed choice. We hope that our rating of vitamins for men will help you with this!

It is not uncommon for men to experience certain health problems without a specific cause being found. A detailed examination of the problem reveals that the diet is not balanced, often there is an increased need for vitamins. Some shortages can be easily compensated for with a diet, but sometimes more than multivitamins, men need minerals, immunomodulators, they contain complex preparations. Consider what vitamins for men exist to improve well-being, the rules for their use, we will give information about the TOP - 10 different vitamin products.

Before you buy, start taking any kind of vitamin, you need to figure out what tasks it should solve, what it is for. There are anti-fatigue vitamins that can increase alertness, general strengthening vitamins for immunity, as well as for gaining muscle mass or improving erections.

Consider popular formulations that contain the most common component - vitamin B6. This unique substance is involved in all types of metabolism, it is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, hemoglobin synthesis, and all enzyme systems. Plants contain almost no vitamin B6, so vegetarians experience a lack of it. Almost all effective complexes of vitamins and minerals have this component. For example, the TOP 10, which are called "more than multivitamins":

  1. Duovit.
  2. Vitrum.
  3. Compliment.
  4. Centrum.
  5. Velman.
  6. Alphabet.
  7. Superia (Superia).
  8. Selmevit with zinc.
  9. Multivitamins Multi Male.
  10. Monster Multi.

Duovit as an active food supplement can help with increased physical exertion, when there is a need to activate metabolic processes, with chronic fatigue syndrome, reduced immunity, for example, in spring (when there may be signs of beriberi). The dietary supplement also has antioxidant properties, that is, it protects the cells of the body from premature aging. The composition of Duovit has minerals - iodine, manganese, magnesium, copper, iron; vitamin B6, others. This complex can be used by any age group if the need for certain active substances increases or, conversely, decreases.

Vitrum is a combined vitamin and mineral preparation that can be useful for active representatives of the stronger sex who are concerned about their physical form. According to the instructions, the components (vitamins of group B) improve the processes of metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

You can drink Vitrum for men of different ages, it is better after 30-40 years, if there is evidence for this. According to the instructions, the drug has a positive effect on increasing testosterone levels through the stimulation of metabolic processes in men (this is how vitamin B6 works), and can be used to improve men's health.

Complivit antistress. A cheap selection of specially selected 10 vitamins, 4 minerals designed for men, increases the body's resistance to the effects of stress. Complivit antistress has antioxidant properties, improves the rate of metabolic processes, hemoglobin synthesis. Vitamin complex Complivit antistress also improves the function of the organs of vision (contains inexpensive vitamins A and E useful for hair and skin), can be used as a means of preventing hair loss for men.

Reproductive problems can be overcome

The best vitamins for prostatitis can be consumed in the Centrum complex, it has a good composition, it can be chosen to correct both hypo- and beriberi in men. According to the official instructions, Centrum improves metabolic processes, the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The composition has a good rating.

Wellman (wellman). The composition of Wellman is somewhat non-standard, as this complex is enriched with ginseng. It will be useful to the body not only with increased physical exertion, chronic fatigue syndrome, but also with emotional pressure, which can cause impotence. While taking the Wellman vitamin-mineral complex with ginseng, according to the manufacturer, it is recommended to limit alcohol intake.

Men's vitamins when planning the birth of a child Alphabet. A feature of the vitamins prescribed when planning a child is zinc and selenium that are part of them. These trace elements increase the number of viable, genetically normal spermatozoa in semen, which are determined using a spermogram. If a man received a sufficient amount of zinc with selenium, then the chances of a happy fatherhood increase significantly.

With unimportant indicators of spermogram, the vitamin-mineral complex is recommended to be taken for a long time (up to 3-6 months).

The alphabet is considered an expensive tool, produced as caramel. It contains folic acid and is recommended by fertility specialists (family planners). Assign the Alphabet in the following cases:

  • To improve spermogram parameters, namely the number of spermatozoa with a normal genetic structure.
  • Men use the Alphabet as vitamins for prostatitis, if the disease has a chronic course, which helps to restore the impaired function of the prostate gland.

A complex of vitamins for men Superia (Superiya) with zinc and other trace elements. You can take it with chronic fatigue syndrome, seasonal immunity decline, especially in spring, for the prevention of baldness and skin problems, during intensive training to accelerate muscle mass gain. Superia is suitable for almost all male age groups as a dietary supplement. The daily dose of Superia is 1 tab./day. More information can be found in the instructions. The following vitamin tablets will continue the list of zinc products:

  1. Vitrum beauty with zinc.
  2. Selmevit with zinc.
  3. Sea calcium with zinc.
  4. Supercalcium with zinc containing magnesium.

Given the large number of preparations with zinc, it is worth saying separately why this important element is needed, in addition to the effect on the reproductive system. Complexes with zinc will help improve hair growth, serve as a means of preventing diseases of the teeth, musculoskeletal system. These are drugs that are classified as “more than multivitamins”, used for reduced immunity, increased fatigue, and chronic fatigue.

There are a variety of combined drugs in tablets with zinc, iron. Reviews of experts speak of their usefulness for normal hematopoiesis. You can read more about each tool using the abstract.

Combination with herbal recipes

Some vitamin complexes are based on plant extracts. Naturally, the content of vitamins in these plants will be quite high. An example is the Paritet complex from Evalar.

The composition of Parity from Evalar includes a dry plant extract of a plant - Eurycoma longifolia, which can positively influence the content of testosterone in the body. It can be taken to improve erection, with prostatitis, with almost any ailment of the genitourinary system, adjacent organs, systems. More about Parity will tell the instructions for use.

Some companies produce entire lines of male vitamins, which can be taken in certain situations. An example would be Pharmamed. It produces biologically active food supplements under the general name Mens formula:

  1. Mens formula Potential forte, designed for male strength, erection improvement.
  2. Prostate forte. It is recommended to use it for prostatitis, that is, an inflammatory disease of the prostate gland, an important organ of the male genitourinary system.
  3. Mens hair strengthening formula has proven itself in the fight against alopecia (baldness). The drug is intended for people suffering from baldness, it improves the condition of the hair follicles.
  4. Mens formula called "More than a multivitamin." You can take a dietary supplement for men who lead an active life. It helps to reduce the level of fatigue, improves resistance to physical exertion, and will be useful when gaining muscle mass.

The combination of quality and usefulness

Multivitamins Multi Male from the company Solgar (USA). The manufacturer Solgar positions them as an active high-quality food supplement that can positively affect almost all organs and systems. Multi Male are useful in reducing immunity, especially in spring, when there is a seasonal feeling of fatigue, increased fatigue; when resistance to physical, neuropsychic overload is needed. Vitamins and minerals for men, as well as plant extracts - ginseng, Saw palmetto, nettle - which are part of Multi Male, will be useful for ailments of the genitourinary system in men, prostatitis, as they contain zinc, selenium.

The vitamin-mineral complex does not directly affect the production of testosterone, however, vitamins with ginseng for men improve the activity of the reproductive system, strengthen potency, as stated in the instructions for use. The daily norm of useful components contains 3 tablets.

There are men who do not make sense to take complex means. Their body lacks one substance, for example, vitamin D. Everyone should not take it, but more than the usual daily dose, it will be needed in the following situations:

  1. Diagnosed osteoporosis.
  2. Some types of jaundice.
  3. Manifestation of symptoms of low levels of calcium or phosphorus in blood plasma.
  4. Alcoholism.
  5. Some endocrine pathologies.

More information on vitamin D can be found on specialized sites, but you need to know that the daily intake of the drug in each specific situation will be determined individually. Therefore, before using it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Solving individual problems

Some manufacturers produce various products that are recommended to be taken in special cases (baldness, skin diseases, stress, etc.), these can be not only pills for the prevention of baldness, but also topical preparations containing good vitamins. However, topical products will only contain one vitamin. Expert reviews indicate that the effect of such funds will be higher if they are taken in turn.

Some manufacturers go further, releasing complex products. Oriflame has an interesting product. Wellness Pack is a sachet, each containing 4 capsules, their composition is radically different. The composition of capsules from Oriflame:

  1. Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids.
  2. Dry blueberry extract, astaxanthin, derived from seaweed.
  3. Vitamin complex.

The contents of 1 sachet, that is, 4 capsules, must be taken 1 time per day, but it is not necessary to drink everything at once. Capsules can be distributed over time, taking evenly throughout the day. Oriflame promises that regular use of the remedy will effectively deal with stress, chronic fatigue syndrome, increase efficiency, endurance, have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair, and will also be good for the eyes.

The article would be incomplete if we did not write about sports vitamins for men. Some complexes are designed specifically for athletes, as physical activities increase the body's need for active substances. We will help you choose good quality products, we will describe the most popular, effective products:

  1. Monster Multi by CytoSport. The product is packaged in sachets, each of which contains a daily dose of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, prebiotics, and minerals. Also, the composition of Monster Multi has herbal extracts to maintain the health of the liver, the immune system. The consumption rate is the contents of 1 sachet / day. More information can be found on the website of the official seller.
  2. Daily fomula from the manufacturer Universal Nutrition. A combined product that contains a daily dose of vitamins, minerals, and other useful substances necessary for people who practice intensive sports. In addition to the standard set of "goodies" where you can find vitamin B6, Daily fomula has digestive enzymes, whey protein. Daily dosage - 1 capsule / day. More information about the product can be found on specialized websites. It is impossible to unequivocally recommend what is better to take, this is confirmed by expert reviews.

Cost as a fact of choice

The price of various means differs significantly. We give the following average values.

Just as it is impossible to compare medicines for different ailments, so it is impossible to correlate the drugs that are used for chronic fatigue syndrome with those that are taken for baldness. The definition of "the best vitamins for men" right now will mean that they are the most effective in a particular situation. And in order not to get confused in the variety of species, you can seek help from a doctor who will help you choose the right complex.

It's no secret that the human body needs vitamins. Without a sufficient amount of them, the normal functioning of all organs and systems is impossible. What vitamins are inexpensive and effective? This is exactly what will be discussed in the article.

Periods of life requiring vitamin support

Each person in life has many periods when he needs enhanced vitamin support. These include:

  • childhood, when the body is in the process of increased growth;
  • school and young age, when a person experiences increased mental and emotional stress;
  • working age;
  • elderly age.

For each life period, different vitamin complexes are used.

What are the vitamins?

List of vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the body:

  • Vitamin A - retinol. It has important functions: stimulation of cell regeneration, antioxidant action, regulation of the function of the gonads, participation in visual function.
  • Thiamine is a vitamin that supports the functioning of the nervous system. Necessary for the full functioning of neurons. Participates in the formation of the mediator acetylcholine. Improves the secretion of gastric juice. Participates in all types of metabolism.
  • Riboflavin is vitamin B2. Participates in the synthesis of hormones, ATP. Helps to improve the function of vision. Improves the condition of the skin and nails.
  • Vitamin B5 - pantothenic acid. Participates in the function of intestinal activity and the nervous system. Responsible for immunity. It is part of some digestive enzymes.
  • Vitamin B6 - pyridoxine. Responsible for the functioning of the peripheral nervous system. Participates in the synthesis of nucleic acids.
  • Folic acid. Indispensable for adequate hematopoiesis. It is necessary for the body of a pregnant woman for the full maturation of the fetal nervous system.
  • Cyanocobalamin. Provides adequate blood circulation. Used by the body to synthesize DNA molecules.
  • Vitamin C. Multifunctional vitamin. Has a detoxifying effect. Participates in the synthesis of collagen. It has a positive effect on metabolism.
  • Necessary for the prevention of the development of rickets. Strengthens the structure of bone tissue. Used to treat certain skin conditions.
  • Vitamin E - tocopherol. The main antioxidant in the body. Participates in the regulation of the function of the sex glands. Improves tissue regeneration.
  • Vitamin K. Hemostatic vitamin. Strengthens bone tissue. Necessary for the proper functioning of the renal system.

Above was a list of the most famous vitamins, but there are a large number of other substances that are also needed by the body.

Complex vitamins

Vitamins are rarely used separately. To increase their effectiveness, various balanced complexes are being created. Depending on the functional purpose, they have a different composition.

Now in every pharmacy you can see a large number of different vitamin complexes at different prices.

Name of vitamins and vitamin complexes:

  • Vitrum.
  • "Complivit".
  • "Alphabet".
  • "Duovit".
  • Gerimaks.
  • Solgar.
  • "Triovit".
  • "Pikovit".
  • Biomax.
  • "Multi-tabs".
  • "Revit".
  • "Gendevit".
  • "Undevit".

Which vitamins do you prefer?

Naturally, you want to choose vitamins that are inexpensive and effective. To understand all this diversity, you need to know by what principles vitamin complexes are separated. The list of vitamins provided to your attention above can be divided by age periods, by functional purpose, by therapeutic effect.

Classification of vitamin complexes

What vitamins are inexpensive and most effective? Let's see how they are classified:

  • Vitamins for the smallest, up to a year. There are few such compositions, they are produced in the form of drops or syrups. What vitamins for children at this age do doctors recommend? There are medicinal - "Vigantol", "Akvadetrim". They contain and are used for the prevention and treatment of rickets. There are complex vitamins - "Multi-tabs Baby", "Alphabet: Our baby."
  • Vitamins for school children. During this period, the body most needs vitamin support, since the processes of growth and mental development are activated. Vitamin-mineral complex Doppelgerz® Kinder Omega-3 for children from 7 years old contains a sufficient amount of Omega-3 PUFAs and is additionally enriched with vitamins A, D and E, which are important for the growth and development of the child. Just 2 capsules per day is enough. By the way, Doppelherz® Kinder Omega-3 capsules for children from 7 years old are smaller than the standard ones, and children are much more willing to swallow them.
  • Vitamins for junior and senior students. Support the child's body during periods of intense mental stress. These include Multi-Tabs Junior, Pikovit 7+, Alfavit Shkolnik and Alfavit Teenager, Vitrum Junior, Complivit Active, Univit Kids.
  • Vitamins for young and middle-aged people. This age period is characterized by mental stress, physical activity, frequent emotional stress. To support the body in this case, there are Vitrum, Complivit Antistress, Multi-tabs Intensive, Alphabet Classic, Duovit, Triovit, Biomax.
  • Vitamins for the elderly. They help improve memory, contain the optimal set of substances necessary for the body during aging. Vitrum Centuri, Multimax, Complivit 50+, Multi-tabs Classic.

There are vitamins that are inexpensive and effective only with a therapeutic effect. They are used on the advice of a doctor. Usually these are B vitamins - Compligam, Milgamma, Binovit, Kombilipen. They are available in injectable form, Kombilipen also has a tablet form.

Remember: before you start using any medication, you need to consult a doctor!

Specialized Vitamins

A person goes through many conditions during his life, during which the body intensively uses vitamins. For such conditions, special vitamin complexes are also produced.

  • Prenatal vitamins. The name of the vitamins: Vitrum Prenatal, Complivit Mom, Multi-tabs Perinatal, Elevit Pronatal, Femibion, Alphabet Mom's Health. These vitamin complexes are distinguished by increased doses of constituent substances, folic acid, which is necessary for the full development of the fetus, has been added there.
  • Vitamins for restoring the body after diseases - "Multi-tabs Immuno Plus", "Alphabet During the period of colds", "Biomax".
  • Vitamins that help with hair loss, deterioration of the skin and nails - "Pantovigar", "Merz", "Revalid".

Male and female vitamins

Vitamins are inexpensive and effective and can also be separately for men and women. They differ in composition aimed at maintaining health and physical activity. The company "Pharmamed" produces different lines of vitamins for men and women - "Lady Formula" and "Mens Formula". "Duovit for men" and "Duovit for women".

There are also simple ones that do not contain minerals - they include 3-6 essential vitamins. These are Undevit, Gendevit, Revit. Such vitamins are inexpensive, but they have the proper effect.

Vitamin Rating

To understand which drug to prefer, it is worth studying the rating of vitamin-mineral complexes.

  1. Multi-tabs vitamins open this rating. The widest range of vitamin complexes - from infants to the elderly, there are vitamins for pregnant women, for athletes, to support the body after colds, vitamins during periods of intense mental stress and emotional stress. Balanced rich composition, ease of use, pleasant fruit flavors allowed Multi-tabs vitamins to take first place in the ranking.
  2. Vitrum. In second place is the line of Vitrum vitamins. They also offer complexes for different occasions - vitamins for children and adults, to maintain the beauty of the skin and hair, for bones and vision. A slightly less convenient mode of administration and a less wide composition give Vitrum vitamins the second place in the ranking.
  3. "Alphabet". These are themes that are available in tablets of different colors to be taken in the morning, afternoon and evening. Each tablet contains a certain combination of vitamins that will be better absorbed together. Thanks to this, "Alfavit" takes third place in the ranking.
  4. "Complivit". The most popular vitamins in the price category. But their composition is slightly worse than that of the complexes listed above. However, they are ranked fourth.
  5. And the fifth place is shared by such complex vitamins as Triovit and Biomax. Not too broad, but a fairly balanced composition, including the main essential vitamins. They do not have any divisions, so they get fifth place.

Do people need vitamins

So, now you can say for sure whether to drink vitamins. Definitely! They are necessary for the body to maintain its functions in different life periods. It is not always possible to get the required amount of vitamins from food, so balanced vitamin-mineral complexes come to the rescue.