Get 1 year warranty. Warranty

of this Law, the requirements for the seller (manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) regarding the defects of the goods, if they are found during the warranty period or shelf life.

With regard to goods for which no warranty or expiration dates have been established, the consumer has the right to make these claims if the defects of the goods are discovered within a reasonable time, but within two years from the date of their transfer to the consumer, unless longer periods are established by law or contract.

(see text in previous edition)

2. The warranty period of the goods, as well as the period of its service, is calculated from the day the goods are transferred to the consumer, unless otherwise provided by the contract. If it is impossible to determine the day of transfer, these terms are calculated from the date of manufacture of the goods.

(see text in previous edition)

For seasonal goods (shoes, clothing and others), these periods are calculated from the moment of the onset of the corresponding season, the onset of which is determined by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, respectively, based on the climatic conditions of the location of consumers.

When selling goods by samples, by mail, as well as in cases where the moment of conclusion of the contract of sale and the moment of transfer of the goods to the consumer do not coincide, these periods are calculated from the day the goods are delivered to the consumer. If the consumer is deprived of the opportunity to use the product due to circumstances that depend on the seller (in particular, the product needs special installation, connection or assembly, it has defects), the warranty period does not run until the seller eliminates such circumstances. If the day of delivery, installation, connection, assembly of the goods, elimination of circumstances dependent on the seller, due to which the consumer cannot use the goods for their intended purpose, cannot be determined, these periods are calculated from the date of conclusion of the contract of sale.

(see text in previous edition)

(see text in previous edition)

The expiration date of the goods is determined by the period calculated from the date of manufacture of the goods, during which it is suitable for use, or the date before which the goods are suitable for use.

The duration of the shelf life of the goods must comply with the mandatory requirements for the safety of the goods.

(see text in previous edition)

3. Warranty periods may be established for components and components of the main product. Warranty periods for components and components are calculated in the same manner as the warranty period for the main product.

The warranty periods for components and components of the goods are considered equal to the warranty period for the main product, unless otherwise provided by the contract. In the event that a warranty period of a shorter duration is established for a component product and an integral part of the product in the contract than the warranty period for the main product, the consumer has the right to make claims related to the shortcomings of the component product and component part of the product, if they are discovered during the warranty period for the main product. product, unless otherwise provided by the contract.

(see text in previous edition)

If a component product has a warranty period longer than the warranty period for the main product, the consumer has the right to make claims regarding the defects of the product, provided that the defects of the component product are discovered during the warranty period for this product, regardless of the expiration of the warranty period for the main product.

4. The terms specified in this article are brought to the attention of the consumer in the information about the product provided to the consumer in accordance with Article 10 of this Law.

5. In cases where the warranty period provided for by the contract is less than two years and the defects of the goods are discovered by the consumer after the warranty period expires, but within two years, the consumer has the right to present the seller (manufacturer) with the requirements provided for article 18 of this Law, if he proves that the defects of the goods arose before its transfer to the consumer or for reasons that arose before that moment.

6. In case of revealing significant defects in the goods, the consumer has the right to present to the manufacturer (an authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) a demand for the free elimination of such defects, if he proves that they arose before the transfer of the goods to the consumer or for reasons that arose before that moment. The said claim may be brought if the defects of the goods are discovered after two years from the date of transfer of the goods to the consumer, during the service life established for the goods, or within ten years from the date of transfer of the goods to the consumer in case the service life has not been established. If the specified requirement is not satisfied within twenty days from the date of its presentation by the consumer or the defect of the goods discovered by him is irreparable, the consumer, at his choice, has the right to present to the manufacturer (authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) other stipulated article 18, paragraph 3 of this Law, or return the goods to the manufacturer (authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) and demand the return of the amount paid.

(see text in previous edition)

  • The guarantee is provided for goods used exclusively for personal, family, household and other needs not related to business activities.
  • Warranty period 12 months from the date of sale (for products requiring a special connection (installation), from the date of installation (connection) if there is a note about this in the warranty card). If it is impossible to establish the date of sale and installation, the warranty period is calculated from the date of production (see the serial number of the product: the first digit indicates the year of production, the second and third - the week of the year of production)
  • Additional post-warranty free technical service within 12 months from the end date of the warranty period.
  • Maintenance, installation (connection) of products manufactured by Gorenie d.d. Velenje, Slovenia, are carried out by Gorenje Authorized Service Centers*.
  • The warranty sheet must be correctly filled out, have the stamp of a trade organization, the seller's signature, an indication of the serial number of the product and the date of its purchase, and for products that require special installation (connection) - installation (connection) data.
  • The warranty does not cover consumables (light bulbs, ice bins, extractor hood filters, lint sponge filters, etc.).

Warranty obligations do not apply to defects that have arisen after the transfer of the goods to the consumer as a result of:

  • Failure to comply with the rules of operation, use of the product for purposes for which it is not intended;
  • Unqualified installation/connection and resulting in failure of the product elements, or resulting in unsatisfactory operation of the product;
  • Mechanical damage, traces of chemical impacts that occurred after the transfer of the goods to the consumer, the formation of excess scale, fat, soot and mud deposits on pipelines, heating elements and burners;
  • The presence of damage or malfunction of the product caused by pets, household insects and rodents;
  • Connecting the product to power and gas supply networks with parameters that do not correspond to the operating conditions of the product;
  • Blocking of the moving elements of the product when foreign objects enter the internal working volumes;
  • Non-compliance with the rules of storage, transportation, installation / connection provided by the manufacturer;
  • Instability of the characteristics of the electrical network (sudden changes in current and voltage);
  • Instability of gas and water pressure in gas and water supply networks, impurities in gas and water that affect performance;
  • Unauthorized changes to the design of the product, or installation of parts that are not provided for by the technical documentation and operating instructions;
  • Increased wear of the product as a result of the use of the product for production purposes, as well as improper maintenance or inappropriate care;
  • Changes in the appearance of the product, which does not affect the performance of the equipment, due to natural wear and tear;
  • Other reasons in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of consumer rights, including those caused by force majeure or third parties.


The manufacturer is not responsible for possible harm directly or indirectly caused by Gorenje products to people, pets, or damage to property if this happened as a result of non-compliance with the rules and conditions of operation, installation of the product, intentional or careless actions of the consumer or third parties. The product is intended for domestic use only, professional use is prohibited. All equipment must be grounded. Ungrounded equipment is potentially hazardous. If the product requires additional installation (connection) operations, we recommend that you contact Gorenje Authorized Service Centers * (paid service, cost according to the price list of the Service Center). Gorenje Product Installation/Connection Services performed by Gorenje Authorized Service Centers may include:

  • connection of the product to electricity and gas supply networks,
  • adapting the product to operating conditions (adjusting the minimum power of gas burners, setting the product to a different type and pressure of gas, adjusting sensors and electric ignition, etc.),
  • demonstration of the product's performance and explanation to the consumer of the rules for its operation.

The serial number contains information about the date of manufacture of the instrument.

X................. - year of manufacture (year of manufacture, last digit of four)

XX............ - week of the year

X......... - product execution

XXXX - number of the manufactured device in the weekly batch

The manufacturer sets a service life of 10 years for the following Gorenje brand products:

  • cookers (electric and gas),
  • refrigerators and freezers,
  • washing machines, dryers and dishwashers,
  • air purifiers,
  • domestic gas convectors
  • built-in hobs and ovens,
  • built-in: steamers, coffee machines, microwave ovens.

When purchasing, please make sure that the warranty sheet, including tear-off coupons, is filled out correctly.

Warranty obligations of the company "Gorenie d.d. Velenje, Slovenia Product: climate technology

Warranty certificate for the product of the company "Gorenie d.d. Velenje”, Slovenia, is the basis for obtaining warranty service for the product in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

2 years for other parts of all water heaters, except for the safety valve

3 years per tank for all GT…

As you can see, in the first place, the manufacturer is vested with the right to establish a guarantee for the goods, while the seller acquires such a right only in the absence of a factory guarantee.

Thus, the law excludes the possibility of establishing two guarantees for the same product.

The procedure for calculating warranty periods is set out in Article 19 of the Law on Consumer Rights Protection.

The warranty period for the product begins to run:

  • If the contract between the seller and the consumer does not establish special terms for the beginning of the warranty period of the goods - from the moment the goods are transferred to the consumer.
  • If the date of purchase of the goods is unknown - from the date of manufacture of the goods
  • For seasonal goods - from the beginning of the corresponding season, and if the goods are purchased during the season - from the moment of transfer (delivery - in case of remote purchase) to the consumer (read more about this below)
  • When selling goods by samples or by mail - from the moment the goods are delivered
  • If the day of sale and the day of delivery of the goods do not coincide - from the moment of delivery of the goods
  • If it is impossible to set the date of delivery, installation, assembly, connection of the goods - from the moment of the conclusion of the contract of sale (day of purchase)
  • If a special installation (connection, assembly) of the product is necessary, or if the product has defects, the warranty period is suspended until the seller eliminates specific circumstances.

The warranty period for (download in doc format), as well as for goods purchased on sale, is calculated according to the general rules.

Warranty period for seasonal goods

When buying a seasonal product, i.e. goods intended for use and operation in a certain season of the year, the warranty period does not begin to run at the time of purchase of this item, but from the moment when the corresponding season begins after purchase. If the product was purchased according to samples, or purchased remotely and received by mail, or delivered by courier, then the warranty period should be calculated from the moment the buyer receives this product.

If the product is purchased after the beginning of the season for which it is intended, then the guarantee for it begins to flow from the moment of purchase or delivery.

So, for seasonal goods, the warranty period begins:

  • As a general rule - with the onset of the corresponding season
  • When purchasing goods after the onset of the corresponding season - from the moment the goods are handed over
  • When buying goods remotely (by mail or by samples) - from the moment of the onset of the corresponding season
  • When buying goods remotely (by mail or by samples) after the onset of the corresponding season - from the moment the goods are delivered

There is no officially approved list of seasonal goods in our country, but article 19 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law states: clothes, shoes, etc., so most often we are talking about winter, demi-season, summer shoes or outerwear. We believe that this also includes, for example, alpine skiing and other winter sports equipment, the use of which in our country is possible only in the winter season.

Anyway, to determine the seasonality of goods it is necessary to proceed from the purpose of the product, from information about it, take into account its characteristics and operating rules in general.

Each subject sets its own dates for the start of the seasons, which is explained by different climatic conditions in different parts of the country, and they are determined by the local legislation of each subject of the Russian Federation.

For St. Petersburg, the following dates for the onset of the seasons are established (Law of St. Petersburg of May 28, 1997):

  • Winter season - from December 5
  • Spring season - from March 17
  • Summer season - from June 2
  • Autumn season - from September 12

Product without warranty period

Recall that the consumer can return the goods during the warranty period.
However, establishing a warranty period for a product is not the responsibility of the manufacturer or seller and their right.
Do not be surprised if after buying some item you find that there is no warranty period. This does not mean that if a defect is found, such a product cannot be returned.

The requirements established by Article 18 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights regarding the quality of goods for which a warranty period is not established may be presented if:

  • Defects in the goods are discovered within a reasonable time, but within two years from the date of transfer of the goods
  • The consumer will prove the occurrence of a defect before the sale of the goods to him, or for reasons that arose before that moment (in the event of a dispute about the nature of the defect)

It is best to contact the seller (manufacturer) immediately upon discovery of a defect in the goods, without waiting for a two-year period, and completely exclude further use of the thing, since in the event of a trial, it is possible to conduct an expert study of the goods in order to establish the causes of the defect. Therefore, it is in the interests of the consumer to declare a defect immediately after its discovery, this will most accurately determine the nature of the defect. The court can determine the reasonableness of the period for revealing the defect, if the dispute is not resolved out of court, based on the features and characteristics of the goods, as well as on the terms usually set for similar goods.

Product warranty expired

The expiration of the warranty period of the goods does not always exclude the possibility of returning or exchanging it if defects are found in it outside the warranty period.

According to paragraph 5 of Article 19 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law, the consumer has the right to present a claim to the seller or manufacturer regarding the quality of the goods if:

  • The warranty period for the product is less than 2 (two) years
  • The defect was discovered after the warranty period, but within 2 (two) years
  • The consumer will prove that the identified defect arose before the goods were transferred to him by the seller, or for reasons that arose before the sale of the goods to him (in the event of a dispute about the nature of the defect)

Here's an example: the warranty for the phone is 1 year, in the first year the warranty repair was carried out, but during the second year of operation the defect appeared again in the phone. In this case, despite the expiration of the warranty period, the consumer will have the right to file a claim with the seller for the return, replacement or repair of the phone, only on condition that the consumer provides proof that the identified defect is of a hidden manufacturing nature, i.e. arose before the transfer to him, or for reasons that arose before the sale of the goods. Such evidence will be an independent expert opinion confirming this fact. The examination is carried out at the expense of the consumer, and if it confirms the manufacturing nature of the defect, one of the requirements provided for in Article 18 of the Law on Consumer Rights Protection can be presented to the seller (manufacturer), attaching an expert opinion to the claim, while it is possible to demand reimbursement of expenses for the examination.

In addition, the manufacturer or seller may voluntarily take on additional responsibilities in relation to product defects found outside the warranty period established by the manufacturer.

The manufacturer himself establishes the conditions, terms and procedure for the implementation of an additional obligation. When such an obligation is accepted by the seller, all conditions are prescribed in the agreement (contract) between the seller and the consumer.

If additional obligations of the manufacturer or seller exist, but a dispute arose between the parties regarding the nature of the defect, the following nuances must be taken into account distribution of the burden of proof the nature of the identified deficiency:

  • If defects in the goods are discovered during the period of validity of the additional obligation of the manufacturer or seller, the burden of proving the nature of the defect lies with the manufacturer or seller.
  • If after the expiration of the additional guarantee, but within two years after the transfer of the goods to the consumer, then the obligation to prove the occurrence of defects in the goods before its transfer to the consumer or for reasons that arose before that moment lies with the consumer himself.

The manufacturer may establish a warranty period separately for components or components of the main product (paragraph 3 of Article 19 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law). The warranty period for them is calculated in a general manner.

Therefore, the return or exchange of component parts of the goods is possible regardless of the quality of the main product.

There are the following features of the warranty period for components and components of the main product:

  • If the warranty period for a component product or component is set to be shorter than for the main product, the consumer has the right to make a claim regarding the quality of such product or part of the product during the warranty period for the main product.
  • If the warranty for a component product or a component of the product is greater than the guarantee for the main product, the consumer can make a claim regarding the quality of the product, provided that the defects of the component product are discovered during the warranty period for this product, regardless of the expiration of the warranty period for the main product.

What else you need to know about the warranty period of the product:

  • The warranty period of the goods is extended for the period of warranty repair (paragraph 3 of article 20 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights)
  • When replacing the goods, the warranty period runs anew, i.e. from the moment of replacement (clause 2 of article 21 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law)
  • When a component or component of a product is replaced, the guarantee for the new product or component will re-run, i.e. from the date of issue of the goods from repair (paragraph 4 of article 20 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights)
  • The warranty period is calculated in units of time: years, months, days; and other units of measurement, depending on the functions and purpose of the goods: kilometers, meters, etc. (paragraph 3 of Article 5 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law)
  • Information about the warranty period for the goods is indicated in the warranty card, in the receipt or in the contract of sale. The manufacturer's warranty, as a rule, is prescribed in the technical documentation for the product.

Goods expiration date. Product life and warranty period.

When purchasing a product, food or non-food, most buyers always check the expiration date or service life of the product.

What you need to know about the expiration date:

  • The expiration date is mandatory set by the manufacturer (performer) for food, cosmetics, perfumes, medicines, household chemicals, hygiene items, dietary supplements and other similar products.
  • In the absence of an expiration date, or after this period, such goods are prohibited for sale, since they can pose a serious danger to the life and health of the consumer.
  • The consumer has the right to make a claim to the seller (manufacturer) during the expiration date of the goods

What are the features of the service life of the product:

  • The service life is set by the manufacturer for durable goods, if desired. During the service life, the manufacturer undertakes to ensure the suitability of the product for its intended use, i.e. the goods must serve, maintaining the qualities declared by the manufacturer, and in the event of significant defects in the goods, the manufacturer must bear responsibility for them, provided for by law.
  • For durable goods and their components, which after a certain period may become dangerous to the life and health of the consumer, as well as to the environment, or cause damage to the consumer's property, the manufacturer is obliged to establish a service life so that the requirements for the safety of the goods can be met, i.e. e. the consumer must necessarily be informed during what period of time such a product is safe to use. The list of such goods was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 1997 No. 720 (as amended on May 10, 2001).

The rights of the consumer in case of detection of a significant defect of the goods during the service life of the goods:

  • If during the service life of the goods, although after two years after the transfer of the goods to the consumer (or within 10 years, if the service life is not established), a significant defect is found in it, the consumer has the right to present the manufacturer or authorized organization, importer with a claim for free repair .
  • The only condition for the presentation of the above requirement is that the consumer must prove that a significant defect arose before the transfer of the goods to him or for reasons that arose before that, i.e. manufacturing or hidden nature of the defect.
  • The manufacturer is obliged to satisfy the requirement for the free elimination of a significant defect in the goods within 20 (twenty) days from the date of the claim.
  • In case of non-satisfaction of the consumer's demand for the free elimination of the defect within 20 days, the consumer has the right to demand the replacement or return of the goods, or present other requirements provided for in Article 18 of the Consumer Protection Law.
  • If the conducted examination of the goods establishes that the defect revealed during the service life (or within 10 years in the absence of the service life of the goods) is irreparable, the consumer has the right to immediately demand from the manufacturer or importer to exchange or return such goods (paragraph 6 of Article 19 of the Law on protection of consumer rights), bypassing the stage of free elimination of the lack of goods.

If you have any questions, please call for a more detailed consultation.