Diarrhea in pregnant women. Diarrhea during pregnancy: treatment of a dangerous condition Diarrhea in a pregnant woman, what to do

(or diarrhea) is loose and frequent stool, which is sometimes accompanied by other symptoms - nausea, vomiting, general weakness and fever. If there are no special health recommendations, then dealing with diarrhea is not so difficult. But what should pregnant women do, for whom most medications are prohibited (especially in the first trimester)? And how dangerous is diarrhea in pregnant women for the unborn child and his mother?

Statistics give the following figures: each person experiences diarrhea on average 4-5 times a year. Common causes are viral infections and poor diet. In pregnant women, diarrhea can also be caused by hormonal changes. Moreover, “hormones play” in almost every expectant mother.

Diarrhea comes in different forms and varying severity:

  • acute diarrhea lasts a maximum of several days and occurs as a result of viruses or pathogens entering the body (food poisoning);
  • diarrhea that does not go away, lasts more than two weeks and does not respond to standard treatment;
  • Chronic diarrhea is associated with some serious illness and can last more than a month.

During pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother is exposed to even minor influences from the external environment, because the immune system is weakened and lowered, and all the body’s forces are aimed at preserving and proper development of the fetus.

Therefore, even the simplest factors can cause diarrhea. For example, regular exercises for pregnant women can cause increased gastric motility, resulting in diarrhea.

Prescribed vitamins and vitamin complexes can also cause stomach irritation. Vitamins, by the way, can cause diarrhea in the later stages, even if they were absorbed completely without problems in the first trimesters. Even a proper and balanced diet can cause diarrhea in pregnant women, if before the “interesting situation” the woman ate completely differently. And hormonal levels can complement the overall picture and also become the cause of the disorder.

It would not be superfluous to remind you about the nervous tension of pregnant women: worries, constant stress caused by fear of future birth and the unknown can also cause diarrhea. This condition can also be caused by toxicosis, which is observed in almost every second expectant mother. This can be explained quite simply: toxicosis, in essence, is intoxication of the body. And, as you know, it is often accompanied by diarrhea.

It is worth remembering that diarrhea can have a different character and be observed at different stages of pregnancy. For example, sometimes before childbirth there is a natural cleansing of the body. In this case, you shouldn’t be nervous, you just need to prepare for the trip to the maternity hospital.

Clinical picture of diarrhea during pregnancy

Do not forget that diarrhea is not an independent disease, but only a manifestation of the main pathological process. It is often accompanied by other symptoms:

  • general weakness;
  • temperature increase;
  • nausea and dizziness;
  • chills;
  • headache;
  • dehydration;
  • lack of appetite or feeling of heaviness in the stomach;

When to see a doctor urgently:

  1. there is mucus with blood streaks in the stool;
  2. diarrhea is accompanied by high fever and vomiting (nausea);
  3. severe dizziness;
  4. The color of the stool is dark, almost black.

How dangerous is diarrhea in early pregnancy?

Diarrhea in the early stages poses a danger to the health and even the life of the unborn child! Firstly, if diarrhea is caused by pathogenic microorganisms, they can penetrate directly to the fetus and affect its development, and secondly, in this condition the fetus does not receive the necessary microelements, which can also affect its vital activity and development.

Diet is a must in the treatment of diarrhea

Diarrhea can lead to severe intoxication and dehydration, which also entails negative consequences. In addition, with diarrhea, spontaneous contractions of the uterus are observed, which can lead to miscarriage. An ambulance should be called immediately if the following symptoms occur:

  • dizziness and general severe weakness, double vision;
  • constant desire to drink;
  • dry mouth, dry mucous membranes;
  • heat;
  • dark colored urine or stool.

How dangerous diarrhea is in a particular case can only be determined by specialists who can correctly prescribe a treatment regimen for diarrhea. If it arose as a result of toxicosis, then we can only hope that it will pass along with its other, not entirely pleasant, signs.

What are the dangers of diarrhea at 30 weeks of pregnancy?

Diarrhea at this stage often signals the development of late toxicosis. But this period is a turning point, so diarrhea must be taken seriously: with the urge to defecate, the uterus may begin to contract intensively.

This can lead to premature birth, but the babies are not yet ready to be born.

In no case should you allow dehydration of the body - this can lead to thrombosis, which is extremely dangerous. It is good that at this time it is allowed to take medications that were contraindicated in the early stages - the doctor can prescribe treatment that will quickly eliminate both diarrhea and the symptoms that accompany it.

Is diarrhea dangerous in the last stages of pregnancy?

Starting from the 35th week, diarrhea may indicate the onset of labor. Moreover, up to 37 weeks is a rather dangerous sign, because the baby will be born premature. Diarrhea at 35, 36 and 37 weeks can also occur as a result of compression of the digestive organs by the fetus, which is already quite large by this period.

Diarrhea at this stage is dangerous due to the rapid development of dehydration.

Firstly, the pregnant woman moves little during this period due to heaviness, and secondly, the fetus itself needs a large amount of fluid. Doctors calmly react to diarrhea after the 38th week - this often indicates a natural cleansing of the body.

Treatment of diarrhea during pregnancy

It’s worth reminding right away: you shouldn’t self-medicate, because you can harm not only yourself, but also your desired child! Only by turning to specialists for help, you can receive qualified assistance, the right approach to the treatment of diarrhea and the prescription of drugs that are most suitable according to the timing of pregnancy. You should also be prepared for what will happen

The causes of diarrhea can be different, they will be named in the video:

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Perhaps each of us knows what diarrhea is. And everyone has their own methods of dealing with loose, watery stools, which happen several times a day. Traditional medicine recipes, pharmacy medications - all treatment methods are good, provided there are no contraindications due to the person’s health condition. What to do if diarrhea occurs during pregnancy?

Severe diarrhea often makes itself felt by painful cutting pains in the stomach and intestines, which are sometimes accompanied by an increase in temperature. How can an expectant mother cope with this trouble if, during the period when the baby lives under her heart, many medications are prohibited? Does diarrhea threaten the health of a woman and her child? We will discuss these and other aspects of the problem in the article.

In an absolutely healthy person, diarrhea can occur up to 6 times during the year. The reason for this is an unbalanced diet or pathogens of viral infections. In expectant mothers, the list of factors that can cause diarrhea is complemented by a significant transformation of hormonal levels. Diarrhea during pregnancy is classified according to intensity:

  1. Acute diarrhea is a disorder that develops as a result of the activity of various viruses in the body or banal poisoning. Lasts 2 – 3 days.
  2. Persistent diarrhea - a painful condition that can last up to 10 - 14 days without improvement in the condition of the pregnant woman.
  3. Chronic diarrhea - diarrhea does not go away for more than a month, the cause of which is various serious diseases.

In addition, factors due to which the smooth course of pregnancy is disrupted by diarrhea may be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, food that is heavy for the body, and undesirable effects of medications.

We also must not forget that the body of the expectant mother, during all 9 months of the special situation, undergoes a radical restructuring - external and internal. Pregnancy, although a significant event, is at the same time a real test for a woman’s immunity. The immune system is depleted due to the fact that most of the body's internal resources are now spent on the formation and maintenance of new life in the womb. Never before has a woman's health been so vulnerable to the various influences of her environment.

By the way, diarrhea in a pregnant woman can be caused by factors that do not cause any association with the disorder in another person. For example, exercises for pregnant women can speed up gastric motility and thereby cause diarrhea. Do not forget that in most cases the diet of the expectant mother also changes dramatically - foods rich in fiber and substances that can irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines regularly appear on the plate. Even vitamins that a pregnant woman takes for a long time can cause diarrhea during late pregnancy.

It is possible that the underlying cause of diarrhea during pregnancy may be a woman’s unstable emotional background. Suspiciousness, anxiety and confusion are frequent companions of an “interesting” situation. This flurry of emotions can also affect fine intestinal motility.

Diarrhea can be found on the list of symptoms of toxicosis both in the early stages of pregnancy and in the later stages. In essence, toxicosis is the body's reaction to toxins and excess hormones, which is akin to poisoning, which usually causes diarrhea.

Experts generally tend to consider diarrhea at 38–41 weeks of pregnancy as an independent preparation of the body for childbirth, and without 5 minutes, mommy has absolutely nothing to worry about!

Diarrhea and its clinical picture during pregnancy

The sudden appearance of diarrhea can surprise an expectant mother at any stage of pregnancy. Let us immediately note that considering diarrhea as an independent disease is fundamentally wrong. This problem is always symptomatic and is a manifestation of some disease. This means that along with diarrhea, a pregnant woman may experience other symptoms that can significantly worsen her well-being. Among them:

  1. Nausea.
  2. Chills.
  3. Pain or unpleasant discomfort in the stomach.
  4. Severe flatulence.
  5. Heat.
  6. Headaches and dizziness.
  7. Fatigue and constant weakness.
  8. Feeling unwell due to dehydration.

In addition, the expectant mother should know some of the nuances of diarrhea during pregnancy, and if she notices them, she should immediately inform her doctor about this:

  • clots of mucus and blood appeared in the stool;
  • in addition to diarrhea, the woman suffers from nausea, vomiting and high body temperature;
  • the stool is dark, almost black, and at the same time the pregnant woman experiences severe dizziness. This condition is usually characteristic of stomach ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

No matter how specific the symptoms of diarrhea in a pregnant woman, this is in any case a signal that the woman’s health is not all right, so you should definitely consult your doctor on this issue.

Diarrhea during early pregnancy: where the danger lurks

Loose stools during pregnancy in the first trimester pose a great threat to the mother and her baby. If the disorder is caused by pathogenic viruses or bacteria that have entered the female body, it will undoubtedly affect the condition of the fetus, since microbes can also reach it through the placental barrier.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, diarrhea has an indelible effect on a woman’s health: it makes it impossible for her body to absorb vitamins and provokes the development of dehydration of the body with its further intoxication.

Diarrhea causes spontaneous spasmodic contractions of the uterus, which can equally threaten both miscarriage and abnormal development of the fetus. We list the main signs of dehydration (dehydration) of the body, knowing which a pregnant woman will not waste precious time and will immediately seek help from a specialist:

  • constant strong thirst;
  • dry mucous membranes in the mouth (the tongue “sticks” to the palate);
  • dark urine;
  • increased body temperature;
  • dizziness, spots before the eyes.

If diarrhea in the early stages of pregnancy occurs against the background of toxicosis, then there is every reason to believe that it will soon pass, you just need to strictly follow all the recommendations of your doctor.

Diarrhea during pregnancy at 30 weeks

Diarrhea at this time does not always indicate the presence of a virus in the body. It is during this period that some pregnant women experience late toxicosis, the symptoms of which include loose stools, general weakness, dizziness and nausea. The 30th week of carrying a baby is a turning point, and a woman should definitely inform her doctor about any changes in her condition.

Natural urges cause the uterus to noticeably contract, which can cause premature birth. The main danger is that babies do not survive this period.

The threat also lies in dehydration of the body if the stool during pregnancy at 30 weeks is liquid. Due to dehydration, a woman may develop thrombosis.

Diarrhea during late pregnancy: what you need to know

Diarrhea during the period from 35 to 40 weeks of pregnancy can be a harbinger of labor. Diarrhea at 35, 36 and 37 weeks of gestation is extremely undesirable, since babies in most cases are born premature and very weak. How can an expectant mother protect herself? A woman needs to make the highest demands on the quality of the food she eats, and try to eat only at home, and not in public places, where the risk of “catch” any viral disease is much higher.

Sometimes diarrhea or constipation can be caused by the fetus itself - the baby is already large and puts pressure on the internal organs, as a result, gastrointestinal motility worsens.

The problem of dehydration due to diarrhea is also relevant in late pregnancy. The child is fully formed and needs nutrients in very large quantities. The mother's body, under conditions of dehydration, cannot satisfy the baby's needs, and the fetus begins to starve.

Diarrhea during pregnancy at 38, 39, 40 weeks, which is accompanied by cramping pain, is a signal of the onset of labor. In this case, diarrhea is not dangerous for the health of the mother and baby - this is how the body is cleansed before the responsible mission of giving birth to a new life. However, if diarrhea is caused by severe poisoning of the body, mild medications are prescribed to prevent toxins from passing through the placenta to the baby.

Treatment of diarrhea during pregnancy

Trying to get rid of diarrhea during pregnancy by self-prescribing medications is extremely irresponsible and dangerous. You always need to think about the baby - will his mother’s carelessness harm him?

When choosing a drug against diarrhea, the doctor focuses on the duration of pregnancy, prescribing the woman the optimal treatment option for her. Let us note that taking the vast majority of medications is prohibited until the 30th week of pregnancy, so it is better to entrust the decision to such an important issue to a specialist.

The exception is diarrhea that is not too severe and is not accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms. In this case, the expectant mother needs to go on a light diet and drink a lot so that the gastrointestinal tract rests and recovers.

Therapeutic dietary nutrition

The diet excludes all “dairy” and foods with a pronounced taste - nothing salty, sour, fried or spicy! True, the ban is valid for only one day, because under no circumstances should the baby be left hungry. Baby needs nutrients all the time!

On the second day, you should limit yourself to oatmeal or rice cooked in water, without adding salt or sugar. Snacks in the form of unsweetened crackers or special dietary biscuits and strong tea are allowed. You should still abstain from most dairy products, but you can already treat yourself to natural yogurt, which will bring your stomach and intestines to life. The beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria of this product normalize the natural microflora of the affected gastrointestinal tract.

For the next 3 to 4 days, it is better to avoid dried fruits, milk, spicy and fried foods. A pregnant woman should give preference in nutrition to various cereals. Let us remind you that the ideal food for an expectant mother is at average room temperature. Too hot or very cold foods impair gastrointestinal motility, irritating the acidic gastric environment.

Teas brewed from chamomile flowers, mint leaves and lemon balm will help the expectant mother maintain cheerfulness and good spirits during dieting days.

Treatment with drugs

From 30 to 40 weeks of pregnancy, the question of drug treatment for a woman is no longer so pressing, and she can safely take certain medications as prescribed by the doctor. For diarrhea in a pregnant woman, you can take the following medications:

  1. Smecta. The active component of this drug, dioctahedral smectite, is a substance of natural origin. Smecta has a complex effect during pregnancy: it has a calming effect on the irritated mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, covers the stomach and intestines with a thin but reliable protective layer, removes harmful microorganisms and their waste products (toxins) from the body, negates the aggressive effect of bile and hydrochloric acids . Smecta is prescribed to expectant mothers for acute and chronic diarrhea caused by intoxication of the body or a disease of viral etiology. In addition, the drug is a wonderful remedy against heartburn, which many pregnant women are familiar with firsthand. Smecta is taken once or in a course (3 times a day). You can eat after taking the medicine within 1.5 – 2 hours. The method of use is as follows: pour half a glass of warm water and gradually add the powder there, stirring often to completely dissolve it.
  2. Activated carbon. This is a well-known and trusted tool. Activated carbon is not prohibited during pregnancy - the product does not penetrate into the blood and, accordingly, does not pass through the placenta to the fetus. The medicine is a porous carbon sorbent that cleanses the digestive tract of harmful substances, adsorbing them like a sponge. Activated carbon can be drunk for diarrhea, colic, increased flatulence and heartburn. However, the expectant mother must remember that these tablets cannot be taken for a long time, since sooner or later activated carbon will begin to rid the body of useful microelements and substances. For the same reason, you should not drink vitamins immediately after taking activated carbon, otherwise the sorbent will neutralize their effect. Before use, it is better to grind the drug tablets into powder and dissolve them in 0.5 cups of water at room temperature. For poisoning and diarrhea, activated carbon is taken at the rate of 1 tablet for every 10 kg of body weight.
  3. Loperamide. This antidiarrheal drug weakens intestinal tone and reduces its motility, and has a positive effect on the tone of the anal sphincter. The initial dose for diarrhea is 4 mg (2 tablets), then it is reduced to 2 mg (1 tablet) after each loose stool. The maximum daily dose of Loperamide should not exceed 16 mg. The doctor is obliged to warn the pregnant woman that she cannot take the medicine for more than 2 days, otherwise there is a risk of developing severe constipation. The list of contraindications to the use of the drug also includes pregnancy, so the decision on the advisability of using Loperamide for a pregnant woman should be made exclusively by a specialist.
  4. Nifuroxazide. The medicine is a real salvation for severe diarrhea during pregnancy. The active components of the drug destroy most pathogenic microorganisms: salmonella, E. coli, staphylococcus, Klebsiella, Yersinia, Shigella, etc. Depending on the dose size, Nifuroxazide can have both a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect. In the first case, the drug suppresses the activity of pathogens, in the second, it destroys them. The medicine is not absorbed in the stomach, concentrating in the intestines. Only small doses of the drug penetrate into the blood, the main part of it is excreted in the feces. Among the indications for the use of Nifuroxazide, it is worth noting the treatment of diarrhea of ​​infectious origin and the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis. The drug in tablet form is prescribed to pregnant women, 2 tablets every 6 hours. The doctor prescribes the duration of treatment on an individual basis. Nifuroxazide in the form of a suspension is taken 1 tsp. 3 – 4 times a day. A specific effect of taking this drug is increased diarrhea for a short time.
  5. Sedatives based on motherwort, valerian, mint or passionflower are prescribed when diarrhea during pregnancy occurs as the body’s response to a nervous overstrain reaction.
  6. During the treatment of diarrhea, a pregnant woman can also drink a solution of the powdered drug Lactosol, which maintains the body dehydrated due to diarrhea, restoring the water-salt balance in it. Moreover, in order to get rid of all signs of intoxication as quickly as possible, you need to drink a lot of clean water.

Folk remedies for diarrhea during pregnancy

Natural raw materials are welcome in the treatment of diarrhea during pregnancy, but only after consultation with a doctor.

  1. Jelly made from fresh or frozen lingonberries or cranberries is considered an effective remedy for diarrhea. A handful of berries are washed under water, poured with a small amount of boiling water and mashed with a masher. Then filter the solution through a sieve, add a little potato starch and cook over low heat, stirring constantly. The finished drink can be flavored with a spoon of honey for taste.
  2. The pomegranate peel is thoroughly washed, placed in a 0.5 liter jar, poured with boiling water and closed with a lid. Infuse the decoction for at least 2 hours, after which you drink several sips throughout the day.
  3. To calm down the bad mood that inevitably arises against the background of such an unpleasant problem as diarrhea, you can make tea from mint and lemon balm. For this, 1 tbsp. l. leaves of each plant are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, left for 1.5 - 2 hours and drunk instead of tea.

How can a pregnant woman recover from diarrhea?

The body of the expectant mother works for the benefit of two, which means it needs to be helped in this. In the first days after suffering from diarrhea, a pregnant woman should rest more and plan her diet especially carefully. A lean diet, devoid of salt, strongly flavored seasonings, smoked, fatty and fried foods, is ideal. Foods containing fiber should be taken in modest portions. It is good if such products are steamed or stewed.

Diarrhea during pregnancy. Video

Pregnancy makes its own adjustments not only to a woman’s taste preferences. Hormonal changes occur in the entire body of the expectant mother. Sometimes against this background, unexpected health problems occur. In addition to headaches, fatigue and toxicity, diarrhea may appear. At a late stage of pregnancy, this can negatively affect the general condition of the woman. But during this period it is less terrible than in the first months, when uterine contractions provoked by diarrhea can cause a miscarriage.

Causes and duration of diarrhea

Diarrhea in pregnant women is uncommon. Much more often they are bothered by constipation. However, you should not be passive about this. It is necessary to identify the cause of its occurrence and try to eliminate it in such a way as not to cause harm to the fetus.
The main reasons that can cause diarrhea in pregnant women:

  1. Food poisoning.
  2. Intestinal tract disease.
  3. Allergic reaction to eating a food product. It can occur even if these products did not cause such phenomena before pregnancy.
  4. Diarrhea can be caused by a prenatal condition in a pregnant woman.

Diarrhea in the last stages should be alarming, but do not panic. Find out the root cause of its appearance. It is possible that there was an item in the food that was questionable. Or overeating one type of product can create such an effect. This condition may be caused by taking new medications or vitamins prescribed by a doctor to strengthen the body.

Important! If you were able to independently determine the cause of diarrhea, your body temperature does not rise, and there is no pain in the uterine area, you do not need to contact a doctor. In this case, you just need to remove the cause of loose stools and the condition will return to normal.

What you need to pay attention to

Diarrhea can be a symptom of another disease. Diarrhea that does not stop for a long time can lead to dehydration. During an infectious course, the following signs may appear:

  • nausea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • vomit;
  • elevated temperature;
  • chills;
  • muscle pain;
  • dizziness.

It is possible that diarrhea is caused by bacteria that have entered the body. Common infection of pregnant women with rotavirus. The intestines of a pregnant woman are affected and provoke a phenomenon such as diarrhea. With this infection, a woman experiences a high fever, as well as nausea and vomiting.

Diarrhea that occurs without side effects can last up to ten days. But, if frequent bowel movements continue longer, be sure to consult a doctor.

Diarrhea differs in severity and duration:

  • diarrhea resulting from the entry of pathogenic microbes into the body, which does not stop for several days;
  • non-specific diarrhea that does not respond to standard treatment;
  • chronic stage of diarrhea, lasting more than two months.

What to do for pregnant women with diarrhea

Foods that irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines should be limited to a minimum so as not to cause diarrhea:

  • fried food;
  • smoked products;
  • spicy dishes.

It is advisable to drink table mineral water. Tablets should be taken in exceptional cases, and be sure to consult a doctor.

Proper nutrition

To get rid of diarrhea in late pregnancy, you need to follow a certain diet. In addition to consuming the right set of products, it is necessary to consume those that hold together. But taking constipating products can have the opposite effect and cause constipation. It is necessary to find a “golden mean” between two extremes.

The most beneficial effect on the intestines is exerted by:

  • boiled meat;
  • cereal porridge;
  • vegetable soups.

Important! If you have doubts about the smell and color of a product or dish, it is better to refuse to eat it.

At this time, it is better to avoid eating raw vegetables and fruits. This ban continues until stool normalizes. The effect of the acids contained in them can be neutralized by preparing fruit jelly or boiling vegetables.

Pay attention! The food consumed must be fresh. Fruits and vegetables that are eaten raw are thoroughly washed, and those growing on the ground are peeled.


It is very important to follow hygiene rules during pregnancy:

  1. Wash your hands after returning from the street.
  2. Regularly carry out wet cleaning of your house or apartment.

Diarrhea in later stages - how to treat it

Pregnant women are not recommended to take the tablets. Moreover, in the later stages, treatment with medications is not advisable. The safest remedy is activated carbon. Take 2 tablets immediately and an hour later, 2 more tablets.


You can use traditional medicine methods and herbal treatment. To get rid of diarrhea, you can take a decoction of St. John's wort or other medicinal herbs with a similar effect.

To prepare the decoction:

  • 1 tsp. St. John's wort;
  • 300 ml water.

Brew the herb and let it brew for 20 minutes. Take in small sips before meals.

Even if diarrhea does not last long, you must follow these tips:

  1. Drink plenty of water to prevent your body from becoming dehydrated. You can drink juices and compotes, but carbonated waters and cocktails can have the opposite effect and will not restore the minerals lost by the body.
  2. Do not consume dairy or caffeine-containing products.
  3. Develop a rest system, do not overload the body.

Prolonged diarrhea accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting requires qualified medical assistance. This will prevent dangerous dehydration of the body. The doctor will prescribe adequate treatment that is most gentle for the fetus. Determines the correct dosage of the drug.

Diarrhea, or diarrhea, is a pathological condition in which the intestines are disrupted and bowel movements occur too frequently. In later stages, this phenomenon can be caused by both physiological and pathological reasons. What causes the development of diarrhea in pregnant women?

Physiological reasons

In late pregnancy, diarrhea occurs in almost all women. A few days before giving birth, the expectant mother’s body prepares for the upcoming event and tries to eliminate everything that could interfere with the birth of the baby. In this regard, 2-3 days before the birth of the child, many women note the appearance of liquid or pasty stool. In multiparous women, diarrhea usually occurs immediately before birth.

Distinctive signs of physiological diarrhea before childbirth:

  • the stool is thin or pasty, but not watery;
  • bowel movement is not accompanied by abdominal pain (mild discomfort around the navel is possible);
  • there is no impurity of pus or blood in the stool;
  • no vomiting;
  • body temperature remains normal;
  • the woman’s general condition does not suffer.

Diarrhea that occurs before childbirth does not require treatment. The expectant mother should not worry - this condition does not harm the fetus and will not interfere with the normal course of the birth process. If diarrhea develops, you need to drink more and also stop eating heavy foods. If the condition worsens, diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting or fever, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Pathological causes

A pregnant woman is not protected from the development of a variety of diseases accompanied by loose stools. The most common causes of diarrhea in later stages are the following conditions:

  • food poisoning;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • errors in nutrition;
  • allergy;
  • taking medications;
  • stress.

Foodborne illness is an acute infectious disease caused by various opportunistic bacteria. When these bacteria enter a woman’s body, they produce exotoxins – special substances that trigger the development of all the main symptoms of food poisoning.

The source of infection can be any low-quality food. The disease begins suddenly with severe vomiting, abdominal pain and loose stools. Possible increased body temperature, weakness, chills. With the development of dehydration, loss of consciousness is possible. Suspicion of food poisoning is a reason to immediately call an ambulance and take the woman to a specialized hospital.

Intestinal diseases can also cause diarrhea. In this case, the diarrhea will be prolonged, recurring day after day. Abdominal pain with chronic diarrhea is moderate or practically not expressed. Vomiting is not typical, the general condition does not suffer. For an accurate diagnosis of the disease and further treatment, you should contact a gastroenterologist.

Sudden diarrhea can occur due to dietary errors. Mixing various incompatible foods, overeating, and addiction to certain types of food can trigger bowel failure. Such diarrhea rarely lasts more than 2-3 hours and is not accompanied by a violation of the general condition. There is no treatment. To eliminate diarrhea, it is enough to review your diet and avoid foods that cause diarrhea.

Diarrhea can be one of the manifestations of food allergies. This condition occurs in women who are prone to developing an allergic reaction even before pregnancy. Along with diarrhea, a skin rash may appear. Antihistamines and sorbents are used for treatment.

Taking certain medications can also lead to the development of diarrhea. Typically, the annotation for these medications lists diarrhea as one of the possible side effects. In such a situation, it is enough to stop taking the drug to get rid of diarrhea. To quickly cleanse the intestines of drug residues, you can use sorbents.

Stress and increased anxiety can trigger bowel movements even in healthy women. Diarrhea often occurs before important events that require extreme concentration and strength. If the situation repeats itself over and over again, on the eve of important matters it is worth taking any of the herbal sedatives (valerian, motherwort, and others).

What are the dangers of diarrhea during pregnancy?

Diarrhea in late pregnancy poses a serious threat to expectant mothers. Severe diarrhea can provoke the development of the following complications:

  • dehydration;
  • loss of mineral salts and vitamins;
  • premature birth.

Dehydration occurs when there is rapid and significant loss of fluid. This complication often occurs with food poisoning, accompanied by vomiting and frequent loose stools. If dehydration develops, it is necessary to transport the pregnant woman to the hospital as quickly as possible, where she will be provided with all the necessary assistance.

Signs of dehydration:

  • thirst and dry mouth;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • pale skin;
  • rare urination;
  • convulsions;
  • loss of consciousness.

To treat diarrhea during pregnancy, sorbents and drugs that restore fluid loss (saline solutions) are used. In most cases, this is enough to deal with the problem at home. In severe cases, pregnant women are treated in a hospital.

Every person has experienced diarrhea. An unpleasant symptom can occur for various reasons. Stressful situations, poor nutrition, and inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract are the causes of loose stools.

During conception, immunity decreases, this is necessary for preserving and bearing the baby. For a woman during pregnancy, intense diarrhea poses a threat to the fetus. Therefore, it is important for the expectant mother to know how to act in case of diarrhea, what helps to cope with the symptom, what medications to take, and when to seek medical help.

Diarrhea is frequent bowel movements, more than 2 times a day, accompanied by discomfort and cramps in the abdominal area. The stool is watery. Diarrhea can be painless, but usually the patient feels nausea, vomiting, weakness, poor health, and high fever.

At the beginning of the term, you should be careful about your health. A successful pregnancy is the key to normal fetal development.

Symptoms of diarrhea

Depending on the severity of diarrhea, they talk about possible harm to health and complications. If diarrhea occurs as a result of poor nutrition, the symptom is painless and goes away quickly without special treatment. Stomach upset of an infectious nature requires careful attention and surgical therapy. , lasting a month, indicates serious gastrointestinal disorders.

Diarrhea during pregnancy is marked by symptoms:

  • Frequent loose stools;
  • My stomach is churning;
  • Watery stool;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Discomfort in the stomach after eating in the form of heartburn, nausea;
  • Cramps, pain in the stomach;
  • Aching, sharp, prolonged pain in the abdominal area;
  • Weakness;
  • Drowsiness, apathy;
  • There is an increase in body temperature;
  • A sign of dizziness, darkening of the eyes when changing body position.

If you have diarrhea, a woman should monitor her well-being. If the condition worsens, if there is a tug, a stomach ache, loose stools with water, or the baby in the stomach behaves restlessly (calms down), contact an ambulance immediately. Self-medication during pregnancy is fraught with consequences for the health of the expectant mother and child. Before using medications to relieve unpleasant symptoms, consult your doctor.

How diarrhea can harm a pregnant woman

Severe diarrhea is dangerous for the body of a woman and child due to dehydration. In addition, diarrhea during pregnancy:

If a woman notices extreme thirst, dry skin, weakness, fainting, or a decrease in the number of urinations, you should immediately call an ambulance. These signs may indicate dehydration.

How to treat diarrhea

If diarrhea does not stop, then it is necessary to establish the cause and select treatment. Only the attending physician has the right to prescribe medicine.

Drug therapy for pregnant women should be under the supervision of a physician. Many drugs are contraindicated due to pregnancy, especially in the first weeks. If possible, treatment is carried out by prescribing a dietary menu, using traditional methods. Traditional medicine should be taken no less seriously. Not all herbal remedies are suitable for pregnant women. Starting from the 35th, 36th week of pregnancy, some medicinal plants can cause contractions and premature birth.

Antibiotics are prescribed as a last resort if the disease without serious treatment will cause more harm to the mother and child. The treatment method is determined by the doctor. During the period of recovery of the body, it is necessary to constantly observe a gynecologist.

Depending on how long the woman has, the optimal treatment is selected.

Medicines for diarrhea during pregnancy

Adsorbent drugs will help remove toxic compounds from the body. During pregnancy, Enterosgel, Polyphepan, Activated Charcoal (in purified form White Charcoal) are allowed. Sorbents are not recommended for use simultaneously with other medications. The time interval must be respected.

If there is a risk of dehydration, you can take rehydration solutions: Regidron, Trisol. They restore water-salt balance and promote fluid retention from the body.

Papaverine and No-shpu are used to relieve stomach cramps. As a sedative - valerian, motherwort. Take these medications only with the permission of a doctor.

To restore the gastric microflora, probiotics are prescribed - Linex-Forte, Bifidumbacterin, Biogaya.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe Imodium, Enterobene, Loperamide for diarrhea.

Intestinal infections in pregnant women are allowed to be treated with an antimicrobial drug - Nifuroxazide. If necessary, other tablets may be prescribed at the discretion of the doctor.

Remember! If diarrhea is caused by intestinal infections, food poisoning, you should not immediately stop loose stools or drink astringents. The body must be cleansed of pathogenic microorganisms and toxins.

Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional methods are safe for treating diarrhea during pregnancy. But you should be careful when choosing herbs, decoctions, and tinctures.

Recipes for diarrhea:

  • Starch. You can make jelly with the addition of a tablespoon of starch or potato broth. For the broth, take three medium potatoes, peel and boil. Cool the broth. Take 200 ml in the morning, afternoon, evening. Starch strengthens stool, helps stop diarrhea, normalizes digestion, and has a beneficial effect on the stomach.
  • Pomegranate. Pomegranate peel relieves symptoms of diarrhea. Grind the dry peel, pour a glass of boiling water, and put on fire. Do it for 20 minutes. Cool, filter. To get rid of diarrhea, you need to drink a tablespoon of decoction before meals.
  • Rice porrige. Rice has an astringent effect. Prepare rice porridge with water for breakfast. Eat within 3-5 days. Afterwards the symptom should go away.
  • If stress is the cause of diarrhea, it is recommended to drink herbal tea with peppermint leaves. Medicinal plants can easily cope with anxiety.
  • Ginger tea. Ginger root is recommended for women to strengthen the immune system and improve digestion. Ginger tea copes well with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

On a note. At the 39th week or 40th (last month) diarrhea is a physiological process, an early harbinger of childbirth. This is a natural phenomenon, the body is cleansed before childbirth, and the stomach should not hurt. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the cause is most often toxicosis.

Be careful when treating diarrhea during pregnancy. Consider the duration, individual intolerance to food additives and medications. Strictly follow the doctor's instructions and dosage of the drug. Monitor changes in the body during therapy with medications and folk remedies.

It is recommended to eat foods that help strengthen stool. If food is the cause of loose stools, adjust the menu. Pregnant women are recommended to eat different foods to replenish their body with vitamins and microelements.

To prevent stomach upset, it is advised to maintain personal hygiene, eliminate stomach problems before planning a child, and avoid contact with sick people during pregnancy. An active lifestyle, proper nutrition, and walks in the fresh air will help make pregnancy an enjoyable period in your life.