Do-it-yourself postpartum bandage. How to make a bandage at home Sew a postoperative bandage with your own hands

cat after the sterilization operation, as well as after other abdominal operations, it is necessary postoperative bandage called bandage or blanket. The same dressing may be needed for a cat in case of surgery on the stomach or intestines. This bandage protects the postoperative scar of the animal from dirt, as well as from licking by the cat's tongue. After all, cats are used to treating themselves, and they try to lick any wound. As a result of their efforts, the seam may begin to diverge, and the threads may break.

Therefore, if your cat had a chance to undergo surgery, then for the speedy healing of the scar, it is better to purchase bandage (postoperative blanket). Unfortunately, it may happen that blankets will not be on sale, as well as time to look for it in all veterinary pharmacies of the city. Therefore, I propose a simple pattern of postoperative bandage for cats on which the bandage can be sewn independently. The pattern consists of one piece to which the tie system is attached.

How to sew a postoperative blanket (bandage) for a cat

There are several options for tailoring of varying degrees of complexity. First you need to determine the size of the pattern. This is done in the following way. Measure the girth of your cat's body in the abdomen in centimeters, divide the resulting number by the width of the proposed pattern, also in centimeters. You will get a certain coefficient, approximately as many times you will need to increase the proposed pattern.

The pattern can be enlarged manually, or in a special computer program, for example, Microsoft Office Picture Manager. Print it on the printer, most likely it will fit on several sheets, so you will have to cut and glue parts of the pattern. You can use the indicated measurements, but remember that they are approximate. It will probably need to be adjusted for your cat's size.

You will need cotton fabric, dense if you are going to sew a blanket in one layer, or thin if you are going to sew a two-layer bandage. For ties, ready-made braid is suitable, or ordinary shoelaces. The fabric for the blanket should be soft so as not to rub the injured parts of the cat's body. The bandage can be sewn in duplicate, in order to replace one with the other if necessary.

1. We cut out two parts of the blanket according to the pattern (top layer and lining), adding an allowance for the seams, about 1 cm, fold the parts inside out, put ties in the marked places. Stepping back from the edge of 1 cm, we lay the seam on the sewing machine, leaving an unstitched area, through which we turn the blanket. We build up a hole, after which the blanket can be ironed out with an iron.

2. In the photo you see a bandage made of dense flannel fabric, sewn in one layer. At the same time, the edges of the fabric are processed with braid, which at the same time performs the function of ties. Separate edges of the blanket are simply bent and stitched.

3. Well, the easiest option for those who do not know how to sew. A dense, non-flowing fabric is taken (a flannel or a bike is suitable), a blanket is cut out in one layer, and ties are manually sewn in the right places.

How to put on a postoperative blanket (bandage) for a cat

Now let's talk about how to wear postoperative blanket on the cat. If the animal is under anesthesia, you can put it on without difficulty. If he resists, ask your family for help. The proposed diagram shows how to place the blanket on the cat's body, and in what sequence to tie the shoelaces. If you notice stiffness in the movements of the cat, just loosen the necessary ties a little. If you feel insecure, practice putting a blanket on a soft toy first.

The upper ties (1) are tied around the neck, the next two pairs of ties (2 and 3) are criss-crossed around the withers of the cat. The next two pairs (4,5) are simply tied at the back. And the last two pairs of ties (6 and 7) are crosswise around the croup of the animal.

The part of the cat's body under the tail should be open for the opportunity to go to the toilet, while the bandage should not get wet from urine. If it gets wet, shorten or tuck the bottom of the blanket, it may be too long for you.

If the cat requires a gauze pad over the scar, or if the scar requires regular treatment, it is sufficient to undo only the two pairs of lower ties (6 and 7) to gain access to the scar.

If the blanket is put on correctly, it should not hinder the movements of the cat, should not get wet while visiting the toilet, should not slip or go astray. The strings should be long enough to adjust the blanket to the size of the animal.

If you have removed the bandage for washing and drying, be careful not to lick the wound. In this case, it is better to have one more blanket in reserve.

You can buy ready-made postoperative collars and blankets for cats in the zverek-shop online pet store.



The person who survived the operation experiences discomfort and pain, but understands the importance of maintaining the integrity of the sutures for their speedy healing. Pets experiencing pain tend to destroy its source - the stitches and lick the wound, this is an instinct and nothing can be done about it. To protect against unintentional self-harm, a cat bandage is used. Let's see in what cases a bandage is needed, what it is and how to use this accessory.

A postoperative bandage for a cat (a blanket) is used to protect sutures or scars after any abdominal operations, regardless of the sex of the animal. The most common purpose of postoperative blankets is to protect the seam on the side of the cat after sterilization. The protective bandage has several important functions:

Note! The use of the accessory is optional, not all cats tend to lick or rip the seams. Moreover, there are suturing technologies, after which wearing a bandage is undesirable. For details, you can ask the doctor who will operate on the pet.

Types of bandages and methods for their manufacture

If your pet is going to have a serious treatment, take care of making blankets in advance. Believe me, after the operation you will have enough worries. It happens that operations are carried out urgently, in which case the bandage is bought at a veterinary clinic. Industrial bandages are considered disposable, rarely fit perfectly in size, the products are short-lived, quickly get wet and tear, however, they serve as a worthy alternative for the first 10-12 hours.

Purchased reusable blanket

Atypical product for pet stores, however, accessories can be found on online trading platforms. Most often, bandages vary in size and this is the main snag. The blanket should sit perfectly, not hang out, not be too tight, not restrict the movement of the cat, restrict its flexibility only partially. The size grid takes into account the girth of the chest and the length of the back, from the shoulder blades to the croup. If your pet is overweight or thin, the accessory may not be suitable.

When choosing a product, pay attention to the material from which the product is made, the fabric should not contain synthetics. It is optimal if the bandage is made of cotton fabric or has a lining. Refrain from buying if you are in doubt about the reputation of the seller or the quality of the materials.

Important! As part of hygiene standards, the blanket must be packed in disposable packaging and steamed.

Bandage from improvised means

If it so happened that the necessary fabric, needle and thread are not at hand, we suggest resorting to artisanal methods:

  • Making a sock bandage- you will need a clean golf or a sock that matches the length of the cat's body, from the shoulder blades to the pelvis. We cut holes for the paws, along the edges, we thread a soft lace in a zigzag. We cut a recess in the groin area. The bandage is fixed on the neck and under the groin line. Not the most convenient option, and if desired, the cat will remove the blanket, and bending over for licking will not be a problem.
  • More reliable in terms of fixation, tights bandage. The algorithm is the same, but in addition to the holes for the paws, it is necessary to make a collar in the form of a T-shirt for threading the head. The lower part is also fastened with a lace or elastic band along the groin line.

Read also: Azinox for cats: a review of the drug

Tie bandage

A more time-consuming option is to make a bandage for the cat, which will be tied around the neck, shoulder blades, back, rump and above the tail.

Making a product seems complicated only in theory, in reality everything is simpler:

1. We take a rectangular piece of cotton fabric or other "breathable fabric", a centimeter tape, a little padding polyester and pattern paper.

2. Divide the pattern sheet in half vertically.

3. We take measurements and mark the pattern relative to the dividing line:

  • It is long from the base of the neck to the base of the tail, add 1-1.5 cm for allowances and 4 cm from the side of the neck for the collar. - A, A1.
  • The distance from the base of the neck to the shoulder blades - A, A2.
  • The distance from the croup to the base of the tail is A3, A1.
  • Neck girth - B, B1.
  • The distance between the front paws (tight) - B, B1.
  • Chest circumference at the widest point (tight) - G, G1.
  • Girth of the abdomen along the groin line - D, D1.

Note! To all vertical markings we add an allowance of 0.5-1 cm on both sides.

At the end of each vertical line, we take into account the presence of ties. Depending on the activity of the pet, the blanket can be fastened with Velcro or laces, in which case the ends that should act as ties are not included in the pattern.

4. We transfer the resulting scheme to the fabric using chalk, a simple pencil or a pointed bar of soap. The main contour is marked with a solid line, the allowances are dashed.

If your cat has not experienced the need for surgery, then most likely you do not know what a postoperative bandage or blanket is. At the same time, every day the procedure for sterilizing small predators is becoming more and more relevant, so it is likely that many owners will sooner or later have to face the issue of choosing such attire, unless you just want to warm your pet or sew interesting clothes ( there are different types of blankets).

Briefly about the appointment

We will not consider the variants of the mentioned “clothing” only as an interesting addition to the image of a pet, although in some cases a blanket is really needed for practical purposes (for example, for heating short-haired or hairless cats and cats).

Most often, this element of the cat's wardrobe is used as a protection of the postoperative suture from dirt, pathogens, fungi, and even the tongue of the animal itself, which strives to lick the wound. Inflammation of the suture is one of the most important complications after surgery, so it's not worth the risk.

Created on a fabric basis and put on the cat immediately after the procedure, the bandage will block any access to the sutures and contribute to their fast tightening. In many private clinics, it is given to each operated animal at no additional charge, but even if this does not happen, you can buy a blanket in any specialized store with a large assortment of similar products or, in extreme cases, sew it yourself.

Important! Before looking for a postoperative bandage or making it yourself, check with your veterinarian whether it is necessary to use it, because today there are many suturing technologies after which a blanket is not required or can even harm.

Selection criteria and types of blankets

In modern pet stores, there is a huge variety of blankets for cats, which are designed not only to protect the seam after the same sterilization, but also to warm the animal or protect your furniture from the products of metabolic processes in its body (for example, it is known that they can sweat very much , leaving unpleasant streaks or stains on home furniture).

When choosing any of these options, make sure that it is made only from natural and body-friendly materials, otherwise the possibility of pet skin irritation cannot be ruled out.

As for the postoperative (let's call it "medical") blanket, it is usually made of dense cotton fabric, with well-finished edges, and this, I must say, is the most successful option.

In the classic form - this is a rectangular piece of fabric with cutouts for paws and ties at the edges(there are seven in total: three are in the central part, two are located behind the holes for the front paws, and two more are fixed perpendicular to the harnesses located in the middle of the blanket in its back area).

As an alternative, you can purchase such a bandage not with ties, but with Velcro, which makes it much more convenient to fix it on the cat by adjusting the desired length. True, such a blanket will cost more.

Almost all such products have similar dimensions, but in any case, if possible, it is better to check whether it will prevent your pet from going to the toilet or simply move freely around the house. This can be done before the operation, simply by trying on the selected model.

Sew or DIY

The simplest blankets for cats are relatively inexpensive, but if you want to save extra money, then making a bandage with your own hands will not be difficult. All you need is a rectangular piece of natural fabric (you can take thick cotton or a bike), measurements from your pet and some free time.

This option is sometimes even more preferable, as it allows you to create a suitable bandage specifically for your pet, which will not interfere with it.

Important!The length of the selected segment should match the length of the cat's back, and the width should be sufficient to completely encircle the abdomen.

If there is no sewing machine at hand, then the selected piece of fabric (if it meets the above requirement) can simply be folded in half and holes for paws made in the right places. Ties to the blanket can also be sewn manually, clearly adhering to the scheme of their location for the convenience of the animal.

Blanket for a cat: instructions for making your own hands

If you are not satisfied with the described simple option for creating a bandage, then you can go the longer route and sew a blanket according to all the rules: starting with taking accurate measurements and patterns and ending with creating a product using a sewing machine.

How to make a pattern

Tailoring of any product begins with accurate measurements, in this case, from measurements of body parts of your fluffy pet. This stage should be taken with all responsibility, because even a small measurement error can make the finished bandage very uncomfortable and ineffective.

First of all, you should be interested in the exact length of the pet's body (measured from the base of the neck to the tail), the distance from the front to the hind legs along the abdomen, the girth of each of the legs and tail, and the volume of the chest.

Having received all these data, you can take a sheet of parchment paper and proceed to the pattern. Usually it involves marking and cutting holes for the paws, in accordance with the measurements received, but it can also be done simply in the form of a triangle, with a hole for the tail in its upper part. In this case, the long sides of the triangle will be used to wrap around the body along the line of the paws, and the ends of the fabric will simply wrap around the animal. Thus, it remains only to tie a blanket on the back.
The second possible pattern is considered more practical, since it provides for the creation of passages for the front limbs of a pet. The rest of the future product is evenly distributed for ties or Velcro.

An even more complex modification of a home-made blanket is based on creating holes for the head and paws, but in this case, when using a bandage, you need to make sure that the wool is not pinched, the cat is comfortable, and there is no big impact on the diaphragm (no breathing problems to be shouldn't).

Whichever way you decide to transfer the measurements taken to the pattern, be sure to make the allowances necessary for stitching the edges.

Did you know?Hunting mice, just one cat saves about 10 tons of grain a year, so in England, these animals are specially used to protect food warehouses and even libraries. In Austria, after several years of service, pets are entitled to a lifetime allowance in the form of food (meat, milk and broth).

Cut out the details

The blanket can be single-layer, two-layer or even three-layer, which will help make it more dense and durable. When choosing a material, it is better to give preference to non-shrinking, natural and dense options that can withstand your pet's claws and at the same time will allow air to pass to the body.

As soon as you have such a fabric, you can transfer the pattern to it and, having fixed the paper with pins, proceed to cutting (do not forget to save the allowances). In an additional order, draw the fabric for the blanket ties. Usually they require at least five, or even seven pairs: for the neck, front legs, in the middle of the body and in front of the hind limbs. The product with ties is deservedly considered the most practical and easy to create.

Proper tailoring

Many owners have appreciated the advantage of a multilayer bandage used for cats after sterilization. Making it with your own hands will be a little more difficult than a single one, but it's worth it.
The topmost layer is waterproof and decorative, the middle layer can be insulating (if, for example, the cat lives on the street), and it is desirable to make the inner one from a soft and pleasant fabric (flannel or knitwear is best suited for this purpose).

The edges of the blanket and ties must be stitched along the edge, otherwise they may stick out in the future.

Important! Leave the tie ribbons as long as possible, they can be shortened a little during the actual fitting.

When sewing, immediately determine the place for the paws, so as not to disturb your pet once again by trying on. If, after the operation, there are still wounds on the abdomen, then under the bandage you will have to additionally put a layer of a bandage folded several times.

One of the most important tasks when sewing blankets is the correct placement of the ties, which we mentioned earlier. With their help, you can adjust the size of the bandage to the parameters of your cat, so that it is comfortable for her to be in it during any of her activities.

How to put on a bandage

The correct cut and tailoring of blankets is only half the success, and the second half lies precisely in its optimal use. Of course, with such a simple design, you don’t have to think for a long time how to tie it on a cat, but you shouldn’t forget about some of the nuances of this simple matter.

So, if you tightly tighten the tie bands, then the postoperative sutures will heal longer, while if the ties are loose, it is possible that they will rub when the animal moves (it is likely that the cat will try to remove uncomfortable clothes).

The process of properly putting on a bandage is as follows:
  • Carefully lay out the finished product and straighten all the ties on it.
  • Place your pet on top and fix the front of the blanket with ribbons (in the area of ​​​​the head and front paws).
  • Tie the back ties in pairs and tie them in the pelvic area. Ready.

If for some reason this option is inconvenient for you, then the sequence of actions performed may be different, especially since much in this matter depends on the cut of the product.

Finally, watch your pet as they move around the house. If the animal is completely calm and does not try to get rid of the bandage, then you did everything right.

There is no need to constantly take off and put on the blanket again, and if you have to process the seam, just untie a few ribbons located at the back of the pet's torso.

Did you know?The probability of developing a heart attack or stroke in owners of domestic cats is 30% lower compared to those who do not have these cute and fluffy creatures at home.

An interesting way: how to make a blanket from a sock

Despite the fact that all the described options for home-made blankets are already not difficult, there is an even simpler process for creating a postoperative bandage.
In this case, you will need a regular sock, although the main thing is that it stretches well, and a little time to create such a “sock” blanket according to the following scenario:

  • fold the sock so that the heel is on top, slightly pressed into the main part;
  • step back from the side of the toe of the product 1.5-2 cm and cut off the edge;
  • now, from the side of the gum, you need to make holes for the paws, simply cutting off pieces of fabric about five centimeters long along the fold line (the gum of the sock itself should remain intact on all sides);
  • the same must be done on the other hand, retreating from the edge of the former toe part about three centimeters (if you make holes for the paws without indentation, the cat will quickly tear them to the end);
  • having laid out the sock, heel up, you get a blanket completely closed on all sides, with holes for the paws, it remains only to try on the finished product, starting to put it on from the side of the head.
If you choose this, the least expensive way to create a bandage, then give preference to men's and well-stretched socks, otherwise you will have to suffer for a long time to dress the animal. As you can see, it doesn’t always make sense to buy ready-made products, and even if the chosen blanket is inexpensive, it’s always nice to save money.

Since a person is constantly in motion, the joints of the upper limbs are often injured or bruised when loaded. An effective tool in the period of rehabilitation, treatment and prevention is a bandage. Consider the features of the application, varieties, the difference between a bandage bandage and a scarf. Learn how to make a bandage with your own hands.

In case of damage to the upper limbs, in order to immobilize the arm or part of it, doctors prescribe wearing a bandage. In this case, it acts as a fixing device. It can be worn for both treatment and prevention of various diseases of the upper limbs and their compounds.

Wearing a bandage for a hand with a fracture not only immobilizes the limb, but also alleviates the pain symptom. It is also recommended for athletes who, as a result of intense physical activity, overload their joints.

Areas of application of the bandage:

  • joint disease (arthritis, arthrosis, myositis, osteoarthritis);
  • the period of rehabilitation after an injury, fracture, bruise or muscle strain;
  • after surgery, implant placement or prosthetics;
  • with paralysis affecting the upper limbs;
  • with paresis;
  • with instability of the wrist joint;
  • as a prophylaxis after removal of gypsum;
  • in rupture of muscle tissue.

During physical exertion, to relieve pain or prevent injuries, it is usually recommended to put a bandage on the arm joint.

In order not to harm when wearing a bandage, you should know the rules for using a bandage. If a gel or any external drug is applied to the skin in this place, it is not necessary to apply a bandage. Also, do not wear the product if there is an allergic reaction to the material from which it is made.

It is better to refuse to use a bandage in case of skin lesions with dermatitis, rashes, ulcers, bedsores or malignant neoplasms.

Varieties of bandages

The supporting arm bandage is made of ecological and high-quality material, taking into account standards and requirements. After all, its main task is to ensure the speedy recovery of the patient or comfort during wakefulness and sleep.

Bandages can be divided into several types:

  • immobilizing - fixes the shoulder joint;
  • kerchief - used in case of damage to the hand;
  • orthoses - are used to completely immobilize a limb.

There are bandages for children's hands, but most options are for adults. For example, a bandage for the elbow joint does not limit the mobility of the limb, but only fixes the joint, thereby reducing pain. It is made from knitwear.

The gusset fixator is used for mild injuries or simple types of fractures. The maximum comfort of fixing products is ensured by the softness of the material.

How to make a bandage for the hand?

With your own hands, it’s enough just to make a fixture for fixing. And in order to provide first aid correctly and in time, you need to be able to properly fix the manufactured mount.

Experts also argue that making a hand bandage with your own hands is not enough, and give the following recommendations for use:

  • one edge of the fixing bandage must be placed on the wrist, the other - on the shoulder;
  • before fixing the bandage, the surface of the damaged limb must be treated with an antiseptic;
  • a wide area should be on the injured shoulder;
  • the ends must be tied together so that the bandage covers not only the shoulder, but also the forearm.

A do-it-yourself retainer can be made from a piece of fabric 40 x 40 cm, folded diagonally. The ends in this case are tied at the neck. You can also fix using any available materials: belt, belt, tie. In any case, the arm should be bent at the elbow, and the edges of the bandage or stitched bandage should be tied around the neck.

How to sew a bandage to fix a broken arm?

In order to sew a bandage for a hand that supports a fracture, you can use a regular fabric or vest. It is important that the material is not dense, but rather thin, but strong. You also need to stock up on straps or a reliable ribbon.

If you want a bright and colorful accessory that would stand out from the background of outerwear, you can take an orange vest with a fluorescent tape. Such a product is often worn by emergency workers. The material is thin but durable.

To make a hand bandage with your own hands from a vest, you must follow the following instructions:

  1. For the latch, we need only the front halves.
  2. Since both parts of the front have openings, they need to be cut so that two identical rectangles are obtained. That is, just cut off the part that is under the openings.
  3. Next, two rectangles are stitched together with three sides. One long side remains, and a pocket is obtained, where a sore hand will fit comfortably in the future.
  4. After the pocket has turned out, one ribbon is needed to fix the bandage on the shoulder. The length of the ribbon or thick piece of fabric should be such that the retainer can be freely worn over the neck.
  5. Both edges of the ribbon, piece of fabric or belt are sewn on the sides of our pocket in the form of a rectangle. The sides are then sewn together to further fix the bandage.

If you want a little creativity, you can additionally decorate the already sewn support bandage with bright ribbons, prints or rhinestones.

We make a fixative for children with our own hands

Do you need fixation of a child’s injured hand, but you can’t find the appropriate size of ready-made standard products in a pharmacy? You can sew a hand bandage with your own hands. To do this, you will need material in the form of a flannelette diaper of bright colors or another not thick, but dense fabric. You also need a strap that is adjustable in length, but fabric, so that the child does not press the latch on the shoulder when worn.

How to make a bandage for a child? The sequence of actions is given below:

  1. We take a dense fabric (preferably a diaper) and cut out a rectangle. The long side should be equal to the length of the child's arm from the hand to the elbow.
  2. Next, you need to measure the depth of our bandage, it should cover the entire handle. The width of the bandage should be slightly less than the length.
  3. We process the edges and sew the sides together, we get a pocket. You can not sew the sides, but immediately proceed to stitching the strap.
  4. You will need two straps or thick ribbons. One will fix the child's handle from above, that is, put on through the neck, the other will go along the belt and help ensure that the upper limb does not dangle.

Thus, with the help of two straps, a reliable fixation of the bandage is ensured. It is important that the straps (on the neck and waist) do not overtighten the body, do not hamper the movement of the baby, but keep freely. In order to decorate the retainer, you can use all kinds of fabric stickers or embroidery. Then an ordinary children's brace will turn into a real work of art, and the baby will wear it with pleasure.


The bandage is used to protect the hand from unnecessary physical activity. It minimizes muscle work, prevents stretching of the joint capsule, tendons and prevents pain. It is also necessary to wear a fixing bandage after surgery. In general, it can be noted that the bandage not only anesthetizes, but also serves as a prevention of complications.

If for some reason it is impossible to pick up a standard fixing bandage, you can make a hand bandage with your own hands. For this, various materials or pieces of fabric that are already available are used. You can also additionally sheathe a self-made bandage with a waterproof oilcloth on top to protect the upper limb from moisture. You can decorate the clips with various stickers and ribbons so that it is not just a boring accessory, but a real work of art.

About a year ago, a friend was diagnosed with an inguinal hernia. This is when the intestine punches its way out through the tissues of the groin and muscles with such a bubble. Usually arises from a strong load, when lifting, for example, something very heavy.
The thing is extremely dangerous, it can burst at any moment, the poop splashes into the peritoneum, enters the bloodstream, a powerful infection occurs - peritonitis. The ambulance may not take you to the hospital. 15 minutes and you're done, get a seat at the Kremlin wall. But even if it does not burst, there are people who live like this for years, decades (!), necrosis may occur, that is, tissue necrosis, with the same result. If nothing is done, then the hernia is still growing! And when coughing or sneezing, pain is experienced and the chance of rupture of the intestinal wall increases. I learned all this from the Internet, of course. Watched the video of the operation.
With an inguinal hernia, an operation is performed. At the same time, it is not enough that THREE layers of tissues are cut, which is already an open gate for infection, all this then heals very poorly, easily suppurates, and often leads to the need for a second operation. But the worst thing is that just at the site of the inguinal hernia, the cord passes into the testicle, which during the operation can be easily damaged, or even removed! What is castration. Loss of male identity. What is the biggest disaster for a married man, often leading to divorce and loss of family.
Of course, after an operation to eliminate an inguinal hernia, a person loses his ability to work for a long time, the seam opens easily, from a strong load on the abdomen. I remember that in general they should give disability.
The main snag is that the friend does not digest hospitals at all. As soon as he enters any medical institution, inhales the smell, he becomes ill, turns green, and used to thump in a swoon. In general, a difficult case. I'm not saying that he is a proud guy, and can not stand the usual in Russian hospital charitable institutions - rudeness and rudeness of the staff. He announced a protest action, told his wife that he would not go for an operation, which is also expensive, besides, but it would be better to die at home! And in such a case, when the operation cannot be performed, well, according to the testimony of doctors, in medicine there is such a device - a bandage. This is such a complex design of belts that hold a convex object against the hernia. Which restrains its growth and reduces the risk of rupture. The factory-made bandage is quite uncomfortable and hinders movement, not to mention that it rubs in the crotch. In my intuitive mind. He wouldn't wear it, I know him!
I decided to invent and make my own design of such a bandage. You have to save a person.
The principle is the same as that of the industrial bandage. Hold a convex object on the hernia itself, preventing it from coming out. Based on the seat belt from cars. A huge plus of My design is that the hernia is held SIGNIFICANTLY more efficiently than with a standard bandage. A friend has been wearing it for a year now and nothing has happened to it so far. True, he has a sedentary job. He even needs this bandage to hold it before coughing and sneezing.
General view of the bandage.

Seat belt (1) as long as covering the torso in the area of ​​the buttocks, hernia. Stitched with (2) reinforced threads. Through the resulting loops, a rope (3), 4 mm in diameter, is threaded. Two semi-circular inserts (4), made of polyethylene foam. These can be found in the packaging of complex household appliances. As a rule, this is foam, but sometimes there is another option. The difference is that polyethylene foam keeps its shape better, it is slightly deformed from the load. One liner is needed, but it turned out that for greater stability and prevention of a hernia, on the other hand, it is better to make a second one.
It is dressed in this way, pulled together with a rope, and tied with a knot in a "bow". Oddly enough, it holds up well. You need to tighten it so that the liner is not strongly pressed into the hernia, but fixes it. Behind the belt should be in the middle of the gluteal muscles.

Everything is kept pretty stable, if you do not do intensive work. There is a side effect, as my friend assured me, an increase in potency. This is caused, apparently, by the fact that the liners, as it were, massage the cord leading to the testicle. Two more plastic clamps (6) are needed. By the way, they are best to pull luggage at the airport in front of customs. If you climbed, you will immediately see, you can immediately see if everything is intact.

Inserts are made as follows. A bar of size 40 mm X 50 mm X 40 mm is cut with a knife. Accuracy is not important. Plus / minus 5 mm, it doesn’t matter. A ledge is cut (7,8,9). Four holes (10) are pierced with an awl, on the other hand, where the convex part is, grooves (11) are cut. Further, the clamps are threaded through the hole in this way (12). They are tightened so (13) that on the other side the clamps go deep into the slots (14). The excess part of the clamps is cut off and welded (15) with a match. The belt (16) is threaded through the clamps, this place (17) should be well stitched with reinforced threads.
Actually everything. A friend made inserts a couple of times in a year, which is not difficult. Takes off at night. Probably, such a device can also be used after surgery, on an inguinal hernia. Bon, a hundred is worth it all a penny. You just need to have golden pens.))
Any person on Earth can make himself such or close. Industrial production is not allowed in Russia, North Korea, Venice. However, I doubt that someone will undertake to do this in series ... But ONLY US citizens living in the US, who have only US citizenship, can patent. This is my little gratitude for this computer, for this Internet, and for the very opportunity to express myself in creativity, and to be heard ....