Sweat of feet and hands. Why do the feet and palms of the hands sweat?

Every day the human body produces sweat. And that's okay. In this way, the body gets rid of excess moisture and harmful components, cools the body naturally when overheated. In addition to the axillary region, the feet, palms and other parts of the body sweat.

If the palms and feet of men sweat a lot, which causes severe discomfort, this is a disease. In medicine, it is called hyperhidrosis. The causes of the pathological phenomenon are diverse, ranging from a deficiency of vitamins in the body to hormonal disorders.

Treatment is prescribed in cases where, against the background of excessive sweating, the quality of life of a person is significantly reduced. He is embarrassed to shake hands with a friend, because the palm is constantly wet and sticky; a man avoids working with papers and documents, because wet prints remain on the sheets, etc.

The etiology of excessive sweating in men, methods of treatment, and when sweating is a variant of the norm - we will consider in detail in our article.

What is this article about?

Causes of hyperhidrosis of the hands and feet

Excessive sweating occurs in every tenth man. It indicates a number of different pathologies. There are primary and secondary hyperhidrosis. The causes of primary hyperhidrosis are unknown.

There is an opinion that if the legs and palms sweat a lot against the background of the primary form of the disease, then such men have more sweat glands in these areas than other people. As a result, the feet and palms are constantly wet.

To find out the true cause, the help of a medical specialist is required, since there are many causes and factors leading to the development of the disease.

Sweating feet and hands can be a reaction to a stressful situation.

Adrenaline is intensively produced in the body, which provokes the activity of the sweat glands.

Why do men's palms sweat?

Excessive sweating of the palms is accompanied by psychological discomfort, and in the absence of timely therapy, it can lead to serious complexes and mental disorders.

Sweat drastically

When at one moment the palms were dry, and literally after 1-2 minutes they were covered with sticky and wet sweat, then the cause is most likely stress. Scientists have proven that men react less emotionally externally to stressful factors, but inside there is a “storm”.

If the cause of sudden sweating is stress, then it is often accompanied by rapid breathing, increased heart rate.

sweat a lot

When a man is in a calm state, does not perform any physical work, but at the same time his palms are wet, then the reason must be sought in the functionality of the cardiovascular system.

A high concentration of low-density lipoproteins in the body, problems with blood pressure - these factors increase the load on the cardiovascular system. Blood circulation slows down, cells suffer from a lack of oxygen and nutrients.

The body “starves”, and against the background of such a state, it gives out a pathological reaction - the palms sweat heavily.

Palms sweat in summer

If sweating occurs in the summer, then this is a variant of the norm. The activity of the sweat glands during the hot season maintains normal body temperature. Since the release of sweat to the surface of the body contributes to cooling and lowering the temperature regime. So, the skin is cooled, and then excess moisture and harmful components come out.

In summer, for the treatment of hyperhidrosis, it is better not to use powdered treatments - talc. The fact is that talc clogs pores, palms sweat less, excess moisture does not find a way out, kidneys suffer.

Sticky sweat and cold palms

Regardless of weather conditions, sweating normalizes a person's body temperature. If in summer the intensive production of sweat fluid cools the skin, then in winter, on the contrary, it warms.

When the temperature reaches a low point, the central nervous system begins to work in a stressful mode, and this leads to cold palms that are covered with sticky sweat.

It has a specific smell.

Causes of foot hyperhidrosis in men

Sweating of the palms is hard to miss, because it limits many things in life, for example, before shaking hands, you have to wipe your hands, or when working with documents, constantly use paper napkins to get rid of excess moisture.

With sweating feet, the situation is somewhat different. Many men ignore the symptoms to the last, either doing nothing or using alternative methods of treatment. In most cases, they do not help, because without knowing the cause, it is impossible to get rid of the problem.

Profuse sweating

There are many reasons. They can be divided into two large groups - external and internal. External include wearing low-quality shoes made of synthetic materials, as a result of which a greenhouse effect is created.

The reason is synthetic socks. Synthetics do not allow the skin to fully breathe. Against the background of an increase in the temperature of the feet and the absence of oxygen, the sweat glands begin to work actively, the legs become wet almost instantly.

With excessive hyperhidrosis, the problem may be in the kidneys. They do not cope with the volume of liquid that a person consumes, which is manifested by sweating. Usually the picture is supplemented by sweating of the back, swelling of the lower extremities - especially in the morning immediately after sleep.

Excessive sweating of the feet with a fetid odor

Sweating feet is often accompanied. Its presence indicates the reproduction of fungi or the addition of a bacterial infection. Fungi affect not only the skin of the feet, but also the nail plates.

But the problem is not only the bad smell. If nothing is done, the fungus multiplies, the affected area tends to increase.

The fetid smell from the feet against the background of hyperhidrosis is a symptom of slagging of the body. After all, viruses, bacteria, toxic and carcinogenic substances leave the body with sweat.

When the body is intoxicated, there are many pathogenic components in the blood that come out with sweat, which has an unpleasant odor.

Where is the norm, and where is the pathology?

There are many reasons why the legs and palms of an adult man sweat. But sweating is different - normal or pathological. In principle, sweating is a natural process that is beyond the control of the male and female.

The sympathetic division of the nervous system is responsible for sweat production. The activity of this department increases during stress, affects the body as a whole, mobilizing in emergency situations. The production of sweat increases during hard physical work, during strong excitement, nervous strain, during intense heat, etc.

In such situations, sweating is the norm. When the provoking factor is leveled, the palms and feet become dry.

If sweating does not depend on external factors, it is detected for no apparent reason, and this causes a lot of inconvenience, treatment is required.

Methods of modern treatment

If the doctor was able to determine the exact cause of excessive sweating, then the treatment is focused directly on the cause. In such a situation, the prognosis is favorable, since the leveling of the primary source normalizes the work of the sweat glands.

When a fungus is diagnosed against the background of sweating, antimycotic drugs are prescribed in the form of a cream, gel or varnish (for onychomycosis). Bacterial infections require antibiotic therapy.

In the idiopathic form of hyperhidrosis (the cause could not be established), various means and methods are used in the treatment - Botox injections, antiperspirants, iontophoresis.


This is not just a deodorant with a pleasant smell, but a medical preparation. The composition contains a high content of aluminum salts. They temporarily block the work of the sweat glands.

Antiperspirants should only be used when prescribed by a doctor. Apply at home, strictly adhering to the instructions.

Good antiperspirants:

  • Algel.
  • Dry Dry.
  • Dry Control Extra Forte

These drugs are used for moderate to severe sweating. Against the background of a mild degree, the use of SyNeo is recommended.

Sweating after a run - there is nothing strange in this. Getting wet after a half-hour workout at the gym is completely normal. Sweating during a forty-degree heat in a stuffy hall of a museum in Egypt - nothing surprising. Sweating is normal. Each person from time to time is covered with droplets of sweat - sweating is a vital physiological process that takes part in thermoregulation.

However, some people have a problem of excessive sweating, the so-called hyperhidrosis, their armpits, palms, feet are covered with sweat with or without cause, in heat and cold, from the slightest stress or change in well-being. Sometimes the problem begins to affect the quality of life, forcing people to give up their usual pastime, communication with friends, even from a normal personal life.

Reasons why we sweat.

Without going into specific medical details, we can say that the work of the human sweat glands is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system. They secrete droplets of liquid onto the surface of the skin in order to cool it - this is how thermoregulation works. A healthy person begins to sweat when the air becomes warmer than +25 degrees (this, of course, is an average). Emotionally conditioned sweating is also possible - that is, the sweat glands work in response to stressful situations.

Scientists around the world have officially recognized hyperhidrosis as a disease (in the United States and some European countries, it is even treated at the expense of medical insurance). There are two types of excessive sweating: general and local.

General or secondary hyperhidrosis manifests itself as an additional symptom of certain diseases, such as, for example, neuritis and other nervous disorders, VVD, endocrine disorders, tuberculosis, obesity, diseases of the genitourinary system, cardiovascular diseases. This type of sweating should be treated only comprehensively, starting with the treatment of the underlying disease.

Local (primary or essential) hyperhidrosis, manifests itself, as the name implies, locally: at the same time, the armpits, arms, and legs sweat. Both one area and all at once can sweat intensely. This problem manifests itself, as a rule, in people who are overly emotional, impressionable, with an excitable nervous system. The reason for the development of primary hyperhidrosis can be overexcitation, constant stress, chronic fatigue. It can also appear due to a fungus, as a result of prolonged wearing of too tight shoes (sweaty feet) or uncomfortable, especially synthetic clothing (arms and torso).

In addition, sometimes excessive sweating can be a hereditary, genetic problem, sometimes it occurs as a result of taking certain medications (for example, antibiotics or antidepressants), sometimes due to bad habits. As you know, teenagers, pregnant women, women during menopause, overweight people are more prone to excessive sweating.

Medical treatment for excessive sweating.

Before you start treating hyperhidrosis, you need to figure out if it is the result of a more serious disease.


The fight against this physiological deficiency usually begins with the use of special antiperspirants (not to be confused with deodorants sold in cosmetics stores). They contain substances that temporarily block the work of the sweat glands, and they also prevent the development of microbes that cause an unpleasant odor.

Aluminum chloride preparations containing aluminum salts have proven themselves well - they can block sweating for several days, and with proper constant use, they can even help to cure hyperhidrosis completely. You can buy them at a pharmacy. However, such remedies do not help everyone at all, and it is not very convenient to use them for sweating hands and feet, plus, for many people, after prolonged use, such remedies cause allergic reactions on the skin. In such situations, doctors advise switching to more radical methods, namely, to special treatment.


The simplest, sparing therapeutic effect, which helps to reduce sweating, is electrophoresis. During this procedure, a weak electric current acts on the skin in areas of excessive sweating and blocks the work of the sweat glands.

Electrophoresis can be applied to any problem area, this is a fairly gentle procedure, and after a full course, sweating usually decreases significantly. The downside of this technique is that not all patients notice a positive effect, the result lasts only about a month, and too frequent use of electrophoresis can cause skin irritation. Also, this treatment is not for everyone.


One of the most modern, effective and simple ways to combat hyperhidrosis is botulinum toxin injections, in other words, Botox. This drug has the ability to temporarily block the secretion of acetylcholine in the nerve endings, which prevents the release of fluid from the sweat glands. In other words, after Botox injections, sweat ceases to be produced for a while.

The drug is injected locally with the help of very thin needles, the whole procedure lasts no more than a few minutes in each zone. The maximum effect (complete absence of sweating) occurs 3-5 days after injection and lasts up to a year. This technique is applicable to the treatment of sweating of any problem area. The disadvantages of Botox treatment for sweating is that the procedure is expensive and needs to be repeated quite often.


A more radical, serious procedure is curettage. To do this, a small incision is made on the skin, a special hook is inserted through it, with the help of which the space under the skin is sort of scraped out, and the connection between the sweat glands and the nerve endings is damaged. Recently, the operation is performed with video assistance, which reduces its trauma.

If Botox injections can be performed by a cosmetologist, then this procedure can only be performed by an experienced surgeon. The operation has many advantages (sweating stops completely, it is done once and for all), but there are also disadvantages: for example, it can only be performed on the armpits, after curettage swelling and bruising often occur, the operation itself is quite unpleasant.

Laser therapy.

The laser treatment procedure has proven itself quite well in the fight against hyperhidrosis. A cannula (not thicker than 1 mm) with a neodymium laser at the end is inserted under the skin through a tiny incision, the radiation of which destroys the cells of the sweat glands.

This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, with local anesthesia, does not require a recovery period, it is less traumatic and very effective - literally the next day, sweating stops. Of the minuses, one can name the high cost of laser therapy, as well as the fact that it cannot be done on the palms and feet, plus, after a few years, the sweat glands at the sites of exposure can recover.


Another surgical technique that allows you to get rid of sweaty palms is sympathectomy. During this operation, through a small incision in the chest, the doctor inserts the thinnest tube with a camera and tools. Reaching the location of the sympathetic trunk (near the spine), which is responsible for sweating in the area of ​​the palms, the surgeon dissects it or pinches it with a metal clip.

After the operation, the sweating of the palms stops completely. This operation can only be performed by an experienced thoracic surgeon. Usually after it there are no complications, but it takes several days for rehabilitation. In addition, after such an intervention, not very beautiful scars remain on the chest.

In some cases, when hyperhidrosis is a serious problem and greatly interferes with normal life, surgery is the only effective way to solve it. However, it happens that after stopping excessive sweating in one area, it compensatory increases in another.

Folk methods for excessive sweating.

Many find herbal medicine and folk methods quite effective in combating excessive sweating.

  • Baths with oak bark. You need to make an infusion of oak bark (sold in a pharmacy), as indicated on the package and make baths for sweating limbs daily (up to a quarter of an hour). Lemon juice can be added to the decoction. After the procedure, wipe your hands and feet well, you can spread a cream with juniper oil.
  • Boric acid powder. One of the easiest recipes is to use homemade boric acid powder. To do this, the crystals need to be crushed into a fine powder, which is sprinkled on problem areas (especially the legs and armpits). In the evening, the powder must be washed off (you can use herbal infusion). With regular use, literally after 10-14 days, sweating will decrease, and the smell of sweat will become invisible.
  • Soda. It is also advised to rinse your feet with soda solution in the mornings and evenings, and wipe your armpits and palms with a cotton swab dipped in it.
  • Tea. Rubbing and baths from strong tea help well (black tea is used for this). However, this option is contraindicated in people with high blood pressure.
  • Sage. With local hyperhidrosis, an infusion of sage leaves helps well - it must be prepared according to the instructions and ingested daily (three to five times) 1/4 cup.
  • Kalina. For the treatment of excessive sweating of any part of the body, it is recommended to use a decoction of viburnum bark. They wipe problem areas twice or thrice a day (2 weeks).

There are other ways to reduce sweating by following a few simple tips.

  • Be sure to pay sufficient attention to hygiene: you need to take a shower at least twice a day, you can use antibacterial soap. But the often recommended tar soap can greatly dry out the skin. Regular contrast showers help reduce sweating.
  • Strongly sweating feet should always be kept warm. Do not wear synthetic socks - only natural ones. Shoes should be sufficiently loose, made of natural materials, "breathable". Be sure to wash your insoles regularly.
  • Diet also affects the amount of sweat. To reduce sweating, it is worth removing fatty, fried, spicy foods from the diet, using less spicy spices, and not drinking coffee.

And also - try to be less nervous, enjoy life more, spend time in nature! Perhaps the root of the problem is excessive congestion and fatigue?

Feet and hands sweat profusely due to internal and external causes. This pathological condition is called hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating. Against the background of strong sweating, a bacterial or fungal infection often occurs, and a pyogenic microflora develops.

Most often, patients sweat on the feet, palms and armpits. Constant humidity in combination with human temperature is a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms - fungi and microbes. The treatment is carried out in a complex, using drugs for sweating, fungal infections, antibiotics.

Constant sweating is a blow to the psyche. The patient has to constantly use napkins, shaking hands is a serious problem. When the feet sweat, the shoes are always wet, there is an unpleasant smell. Going to visit or buying shoes is a difficult test.

Consider why the legs and hands sweat, when sweating is a sign of a disease, and in what cases is the variant of the norm? How to deal with the problem with medication and folk methods.

What is this article about?

Why do feet and hands sweat?

Feet and hands sweat for many reasons. Increased sweating is classified into two types - there is primary and secondary hyperhidrosis. Primary or idiopathic is an independent disease. It does not pose a particular danger to human health and life. The second type is usually caused by some kind of internal failure, often signals chronic pathologies.

The idiopathic form is the most common type. It usually develops in childhood, tends to intensify in adolescence. The patient suffers from excessive sweat production on the hands and feet all his life. Strong psychological discomfort leads to neurological problems.

The external causes of intense sweating include hot climatic conditions, tight shoes made from low-quality materials. If you find the cause of sweating in time, then you can get rid of it quickly. In teenagers, feet and hands sweat due to the hormonal storm during puberty. Over time, the situation will normalize on its own.

The upper and lower limbs sweat intensively in people who have a history of serious chronic pathologies. The soles of the feet and the palms of the hands become wet.

In such a situation, the cause must be sought inside the body, to act on it.

Sweating as a sign of illness

People who sweat a lot are prone to developing CNS pathologies. Hands and feet sweat in an adult with the following diseases and conditions:

  1. Disorders of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Pathologies of infectious nature of acute and chronic nature.
  3. endocrine disorders.
  4. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Tumors in the body.
  7. Diseases of the circulatory system.
  8. Menopause in men and women.
  9. Inheritance, etc.

In general, there are many diseases that provoke intense sweating. And not always the doctor can determine the exact cause, as a result of which only symptomatic treatment is carried out.

Degrees of sweating

A sweaty person is not an aesthetic sight for the people around him. And if you think about it, what is the patient himself? As such, there are no degrees of sweating in medical practice. For example, if a person sweats, and the clothes do not become wet through, and this does not bother him, therapy is not needed.

When there is already discomfort from wet feet or hands, you need to think about treatment. And the last degree - when the intense production of sweat significantly reduces the quality of life - treatment is indispensable.

In order to counteract a problem, it is necessary to understand its causes. If sweating is affected by heat, intense physical exertion, nervous strain, stress, this is the norm. When a person sweats for no apparent reason - pathology.

When to see a doctor

If a person notices that he sweats at any time of the day, in any weather, regardless of his emotional state, then it's time to see a doctor. We must look for the reason. For example, with endocrine disorders, the patient may sweat even in his sleep, he begins to smell unpleasantly.

The doctor prescribes laboratory tests to determine the cause:

  • General blood test and biochemical.
  • Definition of HIV, hepatitis.
  • X-rays of light.
  • Analysis for venereal diseases.
  • Determination of the level of thyroid hormones.
  • Urine analysis, etc.

If the patient has primary hyperhidrosis, the results of these tests are usually within normal limits. The qualitative and quantitative nature of sweating is also assessed:

  1. Minor test. It helps to define the boundaries of sweating. To do this, the skin is cleaned, dried and treated with an iodine solution based on water, sprinkled with starch. Areas with pathologically active sweat glands become bluish in color.
  2. The chromatographic method is focused on determining the composition of sweat. Based on the results of this study, appropriate treatment, vitamins and dietary nutrition are prescribed.

Often with hyperhidrosis, a fungal infection is diagnosed at the same time. For adequate treatment, it is necessary to determine the type of pathogen.

Preparations for hyperhidrosis of the hands and feet

The fight against hyperhidrosis will be easy if the cause has been identified. Most often, the etiology is unknown, therefore, the idiopathic form of the disease is diagnosed, only the symptom itself is affected with specialized drugs.


The active ingredient of the drug is formaldehyde. As auxiliary components, the annotation indicates methylcellulose and sterile water. The smell of the drug is specific. Helps fight sweating, has a disinfectant property.

Contraindications - hypersensitivity or intolerance to the composition. In some cases, side effects are possible in the form of excessive drying of the skin, a feeling of tightness. To level the negative phenomena, a greasy cosmetic cream is used.

Usage features:

  • The product is not intended for daily use. Reuse occurs after leveling the therapeutic effect. It usually lasts up to 12 days.
  • With strong sweating, you can use 2-3 days in a row.
  • Apply the gel to dry skin. Before use, the skin is thoroughly wiped with a towel.

After use, after some time, a film is formed. It is washed off after half an hour with running water. Do not use shower gel or soap.

Use not according to the instructions leads to irritation, redness, an allergic reaction, and the development of dermatitis is not excluded. You can buy at a pharmacy, the price is 200-230 rubles.


It is a good drug. It contains formaldehyde and ethanol. The solution is transparent, the smell is specific. Sold in bottles of 50/100 ml. The medicine has an antiseptic and deodorizing effect, it can be used for sweating on the background of a fungal infection.


  1. drug allergy.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the places of treatment.
  3. Children's age up to 14 years.
  4. Pregnancy and lactation.

To reduce sweating of the hands and feet, you need to apply a small amount of medicinal liquid on a cotton pad. After processing the palms and soles. Multiplicity of application - up to two times a day. With a fungus, it is allowed to process shoes from the inside and insoles.

According to reviews, Formidron is a good and inexpensive drug, but after using it, the skin flakes and turns red. In a pharmacy, the cost is 20-25 rubles.

Teymur paste

Multicomponent medicine. The composition contains substances such as boric acid, zinc oxide, lead acetate, formaldehyde, glycerin, talc, mint oil, water, emulsifiers, etc.

Contraindications for use:

  • Hypersensitivity.
  • Kidney dysfunction.
  • Lactation.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Childhood.
  • Application to large areas of the skin.

Teymurova paste has an antifungal effect, therefore it is included in the complex treatment of foot mycosis. Method of application: apply a small amount to sweaty areas with a thin layer, the multiplicity - up to three times a day. Wash your hands or feet with warm water and wipe dry. The duration of the course of treatment is 2-4 days. It is better to carry out therapeutic manipulation just before bedtime.

Against the background of prolonged use, an overdose develops. It is manifested by headache, impaired consciousness, nausea, diarrhea, urticaria. Overdose is treated symptomatically, drugs are prescribed to level intoxication. Teimur's paste in a pharmacy costs 50-60 rubles.

Zinc ointment

The use of zinc paste in the treatment of hyperhidrosis and mycosis of the feet is considered more of a folk remedy, since the drug has no such indications. However, according to patients, she fights sweating well. Use 1-2 times a day, apply to areas with increased sweating. The course of application is 7-10 days. The price in a pharmacy is up to 50 rubles.

Medicines for the treatment of fungus against the background of sweating

When sweating, the skin is constantly moist, and these are favorable conditions for the development of bacteria and fungi. In case of a bacterial infection, antibacterial drugs are prescribed. The course of treatment lasts up to 10 days. Therapy depends on the type of pathogen.

Against the background of the fungus, the use of antimycotic drugs is required. Most often, the fungus affects the skin and nail plates of the lower extremities. With a severe lesion, when several nails are affected, tablets and ointments are combined.

To get rid of the fungus, drugs are used:

  1. Clotrimazole ointment allows you to get rid of almost all fungi. This is a broad spectrum drug. As part of 1% clotrimazole and additional substances. Apply the ointment for one month, several times a day, apply to the affected area. With nail fungus, the use is long - 6-12 months. It is not recommended to use against the background of pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity.
  2. Mycosan is an effective drug based on the rye enzyme. The tool destroys the shell of fungal spores, which leads to the death of pathogens. Particular effectiveness is manifested in relation to onychomycosis, provoked by dermatophyte fungi. Improvements can be observed after 2 weeks of treatment. Can be used for children from 3 years of age.

Sprays are often prescribed for fungus. Advantages - non-contact form of application, accurate dosing, wide spectrum of action. Good aerosols for fungal infection:

In severe cases, tablets are prescribed. Termikon capsules work well. They are effective against various fungal pathogens. Capsules are taken once a day, the treatment lasts 3 months. Do not give to children under 3 years of age, drink during pregnancy and lactation.

Ketoconazole is used as an analogue to help get rid of a running fungus. The tool acts quickly, but often leads to the development of negative effects, incompatible with many drugs.

Excessive sweating of the hands and feet is a huge problem for a person. After all, it always happens at the most inopportune moment. It’s scary to take off your shoes at a party or shake hands with a friend. Such a problem in medicine is called hyperhidrosis and can occur for the most harmless reasons: both due to heat or a genetic predisposition, or signal the presence of a pathological process in the body.


The classification of hyperhidrosis is represented by two types:

  • Primary type, that is, an independent pathology.
  • Secondary type, that is, a disease that appeared against the background of another pathology.


Hands and feet sweat against the background of hereditary predisposition and for the so-called secondary reasons, that is, in the presence of any disease. If the secondary cause is not related to the high temperature outside, then you must definitely consult a doctor to find out which disease provokes hyperhidrosis.

Endocrine diseases

Pathologies associated with the endocrine system are a common cause. Hands and feet sweat in this case because it is the endocrine system that is responsible for sweating. The most common diseases that cause hyperhidrosis are:

  • Diabetes.
  • Hypoglycemia.

In the presence of profuse sweating and one of these pathologies, it is necessary to contact an endocrinologist to correct the treatment.

Hormonal disorders

Hormonal failure can occur at any time in life. In adolescence, failures begin during puberty. Also, this condition is typical for the period of gestation and breastfeeding the baby. In adulthood, hormonal failure occurs at the time of menopause, when the body is rebuilt again.

Increased sweating is possible against the background of physical and emotional stress.

It is important to remember that if you do not fight hormonal failure, then it can take a chronic form, and this is not only hyperhidrosis, but also other health problems.


Almost every person at the time of strong emotional experiences feels increased sweating. But for some people, this condition is observed even with the slightest emotional mood swing. It could be fear or joy. Sweating hands and feet in an adult due to a tendency to hyperhidrosis. Against this background, such people are very worried about their problem, they are afraid that someone will notice, and they sweat even more.

Unfavorable environmental conditions

Why arms and legs? The reason may be the high atmospheric temperature. At such moments, the thermoregulation of the body is activated so that overheating does not occur.

In this case, there is only one salvation - the rejection of clothes and shoes made of synthetic materials, the use of antiperspirants. In this case, it is impossible to eliminate increased sweating - this is a normal protective process in the body. In some cases, if sweat causes great discomfort, it makes sense to resort to cosmetic procedures, such as laser surgery or undergo iontophoresis.

Increased body temperature

At the moment when an infection enters the body, it almost instantly reacts to this and tries to remove toxic substances from the body through sweat.

For this reason, the hands and feet sweat, the whole body, there may even be a burning sensation in some places. There is only one way to cope with this problem - to recover from a cold.


Not only children have helminthic invasions. They can enter the body with unwashed fruits and vegetables, if standard hygiene rules are not followed.

For this reason, hands and feet sweat a lot. This is due to the fact that the body is trying to remove the toxic waste products of worms from the body in any way possible.

What to do? Of course, he will turn to an infectious disease specialist and undergo a course of treatment.

hereditary predisposition

Hands and feet may sweat due to a hereditary tendency to hyperhidrosis. By the way, this disorder is more typical for the male half of humanity. Although it has been observed that this tendency is still passed on to their children by their mothers.

It is impossible to recover in such a case, because it is actually a genetic failure. You can alleviate the symptoms with frequent hygiene and cosmetic procedures.

Children's problems

The above reasons are equally applicable to any age, but there are those that arise solely through the fault of the parents.

The most common problem is when parents violate the temperature regime of the baby. This means that the child is not yet able to express his dissatisfaction, and the parents continue to tightly wrap, swaddle and dress him. It should also be remembered that in small children the body temperature is slightly higher than in an adult, so it is not surprising that parents do not understand why the child sweats when the temperature is comfortable for them. The younger the children, the more comfortable they are at a lower temperature, which should ideally be at +20 degrees. As they grow older, it becomes easier for the baby to tolerate higher atmospheric temperatures. In adolescence, a comfortable temperature is already equal to that which is suitable for an adult - at the level of +24 degrees.

Therefore, if parents observe increased sweating in their child, they should reconsider their attitude to observing the temperature regime.

Do not forget that the quality of clothes and shoes is of great importance. The wardrobe of a baby, as well as an adult, should not consist of synthetic things that do not allow air to pass through.

Infectious diseases in childhood also have their own characteristics. Even after it was possible to normalize the baby's body temperature, he may still sweat for some time. In this case, the extremities of the arms and legs sweat due to the fact that in children the recovery process is somewhat inhibited, therefore, increased sweating is observed for some time after the stabilization of body temperature.

The most dangerous thing is that hyperhidrosis in childhood can be a harbinger of rickets.

In a teenager, hands and feet sweat due to hormonal failure, or rather, due to a complex process called puberty. This condition does not require medical intervention, especially if no deviations from the norm are observed.

Other reasons

The most common causes are described above, which are quite simply eliminated. But there are other pathologies that can cause symptoms of hyperhidrosis.

Hands and feet may sweat in adults for reasons:

  • renal diseases of various etiologies;
  • due to the presence of a vegetative-vascular distance or other problems at the level of the vascular system;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • oncology or neoplasms of a benign nature;
  • tuberculosis;
  • somatic disorders.

All these pathologies require mandatory treatment, and not elimination of the symptoms of hyperhidrosis.

An interesting fact is that sometimes even due to an overabundance or lack of vitamins in the body, hands and feet sweat. The reasons, in principle, are clear, because these substances play an important role in our body. A striking example is the development of rickets due to a lack of vitamin D in the body.

When should you worry?

It is not so easy to answer this question. First of all, you should observe your body, at what moments sweating increases, if this is due to nervous strain, then you should try to control your emotions. The same goes for teenagers. After the end of the formation of the reproductive system, everything will return to normal and hyperhidrosis will disappear.

In other cases, you still have to consult a doctor to determine the true cause.

Therapeutic measures

Before you go to the pharmacy and buy ointments or tinctures, it is still better to consult a doctor and identify the true causes of hyperhidrosis. In fact, all products based on hydrocortisone (or with another similar composition) relieve only the symptoms, but do not get rid of the cause, therefore, they eliminate the problem only for a short time. It is clear that in parallel with the treatment of the underlying pathology, symptomatic therapy will also be used, but it is still better for a doctor to prescribe it.

Botulinum toxins

How to treat? Sweaty hands and feet. Are the reasons already known? Then you can go to a beauty salon and get Botox injections. Yes, this substance is used not only to smooth wrinkles, but also to alleviate the condition of hyperhidrosis.

What is the secret of this substance? Everything is very simple: Botox does not make it possible to transmit nerve impulses to the sweat glands. As a result, if there is no signal, then there is no sweat.

The technique of administering botulinum toxin is used more recently. However, it should be understood that this procedure is purely cosmetic and allows you to cope with the problem only for a short period of time, from 2 to 6 months.

Iontophoresis and laser technique

Treatment of the causes of sweating of the legs and hands can be carried out using iontophoresis. The essence of the technique is that the patient immerses the limbs in a bath with a special liquid. Weak discharges of electric current are passed through the liquid.

The effect of the treatment lasts up to 6 months, but 10 to 15 treatments are required.

The laser technique involves the introduction of optical fibers under the skin, which damage the walls of the sweat glands, and thereby neutralize their work.

Other traditional techniques

In some cases, patients manage to solve the problem with the help of ordinary compresses and lotions with pharmaceutical drugs.

The doctor may recommend rubbing problem areas with a solution of aluminum hexachloride, thiamine, and other similar agents with a similar effect. However, it should be understood that these drugs often cause allergies and solve the problem only for a short time.

Therefore, if traditional drugs do not help, surgery may be recommended. According to statistics, 95% of all patients who decide to have surgery forget about hyperhidrosis forever.

The essence of the operation is that the nerve endings that are responsible for the work of the sweat glands are removed. The operation can be carried out by making incisions or through punctures. The postoperative period is short.

Folk remedies

Sweaty hands and feet? We have already discussed the reasons. And to remove the symptoms will help recipes from the grandmother's chest.

A good way to get rid of excessive sweating of the hands is ammonia. In one liter of water, one or two tablespoons of ammonia are diluted. With the resulting composition, it is necessary to wipe the palms several times a day.

You can use vinegar, a teaspoon of which is added to a glass of water. Apply the mixture to problem areas before going to bed and in the morning.

You can also make decoctions of medicinal herbs and wipe them in places of strong sweating. To prepare a decoction, nettle, sage, oak bark, chamomile are suitable. The ingredients can be used individually or mixed.

Rules for every day

In the presence of hyperhidrosis, it is recommended to stop eating too hot and spicy foods. To get rid of toxins that are excreted by sweat and give it an unpleasant smell, visit the sauna regularly. If you have weight problems, then you should lose weight.

Do not wear shoes and clothes made of artificial materials. In this case, it's not a whim. Even if the problem is only in the palms and feet, do not think that clothing does not affect the abundance of sweat. Synthetic materials do not allow air to pass through, the body, in turn, tries to regulate body temperature by removing sweat. And most of the sweat glands are located on the feet and palms.

Inconvenient, low-quality and made of artificial materials shoes - this is not only a strong sweating, but also a huge risk of developing fungal diseases.

And the most important thing is personal hygiene. During bathing, problem areas should be thoroughly washed with soap. It is recommended to do a contrast shower, which allows you to clean the pores well.

Following these simple rules, along with the treatment recommended by your doctor, will reduce the symptoms of hyperhidrosis and feel like a full member of society.

One of the most unpleasant diseases for a person, especially in the summer, is hyperhidrosis. This disease is characterized by the fact that the patient exhibits very strong sweating (above the physiological norm) at high air temperatures or with little excitement. People suffering from excessive sweating very often experience difficulties in social and private life. By itself, severe sweating is not dangerous to human health, but at the same time, the quality of life of the patient is noticeably reduced.

The human body contains approximately four million sweat glands located throughout the body, and their main function is to regulate the temperature of the human body. In people suffering from increased sweating, there are no abnormalities in the structure and development of the sweat glands, they only have hyperfunction of these organs. Most often, excessive sweating occurs in the armpits, arms (hands), legs (feet), and in some cases there is profuse sweating even in the face and chest. It happens that severe sweating manifests itself throughout the body, then it is called general hyperhidrosis, and most often it is caused by some other diseases.

Symptoms of excessive sweating.

  • Profuse sweating in the armpits, palms, feet, back, chest;
  • Strong sweating during any physical exertion or stress;
  • (bromidrosis).

Causes of heavy sweating.

Depending on the type of disease (primary or secondary hyperhidrosis), the causes of excessive sweating also differ.

Secondary hyperhidrosis (increased sweating caused by another disease):

  • Hormonal disruptions (pregnancy, transitional age, menopause, pheochromocytoma, diabetes mellitus);
  • Certain medicines;
  • infections;
  • neurological diseases.

Primary hyperhidrosis (sweating is not caused by any other disease):

Although doctors do not know exactly why primary hyperhidrosis occurs, they have successfully determined that excessive sweating is caused by high activity of the sympathetic nervous system.

Remedies for hyperhidrosis, or how to get rid of heavy sweating.

The main thing to consider is that if the disease is caused by any other disorders in the body, then first you need to cure these same diseases.

Antiperspirants. Use antiperspirants as an antiperspirant. Do not confuse the concept of antiperspirant and deodorant. The fact is that deodorants are designed only to remove or mask the unpleasant smell of sweat, and antiperspirants block the excretory ducts of the sweat glands, thereby reducing the process of sweating. The most effective antiperspirants are those containing aluminum chloride, but again they can cause irritation, which can be alleviated with mild (1%) corticosteroid creams or ointments.

Iontophoresis. The method of iontophoresis is based on the fact that under the influence of direct current, an ionized substance penetrates through intact skin. Iontophoresis is very often used to treat sweaty feet and hands. For the treatment of armpit hyperhidrosis, iontophoresis is not very well suited, so it is used in conjunction with other methods. The whole procedure consists in the fact that the patient immerses the feet or hands in special baths filled with water, and the device generates weak currents. The whole process takes 20 to 40 minutes. Treatment is carried out every day or every other day for 7-10 days, until sweating drops to the desired level, and then the iontophoresis procedure will need to be carried out approximately once a month.

Since current is used during iontophoresis, that is, there are contraindications, for example, it is not recommended to use this method of treatment for pregnant women, people with metal prostheses, with chronic heart failure and an installed pacemaker, it is also not recommended to use iontophoresis in violation of the integrity of the skin.

Botox. Botulinum toxin type A, known as "Botox". As a subcutaneous injection, it is most often used to treat axillary hyperhidrosis, but can also be used on other areas of the body. Botox is a protein mixture that is injected under the skin in small doses, thereby blocking the nerves of the sweat glands, resulting in reduced sweating in the patient. The action of the drug begins on the 2nd - 3rd day (maximum 2 weeks). And within 7 days the patient is not recommended to visit the sauna or solarium. The disadvantage of this method is that the blocking of increased sweating occurs for 6-12 months, and then a second procedure is required. Botox is usually used when antiperspirants or iontophoresis fail.

Medicines. Sometimes doctors may prescribe medications for their patients to treat excessive sweating (antcholinergics, beta-blockers). Theoretically, these drugs can reduce a person's sweat production, but there are doubts that they can help with primary hyperhidrosis. Some patients, for example, manage to achieve good results when antcholinergic drugs are added to the water during the iontophoresis procedure.

With long-term use of such medicines, a person may experience other problems, since these medicines have a number of unpleasant side effects: dry mouth, intense thirst, blurred vision, difficulty urinating, drowsiness, constipation, heat stroke.

The fact is that taking medication reduces sweating throughout the body, so the body experiences a lot of stress at high temperatures. It should also be borne in mind that antcholinergic drugs do not cure, but only block excessive sweating for a while.

Surgical intervention. If all other methods against sweating (antiperspirants, iontophoresis, medications, Botox) did not help the patient, then surgical intervention is used to remove the sweat glands or block the nerve pathways.

For the treatment of sweating (hyperhidrosis) of the armpits, a special operation is used - curettage. The operation is performed under local or general anesthesia and takes about 30-40 minutes. First, the doctor makes one or two punctures in the armpit, and then, with the help of a special instrument (curette), the surgeon performs closed curettage (scraping and exfoliation of the skin) of the armpit from the inside. During this operation, the destruction of small nerve endings that affect the sweat glands occurs, and a small part of the sweat glands is also removed. Sweating in a patient disappears immediately and most often does not manifest itself throughout life, but sometimes a second operation is required when the nerve endings germinate to the sweat glands.

Another method that has proven effective in treating the disease is endoscopic sympathectomy. This operation is performed in two ways: the first is the destruction of the sympathetic trunk by high-frequency current, and the second is the imposition of a clip (clamp) on the nerve. Most often, this operation is used to treat sweating of the feet and hands. The effect of both methods is very high and lasts forever, but when using the second method, the integrity of the nerve is not violated, therefore, if a complication occurs, all the consequences of the operation can be canceled and the nerve can be restored to working capacity. In rare cases, patients after surgery experience complications such as Horner's syndrome, compensatory sweating, pain in the legs, and during surgery on the lower back.

  • Do not wear tight, tight-fitting synthetic clothing. Try to choose clothes made from 100% linen, cotton, silk or wool.
  • Try not to eat foods that provoke sweating: spicy foods, hot drinks, alcohol and coffee.
  • Try to maintain hygiene and take a shower every day, the fact is that hyperhidrosis creates very good conditions for the development of fungal and pyogenic flora, as a result of softening and swelling of the skin.