Preparations for an unprotected act against infections. STD prevention after casual relationships

Went over and do not remember whether there was sex or not? Slept with a new acquaintance, and then found out that she changes partners like gloves? Or you just had sex without a condom for the first time in your life, or you got a blowjob without a condom, and now you are thinking whether you got an infection or not. Here are some tips on what a guy should do after unprotected regular or oral sex:

  1. If 2 hours have not passed since sex, be sure to treat the genitals with miramistin or chlorhexidine. Antiseptics fight infections. If you had sex at night, and you woke up only in the morning, process it anyway and hope for the best - "maybe" will help.
  2. Make sure to urinate as quickly as possible after unprotected sex. With a stream of urine, harmful bacteria will be removed if they have entered the urethra. But even this method will not give a 100% guarantee of non-infection: "pissing" is nothing to herpes and hepatitis.
  3. If there is a burning sensation in the genital area or scabies, go to the doctor immediately.
  4. It is better to visit a doctor in any case if you are not sure about your partner or she was a prostitute. But the doctor can postpone the examination for a month and ask to come back, because many diseases are not immediately detected in the tests and a couple of weeks are asymptomatic. Sometimes a doctor prescribes prophylactic antibiotic treatment without symptoms. For example, if there is a suspicion that the partner was sick with syphilis or gonorrhea, Trichopolum is prescribed.

What to do after unprotected oral sex

Few people think until "thunder breaks", but to the surprise of most, there are a lot of diseases transmitted from partner to partner (and vice versa) during oral sex. For thought, check out the list and find out what to do after unprotected oral sex.

What can you get from unprotected oral-genital sex?


A woman can easily become infected through oral sex from a man with syphilis. A man can also become infected by doing cunnilingus to a sick woman. Sources of infection are rashes inside the patient's oral cavity and mucous membranes, vaginal discharge, sperm. One of the signs of hooked syphilis is chancre on the lips and tonsils (painless ulcers).


Chlamydia affects the genitourinary system, tonsils, conjunctiva of the eyes.


Signs: urethritis, stomatitis, gonorrheal pharyngitis.

Urogenital and common herpes

(common affects lips and mouth)

Hepatitis B

Transmitted through semen or vaginal discharge, hepatitis C is also transmitted, but the risk of contracting them is lower, mainly hepatitis C is contracted through oral sex to partners with a weakened immune system.


Doctors have not come to a consensus regarding the possibility of HIV infection through oral sex. Conventionally, it is believed that an active partner is at high risk of picking him up: a girl giving a blowjob to a sick girl or a guy making kuni to a sick girl.

human papillomavirus


Worms, salmonellosis, mycopoasma, pneumonia, influenza bacillus and the list goes on for a long time up to infections that are characteristic of people living in a certain area. It is not for nothing that sex with local aborigines during the holidays is the richest in exotic consequences, up to contacting tropical disease control centers.

Please note that all of the above can be infected even with a single oral-genital contact! Therefore, always use condoms, latex wipes or regular cling film if you have nothing else on hand, including for cunnilingus or blowjob.

What to do after unprotected oral-genital sex:

  • Rinse the mouth and throat with chlorhexidine, miramistin or other antiseptic.
  • They also carefully treat the genitals. The sooner you complete these two steps, the better.
  • Girls should not swallow sperm if the partner is random!
  • You need to go to the toilet to urinate the guy who was given a blowjob and the girl who was having cunnilingus.
  • A man, if possible, should pour up to 2 ml of Miramistin into the urethra and not go to the toilet for about 2 hours.

What should a girl do after sex if a condom breaks?

If a condom breaks, the risk of getting an infection from intercourse with a random partner is much higher for a girl than for a guy. For her, the risk of an unplanned pregnancy is also higher. So:

  • If it hasn't been 5 minutes since the condom broke, douche. You can dilute miramistin or lemon juice with clean boiled water in the proportion of 1 part of the product to 10 hours of water. Never use without diluting!
  • Wash thoroughly and treat the external genitalia with miramistin. An antiseptic will help protect against infections.
  • From an unplanned pregnancy, it is better to douche with a solution with spermicides.
  • If you have not taken douching within 48 hours after sex and you do not need pregnancy, then no later than the expiration of these 48 hours from the moment your partner ejaculates, take: postinor or progestin tablets.

Postinor and progestin tablets are means of emergency contraception in emergency cases (violence, sex on a dangerous day) and can be used no more than 2 times a year, as they inevitably cause hormonal failure in the body.

What to do after sex if the above deadlines are missed? It remains to wait for the arrival of menstruation. With a delay of more than 10 days, you need to do a pregnancy test and visit a gynecologist. And then: do not bathe about what happened sex and live on or become happy parents.

What to do if there was unprotected intercourse - a condom accidentally broke, rape, contact while intoxicated, unprotected sex with an unfamiliar partner? All these cases require immediate measures to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. To find out what methods of preventing sexually transmitted diseases after casual sex exist today and choose the best one, read this article.

Home method of preventing sexually transmitted diseases

What you can do immediately after unprotected intercourse if you are not sure about your sexual partner:

  • Wash the external genitalia immediately after contact with water, preferably with soap.
  • Empty your bladder - this will reduce the risk of urinary tract disease.
  • Rinse your vagina or rectum with water - use a shower, enema, or douche.
  • Use special chlorine-containing antiseptics for washing the vagina, rectum, or for inserting them into the urethra (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine and their analogues). Rinse your mouth and throat with the same preparations.
  • If there are no chlorine-containing antiseptics at hand, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate (in a diluted state, it should resemble red wine in color) or acidified water (per liter of water - the juice of half a lemon).
  • In addition, it can be advised to use spermicides during intercourse - contraceptive creams and suppositories with an antibacterial effect (Pharmatex, Patentex, Oval).

Methods for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, carried out at home, unfortunately, do not give any guarantees. Therefore, it is possible and even necessary to use them, but one should not rely entirely on them.

Drug prevention of venereal diseases

Drug prophylaxis is a preventive treatment that prevents the development of sexually transmitted diseases. Drug prophylaxis is possible within 1-2 days after unprotected intercourse, provided that the disease does not manifest itself in any way. The decision on the possibility of drug prevention of sexually transmitted diseases is made by a dermatovenereologist after examining the patient and finding out the presence of contraindications.

The cost of medical prophylaxis is 1500 rubles

Examination and consultation of a doctor on the issue of drug prevention of sexually transmitted diseases - 600 rubles
Medications - up to 900 rubles

Answers to frequently asked questions about drug prevention

1. When will it be possible to have sex without a condom?

Unprotected sex is allowed after 7 days. Until this point, it is STRONGLY recommended to use a condom in contacts with a regular sexual partner. After all, you have undergone medical prophylaxis in order to eliminate problems, including in your relationship. You should not risk this relationship - 7 days often give complete confidence.

2. Which STIs are prevented by drug prophylaxis and which are not?

Drug prophylaxis will prevent the development of diseases such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, syphilis and trichomoniasis. Drug prophylaxis does not prevent the development of viral diseases: HIV (AIDS), genital herpes, human papillomavirus.

3. What is drug prevention of casual relationships?

Drug prophylaxis is the preventive treatment of suspected sexually transmitted diseases. Includes one shot and several tablets.

According to most people, it is impossible to contract a disease that is sexually transmitted in the absence of obvious clinical symptoms. However, the absence of the manifestation of the disease is not a guarantee of the health of the sexual partner. In addition, sexually transmitted infections are not only transmitted through sexual contact. Here, it's time to think about such a thing as prevention.

In general, STD prevention is divided into "before" and "after". To "before" - refers to primary prevention, aimed at preventing sexual contact with a person. It is guaranteed to protect against any STD. “After” refers to secondary, emergency prevention of STDs (in this case, medication), which is carried out after sexual intercourse.

It is worth adding that not always and not all drugs will be able to protect against the disease a second time. For example, AIDS after infection remains with the new owner forever, since neither a vaccine nor an effective drug therapy has yet been invented. Only primary prevention can prevent it.

What is an STD?

STDs are a whole that are transmitted through the mucous membranes of the genitals, mouth, anus, blood. These include sexually transmitted diseases (trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, syphilis), as well as infections that affect the genitourinary system (genital herpes, ureaplasma, candidiasis, etc.), some skin diseases (pediculosis, scabies, etc.), as well as hepatitis and AIDS.

According to statistics in the Russian Federation, STDs are in the nature of an epidemic, there are several reasons for this:

  1. The sexual revolution, which did not lead people to the rules of hygiene of sexual relations;
  2. Lack of knowledge and elementary concepts: where does it come from, how is it transmitted, how dangerous is it for life, etc.

The golden rule for preventing STDs is avoid sexual intercourse with a stranger. Sometimes even the most decent women and men in appearance seem to be absolutely healthy. It is important to remember that neither education, nor marital status, nor status in society does not indicate that a person is a source of STDs.

Since most diseases are asymptomatic. But, sometimes, without hesitation, you have to give yourself into the hands of a stranger. Stranger refers to a sexual partner with unknown sexual history and potential STDs. There are a number of rules about how to protect yourself from STDs, as well as how to reduce the likelihood of infection through casual sex.

A reliable friend is a condom

  • The only way to protect yourself from STDs is to use a condom. However, it should be remembered that he cannot 100% prevent infection from entering the body. So after intercourse, you can find that the condom has torn or slipped off. In addition, during intercourse, not only the mucous membranes of the genital organs, but also the mouth and anus often come into contact. Usually they are not taken into account and left unprotected;
  • Few people know that STDs can be prevented by using special films and condoms for cunnilingus for the tongue during intercourse, which, together with a regular condom, will increase the chance of staying healthy.

Risk group

Persons at risk of contracting STDs with whom it is necessary to use a condom during sexual intercourse:

  • If the professional activity of the partner is closely related to blood, for example, these include nurses, doctors, etc. If the sexual partner was cleansed of the blood, using hemodialysis;
  • If the partner injects parenterally (bypassing the gastrointestinal tract) narcotic drugs. Or if he is promiscuous, practices group sex;
  • The risk group includes any person who simply does not inspire confidence.

What is the medical prevention of STDs?

Drug prevention of STDs consists in the appointment of special medicines that prevent the reproduction of the pathogen in the body. Prevention is effective for several days after intercourse. It involves taking antibiotics according to a special scheme, which is prescribed by a dermatovenereologist. Emergency prophylaxis is effective against the following diseases: syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis. 2 weeks after the use of antibiotics, it is necessary to pass control tests for the above infections.

Many are concerned about the question: When is sexual intercourse with a regular partner allowed without the use of a condom after drug prophylaxis? After drug prophylaxis, unprotected sex is allowed only a week later. Until then, it is mandatory to use a condom.

It is important to remember that medical, secondary prevention will not protect against HIV infection, human papilloma, herpes of the second type.

Is secondary prevention with drugs dangerous for health?

Usually, antibiotics are prescribed once, so side effects are minimal. After taking the drugs, neither thrush nor intestinal dysbacteriosis has time to develop. The treatment regimen resembles the treatment of fresh infectious diseases that occur without complications. The danger may lie only in allergic reactions to the drug.

It should be recalled about the general rules that will prevent infection with STDs:

  • It is important to observe the rules of personal hygiene in intimate life, which will help protect against their transmission of infections by contact - at home, that is, you can not use other people's personal hygiene items: washcloths, towels, underwear, etc .;
  • Safe sexual behavior should be observed: have a relationship with one sexual partner. And only six months later you can be sure that he did not transmit any contagious disease. This is due to the fact that all STDs have a different latent period, HIV - the longest - six months. Therefore, after six months after passing all the tests, you can know with confidence that you are healthy.
  • It is important to remember that it is easier to prevent a disease, avoiding the temptation, and hence the danger, than to treat it for a long time or pay with undesirable consequences associated with impaired reproductive health, reduced life expectancy, etc.

Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases is a set of health measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of pathologies and eliminating risk factors. STD is a sexually transmitted disease, the main way of spreading of which is unprotected intercourse. Despite the fact that all STDs differ in origin and are manifested by various clinical symptoms, they have common features: they are highly contagious and very dangerous for human health.

In Russia, the situation with sexual infections over the past decade has acquired the character of an epidemic. The reasons for this problem are quite understandable: a change in sexual behavior in people and the emergence of various types of contraception. Young people have formed the belief that modern medicine can cope with any disease, including venereal disease.

Sexually active women and men are always at risk of catching STIs, regardless of social status and financial situation. The notion that sexually transmitted diseases are exclusively affected by promiscuity and alcohol consumption is not entirely justified. It's impossible to be 100% safe. You can reduce the likelihood of infection by following simple rules of prevention.


The source and reservoir of infection is a sick person. Microorganisms that cause STDs are highly susceptible to changing environmental conditions. The causative agents of pathology are viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa. A mixed form of infection occurs in persons with antisocial behavior, leading a promiscuous sex life without protection.

Transmission routes:

  • The main, but not the only, way of spreading the infection is sexual. Infection occurs during vaginal, oral or anal contact.
  • Most viral sexual infections are transmitted by contact-household. In case of violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membrane, the entrance gates of infection are formed. Infection occurs with a kiss, a close hug, through household items. Infection is possible in public places - swimming pools, baths, saunas.
  • Almost all sexually transmitted diseases are spread vertically from a sick mother to a fetus in utero or to a newborn during childbirth. As a result, children from the first days of life develop various pathologies.
  • Some STDs are spread parenterally by using a non-sterile syringe. This is the main transmission path and.


Each sexually transmitted disease is manifested by characteristic clinical signs. But there are those that arise with each of them. These are increased fatigue, weakness, mucopurulent discharge from the urethra, discomfort in the perineum, regional lymphadenitis, pain during intercourse, rashes on the female and male genital organs, persistent subfebrile condition.

Among women symptoms are due to physiological features. They complain of dryness and burning during sex, intermenstrual bleeding, itching in the perineum, profuse vaginal discharge, swelling and hyperemia of the vulvar mucosa.

In men, symptoms of dysuria appear, ejaculatory dysfunction, hemospermia, pain in the perineum, radiating to the scrotum or rectum, rashes on the head of the penis and around it, discharge from the urethra of various consistency: from watery transparent to thick purulent. Sick persons, when they learn about infection with a sexual infection, become psychologically depressed. This leads to family problems, depression, conflict situations. Most STD patients require the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist.

If these symptoms appear, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible. Self-medication can lead to the development of dangerous complications. It is necessary for both sexual partners to undergo a diagnostic examination. After questioning and examining patients, a dermatovenereologist sends women for a consultation to a gynecologist, and men to a urologist. To confirm or refute the alleged diagnosis, patients need. They take blood, a smear from the urethra or cervix. Serodiagnosis is carried out in order to detect antibodies to various pathogens, bacteriological examination of the biomaterial in order to detect and identify the pathogen. PCR is the most accurate method for diagnosing STDs.

Preventive actions

Primary prevention of STDs is carried out before infection and consists in informing high-risk groups about existing pathologies, methods of contraception, the mechanism of infection transmission, symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases and their consequences. Specialists should conduct conversations with the population about the change in the sexual behavior of modern man.

Secondary prevention is carried out after sexual intercourse and involves working with STD carriers or sick people, the goals of which are: to prevent infection of others and the development of complications in patients.

Public or social prevention of STIs is carried out at the state level, mainly among adolescents who have not yet entered into sexual activity. Girls and boys should be explained how to protect themselves from STDs and how to behave in case of detection of such diseases.

Public prevention includes:

  1. Carrying out medical examinations,
  2. Identification and treatment of chronic pathologies,
  3. Examination of pregnant women
  4. Thorough check of components for blood transfusion,
  5. Sanitary and educational work of the population.

A special place in the social prevention of STDs is occupied by information messages. STD risk warnings make young people think about their sexual behavior. Propaganda of a healthy lifestyle, inter-gender relations, refusal of drugs are the main directions of sanitary and educational work.

Individual prevention of sexually transmitted infections occupies a leading place among the measures that prevent their spread.

Rules for individual prevention:

  • Avoid sexual contact with people at risk who come into contact with blood - nurses, dentists, cosmetologists, surgeons, people who have received blood transfusions or purification. A condom must be used if the sexual partner is a drug addict, prefers group sex, swinging, prostitution.
  • Observe hygienic norms and rules of personal hygiene, use individual hygiene products and items, sex toys, cosmetic accessories, linen, towels. Demand the same from a sexual partner.
  • Women visit a gynecologist once every six months, and men a urologist once a year.
  • Get vaccinated against a viral infection - hepatitis, human papilloma.
  • After an unprotected act and the appearance of characteristic clinical signs, it is urgent to visit a doctor.
  • Timely treat identified viruses and bacteria, refrain from sexual activity during therapy.

Prevention of STDs after a casual relationship is called emergency. Men and women are advised to urinate in order to remove pathogens from the urethra, wash their hands and external genitalia with soap and water, dry them with a towel, treat with an antiseptic, and change underwear. If it is not possible to visit a dermatovenereologist in the near future, it is necessary to take a “shock” dose of antibiotics, for example, Azithromycin. Within two hours from the moment of contact, women are recommended to insert a gauze swab moistened with a solution of Miramistin or Chlorhexidine into the vagina, for men - to introduce a few milliliters of Gibitan or Cidipol antiseptic into the urethra, massaging the external opening of the urethra. Compliance with these preventive measures will avoid the serious consequences of the infection.

Emergency prophylaxis is carried out only in exceptional, extremely rare cases and situations potentially hazardous to health. Medicines from the group of antiseptics, when used regularly, damage the mucous membrane, which leads to the formation of erosions and ulcers. Frequent douching flushes beneficial microorganisms from the vagina, dysbiosis develops, pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora is activated. In men, the frequent use of antiseptics can lead to a chemical burn of the urethral mucosa, its narrowing and the development of allergic urethritis.

After emergency prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, it is necessary to be examined after 3-4 weeks.

But the most effective way to date, guaranteed to avoid infection with STDs, is complete sexual abstinence.

In the absence of timely and proper treatment, STDs can lead to the development of complications: infertility, inflammation of the prostate, orchitis, endometritis, epididymitis. To avoid such ailments, you need to be more attentive and responsible to yourself and your loved ones. It is much easier to prevent your mistakes than to treat serious diseases.

Video: prevention of sexually transmitted infections