Causes of diseases of the liver and gallbladder - healing - self-knowledge - catalog of articles - unconditional love. Psychosomatic aspects of the development of diseases of the gallbladder Gallbladder according to Louise Hay

The most mild dyspeptic disorders that occur against the background of episodes after emotional stress, as a response to a traumatic situation, are: loss of appetite, up to anorexia, or, on the contrary, increased appetite, nausea - up to vomiting, transient "gastric cramps", diarrhea, constipation, rectal pain . Functional disorders of considerable duration occur after the listed disorders, or primarily.

To psychosomatic diseases of the digestive system, diseases in the literal sense of the word include peptic ulcer and hemorrhagic colitis.

Some authors refer to psychosomatic disorders and cholelithiasis. I.K. Heinroth also said that all malfunctions in the liver or spleen are the result of human vices. In the gallbladder, in the hepatic and bile ducts very often (especially in old age and especially in women) stones are formed from cholesterol, bile pigments and lime salts. When stones block the cystic duct or bile ducts, an attack of hepatic colic occurs. Not everyone who has stones feels any inconvenience from this. In most cases, the stones never make themselves felt. Yet those to whom they bring suffering are very many.

Gallstone disease is one of the most common diseases in the Western world. For unclear reasons, in the East, for example, in Japan, it is incomparably less common than in Europe. Negroes rarely have stones, and the inhabitants of the island of Java do not seem to encounter them at all.

Already in ancient Greece, they saw a close connection between the liver, bile and the human psyche. When a person is worried, angry, envious, it immediately affects the work of the liver. No wonder they say "bilious person" or "I have it in my liver." In 1928, E. Witkover decided to check how different experiences affect the functioning of the liver. Under hypnosis, the subjects were suggested something that caused them joy, sadness, anxiety or anger. In all cases except the last one, the flow of bile increased. Anger and anger led to a decrease in bile secretion. It also turned out that when suggesting joyful feelings, bile took on a more yellow color. It turned out that the composition of bile depends on the suggested ideas.

Dieter Beck, a Swiss specialist in psychosomatics who headed the department of psychosomatic medicine at the University Polyclinic of the University of Basel, tried to establish the mental characteristics of people suffering from cholelithiasis, and came to the conclusion that all of them are more or less susceptible to obsessive-compulsive disorder can be divided into three groups.

The first group includes those who are haunted by the desire to restore order in everything, restore justice and provide social assistance to those in need. These people become hostages of the ideal they are striving for. They often have hypertension, heart disease, impotence, nervous and physical exhaustion of the body.

The second group includes mainly women in whom obsessive-compulsive disorder is combined with depression. They are modest and self-sacrificing, but at the same time, partly consciously and partly unconsciously, they are in the expectation that their dedication will be appreciated. Recognition will be compensation for all that they have done for others. They rarely show discontent, annoyance, anger. Most often, they turn their aggressiveness on themselves. Sickness occurs when their willingness to sacrifice is unnecessary and they are rejected. Patients from this group that suffer from headaches, migraines, functional diseases of the stomach and diseases associated with menstruation.

In a third group of women, obsessive-compulsive disorder is combined with hysterical symptoms. Patients have a particular need to be loved. Fear of loss and fear of being alone is the main thing that leads them to illness. Forced marriage, pregnancy without a husband, rivalry with other women often become the causes of their troubles. Many of them are constantly in a state of anxiety.

A clear line between different types of people cannot be drawn. Most people combine traits of different types in their behavior. It is important that here we are talking about types of behavior, and not about characters. It is understood that a person is quite capable of changing his lifestyle. So, he always has the opportunity to reduce the risk of heart disease, as well as many other diseases.

- - - Psychosomatics of diseases of the digestive system

If you are interested in the psychosomatics of the liver, most likely, there are already precedents that indicate violations of the organ. Some of them are even incompatible with life. But if you know how to keep your emotional background within certain limits, all these violations can be minimized.

In the article I will tell you about this: what emotions affect the liver and how to work them out in order to give the body the opportunity to recover.

The organ is involved in the process of digestion, produces bile and is designed to dispose of toxins.

It often happens that liver diseases still do not manifest themselves in the form of obvious symptoms, but there are already violations in the digestive tract. Such disorders include, for example, fatty stools.

If most parts of the body immediately signal "malfunctions", the liver may not manifest itself for a long time, and then overnight - make itself felt.

Usually it manifests itself through pain and heaviness in the right side. Also obvious symptoms are constant heartburn, bitter taste and nausea.

The work of this part of the body is associated with the work of the nervous system, therefore, when it is disturbed, a person almost always becomes irritable.

Well, let's move on to causes, effects and treatment.

What are the causes of psychosomatics of liver diseases?

If we consider the 7 basic emotions that manifest themselves in the body (these are grief, guilt, shame, anxiety,
anger, fear and anxiety), then this organ usually responds to anger.

A person gets angry (sometimes it is hidden anger, in which he does not admit to himself).

For example, you may be in need of love but not happy in a relationship. It seems to you that the other half "should behave" differently. But it turns out that expectations from life do not correspond to the actual state of affairs.

At first, a person may feel resentment towards the other. Then it turns into anger.

There is irritability towards someone alone. At the same time, he can be kind to others. They don't annoy him.

This is how anger is expressed.

It may seem to a person that the second half specifically provokes him, a large number of triggers (triggers) are exposed, in response to which irritation occurs.

Most often, such a state is experienced in relation to close or significant people (parents, second half, close friends).

However, in communication with others, over time, such a trait as irascibility also begins to appear. All this is the result of growing anger.

Also, such an emotion as envy affects liver problems.. It manifests itself in response to observing those people who have what a person lacks so much:

  • understanding
  • approval,
  • love.

It is worth noting that not everyone is like this: morally self-sufficient “matured” people can feel quite comfortable being alone and not hope that others will make up for what they lack.

Therefore, often unloved children turn out to be such. Which are characterized by resentment, guilt and, as a result, anger.

Many psychologists have already come to the conclusion that those who just hide their anger, do not show it, are more susceptible to liver diseases. A person may have a lack of money, love, but he directs all experiences inward.

Again, there is a rejection of the situation and non-acceptance of oneself (be sure to read about that here).

The psychosomatics of the liver is also strongly associated with the gallbladder, oran, which is also involved in the process of digestion. It stores bile, which comes from the liver to be released into the intestines.

The gallbladder on the metaphysical plane regulates anger to defend its territorial boundaries. Therefore, when there is a constant invasion of your inner territory, you get annoyed, seek to protect them or
you have to put up with the pressure. Then again the anger starts to build up. Psychosomatics in this case acts not only on the liver, but also on diseases in the gallbladder.

Again, there is an inability to defend one's boundaries, dislike for oneself, rejection of the situation.

The liver is also connected with another organ - the pancreas. On the metaphysical plane, the liver is responsible for the future, and the pancreas for the present.

Especially, their connection becomes noticeable with sudden changes in life. When it is difficult to adapt to a new environment and anxious to look into the future. Can't accept the real yet. The pancreas is overloaded. In this case, a person does not have time to adapt to a new reality.

Uncertainty about the future is associated with self-doubt, resentment against oneself, and guilt.

Therefore, the organs of the gastrointestinal tract are closely related and disruption of work in one can lead to a whole chain of unpleasant symptoms and other organs.

Where there is liver disease, over time there is both the gallbladder and the pancreas.

How do psychological causes work and why do emotions affect the liver?

Different experts describe these relationships in different ways.

If a person cannot cope with anger, accumulates it, tries to hide and seem calm, then it accumulates in this organ. "Bitterness and sadness overcome a person."

If a person does not know how to discharge accumulated anger (for example,), then anger will find discharge in liver diseases.

Psychotherapists explain influence in a more scientific way.

With constant anger (especially suppressed), the body produces the hormones norepinephrine and cortisol.

Vasoconstriction occurs, blood pressure on their walls increases, heart rate increases, and the liver is affected.

Psychosomatics of liver cirrhosis.

In advanced cases, these emotions can cause cirrhosis and other dangerous diseases. It is also possible to form a cyst. But at the root of all these manifestations lies the common emotion of anger for a diseased liver.

The causes of cirrhosis are related to the fact that it is very difficult for a person to accept some situation inside himself, to resolve it. It poisons this organ with poisonous emotions.

Often this is dislike for oneself, in particular, for one's body, difficulty in accepting it. That is, anger directed inwards.

As a result, the liver reacts to this by worsening its functions, poisoning with waste products occurs.

The person becomes even more angry, which creates a vicious circle, and psychological causes can only be resolved with the help of a psychologist.

Hepatitis in psychosomatics.

Speaking of the liver, we cannot ignore this manifestation.

Hepatitis is an inflammatory disease. It occurs both acutely and chronically.

Recently, it has been spreading much faster than in previous years. It is characterized by an increase in the size of the organ, heaviness in the right side, symptoms such as belching, impaired stool, problems with the absorption of fats, nausea, and flatulence appear.

The main reasons are the same anger and a tendency to self-flagellation.

Self-flagellation occurs where it is not possible to achieve the desired results. Where "I really want to, but I can't yet." So, a person can be ambitious, but due to fears (or a combination of circumstances), act with minimal impact. Ambitions will not be realized. Jealousy may arise for those who already have what this person really wants.

Where a person acts out of a sense of mission, he acts in an environmentally friendly way both towards others and towards himself. In the same place where he acts from the principle of “achieving a goal at any cost”, various “dirty thoughts” that clog the body begin to creep into his head at the metaphysical level.

Because the balance between giving and taking is broken. All desires begin with "I want to take." This leads to expectations from others and from oneself, anger at them and at oneself. Events are beginning to be perceived as "wrong", because they do not meet expectations ... And off we go - off we go.

Psychosomatics describes hepatitis in this way.

What is a person subject to liver disease?

Most often, this is a person with low self-esteem, not accepting himself and not showing love for himself.

Often he is quite emotional by nature, but due to his upbringing, he is used to suppressing "unwanted" emotions. Because it is very important for him to be treated by those around him.

Prone to introspection, guilt and shame. Not allowing himself the manifestation of anger.

Often these people mask with their calmness disagreement with reality, anger and envy of those who have what they lack.

They wear the mask of a good person, but inside they often engage in self-criticism, they can endure when their feelings are hurt, because they do not allow the thought of offending another, although they allow themselves to be offended.

Thus, it turns out a person who does not accept himself, who is not able to fully defend his boundaries (due to low self-esteem) and depends on the opinions of others, and not on his own.

By the way, envy affects the appearance of pain in the liver and in children. Parents often cite others who are more successful in school or sports as an example to their child. Or, on the contrary, they load their child according to the full program: study, sports, circles, competitions.

And this child begins to feel hidden envy of those who simply enjoy the happy times of childhood.

Therefore, you need to work:

  • with self acceptance
  • accepting the situation
  • self-love and self-esteem,
  • building boundaries.

In fact, this is a universal recipe that helps with the adjustment of emotions such as guilt, shame, fear and others.

The first symptoms that already indicate that emotions need to be corrected.

This condemnation.

You can judge yourself and others:

  • “I have been so many years, and I have not achieved anything ...”
  • “Yes, of course, it’s easy for them, they have great opportunities.”

This already speaks of the accumulated anger, which can develop into a habit.

Therefore, condemnation should be abandoned altogether. Including devaluing others. Often it indicates envy.
“Yes, I don’t need it ... If I had so much money, I would never buy it,” etc.

There is a close connection between repressed anger and guilt, shame and resentment.

If you feel that you are touchy from childhood and forgive a person for a long time, there is also a chance that these emotions will affect the liver.

How to start psychosomatic treatment if the liver hurts?

Many people strive to appear good, but showing their anger is "somewhat uncomfortable."

Thus, an insoluble dilemma arises between the fact that it is necessary to do this, otherwise he will turn inward, and with another society this is not accepted.

It is especially difficult to restrain emotional people, for example, temperamentally choleric people.

The recipe here is simple. Hot temper is a short-term reaction to release anger. It does not carry such a destructive effect as hidden anger. Therefore, from a health point of view, it is better to give free rein to temper when necessary.

Another thing is that it has its own reasons - psychological triggers for which you can be hurt so that outbursts of anger appear.

You need to work with them until the situation when you are no longer touched by provocation, and therefore, anger does not arise. This is a high level of self-development, but necessary to reduce anger.

You need to look and write out those situations that instantly annoy you. (For example, when a man communicates lisping, he may experience instant irritation, which a person cannot control).

So that it does not arise, you need to realize this situation and allow it, accept that they can communicate in this way. And it doesn't have to be angry.

Through this work, over time, you will be able to eradicate most of the psychological hooks that your emotion has responded to.

Therefore, you will not suppress anger, because it will not exist either.

There will be no anger, and there will be no production of hormones, which, with constant exposure, are destructive.

One simple piece of advice will help with this work - start a diary right today in which you write down the following: “My work on emotions. Anger. What annoys me? - List". Then write down why you don't accept yourself.

Over time, every day you will be able to ask yourself leading questions that will help you adjust your attitude towards yourself and towards life for the better.

Needless to say, people are surprised when they evaluate the amount of work that they managed to do in a year.

In this diary, the real work on yourself will be carried out. As Louise Hay says, "Healing begins with self-respect and self-acceptance." Very wise advice.

Self-respect, work with causes, action from the desire to give - and the psychosomatics of the liver will decline.

How to deal with psychosomatics faster?

Two points are important: to get to the exact cause and to choose the right psychological techniques. If you break down all the work into stages, then it is more expedient to go this way:

  1. determine the starting situation
  2. specify the root emotion (anger, guilt, shame, grief - everyone has their own),
  3. select appropriate psychological techniques,
  4. check the correctness of their implementation,
  5. correct emotion (develop new reactions to provocations).

Example: you can read for a long time about constipation - that these are mental blocks, dislike for yourself. But in 95% of cases, he appears in a state of choice, in limbo. If you also have basic distrust and anxiety, constipation develops into chronic and worsens during the selection period.

Therefore, situations with a choice will never end, but the attitude towards them can be changed in psychotherapeutic ways.

What is the majority doing?

They study the theory, but do not achieve improvement.

The fact is that independent work with your unconscious requires a lot of preparation.

Is a specialist needed?

It will just be faster with him. You can cope on your own, but it turns out in units and for a long time.

In my practice, the terms ranged from 1 consultation to a year. The most common cases are:

  • headache,
  • gynecological problems,
  • lungs,
  • childhood illnesses through parents and others.

You can learn about working with me.

Health to you and psychological comfort.

1. CHOLELITHIASIS- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

Bitterness. Heavy thoughts. Condemnation, condemnation. Pride, arrogance.

There is a joyful liberation from the past in me. Life is great and so am I.


Causes of the disease

Bitterness. Heavy thoughts. A curse. Pride.

Possible Healing Solution

I am happy to let go of the past. I, like life, are so (same) as pleasant (pleasant).


The gallbladder is a hollow organ that contains bile coming from the liver and prevents it from flowing into the intestines between food digestions. During the digestion of food, the gallbladder opens and ejects bile through the bile duct into the duodenum. Bile is needed so that the intestines can absorb fats from food. The most common problem associated with the gallbladder is the formation of small stones (“sand”) in it or one large stone that blocks the bile duct. See articles

Psychosomatics explains the nature of diseases and offers simple solutions to problems. Adherents of this theory are sure that diseases of the internal organs are a reflection of the psychological state of a person, his views on reality and internal difficulties.

These organs are part of the digestive system. At the same time, the liver is a very powerful organ, it is the largest gland in the body. Remember what iron does? It produces (secretes) something useful for the body or absorbs (absorbs) something that is needed. The liver has a huge functionality, it produces chemicals, neutralizes poisons and toxins, absorbs and processes nutrients, converting one compound into another, this is a whole laboratory.

In the liver, various complex organic compounds that have entered it from the blood are processed into new compounds that are convenient for the body. To do this, the liver has a complex circulatory system that, in addition to supplying oxygen and nutrients to the liver itself, provides blood to the liver from the stomach, spleen, intestines and pancreas.

The main secretory function of the liver is the production of bile. The storage of bile is a special gallbladder. Bile is produced by the glandular cells of the liver and enters the gallbladder through the bile ducts. From here it is released into the duodenum when food appears in the intestines. The gallbladder and bile ducts are lined internally with squamous epithelium.

What should you see from the above?

In addition to the biological meaning of the liver, it is important to understand that there are three types of tissue in it:

1) endodermal (glandular) tissue of the liver parenchyma(her body itself), which will change under the influence of “lumpy” internal conflicts associated with hunger and lack;

2) ectodermal tissue lining the gallbladder and ducts, which will change under the influence of internal territorial conflicts of anger, irritation;

3) mesodermal tissue of blood vessels, which changes under the action of self-devaluation conflicts.

In this article, I'll go over some of the changes, focusing on the bile ducts.

1. Gallbladder and bile ducts

Behind the change in these tissues is a conflict of territorial anger. Simply put - conflicts of anger, irritation, anger, aggression.

It arises if someone or something encroaches on your territory (external or internal) and you cannot remain calm in relation to it. This can apply to both relationships with family and with other people, both physical boundaries and inner peace.

For example, a neighbor violates the boundaries of the plot, a husband claims his wife’s free time, “someone embezzled my money”, “my daughter has a worthless fiancé”, etc.

In the active phase of the conflict ulceration of the squamous epithelium of the bile ducts and gallbladder. Pain appears. Attention! Pain is present here in the active phase.

The biological meaning of these changes- expand the ducts to improve the digestion of “food” (= situation, person, etc.).

In the post-conflict phase there is a restoration of the ducts and the gallbladder, during which their inflammation and edema occur. Edema narrows the ducts, and if, from fear, misunderstanding, confusion, changes in the collecting ducts of the kidneys start in parallel, blockage (occlusion) of the bile duct may occur. In this case, bile stasis occurs. If this continues for a long time, bile, unable to exit, enters the blood - symptoms of jaundice appear.

In the middle of the recovery phase(so-called epicrisis) for a short period of time, very severe pain can occur. If you do not know that this is a short period, everything goes “according to plan” and get scared, changes in the collecting ducts of the kidneys will intensify, further aggravating the symptoms.

Be careful! Don't let yourself be scared for nothing!

Gallstones form in the gallbladder only in the case when the conflict described above recurs for a long time (repeats). In this case, ulceration of the active phase and inflammation, swelling of the recovery phase are constantly repeated; bile stasis is aggravated and stone growth occurs. For their formation (mass accumulation) it is necessary that a person does not get out of the conflict of anger, irritation for a very long time

The first question you should ask yourself about bile duct and gallbladder problems is: Who (or what) am I mad at right now?

The answer usually comes right away. Having identified the object of irritation, you need to stop being angry. How?

Whatever you decide, I don't care. I managed. There are a huge number of practices on this topic - you can unscrew the head of the offender, then there will be no object of anger, or simply throw it out of your head. It's a joke, of course, but there is always a way out. Sometimes it just requires a change of mind.

Once again I will repeat in this article the fundamental thing for changes in the body. In order for certain symptoms to arise in the body, it is necessary that your territorial anger be very dramatic, unexpected for you personally, it was impossible to immediately resolve it, and for one reason or another you do not want to tell anyone about it.

For example, a wife is angry with her husband, but forbids herself to do it (whether out of fear or concern for him), a person is annoyed by the situation at his work, but he does not give himself the right to be indignant, the husband cannot solve the situation with debts, but does not wants to upset his wife with his experiences, etc.

I will draw your attention to two more interesting things here.

First. Changes in the gallbladder and bile ducts (BG) are controlled from the so-called territorial zone of the cerebral cortex (I wrote about it somewhere in this space). This zone has male and female sides and which of these parts will be involved depends on the lateralization and hormonal status.

The section of the cortex that controls the bile duct and gallbladder is located on the right, male side of the territorial zone, this biological reaction develops according to the male type, which is logical - men tend to experience anger, irritation and aggression when their orders and territory are violated, a woman reacts differently.

And what, you ask, can't a woman have problems with her gallbladder and bile ducts? Of course it can, but there must be reasons for this.

If a woman reacts in a masculine way, then for one reason or another her hormonal status has changed, or the female territorial zone of the cortex is blocked by another active conflict.

In addition, these organs will be changed in a left-handed woman, but when she lives a completely different conflict - the so-called conflict of decision making, self-determination, identity (Who am I? What am I? What to do?).

Right-handed women will react to this conflict with the ectodermal tissues of the rectum (fissures, hemorrhoids, etc.).

Second. The gallbladder and biliary tract are not the only organs that change under the influence of the conflict of territorial anger, irritation, anger, and, accordingly, the symptoms described above are not the only ones possible here.

The same area of ​​the cerebral cortex also controls the ectodermal tissue of the lesser curvature of the stomach, duodenum and pancreatic ducts, therefore, in the presence of anger of different content and saturation, they also fall under changes. All gastritis, ulcers, heartburn, stomach pain - this is also here.

Roberto Barnai, based on his practical experience, gave an interesting gradation of situations that lead to changes in these organs.

  • If something irritates you, but it is fixable (your daughter's boyfriend irritates you), there will be changes in the gastric mucosa.
  • If the situation is difficult to correct (the daughter said that she was marrying him), the changes will affect the bile ducts and bladder.
  • If there is no way out of the annoying situation (the daughter is pregnant from this guy), then the pancreatic ducts will change.

The solutions to these conflicts are also similar - I don’t know what you will do, but you need to find a way to stop being angry. Because it hurts you more than anyone else.

I succeeded and all gastritis, pain and two-year heartburn that does not go away are long behind me.

2. Liver

The liver parenchyma (its body itself) is a glandular organ. As I already wrote, like any gland, it absorbs and produces what the body needs for life, it has a complex structure and functionality necessary to nourish the whole body.

Changes in the liver parenchyma can occur under the influence of an internal conflict, the threat of hunger, fear for life, existence, due to lack.

This can be a fear of hunger, both because of the inability to get food, any loss (of work, finances, crops), or because of a “terrible diagnosis” that makes it difficult to eat (for example, “intestinal cancer”, “stomach cancer”, etc. .).

In the active phase of the conflict there is a growth of compact tumors of the secretory (produce something necessary) or resorptive (absorb something necessary) type.

Naturally, these changes have a specific biological meaning - to temporarily increase liver function, survive hunger and save life.

The secretory type serves to increase the amount of digestive enzymes and bile for better digestion of food, the resorptive type serves to better absorb useful elements from a small amount of food.

In the recovery phase after the “hunger conflict” is resolved, the tumor decays with the help of fungal bacteria. Against this background, there is inflammation, swelling of the liver, pain, night sweats.

The liver tissue lost during the collapse of the tumor is restored. If during the growth of the tumor there were no fungi and mycobacteria in the body, it will not disintegrate, but will be encapsulated, but growth will stop anyway.

The solution to the conflict of lack, hunger, fear of not surviving lies in the field of security and avoiding illusions. In the unconscious of a person, the stories of his kind, families in which people barely survived for some time are active.

This fear has remained inside, is transmitted in the genes, "with mother's milk", as they say, from generation to generation. It is possible, of course, that this was also his personal old story, but it is difficult to imagine at this time (one) and it is finished anyway (two).

Therefore, in this case, it is useful to identify and share all these stories and your life within yourself, and also to remind yourself more often that “My existence is now completely safe!”, “I have enough food!”, “The world takes care of me!”, “I always have what I need right now,” etc.

Cyst in the liver (polycystic)

A cyst in its traditional sense is a cavity in organs or tissues that has the shape of a bubble with strong walls and liquid contents.

There are different types of cysts in the liver. The cyst can appear both in the endodermal tissue of the parenchyma and in the ectodermal tissue of the biliary tract and gallbladder. For its appearance, no special conflict is needed.

  • If the cyst is found in the liver parenchyma, we are talking about the same conflict of hunger, and also that this conflict is over. It's just that the liver tumor that arose under the influence of this conflict did not disintegrate due to the lack of the necessary microorganisms, but was encapsulated.
  • If a cyst is found in the bile ducts(squamous cyst), we will also talk about the same conflict of anger, irritation (or identity).

The appearance of a cyst only indicates that the corresponding conflict recurs for a long time, about the so-called “hanging recovery”.

In this case, there will be a cyclic constant process of ulceration and subsequent recovery in the liver, in which the tissue of the ducts suffers, they will swell and can expand in front of the site of occlusion (its temporary blockage), this is where cysts form.

Cirrhosis of the liver- this is the replacement of the glandular tissue of the liver parenchyma with dense connective tissue (fibrous), which cannot perform the functions of the liver. In fact, this is the destruction of the liver.

The same conflicts that we have discussed here also apply to cirrhosis, but the main emphasis is on their long-term recurrent activity.

There can be no recurrence of cirrhosis, in order for the liver tissue to collapse and its cicatricial replacement occur, conflicts must not be resolved for a very long time.

One of the common questions is: can alcoholism cause cirrhosis of the liver? I will answer from the point of view of psychology.

For me, these are two parallel processes associated with anger, fear and inner impotence. These feelings can cause biological changes in the liver and lead to cirrhosis, and they also make a person look for an easy way to mitigate suffering with alcohol.

The way out is still there: gain the courage to see reality and change what prevents you from being happy!

As I have said, resolving liver conflicts often requires a major change of mind. Therefore, summarizing this topic of the liver, I will share one philosophical wisdom (you can call it a prayer), once uttered by Confucius, which has helped people more than once:

"God! Give me the strength to change what can be changed, give me the patience to accept what cannot be changed, and give me the intelligence to distinguish one from the other.”.published .

Maria Rakitina

If you have any questions, ask them

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet