Squats for girls at home: execution techniques, an effective squat program. Squats

For quick weight loss or muscle gain, squats are considered the best exercise. Depending on the daily calories consumed and the intensity of the exercise, one or another effect will be achieved.

By reducing calories and increasing the intensity of training (including, it is possible to start the process of losing weight.

Conversely, by consuming more protein foods and increasing the amount of strength training, you will achieve an increase in muscle mass in the body.

How to do squats correctly: technique

Below is the correct technique for doing squats:

  1. The back should be arched throughout the exercise (shoulder blades brought together) to minimize the risk of spinal injury;
  2. The heels should be firmly pressed to the floor and take the main load on themselves;
  3. While squatting, the knees should be separated by a distance approximately equal to the width of the shoulders. Also, they should not go beyond the conditional line of the foot. This is necessary for maximum load on the gluteal muscles (when the knees are brought together, the lion's share of it will go to them);
  4. The face must be directed upwards, you cannot look between your legs - this is ugly;
  5. If squats are performed with weight in the form of a barbell, it should lie on the “trapezoid” zone (for this you need to bring the shoulder blades as close to each other as possible), but not on the neck in any way - this can injure the cervical vertebrae up to disability;
  6. When lifting from a sitting position, you should not fully straighten up: this is how most of the load is transferred to the knee joints;
  7. If the experience in squats is small, you should not fall below the thigh line - this is fraught with knee injuries. In fact, deep squats are very effective, but you need to use them skillfully and little by little.

A set of exercises to quickly pump up the buttocks

After the correct squat technique has been mastered and worked out, you can proceed to the next set of exercises, aimed mainly at the lower body. All types of squats must be performed 10-15 times in 2 sets. Below you can also find a 30 day squat program that you can follow to quickly build buttocks at home.

Squats with dumbbells or kettlebell

  • You need to straighten up, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Take the kettlebell with both hands, bend them at the elbow joints, press the elbows to the sides. Then slowly squat, observing the above technique;
  • Take one dumbbell in each hand. Their weight should be the same (from 0.5 kg and above). Put your feet shoulder-width apart, heels firmly pressed to the floor. Squat down without lifting your heels off the floor. Hands can be either lowered down or extended in front of you (complicated squats with dumbbells);
  • Squats with the same dumbbells, only under the heels you need to put a thin, even board 3-5 cm wide. Thus, the load is redistributed from the gluteal muscles to the muscles of the legs;

Plie for pulling up the priests

Stand up straight, back arched. Feet should be shoulder-width apart, toes as far apart as possible. Take a deep breath and squat, while exhaling - a slow rise. This exercise perfectly tightens the gluteal muscles, as well as the main muscles of the thigh.

Deep squat on one leg

At home, this exercise is performed as follows: you need to go to the door frame, turn sideways to it and lean your shoulder. Spread your legs shoulder width apart. Bend one leg slightly and lift forward. Begin to squat slowly, gradually straightening the bent unused limb forward. Try to squat as deep as possible while maintaining the balance of the body. At the same time, the body leans slightly forward and this is normal.

With a bar for the elasticity of the priests

It is necessary to put your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly apart (an angle of about 60 degrees should be maintained between them). It is dangerous to do deep squats with a barbell: you can easily get an injury to your back or knee joint. The back should be straightened, the head slightly lowered (not much). The bar should be lowered onto the bone of the scapula, fixing from above with the wrists. At first, the shoulders should rise, then the back, and after that the knees go into action. Also for girls will be very useful. They will not only make your figure more beautiful, but also improve women's health.

Squats in the Smith machine for beautiful buttocks

Adjust the simulator to the athlete's height. Then you need to stand on a support, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, rest your shoulder blades against the crossbar. Socks are allowed to be brought out of the line of the hips by 20 cm. Having bent the spine in the lumbar region, you need to start squatting. It is forbidden to tear off the heels from the support.

What should be done to avoid injury?

  1. Refuse chemical additives that promise a miracle result in the shortest possible time;
  2. Conduct a quality warm-up before starting exercises to warm up the muscles;
  3. Perform exercises without rushing anywhere;
  4. Do not overload yourself (if you pick up the wrong weight, you may get serious injury);
  5. Take the correct position during training;
  6. After all exercises, to increase the flexibility of the body, it is necessary to stretch each time (at least 10 minutes).

How much can you pump up beautiful buttocks with squats?

Ideally tightened and elastic priests can be achieved really. However, squats alone are not enough for this. You will need special exercises for burning fat and proper nutrition.

The training of a woman who wants to get perfect buttocks must necessarily include exercises for both large and small muscles. Moreover, the ass should be pumped in the middle of the lesson. Do not leave it to the end: there is a risk of pumping the buttocks.

A workout should always end with a good quality stretch. The set of exercises described above will put in order not only the buttocks, but the whole body as a whole. It must be included in your program at least 2 times a week and then in a couple of months you will not recognize yourself in the mirror!

Video: effective squats for the buttocks at home

A nice instructor will clearly show and tell you in detail about how to squat correctly. All exercises are available for everyone to perform, there is nothing complicated about it. Start making your figure perfect now! The video is accompanied by pleasant unobtrusive music.

Today, sport is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. Even those who do not have time to constantly visit the gym try to do simple exercises at home, the most popular of which is squats. Despite its prevalence and popularity, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to squat correctly in order to get real benefits from classes. Today we will talk about the different variations of squats and how to perform them in order to achieve the desired results.

Contrary to popular belief that only men include squats in their set of exercises, the fair sex is also interested in them and want to know how to squat correctly in order to lose weight and become the owner of an ideal figure.

Basic exercise scheme

Let's start with the fact that each option is done according to a single scheme. They differ in the depth of the squat, the position of the legs and torso. First, let's look at the general scheme in order to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to squat correctly.

Feet should be shoulder-width apart, pointing forward or slightly apart, depending on how you are used to squatting in everyday life. The back should be slightly bent, pulling back the shoulders. If you squat with a barbell, then its grip should be 15-20 centimeters wider than your shoulders. Elbows should not be directed back, but down. The lower back muscles should support the natural torso angle. This is the correct starting position to take if you want to practice the knowledge of how to sit or crouch properly.

To begin, you need to exhale, holding your breath slightly, and allow your hips to drop as if you were sitting in a chair. The body should be slightly tilted forward. The calves and thighs should remain in a vertical plane, the knees should be parallel to the feet.

When squatting, look only forward, lowering to a position where the thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold for a fraction of a second, and then slowly, without any jerks or jumps, rise as if you are pushing off the floor, exhaling after you have passed the most difficult point. This is a general scheme of how to properly squat, suitable for everyone, even the most unprepared people.

If you are a bodybuilder, you should place your feet a little more than shoulder width apart. This will give additional balance and the ability to lift a larger load. In addition, the knee and hip joints do not require much flexibility in this case, but they will have to keep the torso at the right angle. Most of all, the muscles of the inner side of the thigh will be involved in this process.

You can put your legs closer to each other only if you have well-developed back muscles. Otherwise, when squatting, the muscles will undergo powerful compression, pushing the hips forward and unbalancing the back.

The position of various parts of the body during exercise

To understand how to squat correctly, you need to know what position each part of your body should be in when performing the exercise.

First, the gaze must be focused, looking straight ahead, and keeping the neck and head perpendicular to the shoulders. This is very important, since in this position the spine is in the correct position, the body maintains balance, and therefore there is less chance of injury. In addition, there is an inclusion of additional reflexes that control the spine. Looking up, you risk losing balance, if you look down, then your chest takes the wrong bend during the exercise. It is highly recommended to avoid both if you want to practice how to squat correctly.

The back should be strictly straight, the shoulders should be pulled back, the lower back should have a natural curve. Remember that the phrase "straight back" does not mean at all that your torso must be in a strictly vertical position. If squats are performed with a free load, you should lean forward slightly. This will help you avoid losing your balance.

Keep in mind that the torso always moves with the hips, moving the body's center of gravity towards the knees. The amplitude of its movement is determined by the strength of the muscles of the inner surface of the thigh and lower back. The best option would be continuous movement without any shocks, not requiring too much effort in order to maintain balance.

Working with equipment and hand position

If you use any sports equipment for squats, it will be useful for you to know how to properly squat with a barbell - the most common attribute that is used to perform exercises. In this case, you need to remember the correct position of the barbell. The ideal place for its location is on the trapezius muscles, near the seventh vertebra. If the neck is located higher, this, in addition to discomfort, can harm the spine. In some cases, wrap a towel around the bar. However, you should not make its layer very thick (this is fraught with a change in the center of mass and complicating the balance during training). With discomfort, you should slightly bring your hands together, the result of this will be a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport and relief of pressure on the shoulders. If the athlete holds on to the bar too wide, then in this case he does not rely on his hands, but on his shoulders, and there is a concentration of weight on two points.

Anyone who wants to know how to properly squat with a barbell will benefit from knowing what position their hands should be in. Firstly, in the grip, the thumbs should be placed on top of all the others, and the grip itself should be symmetrical relative to the spine. The most common mistakes that beginners make is spreading their arms towards the discs, as well as throwing them onto the bar. Extreme specialists do not recommend doing either one or the other - the neck is highly likely to turn over, and the result will be a fall and possible injury. The best solution is to stay close to the center and point your elbows down in order to maximize your shoulders.

Very often, beginners put something under their heels in order to lift them under the floor. This simplifies the process of maintaining balance, compensates for the lack of joint flexibility and will be a solution for those who cannot do exercises normally, but want to learn how to squat correctly. At home, this will not be so difficult to do if there is no way to go to the gym. However, experienced athletes recommend not to get carried away with the heels, as in this case the knees bend more at the same depth of the squat, and as a result, they go far forward, which still creates a risk of losing balance.

About the speed of execution and proper breathing

You should train at a slow pace, especially for beginners. The main thing is to concentrate on meeting all technical requirements accurately. It is strictly forbidden to make any jerks, and even more so bouncing when lifting. Slow, fluid movements are needed to learn all the techniques. Over time, the speed can be increased, but without fanaticism. First, you can lose your balance while squatting and get seriously injured. This is especially true of the knee joints. Secondly, quality is important to you, not quantity, so it is important to know how to squat correctly. To lose weight, you absolutely do not need to bet on speed, as athletes need it to pump up muscle mass. To burn fat, you need to exercise slowly.

Breathing while squatting is also very important. You need to inhale about three-quarters of the maximum breath, hold your breath while squatting, rise and exhale. This breathing technique allows the abs to help stabilize the spine and torso while safely building stronger muscles and burning fat. In addition, do not forget that you should maintain the rhythm of breathing in the interval between squats.

Squats for girls

At first glance, it may seem that squats are the same for both men and women. This is almost true, but with one significant amendment: women cannot do deep squats for two main reasons:

  • With a low squat, the load on the knee joints is greatly increased. This does not bring harm, but the appearance of cartilage and bones changes. The result is dubious-looking knees instead of slender legs.
  • When you squat deeply, the pressure on the pelvic organs, including the cervix, increases. If you do 10-20 sit-ups, it's not scary, but a constantly wide range of motion contributes to the occurrence of varicose veins due to squeezing of capillary vessels.

What exercises are the most effective and how to squat correctly in order to lose weight, gaining the body of your dreams as a result of training? Let's look into this.

Shoulder barbell squat

The purpose of this exercise is to build strength and mass in all four heads of the quadriceps muscles. The muscles of the lower back and buttocks are also involved here. This exercise is a good answer to the question of how to squat correctly. For the priests, however, it is not very effective, since the gluteal and psoas muscles do not work enough in it to achieve the desired result.

Its ideal execution consists in classic barbell squats without any forward bends with a perfectly straight back. However, practice shows that only athletes of small stature are capable of doing it. Despite this, one should strive to minimize the tilt of the body forward.

Squat "sumo"

This exercise provides powerful basic work on the entire muscle group of the lower body. It is perfect for those who want to know how to squat properly. For the buttocks, lumbar muscles, the inner part of the quadriceps, it is recommended to include it in the complex, since with these squats they take the largest weight, the largest number of muscles are included in the work with minimal load on the knees. However, well-trained muscles of the lower back are required here. Therefore, experts recommend doing special exercises to protect the spine.

Partial squat (half squat)

This type of squat involves performing an exercise with a larger load than usual, while helping to reduce the load on the knee joints and on the lower back. The movement in it is identical to the classic and sumo squats, but you should go down shallow (by one quarter or a third, a maximum of half the amplitude of the movement).

Plie squat

This exercise is aimed at effective training of the inner thighs. They are usually done if the knees come together when doing leg presses and regular squats, which is a sign that the internal muscle bundles of the quadriceps are not sufficiently developed and, therefore, there is a need for such squats. It should be noted that the technique of their implementation is complex and requires good coordination. For this reason, it is better for beginners to do plie squats using the Smith machine.

sissy squat

This exercise is designed to work the lower part of the quadriceps in isolation from other muscles. The movement to be done is identical to the leg extension in the seated machine, so it will fit perfectly into any exercise program for developing quadriceps. If you take a forced break from classes for any reason (vacation or business trip), it will be an excellent solution to the problem and help keep yourself in shape while there is no way to fully engage.

Trap bar squat

This type of squat will be a great solution for all those who want to train with this popular sports equipment, but do not know how to properly squat with a barbell. This exercise is aimed at strengthening the gluteal muscles and quadriceps. In addition, the trapezius muscles of the back are being developed.

It should be noted that these squats are not very common, since they require a special trap bar, but do not need any power racks and racks. Also, these squats are recommended for those who cannot use the classical technique due to problems with the spine. If you don’t have a trap bar, then it doesn’t matter either. These squats will be an excellent option on how to properly squat with dumbbells, because the barbell can be replaced without any loss by simply picking up a combination of deadlift and barbell squats during the exercise. The advantage is that it does not subject the back muscles to such great loads, allowing you to squat with a perfectly even back.

In addition to these exercises, there are a huge number of others. They are performed with various sports equipment and using different simulators. Each of them is aimed at working out individual muscle groups. It is only necessary to understand what needs to be done in order to receive both benefit and pleasure from classes. Learn how to squat properly. Girls who want to lose weight should not get carried away with deep fast squats, while men who want to build muscle mass should give preference to them, and also include squats with a strength component in their complex. But whatever goal you pursue, the most important thing is that it be achieved! To do this, you need the smallest thing - to start practicing.

Bodybuilders are not very friendly with "lifters", both of these categories mutually dislike "turnstiles". All three look warily at newcomers - "CrossFit". But all together these guys will agree: squats are important and necessary. With a barbell, kettlebell, sandbag or nothing.

The fact that squats are good for sculpted and strong legs and round butts is an axiom, but guys who skip leg day (such comedians are still found in gyms) do not know at all that squats are a catalyst for the growth of all other muscles in the body. Tell them this one, along with the other 19 benefits of squatting that we borrowed from our friends at bodyboss.ru.

Back squats, arm squats, Bulgarian split squats, Jefferson squats, Zercher squats, prison squats, and so on - any squat involves similar (albeit with some variations) biomechanical work that allows you to build muscle mass and increase the strength of the muscles of the lower half of the body.

Below is a list of 20 benefits of squats. We would like to note that you should not take them as the ultimate truth and an immediate call to action, but we believe that it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with this list. So leave your ego out of the gym, squat properly and you might have a lot of fun working your legs in your next workout.

1. Squats help build muscle mass throughout the body

Such exercises not only develop the quadriceps, calves and hamstrings, but also help the rest of the muscles to progress. By increasing the production of testosterone and growth hormone, squats feed the body with anabolics, stimulating the growth of muscle mass. So if you want to increase muscle mass and strength - squats will help you with this.

2. Squats help burn fat

Muscles burn fat. The more muscle, the more fat they burn. By stimulating the growth of muscle mass, squats help burn more fat. The more muscle you build on your skeleton, the more calories you will burn during training and recovery. So if you want to lose weight - do not neglect squats.

3. Squats are incredibly functional

Today, next to the good old squats, the fashionable definition of “functionality” is often used. If earlier squats were considered exercises for well-trained athletes and professional bodybuilders, today people are no longer afraid to do squats, having appreciated all the advantages of this exercise. There are countless ways to prevent injury while doing squats, and the benefits of this exercise can't be overestimated.

4. Squats help keep you mobile

In addition to simply increasing the strength and endurance of the lower body, squats are great at maintaining the mobility of the entire body. Moreover, by doing full range squats, you can develop all the muscles in your legs, as a result, you will not feel tired in your legs and will easily be able to withstand prolonged loads during outdoor activities and exercises.

5. Squats improve coordination

This parameter goes hand in hand with the growth of mobility and mobility. Improved coordination will help improve strength skills and build muscle mass. This also applies to other exercises that involve different muscle groups, such as deadlifts, dumbbell bends, ab exercises, etc. In addition, the squat will help set the stage for other leg exercises, such as single-leg squats, leg presses, and calf raises.

6. Squats Help Improve Your Performance

Squats are valued not only because they help you build mass and improve leg strength and endurance, but also because they increase the capabilities of your body as a whole: for example, you can run faster and jump further. This is especially important for those who play sports both professionally and on weekends as part of an amateur team. Squats help improve performance in a wide variety of sports. This is a truly versatile exercise.

7. Squats help prevent injury

The development of a large number of accessory muscles of the lower body, hips and lower back can significantly reduce the risk of injury with proper technique. The squat forces the muscles to work together “as a team”, guaranteeing a stable body position and eliminating weak points, so that the risk of injury is minimized.

8. Squats Help Build Core Muscles

During squats, the muscles of the central part of the body, including the muscles of the abdominal zone, are involved. According to studies, squats allow you to load the abdominal muscles even better than the usual twists. So if you want to get abs with cubes, do squats.

9. Squats improve joint health

Squats improve joint health and reduce the risk of injury if done correctly. The hip joint, knees and ankle work together during the lifting of the body. The load is distributed over all joints to reduce stress on individual joints. Straightening the legs, for example, puts a lot of stress on the knees, increasing the risk of injury.

10. Squats are very practical

Squats are distinguished not only by functionality, but also by practicality, which is perfectly manifested in everyday life. Outdoor work, playing with children, outdoor games like basketball, all these activities will be much easier for you thanks to squats.

11. Squats can be done in a variety of ways.

From back squats to regular overhead squats, there are a myriad of options you can use. Also, the positive effect of exercise can be enhanced in many ways, for example, using chairs, boxes and bandages, using high-rep techniques, alternating work and pauses.

12. Squats do not require additional costs

This exercise does not require the use of expensive simulators and special equipment. All you need is a barbell or even a pair of dumbbells. Overhead squats, kettlebell squats, and dumbbell squats require the most basic equipment. Moreover, you can limit yourself to a sandbag or a water barrel.

13. Squats can be done anywhere

At home, in the gym, even at a party! You can squat anywhere. You don't need a gym membership or expensive equipment, just do 100 simple squats or squats with your hands behind your head in your room, on the beach or in the park while jogging.

14. The squat rack is usually free

Provided that someone did not occupy it to do barbell curls. Most people today are embarrassed to work on a squat rack (or are they afraid to do it without a trainer?), preferring to train their legs separately. Leg training requires a lot of effort and focus to achieve noticeable results. If the leg machines can be busy, then the squat rack is 90% free.

15. Doing squats prevents people from doing barbell curls in a squat rack

We've all seen them. These weirdos do arm exercises in a squat rack. Although this exercise can be done anywhere. Take the barbell, set the desired load and do your exercise. But these guys think they want the barbell ready, they're too lazy to pick it up off the ground, they need the barbell to be at a comfortable height so they don't have to bend down to get it. By the way, they like to supplement their approaches with long pauses, during which you can delve into the phone for a long time or chat with other visitors to the hall. This needs to stop, doesn't it?

16. Squats develop strength qualities

It takes a lot of strength to get up from a low point while squatting. A variety of load points, a large range of motion, all this creates a unique energy curve in the lower body, which helps to increase the strength and endurance of the body as a whole, and this will come in handy when doing other exercises.

17. Squats are a great way to evaluate your form.

Have you made great strides in the bench press? Can you squeeze a ton during the shoulder press? Are you shaking your hands? What about squats? If you want to really appreciate yourself (and who doesn't?), try the deep squat. You don't stop halfway during a bench press, do you? Do you bend your arms in half? So why is it necessary not to squat to the end?

18. Squats are a versatile exercise

The only exercise that uses about the same amount of muscle as the squat is the deadlift. Squatting is a habitual action familiar to the human body.

19. Squats work the muscles in the back of your leg.

There is a lot of talk these days about the muscles in the back of the leg and how important they are in daily life. Straightening the legs does not affect these muscles in any way. During squats, not only quadriceps are involved, but also the hips and calves. Also, one should not forget about the load that falls on the lower back, upper back and neck.

Today, sports are available to almost everyone. Without spending money on subscriptions to fitness centers, you can work out where it is convenient for you, knowing only the correctness of the exercises. I would like to pay special attention to one of the most popular and effective exercises - squats. Not everyone knows how to do squats correctly, where to start, what types of exercises exist.

The squat is the most effective glute exercise. Today we will talk about the correct technique for performing exercises and the mistakes that many make.

How to start squatting?

As children, in physical education classes, we all heard the words of the coach: “20 sit-ups, warm-up.” Unsurprisingly, the exercise is suitable for performing in any environment, whether at home or on a lunch break in the office. It all seems normal and easy, but the insidious technique of properly performing squats is fraught with many pitfalls. Basic rules for doing squats:

Proper exercise technique is the key to your health, and health should not be neglected. Simple rules for performing classic squats will help save.

  • Stay on your heels throughout the performance, even dropping to the lowest point of the squat. Transferring weight to the toes is highly discouraged due to the increased load on the ankle joint of the leg.
  • Correct knee position. Pay attention to this recommendation when performing exercises with a load (barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells). The knees should always be strictly parallel to the feet, it is highly undesirable to bring them inward or wide apart. Follow the rule, thus helping the body to reduce the load on the knee joints and direct the benefits of the exercise to the desired muscle group.
  • Keep your back straight during the entire exercise, this will reduce the load on the spine and the risk of injury.
  • Take care of your neck vertebrae. Keep your neck and head straight.
  • Do not go too low during the first workouts, the body needs time to get used to the loads.

Squat technique

Squats are a godsend for training. Depending on the execution technique, you can calculate which particular muscle group you need to push.

There are several subspecies:

  1. Squats.

The most common, both among women and among men, are back squats. The execution rules are almost identical to the classic squat. Barbell Squat Technique:

  • Back straight
  • Spreads the legs shoulder-width apart, shift the socks 35 degrees outward.
  • Place a barbell (for beginners) or a barbell with weight on your shoulders, the width of the girth should be slightly greater than the width of the shoulders.
  • We reduce the shoulder blades and begin the exercise.

Do not forget about proper breathing, inhaling after each ascent, exhaling on the descent, this will help keep the abdominal muscles in good shape.

  1. Squats with an assistant.

In this type of exercise, the role of an assistant will be played by a multifunctional item that can be found in every home - a chair. Ideal for beginners due to the way it is done.

The advantage of the exercise is to reduce the load on the thigh muscles. The technique is simple, sit on a chair and abruptly stand up to the starting position. The sharpness of the jerk will set the rhythm of the muscle mass.

It is not for nothing that the next type of squat is called plie. Imagine for a moment, then we are on the stage of the theater. The legs are wide apart, the socks go to the side by 120 degrees. The hips should be parallel to the floor, keep your back and squat, keep the gluteal muscles in tension when lifting. Reminds me of a ballet step, doesn't it? For greater efficiency, you can pick up dumbbells or kettlebells.

  1. Barbell squats (type 2)

Unlike the first type described above, the barbell is placed on the chest and shoulders and is wrapped around the top of the hands crosswise. In this position, the load on the spine increases. Don't overdo the weight of the barbell.

  1. Barbell squats (3 types)

The most traumatic type. In this case, the bar is used in an overhead position, increasing the load on the muscles of the arms and upper body. The bar is taken at a distance slightly wider than the shoulders, rises above the head and remains in this position throughout the exercise. For beginners, the presence of a coach or a person on the hook is mandatory, especially when using a lot of weight. Don't forget about breathing and a straight back.

  1. Squats with closed legs.

Still, if you're not into heavy loads, try another simple squat. Close your feet, this setting will have the most positive effect on the gluteal muscles, further steps are identical to the classic version.

For variety, you can add lunge squats or balance squats to the workout, a look in which, in the classic way, we leave only one foot on the floor, and balance the other, alternately giving a large load on the muscles of each leg.

Squat Program

An effective squat program will help you achieve results and get progress!

Monthly squat program for girls and men. 30 days of exercise and the figure is in order!

Day/Approaches 1 set 2 approach 3 approach 4 approach Total
1.Monday 15 15 10 10 50
2.Tuesday 16 15 13 11 55
3.Wednesday 17 15 15 13 60
4. Thursday (We rest) - - - - -
5. Friday 20 20 15 15 70
6.Saturday 21 20 18 16 75
7.Sunday 22 20 20 18 80
8. Monday (We rest) - - - - -
9.Tuesday 25 25 25 25 100
10. Wednesday 28 26 26 25 105
11.Thursday 30 28 27 25 110
12. Friday (We rest) - - - - -
13. Saturday 35 33 32 30 130
14. Sunday 37 35 33 30 135
15.Monday 40 35 35 30 140
16. Tuesday (We rest) - - - - -
17. Wednesday 43 37 37 33 150
18.Thursday 45 38 38 34 155
19. Friday 46 40 38 36 160
20. Saturday (We rest) - - - - -
21.Sunday 50 45 44 41 180
22.Monday 52 47 44 42 185
23.Tuesday 55 48 45 42 190
24. Wednesday (We rest) - - - - -
25.Thursday 65 55 52 48 220
26. Friday 65 57 53 45 225
27. Saturday 65 60 54 46 230
28. Sunday (We rest) - - - - -
29. Monday (SUCCESS!) 70 62 55 48 240

The benefits of squats

The main focus of squats is the gluteal muscles. Everything is already individual here, because exercises will help both reduce volumes and increase or pump the ass (if I may say so, our fifth point). Of course, we cannot change the pelvic bones, here we have what is given.

An important role of squatting is the work of joints and tendons, the main thing is to correctly distribute the load, listen to your body and respond to the slightest discomfort.

Squats are considered cardio exercises, which means that they have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. If you wish, you can get in shape and improve your well-being at no extra cost right at home.

Caution won't hurt

Like any other physical exercise, squats have a number of contraindications.

If you have already had problems with the spine, pain in the knee or hip joints, and have been diagnosed with a tendency to varicose veins, it is better to consult with your doctor before starting classes. Do not neglect the signals of your body, even the smallest pain sensations, if ignored for a long time, can lead to serious consequences.

Since ancient times, man has striven for development, not only spiritual and intellectual, but also physical. The struggle for survival dictated its own laws, where physical strength played an important role. Various kinds of competitions took place in the distant centuries BC. The very history of the Olympic Games speaks of this.

Nowadays, and especially in recent years, sport has acquired a kind of cult. More and more young people meet in fitness clubs, yoga or Pilates classes, wrestling or dancing sections. Even the most ordinary school playgrounds are no longer empty in anticipation of a new school day.

In cafes, more and more often you can hear the conversations of girlfriends about proper nutrition recommended by a personal trainer. Such a transformation of society cannot but rejoice, a healthy lifestyle is boldly striding through our Motherland, attracting more and more supporters.

Take care of your health. Do not forget that the body, like the mind, needs constant training. Squats are a great form of exercise!

For muscle development and figure modeling, it is useful for women to squat with a barbell. If they want to lose weight, they reduce calorie intake, to give the body a relief, they adjust the diet in favor of protein. With a calorie restriction of up to 2100 kcal per day and 2 times a week, you can have beautiful shapes and wear clothes no higher than size 42.

The basis of the success of girls when squatting with a barbell is correct technique.

When performing an exercise with violations, problem areas - the buttocks and hips do not receive enough load, and the risk of injury increases.

Before removing the barbell from the rack rehearsing in front of the mirror.

How to master the right technique

First work out the depth of squats. Together, the barbells take a gymnastic stick, and a chair is placed at the back for safety net near the mirror. They stand sideways to him, put her on her shoulders and lower the pelvis to the seat or a little deeper. Important so that the knees do not peek out from behind the line of the fingers. As soon as the muscles remember the movements, they move on to working with the barbell.

Lifting squat variation for women

A multi-joint exercise involves the entire lower body in the process. Working muscles: press, spinal erector, buttocks, hip rotators, square loin, calf, ankle stabiliser.

  1. Before taking the projectile, they control the posture, draw in the stomach, bring the shoulder blades together.
  2. The neck is wrapped around with hands at a distance of 35 cm between the palms. A wider setting of the hands will not allow you to maintain balance.
  3. For stability of the body, the feet are placed at shoulder level, the toes are slightly turned to the sides. For those who find it difficult to maintain a straight back, the knee joints are bent at an angle of 45 °.
  4. Shoulders lead under the neck below the rear deltas.
  5. When squatting with a barbell, the center of gravity falls on the heel and in the centers of the feet.
  6. When lowering the pelvis, a slight forward tilt is made, but the chest is not lowered low. The process is similar to sitting on a low chair.
  7. To increase the load on the press, the body is lowered while inhaling, without bringing the knees down and controlling the position of the lower back.
  8. At the lower point, the lumbar region remains immobile, otherwise, under the weight of the weight, the pelvis will go to the left or right.
  9. The culmination of the exercise is the rise. Due to the smooth extension of the knees on the exhale, the body is straightened.

We are watching video with all the nuances of the technique of squatting with a barbell for girls:

How many times to squat

Slimming women commit 5 sets of 12-16 reps with light weight controlling every move.

The number of times increase gradually. At work to ground the number of repetitions is reduced to 6-8, but the weight of the bar is increased, and the last attempt is performed at the limit of strength.

Exercise Versions

In addition to the lifter, they use weightlifting variant squats with a barbell on the shoulders. The difference lies in the position of the neck, which is placed on top of the trapezium. In this place, women have less soft tissue than men. With a full turn of the shoulders, the trapezoidal bundles immediately relax on their own, forming a “cushion” for the projectile.

Depending on the position of the hands and the projectile, barbell squats give different results. The neck is held not only with straight arms, but crossed and pulled in front of them to the shoulders.

  • The standard position of the hands is safer when lifting heavy weights.
  • The second option is more often chosen by athletes with experience, keeping their elbows parallel to the floor, which greatly complicates the process. The mechanics of movements and the principle are similar.

Barbell squats for girls in video format