A pimple on an intimate place in a woman. Methods for preventing the appearance of acne in an intimate place

Among the many women's problems, acne in the intimate area deserves close attention. This rare phenomenon sometimes goes unnoticed if it is superficial and short-lived. Another thing is when a painful abscess appeared, causing a lot of inconvenience and threatening complications.

When to see a doctor

Pimples in the groin area cannot be called a sign of a serious illness, but it is risky to ignore them. Any purulent pimple in an intimate place in women is considered potentially dangerous.

Attention! It is undesirable to engage in squeezing out acne on your own, this will accelerate the spread of infection. Such manipulations can lead to a hospital bed, namely, to sepsis. It is better to do with softer means - for example, lotions from aloe juice, Vishnevsky ointment. Sometimes it’s worth just waiting until it “ripens” itself and empties itself naturally.

The most suspicious are ulcers in the labia, anus and mucous membranes with concomitant colds - sore throat, fever. An alarming symptom, if they suddenly began to appear in large numbers or are accompanied by an increase in inguinal lymph nodes, itching and burning in the genitals, and the discharge began to smell strange.

In this case, we are talking about an infection or even a sexually transmitted disease, which requires an urgent examination by a doctor - only under his guidance should diagnostics and treatment be carried out.

What you need to know about venereal diseases?

So, syphilis can be contracted not only sexually, but also through everyday contact. In addition, it can only make itself felt a month after infection.

Genital herpes, compared with the previous disease, manifests itself more transiently - from two to ten days. Blisters that occur not only in intimate places, but also on the lips, are often mistaken for a "cold". It will not be possible to completely suppress the disease, and it is possible to alleviate the condition only with antiviral agents.

Unusually shaped formations - pink cones with curdled contents indicate infection with molluscum contagiosum. The method of dealing with them is to improve health and increase immunity. Doctors may also resort to medication or surgery.

If you suspect pubic pediculosis, which can cause irritation and the appearance of pustules, it is recommended to simply eliminate the hairline in the foci of infection and treat with a special agent.

The resulting tubercles and swelling, causing inconvenience while walking, are symptoms of the formation of a Bartholin gland cyst. The culprits of the disease are E. coli, staphylococcus and venereal infections. Treatment is carried out by a specialist, prescribing appropriate procedures and taking antibiotics.


Sometimes inflamed hair follicles are mistaken for acne due to their similar structure. In some cases, there are small white seals - fatty cysts. A similar accumulation of fatty consistency occurs due to blockage of the sebaceous gland by skin growths.

Black pimples in the bikini area are similar sebaceous plugs clogged with fat, secretion of sweat glands and dead epithelial cells. They are practically harmless as long as they are not injured. Otherwise, a sore pimple may turn out to be a boil. And it will take a long time to heal.

If white acne has gone in intimate places, you should be more careful in matters of hygiene, and this also indicates a metabolic disorder.

A red pimple with characteristic watery vesicles is a sure sign of an exacerbation of type 2 herpes. It should be feared, if only because it is extremely contagious and if it is found, you should consult a doctor. If it is dense and resembles an ordinary eel, then it is treated accordingly.


The most common causes of acne in an intimate place in women are:

  • Hormonal imbalance in certain age periods associated with the restructuring of the body - in girls during puberty, during pregnancy and menopause.
  • As a result of unsuccessful cosmetic procedures, acne and irritation often appear after shaving the intimate area. Acne in the groin in women can also appear after shugaring, other methods of hair removal, which lead to inflammatory processes, the formation of "ingrown hairs" and injure the hair follicle.
  • Neglect of hygiene measures and sanitary requirements, which creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of bacteria.
  • Improper nutrition, the abuse of fatty foods, salty snacks, and sweets - all this leads to inflammation of the digestive organs and is reflected on the skin.
  • Chronic stress weakens the immune system.
  • Wearing tight synthetic underwear.
  • An allergic reaction after taking certain medications.
  • Colds, infectious and venereal diseases.

This problem is familiar not only to women, acne in the groin in men is a frequent occurrence. A pimple that appears in an intimate place in men should be alarming.

It is necessary to monitor its development and in case of pathology, be sure to seek advice from an experienced dermatologist. Only he will be able to differentiate a dangerous symptom from harmless rashes.

The reasons are different prerequisites, like a woman after shugaring, a man can get a pimple in the genital area if he has previously sloppily shaved his hair in this area.


Any incorrect manipulation can cause irreparable harm. Therefore, the first condition before any procedure is to achieve maximum cleanliness of the hands and the place of suppuration. The best option is to use sterile medical gloves. The diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin should first be washed with soapy water or treated with an antiseptic.

One of the best remedies for getting rid of pimples and ulcers is aloe. It is enough to cut along the previously washed leaf and attach the protruding pulp to the diseased surface overnight.

Usually a few days after three or four such procedures, there is significant relief. Aloe juice has a bactericidal effect, draws out pus and promotes the speedy healing of a wound.

Important! In the treatment of boils, ulcers and burns, leaves of the plant older than 3 years are used, since young specimens do not have healing power.

In the case when acne appeared in an intimate place due to a cold, the usual antiseptic treatment with hydrogen peroxide, a strong manganese solution or iodine helps well. To do this, soak a cotton swab with medicine and process it several times.

If an internal pimple has popped up, it is advisable to go to the doctor for an examination - perhaps this is a fatty cyst, which does not make sense to treat on its own - it requires surgical intervention.

If the inflammatory processes recur frequently and bring many problems, a dermatologist may advise patients to take a course of antibiotics.


Prevention of any dermatitis consists in general health measures and maintaining a proper lifestyle:

  • bad habits should be abandoned or reduced to a minimum;
  • be sure to include fruits and vegetables in the diet, observe the regime of the day and wakefulness, walk more often in the fresh air;
  • treat chronic diseases of internal organs in time and increase immunity;
  • in the genital area, as, indeed, everywhere, ideal purity should reign;
  • wear underwear only from "breathable" fabrics of adequate sizes.
  • avoid provoking factors - for example, so that a pimple does not pop up after shugaring, it is necessary to do a light peeling of the skin with a special gel or scrub before the procedure.
  • in no case do not squeeze out purulent formations in a barbaric way.

And most importantly - with long-term non-healing pimples in the bikini area, suspicions of sexually transmitted diseases, do not self-medicate, but immediately consult a doctor.

Today we will talk about such a delicate topic as a purulent pimple on an intimate place in a woman. If you see such a pimple in your groin, then it is better to visit a dermatologist. As a rule, the nature of the phenomenon is harmless, but sometimes it can be evidence that the body is affected by a serious disease.

The most common reasons are listed below.

Table. What causes a rash in the groin

CauseShort description

This condition is considered normal during the transition period. In addition, imbalance can be a consequence of pregnancy and menopause.

Purulent acne is a symptom of a number of sexually transmitted diseases.

The skin after depilation can become inflamed, “ingrown” hairs appear.

If a woman wears tight-fitting underwear, then the “breathing” of the skin can be difficult.

Frequent stressful situations and irregular meals can also lead to such consequences.

Pimples can only be an allergic reaction to taking certain drugs.

Because of this, “impurities” can accumulate in the groin, creating ideal conditions for the development of bacteria.

About “non-anxious” acne

In some cases, hair follicles are taken for a rash - light, dense dots. But these are quite natural objects of the subsequent growth of the hairline, so you should not worry and study them carefully.

Also, acne is confused with the sebaceous glands, which are hypertrophied in the groin due to the thicker skin (when compared with other areas).

Such glands look catchy, they are easy to notice. If they really interfere, then they can be easily eliminated by personal hygiene, the use of antibacterial agents and special vitamins. But squeezing intimate abscesses is strongly not recommended!

How to treat?

Inflamed glands give rise to pustules that can range in color from light pink to red.

For the treatment of these abscesses, fairly simple methods are used. First, the skin is thoroughly washed with soap and once dry, one of the following procedures is performed.

Once again, we note that it is impossible to squeeze out intimate acne. This is allowed only if the abscesses are fully ripe. After the gland is freed from its contents, it must be disinfected.

Now let's find out what else purulent acne can appear in the groin.

They look like small "bumps" under the skin of a predominantly white color. They are formed due to clogging of the sebaceous glands with skin growths: in this case, fat is forcibly accumulated and hardens, giving rise to dense “bumps”. Cysts do not bring any pain or discomfort to a woman, and they can be removed with a quick and simple operation.

Note! Purulent acne in the groin may also indicate infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted.

Venereal disease

Due to promiscuity and the reluctance of many to use contraception, the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases is growing literally every year. It is not always possible to be confident in your sexual partner, and after intimacy, acne can occur in the groin and anus. There are other symptoms of infection - an increase in lymph nodes in the groin, fever, itching and burning of the organs of the reproductive system. And if acne is accompanied by at least one of these signs, then it's time to contact a venereologist.

Genital herpes

Genital herpes - photo

The symptoms of this disease appear quickly enough. On the genitals of the patient appear "bubbles" after a week. Note that these "bubbles" often appear on the lips. The rash causes burning, swelling and itching. Pus accumulates inside the acne, which after a while is squeezed out, and the wounds formed after that become ulcers, although they soon heal.

The condition may worsen with a cold, pregnancy or stress.

How to treat?

This disease can only be suppressed, but medicine is still unable to completely cure a person. When herpes worsens, antiviral agents are prescribed to the patient.


One of the most severe diseases of the STD group, syphilis can be contracted not only through sex, but also through everyday life. The danger of the disease is that all the symptoms - ulcers on the labia, ulcerative formations on the mucous membrane - can appear only one and a half to two months after infection. At first, the patient may not know about the infection, which is why the disease only worsens in the future. Signs of syphilis include not only abscesses and ulcers, but also sore throat, temperature changes, and general weakness.

How to treat?

The disease is treated with antibiotics (orally and by injection). If the patient is allergic to penicillin, then it is replaced with other drugs. The duration of the course depends on the degree of neglect of the pathology.

Bartholin gland cyst

Pathology appears if the excretory duct does not function normally. In this case, the fluid of the Bartholin gland, unable to be excreted naturally, accumulates under the skin and hardens. The bumps that appear in this case can cause discomfort if the gland is infected or the cyst is inflamed. Chlamydia, Escherichia coli, gonococci and staphylococci can lead to the development of the disease.

There is swelling of the labia minora in the area where the cyst appears, the body temperature rises, and pain syndrome appears.

How to treat?

Antibiotics are used for treatment, which can be administered in one of two possible ways:

Another reason for the appearance of abscesses in an intimate place. Molluscum infection occurs both with intimacy and with banal skin contact. As a rule, people become infected during a decline in immunity.

The mollusk differs from ordinary abscesses in a slightly different structure - it is a small pink "cone" with a shiny surface. During palpation, pain does not appear, but when pressed, a curdled substance can be released from the formation.

How to treat?

Under the normal state of the immune system, such acne disappears in 2-24 months. Drug treatment is aimed at strengthening the immune system.

It is also possible to carry out an operation, which may consist of:

  • cryodestruction;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • excision.

Video - Treatment of molluscum contagiosum

As a rule, pubic lice "live" on the hairs growing in the groin area, but sometimes spread to the eyebrows and eyelashes. Pediculosis is often sexually transmitted, but you can get infected without it. Lice feed on blood, which irritates the skin, leading to itching and acne.

How to treat?

Treatment of pubic pediculosis consists in the elimination of hairline and the treatment of the skin with special means. After that, the sore spot is thoroughly washed.

Note! If in a week you did not manage to get rid of a pimple on your own, then you need to go to a gynecologist who will tell you which doctor you should contact. So that the disease (whatever it is) does not worsen, it is necessary to seek help after the first appearance of an abscess.

Preventive measures

Prevention of acne in the groin is, first of all, in personal hygiene. The shower should be taken regularly and with the use of special cleansers for intimate places.

Underwear should be changed daily, it is also important that it be of high quality and always natural.

If the linen is new, then before trying it on, you need to thoroughly wash it. It is also recommended to refrain from casual sexual intercourse and - once again - not to squeeze pimples.


Sometimes a rather delicate problem arises before a man and a woman - a pimple in the intimate area. Having discovered the formation, you should not hesitate, but you should immediately contact a specialist who deals with skin diseases. It is quite possible that the cause of the appearance of a purulent pimple is harmless enough and you should not worry. However, a situation is also possible when the appearance of a pimple in an intimate place is an alarming symptom, and the sooner the disease is diagnosed, the better.

Purulent pimple in an intimate place in women and men: causes

The spread of acne in an intimate place in women is not uncommon, however, the causes can be classified from the most serious to quite banal:

  • hormonal failure in the body - may appear during the reorganization of the physiological cycle of a woman - during pregnancy and during menopause or during age-related restructuring of the body;
  • consequences of depilation - some ladies have an increased sensitivity of the skin to external influences, therefore, after shaving the intimate area, acne appears;
  • stress, as well as violations of diet and sleep;
  • violation of hygiene standards;
  • allergic reaction to drugs;
  • low-quality or too tight underwear;
  • the presence of a venereal disease.

"Safe" acne in an intimate place

It happens that people in emotions confuse a rash with hairline follicles. These formations are of natural origin, and they are absolutely safe. Also, sebaceous plugs on the pores of the skin are often mistaken for a purulent pimple in an intimate place in women and men. The reason for this is that in intimate places the skin is very thin and all formations look much larger than elsewhere.

However, if these formations interfere, then it is very easy to get rid of them by treating them with conventional antibacterial drugs and observing the rules of personal hygiene. The most important thing is not to squeeze out such pimples. This action can lead to severe inflammation. It is very easy to deal with this problem.

Pimple in an intimate place in women: how to treat?

First of all, it is necessary to clean the surface of the skin with soapy water and only after that proceed with treatment:

  • iodine can be used to ripen a pimple. Apply a cotton swab with the substance to the pimple for 5-10 minutes;
  • excellent means to combat ulcers are: "Levomekol" - ointment and hydrogen peroxide. During the day, wipe the damaged area with liquid. At night, compresses are applied from Vishnevsky or Ichthyol ointment;
  • Aloe leaves also have healing properties. It is necessary to attach a sheet to the sore at night. The option is very efficient.

Pimples in the intimate area. What is it?

Below we consider what types of painful acne are in an intimate place, as well as diseases accompanied by acne in the bikini area:

fatty cyst

These phenomena are a series of small white bumps that occur due to blockage of the gland with sebaceous secretions. The appearance of a cyst does not cause discomfort to a woman, but outwardly it looks extremely unaesthetic. You can solve the problem of a fatty cyst with the help of a simple surgical procedure.

Venereal diseases

Emancipation in sexual relations very quickly put people in front of the problem of venereal diseases. In this area there is a very large number of viruses, strains, modifications of diseases. Each species affects the human body in its own way and extremely negatively. Alas, people still have not learned how to deal with this or that type of disease effectively enough. For some types of diseases, a cure has not been found to this day.

The infection enters the human body imperceptibly, through sexual intercourse. Purulent pimples in the intimate area secrete the very components that can infect another person.

The main and relatively common symptomatology for all types of sexually transmitted diseases is that a person develops a black pimple in an intimate place, the temperature rises, and inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs in the groin. It hurts, itches and the person suffers from it. If there are such signs, then the best option would be to sign up for a consultation with a venereologist.

Unfortunately, few diseases are curable. In such cases, doctors prescribe an enhanced course of antibiotics, however, the sooner the disease is detected, the greater the chance of recovery.


Very often lately people suffer from such a sexually transmitted disease as syphilis. You can get infected both sexually and through everyday contact. It all depends on the form of the disease.

The whole difficulty in diagnosing an infection lies in the fact that the first symptoms begin to appear a month after infection. The main symptoms include purulent acne on the mucous membrane in the intimate area and even near the anus.

Syphilis is one of the most severe sexually transmitted diseases, which can be “picked up” both during sexual intercourse and in an innocent household way.

At the initial stage, a person does not even suspect about the infection. Only much later, the patient begins to suffer from sore throat, temperature changes, the appearance of purulent acne and ulcers.

Syphilis is treated with antibiotics. The treatment plan is drawn up depending on the level of complexity of the disease.

Herpes genital

This is another representative of a sexually transmitted disease. The disease proceeds much faster than syphilis and the symptoms are simpler. As a rule, the appearance of herpes is accompanied by a rash of many small bubbles filled with liquid in the intimate area and sometimes on the lips.

The rash is accompanied by severe itching, burning and some swelling. Sooner or later, the bubbles burst, and an ulcer appears, which heals very soon. It is impossible to cure genital herpes and the only thing that is available to mankind so far is the suppression of the disease with antiviral drugs.

You also need to know that things like pregnancy, stress, and the common cold can cause herpes.

Bartholin's gland - cyst formation

The formation of a cyst is the consequence of a violation in the functioning of the excretory stream. Since the liquid cannot be excreted from the body in the usual way, it accumulates and sooner or later begins to appear on the surface of the skin. After that, the liquid hardens and a sore pimple appears on an intimate place in women. The fact is that the cyst becomes very inflamed and becomes the object of infection. The disease can occur if the body has E. coli, gonococcus, chlamydia or staphylococcus aureus.

The disease can be diagnosed by the fact that the labia minora swells, and the patient's temperature rises significantly and pains appear.

The disease is treated with antibiotics. Also, a catheter is inserted near the cyst, which will remove excess fluid in the usual way.

If a pimple appears in an intimate place - this is not a reason to sound the alarm. The skin in this area is very thin and delicate, and pimples may appear in a woman after depilation. This process is fleeting, and they quickly disappear. But if acne jumps up regularly, then perhaps this is how a cold and internal diseases manifest themselves in the female body. Although a rash in intimate places is not only a female problem, men also suffer from it.

Acne on intimate places occurs in both sexes.

Main reasons

In order for acne to appear in an intimate place, there are a large number of reasons, some of which still cannot be diagnosed.

With a rash of acne in an intimate place, the causes are as follows:

  • Hypothermia of the body and as a result, a red, sore, purulent pimple appears in an intimate place.
  • A rash found in the perineum may be the result of an allergic reaction. In women, allergies can be caused by synthetic underwear, daily scented panty liners, products for application to the skin after depilation.
  • Pimples that popped up in the bikini area are often due to simple non-observance of hygiene rules.
  • A pimple in an intimate place in women can appear after a hair removal procedure, regardless of the method. After depilation with a machine, skin irritation, redness often occurs, and the places where the hair is cut begin to itch. After epilation, when the hair follicle is destroyed or the hair is removed from the root, pimples and irritation appear due to sensitivity to the components of the epilation agent, violations of the technique, primarily skin disinfection, mechanical damage to the epidermis. The hair follicle, sebaceous ducts and nerve endings are interconnected. After epilation, when the bulb is removed, the nerve fibers receive an impulse, and the sebaceous glands produce more secretions that can clog the ducts. As a result, one black pimple or several may form, which, under the influence of various irritants, as well as skin microflora, often become inflamed and turn into purulent acne.
  • The causes of painful acne on the genitals can be associated with diseases of the reproductive system, especially sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis and molluscum contagiosum. White acne with secondary syphilis quickly turns into pustules. As a result, they cover both the outer and inner sides of the labia in women.
  • Purulent inflammation of the hair follicle or folliculitis may be the reason why a pimple jumped up in an intimate place. The disease has a different degree of severity. With deep folliculitis, a subcutaneous pimple is formed, which, unlike a boil, does not have a white purulent core.
  • A pimple in an intimate place in men is one of the signs of vulgar sycosis. The pustular process mainly occurs after depilation and is localized on the chin and. First, a tubercle appears, in which the inflammatory process gradually begins with the formation of a purulent crust.
  • Single in an intimate place in women is often a manifestation of furunculosis. An inflammatory focus is formed that affects the hair follicle and skin. Such elements are red and very painful. As it matures, a rod with necrotic contents is formed, the head of which protrudes above the surface of the skin. The maturation period averages two weeks, then pus is poured out in large quantities, and a scar is formed.

Shaving is one of the causes of acne

With a weakened immune system or the presence of concomitant diseases, they can appear quite regularly. With a single manifestation, the general well-being of a person remains unchanged. If there are many boils, malaise is possible.

  • Acne on the genitals in women can be caused by penetrating the sweat glands through wounds on the skin after epilation. Then we are talking about such a disease as hydradenitis. Pimples on the genitals begin their development from the deep layers of the skin. Gradually, their size increases and can reach 2 cm in diameter, the red color changes to cyanotic. The cavity element takes the form of a cone. Its tip soon turns into a fistulous passage, from which thick pus is released. Very often hydradenitis recurs. People with weak immunity, suffering from beriberi, are prone to the formation of a large number of such inflamed nodes.
  • If a pimple popped up in an intimate place, then this may be another consequence of the penetration of staphylococcus and streptococcus through microtraumas into the dermis. Conflicts are formed - symptoms of a disease such as impetigo. They are vesicles with pus. In the genital area, the formations are very similar to the abscesses that form with syphilis.

Therapeutic activities

Any type of rash requires attention and should serve as a reason for contacting a medical institution. This is especially necessary in the following cases:

  • rashes appeared after sexual contact;
  • acne hurts and does not go away for a long time;
  • nodular formations cause discomfort in the form of itching and burning;
  • the presence of multiple pustular rash.

Levomekol helps get rid of abscesses

A dermatologist will help determine the cause and prescribe a treatment, which must be comprehensive. Therapy is aimed not only at getting rid of acne, but also at eliminating the factors that provoked their appearance.

For furunculosis, topical agents are used. For the speedy maturation of the boil is used. After the release of pus, ointments and solutions are applied:

  • "Levomekol";
  • "Bactroban";
  • "Tomicid", etc.

It is also necessary to carry out vitamin and diet therapy with a decrease in the amount of carbohydrates.

Special medicines can help with hydradenitis

Therapeutic tactics for hydradenitis is not complete without the use of the following medications:

  • oral antibiotics;
  • vitamin therapy, especially B and A;
  • local applications with ichthyol;
  • rubbing with salicylic alcohol and tincture of calendula.

In a complex course of the disease, when a solid node does not open for a long time, it causes severe pain, surgical excision is possible.

Manifestations of impetigo should be treated according to the above principle with the addition of aniline dyes (magenta, brilliant green) and antibacterial ointments that inhibit the reproduction and growth of bacteria. An example of such a drug is Lincomycin ointment.

Sycosis is treated using the following therapeutic measures:

  • rubbing with aniline dyes;
  • use of ointments containing antibiotics.

In the advanced stage of the disease, oral antibiotics are prescribed.

The general rule in the treatment of all types of rashes in the genital area is a ban on.

Antibiotics will help stop the inflammatory process

Very often, doctors in the treatment of acne use complex drugs, the spectrum of action of which is very wide:

  • relieve inflammation;
  • stop the development of microorganisms;
  • have an antibacterial effect;
  • relieve itching.

As part of such drugs, manufacturers combine glucocorticosteroids with other types of medicines: antibiotics, antimycotics, antiseptics.

Most often, acne in an intimate place jumps up in women, as their skin is more sensitive and prone to all sorts of irritations. You should immediately pay attention that a pimple on the pubis or even on the labia is not always a sign of some kind of disease. Most often, this is an allergic reaction or the result of a small cold. In most cases, groin rashes are painless and go away on their own within a few days. But, there are times when even a small pimple in the intimate area can be a harbinger of a sexually transmitted disease.


The most common cause of acne in an intimate place is a hormonal imbalance (pregnancy, puberty or menopause). Less often, such rashes may appear due to:

  • Inflammation of hair follicles;
  • Cold ();
  • Allergic reactions (to synthetic underwear, a razor or pads);
  • Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene (promiscuous sexual intercourse or the inability to take a shower during long train or bus trips);
  • Venereal disease ();
  • Severe stress or constant anxiety.

It often appears after hair removal procedures (epilation or self-shaving with a machine).

Purulent acne in an intimate place

Things are more complicated with acne in the intimate area with purulent content. They are often painful and take a very long time to pass. In appearance, they are reddish or closely gray in color, no larger than a match head. When pressed, they are accompanied by painful sensations and may express a viscous liquid of a gray-white color. Such rashes should be treated very carefully, as they can become a "gateway" for infection. It is not recommended to squeeze or pick them. In cases where it is nevertheless squeezed out, it is imperative that the resulting wound be treated with antiseptic agents.

In some cases, purulent pimples on the pubis may indicate that it is sexually transmitted. A distinctive feature of such rashes is the curd content, which is easily squeezed out at the slightest palpation, and the glossy shade of the pimple itself. As for the manifestations of syphilis, it is characterized by purulent rashes in the labia, less often in the pubic region. They look like small sores.

When should you see a doctor?

Even in a completely healthy person, pimples in an intimate place can jump up from time to time. But, the immunity of a healthy person easily copes with them within a few days. You should seek professional help in the following cases:

  • If the rash appeared after accidental sexual contact;
  • A painful pimple has jumped up in the area of ​​the labia and does not go away for more than a week;
  • Small pimples are accompanied by severe itching and burning;
  • The appearance of small sores or bubbles filled with a cloudy liquid in the groin.

Even if you have not had casual sex and you are hygienic, there is a chance of infection in public restrooms, pools or bodies of water.

How to treat a pimple in the intimate area?

If you are firmly convinced that the cause of your rash does not lie in sexually transmitted diseases and colds, then you can treat the affected area with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs. But, this does not mean that the pimple must be torn off before treatment. In no case! Even if it is filled with purulent contents. All pimples are treated superficially to relieve redness and swelling (if any.

For disinfection, a cotton swab moistened with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide is perfect. As compresses, you can apply cotton swabs soaked in iodine or Vishnevsky ointment. For purulent acne, compresses based on Levomekol ointment are perfect, after which they “break through” the very next day. It is important to treat the wounds with antiseptics in time and lubricate with iodine.


There can be no prevention as such - this is a banal observance of the rules of personal hygiene, the absence of casual sexual intercourse and regular examination by a gynecologist. It is also good advice to select high-quality underwear made from natural materials that allow the intimate area to “breathe”. Use panty liners as little as possible, especially in the summer. They can also cause blockage of the sebaceous glands or cause an allergic reaction in the groin.