Vesical deprive. Symptoms of vesicular lichen and methods of infection

The situation in which the pubis itches causes discomfort and discomfort and may be evidence of the onset of the disease.

The main reasons for the appearance

Causes of itching:

In rare cases, it develops for reasons such as:

  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • frequent stress;
  • diabetes;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • anemia;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • menstruation;
  • stripe atrophy of the skin;
  • lichen;
  • oncology.

Possible diseases

A course of treatment

To determine the course of treatment, you should contact a specialist for a diagnosis. Localization of itching may take from 2 days to several months. Untimely access to a doctor can make it difficult and increase the time of recovery.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent, it is necessary to carefully and constantly monitor hygiene. Women are recommended to take a shower up to 2 times a day, regardless of the season, men should wash their genitals at least 1 time a day. To clean the intimate areas, it is necessary to use special hygiene products.

In order to avoid infection with various diseases, it is necessary to support the immune system of the body, periodically taking minerals and vitamin complexes, and provide a balanced diet.

A high-quality razor will help to avoid irritation on the pubis, as well as deep steaming of the intimate area before epilation. The movements of the machine should be made according to hair growth. To soften the procedure, use a shaving gel or cream.

Avoid unprotected sex with casual partners.


Itching on the pubis can be caused by irritation or allergies, but can be a sign of serious illness. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the nature and nature of the manifestations by contacting a specialist.

The appearance of unpleasant sensations on the body is accompanied not only by a bad mood, but also by negative consequences, if you do not find out in time what kind of problem is in the body. Great inconvenience causes itching in the pubic area, for women this becomes the cause of stiffness. The article will discuss diseases that cause a similar symptom, and their treatment.

If we exclude all pathological symptoms, then we can identify 8 causes of severe itching on the pubic part in women:

  1. Allergy is a common cause of many diseases, it can manifest itself abruptly, even if there were no problems before. Itching is caused by various fragrances, additives in intimate hygiene products or shower gels, and in case of inflammation, synthetic underwear and thongs should be abandoned. All of these funds react with conditionally pathogenic flora, provoke the appearance of itching and irritation.
  2. It is no secret that epilation injures the skin. The reaction can go not only to the means (most often wax), but also to the hair removal itself. Often, when they begin to grow, unpleasant sensations appear, especially if the hair grows. In this case, it is better to consider an alternative method of hair removal, such as laser.
  3. Dysbacteriosis can also be the cause of itching, only the imbalance here is considered between lactobacilli and the already previously known opportunistic flora, which so often gives a signal to the appearance of irritation. This problem develops due to the course of antibiotics or gastrointestinal diseases, and discharge is usually noticed.
  4. Most often, pregnant women complain of itching, which is due to a change in the hormonal background and the vaginal environment, which becomes alkaline. The alkaline environment is ideal for the awakening of fungal viruses and bacteria, which manifest themselves in the form of severe itching. Such symptoms appear to a greater extent at the beginning of pregnancy, when immunity falls and the body is actively rebuilt, and at the end, when estrogen is released many times more and prenatal changes already occur. Usually in this case, it is advised to take baths with soda, but you need to consult with your doctor in advance.
  5. If we are talking about itching in young girls, then usually the whole reason lies in insufficient hygiene, improperly selected underwear and the occurrence of fungi. Also, experts say that an excess of sweet can cause the appearance of fungi and pinworms in the inguinal zone.
  6. When the female body prepares for menstruation, discharge and itching may occur. This occurs due to irritation of the mucosa during hormonal changes.
  7. One of the rarest but possible cases is a reaction to semen. The fact is that the composition of the semen itself can cause dermatitis on the labia, this indicates the incompatibility of the microflora, so sexual contact with this partner will be accompanied by subsequent irritation.

Not to mention personal hygiene. When a woman wears underwear for 2 days, does not wash herself for more than a day and does not follow the usual hygiene rules, then, as a result, there is an unpleasant smell, itching, and sometimes discharge.

Mechanical damage and itching

Mechanical damage can be obtained due to improper hair removal in the groin area. Especially often rashes on the skin appear after shaving at home with a regular razor or epilator, sometimes women can accidentally damage the skin. There are also cases when the hair grows after removal, small pimples form, most often painful.

During salon hair removal, there is also a possibility of irritation, so the master immediately after the procedure treats the skin with a greasy cream or a special solution.

Infectious processes on the genitals and itching

Molluscum contagiosum on the pubis

The most common infectious disease is molluscum contagiosum. Moreover, immediately after infection there are no symptoms, but after two months of the incubation period, not only itching on the pubis is noted, but also the appearance of a kind of rash on the skin.

Many confuse it with moles, especially when only a couple of nodules appear, because they look like skin color, or red with a white head. If you open it, then a white slurry stands out, which is not so easy to remove from the root. With small appearances, it is not necessary to open, if the rash is in places of friction, then self-opening often occurs, but the main thing here is not to let the isolated infection get to other areas of the skin, otherwise they will also be infected. The best thing to do is treat the exposed area with peroxide. If there is no concern, then it is not worth opening, after which large scars may remain, and if not completely squeezed out, the bump will grow again.

Molluscum contagiosum does not cause itching and pain, but purulent acne just shows such symptoms. Here the situation is already more complicated, because pus gives blood poisoning and such rashes can occur more and more. The reason for this is usually weak immunity, therefore, when you turn to a doctor, you need to purchase not only prescribed drugs, but also ask about immunomodulators.

It is transmitted exclusively through sexual contact, and for each partner, its symptoms may manifest themselves in different ways. The incubation period passes quickly, literally after a couple of days, severe itching begins, “bubbles” form, usually there are a lot of them and in several places.

Under mechanical action, the bladder bursts and liquid is released, then ulcers form at this place, which will heal for a long time. Pathology can go away on its own, one has only to consult a doctor and start using an ointment that accelerates healing.

Relapses occur in the following cases: frequent failures of the immune system, the presence of concomitant chronic diseases, frequent stress, prolonged exposure to cold, colds and pregnancy.

Fungal infections of the skin in the intimate area

Fungus is one of the most common causative agents of itching and irritation. Fungal diseases are not the most dangerous, but rather unpleasant, with proper treatment, you can quickly get rid of them. All infection is due to pathogens that spread the infection throughout the groin area, itching often appears in the vagina. Of all the fungal diseases, thrush is the most common. With it, the following symptoms are observed: severe itching in the pubic part, on the labia; curd-white discharge for a long time; the occurrence of pain during urination or sexual intercourse.

When these symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a specialist. Perhaps we are talking about a different type of fungal disease, and a self-selected course of treatment in this case provokes complications. A long wait can lead to the appearance of a purulent rash, which is even more unpleasant for a person, and abscesses are seedlings of infection, so you should not delay visiting a specialist.

One of the most unpleasant diseases is pubic pediculosis, if in other cases we are talking about inflammatory reactions, here the causative agents of severe itching are lice. They can be infected not only during sexual intercourse, but also in public places, because lice can live for a long time in a normal environment.

With this disease, the entire inguinal zone and labia are covered with rashes in the form of small pimples, which can not only itch severely, but also “burn” and tingle. To get rid of such carriers of infection, long-term treatment with the use of serious medications is required.

The fight against itching with pharmaceutical and folk remedies

There are a number of diseases that go away on their own if a person begins to more diligently monitor their hygiene. However, if the situation is more serious, it is better to turn to medicines or use traditional medicine.

What actions should be taken?

If unpleasant symptoms are found, it is necessary to visit a therapist who, depending on the complexity of the situation, will prescribe treatment himself or refer him to a gynecologist. Even if the doctor does not talk about a biochemical blood test, it is better to do it for your own peace of mind. Next, you should make an appointment with a dermatologist who will determine the stage of development of the disease and the best methods for its treatment. It is advisable to choose individual methods of contraception together with your doctor.

Pharmacy funds

No less effective is the use of products sold in pharmacies:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • Levomekol;
  • ointment "Sudokrem" with a drying effect;
  • solution "Decasan";
  • tea tree oil - relieves inflammation, eliminates itching.

These funds must be applied until the skin is completely healed.

In order to avoid problems in the future, you need to carefully monitor both hygiene and immunity, a failure in its work gives rise to the development of infectious diseases.

Drugs that help eliminate itching and irritation are divided into several types:

  • Antihistamines - they are prescribed when the cause of itching is the appearance of foreign organisms, these can be worms, lice, tapeworms - they all provoke itching.
  • Hormonal - prescribed either for contraception or to restore hormonal levels, some of the drugs need to be taken for life.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs are one of the simplest drugs that are used for minor non-hormonal diseases, such as molluscum contagiosum.
  • Antifungal - are prescribed when the cause of irritation is a fungus. If the disease is neglected, then hormonal supplements are used in medicines.

Traditional medicine recipes

For less serious pathologies, you can completely limit yourself to folk remedies:

  • With purulent rashes, it is advisable to use alcohol tinctures with disinfectant properties. They dry pimples well and prevent them from growing and spreading.
  • It is very effective to use aloe juice, before that the plant should not be watered for about three days, then you need to cut off a large leaf and cut it lengthwise. Juice will begin to stand out, which must be applied to irritated skin at night, fixed with a plaster.
  • Tinctures of calendula and chamomile perfectly relieve inflammation, moisturize and soothe the skin. To prepare such an infusion, you need to take two teaspoons of herbs and pour 350 ml of boiling water, leave for about 1.5 hours. Wipe the inflamed areas several times a day. More infusion can be added to the bath. This makes it easier to treat large areas of skin.

For mild forms of disease, alternative methods can be much more effective than taking pills that take time to digest. When the form is serious, it is necessary to prescribe a doctor to take medication, and lotions will be an additional treatment to enhance the effect.

This disease is viral, develops as a result of the fact that the body is damaged by the herpes virus. Simple vesicular lichen (according to ICD-10, the disease was assigned code B00) is a fairly common disease.

The main causes of occurrence

Simple bubble lichen, the photo of which is presented above, appears as a result of the fact that the herpes simplex virus enters the human body, which is activated. Most often, infection occurs during infancy.

Under the influence of certain reasons, the virus may begin to awaken. In this case, the process of development of bubble lichen is started. Most often, this disease manifests itself in older people, this is due to a natural process. Based on this, it becomes clear that the incubation period is not limited, it can last for several decades.

First signs

The symptomatology of this disease manifests itself rapidly, initially there is a sharp pain that constantly worries, after which the infected person develops other symptoms, such as:

  • Changes in body temperature. Often this is accompanied by chills, the temperature rises rapidly, and then normalizes.

  • The general condition becomes worse, weakness, lethargy and antipathy appear.
  • The digestive organs cease to function normally.
  • The patient has frequent headaches and dizziness.
  • Lesions appear on the skin in the form of a rash, which, in turn, causes tingling and severe itching.

Other symptoms

Already in the first stages of the disease on the patient, it will be possible to notice characteristic small vesicles that are located close. This type of inflammation can gradually reach a large size and merge together. Often such rashes appear in the patient throughout the body. The vertebral zone becomes the focus of neoplasms, then they spread to the stomach. Several foci of inflammation may appear on the body at once, and they will be located symmetrically, but there are also cases where their placement is asymmetrical.

In rare cases, a rash may appear on the face, especially in the cheeks and eyes.

Still extremely rare cases of the appearance of such lichen on the buttocks, feet, thighs and chest. If immunity is greatly reduced, the development of a rash can spread throughout the skin.

The rash remains on the body for no more than 14 days. Throughout this time, the bubbles are covered with a hard crust, and later they dry out and crumble. But the pain syndrome in this disease can remain even after the rash has passed.

How to diagnose a disease?

When external manifestations appeared on the body, the rash must be shown to a therapist or dermatologist. And this will be enough to make an accurate diagnosis. The doctor will determine the strain of the virus by a characteristic rash. After that, he will collect an anamnesis and conduct laboratory tests according to the prescribed methodology. The most common diagnosis of this type of lichen is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. A blood test is taken.
  2. An immunofluorescent study of the patient is being performed.
  3. PCR is carried out.

If the patient has signs of a complication, it is necessary to conduct an additional check, for example, to do an MRI. In the event of a serious complication, doctors may prescribe additional studies in order to determine the exact condition of the patient, as well as to find out the cause of the onset of this disease.

Proper treatment of the disease

If this disease has appeared in adults, then this can cause a serious complication, therefore, in no case do doctors recommend self-treatment of vesicular lichen (the photo of the disease is presented above). If during the examination in the hospital it was found that this particular disease is present, then it is necessary to start complex therapy using special preparations. At the moment, there are a huge number of drugs that are designed to suppress viruses and eliminate its characteristic manifestations.

Most of those infected are being treated on an outpatient basis. Those who have the immunodeficiency virus, in case of a severe course of the disease, must be in the hospital under the supervision of doctors.

How to treat vesicular lichen with the help of pharmacology?

This lichen is well treated with medication, but before you start taking medications, you should consult your doctor. All medicines that are taken during this disease are prescribed by a doctor. First of all, it is recommended to use antiviral drugs, they are available in the form of an ointment or tablets. The most popular are:

  • "Zovirax".
  • "Valacyclovir".

In addition to the means for oral administration, with lichen lichen in children and adults, topical ointments are necessarily prescribed, which can accelerate the process of maturation and drying of the rash. Often there is such a situation that interferon is prescribed as therapy. These drugs have their own characteristics. They only work on the virus.

In the event that a lesion of the nervous system has occurred, the patient experiences convulsions, drugs intended for an anticonvulsant state are prescribed, these include Gabapentin and Pregabalin.

And also an accelerator is often used, which affects the disease and eliminates the signs of any infection. Doctors recommend that patients take corticosteroids. And in order to eliminate the pain syndrome and reduce its intensity, special painkillers or anesthetics are prescribed.

The most popular drugs

The list of optimal remedies for this disease is quite large. Ibuprofen is often prescribed, but the most popular anti-inflammatory drugs are:

  • "Nimesil".
  • "Naproxen".
  • Meloxicam.

In order to actively combat itching, special antihistamines are prescribed. They are also necessary in order to improve the condition during the period of infectious therapy.

Unfortunately, it often happens that during therapy other bacterial infections join the course of the disease. In order to prevent this, antidepressants are prescribed (for example, Fluxicin), as well as a whole complex of vitamins and homeopathy. When the case is too severe and advanced, the patient is advised to vaccinate and administer a drug to weaken the virus. This procedure contributes to the rapid destruction of the damaging infection.


Treatment of vesicular lichen at home includes proper nutrition and hygiene rules.

At the moment when the patient has begun treatment for lichen, it is necessary to start eating right so that there are no foods in the diet that contribute to the development of this virus. On the contrary, it is necessary to use those foods that contain special vitamins to maintain and strengthen the immune system. Vitamin E, B and C are excellent protection for immunity, they strengthen it, and thus the acidity in the body for the virus decreases, this habitat is unfavorable.

Best Products

Products that must be consumed in order to actively fight against bubble lichen:

  1. Brewer's yeast.
  2. Lean meat.
  3. Seaweed.
  4. Ginger.
  5. Potato.
  6. Products containing soy.
  7. Milk.
  8. Seafood.

Doctors recommend that you carefully monitor the diet, it is advisable to exclude fast food, alcoholic beverages, fried fish dishes and those dishes that are richly seasoned with pepper. All these foods are heavy, as they overload the liver, and this, in turn, can have a tremendous impact on the human immune system.


Proper hygiene is also very important during lichen disease. It is necessary to properly carry out activities related to bathing. In order to prevent the development of rashes, it is necessary to follow such rules as:

  • Hand washing should be done as often as possible using disinfectant soap.
  • During illness, only personal hygiene products should be used. Comb, towel, dishes must also be your own.
  • Bed linen should be changed as often as possible, it is recommended to do this every two to three days.
  • Ointments that will soften the skin must be applied with a special cotton pad or ear stick, which should be thrown away immediately.
  • In no case should you touch the lesions with hands that have not been disinfected, this can provoke a large development of the network.

Dermatologists categorically forbid patients suffering from this disease from squeezing blisters, and it is also not recommended to peel off crusts with erosion. All these activities can lead to the fact that there is a lot of damage to the soft tissues, and the infection can spread further through the body.

Folk remedies for dealing with such a virus

In order to stop this type of lichen, you can use not only antiviral agents, but also medicines that are prepared from natural products and medicinal herbs.

From traditional medicine, for the treatment of a blistering rash, it is recommended to use the following tinctures as an additional drug:

  • Propolis tincture. To prepare this drug, 300 g of alcohol, 40 g of dry propolis are needed. All this is mixed and left to brew for several days. After preparation, the product is ready for use, they need to treat the area around the inflammation. This will help prevent the rash from spreading further.
  • Aloe is also an excellent remedy in the fight against lichen. To prepare it, you need to twist a few leaves of the plant in a meat grinder and strain with gauze. The liquid that was obtained from the plant is meant to wipe the rash. This procedure is recommended to be done four or six times a day.
  • Garlic is also ideal in the fight against a viral disease. It must be crushed, squeeze out the juice, and treat the affected area with the resulting liquid. This procedure is done three to four times a day. Before performing this event, the skin must be cleaned of impurities. This is done with an antiseptic.

Consequences of the disease

Unfortunately, dermatosis, which appeared as a result of a viral disease, can be very serious and carry complications. They are divided into two types:

  • Specific. These consequences are manifested if the treatment of lichen was not timely or incorrect. At the moment when the active development of diseases is carried out, the virus can enter the internal organs and disrupt the functioning of the liver tissue, damage the brain or damage the esophagus.
  • Nonspecific complications. These consequences can occur at the moment when another virus or bacterium joins during the period of illness. Such a situation can result in a purulent inflammation unfolding or a disruption in the functioning of the nervous system. In this case, getting rid of the disease will be much more difficult and lengthy.

Additional measures

During the period of time when lichen is actively developing, the patient poses a great danger not only to himself, but also to others. In order to prevent the transmission of the disease, it is necessary to constantly monitor the work of the immune system. It is recommended to constantly supply it with vitamins. It is also necessary to reduce the risk of recurrence. To do this, it is recommended:

  1. Apply ointments designed to fight the virus.
  2. Healthy food.
  3. Get rid of bad habits.
  4. Take drugs that improve the immune system.

Unfortunately, lichen diseases often occur when the immune system has not yet matured. In order to reduce the likelihood of developing this virus, it is necessary to monitor nutrition, especially in the autumn or spring, use a complex of vitamins. This will allow you to take preventive measures, improve immunity and thus protect yourself or your child from diseases.

Vesicular lichen is a characteristic manifestation of the herpes simplex virus, in which small blisters with transparent contents are observed. Often they occur on inflamed areas of the skin.

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    Medical indications

    Dermatological lesions due to the herpes virus are quite common. They rank second in frequency of detection after the flu. The situation is complicated by the fact that almost 9 out of 10 inhabitants of the planet are carriers of this difficult virus. Relapses of the disease can develop at any time.

    In most cases, the activation of the microorganism occurs during stress, nervous tension, and hypothermia. Therefore, such lichen is often called "colds." Other reasons can provoke an episode of herpes:

    • overheating;
    • emotional outbursts;
    • infectious diseases;
    • hormonal imbalance.

    Every HIV-infected patient has symptoms of lichen.

    The development of lichen simplex can be caused by viruses of 2 serotypes, one of which causes a rash on the patient's face (on the lips, nose, cheeks, cornea of ​​the eyes). Infection with such a pathogen occurs in childhood. Most often, the virus enters the body through the respiratory tract, by contact. Another subspecies provokes the appearance of a rash on the perineum, on the buttocks, and genitals. Infection is possible only through sexual contact.

    Clinical manifestations

    The rash is located randomly on the surface of the skin. Previously, a feeling of discomfort, burning sensation appears on the skin. The cover turns red, small grouped bubbles with transparent exudate appear on it. After 2-3 days, the bubbles begin to burst, erosive formations appear in their place. In this case, patients feel severe pain, tingling and discomfort in the lesion. Dry crusts appear at the site of the rash, which can easily fall off. The rash does not leave marks or scars.

    Vesicular lichen has several clinical forms:

    1. 1. Pathology of newborns - there is a sharp rise in body temperature, swelling of the mucous cheeks, tongue, tonsils. Bubbles appear on them, which turn into erosion. There may also be an increase in the lymph nodes of the head.
    2. 2. Chronic pathology manifests itself periodically in the form of rashes. The frequency of such episodes is different: there are remissions lasting up to several years. Rarely, dermatosis occurs, in which new elements of the rash develop against the background of unhealed old formations.
    3. 3. Genital herpes - its causative agent is the first serotype of the virus. The disease develops with self-infection or with the use of other people's hygiene items (washcloths, toothbrushes, towels).
    4. 4. Kaposi's eczema is an extremely severe manifestation of the herpes virus. This dermatosis herpetiformis occupies large areas of the skin, provokes severe pain, and causes a rise in body temperature. After healing, scars often remain on the surface of the skin. In severe cases, the virus can affect not only the skin, but also internal organs. There have been cases with a fatal outcome.
    5. 5. Disease of gladiators - a rare form of pathology, occurs in athletes who compete in close contact with an opponent (wrestling). Characterized by localization of the rash in the area of ​​the neck, face, shoulders.
    6. 6. Pathology of the fingers on the hands is rare. It is characterized by a large area of ​​damage. Such an ailment is transmitted very often through injuries or damage to the skin.

    Diagnosis of pathology

    Thanks to a specific clinic, the diagnosis of dermatosis is simple. Already at the initial examination, an accurate diagnosis can be made. For confirmation, a number of additional studies are carried out:

    1. 1. Samples for cytology. They are taken from the vesicles by scraping, stained and examined under a microscope.
    2. 2. Blood test for the presence of antibodies to the herpes virus.
    3. 3. PCR, which is carried out to detect the virus and determine its type, subtype. Venous blood or secretions from the genital organs are taken as laboratory material. Such a study is relevant for the acute period of pathology, and in the period of remission it can be false negative.

    Therapy Methods

    Herpes cannot be cured. The main emphasis in treatment is aimed at strengthening the protective properties of immunity. This is done in order to minimize the frequency of recurrence of pathology. It is best to use complex therapy against herpes.

    The first stage is the use of antiviral drugs (Atsik, Famvir). This in a short time significantly reduces the concentration of the virus in the body. The second stage is the use of immunomodulatory drugs (Cycloferon, Likopid).

    At the third stage, treatment with an inactivated vaccine is carried out. It can be carried out one month after the removal of the exacerbation. This method of struggle is recommended only after consulting specialists.

    The choice of the drug, its dosage and method of use is selected by the attending physician individually.

    It is based on the condition of the patient, the presence of complications, the type of virus and the state of immunity.

    As an addition, physiotherapy is often used:

    • UVI methods;
    • infrared irradiation;
    • laser therapy.

Ringworm simple vesicle is a viral disease characterized by a rash of grouped vesicles on an acutely inflammatory edematous base.


The disease occurs as a result of a herpes infection caused by primary infection with the herpes simplex virus or reactivation of a latent (hidden) herpes infection. At the same time, a limited or generalized vesicular rash appears on the skin, especially on the face, around the mouth, on the red border of the lips and mucous membranes of the oral cavity, nasal passages, eyes (keratoconjunctivitis), genital organs, vulva, vagina (vulvovaginitis), a limited or generalized vesicular rash develops, keratoconjunctivitis develops or even occasionally meningoencephalitis or encephalitis.

Histopathological studies of lesions in the epidermis or epithelium reveal balloting degeneration, intercellular edema, single-chamber and multi-chamber (superficial) blisters, vacuolar degeneration of spiny cells. In the papillary and subpapillary layers of the dermis, edema is detected.
expansion and plethora of blood vessels, inflammatory infiltration along them with lymphocytes and polynuclear cells.
It should be noted that vesicular lichen is often associated with various infectious diseases, pneumonia, injuries, hypothermia, and in rare cases, menstruation.

The disease is observed in both adults and children. About 90% of people infected with the herpes simplex virus in early childhood remain carriers of it all their lives.

Therefore, patients with recurrent vesicular lichen should be carefully examined to identify foci of chronic infection (nasopharynx, paranasal cavities, bronchi, female genital organs, prostate, urethra), as well as chronic diseases of the liver, gallbladder, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine disorders.

Symptoms of lichen lichen simplex:

Rashes are located in groups (one or more) transparent bubbles, the size of each of which varies from the size of a pin to the size of a match head. They focus on edematous moderately hyperemic skin.

Their occurrence is usually preceded by a feeling of mild itching or tingling. The exudate of the vesicles becomes cloudy within 1-2 days, and then, together with the tire, dries into a gray or brown (hemorrhagic) crust. Quite often bubbles are opened and on their place the weeping with polycyclic edges pink-red erosion which soon become covered with a thin crust are formed. Especially quickly groups of bubbles turn into erosion when they are localized on the mucous membranes or on areas of the skin with high humidity, subjected to friction. The disease often recurs.

Diagnostics and differential diagnostics

With the localization of erosion on the genitals, it must be differentiated from a hard or soft chancre, a cancerous ulcer, herpes zoster. Patients should be examined to rule out syphilis.

Lichen simple bubble - treatment:

To treat a rash of simple vesicular lichen, powder with a powder consisting of zinc oxide and talc (1: 1), lubricate with interferon, florenal, oxolinic, 2-3% ichthyol or dermatol ointment. Ointments with sulfanilamide preparations or 3% megasin, 1% rhyodoxol, 05% bonafton, 5% alkizarin ointment are also used. Erosion is recommended to be lubricated with a 0.25% solution of silver citrate, drilling fluid, 2-3% solution of furacilin or rivanol.

In case of recurrent vesicular lichen, autohemotherapy is prescribed, injections of vitamin Bp of anti-measles immunoglobulin, inside - aureomycin, tetracycline, oxytetracycline, interferonogen megasin, intramuscularly - interferon. When a rash occurs on the oral mucosa, rinse several times a day with an infusion of chamomile flowers. For the treatment of recurrent herpes, a herpes vaccine, antiherpetic immune globulin is used.


For the prevention of lichen lichen simplex, it is necessary to treat foci of chronic infection, avoid hypothermia, use a polyvalent anti-herpetic vaccine, specific anti-herpetic immune globulin.