The work program of the educator of the dow according to fgos. Drawing up a work program for a kindergarten teacher

Before approaching the design and writing of a teacher's work program, it is important to know the basic concepts that exist in preschool education.

1) Approximate basic educational program- developed by methodologists. Preschool institutions take it as a basis for developing their own educational program, taking into account the regional component and local conditions (for example, "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa; "Origins", "Rainbow", etc.).

2) Educational program of preschool educational institution- a management document that fixes certain norms, goals, content, technologies and methods, forms and means that are used in each specific preschool institution when organizing the educational process. Developed by the head of the preschool educational institution and the creative team.

3) Teacher's work program- is developed by the teacher on the basis of the educational program of the preschool educational institution. The structure and content of the work program is developed taking into account the requirements and standards approved at the federal level (in our case, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, which has been in force since 01/01/2014). The work program is a regulatory document and is approved by the head of the preschool institution.

Normative documents regulating the activities of educational institutions and teachers:

Article 2. Basic concepts used in this Federal Law

9) educational program - a set of basic characteristics of education (volume, content, planned results, organizational and pedagogical conditions and, in cases provided for by this Federal Law, certification forms, which is presented in the form of a curriculum, calendar curriculum, work programs of educational subjects, courses , disciplines (modules, other components, as well as assessment and methodological materials;

Article 48. Duties and responsibilities of teaching staff

1. Teaching staff are required:

1) carry out their activities at a high professional level, ensure the full implementation of the taught subject, course, discipline (module) in accordance with the approved work program.

Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees October 31, 2010 Section: Job Responsibilities:

Teacher-speech therapist - Implements educational programs.

Teacher-psychologist - Maintains documentation in the prescribed form, using it for its intended purpose. Participates in the planning and development of developmental and correctional programs of educational activities, taking into account the individual and gender and age characteristics of students, pupils, in ensuring the level of training of students, pupils that meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard, federal state educational requirements.

Educator (including the senior) - Develops a plan (program) of educational work with a group of students, pupils.

GEF preschool education(order dated 10/17/13, valid from 01/01/2014) - contains requirements for the structure of the educational program of preschool education, and therefore the requirements for compiling the work program of the teacher.

Sections of the work program for GEF DO.

1. Title page

3. Target section:

Explanatory note

Purpose and objectives of the main educational program

Principles and approaches in the organization of the educational process

Characteristics significant for the development and implementation of the work program. Features of the organization of the educational process in the group (climatic, demographic, national - cultural and others)

Age and individual characteristics of the contingent of children

Planned results of the development of the Program.

Curriculum for the implementation of BEP DO in the senior group of MBDOU PGO "Kindergarten No. __". In the form of a table: Directions of development; Types of children's activities; age group; Forms of educational activity

List of teaching aids that ensure the implementation of educational activities in the senior group. In tabular form: Direction of development; methodical manuals; visual - didactic aids; workbooks.

Forms, methods, methods and means of implementing the program in the senior group. In the form of a table: direction of development; forms of program implementation (Joint activities, Independent activities, Interaction with the family); ways; methods and techniques; facilities)

Interaction with family and society.

Planning work with children in a group:

Approximate annual planning

Calendar-thematic planning (GCD and joint activities)

A model for organizing joint activities of a teacher with pupils of a preschool educational institution.

Part of the preschool educational institution: Features of the organization of the educational process in the group (climatic, demographic, national - cultural and others)

5. Organization section.

Design of the subject-spatial environment.

Daily routine, GCD structure (schedule of classes, motor mode, scheme for hardening children.

List of teaching aids (for the implementation of the main part and part of the preschool educational institution).

In the field of physical development, special attention should be paid to:

In the field of cognitive and speech development, special attention should be paid to:

In the field of social and personal development, special attention should be paid to:

In the field of artistic and aesthetic development, special attention should be paid to:

The priority area of ​​activity is to ensure equal starting opportunities (for senior preschool age)

Goals (taking into account the main goal of the FGT)

The formation of a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual and personal qualities, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities that ensure social success, the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children, the correction of shortcomings in the physical and (or) mental development of children ...

Objectives (taking into account the objectives of the charter, priority areas of activity, taking into account regional specifics)

  1. Protecting the lives and strengthening the physical and mental health of children...
  2. Providing cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic and physical development of children…..
  3. Education taking into account the age categories of children of citizenship, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the environment, Motherland, family…….
  4. Implementation of the necessary correction of deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development of children ....
  5. Interaction with the families of children to ensure the full development of children……
  6. Providing advisory and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives) on the upbringing, education and development of children ...

Features of the implementation of the educational process (national - cultural, demographic, climatic, etc.)

The regional specificity is determined taking into account the implementation of the tasks of the “Exemplary regional program for the education of preschool children”, Yekaterinburg: IRRO. – 2008

RP is built on the principles (see FGT, programs "Success", "From birth to school):

II. Organization of the mode of stay of children in a group

2.1 The daily organization of the life and activities of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics and the social order of parents, provides for personality-oriented approaches to the organization of all types of children's

Daily organization of life and activities of children (day routine)

2.2 Designing the educational process in accordance with the contingent of pupils, their individual and age characteristics

Model of organization of the educational process

Organization of the educational process (brief description)

The implementation of each area includes:

  1. model, scheme or table "Relationship with other educational areas";
  2. software and methodological support;
  3. table of implementation of educational areas in different forms of work.

The work program consists of two parts:

  1. obligatory part;
  2. part formed by the participants of the educational process.

The volume of the mandatory part is determined: taking into account the age categories of children.

The structure of the work program is based on the directions of the child's development: physical, cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic. The implementation of the main directions of the development of children contributes to the achievement of the main goal: the upbringing and development of the child.

The volume of the compulsory part is 80% of the time required for the implementation of the educational program, calculated in accordance with the age of the pupils, the main directions of their development, the specifics of preschool education and includes the time allotted for:

Educational activities carried out in the process of organizing various types of children's activities (game, communication, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading);

Educational activities carried out during regime moments;

Independent activity of children;

Interaction with families of children on the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education.

The PART formed by the participants of the educational process reflects:

1) species diversity of the institution, the presence of a priority area of ​​activity to ensure equal starting opportunities for teaching children in general educational institutions;

2) the specifics of the national-cultural, demographic, climatic conditions in which the educational process is carried out.

The volume of the part of the work program formed by the participants in the educational process is 20% of the total volume of the educational program.

Part of the Educational Program, formed by the participants of the educational process in groups of a general developmental orientation, is implemented taking into account the specifics of the national-cultural, climatic, geographical and other conditions in which the educational process is carried out, on the basis of the “Exemplary regional program for the education of preschool children”, Yekaterinburg: IRRO. - 2008.

In groups for children of senior preschool age, priority activities are carried out to ensure equal starting opportunities for teaching children in educational institutions that implement the main educational program of primary general education.

Educational activity plan

Comprehensive thematic planning (see the program "From birth to school")

Integration Accounting

Implementation of the content of the work program, taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of pupils, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas, in joint activities of children (OD in the RM, SOV)

Direction of activity


1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation was developed for the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten No. 1 "Alyonushka" (hereinafter - DOE) in accordance with the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 No. 279-FZ (Article 26, clause 4 , p. 5, Model Regulations on a preschool educational institution No. 22946 dated 01/18/2012, the Charter, the Requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, which has been in force since 01/01/2014 (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard) and regulates the procedure for the development and implementation of work programs for teachers .

1.2. The work program is an obligatory component of the Educational program of a preschool educational institution that implements preschool education programs, developed by teachers of all age groups, specialists for each age group.

1.3. The work program is a normative document that presents the basic knowledge, skills and abilities to be mastered according to the program, which determines the most optimal and effective content, forms, methods and techniques for organizing the educational process for a certain age group in order to obtain a result.

1.4. The work program is developed on the basis of the Main General Education Program in the following areas: "Physical development", "Social and communicative development", "Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development".

1.5. The work program (hereinafter referred to as the Program) is a document that determines, in accordance with the regional component, with the priority direction of the Institution, the main content of education, the amount of knowledge, skills that pupils have to master.

1.6. The structure of the work program is the same for all teaching staff working in the Institution.

1.7. The work program is compiled by the teacher for the academic year.

1.8. The design of the content of education is carried out by teachers in accordance with the level of their professional skills and the author's vision.

1.9. The completeness and quality of the implementation of the Program is monitored by the head and deputy head of the Institution.

1.10. The Regulations on the Program come into force from the moment of issuing the order "On approval of the Regulations" and are valid until changes are made.

1.11. The term of this provision is not limited. The provision is valid until a new one is adopted.

1.12. The position is approved by the pedagogical council of the Institution.

1.13. The regulation on the work program of teachers is annually prolonged.

2. Goals and objectives, functions of the Work Program

2.1. The work program is a legal document that is mandatory for implementation in full, designed to implement the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Education of the second generation to the conditions and result of the education of the pupils of the Institution in accordance with the approved Model of directly educational activities.

2.2. The purpose of the Program is to provide a holistic, clear system for planning educational activities, improving the quality of education for children at each age stage of preschool childhood, improving the work of the teaching staff of the Institution, achieving the planned results of mastering the main educational program of preschool education (specify the requirements of the Standard for targets).

2.3. Program Objectives:

To give an idea of ​​the practical implementation of the components of the federal state educational standard when studying a specific section of the general education program;

Specifically determine the content, volume, procedure for studying the section of the general educational program, taking into account the goals, objectives and characteristics of the educational process and the contingent of pupils of the Institution.

Improving the professional competence of teachers through the systematization of educational activities.

2.4. Functions of the working program:

Goal-setting, that is, it determines the values ​​and goals for the achievement of which it is introduced into a particular educational area;

Normative, that is, it is a document that is mandatory for implementation in

in full;

Procedural, that is, it determines the logical sequence of mastering the elements of content, organizational forms and methods, means and conditions of learning;

Analytical, that is, it reveals the levels of assimilation of content elements, objects of control and criteria for assessing the level of development of children;

Determining the content of education, that is, it fixes the composition of the content elements to be mastered by pupils (requirements for a minimum content, as well as the degree of their difficulty.

3. Structure of the Work Program

3.1. The structure of the Program is a form of representation of the educational area as an integral system that reflects the internal logic of the organization of educational and methodological material, and includes the following elements:

Title page.

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“Federal state standard of preschool education. Comparative analysis of FGT and GEF"

From January 1, 2014, the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 "On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education" comes into force.

The standard was developed on the basis of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation and provides an opportunity to take into account the regional, national, ethno-cultural characteristics of the peoples of the Russian Federation in the development and implementation of the Program. The standard reflects the agreed socio-cultural, public and state expectations regarding the level of preschool education, which are guidelines for the founders of preschool organizations, specialists in the education system, families of pupils and the general public.

Principles for the development of GEF:

1) support for childhood diversity; preservation of the uniqueness and intrinsic value of childhood as an important stage in the overall development of a person;

2) the personality-developing and humanistic nature of the interaction between adults (parents (legal representatives), teachers) and children;

3) respect for the personality of the child;

4) implementation of the Program in forms specific for children of this age group, primarily in the form of play, cognitive and research activities, in the form of creative activity that ensures the artistic and aesthetic development of the child.

GEF preschool education pursues the following goals:

raising the social status of preschool education;

ensuring by the state of equal opportunities for each child in obtaining a quality pre-school education;

providing state guarantees of the level and quality of education based on the unity of mandatory requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs, their structure and the results of their development;

maintaining the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation regarding the level of preschool education.

The standard is aimed at solving the following problems:

1) protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being;

2) ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of each child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status, psychophysiological and other characteristics (including disabilities);

3) ensuring the continuity of the goals, objectives and content of education implemented within the framework of educational programs at various levels;

4) creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, developing the abilities and creative potential of each child;

5) combining training and education into an integral educational process;

6) the formation of a general culture of the personality of children, including the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities;

7) ensuring the variability and diversity of the content of the Programs and organizational forms of preschool education;

8) formation of a socio-cultural environment corresponding to the age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of children;

9) providing psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of the health of children.

GEF preschool education establishes 3 groups of requirements:

to the conditions for the implementation of the Program, including requirements for psychological and pedagogical, personnel, financial conditions and for the subject-spatial environment;

to the structure of the Program;

to the results of the development of the Program, presented in the form of targets for preschool education.

Requirements for the structure of the educational program of preschool education and its volume:

The program determines the content and organization of educational activities at the level of preschool education.

Structural divisions in one Organization (hereinafter referred to as groups) may implement different Programs.

The program is developed and approved by the Organization independently in accordance with this Standard and taking into account Model Programs.

Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of preschool education:

Requirements for the developing object-spatial environment

Requirements for personnel conditions for the implementation of the Program

Requirements for the material and technical conditions for the implementation of the educational program

Requirements for the financial conditions for the implementation of the main educational program.

The developing object-spatial environment should provide:

the possibility of communication and joint activities of children (including children of different ages) and adults, the motor activity of children, as well as opportunities for solitude.

implementation of various educational programs; taking into account the national-cultural, climatic conditions in which educational activities are carried out; taking into account the age characteristics of children.

The developing object-spatial environment should be rich in content, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

Requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program of preschool education:

The requirements of the Standard for the results of mastering the Program are presented in the form of targets for preschool education, which represent the age characteristics of the child's possible achievements at the stage of completing the level of preschool education

Targets are not subject to direct assessment, including in the form of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring), and are not the basis for their formal comparison with the real achievements of children.

"Monitoring" - the systematic exercise of control. "Diagnosis" is how the monitoring will be done. Without psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, it is impossible to carry out effective actions and outline the following activities.

Targets should not be confused with the development of educational areas. This is a beacon to aim for! Targets are formed on the basis of educational areas, and they are subject to monitoring.

Clause 3.2.3. During the implementation of the program, an assessment of the development of children can be carried out as part of pedagogical diagnostics (assessment of the pedagogical actions of the educator). Mastering the program is not accompanied by intermediate and final diagnostics.

The specifics of preschool childhood (flexibility, plasticity of a child’s development, a high scatter of options for its development, its immediacy and involuntariness), as well as the systemic features of preschool education (the optional level of preschool education in the Russian Federation, the inability to impute a child to any responsibility for the result) make the requirements unlawful from a child of preschool age to specific educational achievements and determine the need to determine the results of mastering the educational program in the form of targets.

The targets of the Program serve as the basis for the continuity of pre-school and primary general education. Subject to the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the Program, these targets assume the formation of prerequisites for learning activities in preschool children at the stage of completion of preschool education.

Targets cannot serve as a basis for certification of teaching staff, assessment of the quality of education. (Section 4, clause 5 of the Federal State Educational Standard)

socio-communicative development;

Material from the site

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 17" / Educational activities / Work programs

Working curriculum for pupils of the middle group No. 8

This work program has been developed taking into account the exemplary basic educational program of preschool education "Childhood" / Ed. T. I. Babaeva, A. G. Gogoberidze, O. V. Solntseva, the educational program of the preschool educational institution - in accordance with the federal state educational standard for preschool education. The work program is designed for the 2015/16 academic year.

The solution of program educational tasks is carried out during regime moments, within the framework of directly educational activities, in various forms of joint activities of adults and children, as well as in independent activities of children. The content of the work program includes the integration of educational areas that ensure the versatile development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in five educational areas: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic and physical development.

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Material from the site

Explanatory note

The main goal of the work program is to create favorable conditions for a full-fledged life of a child in preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of a basic personality culture, the comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparation for life in modern society, for schooling, ensuring life safety preschooler. These goals are realized in the process of various types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading.

1. to promote the natural process of mental and physical development of children through the organization of play, communication, cognitive research, labor, motor, reading fiction, musical and artistic, productive activities;

2. provide psychological and pedagogical support for the development of educational areas;

3. to implement forms of organization of joint adult-children's (partnership) activities in the course of direct educational activities (GCD), independent activities (SD), regime moments, work with parents.

To achieve the goals of the program, the following factors are of paramount importance:

Caring for the health, emotional well-being and timely comprehensive development of each child;

Creation in groups of an atmosphere of a humane and benevolent attitude towards all pupils, which allows them to grow up sociable, kind, inquisitive, proactive, striving for independence and creativity;

Maximum use of various types of children's activities, their integration in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process;

Creative organization (creativity) of the educational process;

The variability of the use of educational material, which allows developing creativity in accordance with the interests and inclinations of each child;

Respect for the results of children's creativity;

The unity of approaches to the upbringing of children in the conditions of a preschool educational institution and the family;

Compliance with continuity in the work of kindergarten and primary school, excluding mental and physical overload in the content of the education of preschool children, ensuring the absence of pressure on subject education.

Age features of the development of children 5-6 years old (older group)

A 5-6 year old child can regulate behavior on the basis of learned norms and rules, his own ethical ideas, and not in response to the demands of other people. Emotionally experiences non-compliance with norms and rules and inconsistency of behavior with their ethical ideas.

Without adult control, without being distracted, he can perform labor duties, complete unattractive work, and clean up the room. Behavior becomes more restrained. Plays amicably, restrains aggressive reactions, shares, distributes roles fairly, helps in interaction with friends.


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Compiled by professionals. Correspond to GEF DO. New generation programs.

The proposed work programs are intended for educators (preschool teachers) working in kindergartens with groups from the first junior to preparatory. Fully comply with all the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Compiled on the basis of an exemplary educational program "From birth to school" ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

Degree of readiness: just enter your last name and print.

The number of pages per group is from 250 to 308.

Place an order using the links below and receive materials instantly after payment is received:

A preschool educational institution working according to a single format for writing programs can purchase programs in sets. The cost of one program is 250 rubles, the cost of a package of all work programs is more profitable - 1000 rubles, and in , including other programs, the cost of programs has been reduced by almost half. The materials are offered in electronic form, which allows them to be adjusted, taking into account the internal conditions of your preschool educational institution.


The work programs of the new generation are addressed to educators of preschool educational organizations (institutions), teachers of additional education, preschool specialists, a wide range of people working with children from 2 to 7 years old.

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (Order No. 1155 of 17.10.2013), work programs are a component of the content of educational activities of the Exemplary General Educational Program of Preschool Education "From Birth to School" edited by N.E. Veraksy, .S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

A set of work programs for a preschool teacher, compiled on the basis of an exemplary basic general educational program for preschool education "From birth to school", ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, is a detailed long-term planning for five age groups : children 2-3 years old (first junior group), 3-4 years old (second junior group), 4-5 years old (middle group), 5-6 years old (senior group), 6-7 years old (preparatory group).

The programs provide for the development of the content of the main educational program of preschool education, complement it and contribute to the harmonious social and communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic, physical development of children, stimulating their cognitive motivation, creativity, healthy lifestyle skills, form an interest and value attitude to joint educational activities.

The programs are drawn up taking into account the basic requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO and its educational areas: "Social and communicative development", "Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development", where the priority is to gain experience in various types children's activities.

The methodological basis of the work programs is made up of pedagogical scientific developments on the integration of social and communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic, aesthetic, motor activities, taking into account a personality-oriented and individual approach (V.I. Andreeva, T.I. Babaeva, V.V. Belova , K. Yu Belaya, V. P. Bespalko, M. A. Vasilyeva, N. A. Veraksy, V. V. Gerbova, A. G. Gogoberidze, T. S. Komarova, E. E. Krasheninnikova, I. Lerner, I.A. Pomoraeva, L.I. Penzulaeva, T.F. Saulina, O.A. Solomennikova, S. N. Teplyuk, O.A. Shiyan).

When compiling programs, the best experience and traditions of domestic preschool education, a comprehensive solution of problems related to safety, strengthening the health of children, enrichment (amplification) of development based on the organization of various types of creative activities were used. A special role is given to play activity as a leading activity in preschool childhood (A.N. Leontiev, A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov).

The pedagogical expediency of work programs is promising initiatives for the development of the personality of children associated with a safe, health-saving educational environment and socially significant values.

Each work program consists of three sections: target, content and organizational.

IN target The section reflects the issues of goal-setting, setting goals, the main approaches and principles of the personal development of preschoolers, age characteristics, program targets.

Updates include:

In the integration of topics, types, forms of educational activities;

In setting targets for each specific topic.

In addition to the section “Individual standards of assimilation and independent motor activity”, with a clear definition of what the child has mastered during each lesson, what is his individual development in the process of independent performance of didactic tasks, exercises, game actions.

Individual assimilation standards (according to M. Klarin) contribute to the effectiveness of training, specification of the educational goal, and benchmark results.

The organizational section includes an exemplary organization of the educational process and methodological support of the educational process.

The result of the implementation of the work program are targets of GEF DO,

Set of working programs:

  • takes into account all modern approaches to preschool education and fully complies with the Federal State educational standards for preschool education;
  • is based on conceptual approaches to the development of the child in the process of vigorous activity;
  • focused on universal and Russian cultural traditions;
  • provides for the solution of educational problemsin the joint activity of an adult and a childusingage-appropriate forms of work;
  • includes sections covering interaction with the family, educational and methodological support indicating the main lists of materials and equipment used, a list of recommended literature;

The modern system of domestic preschool education is based on the principles of dynamism, variability of organizational forms, flexible response to the needs of society and the individual, therefore electronic version of materials allows them to be adjusted in a timely and easy manner, taking into account the internal conditions and characteristics of each specific preschool educational institution, specific children and a specific teacher.

The implementation of this set of work programs fully meets the requirements of modern socio-cultural conditions for the upbringing of preschool children. The set of programs can be called "open", because. it stimulates the creative thought of the teacher and freely accommodates any useful addition. It should be added that the programs can be successfully used both in collective (kindergarten) and family education.

The free RP snippet can be downloaded from here.

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Information about the compiler: Klementieva Nonna Pavlovna. I have been working with this site since its inception. Published many presentations in the section "Science and" and "Children's Art". Analyzing views and downloads of materials, I can safely say that they are in demand by the pedagogical community, as there are thousands of them. .

It is important!

According to the "On Education in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - Law No. 273-FZ), a teacher (in this case, a teacher) is an individual who, with a kindergarten, performs the duties of teaching and educating preschool children. Based on Art. 48 of Law No. 273-FZ, teachers are required to perform official duties at a high level, to ensure the implementation of pedagogical goals at a high level.

Law No. 273-FZ is established in the education system, which is included in the concept of "educational program" as an integral part of the complex of the main characteristics of education, as well as in the concept of "exemplary basic educational program" as a structural unit of educational and methodological documentation. Thus, the need for the development of this document by the teacher of the preschool educational institution is obvious.

Prerequisites for compiling a work program for a preschool teacher

The prerequisites for writing the main regulatory document of a kindergarten teacher are:

  • the need for teachers in planning educational and educational steps;
  • the need to take into account the peculiarities of relations in the children's team;
  • the ability to analyze the effectiveness of professional pedagogical activity.

Subject to the development of a work program for a kindergarten teacher, the following changes can be expected:

  • the possibility of rational organization of the educational process, including the use of creative and innovative methods for the implementation of pedagogical activities;
  • the ability to determine the vector of development for each pupil;
  • the ability to control the relationship between all participants in the educational process, including parents of preschoolers;
  • the ability to identify the range of pedagogical problems and progressively solve them.

When compiling a document, it is necessary to apply not only step-by-step planning, but also be able to correlate one’s own pedagogical activity with its requirements, choose pedagogical techniques recommended by current educational standards for implementation, and compile a list of predicted results.

The concept of the work program of the kindergarten teacher

The concept of the work program of a kindergarten teacher is interpreted in different ways. The most common definition is formed as follows: this is a regulatory document that determines the content and volume of education for each age group of pupils, indicates the forms and methods of conducting educational and educational activities using the resources available in kindergarten in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. The work program of a kindergarten teacher is developed on the basis of an exemplary basic educational program for distance learning and author's partial programs, which, if necessary, complement each other.

In order for the drafted normative document not to become a hybrid of the above documents, it is necessary to carefully study the main provisions of the concepts presented in the scientific and pedagogical literature. It is also necessary to take into account:

  • the content of the educational program of the preschool educational institution;
  • the system of used educational technologies and methods;
  • methodical and didactic materials;
  • the content of upbringing and educational activities (weekly educational load), which provides for the use of various forms of organization of the children's team.

The requirements for the main regulatory document of the work of the educator at the federal level have not yet been determined, therefore the teacher has the right to independently choose the form of drawing up the document.

The work program of a preschool teacher can be drawn up by analogy with the main educational program of a preschool educational institution in accordance with the requirements for its structure imposed by the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, approved. by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education). At the same time, the teacher has the right to change individual structural elements of the normative document in accordance with the specifics of the implementation of educational tasks in a particular preschool educational institution.

The model of the work program of the teacher of the preschool educational institution should represent the optimal conditions for the implementation of pedagogical activities, which include forms of organization of activities, principles and methods of teaching, elements of the subject-developing environment, socio-cultural values.

The work program of the preschool teacher demonstrates how, taking into account the educational goals and age needs of pupils, the educator creates an individual pedagogical model for conducting educational activities based on the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education. Let us dwell in more detail on the approximate structural elements of the main document of the teacher of the preschool educational institution, which include:

  • title page;
  • explanatory note;
  • the main body of the document, which includes:

- calendar-thematic plan (complex-thematic planning);
– schedule of educational activities;
– summary of the document;
- features of the organization of the educational process;
– implementation conditions;

  • bibliography;
  • applications.

The title page and sheets of appendices are not subject to numbering. The title page should include:

  • full name of the school;
  • vultures confirming the agreement of the document with the head of the kindergarten;
  • the name of the work program of the kindergarten teacher;
  • age of pupils;
  • surname, name, patronymic and position of the responsible teacher;
  • year of the document.

The explanatory note should indicate the summary of the document, the goals and objectives of the program, its relevance, which can be revealed through the age needs of children, as well as mechanisms for achieving the quality of the educational process.

When setting the goals of the document, it is recommended to focus on the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education (ensuring access to education for all children, guaranteeing the quality of preschool education, secured by the introduction of unified state standards, maintaining the unity of preschool educational space throughout the Russian Federation). The basis for determining the objectives of this regulatory document should be taken as the basis of the educational program of distance education, namely:

  • caring for the physical, mental and emotional health of preschoolers;
  • ensuring equal opportunities for all pupils, regardless of gender, nationality, place of residence, social status, natural talents, defects in psychophysiological development;
  • guarantee of consistency in the implementation of educational goals;
  • creation of favorable conditions for the development of natural talents of children, taking into account their interest and the opinion of their parents (legal representatives);
  • consolidation of educational and upbringing tasks based on the standards of the Federal State Educational Standard and universal values;
  • formation of a culture of behavior, provision of conditions for progressive personal growth (introduction to a healthy lifestyle, acquaintance with aesthetic values, development of such qualities of character as independence, initiative, responsibility for one's own actions);
  • providing psychological and pedagogical support to the families of pupils, which helps to increase the competence of parents in matters of education, the achievement of pedagogical goals.

As pedagogical principles, the main principles of preschool education provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard can be indicated:

  • full-fledged living by a preschooler of all stages of childhood;
  • building upbringing and educational activities, taking into account the individual age characteristics of each child;
  • recognition of pupils as full-fledged participants in the educational process;
  • support for the family education initiative;
  • ensuring the interaction of teachers with parents (legal representatives) of pupils;
  • stimulation of the comprehensive cognitive activity of the child;
  • cultivation of general cultural values, family traditions, norms of behavior in society, patriotism;
  • taking into account the ethnocultural interests of preschoolers.

The explanatory note should also briefly outline the age characteristics of the children's group: provide a description of the children's contingent, indicate age, gender, nationality, range of interests of preschoolers.

Next, it is necessary to describe the features of the organization of teaching activities in these conditions. For example, indicate that the educational process is carried out throughout the entire period of stay of pupils in the kindergarten group and is based on the active interaction of the teacher with the children's team. Here it is also necessary to indicate the traditions of education that have developed in kindergarten and a particular group.

A prerequisite for compiling an explanatory note is the reflection of the program and methodological complex of the educational process, which includes the following elements:

  • an exemplary basic educational program for distance learning;
  • partial programs in kindergarten;
  • a list of aids used, demonstration, visual and handout material necessary to achieve educational goals;
  • list of auxiliary aids for pupils (printed notebooks, books).

It is mandatory to provide a list of practiced methods, techniques and techniques of pedagogical work, the chosen approach to compiling a subject-developing environment.
A mandatory item of the document is a list of regulatory documents on the basis of which the teacher carries out his activities:

  • Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation”;
  • Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the operating regime of preschool educational organizations””;
  • order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 30, 2013 No. 1014 “On Approval of the Procedure for Organization and Implementation of Educational Activities in Basic General Education Programs – Educational Programs of Preschool Education”;
  • order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 “On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education”;
  • regulatory documents of the regional and municipal levels.

The main part of the work program of the kindergarten teacher

The main part of the main regulatory document of a preschool teacher should reflect:

  • age of pupils;
  • calendar-thematic work plan approved by the pedagogical council;
  • the schedule of organized educational activities, approved with the senior teacher or methodologist of the kindergarten;
  • the content of educational activities, taking into account the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard;
  • features of the organization of the educational process.

The main body of program content should focus on the topic. Traditionally, a thematic week in kindergarten begins on Monday and ends on Friday, therefore, when drawing up a document, it is advisable to place its name at the top of the page (Table 1).

If the teacher decides to use abbreviations, this should be reflected in the explanatory note.

In the next block, a model for organizing educational activities should be disclosed, which can be group (subject to the active interaction of the educator and preschoolers) and independent (activities of children without the participation of adults). Within the framework of the first model of conducting educational activities, the achievement of pedagogical goals is carried out in the form of direct education, not related to situations of looking after pupils, and influence on the personal characteristics of preschoolers during regime situations (morning reception, walk).

It is very important to indicate the forms of conducting pedagogical work with preschoolers, to describe the day regimens of the group in the warm and cold seasons of the year, as well as the modes of hardening and physical activity. It would not be superfluous to describe holidays, events, celebrations and promotions, which, however, can be presented as a separate document. The plan for organizing the educational process in a group can be drawn up in the form of a table (see Table 2).

You can view the full version of the table in the attachments to the material

In the section “Conditions and means of implementing the work program of a kindergarten teacher”, data should be provided on the equipment of the subject-developing environment, available methodological support. The document should provide the space used for active interaction between the teacher and the teaching staff (it should correspond to the age needs of children):

  • intragroup space;
  • premises of a kindergarten that are used to achieve situational pedagogical goals: a sports or music hall, a specialist's office, a museum room, a development center;
  • homestead territories of preschool educational institutions (platform, eco-trail);
  • the center of the nearby society (museum, theater, school, sports center, stadium, library, swimming pool).

Among teachers in the field of preschool education, the practice of presenting the environment of groups in the form of a plan-scheme is widespread. Drawing up such a plan allows the educator to deeply analyze their own professional achievements and find creative options for arranging playgrounds. Premises of a kindergarten, home gardens of a preschool educational institution can be presented in a list or in the form of a table, and it is convenient to reflect the schedule for visiting these places using the graph.

Experienced educators are fully aware of the importance of controlling the educational process, therefore, in the main section, special attention should be paid to assessing the individual development of pupils and indicating the methods of pedagogical diagnostics used for assessment. For example: evaluation of the effectiveness of pedagogical actions on the use of the author's concept of I.A. Lykova "Colored palms" or assessment of the physical development of children using the AWS "Physical culture passport".

It is important to remember that as a result of the pedagogical diagnostics, it is necessary to draw up individual development routes for all pupils of the group.

At the choice of the teacher, the description of interaction with the parents of pupils can be presented in the document in the form:

  • a long-term plan for interaction with parents;
  • a separate column "Interaction with parents" in the content of the thematic week.

Approximate technical requirements for the execution of the document:

  • sheet format A4;
  • editor Word for Windows;
  • Times New Roman font;
  • size 12–14;
  • line spacing - single;
  • margins on all sides 2 cm;
  • alignment in width, paragraph 1 cm;
  • hyphens in the text are not put;
  • headings and paragraphs in the text are centered using Word tools;
  • tables are inserted directly into the text;
  • page numbering, except for the title page and appendices.

An innovation in the planning of the activities of the educator was the requirement to compile a presentation of pedagogical goals for parents. If the presentation is posted on the website of the preschool educational institution or the personal website of the teacher, then the document must contain a link to the relevant material.

The structural element of the work program of the teacher of the preschool educational institution "Literature List" includes a list of literature used by the educator in working with children. First of all, it is a methodical literature.

Applications to the work program of the kindergarten teacher

The following materials can be presented in the section "Appendices to the work program":

  • abstracts (scenarios) of various forms of pedagogical activity with children;
  • description of games and game exercises; scenarios of master classes for teachers and parents;
  • scenarios of various forms of cooperation with the families of pupils (consultations, round tables, trainings, workshops, seminars);
  • complexes of morning exercises; visual media (visual propaganda materials placed on stands, in booklets and memos, etc.).

The work program of the teacher of the preschool educational institution is approved annually at the beginning of the school year (until September 10 of the current year) by order of the head of the preschool educational institution. The approval of the work program of the teacher of the preschool educational institution involves its preliminary discussion and adoption by the members of the pedagogical council. Depending on how competently the teacher can analyze, predict, design, organize the educational process, the result of pedagogical work as a whole depends.

The work program of a preschool teacher, drawn up taking into account the social order for pedagogical services, can become a tool for improving the quality of education, will contribute to the achievement of socially significant results in the education of pupils and stimulate the professional development of the teacher himself. Drawing up work programs and planning educational activities is one of the most difficult tasks facing kindergarten teachers. It is no coincidence that a teacher, especially a beginner, may have a desire to use existing programs (standard or developed by other authors) in order to avoid possible difficulties.

However, such a position excludes the personality of the teacher from the design process, significantly limits his opportunities for professional growth and negatively affects the quality of education. Using already existing programs, without reworking and adapting them to the specifics of the educational process in his group, he acts as an executor of someone else's project, mechanically fulfilling ready-made provisions. As a result of this approach, pupils and the teacher do not receive a holistic view of the topic under study. Awareness of the integrity of the content, if it comes, is only after several training cycles, that is, it is formed empirically, “by trial and error”. A senior teacher or kindergarten methodologist will help the educator to cope with this work. It is recommended to hold methodological associations, workshops, organize creative groups. The active position of teachers will speed up the process of compiling the work program of a preschool teacher, and the result can be a creative and exciting life of the group.

Attached files

  • Document №1.doc

The structure of the work program of the teacher of the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

1. Title page

The title page is a kind of "visiting card" of the program. Therefore, as in a business card, only the most necessary information should be indicated here:

name of the educational institution;

where, when and by whom this program was approved (in the upper right corner - the head of the preschool educational institution approves (date, signature, order number, in the upper left corner - ACCEPTED by the pedagogical council of the institution, protocol number);

the full name of the program (for example, the Working program of joint activities of a teacher with children 3-4 years old, junior group.);

compiled on the basis of an exemplary program "---------

duration of the program (academic year);

city ​​name;

year of program development.

The content of the work program is written and the pages are indicated.

3. Target section:

1) Explanatory note

Child development work program…. The group was developed in accordance with the OOP "Kindergarten No.", in accordance with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The work program for the development of children of the senior group ensures the versatile development of children aged __ to __ years, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas - physical, social and communicative, cognitive, speech and artistic and aesthetic.

Partial programs are used:


The implemented program is based on the principle of personality-developing and humanistic nature of interaction between an adult and children.

D This program has been developed in accordance with the following regulations:

Constitution of the Russian Federation, art. 43, 72.

Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989).

Law of the Russian Federation "On Education".

Standard provision on the DOW.


DOU charter.


Goal and tasks the main educational program of the preschool educational institution


Creation of favorable conditions for a full-fledged life of a child in preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of a basic personality culture, the comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparation for life in modern society, for schooling, ensuring the life safety of a preschooler.

Tasks ( required part):

1. Care for the health, emotional well-being and timely development of each child.

2. Creation in groups of an atmosphere of a humane and benevolent attitude towards all pupils, which allows them to grow up sociable, kind, inquisitive, proactive, striving for independence and creativity.

3. Maximum use of various types of children's activities, their integration in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process.

4. Creative organization (creativity) of the educational process.

5. The variability of the use of educational material, which allows developing creativity in accordance with the interests and inclinations of each child.

6. Respect for the results of children's creativity.

7. The unity of approaches to the upbringing of children in the conditions of a preschool educational institution and the family.

8. Compliance with continuity in the work of the kindergarten and primary school, excluding mental and physical overload in the content of the education of preschool children, ensuring that there is no pressure on subject education.

Tasks (part of the preschool educational institution):

Principles and approachesin the organization of the educational process:

1. Corresponds to the principle of developmental education, the purpose of which is the development of the child.

2. Combines the principles of scientific validity and practical applicability (corresponds to the main provisions of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy).

3. Complies with the criteria of completeness, necessity and sufficiency (allows you to solve the set goals and objectives on the necessary and sufficient material, as close as possible to a reasonable "minimum").

4. Ensures the unity of the educational, teaching and developing goals and objectives of the process of educating preschool children, during the implementation of which such knowledge, skills and abilities are formed that are directly related to the development of preschoolers.

5. It is built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of the pupils.

6. Based on the complex-thematic principle of building the educational process.

7. Provides for the solution of program educational tasks in the joint activities of preschoolers, not only within the framework of directly educational activities, but also during regime moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education.

8. It involves the construction of the educational process on age-appropriate forms of work with children (game)

9. It is built on the principle of cultural conformity. Takes into account national values ​​and traditions in education.

Content psychological and pedagogical work is focused on the versatile development of preschoolers, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas of development and education of children: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Characteristics significant for the development and implementation of the work program.

- Age and individual characteristics of the contingent of children ___ groups

For example , All children of the group are fluent in self-service skills, observe the rules of personal hygiene. Most children have fine motor skills. Children of the group are inquisitive, show high cognitive activity, love to listen to books.

In play activities, children independently distribute roles and build their behavior, adhering to the play role.

Speech continues to improve, including its sound side. In visual activity, objects of a round, oval, rectangular shape can be depicted. 60% of children know colors and shades. Our children master some non-traditional drawing techniques, etc.

- Planned results of the development of the Program(in the form of targets)

At implementation plan

1) Physical development- Motor activity - Forms of educational activity: Outdoor games, game exercises, physical education, sports games, sports holidays - Duration and number of GCD - per week 75 min. (3 gcd) .

2) cognitive development- a) Cognitive and research activities - Forms of educational activities: FEMP, FTsKM, conversations, didactic games, viewing paintings and illustrations, collecting, implementing projects, quizzes. - Duration and number of GCD - 40 minutes per week. (2 NOD)

B) Designing - Forms of educational activities: Designing from paper, natural and other materials - Duration and number of GCD - per week 10 min. (0.5 gcd) .

3) Speech development- Development of speech - Forms of educational activities: Conversations, quizzes, didactic games, looking at pictures and illustrations - Duration and number of GCD - per week 20 min. (1 GCD) .

4) Social and communicative development- a) Communicative activity - Forms of educational activity: life safety, game problem situations, conversations, quizzes. - Duration and number of GCD - per week 10 min. (0.5 GCD) .

b) Self-service and elementary household work - Forms of educational activities: assignments, duty, games, conversations, HBT. - Duration and number of NODs - Daily during regime moments, no more than 20 minutes. (according to SanPin, p. 12.22).

c) Game activity - Forms of educational activity: role-playing, didactic, etc. - Duration and number of GCD - in regime moments.

5) Artistic and aesthetic development- a) visual activity - Forms of educational activity: Drawing, modeling, application. Collage. Project. Getting to know the artists. Exhibition. - Duration and number of GCD - per week 70 min. (3 gcd) .

b) Perception of fiction and folklore - Forms of educational activities: Conversations, listening to art. works, reading, learning poetry, theatrical game. - Duration and number of GCD - per week 25 min. (1 GCD) .

c) musical activity - Forms of educational activity: Listening, improvisation, performance, musical outdoor games, leisure, holidays and entertainment. - Duration and number of GCD - 50 minutes per week. (2 GCD) .

6) Variable part- partial programs, etc.

H part of the preschool educational institution: Features of the organization of the educational process in the group(climatic, demographic, national - cultural and others)

1) Climatic features:

When organizing the educational process, the climatic features of the region are taken into account. The time of the beginning and end of certain seasonal phenomena (leaf fall, snow melt, etc.) and the intensity of their course; composition of flora and fauna; daylight hours; weather conditions, etc.

The main features of the climate are: cold winters and dry hot summers.

Invigorating gymnastics, exercises for the prevention of flat feet, and breathing exercises are included in the daily routine of the group. In the cold season, the stay of children in the open air is extended. In the warm season, children's activities are mainly organized outdoors.

Based on the climatic features of the region, the schedule of the educational process is drawn up in accordance with the allocation of two periods:

1. cold period: academic year (September-May, a certain daily routine and a schedule of directly educational activities are drawn up;

2. summer period (June-August, for which a different daily routine is compiled.

2) Demographic features:

An analysis of the social status of families revealed that children from complete (___ %, from single-parent (___ %) and large (___ %) families are brought up in a preschool institution. ) education.

3) H national and cultural features:

The ethnic composition of the pupils of the group: Russians, Tatars, but the main contingent is children from Russian-speaking families. Training and education in the preschool educational institution is carried out in Russian.

The main contingent of pupils lives in the city (only ___ child in the village).

The implementation of the regional component is carried out through acquaintance with the national and cultural characteristics of the city of Polevskoy. Getting acquainted with the native land, its sights, the child learns to realize himself, living in a certain time period, in certain ethno-cultural conditions. This information is realized through targeted walks, conversations, projects in the My City Program section once a week.

Before approaching the design and writing of the work program of the educator, it is important to know the basic concepts that exist in preschool education.

1) Approximate basic educational program- developed by methodologists. Preschool institutions take it as a basis for developing their own educational program, taking into account the regional component and local conditions (for example, "From Birth to School" edited by N. E. Veraksa; "Origins", "Rainbow", etc.).

2) Educational program of preschool educational institution- a management document that fixes certain norms, goals, content, technologies and methods, forms and means that are used in each specific preschool institution when organizing the educational process. Developed by the head of the preschool educational institution and the creative team.

3) Teacher's work program- is developed by the teacher on the basis of the educational program of the preschool educational institution. The structure and content of the work program is developed taking into account the requirements and standards approved at the federal level (in our case, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, which has been in force since 01/01/2014). The work program is a regulatory document and is approved by the head of the preschool institution.

Normative documents regulating the activities of educational institutions and teachers:

Article 2. Basic concepts used in this Federal Law

9) educational program - a set of basic characteristics of education (volume, content, planned results, organizational and pedagogical conditions and, in cases provided for by this Federal Law, certification forms, which is presented in the form of a curriculum, calendar curriculum, work programs of educational subjects, courses , disciplines (modules, other components, as well as assessment and methodological materials;

Article 48. Duties and responsibilities of teaching staff

1. Teaching staff are required:

1) carry out their activities at a high professional level,ensure the full implementation of the taught subject, course, discipline (module) in accordance with the approved work program.

Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employeesOctober 31, 2010 Section: Job Responsibilities:

Teacher-speech therapist - Implements educational programs.

Teacher-psychologist - Maintains documentation in the prescribed form, using it for its intended purpose. Participates in the planning and development of developmental and correctional programs of educational activities, taking into account the individual and gender and age characteristics of students, pupils, in ensuring the level of training of students, pupils that meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard, federal state educational requirements.

Educator (including the senior) - Develops a plan (program) of educational work with a group of students, pupils.

GEF preschool education(order dated 10/17/13, valid from 01/01/2014) - contains requirements for the structure of the educational program of preschool education, and therefore the requirements for compiling the work program of the teacher.

Sections of the work program for GEF DO.

1. Title page

3. Target section:

Explanatory note

Purpose and objectives of the main educational program

Principles and approaches in the organization of the educational process

Characteristics significant for the development and implementation of the work program. Features of the organization of the educational process in the group (climatic, demographic, national - cultural and others)

Age and individual characteristics of the contingent of children

Planned results of the development of the Program.

4. Content section:

Curriculum for the implementation of BEP DO in the senior group of MBDOU PGO "Kindergarten No. __". In the form of a table: Directions of development; Types of children's activities; age group; Forms of educational activity

List of teaching aids that ensure the implementation of educational activities in the senior group. In tabular form: Direction of development; methodical manuals; visual - didactic aids; workbooks.

Forms, methods, methods and means of implementing the program in the senior group. In the form of a table: direction of development; forms of program implementation (Joint activities, Independent activities, Interaction with the family); ways; methods and techniques; facilities)

Interaction with family and society.

Planning work with children in a group:

Approximate annual planning

Calendar-thematic planning (GCD and joint activities)

A model for organizing joint activities of a teacher with pupils of a preschool educational institution.

Part of the preschool educational institution: Features of the organization of the educational process in the group (climatic, demographic, national - cultural and others)

5. Organization section.

Design of the subject-spatial environment.

Daily routine, GCD structure (schedule of classes, motor mode, scheme for hardening children.

List of teaching aids (for the implementation of the main part and part of the DOW