Rhinoplasty: preoperative tests. Important points in preparing for plastic surgery What tests should be done for nose correction

In order for rhinoplasty to be successful and the patient not to have complications in the future, it is necessary to properly prepare: take into account all the indications and contraindications for plastic surgery, pass tests and undergo a series of examinations. Consider the specifics of the preparatory stage of rhinoplasty.

Indications for rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty may be performed in case of dissatisfaction with the size or shape of the nose, or for medical reasons, when irregularities in the shape of the nose lead to breathing difficulties and health problems.

Indications for surgery:

  • excessive length of the nose;
  • large nostrils;
  • nose deformity due to trauma;
  • congenital curvature of the nose;
  • the impossibility of nasal breathing as a result of a curvature of the septum or other violations of the shape of the nose.


  • oncology;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the nasopharynx, throat and other organs of the respiratory system;
  • HIV, all forms of hepatitis and other incurable viral diseases;
  • hemophilia;
  • inflammatory processes in the area of ​​correction;
  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels and lungs;
  • mental instability.

Features of preparation for plastic surgery

In order to exclude the presence of contraindications and create all conditions for the operation, it is necessary to undergo an examination, take tests and follow all the doctor's recommendations that will prepare the body for a serious intervention and reduce risks.

The decision to perform the operation is preceded by an examination by a doctor. The plastic surgeon conducts an open survey, which allows you to identify the reasons for the patient's dissatisfaction with his nose, in order to outline the course of action for correction, the condition of the tissues is assessed. Also, after consultation and examination, the doctor informs about possible anatomical limitations that may not allow to fully achieve the desired effect. The doctor provides each patient with a list of recommendations. A month before the correction, it is recommended to stop smoking, drinking alcohol, a week before you need to stop taking potent drugs, blood thinners, hormones. There are a number of specific drugs that are prohibited before the examination and for a month after the operation. At the consultation, the plastic surgeon provides a list of these funds.

What tests are required before rhinoplasty:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • for prothrombin;
  • on RW, HIV;
  • for hepatitis C and B;
  • x-ray of the paranasal sinuses;
  • blood group and Rh factor.

Additional examinations

If the patient has any health problems, additional diagnostic procedures may be prescribed before the correction:

  • in case of violations of the endocrine system, tests for the level of hormones are prescribed;
  • in case of violations of the gastrointestinal tract, an endoscopic examination of the stomach is prescribed;
  • if a mental disorder is suspected, an appointment with a psychotherapist may be scheduled;
  • if problems with the vessels of the brain are suspected, an EEG is performed.

In order for the plastic surgery to be successful and subsequently the patient does not encounter health problems, it is important to pay close attention to the preparation period. Passing all the necessary tests, an open conversation with a plastic surgeon and an examination will provide the necessary information for a successful rhinoplasty and help to avoid risks. For more information regarding this plastic surgery visit our

Facelift is a major facial rejuvenation surgery. It helps restore youth and beauty by removing excess skin in the face and neck. Simultaneously with facial plastic surgery, other operations can be performed: blepharoplasty, brow lift, neck lift, etc. As with any other scheduled surgery, before the facelift, the patient must pass a series of medical tests and tests.

The collection of analyzes is necessary, first of all, so that the surgeon can make sure that the patient is healthy, and the operation will not become a threat to his life. Analyzes help to find out which drugs the patient can take and which cannot. In general, the collection of analyzes significantly reduces the risks and complications that arise during and after the operation.

The list of tests may depend on the age of the patient, his state of health and the type of operation. The older the patient and the worse his state of health, the more difficult the operation and the more medical tests.

Below are the main medical tests that are taken before facelift surgery. It should be noted that the surgeon may include other tests in this list, or, on the contrary, exclude some of them.

Blood test

A complete blood count is needed to determine the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. This analysis helps to identify diseases such as anemia, blood clotting disorders, etc. Without it, it is impossible to perform any plastic surgery, therefore, in the case of undiagnosed hemophilia, the patient risks dying right on the operating table.

If the patient is anemic, the surgeon may recommend treatment with special high iron supplements. The operation can be performed only after the hemoglobin level returns to normal, which will be confirmed by a second analysis.

A blood test is done for all patients over 30 years of age, and especially if there have been cases of anemia, hemophilia in the patient's family, or there is a possibility that an infection is present in the patient's blood.

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

An electrocardiograph is a device used to check the functioning of the heart. An electrocardiogram is done to check for irregular heartbeats. All patients over 40 years of age undergo this test.

Most often, an electrocardiogram is prescribed where the patient will have to go through anesthesia and a serious operation. As for palpitations, they usually occur in people of mature age, smokers and patients suffering from diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases.

Fluorography and chest x-ray

The main purpose of a chest x-ray is to detect conditions such as congestive heart failure, pneumonia, and other respiratory illnesses. If such diseases are detected, plastic surgery may be postponed or canceled.

Fluorography is prescribed for all smokers to check the condition of their lungs. In most cases, smoking is the main cause of respiratory failure during sleep and while unconscious under anesthesia.

Blood chemistry

This analysis is necessary to determine the level of various chemicals in the patient's blood, such as, for example: glucose, potassium, sodium. Elevated levels of certain substances may indicate diabetes and a number of other diseases.

Pregnancy test

Plastic surgeons do not perform complex operations on pregnant women, except when it is a vital necessity. If the patient thinks she is pregnant, the surgeon will recommend that she take a pregnancy test. If the pregnancy is confirmed, the surgeon will most likely refuse to perform the operation, since the use of anesthesia is a direct threat to the developing fetus.

General urine analysis

Urinalysis is a simple and quick way to detect a range of diseases. First of all, this analysis helps to identify infectious diseases of the genitourinary tract and kidneys. In addition, urinalysis can detect health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.

In addition to a general blood and urine test, ECG and fluorography tests, the surgeon may ask the patient to take other tests: a coagulogram (blood clotting test, hepatitis B and C, HIV and syphilis tests. Also, in some cases, patients are advised to consult a therapist and undergo examination by a gynecologist.

What tests are done before rhinoplasty? This question is naturally puzzled by those who have this operation, who are looking for recommendations on preparing for it, and also studying photos and reviews about rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty, especially in the open version of its implementation, is a fairly invasive intervention, often requiring general anesthesia. In addition, this operation takes place in close proximity to the most important organ of the body - the brain. For this reason, the volume of tests before rhinoplasty is very significant and includes both laboratory and instrumental examinations. However, all these types of examinations cost significantly less than the cost of rhinoplasty itself.

Tests for rhinoplasty

When and what tests to take for rhinoplasty, what is the list of necessary examinations? Most pre-rhinoplasty examinations should be done no earlier than 14 days before surgery. A standard set of analyzes and instrumental examinations is listed below.

Not earlier than 2 weeks before rhinoplasty, various blood tests are given:

What other tests should be done before rhinoplasty? In addition to various blood tests, a general urinalysis is also required, which must be taken no earlier than two weeks before the upcoming operation. Not earlier than a month before the upcoming operation, an ECG should be performed. If abnormalities are found, consultation with a cardiologist is recommended.

Chest x-ray or fluorography is valid for one year. It is also necessary to provide CT of the paranasal sinuses, performed in 2 projections. In case of deviations, it is recommended to consult an ENT specialist. This type of instrumental examination should be carried out no earlier than one month before the upcoming operation.

Before rhinoplasty, it is necessary to do an ultrasound of the legs, the results of this examination are valid for one month. In the case of the presence of deviations, a consultation with a phlebologist is required. It is better to get a consultation from a therapist last, when there is already a full set of tests, on the basis of which the doctor is able to give an opinion on the general condition of the patient and the admissibility of the operation. What tests are needed for rhinoplasty, you can also check with your plastic surgeon preparing you for the operation, because the set of mandatory examinations can be changed in cases where the operation is performed in any specific way.

It should be remembered that even after successfully passing all the tests, you may encounter contraindications for rhinoplasty. Also, rhinoplasty is characterized by contraindications after surgery, which must be taken into account in order to achieve the best effect from the intervention.

Basic laboratory examination methods are prescribed before all operations. The patient passes these tests both before aesthetic rhinoplasty and before plastic surgery, which is carried out according to functional indications (breathing disorders due to deviated nasal septum). The list of laboratory tests before rhinoplasty includes:

  • general clinical blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • analysis of the coagulation system (coagulogram, prothrombin index, blood clotting time);
  • blood biochemistry (bilirubin, creatinine, liver enzymes ALT and AST, urea);
  • blood glucose;
  • blood test for markers of viral infections (HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C);
  • blood type, Rh factor.
A general clinical blood test is the basic method of screening diagnostics. With its help, you can identify many deviations from the norm, including the presence in the body of a latent pathology, a tumor process, a chronic focus of infection. The doctor receives information about the state of the immune system, the number of red and white blood cells, and the level of hemoglobin. Changes in the blood test make it possible to determine the direction of further, more targeted and specific research of organs and systems.

Urinalysis is done to assess the function of the urinary system, but not only for this. The qualitative and quantitative composition of urine changes against the background of various diseases. Like the KLA, urinalysis is used as a screening diagnostic method that sets the vector for further diagnostic examination when abnormalities are detected.

Analysis of the function of the blood coagulation system is the most important point of the diagnostic program. Slowing down of coagulation is fraught with severe blood loss during plastic surgery. The risk of bleeding in the postoperative period increases. After rhinoplasty, internal hematomas may form, which are a complication of the operation. The acceleration of blood clotting is also dangerous, because it can lead to thrombosis with the most serious consequences.

If changes in the blood coagulation system are detected, rhinoplasty is not performed! The operation is possible only after a complete medical correction of the identified violations.

A biochemical blood test is another analysis for screening diagnostics, in which the work of the hepatobiliary (liver, pancreas) and urinary systems is analyzed in more detail. If abnormalities are detected, the patient may be assigned an ultrasound examination of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and kidneys. Changes in blood biochemistry may also indicate the presence of metabolic disorders and endocrinological diseases.

Abnormal blood glucose levels may indicate the development of metabolic syndrome or a decrease in cell sensitivity to insulin. Both conditions are precursors to type 2 diabetes. If such violations are detected, a glucose tolerance test and other additional tests are prescribed.

Tests for immunological markers of viral infections are mandatory laboratory tests before surgical interventions.