Generic health certificate for how much vitamins. cold medicine during pregnancy

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of a future mother to receive certain medicines and services free of charge, paying for them using a birth certificate. In the article we will tell you what medicines are free for pregnant women in 2019, where you can apply for benefits.

State program for pregnant women

The Health program, which provides birth certificates to pregnant women, also provides certain services and free medicines. A woman who is expecting a child, who is registered with a antenatal clinic or other medical institution, belongs to the privileged category of citizens.

Various drugs from the list established by the program can be dispensed at the pharmacy for free, and drugs that are not on the list at a 50% discount. Initially, the list was not compiled, since it was assumed that pharmacies would provide any drugs free of charge by prescription. However, the following changes have been made so far:

  • health care institutions must conclude agreements with pharmacies that are ready to take part in the project;
  • approved a list of the most popular drugs for pregnant women and children;
  • persons with certain medical conditions are now provided with free meals.

Free medicines should be given to all children under three years of age without exception, not only to the disabled, but also to healthy babies. The right to receive free medicines does not depend on the well-being of the family. Prescriptions are written out by doctors on approved forms, signed personally by a gynecologist. Should be stamped by the hospital. And a pregnant woman can apply for free medicines at any state pharmacy or at a pharmacy where the supervising doctor directs her.

List of Free Pregnancy Medicines

The list of medicines given out free of charge includes, for the most part, vitamins to strengthen the woman's body, weakened by pregnancy, with deficient nutrients, macro and microelements. The growth of the fetus, as a rule, depletes the female body, and therefore it needs additional help. Pharmacies may also provide free special meals for women who are too low, slow to gain weight, or lose weight:

  • when the body mass index is 19.8 and below;
  • when weight gain does not exceed 900 g per month;
  • when a woman loses from 2 kg of weight in the first trimester of pregnancy and from 1 kg in the second and third trimesters.

For a complete list of medications, contact your local social welfare office or your doctor. In addition to the list below, there is a list of expensive drugs that are supposed to be given to pregnant women at a discount.

Medicine What is it used for In what cases does it apply
Folic acid tablets
Folacin tab. 5 mg N 30 ● Growth and development of living tissues and organs of the fetus,

● improvement of the process of hematopoiesis,

● creation of nucleic acids for the transmission of hereditary traits,

● the formation of a healthy brain, baby's neural tube.

Folic acid deficiency, miscarriage prevention.
Folic acid tab. 1 mg N 50
Vitamin E, capsules, oral solution in oil
Alpha-tocopherol acetate oral solution in oil 5%, 10%, 30%, 50% ● To prevent the development of carcinogenic diseases,

● to help the body fight infections,

● to prevent the formation of blood clots,

● to activate oxygen transport,

● placenta formation,

● prevention of aging and placental abruption,

● establishing blood flow to the umbilical cord,

● synthesis of hormones,

● the formation of the child's organs.

Prevents infertility, muscle weakness, reduced immunity, problems with the development of the fetus.

Premature aging of the placenta, impaired blood flow to the umbilical cord of the child.

Tocopherol deficiency, anemia.

Vitamin E caps. 200 IU for 30 and 100 pcs.
Vitamin E Zentiva caps. 100 mg, 200 mg, 400 mg N 30
Vitrum vitamin E 400 IU caps. N 24
Zytrum vitamin E 400 IU caps. No. 60
Doppelhertz vitamin E forte 200 IU N 60
Tocopherocaps caps. 0.1 N 10
Tocopherol acetate 10% 20 ml
Alpha-tocopherol acetate solution for ingestion oil. 5%, 10%, 30%
Alfa-Tocopherol-UBF solution for taking vn. oily 100 mg/ml
Alpha-tocopherol acetate (solution, drops)
Iron (III) hydroxide polymaltose, chewable tablets, oral solution
Maltofer solution oral. 50 mg/ml vial 30 ml N 1 x 1 Treatment of iron deficiency anemia and latent iron deficiency in newborns. Anemia, iron deficiency.
Maltofer rr vnutr. 20 mg/ml vial 5 ml N 10 x 1
Maltofer tab. chew. 100 mg bl. N 10 x 3
Fenyuls Complex drops for oral administration 50 mg/ml vial. 30 ml
Ferrous fumarate + folic acid, extended release capsules
Ferretab complex N 30 iron deficiency Anemia
Potassium iodide tablets
Potassium iodide tab. 100 mcg, 125 mcg, 200 mcg Normalization of hemoglobin levels in the blood, improvement of oxygen transport. Oxygen starvation of the fetus.
Iodbalance tab. 100 mcg, 200 mcg
Iodomarin 100 mcg, 200 mcg
Microiodide tab. 0.1 mg N 50
Multivitamin, dragee
Hexavit dragee N 50 An additional source of vitamins, restoring the balance of microelements, strengthening the mother's body, healthy development of the fetus. Deficiency of macro- and microelements and vitamins in a woman's body, general weakening of the body, decreased immunity associated with pregnancy.
Revit dragee N 100
Revit-UVI dragee N 100
Undevit dragee N 50
Undevit-UVI dragee N 50
Gendevit dragee N 50
Beviplex dragee N 30
Bio-Max tab., coating shell, N 30, N 60
Vitaspectrum tab. obol., N 30
Vitaress tab. obol., N 30
Vitrum tab., coating shell, N 30, N 60, N 100, N 130
Vitrum Prenatal tab. shell, N 30, N 100
Vitrum Prenatal forte tab. obol, N 30, N 100
Vitrum Superstress tab. shell, N 30, N 60
Zytrum Centuri tab. shell, N 30, N 100
Glutamevit tab., coating obol., N 30
Complivit tab., cover obol., N 60
Complivit Mom d / take. and lactating women tab., pokr. obol., N 30
Complivit-Active tab. obol., N 30
Iaxamin forte tab., coating obol., N 10
Megadin tab., cover obol., N 30
Megadin Pronatal tab. obol., N 30
Multimax tab., coated shell, N 30, N 60
Multi-tabs Active tab. obol, N 30
Multi-tabs Intensive tab. shell, N 30, N 60
Multi-tabs Classic tab., coated. shell, N 30, N 90
Multi-tabs Perinatal tab. obol., N 60
Polivit Geriatric tab. obol., N 30
Selmevit tab., coating obol., N 30
Supradin tab., coating obol., N 30
Teravit tab., coating obol., N 30
Teravit Antistress tab. shell, N 30, N 60
Teravit Pregna tab. shell, N 30, N 60
Tri-Vee Plus tab. obol., N 30
Ferrovit tab., coating obol., N 60
Ferrovit forte tab., coating cover, N 30, N 60 Elevit Prenatal tab., cover. shell, N 30, N 100

Step-by-step instructions: how to get free drugs

A woman can learn about the drugs included in the list of free medicines from a doctor who monitors the course of pregnancy or from social welfare authorities. To be able to enjoy the benefits of the program, you need to act as follows:

  1. To issue a compulsory medical insurance policy, its availability gives the right to choose a medical institution for monitoring pregnancy:
  • private antenatal clinic
  • district clinic,
  • department in the birth center.

When a woman decides where to be observed, she must visit the health facility in person.

  1. Register as pregnant.

The woman will be assigned a gynecologist observing the pregnancy, he will get a medical and exchange card, determine the duration of pregnancy and talk about proper nutrition, about maintaining a healthy lifestyle during the period of bearing a child. During regular examinations, the doctor will prescribe tests and notify the patient about the need to take medications or take additional measures aimed at saving the life of the child.

  1. Ask the attending gynecologist for a copy of the list of free drugs, if he did not give it himself.
  2. Get a prescription from a doctor if a pregnant woman needs to take any medicine to improve general well-being or to improve the condition of the fetus. If the drug is included in the free list, the prescription form will contain a special note about its free issue.
  3. Visit the nearest social pharmacy or a pharmacy referred by a gynecologist. Usually, the patient is indicated pharmacies with which the medical institution has entered into an agreement.
  4. Get the drugs from the pharmacy pharmacist and give him the prescription (the form is taken to attach it to the pharmacy's reporting and prevent the re-issuance of the medicine free of charge).

So, in order to receive various benefits, a woman is only required to register for pregnancy on time (it is advisable to do this before 12 obstetric weeks, then the pregnant woman will receive an additional incentive payment), regularly attend examinations by a gynecologist in charge of pregnancy, and take all prescribed tests. And then at 30 weeks in the general case and at 28 weeks with multiple pregnancy, the woman will receive a birth certificate in order to use it to pay for medicines, maternity hospital services and pediatrician appointments to monitor the health of the newborn in the first year of life.

Free medicines for pregnant women in various regions

The list of free medicines for pregnant women and children differs depending on the region where the woman and child live. Lists are developed at the local level, as regions differ in disease levels by disease.

A birth certificate issued in gynecology gives the expectant mother the right to receive outpatient care, observation of the newborn for one year from the moment of birth and assistance with delivery. The state program was organized to create healthy competition between medical institutions and improve the quality of medical care that pregnant women and young children so desperately need.

Now it has become profitable for antenatal clinics, maternity hospitals and Perinatal centers to receive as many patients as possible and take care of their well-being. In addition, gynecologists are interested in discouraging women from having abortions, and this will help improve the demographic situation in the country.

20-35% of the total amount of the birth certificate can be spent on medicines prescribed by a doctor.

What benefits are provided for private clinics

The state program is designed for pregnant women who have chosen state or municipal antenatal clinics and other medical institutions to monitor their pregnancy. Despite the favorable conditions of the program, many women in labor prefer private medical offices, but in this case they will have to pay for their services on their own.

The birth certificate can be used exclusively by government agencies, but it cannot be cashed, so the benefits are simply lost. The same applies to the issuance of free medicines and the provision of free medical care - in order to be able to take advantage of these conditions of the state program, you need to be registered with the state antenatal clinic or at the district clinic.

The law does not prohibit registering in two places at the same time - you can undergo examinations both in a private clinic and in a public health institution. Then the woman will be calm about the freedom to choose a clinic and will receive free help and medicines.

What to do if you are denied free pregnancy medicines

Many pregnant women note that their doctor did not notify them of the possibility of receiving free medicines under the Health program. Therefore, it is recommended to make inquiries on your own and ask for a copy of the list of drugs that are supposed to be given free of charge in the region where the woman lives.

If the clinic doctor refuses the request to consult on free medicines or issue a list, the woman has the right to file a complaint against him with the head doctor of the medical institution, the polyclinic administrator, and the head of the antenatal clinic. Also, a pregnant woman has the right to refuse the services of this antenatal clinic and choose another institution to continue monitoring the course of pregnancy. In this case, the payment from the birth certificate will be transferred to another healthcare institution.

You can threaten the doctor with writing a statement to the Department of Health. By the way, a woman really has this right. The Regional Department of Health, the Social Insurance Fund and the Ministry of Health deal with citizens' complaints. Currently, writing a complaint is quite simple - you can send a request electronically.

Where and how can I get discounts and additional benefits for medicines and preparations for pregnant women

Free medicines with a 50% and 100% discount can only be obtained from social pharmacies that are required to dispense medicines on prescription. Also, the doctor supervising the pregnancy can send the pregnant woman to a pharmacy with which the clinic has entered into an agreement.

Commercial pharmacies will refuse to dispense free drugs, even if they are officially included in the program's list of donated drugs.

What treatments and examinations are due to a pregnant woman for free

There are medical indications, according to which a pregnant woman is examined and treated free of charge in a day hospital. Women are subject to hospitalization according to the indications of the doctors given in the table below.

Medical indications for free stay in a day hospital
Hypotension and hypertension in the I and II trimester of pregnancy.
Chronic gastritis in the acute stage.
Examination and treatment of pregnant women with Rh conflict in the I and II trimesters of pregnancy
Anemia (decrease in hemoglobin not lower than 90 g / l).
early toxicosis.
Medical genetic examination requiring invasive manipulations (amniocentesis, chorion biopsy, etc.).
The threat of miscarriage in the first and second trimesters with a preserved cervix and the absence of miscarriages in the medical history.
Dynamic assessment of the state of the fetus, detection and treatment of fetoplacental insufficiency.
Additional examination in case of suspected extragenital pathology (heart disease, diseases of the urinary system, etc.).
Non-drug therapy (acupuncture, psycho- and hypnotherapy).
Preventive measures at critical stages of pregnancy with a history of miscarriage without clinical signs of threatened miscarriage.
Special therapy for alcoholism and drug addiction (according to indications).
Observation after suturing the cervix for isthmic-cervical insufficiency.
Rehabilitation therapy after a long stay in the hospital.
If the course of the disease worsens and round-the-clock medical supervision is required, the pregnant woman is immediately transferred to the appropriate department of the hospital.

What tests can pregnant women take for free?

As you know, a pregnant woman throughout the entire period of pregnancy should be regularly tested so that the doctor can assess her health and the condition of the fetus. Ideally, various studies are carried out before each examination - once every 2 weeks. The results are recorded by the gynecologist in the medical journal and exchange card.

A pregnant woman, first of all, is entitled to free observation by qualified doctors:

  • support throughout the entire period of pregnancy by a supervising obstetrician-gynecologist;
  • examinations by a therapist, dentist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, referral to other specialists should be issued;
  • providing the necessary physiotherapy and medical procedures;
  • care in the hospital, regardless of whether the patient applied herself, or she was referred by a supervising doctor, or she was brought by an ambulance.

The expectant mother can also count on free general research (consumables, for example, a syringe or cotton wool, are also provided free of charge):

  • ECG (to assess the work of the heart - in case of violations, the fetus will not receive enough oxygen),
  • fluorography (not only for the woman herself, but for all relatives who live with her),
  • Ultrasound (3 times during the period of bearing a child: 10-14 weeks, 20-24 weeks, 32-34 weeks + an unlimited number of times in the direction of the supervising doctor).

Among the free of charge manipulations and physiotherapy are:

  • physiotherapy (if necessary) - electrophoresis, electrosleep and others,
  • manipulations (if necessary) - intramuscular and intravenous injections, etc.

Laboratory tests are also provided free of charge:

General clinical Biochemical Serological Cytological Additional Other
general urine analysis total protein blood type oncocytology bacteriological research antibody titer to infections that affect the healthy development of the fetus
general blood analysis bilirubin syphilis test serum iron
vaginal smear for flora fibrinogen analysis for hepatitis colpocytology
urine samples according to Nechiporenko and Zimnitsky urea Rh factor external hysterography
blood coagulogram (clotting, duration of flow, platelets) creatinine antibody titers (with Rh “-“) cardiotachography
blood sugar
prothrombin index

Legislative acts on the topic

Art. 41 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 20 Fundamentals of Russian legislation on health protection On the provision of free medical care in state and municipal medical institutions
Order of the Ministry of Health of October 6, 2008 No. 748 “On drug provision for pregnant women” About providing a certain list of medicines to pregnant women free of charge or at a 50% discount
Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated February 1, 2011 No. 72 On the one-time receipt of free medicines worth up to 1000 rubles and the provision of a 50% discount on expensive medicines for pregnant women

Typical mistakes during registration

Mistake #1. Going to a commercial pharmacy to get free medicines with a doctor's prescription.

A pregnant woman must take the supervising doctor's prescription for a free medicine to a social pharmacy or a pharmacy to which her gynecologist will refer her (this will mean that the medical institution has entered into an agreement with this pharmacy).

Mistake #2. The requirement to issue an expensive medicine free of charge on the basis that it is on the preferential list of drugs.

Each region has its own set list of free drugs, and it is likely that in the region where the pregnant woman lives, any drug is not eligible for donation. In most cases, expensive drugs are offered to pregnant women with a 50% discount. You can get drugs worth up to 1000 rubles at a time.

Answers to common questions

Question number 1. Can a woman carrying a child have an unlimited number of ultrasound examinations at her own discretion?

The state health program provides for the provision of free ultrasound for women, but the procedure is prescribed at certain times of pregnancy. In addition, as many examinations as you want can be provided free of charge, but a doctor's referral is required.

Question number 2. My spouse and I have high salaries, does this mean that we are not able to get free medicines in case of pregnancy or treatment of a child?

The provision of free medicines under the Health program and the provision of free medical services do not depend on the social status of the family.

It is not easy to ensure the full development of the baby during pregnancy, given the modern pace of life and the environment. To help expectant mothers strengthen their bodies, a special national project called “Health” is called upon.

The introduction of birth certificates allows the healthcare system to support the health of expectant mothers with the necessary complex of vitamins and microelements, without burdening them with additional costs.

List of free medicines that a pregnant woman can count on

Folic acid tablets:

  • Folacin tab. 5 mg N 30
  • Folic acid tab. 1 mg N 50

Vitamin E, capsules, oral solution in oil:

  • Alpha-tocopherol acetate cap.
  • Alpha-tocopherol acetate oral solution in oil 5%, 10%, 30%, 50%
  • Vitamin E caps. 200 IU for 30 and 100 pcs.
  • Vitamin E Zentiva caps. 100 mg, 200 mg, 400 mg N 30
  • Vitrum vitamin E 400 IU caps. N 24
  • Zytrum vitamin E 400 IU caps. No. 60
  • Doppelhertz vitamin E forte 200 IU N 60
  • Tocopherocaps caps. 0.1 N 10
  • Tocopherol acetate 10% 20 ml
  • Alpha-tocopherol acetate solution for ingestion oil. 5%, 10%, 30%
  • Alfa-Tocopherol-UBF solution for taking vn. oily 100 mg/ml

Iron (III) hydroxide polymaltose, chewable tablets, oral solution:

  • Maltofer solution oral. 50 mg/ml vial 30 ml N 1 x 1
  • Maltofer rr vnutr. 20 mg/ml vial 5 ml N 10 x 1
  • Maltofer tab. chew. 100 mg bl. N 10 x 3
  • Fenyuls Complex drops for oral administration 50 mg/ml vial. 30 ml

Ferrous fumarate + folic acid, extended release capsules:

  • Ferretab complex N 30

Potassium iodide tablets:

  • Potassium iodide tab. 100 mcg, 125 mcg, 200 mcg
  • Iodbalance tab. 100 mcg, 200 mcg
  • Iodomarin 100 mcg, 200 mcg
  • Microiodide tab. 0.1 mg N 50

Multivitamin, dragee:

  • Hexavit dragee N 50
  • Revit dragee N 100
  • Revit-UVI dragee N 100
  • Undevit dragee N 50
  • Undevit-UVI dragee N 50
  • Gendevit dragee N 50
  • Beviplex dragee N 30
  • Bio-Max tab., coating shell, N 30, N 60
  • Vitaspectrum tab. obol., N 30
  • Vitaress tab. obol., N 30
  • Vitrum tab., coating shell, N 30, N 60, N 100, N 130
  • Vitrum Prenatal tab. shell, N 30, N 100
  • Vitrum Prenatal forte tab. obol, N 30, N 100
  • Vitrum Superstress tab. shell, N 30, N 60
  • Zytrum Centuri tab. shell, N 30, N 100
  • Glutamevit tab., coating obol., N 30
  • Complivit tab., cover obol., N 60
  • Complivit Mom d / take. and lactating women tab., pokr. obol., N 30
  • Complivit-Active tab. obol., N 30
  • Iaxamin forte tab., coating obol., N 10
  • Megadin tab., cover obol., N 30
  • Megadin Pronatal tab. obol., N 30
  • Multimax tab., coated shell, N 30, N 60
  • Multi-tabs Active tab. obol, N 30
  • Multi-tabs Intensive tab. shell, N 30, N 60
  • Multi-tabs Classic tab., coated. shell, N 30, N 90
  • Multi-tabs Perinatal tab. obol., N 60
  • Polivit Geriatric tab. obol., N 30
  • Selmevit tab., coating obol., N 30
  • Supradin tab., coating obol., N 30
  • Teravit tab., coating obol., N 30
  • Teravit Antistress tab. shell, N 30, N 60
  • Teravit Pregna tab. shell, N 30, N 60
  • Tri-Vee Plus tab. obol., N 30
  • Ferrovit tab., coating obol., N 60
  • Ferrovit forte tab., coating shell, N 30, N 60
  • Elevit Prenatal tab. shell, N 30, N 100

Any pregnant woman who registers at the antenatal clinic on time can receive any of the above list of medicines. This right to social support is enshrined in a special order of the Moscow Department of Health. A woman can receive support in the form of necessary medicines free of charge or at half the cost.

In addition to vitamin preparations, pregnant women can also count on a number of expensive drugs if their use is necessary for a favorable pregnancy. All expenses of pharmacies issuing free medicines must be reimbursed from the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Due to the fact that the subject of the federation is financing this project, the list of drugs may change.

In different subjects, the conditions for obtaining certain drugs may differ. In particular, the condition for receiving a vitamin or medicinal preparation free of charge may be observation in one antenatal clinic for more than 12 weeks.

In addition to free medicines, the law provides for the provision of pregnant women with food. Such social support today can be used by women with very low body weight. A pregnant woman will be classified in this category if the body mass index does not exceed 19.8. Low weight gain and weight loss may also be a reason for prescribing free meals.

A special diet is also required for women who have problems with hemoglobin levels. At rates below 11.0/100 ml, they are also assigned free meals. Women with osteoporosis, diabetes, who have serious problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the thyroid gland need special supervision and, in addition to special medications, can also receive special meals free of charge.

Very often, antenatal clinic doctors do not prescribe free drugs to their patients. In this case, you need to ask for social support yourself. Having come across a misunderstanding of the doctor in this matter, it is best to contact the head physician of the antenatal clinic, and then to the health department. However, it should be remembered that the course of treatment is determined by the doctor, and only he can correctly prescribe the necessary medications.

In preparing for the desired pregnancy, every woman should include in her plan familiarization with the procedure for providing medical services to pregnant women.

Back in 2007, the legislation of the Russian Federation introduced a one-time provision of free medicines and vitamins for pregnant women with antenatal clinics at the expense of birth certificates as part of the Health project.

The purpose of this national project is to improve the quality of medical care for women during pregnancy and childbirth, for children under one year old.

How to get free medicines during pregnancy

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2007 No. 987 and Order of October 06, 2008 No. 748 “On drug provision for pregnant women”, free medicines during pregnancy can be obtained in the following order:

  1. A pregnant woman needs to contact the antenatal clinic and register.
  2. In a medical institution, a medical card is issued for a pregnant woman according to the Approved Form.
  3. The attending obstetrician-gynecologist writes out a prescription for a free medicine at a pharmacy with which there is an agreement of this medical institution on providing free medicines to privileged categories of citizens.
  4. With the received prescription, you must contact the pharmacy indicated in the list of pharmacies that have entered into an agreement with a medical institution for social services with medicines for citizens of a preferential category. Lists of pharmacies dispensing prescription drugs are posted in the corridors of antenatal clinics.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, pregnant women belong to the preferential category of citizens who are provided with free medicines or at a 50% discount. For a registered pregnant woman, an obstetrician-gynecologist must prescribe drugs such as vitamins, iron, calcium and iodine-containing drugs once.

Expensive drugs, such as: Hyper-roy SD, Fraxiparine and others, have not been prescribed to pregnant women since 2008 by order of the Moscow Department of Health.

List of medicines that pregnant women are entitled to receive free of charge

  • Alpha tocopherol acetate,
  • Alpha-tocopherol-UBF,
  • beviplex,
  • bio-max,
  • Vitamin E
  • Vita Spectrum,
  • Vitatress,
  • Vitrum vitamin E,
  • Vitrum Prenatal,
  • Vitrum Prenatal Forte,
  • Vitrum Superstress,
  • Vitrum,
  • Hexavit,
  • Glutamevit,
  • Iron (III) hydroxide polymaltose,
  • Ferrous fumarate with folic acid,
  • Zytrum vitamin E,
  • Zytrum Centuri,
  • iodine balance,
  • Iodomarin,
  • potassium iodide,
  • Complivit Mom for pregnant and lactating women,
  • Complivit,
  • Complivit-Active,
  • maxamin forte,
  • Maltofer,
  • Megadin Pronatal,
  • Megadin,
  • microiodide,
  • Multimax,
  • Multi-tabs Active,
  • Multi-tabs Intensive,
  • Multi-tabs Classic,
  • Multi-tabs Perinatal,
  • Polivit Geriatric
  • Multivitamin,
  • Revit,
  • Revit-UVI,
  • Selmevit,
  • Supradin,
  • Teravit Antistress,
  • Teravit Pregna,
  • Teravit,
  • Tocopherocaps,
  • tocopherol acetate,
  • Tri-V Plus,
  • Undevit,
  • Undevit-UVI,
  • Fenyuls Complex,
  • ferretab complex,
  • Ferrovit,
  • Ferrovit forte,
  • folacin,
  • Folic acid,
  • Zopelgerz vitamin E forte,
  • Elevit Prenatal.

When visiting a doctor, remember your rights to free vitamins. If the doctor prescribed vitamin preparations, but did not write out a prescription for them in a pharmacy, then he should be reminded of the law. After all, while waiting for a child, you have to spend a lot of money.

It is not easy to ensure the full development of the baby during pregnancy, given the modern pace of life and the environment. To help expectant mothers strengthen their bodies, a special national project called “Health” is called upon.

The introduction of birth certificates allows the healthcare system to support the health of expectant mothers with the necessary complex of vitamins and microelements, without burdening them with additional costs.

List of free medicines that a pregnant woman can count on

Folic acid tablets:

  • Folacin tab. 5 mg N 30
  • Folic acid tab. 1 mg N 50

Vitamin E, capsules, oral solution in oil:

  • Alpha-tocopherol acetate cap.
  • Alpha-tocopherol acetate oral solution in oil 5%, 10%, 30%, 50%
  • Vitamin E caps. 200 IU for 30 and 100 pcs.
  • Vitamin E Zentiva caps. 100 mg, 200 mg, 400 mg N 30
  • Vitrum vitamin E 400 IU caps. N 24
  • Zytrum vitamin E 400 IU caps. No. 60
  • Doppelhertz vitamin E forte 200 IU N 60
  • Tocopherocaps caps. 0.1 N 10
  • Tocopherol acetate 10% 20 ml
  • Alpha-tocopherol acetate solution for ingestion oil. 5%, 10%, 30%
  • Alfa-Tocopherol-UBF solution for taking vn. oily 100 mg/ml

Iron (III) hydroxide polymaltose, chewable tablets, oral solution:

  • Maltofer solution oral. 50 mg/ml vial 30 ml N 1 x 1
  • Maltofer rr vnutr. 20 mg/ml vial 5 ml N 10 x 1
  • Maltofer tab. chew. 100 mg bl. N 10 x 3
  • Fenyuls Complex drops for oral administration 50 mg/ml vial. 30 ml

Ferrous fumarate + folic acid, extended release capsules:

  • Ferretab complex N 30

Potassium iodide tablets:

  • Potassium iodide tab. 100 mcg, 125 mcg, 200 mcg
  • Iodbalance tab. 100 mcg, 200 mcg
  • Iodomarin 100 mcg, 200 mcg
  • Microiodide tab. 0.1 mg N 50

Multivitamin, dragee:

  • Hexavit dragee N 50
  • Revit dragee N 100
  • Revit-UVI dragee N 100
  • Undevit dragee N 50
  • Undevit-UVI dragee N 50
  • Gendevit dragee N 50
  • Beviplex dragee N 30
  • Bio-Max tab., coating shell, N 30, N 60
  • Vitaspectrum tab. obol., N 30
  • Vitaress tab. obol., N 30
  • Vitrum tab., coating shell, N 30, N 60, N 100, N 130
  • Vitrum Prenatal tab. shell, N 30, N 100
  • Vitrum Prenatal forte tab. obol, N 30, N 100
  • Vitrum Superstress tab. shell, N 30, N 60
  • Zytrum Centuri tab. shell, N 30, N 100
  • Glutamevit tab., coating obol., N 30
  • Complivit tab., cover obol., N 60
  • Complivit Mom d / take. and lactating women tab., pokr. obol., N 30
  • Complivit-Active tab. obol., N 30
  • Iaxamin forte tab., coating obol., N 10
  • Megadin tab., cover obol., N 30
  • Megadin Pronatal tab. obol., N 30
  • Multimax tab., coated shell, N 30, N 60
  • Multi-tabs Active tab. obol, N 30
  • Multi-tabs Intensive tab. shell, N 30, N 60
  • Multi-tabs Classic tab., coated. shell, N 30, N 90
  • Multi-tabs Perinatal tab. obol., N 60
  • Polivit Geriatric tab. obol., N 30
  • Selmevit tab., coating obol., N 30
  • Supradin tab., coating obol., N 30
  • Teravit tab., coating obol., N 30
  • Teravit Antistress tab. shell, N 30, N 60
  • Teravit Pregna tab. shell, N 30, N 60
  • Tri-Vee Plus tab. obol., N 30
  • Ferrovit tab., coating obol., N 60
  • Ferrovit forte tab., coating shell, N 30, N 60
  • Elevit Prenatal tab. shell, N 30, N 100

Any pregnant woman who registers at the antenatal clinic on time can receive any of the above list of medicines. This right to social support is enshrined in a special order of the Moscow Department of Health. A woman can receive support in the form of necessary medicines free of charge or at half the cost.

In addition to vitamin preparations, pregnant women can also count on a number of expensive drugs if their use is necessary for a favorable pregnancy. All expenses of pharmacies issuing free medicines must be reimbursed from the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Due to the fact that the subject of the federation is financing this project, the list of drugs may change.

In different subjects, the conditions for obtaining certain drugs may differ. In particular, the condition for receiving a vitamin or medicinal preparation free of charge may be observation in one antenatal clinic for more than 12 weeks.

In addition to free medicines, the law provides for the provision of pregnant women with food. Such social support today can be used by women with very low body weight. A pregnant woman will be classified in this category if the body mass index does not exceed 19.8. Low weight gain and weight loss may also be a reason for prescribing free meals.

A special diet is also required for women who have problems with hemoglobin levels. At rates below 11.0/100 ml, they are also assigned free meals. Women with osteoporosis, diabetes, who have serious problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the thyroid gland need special supervision and, in addition to special medications, can also receive special meals free of charge.

Very often, antenatal clinic doctors do not prescribe free drugs to their patients. In this case, you need to ask for social support yourself. Having come across a misunderstanding of the doctor in this matter, it is best to contact the head physician of the antenatal clinic, and then to the health department. However, it should be remembered that the course of treatment is determined by the doctor, and only he can correctly prescribe the necessary medications.

Most pregnant women buy vitamins and necessary medicines with their own money and do not even know that there is a law "On the procedure for free provision of pregnant women with medicines". This law has been in force since 2007 to the present.

The law “On the procedure for free provision of pregnant women with medicines” states that within the framework of the “Health” project, the state has undertaken to provide pregnant women with the necessary medicines, and in addition, women in the postpartum period and children of the first year of life are also provided. In order for a woman to receive free medicines for pregnant women, she only needs to register with the municipal antenatal clinic.
Free provision comes at the expense of the birth certificate. One of the appendices to the law contains a list of medicines that can be obtained free of charge by every pregnant woman served in the antenatal clinic. And there are many vitamins in this list, for example, folic acid, vitamin E, iron and many others, so necessary for women during pregnancy.

How to get free medicines for pregnant women? First, the obstetrician-gynecologist who manages the pregnancy must write a prescription for free medicines. Secondly, you must present the written prescription to the nearest pharmacy, which has an agreement with a medical institution for free care for pregnant women, and receive the medicine. The procedure is quite simple.

However, in practice, it often happens that doctors do not even mention the possibility of obtaining free medicines. Therefore, if a pregnant woman is not familiar with this law, then most likely she will not receive any free medicines. There are, of course, exceptions, when the doctor himself will explain and tell everything. More often, doctors have to be reminded of the possibility of obtaining free medicines for pregnant women. The main thing is not to be shy and ask the doctor what is really supposed to be for you as a pregnant woman, and what medicines you can not buy with your own money, but get a free prescription.

Also pregnant required to provide free food not to everyone, of course, but only to certain categories that need this, those who have:
Low body weight (body mass index less than 19.8).
Low weight gain (Less than 0.9 kg per month for normal weight women).
Loss of body weight (More than 2 kg in the 1st trimester More than 1 kg in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters).
Anemia (Hemoglobin level below 11.0 g/100 ml).
Hypovitaminosis, osteoporosis.
Preeclampsia, diabetes, hypertension, celiac disease, thyroid diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, food allergies, lactase deficiency.

The range of medicines for free delivery to pregnant women:
Folic acid tablets
Folacin tab. 5 mg N 30
Folic acid tab. 1 mg N 50
Vitamin E, capsules, oral solution in oil
Alpha-tocopherol acetate cap.
Alpha-tocopherol acetate oral solution in oil 5%, 10%, 30%, 50%
Vitamin E caps. 200 IU for 30 and 100 pcs.
Vitamin E Zentiva caps. 100 mg, 200 mg, 400 mg N 30
Vitrum vitamin E 400 IU caps. N 24
Zytrum vitamin E 400 IU caps. No. 60
Zopelgerz vitamin E forte 200 IU N 60
Tocopherocaps caps. 0.1 N 10
Tocopherol acetate 10% 20 ml
Alpha-tocopherol acetate solution for ingestion oil. 5%, 10%, 30%
Alfa-Tocopherol-UBF solution for taking vn. oily 100 mg/ml
Iron (III) hydroxide polymaltose, chewable tablets, oral solution
Maltofer solution oral. 50 mg/ml vial 30 ml N 1 x 1
Maltofer rr vnutr. 20 mg/ml vial 5 ml N 10 x 1
Maltofer tab. chew. 100 mg bl. N 10 x 3
Fenyuls Complex drops for oral administration 50 mg/ml vial. 30 ml
Ferrous fumarate + folic acid, extended release capsules
Ferretab complex N 30
Potassium iodide tablets
Potassium iodide tab. 100 mcg, 125 mcg, 200 mcg
Iodbalance tab. 100 mcg, 200 mcg
Iodomarin 100 mcg, 200 mcg
Microiodide tab. 0.1 mg N 50
Multivitamin, dragee
Hexavit dragee N 50
Revit dragee N 100
Revit-UVI dragee N 100
Undevit dragee N 50
Undevit-UVI dragee N 50
Gendevit dragee N 50
Beviplex dragee N 30
Bio-Max tab., coating shell, N 30, N 60
Vitaspectrum tab. obol., N 30
Vitaress tab. obol., N 30
Vitrum tab., coating shell, N 30, N 60, N 100, N 130
Vitrum Prenatal tab. shell, N 30, N 100
Vitrum Prenatal forte tab. obol, N 30, N 100
Vitrum Superstress tab. shell, N 30, N 60
Zytrum Centuri tab. shell, N 30, N 100
Glutamevit tab., coating obol., N 30
Complivit tab., cover obol., N 60
Complivit Mom d / take. and lactating women tab., pokr. obol., N 30
Complivit-Active tab. obol., N 30
Iaxamin forte tab., coating obol., N 10
Megadin tab., cover obol., N 30
Megadin Pronatal tab. obol., N 30
Multimax tab., coated shell, N 30, N 60
Multi-tabs Active tab. obol, N 30
Multi-tabs Intensive tab. shell, N 30, N 60
Multi-tabs Classic tab., coated. shell, N 30, N 90
Multi-tabs Perinatal tab. obol., N 60
Polivit Geriatric tab. obol., N 30
Selmevit tab., coating obol., N 30
Supradin tab., coating obol., N 30
Teravit tab., coating obol., N 30
Teravit Antistress tab. shell, N 30, N 60
Teravit Pregna tab. shell, N 30, N 60
Tri-Vee Plus tab. obol., N 30
Ferrovit forte tab., coating shell, N 30, N 60
Ferrovit tab., coating obol., N 60
Elevit Prenatal tab. shell, N 30, N 100

In existing classifications, it is customary to subdivide medications during pregnancy into groups - safe, relatively safe, relatively unsafe and dangerous. Moreover, the list of drugs is periodically updated.

  1. Safe medicines.
    Controlled trials have shown no risk to the fetus during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Regarding them, there is no evidence of a harmful effect on the fetus in late pregnancy. These are the majority of multivitamin complexes, potassium chloride, iron preparations, triiodothyronine.
  2. Relatively (un)safe drugs.
    Experimental studies have generally not shown their teratogenic effect in animals and children whose mothers took such drugs. These are penicillin antibiotics, heparin, insulin, aspirin, metronidazole.
  3. Relatively unsafe drugs
    When testing these drugs on animals, their teratogenic or embryotoxic effects were revealed. Controlled trials have not been conducted or the effect of the drug has not been studied (isoniazid, fluoroquinolones, gentamicin, antidepressants, antiparkinsonian drugs). These drugs should only be used if the potential benefit outweighs the potential risk.
  4. Dangerous drugs.
    The use of drugs in this group is associated with a certain risk to the fetus, but the benefits of their use outweigh the possible side effects (anticonvulsants, doxycycline, kanamycin, diclofenac).
  5. Dangerous drugs that are contraindicated for taking.
    The teratogenic effect of drugs in this group has been proven, their intake is contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as when planning a pregnancy (isotretionine, carbamazepine, streptomycin).

List of medicines during pregnancy– examples are given in the table:

group of drugs safe relatively
but the benefit can
prevail over
analgesics paracetamol
hydrocodone (a)
hydromorphone (a)
diclofenac (b)
ibuprofen (b)
ketoprofen (b)
morphine (a))
naproxen (b)
oxycodone (a)
pethidine (a)
piroxicam (b)
sulindak (b)
fentanyl (a)
aspirin (b)
dextropropoxyphene (a)
indomethacin (b)
ketorolac (b)
codeine (a)
nabumeton (b)
oxaprozin (b)
etodolak (b)
antidepressants amphebutamon
MAO inhibitors
anticoagulants heparin (in)
dalteparin (in)
enoxaparin (in)
aspirin (b) warfarin
antimicrobial agents azithromycin
metronidazole (G)
nicol (e)
isoniazid (e)
(systemic use)
(systemic use)
pyrazinamide (e)
rifampicin (e)
ethambutol (e)
amphotericin B
clotrimazole (topically)
miconazole (topically)
penicillins with inhibitors
lipid-lowering agents colestipol (g)
cholestyramine (g)
gemfibrozil lovastatin
hormonal preparations corticosteroids (h)
(systemic use)
progestogens (and)
oral contraceptives
diuretics (l) amiloride
ethacrynic acid
gastrointestinal agents bismuth subsalicylate
docusate sodium
H2 blockers
psyllium seed
from bronchial asthma beclomethasone
(inhalation use)
ipratropium bromide
orciprenaline (m)
pirbuterol (m)
salbutamol (m)
(inhalation use)
salmeterol (m)
(inhalation use)
antitussives dextromethorphan guaifenesin
antiemetics doxylamine (e)
meclozine (e)
drinat (e)
anticonvulsants (n) magnesium
sulfate (about)
valproic acid
hypoglycemic agents insulins acarbose
glibenclamide (e)
glipizide (e)
cardiovascular agents atenolol (P)
labetalol (P)
metoprolol (P)
propranolol (P)
timolol (P)
ACE inhibitors
sedatives and
sleeping pills
benzodiazepines (a) barbiturates
thyroid hormones and
antithyroid drugs
potassium iodide
propylthiouracil (to)
H1 blockers (e) triprolidine
other drugs iron(II) sulfate
potassium chloride


  • (a) Long-term use during pregnancy or taking high doses during full-term pregnancy leads to drug dependence in the newborn.
  • (b) Use in the third trimester may cause premature closure of the ductus arteriosus in the fetus and, as a result, persistent pulmonary hypertension in the newborn. These drugs, in addition, reduce the excitability and contractility of the uterus and can cause overmaturity or stop labor.
  • (in) Use in the third trimester increases the risk of postpartum hemorrhage. Long-term use may lead to osteopenia in the mother.
  • (G) Contraindicated in the first trimester.
  • (e) Contraindicated in the last weeks of pregnancy.
  • (e) Untreated tuberculosis causes much more severe complications in the mother and fetus than anti-tuberculosis drugs.
  • (g) They are not absorbed in the intestines, but when taken in high doses for a long time, they reduce the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) and due to this they can have a teratogenic effect.
  • (h) In maternal adrenal insufficiency, corticosteroid replacement therapy at doses close to physiological does not adversely affect the fetus and newborn. Taking high doses often leads to adrenal insufficiency in the newborn.
  • (and) It is prescribed in the first months of pregnancy to prevent recurrent miscarriage and threatened abortion, as well as to treat corpus luteum insufficiency in early pregnancy.
  • (to) The drug of choice for the treatment of thyrotoxicosis in pregnant women.
  • (l) Applied only with concomitant cardiovascular diseases. Diuretics do not prevent or reverse preeclampsia, but they reduce placental blood flow.
  • (m) They cause tachycardia in the mother, less often in the fetus. In addition, the mother may have hyperglycemia and arterial hypotension, and the newborn may have hypoglycemia.
  • (n) The dose is reduced, but it should be sufficient to prevent epileptic seizures. All anticonvulsants can be teratogenic to varying degrees, but status epilepticus and its complications due to drug withdrawal or change are much more dangerous for the mother and fetus than anticonvulsants. For the timely detection of malformations in the fetus and the solution of the issue of termination of pregnancy, an ultrasound scan and a study of amniotic fluid are performed as early as possible.
  • (about) The drug of choice for eclampsia.
  • (P) The newborn may have bradycardia (usually occurs in utero), arterial hypotension, hypoglycemia, and respiratory depression. Beta-blockers, if possible, are not prescribed in the first trimester and canceled 2-3 days before the expected date of birth.

Many drugs not only weaken the virus, but also affect the metabolism in the body, thus the drug can cause the death of some tissues and cells. Before buying any medication, consult your doctor. Discuss side effects and your personal contraindications. If the body of an adult is adapted to taking such drugs, then it is possible that they are forbidden to a child. Indeed, during treatment, it is quite possible to change the damage to the cells, genes and chromosomes of the fetus, and this often leads to congenital malformations and diseases. In addition, drugs can provoke oxygen starvation in the fetus, or even cause premature birth. The effect of drugs largely depends on the dose used and the duration of pregnancy. Many side effects for pregnant women are not even studied.

But drugs do not always have such an effect on pregnant women. Many expectant mothers have strong immunity, which rejects the extra and harmful qualities of the drug, and do not forget about the placenta. Which protects the baby from harmful influences. And in the end, the baby may simply be immune to the action of the drug. But many women can cause the death of the fetus with drugs and not notice it. Usually this happens in the first or second week of pregnancy, when a woman does not even know about her “position”. Such situations happen frequently.

Most importantly, do not forget to consult a doctor before using medications, and if necessary, pass the necessary tests.

Medications in early pregnancy

Since your immunity is sleeping, there is, in fact, no one to protect you, and you cannot take drugs that stimulate the body's defense functions. Mainly because almost all of them are alcohol tinctures. However, you can easily prepare one for yourself during the illness.

Grate the horseradish root on a fine grater and mix it with sugar in equal proportions. Then set to infuse for twelve hours. After that, gently strain through cheesecloth and take the resulting juice every hour in a tablespoon.

First steps at the first sign

  • If you feel a runny nose, sore throat, heaviness in the head, prescribe yourself a plentiful drink: tea with lemon or raspberries, an infusion of raspberry leaves and sprigs, milk with honey.
  • With a sore throat, it is useful to suck on slices of lemon without sugar.
  • The body needs to direct all its forces to recovery, and you should not spend them on digesting heavy, fatty foods. Therefore, during such a period, it would be good to sit on a low-calorie diet.
  • Limit salt intake: it contributes to the appearance of edema (pregnant women are especially prone to them), which means that it increases such unpleasant phenomena as nasal congestion.
  • Onions or garlic should be cut into small pieces, put on saucers and placed around the room. This, by the way, will also reduce the likelihood of contracting a viral infection to other family members.

And the last thing: if a cold caught you during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Based on materials: and

It is no secret that the body of a pregnant woman is subjected to serious stress, because it nourishes the baby in the womb. To ensure its normal development, the expectant mother needs to consume more vitamins and nutrients, which is not available to everyone due to the high cost of some drugs. Are free vitamins allowed for pregnant women by law, how to get them and where to find the list of drugs - you can learn about this from the article.

Features of laws in the field of providing free vitamins

At the state level, projects are being developed to improve the quality of service provided by medical institutions in order to improve the quality of life and the state of health of the population.

Pregnant women are one of the categories whose health protection is a priority for the government, since the quality of the country's gene pool in the future depends on it. Are pregnant women given free vitamins in 2017? Let's see who they are.

Vitamins for pregnant women

In its original form, the law required the provision of pregnant women and children with free drugs in full. But in view of such permissiveness, there were also cases of fraud and abuse, therefore, at the level of the Ministry of Health, it was decided to prescribe a specific list of funds that expectant mothers need. You can get coupons for free prenatal vitamins at the antenatal clinic or hospital from your doctor.

Vitamins for children

In the field of providing drugs to children, the law has not changed and today they are laid down for all categories according to the following criteria:

  • Child under three years old;
  • When contacting the hospital, the pediatrician writes out a prescription on a form indicating that it is received free of charge.
  • It is necessary to apply to state pharmacies.

How to get free vitamins

One of the draft laws prescribes that vitamins for pregnant women free of charge (law 2015-2017) are to be issued upon prescription by the attending physician. In addition, a number of drugs rely on a discount of up to 50%.

In practice, patients face a number of obstacles: the doctor refuses to provide a free prescription, does not see indicators for prescribing vitamins, is silent about this possibility, dissuades, manipulating the need to receive medicines in the future in the event of an illness, etc.

Therefore, every woman needs to study this issue in advance in order to understand her rights and demand free drugs guaranteed by the law.

In addition to medicines, patients are also equipped with a birth certificate, which performs the function of paying for the services of medical institutions that provide services for managing the health status of a pregnant woman, conducting childbirth, and dispensary care for a newborn. The certificate is not used when contacting a private (paid) clinic or consultation.

Step-by-step instruction

To get vitamins for pregnant women for free in 2017, you need to read the instructions that prescribe the procedure:

  • A woman determines a polyclinic, antenatal clinic or other institution where she wants to undergo observation.
  • When pregnancy is detected or at any time, the woman visits the chosen institution, where the attending physician is assigned to her.
  • The patient registers, receives a card. At the same time, her data is filled in, and in particular the developmental period of the fetus (we advise you to familiarize yourself with the material - A Handbook for Early Pregnancy).
  • The doctor examines, observes, makes recommendations. If a weakening of the body or a lack of certain trace elements is detected, he prescribes the intake of vitamins.
  • The doctor writes out a prescription that is marked "not payable."
  • The patient has the right to find out which vitamins are required for pregnant women for free and receive a complete list of them.
  • The patient is sent to the state pharmacy, which is obliged to dispense medicines free of charge, in accordance with the norms of the law.
  • The pharmacist dispenses drugs as prescribed and takes the prescription so that it cannot be reused.

How it happens in practice

Guided by these principles, one should not forget that in practice everything happens a little differently. In particular, if a doctor prescribes paid medicines, it is necessary to recall the operation of the law on the possibility of obtaining free medicines and vitamins for pregnant women. Upon receipt of a refusal, it is necessary to write a complaint to the head physician of the institution or send it to the supervisory authorities.

In addition to contacting state pharmacies, the doctor can refer to others with whom they have signed a contract on cooperation within the framework of this project.

What vitamins are given to pregnant women for free - a list

You can find out what free vitamins for pregnant women are supposed to be in the antenatal clinic, the clinic, or the attending physician. In addition, it is possible to request information from the social security authorities. It is worth knowing that for each region the list is different. This is due to the peculiarities of the regions, the situation in terms of the level of morbidity of the population, the degree of environmental pollution, the presence of harmful emissions, etc.

Mandatory free vitamins for pregnant women in 2017 are included in the general list:

  • Alpha-Tocopherol-UBF.
  • Alpha tocopherol acetate.
  • Tocopherocaps.
  • Vitamin E
  • Zopelgerz vitamin E forte.
  • Vitrum vitamin E.
  • Hexavit.
  • Revit.
  • Undevit.
  • Gendevit.
  • Bio-Max.
  • Beviplex.
  • Vitaspectrum.
  • Vitrum Prenatal, Superstress.
  • Compliment.
  • Iaxamines.
  • Glutamevit.
  • Megadin.
  • Multimax.
  • Multi-tabs.
  • Polivit Geriatric.
  • Selmevit.
  • Ferrovit.
  • Supradin.
  • Teravit.
  • Elevit Prenatal.
  • Tri-V Plus.

Having determined which vitamins are given to pregnant women for free, it is necessary to enlist a list of drugs that fill the body with the missing trace elements. These include:

  • Potassium iodide. Also drugs of this subgroup: Iodomarin, Microiodide, Iodine balance.
  • Folic acid, Folacin.
  • Ferrous fumarate + folic acid (Ferretab).
  • Iron hydroxide polymaltose. Maltofer, Fenyuls Complex.

What else should be said in the antenatal clinic

Having decided on the problem of whether pregnant women are given free vitamins and what to do in case of refusal, it is worth learning about some additional features prescribed by law. So, in the presence of certain diseases, a pregnant woman has the right to receive free meals. These include:

  • lactase deficiency.
  • Diabetes.
  • Food allergy, hypovitaminosis.
  • Anemia, celiac disease, preeclampsia
  • Hypertension, thyroid problems.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Diseases of the stomach and intestinal tract.

In addition, when weight is slowly gaining or is found to fall above the established limits, nutritional provision is also prescribed, and not just free prenatal vitamins.

Video interview about free vitamins for pregnant women

Not everyone knows that pregnant women are entitled to free vitamins and medicines. Women buy them at their own expense and then the money cannot be returned, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the official list of vitamins that can be issued at the antenatal clinic.