Where to start your self-development. Bruce Lee "Way of the Preemptive Fist"

Now the topic of self-improvement and personal growth is especially relevant. On the Internet, on television, in magazines - everywhere they say that you need to work on yourself, develop, grow, achieve success in life. At the same time, a natural question arises: how to start this self-development, how to find time and incentive? Especially if you want to quickly, all at once.

First, let's define what self-development is. Development and change is a natural process for everything that exists in the world. Human life itself is a series of constant changes associated with birth, growing up and aging, the formation of personality, the acquisition of certain skills and life experience.

Therefore, self-development can be characterized as a set of conscious and purposeful actions aimed at improving certain qualities, skills, abilities of a person. The explanatory dictionary gives us the following definition: self-development is the intellectual or physical development of a person on the basis of independent studies and exercises, on their own initiative, without the assistance of any external forces. Now that we have dealt with the theory, we can proceed to concrete actions. So, self-development: where to start positive changes in yourself?

  1. Revision. For this, you need to find time and analyze your life, or rather, each area of ​​your life, and honestly answer yourself the questions: what exactly does not suit me, what qualities or skills do I lack to be satisfied with life? Try to be objective and don't fool yourself. Consider each area of ​​life separately:
    • Physical sphere, health. Perhaps you should adjust the daily routine, start eating right, get rid of bad habits, lose weight, boost immunity, start playing sports;
    • Spiritual sphere. Getting rid of anger, envy, malice, irritability, developing a positive attitude towards oneself and others, various spiritual practices, meditation can help many:
    • Material sphere, finance. There is a wide field for activity here, since very few people are satisfied with their financial situation. Perhaps you should change your job to a higher paying one, or even change your profession, take courses, trainings, get a new specialty. Some want to start their own business but don't know how and are afraid of failure.
    • Social sphere, relations. Development of communication skills, overcoming conflicts, harmonious relationships in the family, at work, personal life, control over emotions.
    • Intellectual sphere, personal growth. Here we are talking about the development of intellectual abilities, memory, attention, abstract and creative thinking, the ability to set goals and achieve them, increase personal efficiency, the ability to plan your time
  2. We choose one the most important direction for self-development. Since there are only a few completely harmonious, comprehensively developed people, for a start it is worth focusing on the most important thing for you. Think about what qualities and skills you lack the most, and start your self-development from there. If you take on everything at once, then the result will certainly not be at all.
  3. We draw up a specific action plan. Let's consider an example: you decided to change your job to a more interesting and highly paid one. At the same time, you understand that you lack knowledge, you are scattered and do not know how to manage your time. Solution options:
    • take advanced training courses in the direction you are interested in;
    • learn to concentrate attention, develop perseverance (there are special exercises);
    • undergo training on personal effectiveness and personal time planning;
    • compose a competent resume and send it to all the companies you are interested in, and for this it is not necessary to quit your current job.

Positive attitude and purposeful actions

Whether you believe it or not, the mindset for success is very important.
. If thoughts like: “Why do I need this?”, “I won’t succeed ...”, “It’s difficult for me ..” - then you won’t see progress. It is important to immediately set yourself up in a positive way, believe in your success, see positive changes in your thoughts every day and enjoy even small successes. It will be useful to use affirmations, meditations.

Thoughts about self-development alone are not enough - you need to constantly carry out specific actions in order to become better every day. Many will ask: "How to find time to do self-development?". To begin with, it is enough to allocate 20-30 minutes a day - do not watch TV, do not surf the Internet and social networks. In a month, these 20-30 minutes will give you a tangible result, the main thing is to start.

Without smart books - nowhere

Self-improvement is written in many ancient books, starting with the Bible and other sacred books, much can be learned from the Eastern teachings of Yoga, Tao and others. But these are primary sources that will not be clear to everyone. They have already been reworked by scientists into a language understandable to us and set out in books in the form of recommendations for self-development. These editions just need to be found. Among the bestsellers on this topic today are the following books:

  • Steven Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People". This work changes the worldview of people, they get rid of many complexes and begin to quickly move up the career ladder or make progress in business. The book gives recommendations that really help to awaken dormant forces in yourself and become a leader. Read it with a pen and notepad and mark the main postulates on which you will base your path to excellence and you will succeed.
  • Sharma Robin "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari". This guide to the spiritual development of the individual, the author believes that without strengthening the strength of the spirit, nothing can be achieved in life, and self-development must begin with spiritual improvement. This is true, the weak in spirit does not become a leader and a successful person. Therefore, it is necessary to listen to what is written in this book. It also contains tips for the effective use of the strengths of the human character.
  • Godin Seth "The Pit" is a publication about how to take care of yourself in order to become the best in the field in which a person builds a career. This is a real guide to a breakthrough to success in your professional life.

All these books are united by one valuable idea - self-development never ends. The desire to be the best in a person’s character and you need to be able to use this quality.

Nice video for inspiration:

Good day, dear readers of my blog! I think that we have already figured it out in the previous article: "" Therefore, in this article we will find out how to work out a route to "our best", where to start moving and what to pay special attention to in order to get tangible results in the near future. A lot has been written about how to engage in self-development. I will try to choose the main thing, from my point of view, and state this main thing as accessible as possible.

So, let's start, perhaps, with the study of the stages that a person traditionally goes through in his development. After all, personal growth, like everything in this world, is not formed at once, but goes through a series of phases in its development.

Stages of self-development

  • self-knowledge. Back in the 4th century BC, seven ancient sages formulated and inscribed on the temple of the god Apollo in Delphi the absolute and universal truth: "Know thyself." A thinking person must clearly represent his life priorities, ideals, qualities that will allow him to move "forward and upward." Only by giving an answer to the question: “Who am I in this world?”, You can try to look for landmarks and direction of movement.
  • Goal setting. Goals can be long-term and short-term, but in any case, they must be flexible and should not contradict each other. In addition, the result of goal setting should be a specific result and process - systematic exercises. In itself, the problem of setting life goals in the aspect of self-development is a very important and capacious topic, which we will discuss in one of the following publications.
  • Ways to achieve the goals. Self-development is a very individual process. Therefore, there simply cannot be universal tips for achieving the heights of personal growth. The answer to the question about the way to improve oneself (physical, mental or spiritual) can be searched for a long time in smart books, or you can get, as they say, "just from the sky." The story of the American businessman and gambler MC Davis comes to mind. By chance, due to a traffic jam, when he got to a children's lecture on the destruction of wildlife, he suddenly found the meaning of his life. For twenty years, the businessman-philanthropist has invested ninety million dollars in the Nokuse project, designed for three hundred years. As a result, eight million swamp pine seedlings were planted on the lands purchased from wood processing companies.
  • Action. My favorite expression: "The road will be mastered by the walking one." After all, only by starting to act, having made at least one step towards the dream, one can hope to achieve a result.

The self-development program includes various areas, including the improvement of character, the formation of strong-willed qualities, the development of intellect, spirituality, and physical form. In general, self-development is both a powerful factor in business success and success in the personal sphere of human life.

Ways of self-development

  1. Select priorities. To go to the top without stopping and without wandering, a person needs to clearly understand the direction of movement. Stephen Covey, a well-known coach and business consultant, focused on the fact that the majority today chooses the watch as the main metaphor of their life, while they should be guided primarily by the compass. The main task of the individual is to find his true path. The focus should not be on speed, plans and schedules, but on priorities.
  2. Awareness of the fullness of life. Often in the flow of life, a person perceives the world either as a gray viscous substance, or as a motley chaotic kaleidoscope. To perceive the fullness of the moment, the harmony of the world and its versatility, it is worth applying the principle of “being here and now”. At any moment, you can give yourself the command: “Stop. Realize. Feel it."
  3. Concentration of attention. The Indians have a story that the human brain is a little monkey. She constantly climbs somewhere, itches, looks at something, chews, but she can be tamed. The same must be done with consciousness. When the mind jumps from thought to thought, from idea to idea, tell it, “Come back! Look here!" By the way, I want to assure you that this technique works flawlessly. I tested for myself and came to the conclusion that with the help of self-control, you can completely focus on the task, discarding everything else. So I accumulate consciousness and the efficiency in the process becomes many times higher.
  4. Write down thoughts. In order to form and strengthen any intention, I advise you to fix all the brilliant and not so brilliant thoughts that pop up in your mind about a particular problem. Use a notepad, organizer or voice recorder for this. By setting your subconscious mind to generate ideas in a given direction, you will soon receive a lot of tips and understand what and how to do next. Also, when debriefing flights of thought, pay attention to repetitive tasks. It is noticed that the task postponed three times is not worth the effort spent on its solution.
  5. Time. Take good care of such a valuable resource as time. Use time management techniques. It is worth learning arbitrary forgetfulness, since some problems are solved by themselves, and work on the ability to track and block "time eaters": empty conversations, communication in networks, absorption and reaction to unnecessary information.
  6. Environment. Communication with people who can teach you something, inspire you, lead you. At the same time, I advise you to limit interaction with those who drag you down, load you with whining and complaints.
  7. Movement towards the goal. By mastering the art of small steps, you will steadily move towards your goal. The slightest movement in the outlined direction is already the result.
  8. Multi-vector. The ability to achieve several results in one unit of time. For example, getting on a treadmill, you can stick headphones with acid music in your ears, or you can listen to an audio book or repeat the words of a foreign language. Which option is more efficient? Definitely the second one! But here you can’t get carried away, if the task is serious, it’s better to concentrate entirely on it.
  9. Stress. Tim Ferriss, author of How to Work the 4-Hour Workweek, advises learning how to manage stress. Sound paradoxical. Is not it? But it is a certain level of stress that forms sufficient motivation in you. It turns out that there is a so-called "good" stress - emotional outbursts (not always with a plus sign) that make you leave your comfort zone.

Of course, the ways of self-development are not exhausted by this list. Every spiritual practice, every guru of psychology will most likely bring to your attention many more ways. The ones described in this article seem to me the most universal.

2 powerful techniques

And finally, I would like to give you, dear readers of my blog, a small gift. Two great exercises to help restore inner harmony and motivate yourself to actively move to the top.

A wonderful technique with which you can upgrade your life in an amazing way is described in the book of a Vietnamese spiritual leader and Zen master Tit Nat Khana "Peace in every step". The author proposes to reconsider the attitude to reality. “We often ask ourselves the question: What is wrong? And a negative field is immediately formed around. What if we learned to ask life: “What is it?” At the same time, experience the sensations that the answer forms for a longer time.

Power Hour, a technique developed by Anthony Robbins. It is based on three whales: planning the day (ten to fifteen minutes), focusing on the goal and meaningful pronunciation of the settings. Let's talk about attitudes, or they are also called affirmations. They are the ones who program consciousness in a certain way. This is a very powerful tool that replenishes energy resources in an amazing way and works like a magnet that attracts resources, people, and events. Here are a few similar settings (affirmations):

  • I feel in myself strength, determination, happiness;
  • I am confident in my potential;
  • I live every day with energy and passion;
  • everything that I start, I bring to perfection;
  • I am calm and confident;
  • I am grateful for every day I live;
  • I am generous and gladly share my abundance.


There are many different techniques and methods of human self-development. About the best of them, I will tell in the following publications.

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Every day our world moves forward and develops at the speed of the wind. Many people strive to keep up with it and keep up with the times in order to live happily and comfortably. If a person does not strive to develop, he begins to degrade, which leads to unsatisfactory life and the habit of blaming everyone for his unfortunate fate. To prevent this from happening, you should not stop there, but move forward and not forget your beginning.

What to do first?

Often people themselves understand that it is necessary to change in life and, first of all, start with self-development. They are pushed to this by various reasons, love, life problems, the environment and a dull one, from which you want to get out as soon as possible. Your desire to change everything must be sincere and huge, the only way you will succeed. If today you want, but not tomorrow, then the result will be zero, and you will remain at the same level at which you were.

Many people live completely aimlessly in our world, and therefore they do not have any bright moments in their lives. For such individuals, all days are similar to each other. A person wakes up, goes to work, comes home from work, goes to bed, and in the morning everything starts all over again. And in old age, he begins to realize that he wasted his time in vain. Successful and rich people always achieve what they want with hard work.

Therefore, first of all, it is important to know what you want and learn how to set goals for yourself correctly. When a person has his own goal, not imposed by anyone, he will do everything in order to achieve the final result. He is inspired by a dream, so he will stop at nothing, of course, within reasonable limits.

The big mistake of many people is. They know what they want, but they do not take any action, they put everything off until better times. It is absolutely impossible to do this, because life does not stand still. You should hurry up and start turning your goals into reality.

One of the rules of developing people is. They try to write down everything that happens to them during the day. Many people think that only little girls and young ladies do this, but this is simply a delusion. With a diary, you can understand, analyze not only your actions, but also character traits. So you realize which area you need to pay more attention and self-development.

Where to start your changes and development?

After numerous conversations with people who have managed to change their lives, psychologists have identified several important recommendations that will be very useful in starting to develop other people.

    One of the main tips for the beginning of self-development is the daily routine. It is very important to learn to adhere to it daily. Make a plan for the whole day, from getting up to bedtime. Start small. , around 6 o'clock in the morning, and go to bed no later than eleven in the evening. Once you achieve this, you can safely add new items. A person must find his biorhythms, because in this way he loses vigor, strength and energy.

    Hobby. People who have a favorite pastime develop gradually and evenly. The main thing is to choose exactly what you like best, what brings you pleasure, freedom and good mood. It can be anything from playing chess to surfing.

    Reading books and articles. We now take most of the information from the Internet, but we should not forget about the literature. Try to read daily not only interesting books in your favorite genre, but also switch to other topics. When you immerse yourself in reading, you get rid of negative thoughts and clear your mind of unnecessary experiences, and when books are also motivating, this will help you and your strengths.

In the article you will learn:

How to improve yourself every day

Greetings, readers! Laziness, of course, is the engine of progress, but only if you are a genius. The rest, in order to achieve at least insignificant success, it is necessary to sit in the chariot of zeal and gallop along the road of development and labor to a brighter future. So today we are going to discuss how to develop yourself every day to be more efficient and successful.

I emphasize that it is contraindicated to make drastic changes in life, you need to gradually direct the vector of activity towards self-improvement. Therefore, I will not pour advice that you urgently need to get rid of bad habits, sign up for many courses and fill your time with relentless “pumping” yourself. And first of all decide what you really want and wish.

How to understand what you want

To begin with, I recommend that girls get rid of all unnecessary tasks that are already outdated, and decide what you are striving for, what you are developing for. Everywhere they write that this should be done, but nowhere is it written how, or they are limited to general phrases.

In fact, the answer is ingeniously simple - start get experience. Yes, no matter what. Generally. Always wanted to learn Photoshop? Great - do it. Don't know what you want and can't understand? Catch the first thought, absolutely any and without reasoning you want - you don’t want - go and implement. After all, any thought arises for a reason. One thing will lead to another will lead to the third, favorite pastime. And sooner or later, by trying, practicing, learning, you will be able to separate the wheat from the chaff and crystallize your valuable desires.

If there are a lot of desires and you are at a loss for what to take on, then that's great! It means that you have a lot of energy, you are active and will achieve what you want quickly. The principle of implementation is the same - just start trying something what is most convenient, more accessible and attractive, and experience will tell you where to go next.

Difficulties are sources of growth

Another way to understand what to strive for and what to develop yourself in: to feel, what else is missing in your life and what causes dissatisfaction. If this is a relationship with a loved one, start to be interested in the psychology of relationships. If you are concerned about raising a child, study literature and the Internet. If you lack professional skills, attend trainings, seminars, read books.

The main rule is to devote time to a subject of interest every day. For example, I write at least 1500 characters every day. I also recommend reading the article "What books to read for self-development for a woman", there you will see detailed descriptions of the literature recommended by me.

Whoever you are - be better

When goals are set, you will need special tools to develop yourself correctly and quickly on the way to goals. And the first tool is time management, the art of time management.

Get into the habit of taking 15 minutes in the evening to plan for the next day. For example, Alps method. Distribute important, important-urgent and urgent tasks by time. Estimate how much time you need to complete them and optimize the plan by delegating, transferring and rearranging tasks.

Every day, planning will become easier, and the estimate of the time for a particular task will become more accurate. As a result, you will feel master of your time and life in general.

The more effective the rest, the more productive the growth

Since stress often interferes with our lives and affects our productivity, I recommend self-improvement in the ability to relax and switch your emotions. Therefore, be sure to meditate at home in the evenings. Take yoga for example. I really like her techniques, as the mind is cleared of the daily bustle, the body relaxes, the nerves calm down, and the mind prepares for the next day.

The stereotype often works that Indian spiritual practices are not suitable for temperamental people. In fact, meditation brings great relaxation and is suitable for absolutely everyone. I will bring an example of one of the asanas before going to bed: lie on your back and do body twists to the right and left, fixing on each turn for 2-3 seconds. It's easy, isn't it? You can learn other asanas that are good for your health.

Decree is not a sentence

Often self-development issues worry mothers on maternity leave: since while they are caring for the baby, they especially need new experiences, pleasant emotions and mental exercises.

For example, at home, you can study computer programs, foreign languages, and even earn money, since the Internet provides such opportunities. And you can do needlework, start home accounting, be creative in housekeeping, etc. An active, interested, smart mother is an important example for a child's life..

Life hacks for every day

There are also various little tricks that improve your life and make it better:

  • Do something every day that you have not tried before or afraid to try. It doesn't have to be something big, it can be something small. For example, prepare a new salad recipe.
  • Make sure that at least once a day you from the heart laughed! If the time is in the evening, and there was zero positive - call a cheerful girlfriend and chat for about 10 minutes. Or watch some funny videos on YouTube / Facebook. For example, this:

  • If a go to bed before 11 pm, then the body will rest several times more and provide an active day without drowsiness.
  • All tasks marked as non-urgent and unimportant ones can be deleted do not do it at all, so you save time.
  • If you sit on the Internet for a long time, browsing the sites, or watching TV for a long time. Then before you sit down in front of the screen, next time set a timer.
  • Get in the habit of asking yourself every night what a good day and be sure to answer positively.

There are a lot of life hacks, I brought only those that I use myself. But you can create your own collection of useful tips for every day and even come up with your own.

On this, perhaps, everything. June was with you.

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Ruslan Dudnik

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Ask yourself the question in the title a couple of months after using the 10 ways below.

Read and try to put into practice those that you liked and resonated in your heart. Do not think that they are too simple or, on the contrary, too complicated. Just take it and implement it. With regular use, you will soon notice that they can literally "blow up" your life by unleashing your creativity or attracting new sources of material income into your life or help you improve your fitness. So, to business:

1. Create an opportunity for yourself to write down all the ideas that come to your mind during the day. Carry a notebook with a pen, use an electronic organizer on your smartphone or communicator, use a voice recorder on your cell phone, but be sure to record your ideas. Choose a topic that is most relevant to you now, for example, financial status, and let your subconscious mind generate thoughts in the direction of attracting new sources of income into your life. And fix, fix, fix. You have no idea how powerful your intention will become, which, together with new ideas, will give you a clear picture of what needs to be done next. Try a different topic the next day.

2. By the way, you can use the way to be.

3. The art of small steps - do at least something every day. Plan and do. Take for example the physical form - if you write out complexes of 20 exercises for yourself, then very quickly abandon them. Indeed, in addition to getting used to the body to new movements, your psyche should also get used to them. But with it you need to mess around longer and softer. Therefore, for the first two weeks, do only 2 exercises every other day - and. Hold on for two weeks and you will be pleased with the first results and curious what to do next.

4. When you first learn a new skill, a new skill, a new exercise - try to act like you are a professional in this matter. Pretend, play, believe in this image. The more you believe, the faster you will master.

5. Break your day into blocks - morning, afternoon, afternoon, evening. So it will be easier to plan what type of classes to deliver at what time.

6. The most important thing you need to start doing right away is to treat life in such a way that you get the most out of it. Yes, it's so simple and selfish on the one hand and very practical on the other. One of the options is described. Choose any way for yourself by reading a few worthwhile books on self-development beforehand and persistently change your attitude towards life.

7. Hang out with people who have a lot to learn from. Get rid of whiners and other people who are dragging you down from your life. If you can’t find worthy people yet… look for them and don’t say that there are no such people.

8. To feel great and look normal in ANY case, you need to confidently swim on three pillars - healthy nutrition, exercise and mental self-regulation. But the details may already be different and your task is to choose exactly those methods and techniques that will work for you 100%, taking a minimum of time. You can’t do it yourself, find a specialist who will coach you in these topics for money, and then let you free float. You can master everything yourself, but why should you waste time and energy on making mistakes that can be avoided.

9. Keep a diary. But not a simple fixation of your life - ate, called, slept, but a real diary of self-development. This topic is interesting and will not fit in a couple of lines, but in short, then ... find on the Internet what the “wheel of life balance” is and, based on it, break the diary into topics according to this “wheel”. Find a convenient way to plan for the day and week. At the end of the day, ALWAYS record 2-3 of your successes in your diary. It's even better if you do a short debriefing in the evenings. For example, in the afternoon there was a situation in which you behaved incorrectly. "Review" it in the diary in the correct perspective. "Chandler, what should we do?" — Joe, what would we do if we were smart?

10. Use the most productive 5-10 minutes before falling asleep in the evening for self-hypnosis, “recapitulation” (on Google!), recovery (I improved my vision significantly in 3 months) and ... there is much more you can do at this time.