The scenario of the sports festival in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. Sports entertainment in the preparatory group "Call of the Jungle"

Lukyanchikova A.G., physical education instructor, MADOU d / s No. 106 "Zabava", Naberezhnye Chelny

As part of the action of good deeds


  • Involve children in active participation in sports competitions.
  • Improve motor skills and abilities, achieve physical beauty, strength, dexterity, endurance.
  • To promote the development of positive emotions, feelings of mutual assistance, friendship, empathy.

Members: 2 teams of 6 people

Equipment: ball, hoop, skittles, sandbags, flag.

The course of the holiday


We invite you, children, to the sports ground.

We start the holiday of sports and health now!

We invite teams!

Hello everyone guys

And this word:

Love sports since childhood,

You will be healthy!

Come on, let's go, kids.

Let's all shout:

Children: Physical Culture!

Presenter: Sport is the key to good mood and excellent health.

Today at our sports festival we are glad to welcome friendly sports teams. Let's get to know the teams.

Team greetings.

1. "Smile"

Life without a smile is a mistake

Long live laughter and smile

2. "Friendship"

Our motto:

friendship and success

We will defeat everyone today.

The jury will judge our progress...


The sun is shining in the morning, we are very happy with it,

Guys! It's time to start a fun sports day.

If you want to become skillful, agile, fast, courageous.

Learn to love jump ropes, rings, hoops and sticks.

Never lose heart, hit the target with balls.


Passing the ball in line

Children are divided into 2 teams. Each team is built in one line. The first players have the ball in their hands. On a signal, the children quickly pass the ball from hand to hand, in a line, in one direction. The last one lifts the ball up, and this team gets 1 point.


Children stand in two columns. Place a hoop at a distance of 3m in front of each column. Children take turns throwing sandbags with their right and left hands, trying to hit the hoop. If the child hit, then his team counts 1 point. Outcome: whoever has more points, that team won.

Presenter: Mobile, cheerful children live in Europe, they love to play, run and catch up with each other. Mobile game:

Fast train

Children are divided into two teams. The players of each team are built one after the other in a column. A flag is placed in front of each team at a distance of 6 - 7 m. The first player in the team runs to the flag, runs around it and returns to the place where the next participant grabs it, and the children run to the flag together. Then they come back and take the third one, and so on, until the whole team runs around the flag. The team that finishes the game first wins.

Relay with hoops

Two lines are drawn on the track at a distance of 20 - 25 m from one another. Each player must roll the hoop from the first to the second line, come back and pass the hoop to his friend. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Pass the ball

Children are divided into two teams. The players of each team are built one after the other in a column. The first participants hold the ball in their hands. At the signal of the leader, the first player in each team passes the ball to the one who is behind, over his head. The last in the team, having received the ball, runs to the beginning of the column, gets up first and passes the ball to the next one behind him, also over his head. And so on until the first one returns to its place. The team that finishes the game first wins.

"Jumping on gymnastic balls"

Exercise: the whole team takes turns jumping on a gymnastic ball. At the start, we sit on the ball, jump forward to the rack, jump off the ball, take it in our hands and run back to our team.


One player starts the relay - runs around the rack, returns, takes the second by both hands, and they continue the relay together, also run around and return for the third, take his hands and run around already three of them, closing in a ring. And so on, until the whole team gathers to the ring.

The Tatar national game is being held "Take a seat" (Bush uryn)

One of the participants in the game is chosen as the leader, and the rest of the players, forming a circle, walk holding hands. The driver goes around the circle in the opposite direction and says:

Like a magpie chirping

I won't let anyone into the house.

I cackle like a goose

I'll pat you on the shoulder


Having said run, the driver lightly hits one of the players on the back, the circle stops, and the one who was hit rushes from his place in a circle towards the driver. The one who runs around the circle takes an empty seat earlier, and the one who lags behind becomes the leader.

Rules of the game. The circle should immediately stop at the word run. It is allowed to run only in a circle, without crossing it. While running, you can not touch those standing in a circle.

At the end of the game, all the children stand in a circle and dance a joint fun dance. "Nenilerge physical education"

Nadezhda Zagorodneva
The scenario of sports entertainment in the preparatory group "War Game"

Target: to cultivate a sense of pride, gratitude and respect for the Russian army, love for the motherland.


1. increase children's interest in physical education and sports;

2. develop endurance, reaction time, speed, agility;

3. to form the need for a healthy lifestyle;

4. cultivate a sense of patriotism, long and love for the fatherland.

Inventory: skittles 8 pcs, hoops 2 pcs, sandbags 16 pcs, cube 2 pcs, baton 2 pcs, “secret letter” 2 pcs.

The course of the holiday

There are 2 teams, each team has 8 children. The rest of the kids are fans.

leading th:

Hello, dear guys! Hello, dear fans! I am very glad to see you brave, cheerful, resolute and ready to take part in real military competitions! But first, we need to warm up properly, stand up for a warm-up!

Music plays, all the children get up to warm up.

leading uy:

What good fellows you guys are! I ask the fans to take their places, and the soldiers to line up. So let's start our competition, shall we? Let's greet each other three times - "Hurrah!"

The main thing in our business is discipline and exact execution of orders. Teams "Border Guards" and team "Infantry" stand at your marks!

Teams pronounce their mottos.

1. Relay "Sappers". Skittles are lined up on the floor. It is necessary to run a snake between the pins and not touch them. The team that completes the task faster and does not knock down more than one skittle wins.

2. Relay "Transfer" teams line up one after the other. On a signal, the ball is passed to each other a) from above; b) from below between the legs.

leading uy:

Well, what are you fast and dexterous! Guys, how many military professions do you know?

3. Team members take turns naming military occupations. The team that names the most professions wins.

4. Relay "Snipers". Opposite each team is a hoop. Children are given one bag of sand. The task of the children is to get the bag into the hoop, the team that throws the most bags wins.

5. Relay "Rescuers". Opposite each team is a cube. Team captains "Commanders" stand near the cubes, opposite their team, put on a hoop. The task of the commanders is to transport the “rescue” of their fighters to their side. The captains run to their team, the first child clings to the hoop and runs with the captain to the cube and stays there, the captain runs after the next child. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

The host holds 2 envelopes in his hands, inside of which are letters.

leading uy:

Guys, look what you got! These are secret letters and you need to decrypt them, can you handle it? Well, then, on my command, start decoding!

6. "Secret letter". The envelopes contain words on a military theme: machine gun, machine gun, fighter, etc. on a signal, the participants open the envelopes and collect the words. The team that completes the word the fastest wins.

leading uy:

And now there will be the last relay race and it is called "Pass the banner"

7. Relay "Pass the banner." The first numbers are given a baton. Running in a straight line to the landmark with the transfer of the stick. The team that reaches the finish line first wins.


Hooray! We have passed all the tests. Guys, you are the bravest, strongest, fastest soldiers. Our camp is completely safe! And now I invite all the guys to the game.

The game "Dismissal". To marching music, children march throughout the hall, at the end of the children "salute" and leave the hall.

Related publications:

War game in kindergarten. Scenario of a sports event by February 23 for senior and preparatory groups"War game in kindergarten" Scenario of a sports event by February 23 for senior and preparatory groups. Purpose: - to cultivate a feeling.

"Defenders of the Motherland - military exercises" Svetlana Belik Scenario of sports entertainment for February 23 in a group preparatory to school ..

Relevance. One of the most important conditions for raising a healthy generation is a culture of human health, instilled from early childhood.

Scenario of the sports and music festival dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day "Hurrah! Hurray! Hurray! War game!" for older and preparatory children.

Scenario of sports entertainment for the preparatory group "Funny Starts" Sports entertainment for the preparatory group "Merry Starts" B. Hello, dear guys and our guests! Today we will pass.

Name: Sports entertainment "Merry Fun". Preparatory group DOW.
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, sports, Preparatory group preschool

Position: senior educator of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 11 "Bell" of the city of Shumerlya, Chuvash Republic
Location: Shumerlya, Chuvash Republic

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
"Kindergarten No. 11 "Bell"
city ​​of Shumerlya, Chuvash Republic

sports entertainment
"Merry fun"


improve children's health.


  • To create a favorable emotional and psychological climate between adults and children.
  • To develop a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance between adults and children.
  • To form endurance, dexterity, maintain a good mood, encourage creativity, independence.
  • Form the habit of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Develop a sense of community.

Participants: pupils of the Znayki group preparatory to school;

Leading - Skomorokh;

Requisites: buffoon costume. Children white t-shirts, Czechs, shorts.

Equipment and sports material:

2 fitness balls.

Competition material : gum (2), galoshes (2 pairs), bags (2 pcs), bowls (4 pcs), pasta (3 types), drawing paper (2), easel (2), marker (2).

(Leading in the role of Buffoon)

Buffoon: Hello, kids! Girls and boys!

Attention! Attention!

Residents near and far!

The holiday begins!

Everyone is invited here!

Here, here, hurry up everyone!

Lots of things await you:

Play different games

Honestly show strength!

(Children run up to Skomorokh)

Buffoon (surprised):

Oh, how many of you came in large numbers!

Oh, how many rolled you! 10 laughing, mischievous,

The perky, having fun children.

To a fun fair of inventions.


Are you the strongest? (Yes)

Are you the bravest? (Yes)

Are you the smartest? (Yes)

Are you the funniest? (Yes)

Then we start the competition.

We will show a master class.

How great we are.

Get up to recharge

And start your workout.

Warm-up "Funny children"

Skomorokh: On our amazing planet, the "Funny Children" contest begins. 2 teams participate in the competition. the Zvezdochka team and the captain of the team Masha Frolova.

Masha: our motto is "One for all and all for one".

Ogonki team, team captain Kirill Chirkov.

Kirill: Our motto is “Together we are strong”.

Are the teams ready? (Yes)

Buffoon: Let's start then. Oh, and the jury will evaluate the teams. Whoever has more flags at the end of the competition, that team won.

Buffoon: 1 contest "Friendship Train".

The brothers were equipped to visit,

clinging to each other

And rushed off on a long journey,

They just left smoke.

Task: team captains run around the cube, take the next players in the team, run around the cube, etc.

Buffoon: Well done guys!

Competition 2: Get on the horse quickly

And fly faster up.

Task: sit on the ball, jump to the cube, go around it, return, give the ball to the next player.

Buffoon: You “jumped” very quickly, I don’t know how, well done!

Buffoon: 3 competition "Spider"

Task: go around the bump "spider".

Skomorokh: Let's ask the jury to evaluate three competitions. The guys all tried very, very hard, they are great. (The jury evaluates).

Buffoon: 4 competition. It's time to test the power.

Competition "Pull the Rope".

I will be glad to warm up

Where is my big rope.

1,2,3, pull the rope!

Oh, oh, oh, how strong you are!

Well done boys! I didn't think you were that strong.

Buffoon: Guys, do you like to play? (Yes).

Let's take a ride on the fair carousel. Did you like it? (Yes).

Great! I myself like it too.

Buffoon: Our contests continue.

Here are the jokes

Here and laughter

We will surprise everyone.

5 contest funny contest "Sardines in a jar"

Task: team captains put on an elastic band, run, run around the cube, stand at 1m. from the cube, the next player runs, runs around the cube, "climbs" into the jar to the captain, etc. whose jar fills with "sardine" faster, that team wins the match.

6 contest funny contest "Pasta in a bowl".

Task: near the teams there is a bowl of 3 types of pasta, on the opposite side there are 3 bowls. The captain takes one pasta, runs to the bowl, puts it down, runs back, passes the baton to the next player, and so on.

Skomorokh: We ask the jury to evaluate the competitions of the teams.

Buffoon: Did we measure strength? (Yes)

Now let's check if you are really brave?

7 competition. Our next competition is very serious, which requires special attention and is called "Bag Jumping"

Task: get into the bag, collect its ends, jump in the bags to the cube, after the cube has been bypassed, get out of the bag and run holding it in your hands to pass it to the next player.

Buffoon: Here, guys, I have never laughed like today. You are so good, we have so much fun. Just class!

Buffoon: Dear jury! Please evaluate this competition separately. It was very, very cool!

Buffoon: Guys, do you want to participate in another comic number? (Yes)

8 competition "Running in pairs in galoshes."

Task: one player puts on a galosh on the left foot, the other on the right, join hands and run to the cube, run around it, run, pass the galoshes to the next pair, etc. the team that finishes the competition the fastest wins.

Buffoon: Well done guys! You are just a miracle! I really like the way you compete. Indeed, “Together we are strong!”. I ask the jury to evaluate the competition (the jury evaluates the competition).

Buffoon: 9 competition. There is a portrait painter at the fair. He usually paints portraits, but today he is not there and I suggest you draw my portrait - the portrait of Skomorokh, you will be artists today.

Task: drawing paper on an easel, marker. Each player, starting with the captain, in turn approaches the easel, draws one detail of the portrait (for example, eyes), another nose, the third - mouth, fourth - face, fifth - ears, sixth - neck, seventh - torso, eighth - arms, ninth - legs, the tenth - hair.

Buffoon: dear jury! Which portrait do I look like? (jury evaluation)

Buffoon: Let's continue. And yet, I really like both portraits.

10 competition. The last competition with balls.

Task: take three balls, run with them to the cube, go around the cube, put the cubes 1 meter from it, run to the team, pass the baton to the next player, 2 player runs to the cube, runs around it, takes the balls, runs to the team without reaching 1m. puts down the balls, the third player takes the balls, runs, etc.

Vereykina I.V.,

senior educator

MDOU kindergarten No. 62 "Golden beehive"

Stary Oskol, Belgorod region


(Sports entertainment with the participation of parents

and children of preparatory groups)

Program content:

Exercise children in performing basic types of movements (throwing, running, jumping); develop eye, dexterity, speed; increase motor activity; to cultivate a persistent interest in physical education and sports, in personal achievements and the achievements of the team.


Presenter: Attention attention! We are glad to welcome you to our Kindergarten "Big Races". This year, for the first time, our country took part in the "Great Races" held for several years in Europe. And we want to continue this successful undertaking and prepare a worthy replacement for our stars. So, we meet the participants of our kindergarten "Big Races"!

Fans run into the hall to the music, after which the participating teams enter in turn. Parents enter and line up behind the teams. Fans go to their seats.

Presenter: Two teams take part in our competitions: the Olympians team and the Fortune team. I will ask the teams to greet each other.

Team "Olympians":

Captain: Team "Olympian" team "Fortune" physical education ...

Hi everybody!

Captain: Our Olympic motto:

Get busy, don't be lazy.

After all, health, sports and work

They will bring us victory!

Team Fortune:

Captain: Team "Fortuna" team "Olympian" physical education ...

Hi everybody!

Captain: Our motto: Let fortune smile

And it will turn into a victory!

Presenter: And Antoshka and Kapitoshka will help me to conduct our competitions.

The clowns Antoshka and Kapitoshka enter.

Antoshka: I am the best assistant in the world!

Kapitoshka: Not! I am the best help! And you always get out of hand.

Antoshka: And you ... And you have ... a nose with potatoes!

Presenter: Wait, wait! Do not quarrel. It is better to decide which of you will help which team.

The clowns choose the team they will help.

Presenter: And today our competitions will be judged by a jury consisting of the head of the kindergarten Tatyana Ivanovna Bezborodykh and mothers, representatives from the teams. We hope that the jury will be fair to our participants. And we start our competition. I ask the teams to go to the start.

Relay race: "Collect the pyramid."

Two dads with a stretcher. Mom puts the baby on a stretcher. The child has a circle from the pyramid in his hands. Dads carry the child on a stretcher to the opposite side of the hall, the child strings a circle on the bar, dads carry him back. After that, the next child is placed on the stretcher. And so on until all the players participate in the relay. The team that collects the pyramid first wins.

Summing up the results of the relay race.

Presenter: Antoshka, Kapitoshka, are you afraid of any animal?

Clowns: No, we are not afraid of anyone!

Presenter: And you're not afraid of bulls?

Clowns: No!

Presenter: And now we'll check it out! For our next competition we need a bull and you bring it to us!

Competition: Tower.

At the command of the host, a bull is taken out onto the field (two adults in a cape with a bull mask). On a signal, the teams build a tower of large cubes. The bull destroys them, preventing the teams from building the tower. After three minutes, the leader's signal sounds. The team whose tower is higher after this time wins.

Dance from a group of fans of the Fortuna team.

Summing up the results of the competition "Tower".

Relay race: "Try, hit!".

The team lines up behind the start line. On the opposite side of the site is a mother with a basket. Between mom and the team is dad with a hoop in his hands. The players take turns throwing the ball into the hoop, and the mother tries to catch the balls in the basket. The team with the most balls in the basket wins.

The jury summarizes the results of the relay race.

Antoshka and Kapitoshka come out with buckets in their hands.

Presenter: Antoshka, Kapitoshka, where are you going?

Antoshka: Go fishing!

Presenter: Do you even know how to fish?

Kapitoshka: And what to be able to catch! I took a fishing rod, spun it like this, and sit and catch a fish.

Presenter: Now our captains will show you how to fish. For this you need to have patience and endurance.

Captains competition: "Fishing".

Captains in life jackets catch fish with magnetic rods and carry them to buckets. The winner is the one who, after two minutes, will have more fish in the bucket.


Guess the riddle:

What are the master champions

Jumping in the morning?

And on the run, and on the spot,

And two feet together.

Compete in the morning Lena and Natalka,

Without end in all yards

Spinning ... (jump rope.)

Competition for fans "Who is better at jumping rope?"

The girl who jumps on the rope longer without dropping wins.

Summing up the results of two competitions (the captains' competition and the fans' competition).

Relay "Into the tunnel".

Participants take turns crawling into the tunnel, throwing a ball at the target and returning to the team. The team that finishes the relay first and has the most hits wins.

Relay "Collect the bows"

A bull is brought into the hall, on the back of which ribbons of two colors are tied. On command, the participant runs to the bull, trying to remove a ribbon of a certain color from its back, returns with it to the team, and passes the baton. The next participant runs. The first team to collect all the ribbons of their color from the back of the bull wins.

Summing up the results of two relay races.

Final medley relay.

The first player jumps on a fitball, the second comes a couple, standing facing each other with the ball sandwiched between them. They must, without helping themselves with their hands, carry the ball from one end of the hall to the other and return to the team. The next pair of boys is leapfrog. The next girl jumps on a skipping rope moving forward. The next dad jumps with the ball between his legs. The next three: a child on the shoulders of the father, mother with a hoop in front of them. The child throws the ball into the hoop, the mother catches it, gives it back. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Dance from a group of fans of the Olympian team.

Summing up the final relay race. Summing up the game. Team awards. Presentation of prizes, certificates.


The games were not in vain

They brought us health

You played, you danced

You have become champions!

Dexterity and strength, and your courage

You have shown in a sports fight.

Our "Great Races" have come to an end. Once again, I want to congratulate the winners and thank all the participants, as well as the fans. Many thanks to my assistants Antoshka and Kapitoshka. I hope that we will meet more than once at our kindergarten "Big Races". Goodbye!

Prepared and conducted by the educator of the first qualification category
Dudka Tatyana Vladimirovna


  • - introduce children to a healthy lifestyle;
  • - to develop motor activity of children;
  • - to consolidate the rules and motor skills in games, competitions and relay races;
  • - contribute to the harmonization of parent-child relationships;
  • — cultivate friendliness, honesty, diligence, responsibility and respect.

Event progress:


Hello dear friends! Today, the teams of the most dexterous, fast and erudite guys will prove in an honest, open and fun duel that they deserve the title of "Champions!" In the competitions "Merry Starts" teams of pupils of the senior and preparatory groups meet (name). So, meet the participants of our competitions.

Sports march. Children enter the hall


We wish the participants of the competition success, but before moving on to the tests, it is necessary to warm up.

Is everyone gathered?

Is everyone healthy?

Ready to jump and play?

Well then pull up -

Get on the workout.

Warm-up "dance of ducklings".


Well, now let's start our competition. I ask the teams to take their places.


Are the teams ready? Then let's move on to the first test.


"Pass the ball" ( on a signal, the first participant from each team runs to the visual landmark with the ball in his hands, returns and passes the ball to the next team member. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

"Kangaroo"(on a signal, the first participant from each team jumps on two legs with a squeezed ball between his knees to a visual landmark, returns back running and passes the ball to the next team member. The team that completes the task faster and without errors wins).

"Crossing the Swamp"(the first team members have 2 modules (“bumps”), on a signal, the participants move along the “bumps”, rearranging them forward to a visual landmark, return back running and pass the modules to the next team member.

The team that completes the task faster and without errors wins.


Well done, all the participants of the competition were dexterous, fast. And now it's time for all the kids to relax. I'll start, and you finish in unison answer!

Who has no arms and no legs,

The best jumper

He jumps and jumps

This is our fun...

And in the morning we are all in the gym -

Together we do...


Always tempers us

(sun, air and water).

Here's another game

You'll like her

I want to ask you a question

Your job is to answer.

If you agree with me

Answer in chorus brothers:

It's me, it's me

These are all my friends.

If you don't agree

Then be silent in response.

Answer in chorus, instantly

Who's the hottest one here?

I'll ask everyone now

Who here loves songs, laughter.

Who is accustomed to your order,

Does he exercise in the morning?

Which one of you tell brothers

Forgetting to wash?


We had a little rest, and now we will continue our competition, the teams take their places.

relay races

"Crossing on bouncy balls" ( the first participants from each team jump on the balls to a visual landmark, return back running, pass the ball to the next participant, the team that completes the task faster wins).


When living together

What could be better!

And there's no need to fight

And you can love everyone.

You are on a long journey

Take your friends with you:

They will help you

And have fun with them.

Relay "Friends"

(Children become pairs, they are given balloons on a signal, they clamp the ball between themselves and move to the landmark without dropping the ball, they return and pass the ball to the next pair.)

"Friendly family"

(Jumping on two legs from a place. Each member of the team starts the jump from the place where the previous member landed. The team that jumps further wins).


And so our holiday ended. All team members showed their dexterity, strength, speed, and most importantly, they got a charge of vivacity and a lot of positive emotions! We wish you good health, smile more often and never lose heart!

And let's dance with you the dance of friendship "Colorful glass"

(To the cheerful music, the competitors leave.)