Symptoms at the onset of menstruation. Signs and symptoms before menstruation for a few days, a week: harbingers of the onset of menstruation

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What are the first signs of menstruation?

Before the onset of menstruation, each woman experiences completely different symptoms, often they include brown spotting, pain in the lower abdomen, breast swelling, strong appetite, irascibility and irritability. The occurrence of PMS is observed in almost 50% of all representatives of the weaker sex, and with age they are more pronounced. The first signs can be observed a week before the expected menstruation. Further, the article lists in detail the sensations and signs before menstruation, the main symptoms before the onset of menstruation, when the first symptoms of menstruation appear, and answers to many other questions.

First of all, there is a feeling of general malaise and fatigue, aggression, depression, and vomiting occur. Despite the fact that at the beginning of menstruation, women may feel differently, there are some signs that are characteristic of everyone:

2 Feeling tearful and depressed;

5 Pain in the head;

6 General malaise;

7 Occurrence of puffiness;

9 Sleep problems;

10 Severe drowsiness;

11 Constant feeling of hunger;

12 Desire to have no one around;

13 Absent-mindedness, inability to concentrate and concentrate;

14 Increased sensitivity in the chest, painful sensations appear in the mammary glands.

Often a woman experiences several symptoms at the same time. If the manifestations of PMS cause a lot of discomfort, it is recommended to see a doctor for examination and effective treatment.

Symptoms of menstruation in women

What are the signs before menstruation, the first symptoms of the imminent onset of menstruation

Menstrual flow is in the life of every woman. A regular monthly cycle indicates normal work in the reproductive function of the body. Menstruation begins in girls at the age of 11-15 years and continues throughout life, until the menopause period, stopping during pregnancy and for some time while breastfeeding. The following are the main signs and symptoms of an early onset of menstruation, the main symptoms before menstruation, what they can be, how to distinguish PMS from signs of pregnancy, which symptoms during menstruation are the norm, and which painful signs of menstruation can be considered symptoms of pathology. It is very important for a woman to be able to distinguish between normal discharge before menstruation, healthy signs of the onset of menstruation, and those symptoms when vaginal discharge is a sign of pathology or other health problems.

The composition of the discharge and the amount of discharge during menstruation, what should be?

The discharge during menstruation is dark red, small clots may come out, and if the discharge during menstruation is scarlet, then such symptoms may be signs of a problem. All this is the cell layer of the endometrium, which is prepared by the body for the fetus, and if fertilization does not occur, then it is removed from the body along with the unfertilized egg. The amount of spotting per day is approximately 50 ml, but may vary due to individual differences in women and range from 20 to 80 ml per day. At the same time, very heavy periods or, on the contrary, very meager ones, can indicate some kind of ailment of the body. Such discharges last from 3 to 7 days, usually more abundant at the beginning, by the end of the discharge they become scarce, but there may be more clots. An article about which vaginal discharge is not normal, is not the norm, may also be useful.

Delayed menstruation - menstrual disorder

During life, disorders of the menstrual cycle can be observed. For example, with stress, at the beginning of taking oral contraceptives, colds, with blood loss from a wound that occurred elsewhere, but led to serious blood loss of the body, and more. In such cases, the normal cycle will be restored in a couple of months. If this does not happen, you need to consult a specialist, perhaps contraceptive drugs are not suitable for you, or there are diseases in the body that affect the regularity of the cycle.

More attention is paid to the delay in menstruation from injuries that have arisen:

At the entrance to the vagina, narrowing it.

This can be the result of trauma during intercourse, washing, impact, surgical abortion, when curettage occurs and the uterus can be traumatized. With permanent injuries of the uterus, for example, lovers of hard sexual intercourse, diseases may occur - uterine erosion, apoplexy, uterine bleeding. Frequent abortions can lead to infertility and other diseases, so it is important to find the best method of protection and stick to it constantly. In cases of unprotected contact, in order to avoid unwanted pregnancy, it is better to immediately use contraceptives, but this method can be used very rarely.

Signs and symptoms before menstruation (menstruation), what can be?

Many women, a few days before the start of regular discharge, a couple of days before the onset of menstruation, begin to experience unpleasant symptoms of this event. At the same time, someone does not have pain, but the PMS syndrome is still present. Therefore, women often wonder what are the signs before menstruation, and the main signs of the imminent onset of menstruation:

3 slight swelling and heaviness in the chest, due to an increase in the epithelial tissue in the chest, the blood begins to flow more strongly;

6 heart palpitations;

7 increase appetite, weight gain. With a lack of serotonin, a feeling of hunger appears, so you should not go on a diet during this period or eat a lot of starchy foods, this can affect your figure;

8 the appearance of edema due to fluid retention, heaviness in the legs, appears due to a change in the water balance in the woman's body;

9 the appearance of pimples on the face, which disappear during menstruation, are associated with changes in hormonal levels, careful hygiene with cosmetics is necessary and fatty foods should be excluded;

10 mood swings, irritability, depression, appears against the background of changes in the level of hormones in the body.

There may also be despondency, apathy, weakness of the body. All these signs are individual and proceed differently in women, but there is nothing strange or dangerous to health in this. If the pain interferes with the usual rhythm of life, you can take painkillers, to relieve swelling - drink less liquids, irritability and depression can be removed with decoctions of herbs from motherwort, chamomile, mint. When girls pass the phase of growing up and are ready to bear offspring, they begin their first menstruation. It is quite normal to establish a regular cycle within 1-2 years after the start of menstruation. The age of onset of the first menstruation ranges from 11 to 15 years and depends on heredity. This can, for example, be affected by sports, when, due to heavy loads, menstruation comes later, or, having begun, disappears.

Signs before the start of the first menstruation in girls

1 for a couple of years before the first monthly discharge, girls may experience the appearance of leucorrhoea, transparent or white discharge, and before the onset of real menstruation, the leucorrhea may become more abundant;

2 the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, may be weak or, on the contrary, quite pronounced, sometimes require the use of painkillers in order to lead a normal life;

3 symptom of PMS, which will be expressed in a bad mood, irritability or lethargy and weakness of the body. It may not be as pronounced as in mature women, but it already has a place in the lives of girls.

It turns out that girls experience similar signs, but there are still differences. Growing up, the cycle in girls is getting better, the symptoms become clearer. For a few days, a characteristic sign of the imminent onset of menstruation is pain in the chest. Many women experience these symptoms. The chest becomes heavy, the nipples ache, swelling of the mammary glands appears. This is due to the level of hormones in the body, when in the second phase of the monthly cycle, the hormone progesterone begins to dominate in the body, which is located in adipose tissue, preparing the body for fertilization. Therefore, the breast increases in size, painful sensations appear. And with the onset of menstruation, the level of the hormone drops, the pain disappears. But if suddenly the pain in the chest is severe, does not go away with the onset of monthly discharge, swelling in the mammary glands is observed, then it is worth being examined by a mammologist. This may be signs of mastopathy, when seals and cysts appear in the mammary glands.

Inside the body of a woman before each menstruation, changes also occur:

1 the cervix dilates and droops slightly, becoming more dense;

2 the uterus, on the contrary, becomes softer and opens up so that the discharge can come out faster, less painful. Therefore, there is a risk of various infections, it is better to exclude sexual contacts during this period or be protected with condoms;

3 ovaries increase in size, may ache a little;

4 The endometrium in the body begins to flake off and becomes thinner by one third of its thickness in the second phase of the cycle. Painful symptoms can also be a consequence of its detachment.

Having learned exactly how menstruation proceeds in the body, where it comes from and what changes occur in the body as a whole, the pain in women becomes understandable. The main thing is to listen to your body and if you have any warning symptoms, severe pain or new symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor.

Signs of PMS or pregnancy, how to distinguish between symptoms of PMS and pregnancy

When pregnancy occurs, many women begin to feel various symptoms of this change in the body even before the delay in menstruation. These symptoms are very similar to regular PMS:

1 Drawing pains in the abdomen;

2 Enlargement and swelling in the chest, its soreness;

3 Drowsiness, weakness, lethargy, lethargy;

4 Quick change of mood;

5 Nausea and vomiting.

Therefore, with such symptoms, it is very difficult to determine that fertilization has occurred. It is necessary either to wait for a delay in menstruation and do a test on the second day, which will show a positive result - two strips during pregnancy or a negative one - one strip, without waiting for the delay to donate blood for an hCG analysis, which can determine pregnancy as early as 5-7 days after the onset of conception. It is better to do the test twice for reliability and it is recommended not to do it on the first day of the delay, since the level of hCG hormones may not yet reach the desired level in the urine and the result during pregnancy will show a negative option, not a positive one. It is advisable to find out about pregnancy as early as possible in order to prepare your body for bearing, start eating right, get more rest, do not overwork, give up bad habits, if any, take vitamins, walk in the fresh air, avoid taking medications that can harm the fetus . All this will help to endure a healthy baby. And of course, women who want to get pregnant, but who have not yet been able to do this, want to know about the joyful event much earlier. But in this case, it is better to rely on the hCG analysis or test, since with a strong desire, symptoms of a “false pregnancy” occur, and with a negative result, the woman begins to worry even more and may become depressed and withdraw into herself.

Based on the above, we can say that the symptoms of the upcoming menstrual flow occur in almost every woman, they may differ in different symptoms in terms of the strength of the manifestations, but in general these are similar sensations that can sometimes be confused with pregnancy. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your menstrual cycle, to monitor all the changes in it. In case of deviations from the norm or the appearance of severe pain, it is better to consult a specialist in order to exclude any pathology in the body or start timely treatment. Do not hesitate or postpone a visit to the doctor for later, our health depends largely on ourselves.

Why acne appears before the onset of menstruation - reasons

A week before critical days, many women notice acne on their faces. This is an individual symptom, but 95% of women suffer from it. When using an intrauterine device, spotting is periodically observed, for example, after a visit to a gynecologist or sexual intercourse. If a daub with menstruation, a brown daub is observed, which can be considered the norm. But if painful bleeding occurs before menstruation, then this may indicate the presence of fibroids, inflammatory processes, poor blood clotting, the presence of endometriosis. Severe bleeding occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance and stressful situations.

Nausea and vomiting, as signs of the imminent onset of menstruation, why do you feel sick before menstruation?

Nausea before the onset of menstruation, which leads to vomiting, is very easy to confuse with the first signs of pregnancy. So, during pregnancy, nausea and even vomiting can be symptoms of toxicosis, and these are natural symptoms and signs of pregnancy. But nausea before menstruation, when nausea appears before the onset of menstruation, can be for a whole number of other possible reasons.

As a result of an increased level of hormones, vomiting can occur, which is often aggravated by the use of contraceptives. Such a reaction indicates that the agent is selected in the wrong way. The special design of the uterus can cause nausea. Before the onset of menstruation, it increases in size, starting to compress the nerve endings, which causes vomiting. Bouts of nausea at this time can occur as a result of intense physical exertion.

Headache and PMS, why does my head hurt before menstruation, what could be the reasons

After the ovulation phase has ended, the preparation of the body for fertilization begins, during this period a low progesterone content is observed. In the absence of pregnancy, menstruation comes. If a woman is hypersensitive, she may experience pain in the head area. Against this background, depression can develop. In the case of a large amount of estrogen in the body, the fluid will accumulate, resulting in swelling of the head tissues and, as a result, pain. In some cases, there is the development of such a terrible disease as migraines that develop before the onset of menstruation.

Frequent urge to urinate without pain before period

The end of menstruation often acts as a trigger, which causes severe pain. During an attack, a woman has a strong spasm in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe vessels, which causes even greater pain. In this situation, this phenomenon is quite common. In some cases, there is such a disorder as pain during urination or an excessive amount of them. It is generally accepted that the deviation is the frequency of urination more than 10 times a day. In addition, the desire to often go to the toilet in a small way can occur when the hormonal balance is disturbed, the formation of stones in the bladder, diabetes, neuroses, uterine fibroids or its prolapse. If the urge to urinate has become frequent, then it is likely that the woman has cystitis - a disease of the bladder.

Stomach hurts before menstruation, causes. What to do if the lower abdomen hurts a lot on the left or right, in the center of the abdomen, before menstruation?

Provided that the occurrence of urges occurs only before the start of critical days, then the reason for this phenomenon lies in the approaching menstruation. Almost every woman before menstruation begins to experience pulling pain in the lower abdomen. Of course, such a phenomenon is to some extent the norm, but under certain conditions it can be an exception.

What are the causes of pain in this area during menstruation? In fact, there are not many reasons:

1 Infections in the reproductive organs;

2 Anomalies in the gynecological area;

3 Depressive states, stresses;

4 Presence of inflammatory processes;

5 The level of endorphins in the blood is lowered.

If there is severe pain that cannot be tolerated, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

What to do if there are symptoms before menstruation, but menstruation has not begun?

In some cases, it may seem that menstruation is about to come, but it is not. In this case, it is more likely to say about the onset of pregnancy. A pregnancy test can confirm or refute this fact, which you can buy at any pharmacy. It is also considered to be an effective means of donating blood to the level of hCG, which is effective to do in a very short time.

However, the reason for this phenomenon does not always lie in pregnancy, there are more serious situations. For example, a similar picture is observed when there is a tumor on both ovaries, with hormonal imbalance, acute infection, metabolic disorders, or the presence of an acute infection. In addition, a similar problem occurs in women after an abortion, miscarriage, overwork, stressful situations, or a prolonged lack of sexual life.

What symptoms before menstruation can be considered signs of health problems?

Normally, before the onset of menstruation, white discharge is observed, which cannot be considered a pathology. If before critical days there is an abundant daub, then this may indicate the presence of a pathology, which is recommended to be shown to the doctor:

1 If the discharge from the vagina is white and resembles flakes in structure, then this indicates the presence of thrush. If you start treatment in a timely manner, then the problem quickly goes away;

2 If there was a recent birth, as a result of which the cycle did not have time to be established, some women experience black daubs. There is nothing to worry about, do not be afraid;

3 Pink discharge, similar to ichor, indicates a possible erosion of the cervix. In addition, they may indicate infectious diseases and endocercevit;

4 Brown daub before menstruation indicates the presence of an imbalance of hormones and the onset of endometriosis, in which case it is recommended to contact a gynecologist for testing;

5 The greatest danger is fraught with yellowish-green discharge with a mucous texture, indicating the presence of purulent cervicitis.

Of course, such phenomena are often random in nature, without causing harm to health. However, in any case, it is recommended to see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

As a rule, women know perfectly well when critical days come. But the first signs of menstruation can vary greatly from woman to woman, and the experience of mother, grandmother, and older sister will not help a teenage girl to determine that menstruation is beginning. Moreover, during the course of life, the signs of upcoming periods can also change greatly.

Every woman feels the approach of menstruation

What are the signs of the approach of the first menstruation in adolescents

Menarche (as the first menstruation in life is called) is an exciting event for a girl, meaning that her reproductive system is almost an adult. This event always comes unexpectedly, but you need to prepare for it. A girl who has never had a period should pay attention to the following signs:

  • Breast swelling, increased sensitivity.
  • Drawing pains in the lower abdomen.
  • Emotional instability, tendency to tearfulness and irritation.
  • Solitary pimples on the face, less often on the neck or shoulders.

These signs of menstruation can persist not only in girls aged 11-12, but also in adult girls and women.

The time of the appearance of the first menstruation varies - on average, they begin between the ages of 12-14, but an earlier or later onset is also possible, which is not considered a pathology. You should consult a doctor if menstruation has begun in a girl under 10 years old, or if at 16 they have never happened before.

What are the signs of the onset of menstruation in adult women

In adult women, the signs of oncoming menstruation are the same as the signs of the first menstruation - discomfort in the groin, mood deterioration, solitary pimples or other skin disorders. Unlike young girls, adult women already know the duration of their cycle and are ready for their body's reaction to hormonal changes. As an additional sign, there may be spotting - they appear in women a day before menstruation, usually white or yellow.

What is PMS

Premenstrual syndrome is a complex of changes in health and behavior that occurs to a girl or woman 1-2 days before menstruation. The reason for this phenomenon is a sharp decrease in the concentration of sex hormones. Progesterone, which has a strong sedative effect, ceases to be produced, and the concentration of estrogens responsible for sexual desire is still too low.

Manifestations of premenstrual syndrome can have different severity. During this period, there is always a deterioration in well-being and mood. In the mildest case, a woman can control it, and there is no harm from such a condition. The middle course is accompanied by several main symptoms:

  • Headache.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.

Girls become more emotional and whiny

  • General malaise and weakness.
  • Increase or decrease in appetite.
  • Irritability.
  • Anxiety.
  • Tearfulness.

These symptoms may appear together or separately.

The severe course of PMS affects the efficiency of work and relationships with loved ones, and is most often associated with serious pathologies of the hormonal background.

What are the signs of ovulation

Man is the only living being whose readiness for ovulation does not affect behavior in any way. Ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, and this time can be calculated in several ways. The three most common are calendar calculations, measuring basal temperature and determining the consistency of secretions. The most accurate result is given by their combination.

The calendar method is the calculation of the approximate day of ovulation. To do this, you need to calculate the average duration of the cycle, divide it in half and add the resulting number of days to the first day of the cycle. The risk of making a mistake is 2-3 days in both directions, depending on the stability of the cycle.

Basal temperature is the temperature in the rectum immediately after waking up. This requires a rectal thermometer and patient measurements every day - before ovulation, there is an increase of a few tenths of a degree. The accuracy of the method is 1-2 days.

Observing your secretions will show that during ovulation they become more liquid - this is the only symptom of ovulation that you can notice. The accuracy of the method is 2-3 days. The results of observations may differ from each other, therefore, to accurately determine the readiness for conception, it is better to use more modern methods - an ovulation test or ultrasound.

How hormones affect the condition

Female sex hormones form two halves of the cycle - the first, when the egg matures and the body is preparing for conception, and the second, when ovulation has occurred and pregnancy is possible. Menstruation occurs after the completion of the second phase of the cycle, if pregnancy has not occurred. Behavioral reactions caused by fluctuations in the concentration of hormones in the blood have different severity.

Estrogens (first phase) stimulate sexual desire, but their effect is usually weak. Only very attentive women can notice a difference in their erotic moods depending on the phase of the cycle.

The action of progesterone is more pronounced - it has a strong anti-anxiety effect, so in the second phase of the cycle, women are usually calmer than in the first. The abrupt cessation of its production causes PMS. The most noticeable effect of progesterone during pregnancy - a woman becomes more calm and less prone to tantrums.

This video will tell you about the first signs of menstruation:

What are the forms of premenstrual syndrome

There are three main forms of PMS, divided depending on the effect on the woman's condition:

  • Compensated (mild) - PMS symptoms slightly affect the quality of life, the duration of the condition is 1-2 days, with the onset of menstruation they disappear.
  • Subcompensated (medium) - deterioration occurs with age - PMS begins to affect the quality of life, continues during menstruation.
  • Decompensated (severe) - PMS affects the ability to work and maintain social connections, lasts several days after the end of menstruation.

In addition, the forms are distinguished according to the characteristics of the symptomatology. The most noticeable of them is neuropsychic, which is manifested by irritability and tantrums. Other forms are edematous (mainly on the face), cephalgic (with headache), crisis (fear, increased blood pressure) and atypical.

Why there are symptoms, but menstruation does not start

If there are all the signs before menstruation, but there is no menstruation itself, this indicates hormonal disruptions in the body. In this case, you should do a pregnancy test, stop taking oral contraceptives and consult a gynecologist.

Before the onset of menstruation, significant hormonal changes occur in the body. In this case, various signs of menstruation are noted. Often during this period, pain appears in the lower abdomen, swelling of the mammary glands and irritability are noted. These symptoms are considered normal, but can sometimes indicate the development of a serious illness.

The norm of the second phase of the menstrual cycle

The second phase of the cycle begins on the first day of ovulation. At this point, the egg is released from the ovarian follicle. It is impossible to name the exact date of transition to this phase. It directly depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, but normally the process occurs from the 7th to the 22nd day of the cycle.

At the time of the release of the egg and after ovulation, women may experience the following symptoms:

  • minor bleeding;
  • general deterioration of well-being, fatigue, feeling of nausea;
  • drawing pains in the lower abdomen.

Such discomfort before menstruation is considered the norm and does not indicate the development of pathology. When a woman's cycle is established, the second phase becomes completely predictable. It lasts within 13-15 days. The countdown starts from the moment of ovulation and ends when menstruation occurs.

Symptoms before menstruation, characteristic of the luteal (second) phase of the cycle:

  • nervousness, excessive emotionality, aggression and tearfulness;
  • weight gain;
  • the appearance of heaviness in the abdomen;
  • constipation;
  • hunger;
  • the appearance of acne on the face;
  • swelling of the breast, accompanied by minor pain.

About a day before the onset of menstruation, pains appear in the back, legs and lower abdomen. There is muscle weakness, lack of strength. Sometimes symptoms of the onset of menstruation appear in a few days, such as headache, dizziness, diarrhea and nausea. Women may even lose consciousness before the onset of critical days.

Symptoms of menstruation before they appear in all women and are considered the norm. These are the usual signs of approaching menstruation, not indicating illness, but only if vital activity is not significantly impaired.

PMS Criteria

PMS syndrome is considered a violation of the normal course of the second phase of the cycle. Unpleasant signs before menstruation indicate deviations in the activity of various systems and organs. The duration of PMS varies from two days to a couple of weeks.

The main criterion for the diagnosis of premenstrual syndrome is cyclicity. Pathology is periodic. Before the approaching menstruation, PMS appears, and disappears only after its completion.

Signs of premenstrual syndrome, which are taken into account in the diagnostic process:

  • depression or severe aggression;
  • violation of the emotional state. The woman becomes irritable, tearful;
  • a feeling of complete hopelessness and longing;
  • feeling of fear and anxiety;
  • lack of interest in everything that happens around;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • memory impairment and decreased attention;
  • change in taste preferences;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • there are pains in muscles and joints;
  • swelling and soreness of the breasts.

If five of these symptoms or at least one of the first four are present, a diagnosis of PMS is made.

What are the symptoms before menstruation

Often, women consider normal signs of menstruation to be PMS. In fact, this is not only swelling of the mammary glands, the appearance of pain in the abdomen and uterus, rashes, but a combination of symptoms that indicate problems in the endocrine system. There are several forms of premenstrual syndrome, characterized by certain symptoms - harbingers of the onset of menstruation:

  1. Neuropsychic. Many women complain of irritability, tearfulness, as well as aggressiveness and depression. There are also nausea, dizziness and flatulence.
  2. Edema. The mammary glands become excessively painful, the hands, ankles and face swell. In women, before menstruation, severe bloating, increased sweating and itching are noted.
  3. Cephalgic. A week before menstruation, a migraine appears. The woman becomes irritable. Symptoms such as dizziness and nausea are observed. There may be pain in the region of the heart, swelling.
  4. Crisis. The most difficult form of PMS. It is characterized by sharp jumps in blood pressure, a feeling of heaviness in the chest and a strong (manic) fear of death.

Such sensations before menstruation are considered not just symptoms of approaching menstruation, but a complex condition that needs therapy.

Factors affecting well-being before menstruation

Signs of approaching menstruation are manifested in all representatives of the weaker sex, but the degree of their severity directly depends on a number of factors:

  1. Nutrition. Before the onset of menstruation in women, the pathologies of the stomach and intestines become aggravated. Often there are symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and flatulence. It is necessary to properly organize the diet, introduce a sufficient amount of nutrients and exclude junk food.
  2. Bad habits. Smoking and alcoholic beverages adversely affect all organs and systems.
  3. Emotional exhaustion. There may be symptoms of PMS in women who are under constant stress or nervous tension. An unfavorable environment at home or in a work team also affects well-being. Mental labor contributes to the appearance of premenstrual syndrome. Clinical manifestations in this case are much more pronounced.
  4. Sedentary work and lack of physical activity. Blood stagnation occurs in the pelvic organs, and the uterus can no longer quickly reject the endometrial layer, and due to this, pain appears, metabolic disorders are noted.
  5. Pathologies. All diseases that are in the anamnesis become aggravated before critical days. Accordingly, the condition worsens.

It has been noted that women who are satisfied with their work and do not experience unpleasant emotions in a homely atmosphere feel better before menstruation than women who experience financial difficulties or are in constant stress. Even minor troubles in life negatively affect the state of the body.

How to relieve pain

Treatment of painful periods includes the use of such groups of drugs:

  • sedatives;
  • antispasmodics and analgesics;
  • oral contraceptives;
  • complexes of minerals and vitamins.

Nimesil, No-shpa, Ketanov and Dexalgin effectively cope with the pain syndrome, but it is not recommended to take them without a doctor's prescription.

Before starting therapy, it is necessary to conduct a complete diagnosis and identify the causes of the manifestation of PMS. Only in this way will it be possible to eliminate all unpleasant symptoms and prevent their recurrence.

Menstruation is a normal phenomenon that every woman of reproductive age faces. Very unpleasant symptoms precede bleeding. With proper organization of life, their manifestations can be reduced to a minimum.

The menstrual cycle is not always stable. The most irregular period is the first two years after the onset of menstruation and three years before they end (menopause). Violations during these periods are due to completely physiological reasons.

The female reproductive system matures gradually and, being a complex machine, requires a period of adjustment. When a girl has her first menstruation, this does not mean that her system is mature and ready to fully work (although for some the menstrual cycle starts to work correctly from the very beginning), the functioning of this system can be compared to an orchestra, the harmonious play of all the instruments of which will create a unique sound musical work. Just as the instruments in an orchestra require a period of tuning, so all the components of the reproductive system must come to an agreement to work together harmoniously. Usually it takes about six months: for some it is more, for some it is less, and for some it may be delayed.

Do I need to visit a gynecologist

When a child begins menstruation, in principle, it is not necessary to immediately go to the doctor if everything is in order. But it is necessary to show the girl to a specialist if she has not formed a cycle, that is, the first three menstruations do not follow a certain rhythm. Too large or small blood separation, severe pain in the lower abdomen or in the lower back should alert.

You should also pay attention to the fact that in the middle of the month there is blood or strange secretions on the linen, which are especially distinguished by an unpleasant odor. It is imperative to visit a doctor if the first period was normal, and the next did not begin within forty-five days

It is imperative to visit a doctor if the first menstruation was normal, and the next did not begin within forty-five days.

But, even if everything is going well, then at the age of thirteen or fifteen, the girl still needs to be shown to a specialist in order to determine the features of her gynecological structure, make sure that she is in full health, and also make sure that there is a hymen. Minor children are examined by a gynecologist only in the presence of their parents and with their full written consent.

If a girl has already entered into an intimate relationship, then she should visit a doctor at least once every three months, and at the slightest difficulty - immediately.

If virginity has already been lost, then you need to urgently go to the gynecologist if:

  • absence of menstruation for more than three days;
  • uncharacteristic discharge;
  • the duration of menstruation is more than eight days;
  • profuse bleeding, requiring a change of pads every two hours;
  • large and very dark clots;
  • itching and burning in the genitals;
  • a cycle shorter than twenty days or longer than thirty-five;
  • pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • fainting;
  • pallor or redness of the skin;
  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • profuse leucorrhoea, etc.

These signs may indicate infection, infection with sexually transmitted diseases, the development of an inflammatory process, hormonal failure, or pregnancy.

Prevention of violation

Prevention of such disorders has no specific features. This is compliance with the regime of work-rest, good sleep, dosed physical activity, proper and balanced nutrition.

It is also important to be regularly examined by a gynecologist, especially in the presence of some kind of pathology.

Women at risk (those suffering from diabetes, overweight, arterial hypertension, thyroid pathology and other diseases) should especially carefully monitor their health.

Menstrual disorders can be caused by both functional and organic causes. Single minor changes in the nature of menstruation can be observed independently for several months. But with regular failures, you should undergo an examination to identify the cause of the violations. Treatment without establishing the source of the pathology is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

1 Physiology of the process

The beginning of the next menstrual cycle in a woman is considered to be the first day of menstruation. The normal cycle lasts 28 days with a possible deviation of plus or minus 7 days. The duration of the cycle is purely individual in nature, but usually it is stable, that is, the same regime, periodically repeating, occurs throughout the entire reproductive age (except for the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding). It is generally accepted that the stability of the menstrual cycle is an indicator of women's health.

The menstrual cycle is the period of time during which an egg matures and is released, ready for fertilization. After fertilization, the egg is fixed in the uterine cavity. Menstruation is a process that occurs in the absence of conception. It is the cleansing of the body from the elements of the system that were involved in conception, but turned out to be unclaimed. With the help of menstruation, the body is cleansed in order to prepare for a new attempt at conception. This process is repeated from month to month until fertilization takes place.

The mechanism of the occurrence of menstruation is associated with hormonal regulation of blood circulation in the vessels of the uterus. If the fertilization of the egg does not occur, then the production of hormones - estrogen and progesterone - decreases sharply, which significantly affects blood circulation in the uterine mucosa. The dilated vessels narrow sharply with an increase in their stenotic permeability. Due to the increase in pressure in the vessels, stagnant blood mass seeps into the uterine cavity, forming bleeding. At the same time, changes occur in the endometrium, manifested in focal tissue necrosis and their separation from the uterine wall. The blood mass captures these dead particles, as well as the remnants of the follicles after the release of the eggs, and rushes out in the form of menstrual bleeding.

Diseases of the genital organs

Sexually transmitted diseases, thrush, vaginal candidiasis can disrupt the natural processes in the female body. In addition to these pathologies of the reproductive system, a sharp change in the nature of the discharge can provoke other diseases:

  • cervical erosion;
  • myoma;
  • cyst;
  • oncological tumor.

The reason for such a sharp change in the duration of critical days may be the malfunction of the ovaries. Pathology changes the balance of hormones and the entire cycle of critical days. Or the ovaries cannot reproduce a full-fledged egg, ready for fertilization. It is impossible to independently establish the cause of the pathology. To do this, you should pass tests, undergo a thorough examination. An early disease is better treated.

In the presence of other alarming symptoms, the disease can be suspected.

  • lower abdominal pain;
  • strange specific discharge;
  • lower back pain;
  • heat;
  • deterioration in general well-being.

If there is nothing like this, you should reconsider your lifestyle. Rest more, relax, give up bad habits

Strange critical days serve as a serious reason to attract attention. Often this situation arises precisely as a result of physical and moral overwork.

Most women of childbearing age do not think much about the nature of the menstrual cycle, especially if the menstruation passes without deviations and just in time. Anxiety can arise in case of a violation of the duration of the cycle, too much or too little volume of blood released.

Another violation, often found in women, may be a situation in which menstruation began and immediately ended. It is worth mentioning the possible reasons for such a violation.

What to do if menstruation came earlier

When the cause that caused early menstruation is established, a decision must be made on what to do with the problem that has arisen. Naturally, the issue must be taken seriously and eliminate the root of the problem.

First, a woman should carefully analyze her lifestyle. If he is far from healthy, you need to think about what to do so that critical days do not bring problems with their prematureness. Here is a list of your actions:

  1. Reducing both physical and moral stress. Regular stressful situations never brought anything good.
  2. Create a comfortable psychological environment in the house, and if you often sort things out, then you need to “tie” with this. The house should be quiet and calm, here you should rest both in body and soul.
  3. Do not worry too much if your period came one day earlier. Doctors do not consider this a pathology, so this situation is quite normal.
  4. It is forbidden to take any hormonal drugs without a doctor's prescription. Read the instructions for use carefully before taking.
  5. Review your entire diet. The menu should be complete and healthy so that the body receives all the necessary vitamins and nutrients. Eliminate any convenience foods and fast food. You can also forget about snacking on the go. Try to cook delicious and healthy food at home.
  6. If the regulations often come before the appointed time and the cycle cannot boast of regularity, then the woman should consult a doctor to find out the reasons and prescribe treatment. If the gynecologist insists on a complete examination, then follow his recommendations. Perhaps he has assumptions about your condition, and they need to be confirmed.

It must be remembered that if early menstruation is accompanied by severe pain, then it is not necessary to endure it. Perhaps this bleeding is not related to menstruation, but is caused by more serious and dangerous reasons for health.

There is a main difference to remember - when menstruation proceeds normally, the discharge should be dark and practically non-clotting. The bright scarlet color of blood, pieces of torn tissue or clots speak of pathological processes. Do not delay the visit to the doctor, because it is possible that the reason for this phenomenon is serious.

Menstrual disorders are corrected with medication, often with the use of hormone-containing drugs. If the regulations are always difficult and are accompanied by painful sensations, then a woman needs to reconsider her lifestyle and take care of her health, no matter what. If, with scant bleeding, dizziness, nausea, fainting or vomiting in the morning is noted, then there is a high probability that the girl is in an interesting position.

Critical days came 10 days earlier

The menstrual cycle should be established a couple of years after the appearance of the first regulation. And, despite this, it is often found that the critical days came 10 days earlier than the date on the calendar. Keep in mind that the main reasons for this serious deviation can be a variety of factors. Among them:

  1. Predisposition at the genetic level. Talk to your mother to see if she has experienced any of these abnormalities. It is likely that she, her grandmother, or other relatives often had early periods. And if this fact is confirmed, then the lady will have to accept the situation as it is, since it is almost impossible to influence her.
  2. deviations in body weight. If a woman has suddenly gained weight or lost weight, then she does not need to be surprised that the onset of menstruation has passed 10 days earlier. A similar situation can happen due to the lack of a complete, healthy diet, when the body does not receive the necessary complex of minerals and vitamins.
  3. Miscarriages or abortions. Both of these unpleasant situations very often cause disruptions in the menstrual cycle, and the woman observes the early arrival of menstruation.
  4. inflammatory processes. Unfortunately, inflammatory processes in the pelvic area are one of the common causes of all kinds of abnormalities in the female body. The list of pathologies is quite significant: benign or malignant tumors, fibroids, endometriosis. The list of diseases can be continued for quite a long time. The worst thing is that a woman, closing her eyes to early menstruation, attributing it to insignificant reasons, does not turn to the doctor for surgery in time, which aggravates the situation.
  5. Diseases of the internal organs. Changes in the menstrual cycle are often caused by diseases that are associated with the kidneys, liver and other important organs responsible for the vital activity of the body.

Having become acquainted with the reasons that cause the arrival of menstruation 10 days earlier than the designated period, a woman should understand that in such a situation she needs to seek professional help as soon as possible. Remember that such a situation can mean the development of a rather serious disease, in which delay is dangerous.

Is it possible to have sex during menstruation

During menstruation, the cervical canal opens and torn fragments of the endometrium accumulate in the vaginal cavity, which serve as a breeding ground for conditionally pathogenic bacteria. The mucous plug of the cervical canal, which serves as a barrier to the penetration of infections into the uterine cavity, is absent during menstruation. If a woman has STDs that are in a latent, latent form, they can become active during menstruation. Thus, on the one hand, sex during menstruation can jeopardize the health of a man who is at risk of getting a non-specific infection or STD. On the other hand, for a woman, sex during menstruation is dangerous because at this time the natural defenses are reduced and there is a higher risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.


By the beginning of childbirth in the body of a woman, external and internal changes begin to occur. This is a natural necessity inherent in nature: for the birth of a baby, the body must be prepared. Such preparation is provided by sex hormones, because before delivery, the dominant composition changes. If for almost nine months progesterone dominated and supported the course of pregnancy and the vital activity of the fetus, then shortly before the birth, estrogen comes to replace it. This hormone prepares the cervix, vaginal walls, and perineum. Organs acquire elasticity and extensibility, and at the same time strength and resistance to mechanical stress. The cervix softens and shortens by almost half. The lumen of the cervical canal is gradually preparing to open, the head of the fetus is already maximally lowered, tightly pressed against the bones of the small pelvis.

Estrogen also regulates the onset of labor: the “peak” of hormone production is needed in the labor and labor periods.

The most reliable harbingers

Finding out that menstruation is about to begin is quite easy if you know a few special properties of your own body, and symptoms that just need to be paid a little attention help determine the exact time intervals. How to know when your period will start:

  1. The mammary glands swell. They increase in size, some engorgement of the female mammary glands appears, and a slight soreness is felt. There are also small discharges from the nipples, which later turn into a curdled secret, which women do not immediately notice.
  2. , a pulling pain is felt in the lower abdomen, so the uterus is preparing to reject its inner layer (endometrium). In most cases, this is accompanied by unpleasant painful sensations, which most often depend on the individual properties of the organism. In rare cases, such pain is associated with a hormonal imbalance, so if you find a pronounced discomfort, the best solution would be to consult a qualified gynecologist.
  3. Rashes may appear on the skin. This symptom is directly related to hormonal changes in the body on the eve of menstruation.
  4. , there are lumbar pains. A fairly common symptom that is associated with various processes taking place in the uterus on the eve of menstruation.
  5. When the bowel is emptied. This is a completely natural reaction of the body with a normal metabolism. In the time period before the onset of critical days, a woman's body tries to get rid of everything unnecessary. In most cases, pain on the eve of menstruation is directly dependent on excessive intestinal congestion and after emptying, they disappear.

Sometimes, some other phenomena are also recorded as harbingers of menstruation, such as a desire to eat more, swelling of the lower extremities, and the face. Some girls note a depressed state in themselves, which has received the name, or PMS.

Menstruation or pregnancy

As soon as fertilization has occurred in the woman's body, the menstrual cycle is suspended until the birth of the child.

However, in some cases, women still bleed for several months. These discharges can hardly be called a full menstruation. They are not abundant, brownish or reddish in color. In fact, the fertilized egg is embedded in the walls of the uterus, as a result of which minor tears with bloody discharge can form. They may appear once, or they may occur periodically, the fruit shelf will not reach a certain size. Such discharge cannot be called menstruation, and their appearance is a reason for a visit to the doctor.

Approximate age of onset of menstruation

Not only teenagers, but also their parents often wonder how to find out when a girl's period will begin. As a rule, critical days come at the age of 11-14 years. Under the influence of various factors, this period varies greatly.

A teenager needs to pay attention to all uncharacteristic manifestations. Among the features of the onset of menstruation during this period are:

  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • headaches;
  • nausea;
  • sudden change of mood;
  • increased fatigue;
  • aggression or apathy.

These symptoms indicate that the first bleeding from the vagina will soon appear. You should first prepare the girl for the beginning of this process and tell her.

Start of critical days

A few decades ago, menstruation began in girls aged 15 to 19 years. Today it is considered the norm to grow up between 11 and 16 years. Each girl's first period starts differently. At the time of their appearance, the phase of puberty affects. It comes on some much sooner than others.

What does it depend on?

  • Diseases transferred in childhood;
  • hereditary factors;
  • Nutrition;
  • living conditions;
  • The level of physical development.

These factors help explain the early or late onset of the first menstrual period. For example, if a mother’s period began very early at one time, then her daughter, most likely, will have the same situation. If the girl spent all her childhood in the hospital and “tried” all antibiotics, then one should not be surprised at later puberty and the corresponding appearance of the first menstruation.

When should you start worrying? If a girl's first period begins at 8 or 9 years old, then there is no need to worry too much. This has already happened. On the Internet you can see photos of girls at a very early age, even those who are already preparing to become mothers. Such cases are rare. If a girl's period starts very early, parents may decide to see a doctor to rule out various risks.

When menstruation has not begun by the age of 17, then you should definitely consult a specialist. Certain factors interfere with normal puberty. The reason for such a late formation of the reproductive system in a girl can be disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries, constant stress, excessive physical exertion, poor ecology, and so on.

What is menstruation in girls

Before talking about cyclic physiological features, you need to find out what menstruation is.

This term refers to the stage of the cycle, which is characterized by peeling and rejection of the outer layer of the uterus - the endometrium. Menstruation is a regular process that begins on the first day of the cycle.

Critical days are often accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Therefore, before their completion, it is difficult for a woman to maintain her ability to work.

The process of separation of the uterine endometrium in gynecology is called desquamation. During this period, blood comes out of the vagina, which may contain small clots and particles of the endometrium.

After desquamation is completed, the outer uterine layer becomes thicker. Due to its compaction, favorable conditions are created in the body for the attachment of a fertilized egg.

The first menstruation in girls can begin at 12 years of age. In gynecology, they are called "menarche". Most adolescents at this age become sexually mature. That is, the presence of menstruation indicates the readiness of the body to conceive and bear the fetus.

For more information about how menstruation goes, and what happens in the body at this time, read a separate article on our website.

Type of menstrual flow

Sometimes menstruation in girls indicates the development of a pathological process in the body. Therefore, to maintain reproductive functioning, you need to know which discharges are considered normal and which are not.

Classification of menstrual flow:

  1. Spotting. They appear mainly a few days before the onset of desquamation. Brown colour. If discharge is observed during menstruation, this may indicate erosion of the uterine cervix, exhausted ovary syndrome, polyps or neoplasms in the genital area, and other ailments.
  2. Very scarce. The volume of such secretions does not exceed 35–40 ml. They occur due to hormonal failure. Sometimes meager periods appear before some important event, such as a wedding, that is, during a period of strong psycho-emotional stress.
  3. With clots. There is no need to worry about the presence of clots in the monthly discharge, because in fact it is coagulated blood. They often form if a woman leads a sedentary lifestyle.
  4. Abundant. The volume of such secretions is more than 80 ml. Usually they do not pass on the 6-7th day. Their presence may indicate cancer, uterine polyps, endometriosis. Also, a large output of monthly blood is a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy.

The color of normal menstrual flow is bright red. In the second half of desquamation, they turn brown.

What happens in the body

On critical days in women, the endometrium is actively torn away from the uterus. This process is accompanied by bleeding from the vagina. Your monthly discharge contains enzymes that keep it from clotting.

If the egg has been fertilized, the endometrium is completely renewed. For 9 months, it serves as additional protection for the fetus.

In the absence of pregnancy, the updated upper layer of the uterus is excreted from the body along with monthly blood.

Critical days symptoms

Most women experience discomfort on critical days. Their occurrence is associated with increased hormonal activity at this time.

The main symptoms of menstruation:

  1. Aching or drawing pain in the region of the ovaries (lower abdomen).
  2. Nausea. Sometimes it may be accompanied by vomiting.
  3. Breast swelling.
  4. Increased irritability, a tendency to sudden mood swings.

It is worth noting that not all of the fair sex are faced with this unpleasant symptomatology. According to statistics, 45% of women do not experience discomfort on critical days.

Additional signs of desquamation:

  1. Anxiety, apathy.
  2. Pain in the region of the heart.
  3. Frequent urination.
  4. Panic attacks.
  5. Slight increase in body temperature.

The duration of menstruation

Menstruation in women goes until the completion of reproductive functioning, that is, until the onset of menopause.

The first desquamation is usually not characterized by profusion and duration. In 12-year-old girls during menarche, the amount of vaginal blood released does not exceed 10 ml.

pregnancy symptoms

In addition to the delay in menstruation, pregnancy can manifest itself in a number of other symptoms:

  • Constant fatigue can be caused by hormonal changes in the body, which are among the first signs of conception.
  • The reaction of the chest may become exacerbated. All touches to it turn into painful, sometimes there is an increase in volume.
  • Cramping, pain in the lower abdomen, which happens before menstruation, can be one of the signs of pregnancy before a delay.
  • Small vaginal discharge, which is a sign of the attachment of the egg to the uterus.
  • Nausea can appear along with a delay in menstruation and pass quickly enough or accompany a woman during her entire pregnancy.
  • The constant urge to urinate is associated with a gradual increase in blood in the body, as well as other fluids that ensure the vital activity of the mother and the unborn baby. The longer the pregnancy, the more often you have to go to the toilet. However, this symptom should not be confused with a possible manifestation of inflammatory diseases, such as cystitis.
  • Graphics glitches. If earlier menstruation appeared on a clearly defined day, and now even after PMS there are no periods, then fertilization may have occurred.
  • Susceptibility to smells is one of the early signs of pregnancy and is caused by a sharp increase in the level of estrogen in the blood.
  • Increasing the temperature by a few divisions can tell a lot, but for this you will have to keep a temperature log.
  • Positive test response. Pharmacy tests can rarely determine pregnancy earlier than there is a delay in menstruation. If you notice other signs of pregnancy, and the test shows a negative result, it is worth repeating the test in a few days.

Well deserved rest

The extinction of the reproductive system occurs in much the same way as its formation. Menses become irregular and delayed. The ovaries react sluggishly to brain impulses, respectively, the cycle is delayed. If ovulation occurs periodically, then the formed “yellow body” does not work well, which is why menstruation either starts earlier, or, conversely, lasts a long time. As a result, menstruation stops, and if they are absent for more than six months, it is necessary to conduct an examination, do hormonal tests and ultrasound. This will help determine the onset of menopause with a greater degree of probability.

And yet, it is important to follow a simple rule: if you undergo a preventive examination by a gynecologist at least once a year, and in case of violations, do not postpone a visit to the doctor, you will almost certainly be able to avoid serious gynecological problems.

Why exactly 28

It so happened that the childbearing function is activated in the girl's body at the moment when she does not care about this function at all. Having just put the doll aside, the girl is faced with a whole series of little-understood processes taking place in her body, which immediately begin to be vigorously discussed among her peers and with those who are older. But mothers in this situation are not always on top, because they themselves are not very oriented in this topic. Most women answer the question about the length of their menstrual cycle in approximately the same way. “About once a month, a couple of days earlier than the previous one,” is how the cycle duration of 28 days is vaguely indicated, such a cycle in most healthy women. But does this mean that a shorter or longer cycle is a manifestation of pathology? No. It is recognized that a normal menstrual cycle can be from 21 to 35 days, that is, plus or minus a week from the average of 28 days.

The duration of menstruation itself normally ranges from two to six days, and the volume of blood lost is no more than 80 ml. A longer cycle is found in residents of the northern regions, a shorter one in the south, but this is not an absolute pattern. In the menstrual cycle, its regularity is important. If a woman always has a cycle of 35-36 days, then this can be absolutely normal for her, but if he jumps (either 26 days, then 35, then 21) - this is already a violation.

early scanty periods what does it mean

Pain during critical days does not depend on how plentiful they are. And if the regulations came earlier and in a different volume, then there is no guarantee that uncomfortable sensations will not overtake you. On the contrary, they are often accompanied by such factors as:

  1. Headache.
  2. Nausea.
  3. Pain in the lower abdomen.
  4. Constipation or diarrhea.
  5. Drawing pains in the lumbar spine.

Menstruation with scanty discharge can be in such cases:

  • With ovarian dysfunction;
  • After the birth of the baby. Menstruation may come earlier than the designated date. They may also take on a brown tint;
  • After surgery: abortion, removal of polyps, curettage for diagnostic purposes;
  • With a genetic predisposition;
  • If there are inflammatory processes in the uterus or ovaries.

Of course, this list of reasons for which there may be early meager periods is far from complete.

The menstrual cycle and the woman's body

Phases of the menstrual cycle

First you need to figure out what happens in a woman's body during the entire monthly cycle and why she needs these hateful critical days so much.

Menstruation is bloody discharge from the vagina. They occur monthly and indicate that the woman is not pregnant. Menstruation begins in a girl during puberty, somewhere around 12-16 years old.

During the entire period of the monthly cycle, the female body goes through three phases:

  • First phase. It starts on the first day of spotting and is considered the first day of the cycle. Under the action of the hormone, the endometrium (uterine cavity) is rejected, and the woman's body itself begins to prepare for a new possible conception. The duration of the first phase ranges from 3 to 7 days.
  • The second phase, follicular. It starts even before the end of menstruation, and lasts about two weeks. During this period, follicles begin to mature in the body of a woman. At the end of the second week, the dominant follicle matures, and the egg grows in it.
  • Third phase, ovulation. This phase lasts three days. During this period, under the influence of a hormone, a mature and ready-to-fertilize egg is released from the dominant follicle. She moves towards the fallopian tubes and there she waits for her beloved tadpole-tail. It can be in standby mode for up to two days, after which the unsatisfied egg dies. It is known that the sperm cell lives up to five days. It was during this period that women who dreamed of pregnancy can count the best days for conception and fulfill their plans.
  • Fourth phase, luteal. When ovulation occurs, the fourth phase begins. During it, progesterone is produced, which has the mission of preparing the endometrium for the implantation of a fertilized egg. The duration of this phase lasts about 16 days. If conception occurs, then the body begins to actively produce hCG, which preserves the fetus throughout the pregnancy. If conception did not occur, a new cycle of menstruation begins.

So from month to month. natural process. Now let's define the norms of the menstrual cycle. The duration of the monthly cycle is normally 21-35 days. The countdown starts from the very first day of menstruation and ends with the first day of the next.

We fix the problem

Self-medication is dangerous, as it can only aggravate the existing pathology. It is only a gynecologist who can determine exactly why menstruation began and immediately ended, and you may need to consult an endocrinologist. The doctor will prescribe the most effective treatment and give recommendations on how to prevent the occurrence of such disorders in the future in a particular clinical case.

The main types of treatment used to normalize the cycle in such cases:

  • Phytotherapy as official complexes (for example, Cyclodinone), and individual herbs for self-brewing or infusion (red brush, boron uterus and others).
  • Oral contraceptives to normalize your own hormonal levels. The average duration of such treatment is at least 3-6 months.
  • Various physiotherapy, acupuncture and other methods of alternative medicine (hirudotherapy, etc.)
  • Sometimes it is necessary to perform curettage of the uterine cavity to diagnose or remove pathological formations, to perform hysteroscopy or even laparoscopy.

Minasyan Margarita

The onset of menstruation causes discomfort in a woman. This is due not only to physiological characteristics. During critical days, the girl must observe special rules of personal hygiene and adhere to a diet. Separate signs of menstruation allow you to determine when the discharge will begin, and be prepared for it. The content of this article is aimed at helping the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to understand the symptoms that precede the onset of menstruation.

Features of the woman's menstrual cycle

A woman's ability to conceive, bear and give birth to a child is largely determined by the stability of the menstrual cycle. Periodic changes in the reproductive and hormonal systems are provoked by the preparation of the body for conception.

The beginning of the cycle is the first day of menstruation. During this period, the lining of the uterus is shed. The level of hormones is at a minimum. After the separation of the endometrium, the body begins to re-prepare for fertilization, ovulation occurs. During this period, the likelihood of getting pregnant increases. The standard menstrual cycle lasts 21-28 days. It stabilizes in the second year after the first menstruation and consists of 4 phases:

  • menstrual - bloody discharge from the vagina;
  • follicular - egg maturation;
  • ovulation - the release of the egg;
  • luteal - accumulation of the endometrium.

During the last phase, the signs of approaching regulation are most clearly manifested. The introduction of a special calendar helps women quite clearly calculate the beginning of critical days and minimize the impact of premenstrual syndrome.

PMS: what it is and how to recognize it

At the end of the luteal phase of the cycle, a few days before the onset of menstruation, most women experience discomfort called premenstrual or cyclic syndrome (PMS). It manifests itself as a combination of such symptoms:

  • emotional instability;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • failure in eating behavior ();
  • conflict.

The reasons for the appearance of such manifestations are different. Most often they are provoked by hormonal changes, allergic reactions, water intoxication, excess aldosterone and psychosomatic disorders.

Similar sensations before menstruation occur more often in women who are more exposed to stress, lead an inactive lifestyle, or have undergone a number of gynecological operations, including curettage.

Among the risk factors are also the presence of bad habits, the use of oral contraceptives, traumatic brain injury. Inflammatory processes and infectious diseases increase the signs of premenstrual syndrome.

Types of PMS

For each woman, the harbingers of menstruation appear individually, taking into account the genetic predispositions and characteristics of the body. There are the following types of PMS.

Neuropsychic change

Destabilization of the emotional state is expressed by unmotivated aggression, depression and excessive resentment. Changes occur in the central nervous system.

The appearance of edema

Edema manifestations are associated with fluid retention in a woman's body during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. legs, face, itching may appear. It is these symptoms of menstruation that provoke swelling of the mammary glands.

Neurological or cephalgic failures

These changes are characterized by headaches, bouts of nausea or vomiting. Often .

Crisis manifestations

Crisis manifestations increase in women before the onset of menopause. Often there are sympathoadrenal crises, which are accompanied by a failure in the heart rhythm, an increase in blood pressure.

Mixed manifestations

This is a combination of several types of PMS at the same time. The edematous form is complemented by an unstable emotional state.

Atypical manifestations are rare

In this case, atypical symptoms are combined: suffocation and migraine, allergic reaction and vomiting.

Physiological symptoms

The main signs of upcoming menstruation appear a week before the start of the discharge. Their timely fixation minimizes pain. The girl should listen to the signals of the body. There are over 200 known signs of PMS. The greatest discomfort is caused by unpleasant physical changes:

  • nausea or vomiting;
  • headache in the temporal lobe, migraine;
  • weight gain;
  • cardiac arrhythmia - rapid heartbeat;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • pain in the chest and lower back;
  • hypertensive crises;
  • chills;
  • diarrhea, stool disorder;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • thirst;
  • uncontrolled appetite;
  • sweating;
  • hand numbness;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • acne
  • increased sensitivity to light and sound;
  • often indicated.

The physiological symptoms of PMS are provoked by a lack of magnesium or vitamin B6 in the body.

Similar signs that come before menstruation should be systematic. Single manifestations may indicate a violation in the work of other body systems.

To accurately determine PMS, it is necessary to keep a special diary of self-observation, as well as seek advice from a gynecologist.

Psycho-emotional signs

The main reason for the arrival of regular menstruation is a change in hormonal levels. Fluctuations in the level of estrogen and progesterone directly affect the emotional state of a woman, her mood. The luteal phase of the menstrual cycle is characterized by low levels of estrogen and high levels of progesterone. The serotonin level is minimal. These indicators cause psycho-emotional symptoms before menstruation. The main ones are:

  • quick change of mood;
  • sudden irritability;
  • bouts of crying;
  • a state of anger, symptoms of aggression before the onset of menstruation;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • feeling of depression;
  • apathy;
  • constant fatigue;
  • lethargy and general;
  • frequent overwork;
  • emotional outbursts;
  • depression;
  • anxiety;
  • feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness;
  • lack of interest in everyday life;
  • decline in spiritual strength;
  • problems with concentration;
  • drowsiness before menstruation.

Premenstrual syndrome is indicated by the presence of 5 or more symptoms for several months.

Stages of PMS

Every woman experiences PMS symptoms differently. Experts distinguish three main stages:

  1. The compensated stage is characterized by mild negative changes. Pain disappears on the first day of discharge. This stage is stable over a long period of time.
  2. The subcompensated form has painful symptoms that intensify over the years. The duration of PMS can be up to 1 month.
  3. The decompensated phase of PMS occurs after menstruation.

Signs of critical days manifest themselves in varying degrees - from mild to severe. It depends on the general health of the woman, as well as heredity.

PMS or pregnancy?

The condition of a woman before critical days is sometimes difficult to distinguish from the onset of pregnancy. The first signs of successful conception are similar to the manifestation of premenstrual syndrome: it is fatigue, sudden mood swings and irritability for no reason.

If after the onset of symptoms of PMS there is a delay in menstruation, pregnancy should be excluded or confirmed. To do this, it is enough to do a test at home or take a special blood test called an hCG level test.

The first signs of pregnancy also include dizziness, nausea, and a strong reaction to smells. To understand whether it is PMS or not, and whether menstruation will come, a woman must listen to her body. Pregnancy may be accompanied by small bleeding in the form of drops in the middle of the cycle.

Painful changes can also occur as a result of hormonal failure. Hormone imbalances are common in women before menopause. For several cycles, there are failures of bleeding, pain is very pronounced. Such manifestations are similar to signs of approaching menstruation.


The absence of critical days after PMS may indicate serious diseases of the genital organs. Among the most common are ovarian cyst, endometriosis, adhesive disease. At the first suspicion of the presence of the disease, you should visit the hospital. When it starts to linger or stops altogether, and the signs of PMS become too painful before menstruation, you need to consult a doctor.

Anxiety symptoms before critical days

Any woman is well aware of the signs and symptoms of the onset of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Having noticed deviations from the norm, it is necessary to find out why there was a change in symptoms. Often this indicates the presence of a number of diseases. Many are concerned about atypical discharge. Their color says a lot:

  1. The white color of the daub is a sign of thrush. Allocations are accompanied by itching, irritation of the external genital organs begins.
  2. White liquid mucus before critical days in combination with excruciating itching is possible with diabetes mellitus. Grayish-white copious discharge indicates bacterial vaginosis. They have a characteristic fishy smell.
  3. Bloody daub can be a sign of the presence of a tumor, neoplasms, erosion of the cervix.
  4. Black marks on underwear can appear after pregnancy. They are normal if they appear in the first 2 or 3 months after childbirth with the onset of menstruation.
  5. Yellow-green copious discharge can be attributed to the most dangerous. They talk about the presence of an inflammatory process or infection of the genital organs.
  6. An elevated temperature over a long period of time before critical days is also a sign of inflammation. To avoid complications, you must contact a medical institution.

Ways to minimize pain

The signs of a woman's period, which appear a few days before the discharge, are often very painful and make life difficult for women. Sometimes the pain in the lower back or lower abdomen is so severe that it is impossible to move. How much discomfort will be observed is impossible to predict.

There are several ways to minimize discomfort. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist, endocrinologist and neurologist to exclude the possibility of pathology. General information about the state of a woman's health will help you choose the best ways to correct PMS.

To eliminate the pain that a woman is subject to during menstruation, antispasmodic drugs are prescribed. Sometimes one tablet is enough to eliminate aching and pulling pain. Herbal sedatives minimize manifestations of aggression and irritability. Tablets have a cumulative effect, it is better to take them for two or more months to achieve the desired result.

After the regulations have come, you should refrain from eating fatty foods and adjust the daily routine. Herbal preparations are used to correct the psycho-emotional state.

Sometimes additional treatment is required, which is why, in particularly difficult cases, the doctor prescribes hormonal therapy.

A woman should be responsible for her health. Every day you need to honestly answer the questions: “How do I feel today? Am I correctly recognizing and understanding body signals? Attention to alarming symptoms will help maintain the health of the reproductive system.

The menstrual cycle has certain periods - in each of them there is a manifestation of typical symptoms. The cycle begins with the formation of a follicle - on the first day when menstruation comes. After 11-14 days, an egg is released from the follicle - this phase is called ovulatory.

From the beginning of ovulation to the onset of menstruation, the luteal phase lasts - the maturation of the corpus luteum. During menstruation, the corpus luteum separates and the follicle begins to mature again.

The most striking symptoms before menstruation begin to appear in the ovulatory phase. Within a few days observed:

  • Sudden change of mood;
  • Irritability;
  • insomnia or drowsiness;
  • Craving for sweets;
  • Chills.

During the release of the egg, the release of hormones is activated, therefore the psycho-emotional state of the woman is unstable. Harbingers of menstruation are also expressed in increased timidity, light sleep and nightmares. Women during and before menstruation feel anxiety, the danger is the action of estrogen, released in large quantities.

Premenstrual syndrome is not considered a deviation, but in medicine it is considered a clinical phenomenon. PMS begins at the end of ovulation and lasts until the onset of menstruation.

Signs of PMS before menstruation are:

  • Aching, pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Stinging and drawing pain in the small of the back;
  • Increased appetite - bouts of hunger can wake a woman even late at night;
  • Sensitivity, irritability;
  • Increasing the temperature to 37оС;
  • Increased fatigue, drowsiness.

Particular attention should be paid to the chest. A week before menstruation, the mammary glands become sensitive and painful. Wearing a bra brings discomfort, it becomes small. The breast can increase in size, and with a slight pressure give painful sensations.

General symptoms

These symptoms can begin long before menstruation. Since they understand that menstruation will begin soon, mainly by discharge, first of all examine the gasket.

When menstruation approaches, the discharge becomes white, sometimes brown in color with a slight sour smell. They become somewhat more plentiful than usual, have a curd texture.

If white and brown discharge is abundant, itching or burning is felt - these are not signs of the onset of menstruation, but a symptom of a violation of the microflora. Noticing this, you should immediately go to the gynecologist and take a smear for candidiasis.

Common symptoms of menstruation are also fatigue, lethargy, mild nausea and dizziness. Feelings of fear, anxiety are often manifested, the emotional state is very unstable.

Since the first process after the release of the egg begins the release of hormones, the main symptoms before menstruation should be sought in mood, hunger or satiety, and ability to work.

During the week

7-11 days before the onset of menstruation, the girl gets tired faster than usual, complains of lack of concentration and drowsiness. Many begin to believe that no one understands them, they worry, fuss and quickly get annoyed over trifles.

The approach of menstruation is noted by increased sweating, a feeling of heat, quickly turning into chills. The chest begins to swell and the nipple halos become sensitive even to underwear - friction can cause tingling, goosebumps, and aching pain.

How do you know when your period starts?

  • Feeling the chest, pressing on the area of ​​​​halos;
  • Tracing the color and abundance of secretions;
  • Observation of outbursts of irritation and fear.

As soon as these symptoms begin to appear, you can wait for menstruation in 7-9 days.

For three days

In such a short period of time, the signs of approaching menstruation can become more intense and be replaced by others. This period is considered a crisis - premenstrual syndrome worsens and reaches its climax.

Some women three days before menstruation feel a strong fear for their lives and safety, up to paranoia - this is the work of the hormonal background, providing the body with complete preparation for pregnancy and protecting the fetus.

Nightmares are a sign of menstruation for three days - women complain of a light sleep and a sharp awakening in a cold sweat. A frequent companion of the crisis period is a migraine, especially in the morning.

How to determine that there are 3-5 days left before menstruation:

  • Migraine, frequent increase in blood pressure;
  • A heightened sense of fear, anxiety;
  • Selection of gray, white;
  • Possible body temperature in the range of 37-37.5 ° C.

In a girl, menstruation is accompanied by minor rashes on the skin of the face. Most often - on the cheeks and forehead, in the same area the oiliness of the skin increases. All these symptoms occur during menses.

Per day

A day before the menstruation comes, the girl feels a pulling pain in the lower abdomen and in the lower back. Stretching, you can feel pain and tingling, breathtaking. The discharge just before menstruation becomes more abundant, darker in color than before.

In young girls, itching may begin at the site of skin rashes, and sweating also increases significantly. Girls note the heat in the cheeks, ears. Nervousness begins to fade, lethargy, fatigue, desire for sweets are more manifested.

Start of menstruation

The first signs of menstruation are marked by nausea and characteristic discharge. Menstruation on the pad in the first two or three hours is brown, then red, bloody. Allocations are accompanied by pain in the abdomen, some note simultaneous indigestion.

A woman is immediately overcome by weakness, fatigue, even if menstruation starts in the morning. Appetite disappears, body temperature rises slightly. Many note discomfort, twitching of the internal hip muscles and oblique abdominal muscles.

Determination of days before menstruation

Signs before menstruation are also deceptive: due to general fatigue, lack of sleep or irregular nutrition, girls feel similar symptoms, but menstruation has just ended or does not occur.

To understand what terms approximately remain before the onset of menstruation, you can use a pharmacy test. 11-14 days after your last period has started, buy an ovulation test from a pharmacy. It is advisable to buy a few, and start monitoring from the 11th day.

By performing the test according to the instructions, you can determine which days of the cycle ovulation occurs. From the day on which the ovulatory test was positive, it is enough to count two weeks - during this period, menstruation should come.

Since the preparation for menstruation in a woman’s body depends on many factors, you should not worry if your period is delayed by 3-5 days. Analyze the events in your life during the last cycle. Delays in menstruation are fully justified and safe if at that time there were:

  • Serious shocks, stress;
  • Starvation or strict diets;
  • sleep deprivation;
  • A sharp change in climate (for example, a trip to a warm resort in winter and returning back);
  • The beginning of a new season is the turn of autumn and winter, winter and spring, and so on.

How to get rid of PMS

We cannot regulate hormonal processes before menstruation on our own - they are natural and should occur. But it is possible to mitigate the symptoms that change throughout the month.

To soothe and relieve irritability, you can take baths with essential oils of fir, Siberian pine or lavender. Add 5-6 drops to a bath of water.

Aromatherapy is useful - to fumigate a standard room of 9-15 m2, you will need 15 drops of essential oil of orange, bergamot, ylang-ylang. Sweet smells, such as vanilla, contribute to nausea, so they are not recommended.

If it is not possible to overcome the feeling of fear, obsessive thoughts do not let you fall asleep, it is better to limit yourself to optional exits from the house and not to approach dangerous household appliances.

How to relieve pain

Frequent airing of the room will be useful, especially before going to bed. An hour before bedtime, you can drink a glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey or hot chamomile tea.

Try to relieve menstrual pain syndromes with a minimum set of medications. Instead of pills, herbal compresses applied to the lower back can help. A compress soaked in a warm decoction of chamomile is applied to the lower abdomen.

During menstruation, you can not take a bath for a long time. You can stay in the water for no more than ten minutes, since during menstruation the genitals are very vulnerable. You can add a decoction of chamomile, coltsfoot to the bathroom, lie down a bit and relax.

The menstrual cycle has certain periods - in each of them there is a manifestation of typical symptoms. The cycle begins with the formation of a follicle - on the first day when menstruation comes. After 11-14 days, an egg is released from the follicle - this phase is called ovulatory.

From the beginning of ovulation to the onset of menstruation, the luteal phase lasts - the maturation of the corpus luteum. During menstruation, the corpus luteum separates and the follicle begins to mature again.

The most striking symptoms before menstruation begin to appear in the ovulatory phase. Within a few days observed:

  • Sudden change of mood;
  • Irritability;
  • insomnia or drowsiness;
  • Craving for sweets;
  • Chills.

During the release of the egg, the release of hormones is activated, therefore the psycho-emotional state of the woman is unstable. Harbingers of menstruation are also expressed in increased timidity, light sleep and nightmares. Women during and before menstruation feel anxiety, the danger is the action of estrogen, released in large quantities.

Premenstrual syndrome is not considered a deviation, but in medicine it is considered a clinical phenomenon. PMS begins at the end of ovulation and lasts until the onset of menstruation.

Signs of PMS before menstruation are:

  • Aching, pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Stinging and drawing pain in the small of the back;
  • Increased appetite - bouts of hunger can wake a woman even late at night;
  • Sensitivity, irritability;
  • Increasing the temperature to 37оС;
  • Increased fatigue, drowsiness.

Particular attention should be paid to the chest. A week before menstruation, the mammary glands become sensitive and painful. Wearing a bra brings discomfort, it becomes small. The breast can increase in size, and with a slight pressure give painful sensations.

General symptoms

These symptoms can begin long before menstruation. Since they understand that menstruation will begin soon, mainly by discharge, first of all examine the gasket.

When menstruation approaches, the discharge becomes white, sometimes brown in color with a slight sour smell. They become somewhat more plentiful than usual, have a curd texture.

If white and brown discharge is abundant, itching or burning is felt - these are not signs of the onset of menstruation, but a symptom of a violation of the microflora. Noticing this, you should immediately go to the gynecologist and take a smear for candidiasis.

Common symptoms of menstruation are also fatigue, lethargy, mild nausea and dizziness. Feelings of fear, anxiety are often manifested, the emotional state is very unstable.

Since the first process after the release of the egg begins the release of hormones, the main symptoms before menstruation should be sought in mood, hunger or satiety, and ability to work.

During the week

7-11 days before the onset of menstruation, the girl gets tired faster than usual, complains of lack of concentration and drowsiness. Many begin to believe that no one understands them, they worry, fuss and quickly get annoyed over trifles.

The approach of menstruation is noted by increased sweating, a feeling of heat, quickly turning into chills. The chest begins to swell and the nipple halos become sensitive even to underwear - friction can cause tingling, goosebumps, and aching pain.

How do you know when your period starts?

  • Feeling the chest, pressing on the area of ​​​​halos;
  • Tracing the color and abundance of secretions;
  • Observation of outbursts of irritation and fear.

As soon as these symptoms begin to appear, you can wait for menstruation in 7-9 days.

For three days

In such a short period of time, the signs of approaching menstruation can become more intense and be replaced by others. This period is considered a crisis - premenstrual syndrome worsens and reaches its climax.

Some women three days before menstruation feel a strong fear for their lives and safety, up to paranoia - this is the work of the hormonal background, providing the body with complete preparation for pregnancy and protecting the fetus.

Nightmares are a sign of menstruation for three days - women complain of a light sleep and a sharp awakening in a cold sweat. A frequent companion of the crisis period is a migraine, especially in the morning.

How to determine that there are 3-5 days left before menstruation:

  • Migraine, frequent increase in blood pressure;
  • A heightened sense of fear, anxiety;
  • Selection of gray, white;
  • Possible body temperature in the range of 37-37.5 ° C.

In a girl, menstruation is accompanied by minor rashes on the skin of the face. Most often - on the cheeks and forehead, in the same area the oiliness of the skin increases. All these symptoms occur during menses.

Per day

A day before the menstruation comes, the girl feels a pulling pain in the lower abdomen and in the lower back. Stretching, you can feel pain and tingling, breathtaking. The discharge just before menstruation becomes more abundant, darker in color than before.

In young girls, itching may begin at the site of skin rashes, and sweating also increases significantly. Girls note the heat in the cheeks, ears. Nervousness begins to fade, lethargy, fatigue, desire for sweets are more manifested.

Start of menstruation

The first signs of menstruation are marked by nausea and characteristic discharge. Menstruation on the pad in the first two or three hours is brown, then red, bloody. Allocations are accompanied by pain in the abdomen, some note simultaneous indigestion.

A woman is immediately overcome by weakness, fatigue, even if menstruation starts in the morning. Appetite disappears, body temperature rises slightly. Many note discomfort, twitching of the internal hip muscles and oblique abdominal muscles.

Determination of days before menstruation

Signs before menstruation are also deceptive: due to general fatigue, lack of sleep or irregular nutrition, girls feel similar symptoms, but menstruation has just ended or does not occur.

To understand what terms approximately remain before the onset of menstruation, you can use a pharmacy test. 11-14 days after your last period has started, buy an ovulation test from a pharmacy. It is advisable to buy a few, and start monitoring from the 11th day.

By performing the test according to the instructions, you can determine which days of the cycle ovulation occurs. From the day on which the ovulatory test was positive, it is enough to count two weeks - during this period, menstruation should come.

Since the preparation for menstruation in a woman’s body depends on many factors, you should not worry if your period is delayed by 3-5 days. Analyze the events in your life during the last cycle. Delays in menstruation are fully justified and safe if at that time there were:

  • Serious shocks, stress;
  • Starvation or strict diets;
  • sleep deprivation;
  • A sharp change in climate (for example, a trip to a warm resort in winter and returning back);
  • The beginning of a new season is the turn of autumn and winter, winter and spring, and so on.

How to get rid of PMS

We cannot regulate hormonal processes before menstruation on our own - they are natural and should occur. But it is possible to mitigate the symptoms that change throughout the month.

To soothe and relieve irritability, you can take baths with essential oils of fir, Siberian pine or lavender. Add 5-6 drops to a bath of water.

Aromatherapy is useful - to fumigate a standard room of 9-15 m2, you will need 15 drops of essential oil of orange, bergamot, ylang-ylang. Sweet smells, such as vanilla, contribute to nausea, so they are not recommended.

If it is not possible to overcome the feeling of fear, obsessive thoughts do not let you fall asleep, it is better to limit yourself to optional exits from the house and not to approach dangerous household appliances.

How to relieve pain

Frequent airing of the room will be useful, especially before going to bed. An hour before bedtime, you can drink a glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey or hot chamomile tea.

Try to relieve menstrual pain syndromes with a minimum set of medications. Instead of pills, herbal compresses applied to the lower back can help. A compress soaked in a warm decoction of chamomile is applied to the lower abdomen.

During menstruation, you can not take a bath for a long time. You can stay in the water for no more than ten minutes, since during menstruation the genitals are very vulnerable. You can add a decoction of chamomile, coltsfoot to the bathroom, lie down a bit and relax.