Acute abdomen syndrome in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment. Acute abdomen - emergency care in pediatrics. What complications can there be?

Clinical characteristics of acute abdomen syndrome in children

The concept of "syndrome of" acute abdomen "combines a symptom complex, which manifests itself in various acute surgical diseases that require urgent surgical intervention.

Most often, the syndrome of "acute abdomen" develops in acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity: acute appendicitis, acute pancreatitis, acute diverticulitis, acute peritonitis, necrotizing ulcerative enterocolitis and intestinal necrosis with late diagnosis of acute intestinal obstruction, perforation of the stomach or intestines.

Clinical picture

The main symptoms of "acute abdomen":

1) abdominal pain;

2) signs of peritoneal irritation, manifested by local pain and tension of the anterior abdominal wall;

3) symptoms of intoxication.

Abdominal pain may occur with diseases of the abdominal cavity, retroperitoneal space, genital organs, spine, abdominal wall muscles, nervous system, or radiate to the abdomen with diseases of the chest organs (for example, right-sided pleurisy, myocardial infarction and pericarditis may occur with pain in the right or left hypochondrium, epigastrium). Pain in diseases of internal organs can be caused by impaired blood flow, spasm of smooth muscles of internal organs, stretching of the walls of hollow organs, inflammatory changes in organs and tissues.

Pain in the upper abdomen on the right is most often observed in diseases of the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract, duodenum, pancreatic head, right kidney, and damage to the hepatic flexure of the colon. In diseases of the biliary tract, pain radiates to the right shoulder, with a duodenal ulcer and lesions of the pancreas - in the back, with kidney stones - in the groin and testicles. In the upper abdomen on the left, pain is noted with damage to the stomach, pancreas, spleen, left kidney, and also with a hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the right may be due to damage to the appendix, lower ileum, blind and ascending colon, right kidney and genital organs. In the lower abdomen on the left, pain can be caused by damage to the transverse colon and sigmoid colon, the left kidney, as well as diseases of the genital organs. Spasmodic pain in the abdomen is noted with lead intoxication, in the precomatous stage with diabetes mellitus, as well as with hypoglycemic conditions, with porphyria.

Localization of pain does not always correspond to the location of the affected organ.

Sometimes in the first hours of the disease, the pain is not clearly localized and only later concentrates in a certain area. In the future (for example, with generalization of peritonitis), the pain may become diffuse. With appendicitis, pain may initially occur in the epigastric or umbilical regions, and with a covered perforated gastroduodenal ulcer, by the time of examination, it can only persist in the right iliac region (when gastric contents flow into this region). In addition, complaints of abdominal pain can occur in a number of extraperitoneal diseases.

The nature of the pain is of great diagnostic value. Cramping pain is most often observed with spastic contractions of the smooth muscles of hollow organs. Gradually increasing pain is characteristic of inflammatory processes. So, cramping pain in the abdomen is most characteristic of mechanical intestinal obstruction, for renal and hepatic colic. However, with these diseases, the pain is often constant. Cramping pain is also possible in acute appendicitis: it is due to contraction of the muscular membrane of the process in response to blockage of its lumen. Sometimes periodically escalating pain can give the impression of cramping.

The sudden appearance of pain of the type of "dagger strike" indicates an intra-abdominal catastrophe (breakthrough of a hollow organ, abscess or echinococcal cyst, intra-abdominal bleeding, embolism of the vessels of the mesentery, spleen, kidney). The same beginning is typical for renal colic. The behavior of the patient during pain attacks is of diagnostic value. A patient with an attack of renal or hepatic colic rushes about, takes various postures, which is not observed with lumbar sciatica, which has a similar localization of pain.

Urgent care

At the prehospital stage, emergency care consists in emergency hospitalization of the patient in the surgical department.

Transportation of patients is carried out in a reclining position with a roller under the knees.

These patients usually do not require special preparation for transportation, with the exception of only children with diffuse peritonitis, with concomitant arterial hypotension. Before transportation, they need to transfuse colloid or crystalloid solutions (rheopolyglucin, 10% glucose, plasma or albumin at the rate of 10-15 ml/kg).

"Acute abdomen" is a contraindication to the administration of painkillers that can cause changes in the clinical picture of the disease and interfere with diagnosis.

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  1. LESSON 8 First aid for pain syndrome: pain in the abdomen, in the lumbar region. Diagnosis of the "acute abdomen" syndrome.

Acute (surgical) diseases of the abdominal organs.

The most common diseases accompanied by the syndrome of "acute abdomen" are given below.

  • Appendicitis.
  • Acute cholecystitis.
  • Acute pancreatitis.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Renal colic.
  • Perforated duodenal ulcer.


  • Acute appendicitis (Appendicitis acuta). The patient has a history of pain attacks. The pain at first has a diffuse character, then localized in the right iliac region. The patient is concerned about single or repeated vomiting, nausea. Stool retention often develops. Tongue coated, with dry peritonitis. On palpation of the abdomen, muscle tension in the right iliac region, symptoms of peritoneal irritation are determined. The general condition of the patient is moderate, with peritonitis - severe.
  • Acute cholecystitis (Cholecystitis acuta). In the anamnesis, pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, bitterness in the mouth are noted. The patient complains of acute pain in the right hypochondrium associated with an error in the diet, repeated vomiting, and stool retention. On physical examination, the general condition is of moderate severity, the tongue is lined, the abdomen is swollen, pain is noted on palpation in the right hypochondrium and on tapping along the right costal arch.
  • Acute pancreatitis (Pancreatitis acuta). History of attacks of renal colic, cholecystitis, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, viral infection. Worried about the pain in the upper abdomen of a girdle character, which began suddenly, having a connection with a plentiful meal, radiating to the scapula, left forearm, to the region of the heart. The patient complains of repeated indomitable vomiting, sometimes with an admixture of blood, stool retention, gas or copious stools. On physical examination, the general condition was severe. They note anxiety, screaming, groans, pallor, acrocyanosis of the skin, icterus of the sclera, shortness of breath. Tongue dry, coated with yellow or brown coating. The abdomen is swollen, painful on palpation in the epigastrium, in the costovertebral angle. Reveal symptoms of irritation of the peritoneum, weak peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract. Shock may develop.
  • Intestinal obstruction (Ileus). History of constipation, accompanied by pain in the abdomen, hernia. Sudden sharp, cramping pain is characteristic. Possible pain shock. Concerned about repeated vomiting, at the beginning with food, then with a fecal smell of vomit, stool retention, gases.
    On physical examination, the patient's general condition was severe. Tongue dry, lined. Blood pressure is reduced, the pulse is thready, frequent. The abdomen is swollen, asymmetric, hernial protrusion is noted, palpation reveals "splash noise", lack of peristalsis.
  • Renal colic (Colica renalis). The attack begins suddenly, is associated with physical stress. The pain is sharp, cutting, initially in the lumbar region, radiating to the groin, thigh. Disturbed by nausea, often vomiting. Stool is normal or delayed. Dysuria and pollakiuria are characteristic. General condition of moderate severity. The patient is restless, agitated, blood pressure is elevated.
  • Tongue of normal moisture or dry. The abdomen is tense, a positive symptom of Pasternatsky is noted.
  • Perforated duodenal ulcer (Ulcus duodeni perforativum). History of peptic ulcer, dyspeptic disorders. Disturbed by a sharp intense (“dagger strike”) pain in the epigastrium, radiating to the shoulder blade, spreading throughout the abdomen. Vomiting appears late, with the development of peritonitis. Delay of a chair, gases is characteristic. The general condition is severe, the child lies on his side with his legs pulled up. Dry tongue. Tachypnea, tachycardia, hypotension, shock are detected. The abdomen is retracted, does not participate in breathing, a board-shaped abdomen, lack of peristalsis, symptoms of peritoneal irritation are noted.

Actions on a call

Shown emergency hospitalization in the surgical department.

With severe toxicosis and exicosis, symptoms of shock, the appointment of infusion therapy and anti-shock measures, as described in the relevant sections, is indicated.


Acute appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix. The disease occurs in all age groups, even in newborns.


  • Stomach ache. The disease begins with abdominal pain, usually in the midst of complete well-being. The localization of abdominal pain is indicated by older children. Younger children with the appearance of pain in the abdomen become restless, try to take their hands away from their stomach. More often, at first the pain is localized in the navel, after a few hours it is felt in the right iliac region. The pains are constant, cramping in nature, do not completely disappear, intensify with movement. Night pains are a characteristic sign of acute appendicitis in children. The highest intensity of pain is noted at the beginning of the disease, then it decreases. The pain again increases with perforation of the appendix.
  • Vomit. Single vomiting is observed at the onset of the disease. Frequent vomiting with an admixture of bile is characteristic of the later stages, with the development of peritonitis.
  • The body temperature at the beginning of the disease in older children may be normal or subfebrile, in younger children it often reaches 38-39 ° C.
  • The state of the pulse is an objective indicator that reflects the state in the abdominal cavity. At the beginning of the disease, the pulse rate corresponds to body temperature. With an increase in destructive changes in the appendix, progressive tachycardia does not correspond to body temperature.
  • The tongue is usually covered with a whitish coating, dry. With the development of peritonitis, the tongue becomes coated with a gray coating.
  • Bowel function in children with appendicitis is most often normal, with prior constipation possible.
  • The general condition suffers little, worsens with the onset of perforation: a sharp exacerbation of pain spreading to the entire abdomen, the child's eyes are sunken, facial features are sharpened.
  • Muscle tension and pain on palpation in the right iliac region is a reliable sign of acute appendicitis in children.
  • Positive symptoms of Shchetkin-Blumberg, Voskresensky and a symptom of a cough shock.

There may be various deviations of the clinical picture in the pelvic, retrocecal, subhepatic locations of the appendix.

Acute appendicitis in children of the first year of life is rare. It is characterized by an acute onset, refusal of the breast, the child twists its legs, vomiting is repeated, the body temperature rises to 38-39 ° C, dyspeptic stools are noted. During natural sleep or medication, passive muscle tension is determined with superficial palpation; when conducting a deep - the child wakes up, pushing the doctor's hand away, worried.


Differential diagnosis should be carried out with:

  • pneumonia;
  • pleurisy;
  • coprostasis;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • renal colic;
  • premenstrual pain in girls;
  • acute intestinal diseases.

Actions on a call

If acute appendicitis is suspected in a child, hospitalization in the surgical department is indicated. The introduction of painkillers is unacceptable!

Acute abdomen is a clinical syndrome that develops in acute diseases and injuries of the organs of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space, which require or may require emergency surgical care. An acute abdomen is usually accompanied by pain in the abdomen of varying intensity and character, tension in the muscles of the abdominal wall, and impaired intestinal motility. Pseudo-abdominal syndrome can mimic the clinical picture of this condition. With pseudo-abdominal syndrome, acute abdominal pain is caused by diseases of organs located in the abdominal cavity or outside the abdominal cavity (colitis, gastritis, pyelonephritis, acute pneumonia, myocardial infarction). These diseases are accompanied by a number of symptoms of an acute abdomen, but they are subject to conservative treatment.

The main causes of the development of an acute abdomen

Acute pain in the abdomen may appear in acute non-specific inflammatory diseases of the digestive system (pancreas, gallbladder, appendix). The development of an acute abdomen may be due to perforations of any organ. Perforations usually occur as a result of various inflammatory processes or damage to organs located in the abdominal cavity.

Acute pain in the lower abdomen may be associated with internal bleeding into the retroperitoneal space and the abdominal cavity (for example, with a rupture of the fallopian tube during an ectopic pregnancy or with an aneurysm of the abdominal aorta). Traumatic ruptures of the spleen, mesenteric vessels and liver can also be accompanied by the development of an acute abdomen.

Sudden sharp pain in the abdomen can occur with intestinal obstruction. Intestinal obstruction can develop with nodulation, volvulus, strangulation of the intestine in the external or internal hernia, intussusception, obstruction.

The main symptoms of an acute abdomen

The main symptom of an acute abdomen is pain, localized and spreading throughout the abdomen. In severe and extensive lesions, a pronounced pain syndrome may be accompanied by the development of a pain shock. Pain is minor with acute abdomen syndrome in young children, in malnourished patients.

Vomiting is a common symptom of an acute abdomen. It can occur in the first minutes or hours of the disease. With irritation of the phrenic nerve, persistent painful hiccups sometimes appear, pain when pressed between the legs of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. This condition is often accompanied by a violation of the passage of intestinal contents. Gas and stool retention may be associated with dynamic or mechanical intestinal obstruction. An important symptom of an acute abdomen is a change in the nature of the feces. An admixture of blood in the feces can be observed in acute disorders of the mesenteric circulation.

With diffuse peritonitis, massive bleeding into the abdominal cavity, a sharp pallor of the mucous membranes and skin is usually observed. For neglected, severe forms of diseases occurring with a clinical picture of an acute abdomen, an indifferent expression on the patient's face, sunken eyes, retracted cheeks, and gray skin are characteristic. Intraperitoneal bleeding is usually accompanied by severe tachycardia and a decrease in blood pressure (up to the development of collapse).

Causes of the development of an acute abdomen in children

Acute abdomen in children most often develops as a result of intestinal obstruction and acute appendicitis.

Acute abdominal pain is the main symptom of appendicitis. The child becomes lethargic, capricious, does not sleep well. Appendicitis is often accompanied by loose stools with mucus, which is why this disease is often confused with an intestinal infection or poisoning. At the beginning of the disease, pain is localized not in the right iliac region, but in the upper abdomen or in the umbilical region. The development of the disease is not always accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fever.

With the development of intestinal obstruction, the child screams, vomiting appears, there is no stool, and the gases do not go away. The child's condition is rapidly deteriorating. In children aged six months to one year, the cause of intestinal obstruction is often intestinal intussusception. Intestinal intussusception can be caused by improper introduction of complementary foods (excess of fruits and vegetables). In an acute abdomen associated with intestinal obstruction, vomiting may occur with an admixture of bile or with intestinal contents. In this case, instead of feces, blood with mucus comes out of the rectum.

In case of acute pain in the abdomen, it is impossible to give the child painkillers before the doctor's examination. Until the cause of the pain is clarified, you can not feed the child.

If acute pain in the abdomen does not stop within an hour, then you should immediately call for medical help.

Acute abdomen in gynecology

Acute abdomen in gynecology is a complex of symptoms caused by various pathologies of the abdominal organs (pelvis). A sharp pain in the lower abdomen is the main symptom of an acute abdomen in gynecology (paroxysmal or constant, of a different nature - stabbing, cutting). Perhaps the appearance of vomiting, dizziness, weakness, bleeding, hiccups. Acute pain in the lower abdomen may be accompanied by pressure on the anus and problems with stool.

The most common cause of the development of an acute abdomen in gynecology is an ectopic pregnancy (more than 48% of cases). Acute pain in the lower abdomen may appear with acute inflammation of the ovaries and ovarian apoplexy.

The cause of an acute abdomen can be traumatic injuries and circulatory disorders in the tissues of the uterus, as well as acute inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs (acute adnexitis, torsion of the cyst leg or ovarian tumor, necrosis of the uterine myomatous node).

This syndrome can appear after operations on the uterus and appendages, after abortions, as well as against the background of infectious diseases in an advanced form.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Abdominal pain is common in children. It is necessary to distinguish between abdominal pain associated with various painful processes outside the abdomen, and pain associated with a disease of the abdominal organs. Of particular importance are diseases that require urgent surgical intervention and are united by the clinical concept of "acute abdomen".

The main symptoms of an acute abdomen: abdominal pain, vomiting, flatulence, gas and stool retention, muscle tension, the presence of a tumor or swelling in the abdomen, a violation of the general condition. An early diagnosis of an acute abdomen is sometimes difficult, since not all of the symptoms listed are always present and, in addition, the clinical picture varies depending on the phase of the disease.

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The concept of "acute abdomen in children" combines a whole range of symptoms that are characteristic of various diseases that require surgical intervention or drug treatment. Most often, the causes are inflammatory processes of a different nature that develop in the abdominal cavity. The method of therapy depends on what provoked the onset of symptoms.

An acute abdomen in a child is primarily manifested by severe and sharp pain. It has a different character and can be pronounced or insignificant, depending on the degree of development of the pathological process. Often it gradually increases, then weakens and becomes permanent. When coughing, movement, painful sensations intensify. They do not pass even during sleep, eating.

The pain is also accompanied by tension in the muscle tissue of the abdominal wall. This is the body's defense mechanism. Associated symptoms include constipation or diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

With acute abdominal syndrome in a child, the condition is most often severe, requiring immediate hospitalization. But if appendicitis or cholecystitis became the cause of the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, the baby's condition is stable. Depending on what provoked the appearance of pain, blanching of the skin, fever or chills, signs of intoxication may be observed.


An acute abdomen is a complex of various symptoms that result from the development of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and abdominal cavity. The syndrome in young children usually occurs against the background of intestinal obstruction or appendicitis.

In medicine, it is customary to divide the causes of acute abdomen syndrome into two categories:

  1. Surgical. They require immediate hospitalization and surgical intervention. These include:
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • acute appendicitis;
  • damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa or internal organs, against which internal bleeding occurred;
  • pathologies characterized by impaired blood circulation in the organs.
  1. Non-surgical. Diseases do not require urgent surgical intervention, and treatment can be carried out with the help of drugs. To provoke the appearance of acute pain in the abdomen in a child can:
  • diseases, the development of which is provoked by an infection;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • pleurisy or pulmonary pneumonia.

Establishing the cause of severe abdominal pain is an important step in treatment. Depending on what has become a provocateur of their occurrence, the doctor prescribes treatment. Delayed medical care can cause serious consequences, including death.

The presence of acute abdomen syndrome in children requires differential diagnosis, since the symptoms are not specific. The specialist establishes a preliminary diagnosis according to the symptoms and localization of pain.

In the presence of pain on the right in the lower abdomen, pathologies of the kidneys, liver and urinary system are established.

The presence of hernias, damage to the stomach, diseases of the spleen and pancreas are indicated by pain in the upper left side of the abdomen. If the focus of pain is located in the lower right side, then this indicates inflammation of the kidneys, indigestion, appendicitis.

A pathological process spreading in the left lower abdomen indicates the presence of problems with the urinary system and diseases of the intestines or stomach.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, a whole range of diagnostic methods is prescribed:

  1. Collection of anamnesis. The study of symptoms, comorbidities and past pathologies helps to exclude some disorders that cause pain.
  2. Visual inspection. The doctor carefully studies the external signs and symptoms of an acute abdomen. With the help of the examination, it is possible to establish the general condition of the patient and the need for urgent hospitalization.
  3. Palpation. It is carried out in order to identify the focus of pain and their intensity.
  4. X-ray examination with the use of contrast agents. The method of instrumental diagnostics allows to identify circulatory disorders in the abdominal organs.
  5. Ultrasound examination of the pelvic and abdominal organs. Visualization helps to establish the focus of the pathological process and the degree of change.

Biochemical and general laboratory tests of blood, urine and feces are also prescribed. Necessary to establish infection and control the levels of white blood cells, sugar, cholesterol and other substances.

The results of the research allow the doctor to differentiate the disease from others, establish an accurate diagnosis and determine the need for surgical intervention.


In the presence of acute abdomen syndrome, the child is hospitalized in the pediatric surgical department. If the patient's condition is severe, all necessary diagnostic measures are carried out in the hospital.

In the case when the occurrence of pain is provoked by surgical reasons, the doctor tries to perform the operation as soon as possible. This is due to the fact that in some cases, delay can cost the life of the child.

But if the cause of pain is non-surgical causes, the child is transferred to the therapeutic department for further treatment. First of all, painkillers are prescribed to relieve symptoms. In the future, the course of therapy depends on what provoked the pain. The duration of treatment is most often from 14 to 21 days. After discharge from the hospital, the parents of the baby, depending on the cause and tactics of therapy, should follow all the recommendations of the doctor and, if necessary, continue to give the child medicines.

Possible Complications

The consequences and complications of an acute abdomen in children depend on the underlying pathology. In this case, severe consequences for the child are often observed, the probability of death is high if the baby is not provided with medical care.

Chronic pathologies can also occur, which are characterized by periods of remission and exacerbation. It is quite difficult to cure them completely.

But with timely treatment, the prognosis for acute abdominal syndrome in children is favorable and complete recovery is possible, without the development of serious consequences.

Prevention measures

There are no special preventive measures against the occurrence of acute abdomen syndrome, since it develops with various pathologies. Experts recommend supporting the child's immunity with fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as multivitamin complexes.

In order to exclude the development of pathologies, medical examinations should also be carried out regularly. Parents should pay special attention to the child's complaints, especially with abdominal pain.

The concept of an acute abdomen does not refer to a specific disease. This is a complex of various symptoms that occur with the development of certain pathologies. In the case when the child suffers from severe pain in the abdomen, you should immediately call an ambulance.