How much will the gum hurt if it was cut for the growth of a wisdom tooth. Possible Complications

Wisdom tooth hood removal is considered a safe intervention that lasts for a relatively short time. But in order to reduce the risk of complications, it is extremely important to address such a problem to the doctor at the initial stage of its development. Otherwise, the chances of side effects are too high, such as an extensive inflammatory process with the need to remove the tooth itself.

What is a dental hood?

In recent years, researchers have increasingly recorded cases when people do not grow wisdom teeth at all throughout their lives, which are called the third molar. It is believed that in two centuries they will become a rarity altogether.

By themselves, these parts of the oral cavity do not pose any threat if their growth has been stably normal. But such a successful scenario is extremely rare. Usually a person additionally suffers from severe pain, fever, general malaise.

Often the clinical picture is supplemented by the fact that a hood begins to hang over the problematic structure, which poses a serious threat to the well-being of the victim.

Since wisdom teeth are mostly pierced at about the age of 18 to 25 years old, gum growths with excess skin make themselves felt at about this age and a little older. The fact that there are four similar teeth in the body increases the risk factors. They are located on each side of both jaws.

Another difficulty is that at the time of the “birth” of the third molar, the jaw system almost always has time to fully form. This means that there is no place for a new tenant there, which provokes the imposition of a tooth on a tooth, their displacement, displacement, incorrect growth with the wrong direction, squeezing and covering with a part of the gum.

Just the last case takes place in professional medical terminology under the name of an impacted tooth. This is the name of a molar whose growth is blocked by soft or hard tissue. Some inhabitants believe that if there is not enough space in the oral cavity for a new “neighbor”, then it simply stops growing. But in fact, this is not a reason to stop, but only a reason for the "sufferer" to start looking for ways around. Because of this, he pry, and then completely grows into the surrounding space of the gums or even the bone structure, which brings not only a feeling of discomfort, but also unbearable pain.

It is strictly forbidden to tolerate such a condition, especially since it is extremely bad to stun the pain with standard painkillers in this situation. If the problem tooth grows unevenly and at the same time manages not to touch the surrounding area too much, then although this reduces the risks of complications, it provokes the development of that same hood.

The principle of its appearance is simple: first, the first half of the tooth is cut through, cutting through the gum. This forms a "roof" over the second part. Such soft tissue under the molar often becomes inflamed, bleeds, hurts, and can even secrete pus if the victim takes time to go to the dentist's office.

Stages of inflammation

Initially, the patient may not even notice that he has a hood, because in a calm state he rarely brings significant inconvenience. But after a couple of days, difficulties will begin. First, pieces of food begin to clog into the gap between the overgrown skin and the tooth component, turning it into an ideal atmosphere for the development of pathogens. But saliva does not get there, although it is she who warns against the abundant reproduction of bacteria, acting as a kind of natural stabilizer of the acid-base environment.

Due to the fact that microorganisms develop with terrifying speed, and no one controls them, a powerful inflammatory process begins. In the case of a specifically affected hood, the disease is called pericoronitis. Its main symptoms are as follows:

  • swelling not only of the gum itself, but also of part of the face;
  • inability to function normally with the jaw - open, close the mouth;
  • problems with swallowing;
  • purulent odor from the oral cavity, resulting from the release of waste products of dangerous microorganisms;
  • dizziness;
  • headaches;
  • increase in body temperature.

But all of the above is just the tip of the iceberg of the disease, as the clinical picture will worsen every few hours. This is due to the fact that a rapidly developing infection quickly moves to neighboring tissues. First, the chewing muscles will suffer, which will give pain with every movement. Then the jaw itself will start to hurt.

In the saddest development, a general infection occurs. This became possible due to the anatomical features of the human body, since many small blood vessels are hidden in the affected soft tissues.

Once the microbe enters the bloodstream, it can "travel" to all internal organs. On the part of health, such neglect threatens to awaken chronic ailments, as well as a general deterioration in immunity.

If you reach the last, then just getting rid of the problematic soft part will not be enough. You will have to contact the inpatient department of the hospital, where additional measures of assistance for the victim will be provided.

How is the operation going?

Excision of the hood, although it lasts a little, is still an operation. If for a number of other dental pathologies it is still possible to get by with alternative methods of treatment, then this will not work with the inflamed part of the third molar, and only surgical intervention remains.

The only good news is that the hood in terms of its functional characteristics does not bear any benefit. This is a foreign object that an experienced dentist will remove in about fifteen minutes, while using local anesthesia to relieve pain.

Involving general anesthesia is an unnecessary measure, even for those people who are afraid of visiting the dental office. Modern painkillers completely eliminate the ability to feel any discomfort during excision.

The only important precaution should be to identify a possible allergic reaction to the components of anesthesia. To do this, the medical staff, before starting the manipulation, is always interested in whether the victim is allergic to any drugs.

If the patient is unsure, an allergy test may be performed to negate the risk of anaphylactic shock.

Separately, the issues of pregnant women who are afraid that the medicine will harm the unborn baby are considered. Here, the decision is made locally by the attending specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman's body. But since local anesthesia covers a very small working area, the risks of negative effects on the fetus are almost always reduced to zero.

The action of the injection makes itself felt in about three minutes. After that, the doctor adheres to the following algorithm of actions:

  • treats the affected area with an antiseptic;
  • removes the hood with several incisions;
  • concomitant minor bleeding eliminates by applying a cotton sponge;
  • again disinfects the site of a recent incision;
  • applies a special compress with an analgesic complex.

But sometimes it happens that in addition to the softest tissue, the dentist will insist on the removal of a wisdom tooth. In this situation, one cannot persist, since the doctor will necessarily argue his desire with evidence.

Although the third molar is an important part for successful future prosthetics, one should not risk health by leaving it if it has already begun to grow crooked. Otherwise, in six months you can lose both the last tooth in the jaw and a couple of neighboring ones, including even a bone. Such sad forecasts are confirmed by numerous reviews of those who nevertheless did not listen to a specialist.

When a wisdom tooth is removed along with the hood

There are several reasons for the ineffectiveness of only partial removal. Among them, the first place in a kind of popularity rating goes to an insufficient amount of free space.

In practice, this means that a massive tooth simply has nowhere to grow without cutting through the still healthy surrounding surfaces of varying degrees of hardness. If he has a problematic growth bias towards the adjacent tooth or even bone, then he is subject to emergency excision. After that, healing will not take long.

In second place is the absence of other teeth next to the third molar. Then the preservation of the problematic "tenant" does not bear any practical benefit, because such a large distance is not suitable for reliable prosthetics.

Difficulties are added by the fact that the formation of a hood is the prerogative of only those wisdom teeth that have not yet been able to fully pop out. Because of this, a complex operation can stretch over time, and the recovery period will be longer than usual.

The reason for the delay is that there is simply no special scheme for accessing a problem tooth from its socket using standard dental appliances. It all depends on the individual characteristics of each victim, which prompts the doctor to use a drill to divide the tooth into several parts. Only after that it will be possible to get the cut parts out of the alveolar process.

With such a long intervention, he can use general anesthesia if he sees that his patient is on the verge of starting a panic attack. To the same logical conclusion, the dentist will come, who will face an irresistible gag reflex of his ward. This is explained by the fact that even the most accurate master sometimes touches the tongue of the patient, which in some people provokes a strong vomiting reaction. To avoid traumatic situations, it is more productive to simply put a person into an artificial sleep stage.

A contraindication for general anesthesia is only pregnancy in the first and last trimester.

The price of the service will completely depend on what format of anesthesia was used, and also whether something else had to be removed besides the immediate hood.

All the advice of dentists on the topic of hood removal can be schematically divided into two camps. Some are valid for the day of surgery, while others are valid after removal.

The most important prescription is the refusal throughout the next day after surgery from eating, drinking, visiting baths and saunas.

Physiologically, the ban on drinks, especially hot ones, is explained by the fact that the liquid provokes the washing off of the blood clot. Namely, it acts as the first protective barrier of the cut-off area from microorganisms striving to settle there. Elevated body temperature affects the ability of the blood to clot, which leaves the hole without a barrier that drives away pathogenic bacteria.

For additional safety, the doctor prescribes an antiseptic composition to the ward. With him, rinse the oral cavity for at least a week after the manipulation.

To eliminate the risk of infection, it is necessary to appear at a preventive examination with a doctor a few days after the procedure. At this time, the expert will assess the dynamics of recovery, as well as give new recommendations regarding the rules of personal oral hygiene.

Wisdom teeth bring a lot of trouble to their owners. Their eruption is often associated with pain, inflammation and many complications. In the process of evolution, the jaws have undergone significant changes, and there is simply nowhere for the last molars to grow, hence the problem of pericoronitis.

Before we talk about the procedure for removing the wisdom tooth hood, consider the cause of its inflammation:

  1. Since the eights, in fact, have no place in the dentition, they most often erupt by a third or half. In turn, the gum, which should frame the tooth, partially covers it from above and a kind of pocket is obtained.
  2. In such a cavity, food remains are easily clogged, which is not possible to clean out. As a result, bacteria begin to multiply there, which, in turn, provoke tissue inflammation.

The need for removal

At first, a person may not attach importance to such a pocket and the food clogged into it, but very soon the symptoms of pericoronitis begin to appear:

  1. Severe pain in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth.
  2. Mucosal edema.
  3. Bad breath caused by pathogenic bacteria.
  4. In an advanced case, the discharge of pus.
  5. Inability to chew and open the mouth because the swelling presses on the masseter muscle.
  6. Increased temperature due to inflammation.

In the most severe cases, when the patient has reached the last, a situation arises in which it is necessary to open an abscess from the outside of the cheek.

You should not wait for the manifestation of all the symptoms of the disease, it is better to immediately contact a specialist.

Preparing for the operation

At the first discomfort, you should visit a dentist who will examine the wisdom tooth with its hood and decide on further actions.

If the doctor sees that the tooth has the prospect of growing properly, it is left and then only the gum is excised above it.

First, you need to take an x-ray of your teeth and understand how the figure eight grows. If the position of the tooth is initially incorrect, then a decision is made to remove it. Accordingly, the pocket, which can become inflamed, will also be eliminated.

Operation steps

On the appointed day, the patient comes to the clinic, where the essence and course of the operation should be explained to him. After that, it is necessary to make a skin test for the anesthetic that will be used.

This is very important, because some anesthetics can cause a severe allergic reaction, up to anaphylactic shock.

If the skin test is in order, proceed to the operation itself:

  1. The patient is injected with an anesthetic, which begins to act after 10-15 minutes.
  2. Next, the doctor removes excess gum tissue using surgical scissors, a scalpel, or a special laser. Excision occurs in the direction away from you. With the right actions, the crown of the tooth should fully show.
  3. The doctor washes the resulting wound from food debris, pus and blood with an antiseptic solution.
  4. Then measures are taken to stop the bleeding and special healing ointments are applied to the wound.
  5. The doctor sets a date for a re-examination in order to control the healing process and avoid unforeseen complications.

Care after surgery

As a rule, for the postoperative period, the doctor prescribes:

  1. Reception (for example, Ketanov).
  2. Rinsing or baths for the oral cavity based on low concentration water, infusion of chamomile and calendula, or other antiseptics that are not allergic.
  3. . It is not necessary in all cases, but there are situations when the body itself cannot cope with the consequences of the inflammatory process that took place in the gums;

After the wound has completely healed, you should do preventive examinations with a doctor, since in very rare cases there are relapses and the gum mucosa can grow and re-cover the tooth, of course, this is rather an exception to the rule, but it does occur.

After the doctor has completely freed the last molar, it is necessary to carefully monitor its hygiene and clean it as well from food debris as the neighboring teeth.

Price and reviews

The cost of excision of the hood over the wisdom tooth consists of the cost of anesthesia, the operation itself and concomitant drugs. The estimated price of such a procedure is about 2000 rubles, it all depends on the level of the clinic and the region of residence.


Olga, 35 years old:“Recently, a wisdom tooth began to hurt, it has not yet erupted completely. In addition, my throat hurt and my ear began to shoot. I thought it was a sore throat, which would pass soon, looked in the mirror, and there part of the gums swelled and turned red.

I suffered a terrible pain for a couple of days, and went to the dentist. They diagnosed inflammation of the hood of the wisdom tooth, made an anesthetic injection and started the operation, it was done with a laser, and the remnants of the gums were cut off with a scalpel. The ointment was applied at the end.

The whole operation lasted about 5 minutes. After the operation, after 20 minutes, I began to feel pain. At home, I rinsed my mouth with a solution of soda, diluted 1 spoon in a glass of boiled water, swelling and pain began to go away, and then I took a painkiller tablet Ketanov.

The doctor said that you can also use Holisal or Metrogil Denta gel, applying 1 cm to the damaged area. I was not able to go to the re-examination that the doctor recommended, but now I regularly rinse my mouth and do chlorhexidine baths.”

Irin, 48 years old:“I often go to my trusted clinic, and one fine day, when I came there with a toothache, the dentist said that my wisdom tooth was not growing properly and urgently needed to be removed.

And he didn't take any pictures. Of course, I doubted and decided to go to another clinic, they took a picture, everything turned out to be in order with the tooth, it grows normally, and in order to remove the pain, it turns out that it is necessary to make an excision of the hood over the wisdom tooth.

Before the operation, they injected me with a portion of the painkiller, waited a little and made several incisions, everything took 10-15 minutes.

The gums covered a little, but they put a thick cotton swab on me, and I held it for about 15 minutes, after 30 minutes a dull pain began, from which Nimesulide helped. The whole operation together with the picture cost 870 rubles. I think if the tooth is growing normally, it is better to leave it and cut off the hood over it.”

Irina, 33 years old:“Once, once again, a wisdom tooth began to erupt in me, which is trying to grow for a long time and hard, a high temperature rose, even my throat hurt. I went to the dentist, he examined and said that the hood of the wisdom tooth was inflamed, gave me an injection, took out small surgical scissors and cut off the extra gum.

It all lasted just a couple of minutes, there was very little blood, then the wound was treated with an antiseptic and a cotton swab was applied. I was prescribed an antibiotic and told not to eat or drink for 3-4 hours. After a while, my temperature subsided, and the gum healed in 3 days. I rinsed my mouth with “Hepilor” for a few more days.”

Removal of the wisdom tooth hood involves excision of the gum mucosa, which partially covers the crown.

Removal is required if the gum becomes inflamed, causing pain during the eruption process. In some cases, excision is required not only of the hood, but also of the wisdom tooth itself.

What is a hood over a wisdom tooth?

The hood of the wisdom tooth is a free space (a kind of pocket) that is formed between the erupted third molar, or figure eight (this is what the chewing organ that appears at a conscious age is also called) and the gum surface hanging over it.

Food remains often linger in the hood, which accumulate and create favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

Under their action, an inflammatory process develops, accompanied by the accumulation of purulent masses.

Outwardly, the hood looks like a round, inflamed area of ​​the gums, which rises above the erupting wisdom tooth.

The causes of the inflammatory process of the hood over the wisdom tooth are:

  • insufficient width of the dental arch, due to which the wisdom tooth cannot fully erupt;
  • specific tooth position. If the third molar is parallel or at an angle to the row, then an inflammatory process develops;
  • eruption of only one part of the tooth, while the other part remains in the bone;
  • thickening of the oral mucosa in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth.

Symptoms of inflammation of the hood include the following manifestations:

  • severe swelling and redness of the gums;
  • difficulty in swallowing;
  • swelling and soreness of the submandibular lymph nodes;
  • the smell of rot from the mouth;
  • cheek swelling;
  • the wisdom tooth is festering;
  • the release of purulent masses from under the hood;
  • inability to fully close or open the mouth;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • increase in body temperature.

Important! At the first symptoms of inflammation of the space between the gum and the wisdom tooth, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since in advanced cases the infection can spread to the surrounding tissues and cause a life-threatening condition - sepsis.

What does a hood look like over a wisdom tooth?

Why does the hood need to be removed? What does he interfere with?

Pericoronitis can provoke the promotion of pus and pathogens into the bones and deep into the soft tissues

With inflammation of the hood over the wisdom tooth, or pericoronitis, the patient's cheek and gums swell, which causes pain and makes it impossible not only to chew food, but also to fully open and close the mouth.

Pericoronitis also causes rotten mouth odor. It is due to the fact that pus is released from under the hood.

Also, inflammation is dangerous because it occurs in the area of ​​​​masticatory muscles and can provoke an almost complete closure of the mouth.

Under such conditions, the dentist, due to insufficient opening of the mouth, will not be able to immediately help the patient.

Pericoronitis can provoke the promotion of pus and pathogenic microorganisms into the bones and deep into the soft tissues, which causes the formation of submandibular or peripharyngeal phlegmon.

This condition is fraught with blood poisoning and the spread of infection throughout the body.

Indications for the removal of the hood over the figure eight are characteristic symptoms indicating pericoronitis, as well as an increase in body temperature, which does not return to normal for a long time, the development of gingivitis.

Note! In some cases, it is not the hood that is removed, but the problematic figure-eight tooth itself. It is recommended to remove it immediately in case of severe and traumatic eruption of the third molar, improper tooth growth, lack of enough space for it.

First aid

With symptoms of the inflammatory process of the hood over the figure eight, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to avoid life-threatening consequences.

But sometimes the pain and discomfort caused by this deviation occur suddenly, and the patient cannot see a doctor for a certain time.

In such emergency situations, you can do the following:

Important! In no case should you try to open it yourself at home, let alone cut off the hood.

At home, it is impossible to cope with the inflammatory process, so it is strongly not recommended to delay a visit to the doctor.

Preparing to remove the hood

Pain medication may be taken to relieve severe pain

Before performing an operation to excise the hood, the specialist must prepare the patient for this manipulation.

To do this, it is necessary to remove the acute inflammatory process.

This goal is achieved by rinsing the mouth with a decoction of medicinal chamomile or a solution with soda and salt.

Pain medication may be taken to relieve severe pain.

Also, before the appointment of the operation, radiography and tomography are prescribed to assess the condition of the jaw bone tissue, blood and urine tests are performed, and the presence of diseases such as syphilis, hepatitis, and HIV infection is determined.

How is gum excision performed?

Excision of the inflamed gum area above the wisdom tooth consists of several successive stages.

This process includes the following steps:

After the operation, the doctor gives the patient recommendations regarding the care of the operated area during the rehabilitation period.

In the first 2-4 hours after surgery, it is forbidden to eat.

Features of the recovery period

The rehabilitation period after the hood was cut over the figure eight lasts 4-5 days, but with significant trauma it drags on up to 7-10 days.

During the recovery period, the patient is worried about pain and inflammation. In some cases, body temperature may rise.

In order for the healing process to pass without complications, treatment is necessary:

After each meal, rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm water.

Preparations of this group will be required, since all patients experience severe pain after surgery and the disappearance of the effect of anesthetics.


The average cost of an operation to excise the figure eight hood is an average of 1,500 rubles (the price depends on the complexity of the procedure, the status of dentistry and other factors).


Contraindications that prevent the operation to remove the hood over the third molar are periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases, the general serious condition of the patient.

In such situations, experts discuss all possible options with which you can improve the patient's well-being.

Pregnancy is not an absolute contraindication to this operation. During the period of gestation, excision is performed, but without the introduction of anesthetics.

Possible complications

Even after surgery to excise the area of ​​the gum hanging over the wisdom tooth, complications can occur.

The most common of these is the recurrence of the inflammatory process.

This is either due to insufficient cutting of the hood, or due to certain anatomical features.

If you refuse to see a doctor and undergo an operation, the patient may experience one of the following complications:

  • the transition of acute pericoronitis to chronic pathology, which is fraught with the transition of the infectious process to nearby tissues;
  • deterioration of bone tissue;
  • injury to the mucous membranes of the cheek;
  • development of osteomyelitis;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes caused by the spread of purulent masses throughout the oral cavity;
  • the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms or pus into the bloodstream, which leads to blood poisoning. This condition is very dangerous and often leads to the death of a person;
  • formation of phlegmon or abscess.

Note! A much greater risk of dangerous complications occurs if the patient does not visit a doctor. The pathological process develops rapidly and can lead to an unforeseen outcome.

Cases in which the hood must be removed along with the third molar

It was mentioned above that there are situations when, along with a hood, a wisdom tooth must also be removed.

This is necessary in the following cases:

After a thorough examination, the specialist will determine if there is a need for additional removal of the third molar along with the inflamed hood.

Wisdom teeth appear last in the dentition in adulthood, they are also called third molars or "eights". In the course of evolutionary development, they have lost their main functions and practically do not participate in the process of chewing food and are considered rudimentary organs.

It would seem that such a property should characterize these teeth as the least troublesome, but in practice it turns out that, on the contrary, they are the most problematic teeth in the mouth. What to do if the gum becomes inflamed near the wisdom tooth?

A typical situation that almost every patient has encountered is inflammation of the gums surrounding the wisdom tooth. The process is accompanied by tangible soreness and discomfort, so everyone, without exception, is interested in what to do in this case in order to quickly eliminate the swelling and improve the condition.

The nature of wisdom teeth, in fact, is unique - they are not preceded by milk teeth, they are formed for a long time, therefore they erupt later than everyone else, they have a specific structure of roots.

Each person has the rudiments of future eights on each jaw, but this does not mean that they will all grow, because very often the eights remain impacted or are shown only partially.

In any case, the appearance is not instantaneous, but takes a decent period of time, causing inconvenience to a person. The combination of these features becomes the main reason for the development of complications of third molars.

Below we will consider the main situations in which inflammation of the gums occurs near the wisdom tooth.

Difficult eruption

Complications during germination are due to the following main factors:

  • the presence of formed thickened bone tissue;
  • a sufficiently large size of the molars injures soft tissues;
  • there is not enough space for free growth;
  • dystopic position - the wrong direction (at an angle, horizontally).

Dystopic teeth provoke not only inflammation of the wisdom tooth, but also have a negative effect on neighboring molars, damaging the enamel or roots, very often injure the inner surface of the cheek, and deform the bite.


If the germination of eights takes too long, then the soft tissues begin to partially recede, forming a kind of gum hood over the tooth, which prevents eruption. The space under the gum hood becomes an excellent place for the accumulation of food residues, and, accordingly, the reproduction of pathogenic flora.

In dentistry, this phenomenon is called pericoronitis and it can have an acute, catarrhal, purulent or chronic form of the course. The condition is associated with significant soreness, against which the gums around the wisdom tooth become inflamed, and in advanced cases, the cheek may swell and pus may appear. Pericoronitis should be treated by a dentist when primary signs occur, otherwise the disease will lead to phlegmon, periostitis, abscess.

At the initial stage, you can get by with drug treatment, but often the doctor is forced to resort to dissection or complete excision of the inflamed gum tissue.

Carious lesions, infection, inflammation

Erupted wisdom teeth can often become inflamed due to inaccessibility, which prevents proper hygiene. Swelling and pain of the gums near the third molar is explained by the following dental conditions:

  • the presence of carious lesions - this also applies to impacted ones, since they can be destroyed even when they are deep in the tissues;
  • the development of pulpitis, periodontitis - the occurrence of pathologies is preceded by neglected caries, periodontal cyst;
  • if an infection occurs inside the dental tissue, then the development of a purulent-inflammatory process and, as a result, a fistula, abscess, flux will be natural. The entire cheek may swell.

Having learned about the main causes that cause inflammation of the gums around the third molars, the conclusion suggests itself - in order to know how to properly and how to treat a tooth, you should definitely be examined by a dentist.

Associated symptoms

The symptoms of inflammation of the wisdom tooth cannot be confused with anything else. The appearance of pain and swelling are the primary signals of injury or infection in the tooth. These sensations should be remembered in order to accurately describe the nature and intensity of inflammation to the specialist.

By the severity of the ongoing pathological processes, it is possible to give a preliminary assessment of the condition and understand how advanced the disease is.

Larisa Kopylova


The presence of slight swelling and mild inflammation in the causative site indicates a normal reaction of the body when the gums are damaged near the wisdom tooth. Against this background, pain is present, but they are minor or moderate.

When the pain intensifies, is of a long-term nature, and the swelling increases, that is, there is reason to suspect the course of a purulent-inflammatory process in the zone of the tooth root - this may be a cyst. The accumulated pus will look for a way out and soon a formed ball (pouch) will appear on the gum.

X-ray of an abnormally growing wisdom tooth.

A set of inflammation symptoms characteristic of problematic growth and development of wisdom teeth:

  • the presence of a slight aching pain - appears with a gradual dissection of the gum tissue with a sharp tip of the tooth;
  • severe pain resembling spasms indicate inflammation;
  • the gum at the wisdom tooth becomes hot, which indicates the progression of the inflammatory process. Such a sign occurs against the background of pericoronitis, abscess, hematoma;
  • when inflammation and swelling spreads to the cheek, and swallowing becomes difficult - this signals a pronounced abscess, which can result in a phlegmonous lesion;
  • the appearance of a fetid odor from the oral cavity in tandem with soreness and inflammation of the wisdom tooth indicates alveolitis;
  • a cyst or granuloma is manifested by a formed ball with pus on the gum.

If the first signs are ignored at the initial stages, then as the pathology progresses, the pain syndrome spreads to the ears, temples, and neck.

Larisa Kopylova


The cheek can noticeably swell, the tongue becomes inflamed, pus accumulates on the gums, the body temperature rises - all this is dangerous for life and health, you should try not to bring the condition to such complications.

Ways to help yourself

As soon as the wisdom tooth begins to erupt, it is advisable to immediately take preventive measures so as not to experience severe torment. What to do if the gums around the wisdom tooth are inflamed?

It is important to emphasize that emergency home methods do not remove from the doctor's examination, but can only dull the symptoms. To prevent the development of complications, you should definitely see a dentist. An important condition is the exclusion of all heating of the wisdom tooth, so as not to provoke a purulent process.

Basic first aid rules that will help soothe the inflamed gums and alleviate the condition:

  • take painkillers as directed. You can use Nimesil, Analgin, Tempalgin, Ketanov, Paracetamol;
  • apply an anti-inflammatory gel or ointment with an analgesic effect to the causal area - Holisal, Kamistad, Kalgel, Metrogil Denta;
  • perform antiseptic treatment of the mouth - prepare aqueous solutions for rinsing.
  • Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Furacilin are suitable for these purposes.

The listed methods can be used for no more than three days, even if there is relief, you still should not put off going to a specialist.

Larisa Kopylova


When the gum is swollen near the wisdom tooth, it is worth visiting a doctor, as often the swelling acts as a sign of the eruption of the figure eight.

Qualified treatment

After conducting a visual examination of the oral cavity, having studied the x-ray, the doctor will identify the true cause of the inflammatory process and perform the appropriate actions:

  • the appointment of drug therapy - antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines, gels and ointments for treating sore gums, antiseptic baths, rinses;
  • surgical resolution of the situation is indicated for difficult eruption, pericoronitis, removal of the problematic figure eight. Depending on the circumstances, the doctor will cut the gum, excise or dissect the gum hood, remove the wisdom tooth;
  • when the pains are intense, and the swelling of the tissues is pronounced, they alleviate the condition with the help of novocaine blockade;
  • laser treatment has a good positive effect, in which infrared radiation acts on the affected area. But this method is considered as an auxiliary technique that consolidates the result.

If after reading the article you still have questions, watch the following video, in which the dentist clearly talks about the problem of gum disease over the eight:

If the visit to the dentist ended with surgery or the removal of the third molar, then for several days you should not bathe in hot water, eat irritating food, touch the operated hole with your tongue or other foreign objects.

Starts around 16-17 years old.

In some people, a wisdom tooth does not appear at all. This is not a pathology due to the fact that the wisdom tooth is a vestige. It has lost its functional properties over time since people began to consume soft, cooked foods.

The figure eight cuts through a large section of the gum that has already formed over the years. This area, which hangs over the erupting wisdom tooth, is called a hood in dentistry.

On examination, an erupting eighth tooth and a swollen gum area above it should be visible, significantly enlarged in size white or red, depending on the stage of inflammation.

After the initial examination and diagnosis, the doctor sets the date of the operation and treatment for the preparation time in the form of baths with a disinfectant composition and local compresses. More details about the period of preparation for the operation will be discussed below.

When diagnosing, it is important to understand in which direction the wisdom tooth itself grows. If he has a normal direction of growth, that is, upwards, then there are no contraindications to excision of the hood, but it also happens that the tooth grows sideways, towards other teeth and puts pressure on them. In this case, it is necessary and excision of the hood will not help.

Why does the hood need to be removed?

Once pericoronitis is diagnosed, the physician will usually direct the patient to prepare for a hood excision. This is a classic way to solve the problem, since treating inflammation in this area can be ineffective and dangerous.

Inflammation of the gums can be removed with regular intake. But at the end of the course of taking antibiotics, the inflammatory process will continue.

This is due to the fact that the place between the tooth and the gum is constantly filled with food and there is a continuous process of reproduction and development of pathogenic microbes.

During the action of antibiotics, they temporarily stop their development, but as soon as the antibiotic stops working, the problem returns again. Since the prescription of antibiotics is an aggressive method of treatment and negatively affects the body as a whole, it is better to leave this method in this case.

In the photo, the arrow indicates the inflamed hood on the wisdom tooth

In addition, if the process is started, the condition may deteriorate irreversibly. The next stage in the development of the disease will be a violation of the chewing process, the problematic functioning of the facial muscles and, associated with this, difficulty in opening the mouth, and increased pain.

The inflammatory process and putrefaction can move to soft tissues, and pyogenic microbes can be transmitted through the lymphatic or circulatory system.

The consequences can be severe and require long and complex treatment in a hospital, and most often with surgery. Therefore, no matter how scary it is to go to the dental clinic, the trip cannot be delayed and it is necessary to cut the hood.

After the removal of the hood, the space where the bacteria multiplied disappears, so the inflammation should not recur. The wisdom tooth continues to grow normally, as now, nothing interferes with it.

Also, after making a diagnosis, it is necessary to take into account the presence of a history of gum excision in the same place earlier. It happens that the gum is excised, but after a while it becomes inflamed again. Then the question is raised about the effectiveness of such a method in an individual case, and most often it is necessary to remove the entire growing tooth.

Preparation for excision and operation

The main task in preparing for the procedure is to remove the acute inflammatory process. This is done by rinsing the mouth with particular intensity in the area of ​​inflammation. Chamomile infusion is used for rinsing, if there is no allergy to it.

For allergy sufferers, a soda-salt solution is applicable based on the proportions: for one glass of water, half a teaspoon of soda and the same amount of salt. Rinse should be 3 times a day.

To relieve pain, you can drink pain medication. Ketorol is usually prescribed or, but not more than 4 tablets per day and tooth drops, which have a local analgesic effect.

Tooth drops are applied to a small piece of gauze and a compress is made directly to the site of inflammation. Such a compress will reduce pain syndrome and favorably affects the removal of inflammation.

The very procedure for removing the hood is carried out under the local in the absence of contraindications to it. In case of individual intolerance to painkillers or during pregnancy and lactation, the procedure is carried out without the use of an anesthetic.

After an injection of an anesthetic drug, the sensitivity of the area decreases as much as possible, and the procedure. The dental surgeon outlines the site for removal and cuts off the excess part of the gum with a scalpel so that nothing covers the tooth area, since if a piece of gum remains, inflammation can recur if food gets under it or insufficient hygiene.

Then the wound should be washed with a special antiseptic and a hemostatic drug. After stopping the bleeding, the doctor applies a compress using the healing medication Alvogel or Iodoform Turunt.

Rehabilitation of the patient at home

Miramistin is used in a volume of 10-15 ml per application. Furacilin solution can be prepared independently. To do this, in a pharmacy you need to purchase ready-made powder in a dosage of 0.02 g or tablets of the same dosage and crush them into powder. Then dilute it in warm water and rinse.

Miramistin is also used as an irrigation, for this you need to purchase a special solution with a sprayer, in the form of a spray, and spray the wound 3-5 times a day.

Also, to reduce pain and disinfect the wound, you can rinse your mouth with a decoction of herbs: chamomile and sage. To do this, one teaspoon of each herb should be poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 15-20 minutes.

Strain half of the broth through cheesecloth and dilute with warm water for one rinse. The rest can be left for next time.

Before rinsing again, you also need to strain well so that no particles remain, and dilute with warm water.

When choosing a rinse, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient and consult a doctor on this issue in advance so as not to worsen the condition with an allergic reaction.

In addition to rinsing, you need to apply compresses with dental gel 2-3 times a day. It promotes rapid healing of the wound and anesthetizes it.

Cholisal, due to the main active ingredient, relieves fever, pain and inflammation. Kills microbes, and fungi due to this does not allow the gums to become inflamed again. It is recommended to apply before meals if pain interferes with food intake.

Rinse your mouth after eating to get rid of food debris. Holisal is made on the basis of a gel, so it is quickly absorbed, and the active ingredients last much longer. The analgesic effect lasts from 2 to 8 hours, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

In the dry matter

Thus, with obvious signs of inflammation in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth, it is imperative to consult a doctor to prevent the development of the inflammatory process in soft tissues. If the doctor prescribes excision of the hood as a treatment, his recommendations should not be neglected.

In case of refusal to remove the gum, it may not recover on its own and with the help of local therapy, and the inflammatory process takes a lot of time and effort to treat it.

The procedure is painless under local anesthetic. But after the anesthesia wears off, severe pain can occur. But they are removed with the help of painkillers, which are taken orally and locally.

Within 3 days, the wound should heal due to the high ability of the mucous membrane to regenerate tissues. At a re-examination, the doctor will confirm the effectiveness of the restoration.