Words of gratitude for graduation to teachers, class, from graduates, class teacher, teachers from parents. Solemn congratulations to school graduates on the last bell and graduation

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Thanks to the principal of the school

As a rule, at the solemn lines dedicated to the last bell, or at graduation parties, one of the parents of graduates reads a letter of thanks to the headmaster. However, it is not uncommon for graduates themselves to do this. However, this is not so important, the main thing is that the person chosen for this mission has a beautiful strong voice and delivered speech. Well, if the congratulations of the director is not the first experience of public oratory in his life.

When choosing the text of the speech, the main thing is not to overdo it with the volume, because you should remember that all those present came to the event not only to listen to gratitude to the headmaster. The best option would be a performance that will not last longer than 3-4 minutes.

The speaker should remember that the address to the director should be in the first person plural, since in his speech he must convey the gratitude of the entire class or issue. It will be great if the text of the thank you letter contains winged expressions, metaphors, epithets, or some other rhetorical devices. They will make it brighter and more saturated, and also help to keep the attention of listeners.

For those who will soon have to speak with words of gratitude, below are examples of texts that you can use when preparing your speech.

Example 1. From graduates or parents

“The house is the master,” says a Russian folk proverb. So our school is worth the efforts of our dear director. It is unlikely that anyone knows a more responsible and diligent person, capable of devoting himself to his work with such an enviable desire, despite lack of sleep, troubles and constant pranks of children.

Today we say thank you to the most amazing director in the world. Thanks for the fact that he was able to pick up such a wonderful pedagogical team in all respects, thanks for the fact that he monitors the state of the school building and makes every effort to make it the envy of other educational institutions in our city. It is also just necessary to say thank you for the fact that in our school all the students believe in themselves and in their strengths, and all because the respected (I.O.) treats each of them with paternal awe.

Today's graduates forever leave the threshold of their second home - the school, but none of them will ever forget the advice given by the director, his support in difficult moments. Yes, and critical remarks will also remain in their memory, protecting them from mistakes in adulthood. (I.O.), let your hard work bring you not only troubles, but also unforgettable moments of happiness, and the body and spirit will be, as before, cheerful.

Example 2. Thanks to the director from parents for graduation

So the moment has come when yesterday's students say "goodbye" to the one who has invested a considerable part of his soul in each of them - the headmaster. Class teachers changed, teachers changed, and (I.O.) remained a non-replaceable guardian of order in every corner of our monastery of education. Although sometimes harsh and critical, he was able to penetrate into the essence of each student and find a way to make his school life exciting and unforgettable. It is hard to even imagine how much effort he put in to ensure that our children could receive a quality education in such a wonderful school filled with truly family warmth.

They say that everything can be the one who puts his soul into the business. It is easy to guess where the soul (I.O.) is located - she settled in the school forever. And he was able to do everything: he became the owner of the school territory, closely monitoring cleanliness and compliance with safety standards, a friend and mentor for children, and achieved the respect of parents and the teaching staff.

In the heart of today's graduates there will always be a corner dedicated to school memories. Penetrating into it, they will always represent the silhouette and wise face of the director. And it's safe to say that at that moment each of them will want to be next to him again and listen to another piece of advice, a joke, or even a remark.

Dear (I.O.), may your life path be smooth, good health, and each new student of the school illuminates your soul with light and goodness.

Kindergarten, school, institute - all these are the stages of our life that have a certain time frame. Moving to the next level, I always want to thank all those who helped to spend this time with benefit, taught or educated me something.

Words of gratitude should come from the heart, convey in them everything that you feel. Do not be afraid to seem sensitive or sentimental, you draw a line under a certain period of life, so you should not limit yourself to any limits.

If you find it difficult to start, try to continue the phrases:

  • I saw (a) you for the first time when I was ...
  • I remember this meeting...
  • I expected (a) that ...
  • Thank you for all these years you...
  • Now I understand that...
  • I am sure that …

Thank you Kindergarten Teachers

The first serious stage in the life of every child is kindergarten. Someone spends four years in it, someone three, but it is in kindergarten that training in teamwork, mutual understanding and respect begins. Only first-class educators can lay the foundations of politeness, obedience and right thoughts about good and evil in the head of your child.

Angelic patience, which sometimes this profession requires is truly immense, educators find time and care for each pupil. For all this care and attention, I must say thank you to the educators.

“Dear and beloved our educators! It is always difficult to send a child to kindergarten, it is difficult not only for the child, but also for his parents. After all, we entrusted you with the most precious thing that we have! After the worries and worries of the first days, we realized that our little children are in the most reliable hands, they will be dressed, shod and fed deliciously.

All those training sessions that you conducted with them helped them develop and explore the world. It was here that they found their first friends and our kids became quite big. We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the love and care you gave to our children. Thank you for your attention and guidance, warmth and responsiveness.”

Words of gratitude for the last call from the students

The last bell is an important holiday in the life of every student. How many minutes do they spend waiting for the rescue call, which means the beginning of fun and freedom! And here it will sound for the graduates for the last time. On May 25, ninth and eleventh graders will finish their classes and start preparing for exams, the school ended as unexpectedly as it began.

It is important to thank all the teachers who have been studying with you all these 11 years for their work, for their caring.

“Our beloved teachers, has this day really come and tomorrow we won’t sit down at our desks as usual, open our notebooks and start the lesson as usual? We cannot believe this even now. It seemed that 11 years was such an infinitely long time, but now, looking back, it seems that they flashed by like a few minutes.

You have been with us all these years, despite our pranks, endless absenteeism, mood swings and teenage frills. We want to thank you for the fact that you never gave up and always found an approach to us, you instilled in us a love for science and helped us make the right choice of our future profession.

The knowledge that you gave us will become the basis for our entire future life. We will always remember you and will visit you, thank you for all this time, for teaching us how to live and dream. We will try to meet your expectations and become graduates that you can be proud of!”

Words of gratitude to the teacher in prose from parents

The graduation of a child from school is an important event for any parent. I always want to thank all the teachers who helped to go through this difficult and long way.

“Our dear teachers! It is difficult to express in words everything that is happening in the soul now, our children have already grown up and are entering adulthood. We are confident that they will succeed and everything will be fine, because the school has given them the necessary knowledge base. We are grateful to you for all the work that you have done, it is impossible to appreciate it! We could not raise and raise our children as worthy members of society without your help and support!”

Words of gratitude to parents at graduation in grade 9 from students

School, 9 years at the same desk, fun, quarrels, first loves, calls, breaks, briefcases ... How much in this one word “school”. Graduation in the 9th grade for someone is an intermediate stage before another 2 years of school, and for someone it is the last school holiday before stepping into adulthood.

All these years, loving parents, who need to be thanked, have been reliable support and support.

“Our beloved parents! You gave us all your time, all your love and tenderness, and suddenly we became adults. Thank you for always being on our side, for believing in our strength, for unconditional love and patience. For the fact that at home we could forget about all the problems and troubles that are so many in the life of every teenager. We appreciate all your efforts and we will never let you down! We love you very much, thank you for what you have done and are doing for us!”

Thanks to the principal of the school

The principal of the school is at the head of a complex mechanism, interacting with students, parents and teachers at the same time. On the one hand, it is necessary to make compromises, and on the other hand, to remain an indestructible example of a leader who will be remembered by all students.

Words of gratitude from students:

“Dear Tatyana Ivanovna! You are and always have been a role model for us and a guarantor of justice. We understand how difficult it is to manage such a huge mechanism at once. We are grateful to you for giving us the opportunity to study here, having once accepted us into this school. We will remember these happy school days with warmth and love!”

Words of gratitude from parents:

“Dear Galina Stepanovna! Sometimes our meetings took place in connection with the pranks of our children, and we are grateful to you for the understanding and patience that you have shown all this time. Teaching a child about life is so difficult, letting him realize that punishment is inevitable, but you can always fix everything. We are glad that we sent our children to your school, thank you and low bow!”

Words of gratitude to students from teachers

Learning is always a two-way process, which is why teachers are never bored, although they talk about the same things year after year. Students always react in different ways, they also influence teachers, making them think about their methods, updating the material and much more.

“Our beloved guys, a great and bright life awaits you ahead, in which you will achieve any heights that you dream of. You have grown up so quickly and turned from kids into adults and independent people. We wish that there are fewer trials on your way, that you keep the friendship that binds you now and do not forget your native school, its doors are always open for you. Thank you for these wonderful years!”

Words of gratitude to teachers in verses from students

Congratulating all teachers, it is important to address everyone and not offend anyone! Make a list of everyone you want to address, and try to express the words that have accumulated in your soul over all the school years.

Words of gratitude to the class teacher from the students

Throughout the years, the class teacher has been watching the class, it falls to his lot to resolve all conflicts with teachers, talk with parents, organize class holidays and much more. The schoolchildren trust their secrets to the leader and come to him for support.

“Our beloved, Valentina Ivanovna! You have become a second mother to us, protecting us and keeping the peace in our small team. Thank you for all the years you have spent with us. We know how close to your heart you took all our problems, and you always found words that inspired us to new achievements.

Sometimes it was very difficult for us to study, but you believed in us and this faith inspired us. You were not just our class teacher, you studied with us, experienced difficulties, passed exams. We have loved you so much over the years that we have no idea how we will continue to cope. But the time has come to say goodbye, new roads await us, but we will always remember you and visit you! Thank you for everything!

Thank you teachers and lecturers

High school and high school are very different. If your favorite teachers were ready day and night to hammer in unyielding material, then at the institute it's every man for himself. Therefore, it is important to thank those teachers who were not indifferent to you.

“Dear teachers! We came here as fledglings, who had little idea of ​​what was really waiting for them. Thank you for the time you spent with us and the knowledge you gave us. All this will be useful in our future profession and life. What kind of professionals we will become is determined precisely at the stage of study, it was you who showed us who we really are, what paths are open to us and gave us confidence in our future.”

Words of gratitude on the diploma

A diploma is the last stage of higher education. When writing, you will need knowledge of the entire course you have taken in order to present a decent work.

"Dear commission! I would like to thank you for your attention to my report. I also want to say thank you to my supervisor for tireless help. As Newton said, “I saw further than others because I stood on the shoulders of giants.” This saying refers to my supervisor, his experience and knowledge allowed me to complete the work at the level of a specialist, not a student. I also express my gratitude to all consultants who helped to embody all my ideas and ideas in the diploma.”

Do not forget to thank all those people who gave you their love and care, were engaged in your development and education, your teachers, educators, teachers. Find the right words, do not hesitate to say them out loud, because when you hear gratitude, a person understands that he did not try in vain. Let your children learn from your example, then they will grow up to be grateful people.

Video: Words of thanks to teachers in grade 11

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Thanks to the principal of the school

As a rule, at the solemn lines dedicated to the last bell, or at graduation parties, one of the parents of graduates reads a letter of thanks to the headmaster. However, it is not uncommon for graduates themselves to do this. However, this is not so important, the main thing is that the person chosen for this mission has a beautiful strong voice and delivered speech. Well, if the congratulations of the director is not the first experience of public oratory in his life.

When choosing the text of the speech, the main thing is not to overdo it with the volume, because you should remember that all those present came to the event not only to listen to gratitude to the headmaster. The best option would be a performance that will not last longer than 3-4 minutes.

The speaker should remember that the address to the director should be in the first person plural, since in his speech he must convey the gratitude of the entire class or issue. It will be great if the text of the thank you letter contains winged expressions, metaphors, epithets, or some other rhetorical devices. They will make it brighter and more saturated, and also help to keep the attention of listeners.

For those who will soon have to speak with words of gratitude, below are examples of texts that you can use when preparing your speech.

Example 1. From graduates or parents

“The house is the master,” says a Russian folk proverb. So our school is worth the efforts of our dear director. It is unlikely that anyone knows a more responsible and diligent person, capable of devoting himself to his work with such an enviable desire, despite lack of sleep, troubles and constant pranks of children.

Today we say thank you to the most amazing director in the world. Thanks for the fact that he was able to pick up such a wonderful pedagogical team in all respects, thanks for the fact that he monitors the state of the school building and makes every effort to make it the envy of other educational institutions in our city. It is also just necessary to say thank you for the fact that in our school all the students believe in themselves and in their strengths, and all because the respected (I.O.) treats each of them with paternal awe.

Today's graduates forever leave the threshold of their second home - the school, but none of them will ever forget the advice given by the director, his support in difficult moments. Yes, and critical remarks will also remain in their memory, protecting them from mistakes in adulthood. (I.O.), let your hard work bring you not only troubles, but also unforgettable moments of happiness, and the body and spirit will be, as before, cheerful.

Example 2. Thanks to the director from parents for graduation

So the moment has come when yesterday's students say "goodbye" to the one who has invested a considerable part of his soul in each of them - the headmaster. Class teachers changed, teachers changed, and (I.O.) remained a non-replaceable guardian of order in every corner of our monastery of education. Although sometimes harsh and critical, he was able to penetrate into the essence of each student and find a way to make his school life exciting and unforgettable. It is hard to even imagine how much effort he put in to ensure that our children could receive a quality education in such a wonderful school filled with truly family warmth.

They say that everything can be the one who puts his soul into the business. It is easy to guess where the soul (I.O.) is located - she settled in the school forever. And he was able to do everything: he became the owner of the school territory, closely monitoring cleanliness and compliance with safety standards, a friend and mentor for children, and achieved the respect of parents and the teaching staff.

In the heart of today's graduates there will always be a corner dedicated to school memories. Penetrating into it, they will always represent the silhouette and wise face of the director. And it's safe to say that at that moment each of them will want to be next to him again and listen to another piece of advice, a joke, or even a remark.

Dear (I.O.), may your life path be smooth, good health, and each new student of the school illuminates your soul with light and goodness.

This holiday is bright, cheerful

Congratulations to the principal!

We want to wish you

Do not scold teachers

Raise their pay!

Do not scold students

It's better to praise more often!

And be the happiest!

Congratulations to the headmaster on the last call in verse

The director is our dear, beloved,

The last call will sound

Giving us pride and strength

But in the distance, probably, it will fly away.

We congratulate you, we wish you:

Health, joy, love,

Everything will be great, we know for sure

And if not, we will.

Let it be so that in your bright, kind life

You were always surrounded by children, like flowers,

So that the school is a reliable marina for everyone -

Happy, bright, full of kindness!

Thank you for this year

May the next knowledge bring

The director in the subject knows for sure

What does the student want?

Let the last bell ring

We'll plunge headlong into

But the director is tugging at his thoughts,

And he says to you - wait:

Do not climb in a bunch into the reservoirs,

Don't drink or smoke

Such instructions from the school,

Not everyone can immediately forget.

The director's job is

Continuous care:

If the roof leaks

He will not get away from worries.

If a pipe suddenly bursts,

They call there

Then decide, check, get it,

And become a business executive!

We wish you well

All tasks would be solved.

The last call - do not return,

He rang again, so be it.


We want to say without a pretext.

We want to wish

The director is not bored.

This sultry summer will pass,

We'll see you somewhere

And someone will come back

Here with your baby.

Today you see off the guys again

From the school walls of relatives,

And remember them a few years ago,

Cheerful, smart, mischievous.

Although you are the director, but big

You contributed to their lives

They are all proud of you, and they all love you.

And even though they're gone now

But your work will never be forgotten!

The last call and summer has come,

It rang loudly throughout the neighborhood,

The news will rush through the wide world,

And everyone will say what they wanted.

It's so nice to congratulate the director

And I personally wish you success,

We wish you interesting students,

More often in school practice to meet.

And we'll be back soon

Time will pass,

And lead to the threshold of the school,

Your tribe.

Our director - anywhere,

Our school is the head!

From and knowledge gives,

And what you need - enough!

He teaches everyone at the teachers' council,

In the district he is whining,

He is a real hero

And for the school he is a mountain!

May everything be fine with you

In my personal life - too complicated!

May you be loved, respected,

And offend less!

Pages: 1 2

More on the topic:Congratulations: *For all* *To teachers*

*Postcards with the Last Call*

*Postcards Invitations to the Last Call*

*Graduation Cards*

*Graduation cards*

*Graduation Invitation Cards*

*Holiday Postcards*

Poems for subject teachers

Congratulations to the director of the school

And roses and gladiolus bouquets -

From freshmen and graduates.

Give your all to work

You walk confidently on the road,

And you do so much

Words of congratulations are flying to you.

For all things and for spiritual light ...

Poems about teachers, principals and administration

1. Poems of the administration, director

2. Poetry head teacher

3. Poems to the first teacher

4. Poems to the class teacher

5. Poems for a math teacher

6. Poems for a teacher of Russian language and literature

7. Poems for a physics teacher

8. Poems for a chemistry teacher

Poems to the school administration and director


There are many different administrations

But ours is incomparable, without a doubt!

You are our conscience, mind and honor,

You are our inspiration!

In you severity with kindness

entwined so thinly.

Probably given to you from above

Restless hear the fight

Sonorous childish hearts.

school principal

He always goes, goes ahead

Leads others.

Magnetism enchants him,

And enthusiasm will bewitch.

His destiny is to sparkle, shine

And be sure to win.

school principal

And the living breath of spring

We address the Director.

Together with us a little excited,

As happens in a moment of separation.

She is the head of our school family.

Our wise adviser and friend.

school principal

The ship is sailing on the waves of knowledge,

And you are at the helm.

Lead clearly and skillfully

You are the entire crew of the ship.

Of course, sometimes it stormed,

But you could convince everyone

That the storm is always just a breeze

It's only two miles to the ground.

school principal

Here comes the hour of parting.

We remember many good things about you.

Our worries, anxieties, sorrows

How many times have we seen you at work

You are always in search. Always in care.

Everything worries you, everything worries you,

A sensitive heart will help anyone.

We want you to stay like this

May the years not age you

And let them fly like an arrow

And let flowers always give you

Restless, beloved students.

school principal

…..! How you want

And we all think: You are our patron,

Our guardian and our comforter,

And if necessary, then our tamer.

To argue amicably at school work -

Everything is your father's concern.

More luck to you, less excesses,

To argue the matter in the educational process.

So that everyone would complete their education

And I would choose a job for food.

They also wanted to wish you today

On our exams so as not to sit.

And they would approach quietly, furtively,

And look into our notebooks.

And if you notice something like this,

You tell us, because it's a simple matter.

school principal

The director unites the team,

Protects the entire school from storms and troubles.

We sincerely wish him to continue

Burn with teacher's work.

school principal

Our director is strict

But in the city of such people

Find a little.

We love you for your rigor

For your kindness

For knowledge, patience,

Sincerity, simplicity.

We wish you health

And for many, many years

So that you live happily

They did not know grief, troubles.

school principal

Like the captain of a ship

You stand at the school steering wheel.

You determine the school plan,

How the captain determines the course.

We wish you never fail

From the intended course. Let always

A guiding star shines for you.

We wish you happiness, peace and kindness!

school principal

Gait confident at school

Our director is coming.

He sees everything, he knows everything

Who is living what, who is waiting for what. school principal

For the mind! For the wisdom of leadership!

For the power of experience and knowledge,

For kindness and nobility

For the fulfillment of promises!

To the table! For a chair! For the floor! For the roof!

For the fact that you are in the world!

For what has been said above -

Holy truth, not flattery!

school principal

We admit that we are a little

You've been given trouble

But teaching cannot be

Completely without worries.

We are ready to promise together -

Even if the whole class will come to you,

Dear you our director,

We won't let you down again!

school principal

How hard is it for you sometimes

Lead the whole school.

Understand everyone and forgive everyone.

Know you will not be forgotten

Our eleventh grade.

school principal

Like worthy words

How to say without extra phrases,

We are very grateful to you

That we love you very much!

school principal

When he is with us

Seems like there are no problems

Encourage with a warm look

And he will give you the right advice.

His soul does not know fatigue,

He has everything: intelligence and kindness.

May there be many joys in your life,

And the cherished dream will come true!

school principal

Our worries, anxieties, sorrows

You have always noticed.

How many times have we seen you at work?

You are always in search, always in care.

We want you to stay the same

And never change for anything.

school principal

Our feelings unspent bowl,

And the living breath of spring

And our love and gratitude

We address the Director.

From dawn to dusk you are at work,

You are always in search and in care,

Everything worries you, everything worries you,

The heart will help anyone urgently.

We want you to stay the same

All adversity in spite of smiling,

And save this dear house,

To meet ours in it.

Congratulations to the director of the school

Calls of cheerful, ringing change

Merry trills pour for many years,

And the walls of the school became your home,

Where in every class of sun there is a clear light.

Ruler - celebration and teachers' councils,

Love of colleagues and all students ...

And roses and gladiolus bouquets -

From freshmen and graduates.

To teach children, what could be more beautiful?

Give your all to work

And reveal the moral of the Winged Fable,

To know the parallels of life by five.

You walk confidently on the road,

Admiring the beauty of forests and rivers…

And you do so much

For every person to be happy.

And on this day it is warm and sincere,

To make your head spin in joy.

Solemnly and sincerely chanting

Words of congratulations are flying to you.

May everything be rewarded to you a hundredfold,

For all things and for spiritual light ...

Let everything be with you, as before

Health and happiness to you for a hundred years.

School Principal's Graduation Speech

I ask you: half a tone

I wish about Anton

Move the speech forward for half an hour.

I could even verse

Warn many here

And finish with the roosters

Fascinating speech.

For yourself, not without damage

I would name a number of names.

But! In short - for Anton!

And all to you, Anton! Watch continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 5166 Announcements Education / Director Calls of cheerful, sonorous change

Merry trills pour for many years,

And the walls of the school became your home,

Where in every class of sun there is a clear light.

Ruler - celebration and teachers' councils,

Love of colleagues and all students...

And roses and gladiolus bouquets -

From freshmen and graduates.

To teach children, what could be more beautiful?

Give your all to work

And reveal the moral of the Winged Fable,

To know the parallels of life by five.

You walk confidently on the road,

Admiring the beauty of forests and rivers...

And you do so much

For every person to be happy.

And on this day it is warm and sincere,

To make your head spin in joy.

Solemnly and sincerely chanting

Words of congratulations are flying to you. Watch the continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 6724 Professional / Day of the Customs Service of Ukraine (June 25) In general, it is true, if we are talking about customs.

On your holiday, we want to wish

Good luck to you in your difficult work,

Do not be sad, do not grieve, do not get sick! Watch continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 405 Professional holidays / Teacher's Day (first Sunday in October) Let us see you very rarely,

You are the master of the whole school,

The best teacher is the director!

Schools, banks, everything you need

Having secured the contract

You protect together.

Keep everything right

React instantly

Let luck be near

And certainly. Watch the continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 644 So the hour of farewell has come,

Graduation Day!

Let it be an event

Festive, bright, cheerful!

School years will be remembered

Friendly atmosphere!

In the future they will happily add up

Joy awaits you, graduate!

And will never fit

Cheat sheet or draft!

We wish peace on the planet

And the light of the sun in the sky!

Success in business!

Watch the continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 1040 Professional holidays / Philologist's Day (May 25) Know why we write sounds,

Should anyone in science.

The question: “What is new in cultures?”

The soul of a philologist is busy.

Thank you for your zeal

To the culture of the world, patience,

For pure native speech -

The advantages cannot be counted all at once. Watch the continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 470 I dreamed to express more than once

All the things that you mean to me

I was looking for unique phrases,

Looking for words that are so rich

But speech is not subject to feelings,

And I accepted as an inevitability

That I can't put into words

Endless tenderness. Watch the continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 1796 Tatiana's Day / SMS Tatiana, Tanechka, Tanya!

Congratulations listen:

Be gentle, sweet and beautiful

Beloved, kind and happy! Watch the continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 5533

Speech-congratulation of the principal of the school at the graduation party

Education / Director Calls of cheerful, ringing change

Merry trills pour for many years,

And the walls of the school became your home,

Where in every class of sun there is a clear light.

Ruler - celebration and teachers' councils,

Love of colleagues and all students...

And roses and gladiolus bouquets -

From freshmen and graduates.

To teach children, what could be more beautiful?

Give your all to work

And reveal the moral of the Winged Fable,

To know the parallels of life by five.

You walk confidently on the road,

Admiring the beauty of forests and rivers...

And you do so much

For every person to be happy.

And on this day it is warm and sincere,

To make your head spin in joy.

Solemnly and sincerely chanting

Words of congratulations are flying to you. Watch the continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 6724 Announcements Professional holidays / Teacher's Day (first Sunday in October) Let us see you very rarely,

You are the master of the whole school,

The best teacher is the director!

Happiness to you - from all children! Watch the continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 2828 Professional holidays / Day of employees of the private security service (October 29)

Schools, banks, everything you need

Having secured the contract

You protect together.

Keep everything right

React instantly

Let luck be near

And health is a must. Watch the continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 644 So the hour of farewell has come,

Graduation Day!

Let it be an event

Festive, bright, cheerful!

School years will be remembered

Friendly atmosphere!

In the future they will happily add up

Personal life and career! Watch the continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 2025 Let it be beyond the threshold of our school

Joy awaits you, graduate!

And will never fit

Cheat sheet or draft!

We wish peace on the planet

And the light of the sun in the sky!

Love and happiness in personal life,

Success in business!

Watch the continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 1040 Tatiana's day / SMS congratulations Tatiana, Tanechka, Tanya!

Congratulations listen:

Be gentle, sweet and beautiful

Beloved, kind and happy! Watch the continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 5533 Happy and easy tasks are dear to you,

Wonderful finds and new victories!

Congratulations on your graduation from school

Accomplishments and life without troubles!

The country entrusts the steering wheel of fate to you,

You will be able to hold the earth's axis,

We wish you love and health,

To have a beautiful, fun life! Watch the continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 827 Congratulations on your graduation from school and we wish that the road to adulthood goes through a flowering garden, so that the carriage of life will easily and happily carry you along life's roads, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties so that everyone you need is around.

Good luck and prosperity! Watch the continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 3268 You are now called graduates,

What a pity to leave you today!

You have grown up, there is nothing to add here,

Congratulate everyone on graduation!

And I want to wish you so much:

May the path be bright, the road be easy!

May this holiday be a marvelous school evening -

Will give warmth and joy of meeting! Watch the sequel...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 698 Graduation! And all the teachers

We will be congratulated on the holiday, loving.

Wish many roads

Let's not forget the lesson!

Goodbye school! Good luck!

Don't forget about us in years to come.

We will dance the waltz today.

The class will be cheerful and sad.

We wish you long life.

There is no better school in the world than ours.

Now let's invite everyone to the ball.

Let the glass ring solemnly! Watch the continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 2625

Last call 2013 school-7 Dobropolye Congratulation of the director Dichko S.I.

Presentation of diplomas, congratulations from the newspaper "Octopus"

Stages of preparation and scenario of the holiday

"Last call",

conducted for students with disabilities

Preparatory stage:

Preparations for the holiday began with a survey of parents and children about the form, holding the event, attributes and help that parents can provide.

Class teachers, together with parents, held secret negotiations on gifts for future graduates.

The work was carried out in advance: the selection and purchase of gifts for teachers, a school photograph. The girls at the sewing lessons sewed themselves white aprons.

A creative group of teachers compiled a script for the holiday, a presentation and a film about the graduates.

Over the past 2 months, the guys have been preparing musical numbers with the teacher of singing, with the teacher of the Russian language and reading congratulatory verses to teachers.

A group of students under the guidance of the teacher "Computer World" developed invitation cards for teachers, printed and solemnly presented. In addition, the most interesting photographs over the years of training have been collected and recorded on disk.

Psychological mood:

3. Scenario of the event "Last Call 2014-2015"

1 . Good, nice, of course

We got this day.
Today here in the hall, the premiere,
Today - "Last call"!

2. Anxiety reigns among the guests ...

Sounds like a grand opening
For those who have been waiting, counting the days...
Attention! Meet! Here are the graduates!

(graduates come out to the music and sit down)

What's going on today?

We are graduating.
Dear ones are visible in the hall,
Favorite faces.

Believe in what is wonderful
Something will happen
Life will turn to us
Your best side.

What will be behind all this?

Farewell hour.
The hour of parting with school,
With family, with friends.

We've grown up
And childhood says goodbye to us.

(song "School rap")

Vedas. Our hospitable cozy school met our current graduates for 9 years! Words of gratitude from them are addressed to the director of the school Nikitina O.N. !

(Words of gratitude to the director of the school)

You are the most wonderful director

They gave so much to their school!

Everyone respects you very much for this.

From first graders to teachers.

We wish the guys year after year

Hurry to you with the advent of September.

To call our school the best,

Thanks director for everything!

(give flowers and gifts)

Vedas. Oksana Nikolaevna! Say parting words to our graduates!

Head teacher

Assistant directors, you are always on duty!

If something is not going well, disperse the melancholy.

Give good advice, support sometimes,

You often scold us, but we all appreciate you!

Lyudmila Anatolyevna, Lyubov Alexandrovna and Lyubov Petrovna!

Thank you for your rigor

For your kindness

For knowledge, patience,

Sincerity, simplicity.

We wish you health

And for many, many years.

So that you live happily

They did not know grief, troubles.

Vedas. The song "School swing" sounds for you

(song "School Swing")

Vedas. Dear graduates,

Let bad weather pass by

And the world will become brighter for you,

Accept the wish of happiness

From young schoolchildren soon!

Performance of students in grades 5-6

We are good guys

Take us seriously.

To you - graduates, today

We will ask a number of questions.

You have become big

Men, not boys.

Questions arise here:

How much Rastishki should be eaten?

To look beautiful

You tried very hard.

I have a naive question:

Have you already fallen in love?

4. I want to know about one thing:

If you cheated

Dads hit you with a belt

Or put in a corner?

5. You wrote control

For four and five

If only you could tell us

What is the best way to write off?

6. And the teachers of all strict

How to charm?

How can I do it in class

Play on the phone?

7. Radiant on this May day

We want to wish you

Don't be lazy, work hard!

Pass exams for five!

Ved.: Do you remember how your school life began?

How did you get into first grade?

Who met, babies, you????? Graduates are in a hurry to cordially congratulate their first teacher Natalya Alexandrovna

(to the first teacher)

Where the dragonfly hibernates

Where are the eyes of the hedgehog

How to write the letter A

How to sign a notebook

You not only taught us

They put their soul into us

You were worried about us

From first to fourth grade!

We have laid the foundations

How they loved their children

Vedas: Do not be shy, speak,

This is... our first teacher!


Time, unfortunately, is fleeting,
Year after year 9 years flew by.
Teachers who loved you heartily
They will leave a good mark in my memory.

Vedas. The most attentive, the most caring, the most hardworking and indispensable are our highly respected teachers of labor training. These congratulations are for you

Tatyana Alekseevna, Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, Lilia Alekseevna and Vera Valentinovna

You've been around for many years

Share everything you know!

Thank you for the knowledge of the world,

For fairy tales of childhood with miracles!

For the heat of spiritual fire,

For fixing bugs!

For labor not in vain,

For the sensitivity of the heart, the brilliance of smiles!

Vedas. The warmest wishes are for you, dear Margarita Nikolaevna, Svetlana Pavlovna, Lyudmila Vladimirovna and Evgenia Anatolyevna!

Thank you dear teacher

For years, months and days

Hours, minutes and moments

What did they do with us!

For the spirit of goodness and unity,

The warmth of the soul, the radiance of the eyes,

For brilliance and wings of inspiration

We thank you with all our hearts!

Vedas. For you, dear teachers, this musical gift!

(song "Father's House")

1 Ved. In a wonderful life, on the road of discovery

A kind and strict teacher prepared you.

Congratulate your favorite teachers

Guys hurry up.

Vedas: Words of gratitude are addressed to the teachers r. lang. Olga Evgenievna, Elena Nikolaevna and speech therapist Tatyana Viktorovna

We gnaw spelling.

Granite of Great Knowledge:

Questions, exclamations.

vocabulary words,

Dictations, presentations.

Declensions, conjugations -

But in this tension

Help us!

Vedas: Graduates thank mathematics teachers Natalya Vasilievna and Elena Borisovna

Math teacher!

In the realm of numbers you are the ruler,

In the realm of magnitudes

Complete ruler!

If suddenly the answer converges,

The class rejoices and laughs!

There is one answer for you:

Vedas. Words of congratulations sound for the teacher of geography Tatyana Nikolaevna

Once again, like a fire,

We hurry to the lesson

Search on the map of Krasnodar,

Tyumen and Taganrog.

We know hundreds of different countries

Both rivers and seas.

Crowd about the pole, about the volcano,

And, apparently, not in vain!

Vedas. Words of gratitude are addressed to teachers of biology and healthy lifestyle Olga Nikolaevna and Natalia Ivanovna

You are not strict at all - biology teachers!

Like a museum your office,

There is an old skeleton

You have many tables

rare plants,

And always great

Your mood!

Vedas: Graduates thank history teacher Lyubov Aleksandrovna

Our favorite teacher

Moderately affectionate, moderately strict,

historical dates

He knows exactly, by the teeth.

Everything will tell about the kings,

About the great commanders

About great leaders

And about the coat of arms with a picture of the sun

Vedas. Words of congratulations sound for a social studies teacher

Yes, we grow up every day

We will take with us on the road

Your advice, all lessons,

Entering the wide adult world!

Vedas.: For you, dear teachers, this song sounds

(song "Everything is just beginning")

Vedas. Our graduates today are taking their first steps into adulthood. And the union of creative teachers of the SBO Maria Vasilievna and Zinaida Alexandrovna helped them in this


We have lessons at school

Where everyone will be told!

There to bandage each other

They even allow.

Why you can not smoke, drink even more so,

At the SBO lesson, I learn everything at school.

Expressive and clean...

Who sings so beautifully?

Is this an opera singer?

Not! A moment of patience.

I'll tell it like it is:

It's you, singing teacher!

You have countless talents!

Vedas. Graduates congratulate the teacher of fine arts Marina Rafkatovna

Morning behind the windows of the school class.

A peppy call gathers the guys ...

Young geniuses of brush and paint

They create masterpieces in new albums!

How many such eminent masters

Timidly squeezing a pencil now?

Doors are open to everyone

Your wonderful lesson to you!

Vedas. Words of gratitude are addressed to physical education teachers Irina Vladimirovna and Larisa Viktorovna

For good spirits and a cool figure,

Or maybe in the name of future victories

We joyfully rush to the physical education lesson

And we love this subject without memory.

(certificates from the teacher)

Vedas. Graduates thank social teacher Lyubov Mikhailovna, psychologists Svetlana Nikolaevna and Svetlana Vladimirovna, librarian Olga Arkadievna, schedule manager Tatyana Nikolaevna

Social pedagogue, psychologist and librarian.

We absolutely cannot do without you!

Which of us has never run to you?

Your eyes smiled at us.

Thank you for school books

For attention, care and work.

From girls and boys

What will leave the school today!

Behind the year of your studies...

And the first rise, and the first fall ...

And on this day, we all wanted to

Do you remember every moment...

(film about graduates)

Vedas. We've been through a lot together

Years of study flew by like minutes

And for yourself you have chosen often

Routes in different directions

We give the floor to reward successful graduates of the deputy. Director for SD Lyudmila Anatolyevna

(award for study and achievement, 2 best)

Vedas. Our school has super cool ladies

They took care of you like mothers

Experienced with you the bitterness of defeat

And rejoice in your accomplishments!

We congratulate the class teachers

Cl. leaders

Our class leader

Let me congratulate you

We respect you very much

And we confess to you directly,

We are sons and daughters for you,

Well, you are the second mother.

Vedas. Congratulations Mashchenko Vera Valentinovna - class hands 9a; Kozhevnikova Olga Evgenievna 9b, Ryzhova Tatyana Alekseevna 9c , Kovtonyuk Maria Vasilievna 9g, Sinitsyna Svetlana Vladimirovna 9d (give flowers)

Vedas. Class and school life is an active process

Where, together with the teacher, students can,

Learn about the planets, fly up to the sky,

Achieve success by glorifying the school.

Reward the most active graduates in a hurry deputy. Lyubov Alexandrovna, Director for BP.

(diplomas in creativity and work)

Vedas. Attention everyone!

Let the ninth grade listen!

Listen to parental orders!

Without their love, care and work

You would never finish school!


Today you are serious in an adult way,
Tonight is your farewell party.
Know, graduate, that it's never too late
Become what you so sincerely dreamed of.

Childhood is leaving, what is there to be surprised?
It gets away from everyone at some point.
And I want to cry and laugh
And do not say goodbye to classmates
Wait, don't go, ninth and tenth grade...

Word to parents

Moms, dads, our family!
We are today, perhaps for the first time
We thank you all
Because you got us!

The kindness of a beautiful parent
There is nothing holier in the world.
So that everything turns out great for us -
Give us parenting advice.

(congratulations to students from parents, gifts)

Vedas. For our beloved, one and only mothers, this song sounds

(song "Mom")

Vedas. The school administration thanks the most responsible parents for the worthy upbringing of children.

(principal congratulates parents)

Last call

The graduates fell silent solemnly,

wiped away a tear quietly mom,

There are different calls in the world,

Now the most important one will ring for us!

Vedas. The right to make the last call is granted to the best graduates of the school in 2013

LAST CALL (Tanya Kochetova)


1 led.

Ring, call! Ring, call!

Cheerful, sad, cheeky!

Another lesson awaits you in life!

Childhood is leaving quietly.

Ringing, bell! Ringing, bell!

And youth is somewhere near

The path to life is open to you.

Happy guys!

Good luck! And in the eternal search

Truth, goodness and beauty,

To become a reality in our lives

The highest dreams!

Wake up call

But don't you forget

The years we spent together

Friendly words sound

School, goodbye!

Sung in a sunny song!

(song "School, goodbye!")

Vedas. Thank you all for your attention! We invite all graduates to tea!

final chord part

    Graduates are invited to a tea party, where in an informal setting they consider gifts, a group photo

    Class teachers hold games with the award of medals "The smartest", "The most charming", etc.

    At the presentation of certificates after the exam, students receive a commemorative disk with photographs of the years of study and a film made by the creative group "Last Call"