The dog constantly scratches its back near the tail. How to diagnose and what to do in case of itchy skin in a dog

Skin itch in a dog occurs as a result of excessive skin irritability. It can spread to the entire body or affect only certain areas of the skin.

The dog scratches itself with its claws and bites, rubs against door jambs and other objects, combs itchy places to the point of blood. In this case, scabs form on the body of the animal.

Causes of itching in dogs

  • subcutaneous mites.

If, this may be a sign of the appearance of an ear mite. A dog can itch even if it has some kind of skin disease. There can be many such diseases. In order to establish the exact cause, it is necessary to take the animal to the veterinarian and carefully examine it.

The prescribed treatment and the rate of recovery of the dog will depend on the accuracy of the diagnosis.

Treating itchy skin in dogs

In the presence of an extensive lesion and severe itching, it is necessary to give the animal corticosteroid hormones:

  • hydrocortisone,
  • cortisone,
  • dexamethasone,
  • prednisolone and others.

Only these drugs can relieve severe itching over the next 4 to 12 hours. However, such hormones have potentially dangerous side effects, so they should be used for a short time - no more than a week and in the most serious cases. With a diagnosed allergy, antihistamines are used.

Although their effectiveness in dogs approaches only 40%. At the same time, it is necessary to try more than one version of antihistamines, each giving within two weeks. So the most acceptable one is revealed. Antihistamines also have side effects, they cause drowsiness, but are less dangerous than corticosteroids.

Most commonly used:

  • tavegil,
  • diphenhydramine,
  • suprastin,
  • diazolin.

Enriching food with fatty acids also helps relieve itching caused by allergies. First of all, it is fish oil and evening primrose oil. These are natural anti-inflammatory agents that relieve itchy skin. They can also be used in combination with antihistamines.

Endocrine diseases are a class of diseases caused by a disorder of one or more endocrine glands. They are based on hyperfunction (increase in function), hypofunction (decrease in function) or dysfunction (violation) of the endocrine glands.

These diseases include: hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing's syndrome), dog hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus.

Signs of endocrine diseases

All three of these diseases are united by a similar picture. Often the owners do not pay attention to the increased thirst and appetite, the fullness of the animal (sagging belly or severe obesity). And the first thing the owner pays attention to is balding areas of the skin. They can be symmetrical, not symmetrical, or the animal can be completely hairless. In any case, you will need the help of a specialist.

Endocrine diseases are serious diseases with serious consequences.

Endocrine diseases: Cushing's syndrome

Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing's syndrome) is one of the most common diseases of the endocrine system. The cause of the disease is the increased production of hormones of the adrenal cortex, mainly cortisol. Causes can be of various origins, associated with dysfunction of the adrenal glands, tumors of the adrenal gland, genetic predisposition, impaired function of the pituitary gland, and also tumors of the pituitary gland.

Animals of all ages and different breeds get sick. True, there is also a breed predisposition to this disease in poodles, dachshunds, beagles, boxers, etc.

When the function of the adrenal glands is impaired due to the high level of the hormone cortisol, many organs and systems of the body are severely affected.

Signs of Cushing's Syndrome

What does the owner see? While the disease progresses in the body, the owner of the animal may observe increased thirst and appetite of the animal, more frequent urination, a rounded sagging belly, as well as symmetrical alopecia (hairless areas), skin pigmentation (darker areas).

Depending on the causes of this disease, there are conservative and surgical treatment.

Endocrine diseases: hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a fairly common endocrine disease. It is associated with a violation of the function of the thyroid gland, more precisely with a decrease in its function. In most cases, this problem is associated with immune-mediated damage to the thyroid gland, in other cases, the problem can be caused by idiopathic follicular atrophy of the thyroid gland, tumors, infections, less often iodine deficiency.

There is a genetic predisposition of some breeds such as golden retriever, labrador, doberman, dachshund, irish setter, poodle, great dane, english bull terrier, etc.

With hypothyroidism, the work of many body systems is disrupted: the neuromuscular system (lameness), the cardiovascular system (decrease in rhythm, bradycardia), visual system disorders (keratoconjunctivitis sicca, corneal lipidosis), violation of the genitourinary system (infertility, cycle disorder, etc. .), facial paralysis is possible.

Signs of Hypothyroidism in Dogs

The animal becomes lethargic, drowsy, hard to endure physical exertion, symmetrical alopecia (hairless areas) appear on the body, the so-called "rat's tail" (when the tail is completely hairless) may appear. Itching is moderate, but if complicated by skin infections, it becomes severe. Skin hyperpigmentation occurs. The animal begins to suffer from obesity.

Treatment of hypothyroidism

Treatment for hypothyroidism is lifelong. It may be necessary to support the cardiac system, control the condition of the skin and other systems that have been damaged as a result of hypothyroidism.

Reason three: psychogenic group

Another cause of itching may be psychogenic disorders in your animal. They can occur as a result of the boredom of the animal, and insufficient training and exercise.

These disorders are manifested in obsessive licking, biting in certain places, possibly sucking the nipples of bitches, the dog may constantly chase its own tail. There is a genetic predisposition in poodles, Dobermans. Also, the animal may have hidden diseases (granuloma, malassezia, mast cell tumors, diseases of the musculoskeletal system), which are also accompanied by various psychogenic disorders.

Therapy is reduced to the treatment of a latent disease and the giving of antidepressants.

Endocrine diseases: diabetes mellitus

In diabetes mellitus, skin diseases are not uncommon, but are usually a secondary complication due to this disease. The owner of the animal usually faces dermatological problems against the background of other more typical symptoms for this disease.

Other Causes of Itchy Skin in Dogs

Strong molting of the animal, the formation of dandruff, tarnishing of the coat, rare scratching - all these signs may indicate a dysfunction of the internal organs. There may be various problems with the gastrointestinal tract (usually in young animals, nutrient absorption problems), as well as problems with the liver and kidneys (older animals).

In conclusion, I would like to sum up a little. Any problem associated with shedding, scratching and "nibbling" of the pet's skin is not so obvious and may be a symptom of a more serious disease. It is better to contact a specialist in a timely manner who will help you deal with the causes of your pet's illness. By self-medicating, you run the risk of blurring the picture, thereby delaying the correct diagnosis and the appointment of the necessary treatment.

Health to you and your pets.

A photograph of a dog twisted into a funny pose and enthusiastically scratching its sides and back is in the photo album of almost every owner. Animals love to scratch their belly and behind their ears is what makes them so cute and trusting in the eyes of people.

Behind tenderness, one may not notice that pleasant fun has turned into an obsessive habit and the pet is already suffering from unpleasant sensations. An owner who knows the behavior of his pet will understand when the dog scratches his back when he is sick.

What diseases can manifest themselves in this way?

The animal can scratch different places due to itching, and specific diseases can be determined by the localization of areas of skin irritation. If the dog scratches its back near the tail and above, then this may be one of the symptoms of the following diagnoses:

  1. Allergy. The reason why dogs itch to blood when infested with fleas is not the bites themselves, but an allergic reaction to them. So, even one flea can lead to allergies. Therefore, preventive treatment is recommended, and not treatment of already results (very deplorable). Also, similar manifestations of allergies are manifested due to food intolerance. In dogs, it often occurs due to oatmeal porridge (in a natural diet) or cheap low-quality feed.
  2. Sarcoptosis. Most often, the subcutaneous tick manifests itself through itching around the muzzle and on it, but the most difficult cases for diagnosis are manifested by scratching the back. In them, not every veterinarian will suspect sarcoptic mange. One of the signs is the appearance of scabs.
  3. Neurodermatitis. Otherwise, the disease is called atopic dermatitis. The causes of its occurrence can be very different, but treatment usually does not begin until one is found that matters in each particular case. Often, neurodermatitis acts as a general diagnosis for allergies and other skin irritations.
  4. Ringworm. The disease is characterized not only by severe itching, but also by baldness of the area, its redness and the formation of peeling around the edges. The affected area usually has a clear rounded shape. Lichen is successfully treated, you just don’t need to wait until a combed wound forms in its place, into which an infection can get.
  5. Burn. Both thermal and chemical burns, of course, will cause severe discomfort to the dog. Because of the latter, an allergic reaction may also develop, complicating the condition. Deep burns can be very dangerous for animals, so they must be treated immediately with suitable means, and then the pet should be taken to the veterinarian for pain relief.

Most of these reasons may seem obvious, but quite often dangerous diseases are masked behind seemingly simple reactions of the body. Therefore, if the problem does not subside in a dog for 3-5 days, it is necessary to visit a veterinarian.

How to care for a dog's back if she combed it?

The first thing to do if the dog scratches its back and goes bald at the site of the wound is to disinfect it with a safe product. It is better to wear gloves while doing this, since in some cases (for example, with lichen) you can get infected or (as with an open wound) make it worse by infecting. Chlorhexidine is an ideal remedy for this - it does not cause burning, it does not contain components that animals are allergic to. Movements should be soft, soaking. No need to aggressively rub the area of ​​irritation or try to remove dried crusts. Deep cleaning is best left to the veterinarian.

It is advisable to limit the dog's access to the problem area. For this, postoperative collars, blankets, and not tight bandages are used. Under a bandage that is too tight, irritated skin can become steamy and this is guaranteed to lead to complications, not to mention discomfort for the pet. It is not necessary to lay any ointments without knowing the real reason for combing. You just need to take the animal to the veterinarian for examination, so that the doctor will do a scraping, take a swab, perhaps even order a blood test. All this is done not out of a whim, but in order not to miss a serious illness behind seemingly trifles.

It is not always necessary to panic and suspect a flea infestation at the same time as a food allergy when a dog scratches its back on the couch. It is likely that she just needs attention, or she just lay on one side and is now trying to "disperse the blood." You need to call your pet, examine and observe a little of his behavior. Even if there are no red marks yet, but an obsessive desire to constantly scratch and lick the same place is already noticeable, then you should take a closer look at it again and contact a veterinarian at the first appearance of suspicious spots.

It's not uncommon for a dog or puppy to scratch or act strangely for no apparent reason. In such a case, a trip to an experienced veterinarian in a veterinary clinic should be an immediate one, since the problem can be so serious that a person will also suffer, and in this case, no home treatment can quickly help to sort out the situation.

It will also not be superfluous to ask questions in the comments and describe similar problems, as well as how you managed to deal with them, because there may be many such cases, but for the most part they will have similarities, and therefore a similar solution.

What to do if the dog itches, but there are no fleas and why it gnaws itself, dandruff, how to treat

It is necessary to treat dandruff in dogs only after eliminating the cause of its occurrence, which will require an examination of the animal by a veterinarian and, if necessary, undergo a course of treatment - the use of shampoos or other external dandruff remedies will not give the desired effect.

The dog itches hair falls out fleas no ticks no how to cure than to treat

Hair loss in dogs is usually associated with shedding. Other equally common reasons for this phenomenon are:
- Allergy to food;
- Allergy to external pet care products;
- reaction to drugs;
- the consequences of the transferred stress - separation from the owner, the postoperative period and a number of other circumstances.

The approach to treating a dog depends on the reasons that caused the undesirable reaction of the animal's body. Sometimes veterinarians recommend a course of treatment with antibiotics or immunomodulatory drugs, and sometimes a simple change of scenery is enough.

The dog itches to blood, wounds, scabs, sores, what is the diagnosis and how to treat

The cause of itchy and bleeding wounds on the skin of dogs is most often lichen and scabies.
Both diseases can be transmitted from a sick animal to a person, so this problem must be approached quite seriously. Self-medication or delaying a visit to the doctors often only aggravates the situation, and the cure is more difficult.

The dog itches badly after drops from fleas and ticks, bathing, haircuts

If your dog is itching after bathing, then most likely it is an allergic reaction to the components of the shampoo. You should be aware that special detergents have been developed for animals and you should not wash dogs with soap or shampoo intended for people.

Irritation and itching of the skin that arose in a dog after a haircut is most likely caused by non-compliance with hygiene measures - the use of dirty and undisinfected scissors and machine knives, shearing an unwashed animal, and so on.

The dog itches and goes bald, allergies, how to treat folk remedies

The only way to get rid of an allergy in a dog is to eliminate the allergen itself. The product that caused the painful reaction of the body is determined empirically - the animal is put on a diet, adding a new product to its daily diet and monitoring the reaction caused by its use.

In addition to food, a dog may be allergic to insecticides, drugs, various chemicals and insect bites. A folk way to treat allergies is to use herbal tea, consisting of a string, elecampane, couch grass rhizomes and chamomile with sage.

Is it possible to give a dog suprastin and it does not help, what to give at home

Suprastin is one of the universal antihistamines that are prescribed to relieve allergy symptoms in both humans and animals.

In addition to suprastin, the veterinary clinic can prescribe fenistil, bravegil, tavegil, claritin, zirtek and other drugs available in pharmacies for people, as well as soothing teas from herbs of chamomile, sage, wheatgrass rhizomes and succession.

The dog itches during molting, estrus, in the heat, in the tail area and gnaws out the hair near the tail

Dogs scratching during shedding is normal. Thus, the animal helps itself to get rid of dead hairs. "Scabies" during estrus is associated with stress experienced by the dog, which, like shedding, can cause death and hair loss.

Itching that occurs in the heat is associated with an increase in the activity of microbes and bacteria. The slightest scratch can cause a dog to develop necrosis. Fleas and helminths are the most likely cause of a dog nibbling its hair in the tail area.

The dog itches red spots on the abdomen, rash

Itchy red spots and a rash on a dog's abdomen can be caused by:
- food allergies;
- fungal disease;
- flea or tick bites.

The final verdict can only be made by a veterinarian, and then after he examines and examines the animal.

The dog itches booty on the floor, muzzle

Possible reasons why a dog scratches its bottom on the floor are:
- the presence of flat worms;
- allergic reaction;
- pain in the lower back;
- clogging of the anal sacs (paraanal glands).

Microscopic insects, lice, fleas, ticks and other living creatures can cause itching on the face of an animal.

The dog itches from the flea collar, gets angry and whines when you stroke its sides how to help

Flea collars are impregnated with an active substance that can cause an allergic reaction and even poison the animal. If, when putting it on, the dog begins to constantly itch and its condition causes concern, then it is better to remove the collar.

If a dog, which previously did not express dissatisfaction with the fact that it was stroked on the sides, began to whine and get angry at the touch of a person in these same places, then it has a health problem. To clarify all the circumstances, it is advisable for the animal to do an ultrasound or x-ray of the abdominal cavity.

No responsible dog owner will be able to calmly endure when his four-legged pet combs himself. Why does a dog itch if there are no fleas? This will be discussed in this article.


Let's try to find out the reasons for this behavior of the dog, consider several causes of itching. The presence of this discomfort can deprive the animal of sleep, the dog becomes restless. The usual comfort of life is disturbed.

Itching is an irritating sensation that is characteristic of both people and their animals. If the dog began to itch constantly, first of all, take a closer look at how he behaves.

How to act

If the above symptoms are suspected, re-treatment will be required. When there is no reason to doubt the effectiveness of the drugs, one must look for other reasons why the dog itches if there are no fleas. The dog may be under stress. The fact is that a state of increased emotional excitability is characteristic of many animals. This is especially true for those decorative pets that are not resistant to stress by nature. These are representatives of small breeds of pets.

Many breeds of service dogs are also at risk: shepherds, rottweilers. In the course of observations, it can be noted that the dog is noted. Sometimes the animal loses sleep completely, expresses a request that his stomach and paws be scratched. Other signs of anxiety may also be present.

In a state of this, wool can come out. After making sure of the cause of the itching, if it lies in a state of stress or the cause is nervous overexcitation, provide maximum rest, give your pet more care and communication. During this period, it is important to take care of improving nutrition.

During this period, it will be necessary to abandon the traditional way of group walks. Your dog may need to be sedated.

Skin irritation from detergents

Why does the dog constantly itch, but there are no fleas? The reason may be the use of a new type of shampoo. Then the dog will show increased anxiety.

All detergents carry out the process of washing off the protective layer of the skin. There is a slight drying of the skin. In addition, there are varieties of shampoos, the use of which is not at all acceptable for your dog. Their use causes unbearable itching.

Veterinarians do not recommend bathing your pet frequently. It is contraindicated for animals. But if the presence of inflammatory processes is observed, this indicates an increased sensitivity of the skin. Therefore, your pupil will need to bathe with hypoallergenic baby shampoo or soap. This action will help preserve the natural lubrication of the skin, but at the same time will help remove dirt and dust.

The presence of allergies

The dog itches, but there are no fleas, what should I do? Your pet may have an allergy. This diagnosis is one of the most severe causes of itching. The fact is that the identification of the pathogen is a rather complicated process.

Determining the allergic nature of scratching is not difficult. Symptoms of an allergy will be lacrimation, nasal discharge, brittle hair. It should be noted that the environment itself contains a wide variety of allergens. They are saturated with food, air, dust, building materials, fabrics.

Determining what exactly caused the reaction of the animal's body will be a difficult task. Not everyone conducts tests that can identify an allergen.

In the average family, according to research, at least 120 allergens enter the house. Moreover, in old buildings, the presence of allergens is mandatory. In the process of treating this causative agent of itching, you will need to use antihistamines.

Manifestation of symptoms of an animal disease

Dogs are susceptible to a wide range of ailments. Moreover, the clinical picture can often contain the process of combing the body. If the dog constantly itches, but there are no fleas, the most common diseases are:

  • Lichen or subcutaneous mites. Such ailments are characterized by the presence of severe itching, loss of appetite, baldness in certain areas of the skin. The selection of drugs for the treatment of such a dermatological disease will be carried out by the veterinarian on an individual basis. Basically, these will be topical preparations.
  • Wet and dry eczema . At the initial stage of the disease, there is a manifestation of frequent and strong scratching on the body, sometimes they reach the appearance of blood. The problem comes to biting the dog's fur. As a result, there is the formation of bare areas where the skin is flaky. The appearance of bleeding wounds is noted where the base of the tail is located, on the sides, behind the ear.
  • Seborrhea, which is one of the signs of the disease or a manifestation of a genetic abnormality. Constant scratching leads to baldness of the affected area. In such areas of the skin, its thickening occurs. It will be covered with crust formations on which scales appear.
  • Ear diseases. Otitis and ear mite diseases can also be accompanied by ear scratching. Then the reasons will have to be determined. After all, the presence of an itchy area can be seen with a simple visual inspection. With such a disease, the animal shakes its head so much that it cannot but be alarming. Sometimes it constantly walks with its head tilted down. A symptom that determines that a dog has an ear mite is the presence of a fetid odor. Such a disease can be treated with topical drops.
  • Endometritis is an inflammatory process in the uterus, the symptoms of which are manifested in the form of thirst, lethargy, fever of the animal's body. The beast begins to strongly comb the area of ​​​​the location of the genitals. Dog itches but no fleas. It is necessary to treat such a problem using antibacterial drugs. Advanced cases will require surgical intervention.

How to help your pet

When the dog itches badly, but there are no fleas, it is necessary to pay attention to this problem and consult with a veterinarian. It is important to clearly identify the problem and only then proceed to fix it.

It all depends on the cause of the itching.

Depending on the reason for the itching, you will need to treat the pet if the dog itches all the time and there are no fleas.

When a dog itches, but there are no fleas, how to treat? Only a veterinarian will correctly answer this question, since each individual case has its own characteristics. It is highly undesirable to select drugs on the basis of independent assumptions.

If you are unable to contact a veterinarian

In the event that professional help is not currently available, do not rush to purchase drugs until you study the reviews of users who have already encountered a similar problem. After all, you are interested in choosing the medicine that is right for your pet, taking into account its size, age and breed.

It is important to be sure that the animal does not have certain drugs that you plan to use. When itching occurs due to allergies, a revision of the dog's diet, the composition of the drugs or vitamin complexes that she is currently taking will be required.

In addition to consulting a veterinarian, it is advisable to consult with the breeder from whom the pet was purchased. After all, the transmission of allergies is often observed genetically, when the parents of the puppy were also susceptible to such a disease. It is important to find out what specific type of food or substance they had an allergic reaction to.

Perhaps this will be the answer to the question about the nature of the itch. Then you can help the beast by simply excluding foods that cause allergies from its diet. If this does not help, look for the problem further. Most likely, laboratory diagnostics will be required in a veterinary clinic.

Summing up

An animal like a dog tends to itch. It's a completely natural process as long as it doesn't get too intense. It is important to take a closer look at the pet and determine the exact cause of his anxiety if the dog itches all the time and there are no fleas. The reason may be simple, caused by the use of the wrong shampoo. But it's not always so simple.

In any case, if the dog has health problems in the form of itching, it is important to help the animal in a timely manner. After all, such an irritant can signal the presence of serious diseases. Give your pet enough care and attention, and let it please you with good health and devotion!