Dog. Eastern Chinese horoscope for the Dog

year of birth: 1910 1922 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 2018

The dog belongs to the Yin group of animals. This is the 11th sign of the Chinese zodiac. He manages from 19 to 21 hours. The season that brings good luck is autumn and the peak period is September. According to the European Zodiac corresponds to the sign of Libra. Fixed element - Metal. The colors that bring happiness and prosperity are black and dark blue. Flowers and plants that bring good luck - wild poppy, orange blossom, water lily. The most favorable countries for a Dog to live in are Luxembourg, Malta, Korea, Costa Rica, Angola, Guinea, Guiana.

As is known to all peoples, the Dog is a true friend of man. She is always loved. Often we cannot imagine our life without a Dog. They evoke undying sympathy. Unlike a cat, which is busy with itself, the Dog completely gives itself to the owner. Chinese sages believe that Dogs are born pessimists and are constantly in anxiety. They don't know why they are suffering. This is probably due to the fact that such animals are used to constantly serving, and therefore cannot understand their deep essence. For them, life is just a moment that serves as a short bridge to another world.

A dog is happy if it is born during the day. Dogs born at night will be on guard all their lives, like sentries. It is very difficult for them to relax and release their worries. Often the life of the Dog is unstable, except for childhood, when parents protect it.

Youth, as a rule, is overshadowed by unhappy love, and mature years are colored by fear of loss. Old age is full of regrets about the life lived, about unfulfilled projects. And yet there are means to make their lives happy. From childhood, they need to be forced to live in the present and enjoy every moment lived.


Outwardly, Dogs are not like other people, but they have one quality in common - they are terribly restless. They always develop vigorous activity and try to solve all urgent problems. They are always in a hurry somewhere, often suffer from insomnia and this upset their nerves. These people try to work without a break and therefore turn into real tyrants. They are always preoccupied, because they know that they are on earth temporarily. Dogs work selflessly, but, nevertheless, are always skeptical.

Dogs are born into the world already with their own philosophy. They come weighed down by unsatisfied desires and guilt. They bravely walk along their life path, looking for moments for success. To fully understand them, you need to look deeper into their subconscious. They constantly ask themselves - what is my purpose?

Dogs are not overly sociable, but cordial and entertaining when not at the table. Even the most talkative and adaptable Dogs are not able to withstand the cynical criticism inherent in a tipsy company. They always look at the world with a sober look, aware of their weaknesses. Therefore, their humor usually seems dark, and they are harsh with those who are considered careerists and upstarts.

Dogs are trusted, and rightfully so. You can always come to them with your problems, because no one better than them can penetrate into the essence of the Cause. They are able to put themselves in the place of another and will never refuse help. At the same time, they do not expect rewards - this is their inner calling. Dogs are generous and for the most part disinterested. These people are able to give everything to people, even to sacrifice themselves. All fighters for justice were born in the year of the Dog. Every untruth revolts them. They are doing everything they can to destroy it. They are loyal and noble, therefore they are often incompatible with this cruel world. Dogs rarely tolerate cruelty and refuse to live by the laws of the wolf. Therefore, they are valued and respected everywhere. But suspicion makes them check all new acquaintances. At first glance, they even seem cowardly.

Dogs can always be trusted, but their constant pessimism arouses suspicion. These restless people cannot stand surprises and impromptu, because they hold on to their past so firmly, skeptically meeting all undertakings. They rarely express their feelings, and if they do something, then only when they consider it an emergency. They are exceptionally stubborn and always know what they want. Often Dogs like to tease and are avoided due to their sharp tongue.

This sign is amazing. Sometimes it seems that they are consistently looking for flaws in everything they do. In essence, Dogs are big pessimists who do not expect anything good from life. They are always the first to criticize injustice, even in circumstances where no one else can open their mouths. Possessing a critical mind, a natural sense of humor and greatness of soul, Dogs cannot be accused of mediocrity.

Deep in their hearts, Dogs are anti-social because they don't like large crowds and hate gatherings. Emotionally, they leave the impression of cold-blooded people, but this is only an appearance. They just tend to doubt both their own feelings and the feelings of others. Despite these shortcomings, it is in the Dogs that the nobility of human nature is hidden.


It cannot be said that the Dogs are intended for financial affairs and various kinds of speculation, but they are surprisingly clever in choosing their companions and advisers. They are very generous and selfless, but not selfish enough. To succeed in business, they need to acquire some cynicism. If they possess this quality, then it is rather philosophical in nature. They cannot bankrupt their opponent and often forgive those who offended them. These people are the embodiment of honesty and loyalty to the given word. They absolutely do not know how to pretend and benefit from the misfortune of others.

If they have money, they behave wastefully and spare nothing for their neighbor. Dogs try to decorate and equip their home. But having become poor, they tend to aggravate the situation, considering themselves completely ruined, although it is very far from a debtor's prison. Just next to the Dogs there must be realist partners who are able to correctly assess the situation. Usually Dogs do not want financial responsibility.


Dogs are very hardworking. They have all the prerequisites to be successful in the service. They really believe in what they are doing, therefore they bring extraordinary benefits to humanity. If they don't have faith, they just won't budge. At such moments, they fall into melancholy. They have a natural ability to organize, but often lack independence and aggressiveness. To. to be more productive, they need to gain confidence. All their complexes are born in adolescence, because their parents are trying to impose their opinion on them. They waste a lot of time on useless studies and on acquiring a specialty that is not interesting for them. Dogs choose their own profession. Only in this case they become brilliant workers.

In their work they are obsessed, they are used to bringing everything to the end. Colleagues are treated correctly and fairly. When they are at the head of an enterprise, they know how to make their efforts appreciated. Dogs always act simply, naturally and are available in communication with everyone. They never lose credibility. Dogs are always restless, and if something does not suit them, they can spoil the atmosphere without realizing it in time. They do not pay too much attention to their career, and if they take steps in this direction, it is for the benefit of all. Very kind and generous. But be careful, because dishonesty makes them furious. Dogs always fight for justice.

They are perceptive and judge with understanding. They quickly orient themselves in the situation, details rarely escape them. True, such qualities can turn into a disadvantage - sometimes they are too fond of diving in particular. These people are suitable for the scientific profession and various kinds of research. They operate very successfully with money, but still it is better for them not to devote themselves entirely to the material sphere. Having money, they spend it with ease. Convenience and luxury are not the goal of their life, they can live without them. Even if they are rich, they live modestly. These are real philosophers - moralists, people of leftist convictions.

They make good workers, craftsmen, party functionaries, critics, teachers, priests, writers, philosophers, thinkers, moralists, judges, doctors, objective politicians, secret agents, directors of enterprises.


In love, Dogs are too straightforward and because of this they can have problems throughout their lives. But in these problems they will be guilty themselves. Dogs love fleeting adventures and lasting bonds. But they make contact only if a person inspires a sense of reliability. Of course, they can be playful, but this is just an external mask associated with the need to find a soul mate. When they find their loved one, they will breathe a sigh of relief. Dogs are very loving, gentle and sensitive. When they tie the knot, they are full of responsibility and absolutely not succumb to temptations. They can resist foreign aggression and will take all measures to preserve the family hearth. For them, there is nothing more important in life.

Despite these qualities, they are not always happy in love. They are often jealous and restless because they are not sure of the partner's feelings. Their pessimism often leads to disaster. Their solidity and high morality are the key to stability, but Dogs do not know how to suppress moodiness in themselves, they are highly dependent on the ambition and behavior of others. Dogs are incredibly emotional and intuitive, which is why they instantly feel the mood of others. This contributes to a bad mood in their soul.

Dogs need a long time to rest and relax. They look at people for a long time. Sometimes it takes a lifetime. If this fails, they become completely indifferent to their loved ones, and then all sorts of excesses are possible. They may go alone. Marriage is necessary for them, like air, in order not to fall into temptations. In their marriage, they will be faithful companions and will always help in difficult times.


In their family life, they are just perfect - exceptional family men and wonderful parents. When they have a child, they become restless. Dogs always vigilantly guard their family hearth, like faithful guardians. They take their parental responsibilities very seriously, are present at all parent meetings and vigilantly monitor their offspring. They are upset by any misconduct of children. Children are their destiny and the ultimate goal of life. Dogs sometimes attach exorbitant importance to them, so they often become their victims.

Parents - Dogs quickly find a common language with Tiger children, whom they will teach caution. For Horse Children, they are able to weaken their egoism. But with children - Rats, Hares, Dogs, they will have to spoil their nerves. The snake is also able to disturb the moving Dog, and the too dreamy Sheep will not be able to find a common language with their parents - Dogs. The sensible Pig himself can teach the parents-Dogs of life. In no case should Dogs give birth to children in the year of the Ox - there will be a complete misunderstanding. Dragon children are too touchy, and Rooster parents - Dogs can cause a lot of mental trauma. The Monkey is too different from the Dog, so it can go into open conflict with its parents.


For Dogs, sex is an obsession. For them, the opposite sex exists as an object of satisfaction of passions. They do not look at the individuality and intellectual abilities of the partner. Not everyone likes this attitude. In sex, they are a little primitive, but their potency is surprisingly high. They are very cute and attractive. Everything beautiful attracts them. For saws, a partner is what increases their tone. Dogs are considered the epitome of charm, but their propensity for fickleness cannot be denied. They try to take over any attractive partner, and then direct their efforts to conquer the next object. In some cases, their promiscuity is simply amazing.

Dogs are very skilled in sex, but, most importantly, they want to be adored, and therefore they need a partner who will pay their attention only to him. Dogs don't need to be rushed, they expect perfection and can criticize mistakes that prevent them from achieving it. When they are embarrassed by something, they are indecisive, act passively and wait for someone who will help them get out of this state.

For their sexual activities, they carefully select the place and time. They love to watch the reaction of their lovers, and after that they want to know the depth of their experiences. In bed, they do not like to rush. They are a kind of fortress, which must be taken by storm.


When Dogs are twenty years old, they use all their charm and make every effort to seduce the person they like. They are characterized by extremes and it is very difficult to control themselves. But everything they do is sincere and, as a rule, their tactics work. Dogs can be trusted because they speak from the heart. Such people simply deserve respect.

At the age of thirty, they show excessive perseverance, constantly caring for their partner. Woman - Dog prefers to portray inconstancy, and this lures men into a trap.

When meeting with them, it is necessary to show a passionate temperament and give the Dogs the opportunity to gather their thoughts. They expect tact and boundless devotion from a partner. After all, they need so much care and family environment! If they like someone, they will make every effort to keep the partner. Of course, these people can change, but only if their patience has come to an end, since betrayal and deception of a partner for them is just a disaster. In the event of a break, the Dogs leave very awkwardly. Often they blame the partner and want to remain good friends with their former lovers.

If there is a need to give them a gift, then it is better to choose a souvenir, a cute little thing or an amulet. If you need to attract the attention of the Dog, it is better to immediately confess your love to her or invite her to visit an interesting person. But if there is nothing to talk about and it is time to leave, it is easiest to hint to them that they are absolute losers.


Dogs are born homebodies and therefore are very attached to the place where they were born. They love old houses, where the smell of dust is so pleasant and all corners are full of memories. Of course, in this regard, they are very conservative. They do not like to change the situation and prefer to leave everything in its place. They often watch their usual programs and endless serials smelling of mothballs. They prefer to spend their holidays in a villa or in a village house where they spent their childhood. They are very careful about their environment and are reluctant to purchase new furniture. But this does not mean at all that they have no taste.

On the contrary, Dogs are extravagant and very demanding. They love lots of air, high ceilings and big rooms. They do everything prudently and never make a mistake in choosing the color and range of the interior. When shopping, they are extremely careful, checking absolutely all product samples. They do not consider the cost if they like something. Dogs choose the most expensive fabrics, shoes and everything else. When they improve their home, they do not like to leave the house. They enjoy wandering around the house, reminiscent of a museum, and sort out their toys.


Jean Anouille, Jean-Louis Barrault, Brigitte Bardot, Peter Brooke, Kate Bush, Carl Gustav XVI, Michael Jackson, Stephen King, Golda Meyer, Liza Minnelli, Elvis Presley, Sylvester Stallone, Robert Louis, Mother Teresa, Marie François Voltaire, Socrates , Bertolt Brecht, Grigory Rasputin, Yuri Gagarin, Guy de Maupassant, Georges Bizet, Claude Debussy, George Gershwin, Nikolai Basov, Olga Berggolts, Yuri. Herman, Nikolai l Dubov, Akira Kurosawa, Sophia Loren, Tamara Milashkina, Nikolai Ozerov, Anatoly Papanov, Lyudmila Pakhomova, Patriarch Pimen, Stanislav Rostotsky, Tatyana Samoilova, Vladimir Serov, Alexander Tvardovsky, Gerhard Blucher, Aristide Briand, Rene Clair, Jacques Yves Cousteau, Dalida, Alexandre Dumas père, Benjamin Franklin, Ernest Hemingway, Victor Hugo, Madame de Lafayette, Gottfried Leibniz, Lope de Vega, Louis XVI, Alphonse Lamartine, Saint Louis, Robert Stevenson.


Dog and Dog

These types are similar in many ways, they love children, the family hearth and always defend it; They need love. Even if they try to be casual and cheeky, you don't have to believe it - that's their way of protecting themselves. In fact, they value each other very much and always miss a partner. Quarrels and misunderstandings upset such people, but, as a rule, this does not happen between them.

They have a solid financial position, beautiful children, understanding and peace reign in the family. True, their iridescent coexistence can be overshadowed by an invasion from the outside, then they become nervous and lose sleep. Fortunately, they are able to destroy all doubts and establish a pleasant microclimate in the house. Intuition will help them with this. They will make a qualitative leap forward, which will destroy all obstacles.

Dog and Rat

The Rat knows how to understand the nature of the Dog's anxiety. After all, the Dog is vigilantly accustomed to guarding its territory, which is why the mysterious Rat is somewhat afraid. In general, they endure each other, these are two modest accomplices who go out only at night and do not like to enter into conversation with the first person they meet. This union exists due to its secrecy and confidence in the future. After some acquaintance, they trust each other - after all, the Dog is very faithful, and for the Rat this is the most important thing. In case of trouble, both know how to stand up for themselves. This union is good for both love and business.

Dog and Ox

It is better if in this union the Dog is a man, and the Ox is a woman. The dog will find the desired balance, which will be given to her by a calm and respectable woman - Ox. Only in this case the Dog will sleep peacefully at night and not run around the fence in search of the enemy. In business, they also suit each other, because the Dog is an excellent administrator, and the Ox is a wonderful financier. In this duet, they will never fail. If the Woman is born in the year of the Dog, everything is different. Dogs are very vain and cannot live without entertainment, and the Ox is not able to wait forever. But. in any case, these partners appreciate each other. The Ox likes the deep mind of the Dog, and the Dog is fascinated by the poise of the Ox. Their union is happy and not without prospects.

Dog and Tiger

Both are incorrigible idealists. Therefore, there are many misunderstandings in their union. The dog always tries to get ahead, and the Tiger seeks to maintain a dominant position. But in their need to fight, they will find a common language. To do this, they need a target, which they quickly find. Together they will fight to the end, despite the obstacles, with endless enthusiasm. The Dog is smiling at the eternal activity of the Tiger. But the Dog can find arguments in time to save him from a wrong step. This union can be very happy. His only enemy is everyday life. There are difficulties here, because the Dog needs constant assurances of his affection for her, and the Tiger is not too accustomed to showing signs of attention. For a long-term union, they need to think about their own behavior, find common goals, only in this case it is possible to achieve harmony.

Dog and Hare

This union can become happy and permanent. Only these people should be helped by chance. According to classical traditions, such a union is considered impossible. But from the point of view of astrology and psychology, they have a lot in common. They love security, are both deeply decent, jealously protect their property, and are endowed with many virtues. They understand each other and can support each other in difficult times. Their life flows monotonously, without much upheaval. In the event of a misunderstanding, the Dog can overcome fear in itself and sacrifice its own ambition, because it is reasonable, knows how to see in a partner what it lacks itself. In turn, the Hare hates trouble and will prefer to follow this determined partner.

dog and dragon

This is an unfavorable union. These signs do not have common goals, they do not understand each other. The dog is the only sign that is not delighted with the brilliance of the Dragon. The dog looks at life realistically and does not tolerate artificial brilliance. Of course, the Dog will fall in love with the Dragon, but it will only suffer from this, as it will not be able to be gentle. Deep down, she will laugh at her partner, and the Dragon, in turn, will suffer from her lack of attention. Such a person must be loved with all his shortcomings, admire him. For the Dog, this is very difficult. Involuntarily, she may underestimate him. All this leads to the emergence of new complexes, and there are already enough of them.

Dog and snake

Dogs become attached to Serpents very quickly because they are fascinated by the Serpent's wisdom and depth of mind. They do not even want to notice the shortcomings and patiently endure their careerism. Dogs idealize Snakes and try to protect them from all troubles. The snake, in turn, also admires the honesty of the Dog. Everything is going well in their union, because the Snake loves to be adored. Of course, it is not without difficulties. One partner is not enough for the snake, and she will wish to find someone on the side. True, there is one but - she can do this only if she completely paralyzes the will of the Dog; The dog will not be very upset because he likes to work quietly alone. The snake will regularly return home and keep it in its power. In this case, they can live a long life together. And even happily.

Dog and Horse

At first glance, two completely different people find in their partner those traits that they would like to see in themselves. The Dog is very skeptical, generous, and the Horse is a little selfish, trusting and adventurous. But this does not create mistrust between them. Their friendship gradually turns into a strong alliance in which they do not question the feelings of a partner. They do not try to dominate and do not criticize each other, unless the Horse first makes a mistake.

In this union, everyone lives their own life and no one interferes with each other. An idealistic Dog pays a lot of attention to his friends, so he does not have enough time to follow the actions of the Horse, and the Horse is quite happy with this. And both are happy. Horses should not suspect the Dog of infidelity. If something touches her, you should not bring the matter to a tragedy.

Dog and Sheep

The Sheep is worried about her present life, and the Dog is overcome by doubts about the future. Both are very suspicious for everyone, fidelity And the truth of the partner's feelings are very important. These different personalities are endowed with incredible pessimism, but in different aspects. Frankly, we can say that these people are not suitable for each other. They will only kindle doubts about their partner and spoil their nerves. The Dog is too big a realist to understand the Sheep's fantasies. The dog is serious and very responsible. These people don't get jokes. The light irony of the Sheep offends the Dog.

This union can survive without even realizing it. As a rule, the Rooster is critical at those moments when the Dog starts to get nervous, but at the same time tries not to offend his toothy partner. The dog, on the other hand, does not at all tolerate the bragging and carelessness of the Rooster, she spends a lot of time raising him. But no matter how hard the Dog tries, she still will not be able to remake her original partner. Their relationship can turn into the Battle of Borodino. As a result, both will suffer, because they are too sensitive. But if in their mutual life they behave more restrained, then their union can last a very long time.

Dog and Boar

Between these people immediately there is a complete mutual understanding. Both benefit from this union. The Boar will be able to teach the Dog his carelessness and reward her with the optimism that she so lacks. Both are generous and honest, able to sympathize and respect each other. They know how to maintain a good microclimate in the family and constantly strengthen their union. They know what true love and a good life is, the rest is unimportant.

A peaceful Dog will be happy and calm. She is interested in listening to the Boar and listening to his useful advice. She is absolutely not embarrassed by the awkwardness and slowness of the Boar, although sometimes the Dog shows excessive suspicion. But at the right moments, she boldly rushes to the defense of her beloved. True, sometimes the Pig is annoyed by the excessive care of a restless girlfriend. But with the Boar, the Dog will not be lonely and she will finally be able to relax.

The dog is considered one of the animals of the Yin group. According to the Eastern horoscope, the dog comes under the eleventh number. Governs the time interval from 19:00 to 21:00. The most successful season for people born under this sign is autumn, and the peak of this season falls on September. If we draw an analogy with the European Zodiac, then the sign of the Dog will correspond to the sign of Libra. The fixed element is metal. Happiness and well-being bring dark blue and black colors. If we talk about flowers and plants, then it is worth saying that wild poppy, water lily, and orange blossom can bring good luck to Dogs. Countries favorable for the habitation of the Dog are Luxembourg, Korea, Alta, Angola, Costa Rica, Guiana and Guinea.

Years of the Dog sign in our century

  • 1910 February 10 - element of the year metal
  • January 28, 1922 - the element of the year is water
  • 1934 February 14 - element of the year tree
  • February 2, 1946 - the element of the year is fire
  • 1958 February 18 - element of the year earth
  • 1970 February 6 - element of the year metal
  • 1982 January 25 - element of the year water
  • February 10, 1994 - element of the year tree
  • January 29, 2006 - the element of the year is fire
  • February 16, 2018 - element of the year earth

The following famous people were born in the Year of the Dog

Jean Anouille, Brigitte Bardot, Yuri Herman, Socrates, Elvis Presley, Nikolai Dubov, Jean - Louis Barrot, Tamara Milashkina, Peter Brook, Patriarch Pimen, Aristide Briand, Kate Bush, Grigory Rasputin, Carl Gustav XVI, Alexandre Dumas-father, George Gershwin, Louis XVI, Michael Jackson, Tatiana Samoilova, Anatoly Papanov, Liza Minnelli, Ernest Hemingway, Sylvester Stallone, Gerhard Blucher, Golda Meyer, Ludmila Pakhomova, Stephen King, Alexander Tvardovsky, Claude Debussy, Marie Francois Voltaire, Stanislav Rostotsky, Robert Louis , Bertolt Brecht, Mother Teresa, Victor Hugo, Robert Stevenson, Jacques Yves Cousteau, Yuri Gagarin, Guy de Maupassant, Nikolai Basov, Gottfried Leibniz, Alphonse Lamartine, Akira Kurosawa, Rene Clair, Benjamin Franklin, Georges Bizet, Olga Bergholtz, Sophia Loren , Nikolai Ozerov, Vladimir Serov, Dalida, Madame de Lafayette, Lope de Vega, Saint Louis.

As has been known for quite a long time, a dog is a friend of a person who enjoys well-deserved respect and love. Often people simply can not attach their life without a dog nearby. For most people, they only cause sympathy. If we compare such domestic animals as a dog and a cat, then the comparison is always not in favor of the cat, which, as you know, is a terrible egoist and is busy only with itself. The dog, in turn, is selflessly devoted to its owner, to whom it is ready to give all of itself without a trace.

According to the Eastern sages, people born under the sign of the Dog are born pessimists, and the state of anxiety and stress for them is a common and constant value. At the same time, Dogs will not be able to say exactly what is eating them and what they are suffering from. Most likely, this is due to the inability to understand their own deep essence, because these animals are used to serving and another state of affairs is alien to them. And life for them is just a transitional stage - a short moment, like a small bridge from one world to another.

According to Eastern legends, the Dog is doomed to eternal wandering between the two worlds in gray anxiety, which is designated as the threshold of the dark areas of the soul. She is a watchman who lives to protect. And, as a rule, more is not expected of them. And quite often they make an attempt to express their own despair, but the person does not notice this and remains deaf to their silent calls. The dog is forced to live without human understanding, due to the fact that their language is not available to us, and therefore they live at our feet, content with periodic mean caresses that occasionally fall to their lot.

During the day, these animals rest in peace, and at night they are again and again forced to become guides and companions in the invisible world. Gradually, the Dog got used to bowing under the weight of its past, because it is part of the underworld, a world dominated by shadows and cold.

In the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, Dogs accompany the souls of the dead on their journey to the afterlife to the Supreme Court of Osiris, which is why in real life these animals howl at the moon and like to take a walk between the graves. Often they are made constant companions of the goddess of the moon - the goddess of dead people, as well as witches and sorcerers. In a variety of magical rituals, the dog must always be near the adept, in order to deflect a magical blow from him in case of emergency.

You can also meet the Dog in the ancient Aztec Zodiac, where it is compared with the constellation of the Hounds of the Dogs, which reminds people of the invariable end of life and the afterlife underground kingdom. The dog here is a symbol of death, rebirth and initiation.

In Greek mythology, Cerberus guards the gates to the kingdom of Hades. He lets the souls of the dead into the realm of the dead and does not allow them to return from there back to the human body.

And often you will not envy the Dogs, the person to whom they are devoted to the depths of the soul, not only put them on a chain, but also put on a collar and a muzzle. The dog also acts as his protector even before the gods and always remains a faithful companion of his master. And it is for this reason that the Chinese sages endowed the Dog with all the best qualities that are only found in a person, thereby expressing their admiration. Sometimes, of course, the dog also feels a sense of envy - to the Dragon for his luck, to the Sheep for his ability to navigate the situation. And that is why we can conclude that Dogs can be unsatisfied. Luck and luck are a frequent companion of the Dog, but even after becoming rich and famous, and having tasted the sweet fruit of success, the Dog cannot get rid of the constant feeling of anxiety.


If the Dog is born during the day, it will have constant luck and happiness. A dog born at night will be on guard all his life. It is quite difficult for them to relax and abstract from their worries. Often the life of the Dog is very unstable, however, this does not apply to their childhood period, when parents act as defenders of their interests.

The youth of the Dog is accompanied by unhappy love, and mature years by a constant fear of loss. Old age is the time when Dogs begin to regret their lives and remember all that they failed to do. The only means that can make them happy is to teach Dogs from childhood to enjoy life here and now, every moment and a new day.


As a rule, the appearance of dogs is different from other people, while there is one quality that unites them - they are all terribly restless. They are able to develop vigorous activity in resolving all urgent problems. They are constantly in a hurry somewhere, they are late, they are tormented by insomnia, and because of this they once again shake their nerves. Such people work tirelessly and respite, demanding the same from their subordinates, which is why they are considered real tyrants. Despite their selfless labor activity, they look at the world and those around them with skepticism.

Having been born into the world, a person under the sign of the Dog already has his own philosophy. They are constantly tormented by guilt and unsatisfied desires. They bravely and, holding their heads high, walk along the path of life, trying to find moments for success on it. In order to understand the Dog, it is necessary to look into its subconscious, to find out what their inner world really is.

It is difficult to call Dogs especially sociable, but at the same time they are quite kind-hearted and interesting to others. They look at the world too soberly, while realizing both their weaknesses and the weaknesses of people close to them. Their humor seems too dark, those whom they consider upstarts and careerists, they can harshly ridicule.

Dogs are trusted, and for good reason. Those around them come to them with their problems, since no one can better look at the situation from the outside, delve into it and find the right way out. At the same time, they never refuse to help those who really need it. They do not expect rewards for their good deeds, since it is the calling of dogs to do them. For the most part, Dogs are selfless and generous. If they believe that it is worth it, then they are ready to give everything and even sacrifice their interests and themselves.

In the year of the Dog, people are born, freedom fighters. Any injustice and outright lies revolt them. Therefore, they do everything possible to defeat them. Due to their loyalty and nobility, very often they cannot adapt to the harshness of the world around them. They are ready to endure harshness, but refuse to live according to the laws of the wolf. Due to their suspicion of new acquaintances, they seem slightly cowardly at first glance, but this is only at first glance.

A person under the sign of the Dog can always be trusted, but their pessimism can cause sprouts of suspicion towards them. These people cannot stand surprises, impromptu and surprises, they firmly hold on to their past, meeting with hostility any changes and undertakings. Their perseverance can only be envied, while they always see the goal ahead, which they achieve, no matter what.

Nata Karlin

Person born in the year of the Dog smart, loyal, courageous, fair. He, like no one, is able to keep secrets, hates intrigue and gossip. Often this is a selfish, even egocentric person who values ​​himself and his opinion more than anything else. The dog is a born critic, sharp on statements and quick on assessments. She will never compromise if she is sure that she is right.

Dog People are sensitive and will suffer because of any misfortune that does not even happen at their home.

For example, they are not indifferent to the problems of orphans, interethnic wars and conflicts, injustice towards someone, etc. Knowing that they cannot change anything in this regard, Dogs suffer a lot because of this.

Standing up for justice, Dog People automatically acquire a lot of problems. For example, conflict situations, skirmishes and strife. Moreover, they themselves highly prone to depression, therefore, it is best for them to learn tolerance and diplomacy. This is especially true of relations in the work team.

Dogs are great leaders they are listened to and respected. They are hardworking and executive, manage the team and their own business calmly and confidently. People of this sign are not chasing big money, but they know how to earn decently and are quite economical in expenses.

A person born in the year of the Dog is an excellent leader

Astrologers assure that a person born in the year of the Dog has a special flair. He can anticipate problems ahead of time. and troubles of close people and rushes to their aid at the first call. For the sake of those whom he really loves, he is ready to sacrifice the last. The dog loves unconditionally and wholeheartedly, but often idealizes the object of lofty feelings, therefore, as a result, he is disappointed.

What year was the dog born

When the year of the Dog comes, 11 cycle of the eastern horoscope. According to an ancient legend, the Buddha called all the animals to him, and those 12 of them who rushed in first were awarded power over the whole earth year. The dog came running only 11 in a row, because he was too fussy and tried to do a lot of things along the way.

In turn, in the East it has always been believed that everything earthly consists of 5 matters:

  • water,
  • metal,
  • wood,
  • the fire,
  • Earth.

That is why each subsequent 12-year cycle of the Dog or any other sign was endowed with the qualities of a certain matter.

Dog:Year of birthCharacteristic
metal1910, 1970 Self-confidence, straightforwardness, determination, courage, purposefulness, seriousness, devotion
Water1922, 1882 Sociability, careless attitude to money, carelessness, indiscipline, fidelity
Wooden1934, 1994 Great sense of humor, honesty, hard work, independence, love for a healthy lifestyle
fiery1946, 2006 Cheerful disposition, kindness, generosity, charisma, insight, responsibility, compassion
earthy1898,1958, 2018 Kindness, generosity, insight, responsibility, numerous talents

Characteristics of the male Dog according to the Chinese horoscope

Dog Guy is a person with a whole set of innate positive qualities. Intelligence, restraint, generosity, kindness, justice, honesty are intertwined in his character. A man born in the year of the Dog is active, sociable, cheerful, has pleasant manners and a cheerful disposition.

The Dog Man is always full of enthusiasm, new ideas, well-educated and full of respect for others.

He cannot be completely happy until he knows that someone in his environment is suffering. Tries to trust people and when they do not believe him, he is very offended.

In friends, a man of this sign is looking for spiritual intimacy, common interests and principles. He does not like noisy parties, revelry and entertainment events. But with great pleasure he will spend the evening in a warm company over a cup of coffee, go to the cinema, theater or to an exhibition. Gourmet Dog Man, he likes both traditional and famous dishes, as well as the cuisine of different nationalities.

Dog-guy gourmet

With a man of this sign it is very simple always and in everything. He is easy to communicate, a wonderful, understanding husband, a caring father. He does not tolerate only deceivers, lie feels on a subconscious level. With all his erudition and intelligence, the Dog man has difficulty expressing his thoughts. However, it is easy to form an opinion about the person with whom he is talking after the very first minutes of communication.

A man born under the sign of the Dog never won't try to lead. Being in charge is not his goal. It is enough that others appreciate and remember him, and he, in turn, will work hard for the benefit of his relatives. The Dog Man is a very reliable and devoted employee. It is on him that you can rely on in case of an unforeseen situation or another emergency at work.

In love and family relationships, a man of this sign can be relied upon like no one else.

He is loyal, devoted and reliable, a wonderful family man and a homebody who loves the warmth of his home

For the woman he chooses as a life partner, he will be ready for anything.

Characteristics of the Dog Woman according to the Eastern calendar

Dog Girl beautiful, graceful, sexy and fashionable. She always knows what she needs from life, is demanding of herself and others, ambitious and cold with outsiders. In fact, this is feigned indifference. In her soul, she is very worried and worried, but she can fully open up only to her closest ones. In fact, the Dog Woman is a pessimist, she always doubts herself and those around her, expects only the worst from life, always sets herself many tasks and tries to fulfill them at the same time. That is why very often he simply exhausts himself with endless deeds and problems as a result of falling into depression.

Beautiful and graceful dog girl

A woman born under this sign does not seek to dominate. She loves comfort, coziness and she does not need the subordination of others to feel absolutely happy. The ideal for her is the man who will allow you to relax and relieve her of some of the duties, an exorbitant burden placed on her shoulders.

Dog Woman dislikes noisy parties, it is much more interesting for her to take part in various volunteer programs, to devote her free time to helping those who are currently more difficult than her. At work, she is valued for her decency, unwillingness to take part in intrigues, directness and hard work.

To win the heart of a girl of this sign, it is not necessary to throw diamonds at her feet.

She loves nature, walks, communication and warm relationships. Dog woman in the family devoted, faithful, loving, she always has an excellent relationship with children and reverent with her husband.

Compatibility of people born under the sign of the Dog

To achieve success in this life, the Dog-man must put family and home first. Only the support of relatives and friends can instill confidence in the Dog-man and give strength for new achievements.

Perfect Compatibility Rat Woman and Dog Man

The union of the Dog and the Rat is pretty good. Both are businesslike and busy, they will always find something to do for themselves and their partner, there will definitely not be boredom in a couple. The same can be said about the Rabbit-Dog tandem. Responsible and purposeful, keepers of the hearth, support and support for each other.

In alliance with the Horse, disagreements are possible. If the Dog gives the wayward and active partner the palm, sometimes allows you to feel free, it may well be an excellent tandem.

Compatibility in love and marriage of two Dogs cannot be called ideal. It would seem that both are patient and kind, they should understand each other. However, in this case the partners will busy restoring justice on the side and completely forget about each other's feelings.

Paired with the Tiger, a stable and calm future awaits. The dog will keep the family hearth, the Tiger will protect. However, the senseless and merciless jealousy of the latter can ruin everything. In alliance with the Goat, everything will be too simple, ordinary and boring. However, in some cases, this state of affairs suits both. The Dog will develop relations with the Boar in any case. They understand each other at a glance, give and receive spiritual and moral support from a partner.

Misunderstanding in love and marriage of a Dog Woman and a Tiger Man

Relations with the Ox initially do not develop in the best way. Absolutely different, they try to change each other, stumbling only on rejection and misunderstanding. Pessimistic and a calm Dog will never understand the enchanting and dynamic Dragon. Each of his attacks she considers bravado.

If the Dog is going to marry the Snake, then this should only be a union of convenience

The secretive and clamped Snake will never give the partner the feelings and emotions that he is waiting for. With the Monkey, the union is doomed from the very beginning. Too active and careless, she never thinks about what might offend her partner.



Moderate CompatibilityNot compatible
DogRabbit, Tiger, Horse, BoarRat, Snake, Dog, Goat, Monkey, RoosterDragon, Ox
PigTiger, Rabbit, Rooster, Goat, Ox, DogBoar, Monkey, Dragon, Rat, HorseSnake
RatOx, Dragon, MonkeyDog, Rat, Goat, Snake, Pig, TigerHorse, Rabbit, Rooster
oxRat, Rooster, Pig, SnakeOx, Tiger, Monkey, Dragon, RabbitGoat, Horse, Dog
TigerBoar, Dog, Rabbit, Horse, RoosterGoat, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Dragon, SnakeMonkey
RabbitDog, Pig, Tiger, GoatSnake, Monkey, Ox, Dragon, Horse, RabbitRooster, Rat
The DragonRooster, Monkey, Rat, Goat, SnakeTiger, Boar, Ox, Rabbit, Horse, DragonDog
SnakeMonkey, Rooster, Bull, DragonRabbit, Horse, Tiger, Goat, Snake, Dog, RatBoar
HorseGoat, Dog, TigerDragon, Monkey, Rooster, Boar, Rabbit, Snake, HorseRat, Ox
SheepHorse, Rabbit, Boar, DragonMonkey, Goat, Snake, Rooster, Rat, Dog, TigerBull
MonkeySnake, Rat, DragonHorse, Goat, Ox, Boar, Rooster, Monkey, Rabbit, DogTiger
RoosterDragon, Ox, Tiger, Boar, PigRooster, Dog, Goat, Monkey, HorseRabbit, Rat

What zodiac sign corresponds to the year of the Dog?

The dog corresponds to the sign of the zodiac Libra according to the western horoscope. The Libra Dog is considered a rather ambiguous and controversial person. On the one hand, the stability and poise of the Dog, on the other hand, the unpredictability and inconstancy of Libra make the character of these people mysterious and extraordinary.

However, a person of this combination of signs becomes a hostage of his own prejudices and doubts, trying to achieve one, but behaving as if they do not need it at all.

For example, striving for stable and warm relationships in the family, they completely concentrate on their own selfishness and refuse to make any compromises.

The stone-talisman of the sign is a ruby.

Children born in the Year of the Dog

Child Dog cheerful, cheerful, active, love your parents and the whole world around. Sometimes he is burdened by a large crowd of people, so it is advisable to let him be alone at such moments. The kid of this sign is fair and honest, he will never rush into a fight first, but he will not let the offender go unpunished either. He will never allow offending the weak, hitting an animal in front of him or being rude to the elder.

Deep sensible and sensible from a young age, a child of this zodiac sign will always be respected in any society. At school, he is an excellent, successful student, in the sports section he is a promising junior, and so on increasing.

From an early age, these kids value comfort, prone to acquisitiveness, like to save money for the right thing, saving them from pocket money. These are wonderful friends, never betraying and selflessly faithful. They are smart and insightful, they can always understand the suffering of a loved one and help.

Reasonable and reasonable child-Dog

Children-Dogs always put the problems of others in the foreground Therefore, parents from an early age need to teach them to take care of themselves. We must make it clear that it is impossible to embrace the immensity and start building a bright future for all of humanity, preferably from your loved one.

Celebrities-Dogs according to the eastern horoscope

People born in the Year of the Dog can find themselves in any field. But the best for them are activities related to communication - volunteering, management, acting, journalism, etc.

Famous Dog Men:

  • Bill Clinton
  • david bowie,
  • Elvis Presley,
  • Michael Jackson,
  • John Dunn,
  • Albert Schweitzer, etc.

Michael Jackson - famous man born in the year of the Dog

Famous Dog Women:

  • Brigitte Bardot,
  • Naomi Campbell,
  • madonna,
  • Liza Minnelli,
  • Sharon Stone,
  • Mother Teresa, etc.

Sharon Stone - a famous woman born in the year of the Dog

Ideal in all respects, the Dog-Man has only one drawback. - a lot of complexes hidden from human eyes. This oppresses him, making him vulnerable to ridicule and mockery. If close people do not support a person born under the sign of the Dog, he will have a very difficult time in this life.

April 24, 2018, 04:04 PM

The person of the year of the Dog, does everything possible for others, her devotion extends to the point of self-denial. People have a well-deserved respect for her. A philosopher and moralist, the Dog is not at all interested in money, it is generous and disinterested.

When is the Year of the Dog?

Years of the Dog: 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006.

The dog is considered a guardian of socially significant values; it symbolizes the principle of interaction and mutual assistance that binds the best kingdoms of nature.

In the character of the people of the year of the Dog, devotion and selfishness, honesty and obstinacy, stubbornness and nobility are bizarrely combined.

These people always know well what and how to fight for. They independently make their way to the goal, and this makes others not only respect, but also be afraid of "dogs", especially since "dogs" are almost never shy in expressions and are very sharp on the tongue.

In the year of the Dog, although you will have to defend yourself, do not be so pessimistic: there is a lot of idealism and nobility around.

A good year for Rats, Dragons, Dogs and Pigs; bad for Bulls, Snakes, Goats and Roosters; neutral for Tigers, Rabbits, Horses and Monkeys.

Dog according to the horoscope: what kind of person is she?

The dog is the most faithful, honest and devoted sign in the eastern horoscope.

The man of the year of the Dog knows how to keep secrets, an excellent listener, she has a very developed sense of duty. At the same time, the Dog is a little closed, does not like to confess and almost never shows his true feelings.

The Man of the Year of the Dog is a skeptic by nature, but his critical and deep mind, sense of humor and undeniable greatness of spirit save him from pettiness.

Dislikes gatherings, crowds. In the field of feelings it seems cold, but this impression is deceptive. Despite all these shortcomings, all the noble features of human nature are merged in it.

Regardless of whether this Dog lives on the street or in luxury, the intellectual principle prevails in it, and it does without material comforts. But if she really needs money, she will be better able to provide them for herself than others.

Three phases of the life of the Dog will pass under the sign of impermanence. A restless childhood, a difficult youth, a mature age with a touch of skepticism from failures in work, an old age full of regrets about what could not be done ...

A dog born during the day is more calm than a Dog born at night. Nightborn always barks, always on guard.

The Dog will make a good leader. She can make a career in such areas as industry, social work, pedagogy. It will also make a good clergyman.

She has excellent abilities to manage people, no one has such an ability to work and directness as the Dog, so she is very much appreciated.

In love, the Man of the Year of the Dog is very honest and reasonable. However, some difficulties await him, mainly caused by his eternal anxiety.

Light the fuse and step aside, because soon you will see real fireworks!

In reality, everything may turn out to be completely different, especially if the Dog is tired, suffers from self-doubt, or is depressed by something. However, when her engine is running to its fullest, you will not find a better lover.

Part of the reason for the increased sexual demand for the Dog lies in its naturally developed imagination. Also, one should not forget that due to the influence of the stars, she is able to be an expert in any mechanisms.

Combine these two qualities together and you'll love the recipe - as long as you understand that while the Dog is the most accommodating partner you can imagine, it may not actually be with you at all.

The nature of the Dog according to the horoscope

Most dogs are kind, considerate, affectionate, and unusually generous.

Of course, they are always on the move, and therefore it is sometimes difficult to put a collar on them, and since they have a very vivid imagination, it is sometimes not so easy to understand their way of thinking.

People born in the year of the Dog, meanwhile, can be very indecisive and therefore hate making choices. This can lead to the fact that the dog, without the slightest desire, becomes the cause of scratches, wounds and subsequent chaos.

It is generally believed that the Dog, despite being one of the most agreeable types, lacks moral fortitude.

This is a pretty strong exaggeration, as Dogs can be very loyal and maintain the integrity of relationships, but only if they live with the right partner.

However, Dogs are prone to flirting and even intimate relationships on the side, so any potential partner should keep their ears on top.

Their imagination is second to none, they are usually smart and always cheerful. Born in the year of the Dog, good workers, but only as long as their interests are taken into account. They love to travel, enjoy life and play with children on weekends.

All this is a good basis for success, which is possible as long as you are able to be alone with the dog for more than five minutes! The decision is yours, but next to her, life will never be boring.

It is difficult to blame a dog for something, and yet, if you look carefully, there will certainly be a few faults.

Although the Dog is kind, attentive, friendly and flexible, he is constantly rushing back and forth, unable to make a decision and ready to do almost anything for a quiet life.

But in this case, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages to such an extent that it is difficult to find a more pleasant person in the world.

It is so easy for a dog to forgive for any offense, but this is unlikely to help him, and as a result, he will make the same mistakes again and again.

According to the horoscope, the dog always wants to please everyone, which is hardly possible. She is smart, capable, loves to read. Dogs often make good writers.

They are witty, gentle and very affectionate. And when things get really tough, they're ready to cover for you. This is truly a "sign for all seasons."

Years of the Dog and their elements

Dominion time

yang or yin

Dog element Fire

  • Such a dog is much more active than other representatives of this breed. She has a strong character and charm, loves to talk. It's usually a pleasure to spend time with her.
  • Your life will not be boring at all when such an interesting person is next to you, and you can be sure that most of the promises made to you will be fulfilled.
  • The Fire Dog has a highly developed imagination that few Chinese animal signs can match.
  • Like all dogs, she can become intellectually narrow-minded if she constantly communicates with people who are not used to using the gray cells of her brain.
  • Life can leave big scars on the soul of a fiery dog, and if you want to become a close person to it, you will have to deal with them.
  • At times, she can seem ridiculous, there is always conflict in her life, although, as a rule, she manages to keep problems at a distance.
  • She may even be accused of tending to blame others for her own personal troubles. Of course, she does not do this with malicious intent, she is simply unable to understand how important her words can be for others.
  • When it comes to making waves, the Fire Dog is the real deal. But then she steps aside and may be genuinely surprised when she is told that this is her doing.
  • Nevertheless, the fiery dog ​​has much more positive than negative qualities. Many consider her the perfect lover, with whom it is always interesting to be around.
  • If you want to get a partner, lover, companion and a deeply devoted friend all rolled into one, then look for a fiery dog. Remember that she has not one, but several characters.

Elemental Dog Metal

  • This passionate personality is usually good enough and enjoys universal love. Dogs are very sociable, but some consider them narrow-minded. All dogs are born diplomats and life with a metal dog will always be very interesting.
  • The Metal Dog is made to live a busy life, and relationships are only a minor part of the overall scenario.
  • If you're worried about the fact that your dog isn't giving you his full attention, then you've chosen the wrong type of person.
  • Loyalty for a dog is a relative value, although a Metal Dog will be more loyal than other members of its breed. The relationship with the dog must be based on physical, mental and spiritual contact, then he will be happy.
  • Her demands will sometimes seem unfair to you, especially since she herself is not ready for such a high level of devotion as she demands.
  • However, life with her will be worth the effort, because she is quite unusual, has a good sense of humor, loves the absurd and has a highly developed imagination, especially in sex.
  • However, don't expect your life to be easy and be prepared to be attacked at any moment, probably without the slightest warning. The Metal Dog is a good worker if his job changes regularly.
  • Otherwise, boredom soon takes over, and the desire to engage in routine duties disappears.
  • Fun, games should accompany her everywhere, you do not have to look for a partner for Sunday walks, because next to you is a wonderful lover, a talented cabaret actor and a good, devoted friend all rolled into one.

Earth element dog

  • This is an idealist in the dog family and probably its most noble representative. The Earth Dog has a deeply sensitive character, he understands better than others what makes others nervous.
  • She is more likely than other dogs to overthink the situation.
  • Both men and women born this year are very caring and always ready to listen to the problems of the whole world, to understand them with the help of an innate sense of justice.
  • Is the dog of the element Earth in this case the embodiment of all virtues? Unfortunately no; it, like all combinations of signs and elements, has both positive and negative sides.
  • Difficulties rise to the surface when the earth dog is overcome by shame or self-doubt.
  • It's hard to believe, but the dog will definitely feel unhappy if you don't want to take on the role of leader in the relationship.
  • She thinks that you have the same revolutionary desire to change the world as she does, and will not understand your desire to back down in the face of difficulties.
  • It is not easy for most mere mortals to be around her, and this difficulty will no doubt often show up on the relationship scene. But don't worry. With experience comes the understanding that life may not be as simple as it seems.
  • If this realization looks healthy cynicism, then you will understand that the earth dog is very easy to deal with, and you will admire those aspects of his character that are peculiar only to him.
  • The Earth Dog loves family life, will admire you, and will never really grow up. If you, too, can stay forever young, then this is a recipe for eventual success.

Elemental Dog Wood

  • She is so attractive that it is simply impossible not to fall in love with her. It should be noted that in this case you will get exactly what you see in front of you.
  • After you get to know her better, you will no longer be surprised at anything, except for the little things that happen every day, because the Wood Dog does not like a routine and will change habitual foundations as often as possible.
  • Her soul is a real mystery. This dog is likely to be quite athletic and likes to live life to its fullest. You do not have to persuade her to get out of bed in the morning.
  • Arguments will be rare, of course, unless you decide to start them yourself. The dog of the elements The tree of kindness is practically unlimited, she wants to see only the best in everyone. Usually, when necessary, she has all the cards in her hands, and it is easy for her to defeat any circumstances.
  • Words of love are given to her easily, so the dog will not leave you in doubt about your own feelings.
  • However, any coin always has two sides, so it should be said that the dog is experiencing really great difficulties in making decisions.
  • And because she wants everyone around her to be happy, temporary confusion is almost inevitable.
  • The Wood Dog gets upset if someone doesn't like something, and as a result can allow others to take advantage of him.
  • Your task is to save the wooden dog from countless difficulties and provide him with emotional help in those moments when life treats him unfairly.
  • You will probably be happy to relieve her pain, because you yourself are the same type of person!

Water dog

  • What a cutie she is, how easy it is to succumb to the magical charm of one of the most charming signs of the zodiac!
  • You probably won't be able to say no to a water dog, and if that suits you, you'll be in good company because the whole world is ready to fall at its feet. And she seems to have enough charm to charm everyone.
  • The Water Dog is a born diplomat, often busy smoothing down messy fur or helping other signs come to a more reasonable point of view.
  • The Water Dog needs love that few can offer. She is extremely lacking in self-confidence, so she often hesitates and yet does not lose her extraordinary charm.
  • However, next to it you will always know where you are, because it is also quite practical in everyday life. She manages to achieve a certain degree of success in almost any situation.
  • The Water Dog loves to travel, usually prefers to live an active social life, she can have many friends, but it is unlikely that all of them will be close.
  • Here we have a man who is difficult to fully know, although he himself will probably claim that he is not hiding anything. Don't believe a single word.
  • The nature of the water dog is very complex, it is capable of very deep reflections. In love, she is poetic, deep and sincere at almost any moment.
  • If you have fallen in love with a water dog, then no matter how you know its strengths and weaknesses, no one is able to dissuade you from being with it. Just enjoy what you have.

People born in the Year of the Dog

Mother Teresa, Sir Winston Churchill, Andre Agassi, Gerard Philip, Elvis Presley, Alice Freindlich, Sophia Loren, Anatoly Papanov, Victor Hugo, Louis Armstrong, Yitzhak Rabin, Pierre Cardin, Carl Sagan, Prince William, Zhou Enlai, Voltaire, Alexander Suvorov , Sylvester Stallone, Claude Debussy, Max Plan, Brigitte Bardot, Alexandre Dumas - father, Cher, Bill Clinton, Madonna, Pierre Richard, Alexander Nevzorov, Norman Mailer, Golda Meir, Kurt Vonnegut.

People born in the year of the Dog according to the Chinese horoscope are honest and uncompromising: the injustices happening around cannot leave them indifferent. They are always ready to defend the weak, which brings them in life not only a lot of conflicts and inconveniences, but also the well-deserved respect and love of others.

The positive qualities of a Dog are endless. She is smart, honest, loyal and brave. This is a devoted friend you can always rely on. In addition, the Dog is responsible, noble and will never leave you in trouble. In a team, the Dog prefers not so much to speak as to listen. She does not always know how to wrap her own thoughts in beautiful phrases, as she thinks first of all with her heart, therefore she usually prefers real deeds to words, and in conversation she is a great, understanding and sympathetic listener.

The dog has a vivid imagination, is easily able to feel someone else's situation and take it to heart. It often happens that, after listening to someone's complaints about life, she rushes to help, disinterestedly wasting her time and energy. At the same time, her help is not limited to advice alone, but, as a rule, turns out to be extremely specific and effective.

Dog Psychology

This character is very convenient for everyone who is close to her, but the Dog itself can sometimes suffer from it. Her keen sense of justice makes her not only sympathize with those close to her, but also worry about things that she cannot change in any way: wars, poverty, disasters. All this is often the cause of her anxiety, but the most difficult thing for her, as a man of honor, is to understand and accept betrayal - confronting him directly, she is able to fall into depression and pessimism. In addition, often the Dog enters into battle with injustice in the heat of the moment, without understanding the situation too much, and this makes it a source of conflict and quarrels.

Responsibility, diligence, love for one's work and good organizational skills make the Dog indispensable in the workplace, including in the highest leadership positions. She is more than anyone wisely and effectively able to manage the team. The dog knows how to make decisions, achieve goals and, although it does not chase after money, it is quite capable of earning more than enough if desired.

Noble and sincere, honest and generous, the Dog cannot put up with the imperfections of the world, knowing for sure that it can make it a little better.