The dead mother gives a dream. The meaning of sleep is kissing a dead mother

One of the most difficult dreams for a person are those in which we see loved ones who have gone forever. But the most difficult test is to see on the other side of the reality of the deceased parents, father or mother. Perhaps such a dream will seem strange or frightening to one, others will simply be glad that they were able to see this person again, but it is better to listen to what the late mother said in a dream, remember how she looked, and try to uncover the secret meaning of this night vision.

Seeing a dead mother in a dream - meaning

Interpreters assure that seeing a deceased mother in a dream is a sign that carries a serious semantic load, even if nothing special was said or done in the vision itself. It is worth thinking about this dream, the deceased mother can give a hint or warn about what the dreamer in real life may not even think about.

First of all, you should calmly and sensibly evaluate what you dreamed about. If the loss of a dear person has occurred recently, then the dream may be an echo of the strongest emotional experiences caused by the loss. The same applies to situations when the mother has not been among the living for a long time, and the dreamer yearns for her. It is worth understanding the interpretation if the night vision came unexpectedly.

Here are a few situations in which a deceased mother may dream, and their brief interpretation:

  • Smiling from afar - good news;
  • Worried but not approaching - look around, perhaps you offended someone or were unfair;
  • crying - you need to change your outlook on life and strive for more, no matter what;
  • drunk mom - pay attention to health and relaxation, do not succumb to depression;
  • Quarrel with her - think about the deeds you have done, were all of them in good conscience? If not, then you need to correct the situation;
  • feed mom - to material well-being;
  • clean up with her - it's time to understand yourself and your problems;
  • I dreamed that you were small in your mother's arms - lack of care and kindness;
  • When a pregnant woman dreams of mom - easy childbirth;
  • Hug her in a dream - to troubles, the solution of which is only in your hands;
  • Give something to mother - expect financial losses or health problems;
  • Follow the call of the deceased - to illness or new heavy losses.

Talking with a dead mother in a dream

In many dream books, the importance of a dream dialogue with the deceased is noted. Not everyone can talk or listen to a parent in a dream, so this vision is doubly precious. Why dream of a dead mother living and talking to her?

Any dreamed warning of the deceased about what is really happening to the dreamer lately should be taken literally, and when you wake up, you should try not to ignore it. It may be worth reconsidering your current views, choosing your favorite business for yourself, checking your health, paying attention to those people to whom the dreamer usually devotes very little time, and much more. Perhaps these dreams will change lives.

It is also important to listen not only to the words of the mother, but also to intonation - this may also be a clue.

If you dreamed alive

Why is the dead mother dreaming of being alive? Some interpreters, including Freud and Loft, consider these dreams as manifestation of human weakness , the lack of inner strength to go further and the desire to be protected by the person who, during his lifetime, always protected the dreamer. The interpreters assure that it is time to take decisive action and start the process of cardinal changes starting from oneself.

Miller's dream book explains the dreams in which the deceased mother dreamed of being young and full of strength, as a sign of the imminent acquisition of the desired thing.

Modern dream book notes that the feelings experienced by the dreamer in a dream will be the key to interpreting sleep. Positive emotions promise well-being in family affairs, you just have to take care of your health. Negative emotions bring trouble.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation explains night dreams, in which the deceased mother appears sick, as a warning: everything that the dreamer says can turn against her as a betrayal.

AT dream book of Meridian it is argued that such nightly knowledge can warn of impending misfortunes in a career or in family life. Be careful, the dream book warns: a dead mother dreamed of being alive - trouble will come from where you do not expect.

Does not give optimistic forecasts and Universal dream book , which means that the vision promises protracted family conflicts. If you make the right decision in time, the dream warning will not come true.

Why does a dead mother dream of being alive, and at the same time she helps the dreamer around the house? Dream Interpretation Sonan warns that a woman subconsciously understands that a difficult period has come in family life, and this night vision is a green light to start solving personal problems.

What is the dream of a dead mother who dies in a dream? Subconsciously, the dreamer has not yet said goodbye to this loved one.

Why does a dead mother dream often? This is usually associated with emotional experiences about the most difficult loss in the life of any person. Perhaps you should go to church and do some good deeds in the name of the deceased. This will make it easier to deal with the loss.

Dreams in which a person comes who has not been alive for a long time are considered a kind of warning from the other world. Dreams involving a deceased person can warn of troubles that should happen soon, or of big life changes. Dreams with a deceased close relative are considered prophetic. Such a relative for most people is the mother.

Basic information about dreams about the deceased mother

Many people are frightened when they see a dead person in a dream. They begin to think that soon death will come for them. However, a dream involving a deceased person only signals that his soul is worried about the living left in this world.

In Christian beliefs, dreams in which a dead mother is seen alive portend future trials. Priests in these cases are advised to come to church and pray for the soul of the deceased mother. Also, after dreaming with your mother, you should order a service for the repose. Then her soul will calm down and will not disturb the living with her arrival.

How can a mother come in a dream:

  • Appears like a vision, but seems alive.
  • Mom is seen as young, cheerful and full of energy.
  • Doing housework or cleaning.
  • The mother's soul conveys something in a dream.
  • Hugs and kisses the one who dreams.
  • Looks restless, crying.
  • May appear at the set table and drunk.
  • Mom looks frightened and tries to say or do something.

There are many variations of dreams. The main thing is not to be scared and try to understand what mom wanted to say.

What is the dream of a mother standing aside

Sometimes a mother who is no longer alive appears like a distant vision. Some interpreters of dreams claim that the arrival of the deceased indicates discord in the human soul, but this is not always true.

Here are some interpretations of dreams, where the deceased mother is only an outside observer:

  • She stands aside and silently watches. Such a dream suggests that everything is fine in the life of the person to whom he had a dream. The house is a full bowl, loving family and friends, good work. And the mother came only to be happy for her child.
  • Mom is seen with a smile on her lips. Seeing a deceased in a dream who smiles at a person is a good sign. The soul signals that a person is on the right path in life. If mom is seen pregnant and happy, this indicates that there will soon be a joyful meeting. If a pregnant daughter has this dream, the birth will be easy and the baby will be born healthy.
  • The deceased looks worried, but does not approach. This is a signal that a person lives incorrectly, makes many mistakes or offended a loved one. It is worth reviewing your life, and the mother's soul will not worry.
  • A man, standing nearby, watches how the mother cleans the house. This dream says that discord is planned in the family. Relationships with family, children and close relatives should be put in order. Ask for forgiveness from those who have been unjustly offended.
  • Mom is crying. This is a signal that there are too many negative emotions in a person’s life.
  • Seeing a drunken mother. Such a dream indicates that there is not enough rest in life. The person is tense and needs to relax.
  • Seeing mother in bed. To illness and trouble.

Why is a dead mother dreaming of a living

Often seeing a long-dead mother in a dream and talking to her is a sign that the mother is worried about the person and is trying to support him:

  • Quarrel with mom. Seeing yourself swearing loudly with your mother means having an unclean conscience weighed down by some kind of burden. You should understand yourself, ask for forgiveness from those who have offended. Correct the mistakes made.
  • Mother scolds in a dream. If the soul of the deceased is angry and swears, she is unhappy with the behavior of her child. The dreamer is mired in sins and cannot get out. Offends relatives, deceives or steals.
  • The deceased parent asks for something. In Christianity, there is a custom to put some thing dear to the deceased in the coffin of a close relative. It can be glasses, a handkerchief, a mirror or any other item. Sometimes mom appears in a dream and asks to bring her something from home. This means that she was not placed with the body in the coffin. In this case, you should simply take the indicated item and take it to the grave of the deceased. If for some reason it is impossible to take the thing (moving to another city or country), you need to give it to a beggar and ask to remember the deceased.
  • The dead mother says something. This story is worth listening to. This is a warning about some kind of danger, or vice versa, about improvements in life.
  • A man dreams that he is small and his mother is holding him in her arms. It means that the one who sees such a dream really misses his mother, her affection and support. Seeing himself small, a person tries to return to childhood and again feel maternal care.
  • Invitation to visit. If the deceased calls to visit her, this does not mean that soon the person will follow her to the grave. You just need to go to the cemetery, fix the monument, clean it up on the grave. Talk to the deceased, tell about your affairs, about sorrows and joys.

If a person in a dream is eager to visit his mother, but at the same time stumbles upon a closed door, then the time has not come for him to leave for another world. That's why his mother won't let him.

A dead mother in a dream promises a long life and warns of close events. Can blame for actions and bless for actions. A complete interpretation of sleep should be based on its features and personal attitude. The dream book will help to unravel what the deceased is dreaming of.

According to Miller

Seeing an already deceased mother in her house according to this dream book is possible for the successful promotion of a business, general good luck or big trouble.

Looking out!

What does it mean if a deceased mother often appears in a dream? Dream Interpretation believes that she is literally looking after you. If the deceased comes often, then this is a reflection of the fear of losing protection or support.

The second year the deceased parent walks? This is an indication that the pain of loss still haunts you. When in reality there is not enough warmth and care, then the deceased constantly appears in dreams.

Do not be afraid!

Why does a dead mother dream almost every day? The dream interpretation suspects that you feel some kind of guilt before her or, on the contrary, you cannot forgive for something.

Seeing Mommy almost every night in a dream means that it is necessary to adopt her talents, way of thinking, behavior. In any case, if a dead mother dreamed, you should not be afraid.

After all, parents worry about the fate of their children even after death. Therefore, they come to warn, encourage or approve some actions.

Be carefull!

Why dream that a dead mother wakes up? Most likely, the events in a dream can end in bad consequences for you. If she literally suffocates with a blanket, then be sure: you have met an evil otherworldly entity.

If mom wakes up, then in reality it is worth waiting for a big tragedy. If there was blood in the night, then trouble will happen to a blood relative. Had a dream that the late mother wakes up very persistently? The dream interpretation advises to exercise increased caution and vigilance.


If the deceased mother appeared from Thursday to Friday, then it is necessary to give a detailed description of the plot.

What is the dream of a long-gone parent? Big changes, sickness and troubles are coming. If a recently deceased mother dreamed up to forty days, then the dream book insists: her soul wants to say goodbye to you.

In addition, grandmother and mother appear in a dream before significant events and ceremonies. If dead relatives looked in at night, then expect major changes. Mom and dad appear together before committing an act that will have to be regretted.

You are being warned!

Why is a loved one dreaming of a friend? This means that the dead mother cannot “get through” to you, therefore she conveys messages through others. But you can see the dead parent of a friend in a dream before a sad incident with him.

Did you dream of a photograph of the deceased? The dream interpretation promises: get spiritual help when you find yourself in a difficult situation. The parents captured in the photo promise happiness and prosperity.

It's a miracle!

Did the dead mother come to life in a dream? There were obstacles in business. You can watch her come to life before your eyes before receiving unusual news. If the dead mother is resurrected, then the dream book predicts some kind of miracle or adventure.

You can see a deceased relative alive and healthy as a sign of the fantastic success of a completely hopeless business. Why else dream of a living mother? In reality, expect joy and prosperity. If the mother turned out to be alive in the night, then all anxieties and worries will go away.

Interpretation of the emotional state

Did you see your dead mother? The dream interpretation advises to take a closer look at her emotional state in a dream.

  • Smiling - peace, tranquility, prosperity, success.
  • Calm - do not worry and trust your fate.
  • Distressed - make a mistake, a mistake.
  • Sad - unpleasant changes.
  • Very beautiful - a happy event, a successful marriage.

If in a dream a dead mother threatens with a finger, then she reminds of unfulfilled obligations or reproaches for something. Did you dream that mommy smiles sadly and regrets? In reality, you will receive protection and support.

What do you think?

The deceased mother came into the house drunk? Being under the influence of others, you will commit an unworthy act. The drunken dead woman also hints at bad thoughts and inadequacy of the assessment.

In a dream, did a mother appear in a headscarf? You will become seriously ill. Similarly, the dream book interprets the vision in which she appeared in a wedding dress. Worst of all, if mom visited in a black robe. A deadly threat hangs over you.

Take action!

If a deceased mother is sick in a dream, then get ready for major problems. Dreamed of a very sick mom? Gather your courage: you have to pass a serious test.

Seeing a loved one in the hospital can be an outrageous injustice. But if she comes pregnant, then in reality an event will occur that will seem like a real miracle.

Did the parent give birth in night dreams? The dream interpretation is sure: there will be a unique opportunity to realize a dream, plan, idea.

Be sure to ask!

Why dream if it happened to communicate with the deceased? Pay attention to lifestyle and health. Also, stay tuned for important announcements.

The dream book reminds: the dead know the truth. And if you are lucky to talk with a dead parent, then you can ask anything and get a truthful answer. In a dream, the mother refused to talk? In reality, you will lose something very valuable.

Problems or happiness?

Had a dream about how a dead mother hugs? You will definitely get sick. If you happen to hug a dear person yourself and feel sadness, then family conflicts are coming. Hugging with great joy means that you are destined for longevity and happiness.

Why dream of a bath in which the deceased had to be washed? The dream interpretation predicts another death. In a dream, was a dead relative in the water? A hopeless business will be successful and profitable.

It's good to dream that mommy sleeps naked. The plot reflects her safe repose in another world.

Romance or goodbye?

Why dream if it happened to kiss the dead? The dream book prophesies long years and joy. You can also kiss the deceased for some kind of secret or illness.

Had a dream that you want to kiss, and the parent turns away in a dream? In fact, avoid major disaster. With joy, kissing the dead is possible for an affair with a famous person.

If the deceased mother herself kisses, then say goodbye to some hope. Sometimes the kiss of a dead person symbolizes the final farewell of souls on the subtle plane.

Don't blame yourself...

Why dream of a quarrel with your mother? The dream interpretation considers it a reflection of an internal conflict. In a dream, unlucky to swear with your mother? Unresolved problems greatly complicate your life.

If you had a chance to swear right up to leaving the house, then things will come to a standstill, and dissatisfaction will settle in your soul. Did you dream that your mother was scolding you a lot? A misfortune is coming for which you blame yourself. But the dream book is sure: it is not your fault in what happened.

Hold on!

What does it mean when a dead mother cries? In the real world, you will learn about someone's intentions. Had a dream that mom was crying? Get very sick or get into trouble. You can dream of a crying mother before a major family scandal, up to a divorce.

Why dream that the deceased gives money? Dream Interpretation guarantees happiness, prosperity and health. Giving money to yourself is bad. This is a sign of losses and serious losses.

In a dream, mommy cooks in the kitchen? A wide range of opportunities will open up before you. In dreams, does the parent make repairs? Peace and harmony will reign in the house. If she helps to work in the garden, then get ready for hard times.

Changes are coming!

Why dream that a dead mother is dying again? Receive tragic news from relatives. You can bitterly mourn the loss and accept condolences in a dream for the birth of an heir.

Dream death also indicates global changes, a complete change in lifestyle, worldview. Dreamed that mom was dying? You will know deep sorrow and sadness.


If in a dream a relative dies in torment, then in the daily bustle you miss something without which life is meaningless. Does mom die peacefully at night? Dream Interpretation believes that you can get rid of something unnecessary.

In dreams, the dead mother lay in a coffin? Prepare for quarrels and troubles. Dreamed of the funeral of a loved one? In fact, you will be returned something that you managed to forget about.

Don't call!

Why dream if a dead mother called with her? Dream Interpretation considers this the worst sign, portending an imminent death. However, in a dream, you can hear the voice of a parent for the quick completion of several important things.

Had a dream that they were trying to look for the deceased? In reality, feel your endless loneliness and uselessness. But in no case should you call the dead in the night. You risk attracting evil entities that live in the dream world.

Parents are the closest people to a person. Whether they are alive or dead, their words always have a special meaning. All dream books, regardless of the people of what nationality they are compiled, agree on one thing: if the deceased mother had a dream, then this dream tells about something important.

What if the dead mother is dreaming?

The one who loved a person during his lifetime, and after death often appears to him in a dream, in a difficult life period for him. The appearance of a deceased relative, especially a mother, never goes unnoticed by consciousness. These dreams are often remembered, comprehended and cause deep emotional excitement. The words spoken by the mother are always important and her advice must be followed. If in a dream the deceased mother, with tears in her eyes, mournfully looks at the sleeping person and is silent, this is a very alarming sign. He reports that the parent expresses sadness in connection with the difficult trials ahead of her child. For women, such a dream often portends divorce and financial difficulties. Men who see such a dream should think about the correctness of their life path. Perhaps, in order to find peace of mind, you need to change your place of residence or find another job.

What the late mother dreams of can be understood from a general analysis of all the details of a dream. If the parent silently points the sleeping person to the church with her hand, then it is time for him to think about the state of his soul and repent of his sins.

It has been noticed that the deceased mother dreams especially often at a time when grief from her loss has not subsided. The first time after the funeral of a parent, she often comes in dreams to her child. They communicate for a long time, as if no tragedy had happened in reality. This is a natural process, it helps to survive the pain of losing a loved one. Therefore, during a period of acute sadness, the appearance of a deceased mother in a dream rarely has a special meaning. But in that case. if a lot of time has passed since her death, it is by no means impossible to ignore the words of her mother uttered by her in a dream. A loving parental heart always wishes well for their child, and if the sleeping person is in danger, the deceased mother seeks to warn him and suggest how to avoid tragedy. There are many examples of how the words of the mother said in a dream helped the sleeper to avoid great misfortunes.

What portends?

Every nation has a conviction that if in a dream a deceased mother or another deceased person calls for a sleeping person, then his days on this Earth are numbered. But it is not always the case. A parent can beckon to herself in order to bring her child to a certain place in which events important to him will take place. And suggest how to avoid possible danger. To dream that a mother who is alive in real life has died means that she has a long life ahead of her. Usually such dreams cause severe mental pain in connection with the loss, which the sleeper perceives as having really happened. But these dreams have the exact opposite meaning: in reality, mother will delight the sleeping person with her good health and good mood. If a deceased mother in a dream asks for food or clothes, then you need to arrange a day of remembrance for her. It is advisable to go to church and light a candle for the repose of her soul.

There is an opinion among the people that if you see the sad dead mother and father in a dream, this portends serious troubles in the fate of a person. Parents come to support their child in the trials ahead of him. In the event that relatives smile and look good, then positive changes are coming in the fate of the sleeping person.

The words and actions of the deceased mother in a person’s dreams must certainly be analyzed by the sleeping person, and if she gives advice, they must be followed. In any case, the appearance of a parent in a dream has a positive meaning, as it informs about upcoming changes.

The invisible umbilical cord firmly connects us with our mother, even the deceased. Dream Interpretations confirm this mystical interaction, they find prophecies in the images that came in a dream, explain what the deceased parent is dreaming of.

Even more than other deceased relatives, the image of the mother protects a person from temptations and mistakes, like a guardian angel, he protects us from evil.

Invisible connection with the departed

Freud's dream book claims that deceased parents come into our dreams at crucial moments in life, when their wise advice and participation are so lacking. An invisible connection with a loved one is not interrupted after his departure.

Seeing a dead mother in a dream is interpreted as a caring warning about an impending misfortune. Maybe this is not about the family, but about the troubles outside the home - business, service, public duties.

It is difficult to say exactly what such a dream is about, but in any case, one must strive to fully control the situation, try to foresee an unfavorable development of events and prevent complications. Mood swings can depend on anything.

It is interesting to know what the late mother is dreaming of: according to Miller’s dream book, to see her young, cheerful in a dream means that you are seized by the desire to spend money with pleasure. The dream interpretation portends spontaneous purchases, you may be able to purchase a thing that you have long dreamed of.

All dream books, explaining the conversation with deceased relatives, call for hearing important warnings in them. It is considered especially important when a conversation with a deceased mother took place in a dream. You should listen to her words and intonations - they will say a lot about the upcoming changes.

If the voice of the parent was disturbing, it is necessary to analyze your lifestyle - whether it leads to the destruction of health. Some words may resonate with events taking place in reality, these are direct clues to the living person from heavenly patrons.

Pain of recent loss

Dreams about a deceased parent disturb and frighten, fill with quiet joy and touch to tears. If the dreamer is acutely experiencing a recent loss, and he dreamed of the deceased mother alive, this causes pain, but warms the heart. Such a dream, according to dream books, is good news. Life does not stop, and unexpected good news from relatives awaits ahead.

Sometimes her image in a dream promises a change in the weather, but usually dream books interpret it as extremely significant. All the details - words, signs - carry a hidden meaning, are often prophetic. The image of the deceased mother in a dream leaves a deep mark on the soul.

Loft's dream book, mentioning what the mother of the deceased dreamed of, does not attach any deep significance to this. He considers a dream to be a direct reflection of the psycho-emotional state - longing, loneliness, anxiety, indecision. For a strong person, a dream will give strength to resist fears, and make a weak one more vulnerable. It's just time to take matters into your own hands.

Why dream of kissing a dead mother in a dream? Forgiveness in the broadest sense. If during the life of the deceased there were some disagreements and insults, she forgave, and the dreamer forgave her. Other involuntary sins of a person who can start life "from scratch" will also be forgiven. It happens that dream books see trouble in these plots, but this is a rare interpretation.

On the other hand, such trembling dreams, like all those associated with a recent loss, reflect longing and a need for protection and love. This is a natural reaction to such a significant loss.

After such a vision, remember her in the church, light a candle for the repose of the deceased.

Upsets and quarrels

Why dream of a quarrel with a deceased parent? This indicates a bad conscience. Perhaps a person has made mistakes that he does not want to admit, or is unhappy in marriage, but turns a blind eye to the cooling of relations.

A severe psycho-emotional state leads to miscalculations and inattention. According to Meneghetti's dream book, swearing with a dead mother in a dream is a nuisance, and if a quarrel occurs in the house, then trouble is expected there.

We will have to be especially careful in the near future - turn off the water, check the gas, hide matches, put an additional lock on the front door. In addition, if a person saw her in his house, he needs to stop being nervous and harassing loved ones, it's time to pull himself together.

If the deceased mother scolds the dreamer in a dream, Vanga's dream book explains this by his irreparable reckless actions, mistakes that will inevitably have to be paid for. It would be in vain to be annoyed at such a dream - this is just a sign that draws attention to existing problems. In fact, a person heard himself, his conscience, which haunts him.

Why dream that in a dream the deceased mother is crying? To sickness and misfortune. Dream Interpretations are unanimous in this interpretation, but the dreamer can influence the course of events. Take special care of the health and well-being of those closest to you.

Wangi's dream book warns of a possible discord in the family leading to divorce. There is still time to fix everything if the family is really the greatest value in the dreamer's life.

Mom will always help

Even when they pass away, parents seek to protect their children from rash decisions, to cheer them up or reproach them - isn't that why they come in a dream? And even in the plots of night visions, sometimes they rush to the rescue.

What is the dream of the late mother, who is busy doing housework, for example, washes the floor in a dream? Dream Interpretations interpret this as a sign that relations between spouses are not developing in the best way. Efforts must be made to restore sincerity, respect, warmth and save the marriage.

Dream Interpretation Sonan otherwise explains the help of the deceased with the housework in a dream - there is a risk of betrayal of friends, who, it seemed, could always be counted on. A person needs to carefully look at those around him and resolutely abandon trusting relationships with those who previously proved their unreliability.

In both cases, dream books see something in common - the deceased reminds in a dream that everything dirty and bad needs to be removed from the house and from close relationships.

Sometimes the deceased mother is seen after a major quarrel in the family, and in a dream they complain to her about misfortunes. Dream Interpretations say that this does not bode well, it simply reflects people's need for psychological support. This often happens after a recent loss and has no hidden meaning. However, conclusions from what you saw in a dream can be drawn - you need to learn to seek help from others. Yes, loved ones leave, but other people who are not indifferent to your fate remain nearby.

Why dream that the deceased mother gives money? A completely unexpected profit awaits a person - a win, a large bonus, an inheritance from a distant relative. Why dream that you are giving something to the deceased? This is a bad sign, promising loss and disappointment. Possible loss of health, breakup of marriage.

Mom got sick

Wangi's dream interpretation explains that seeing a sick deceased mother in a dream means a high probability of facing unfounded accusations against him in the near future.

Perhaps they are completely unfair, but it is possible that the appearance of the deceased in a dream warns against any mistakes. A person should scrutinize everything he has done lately and correct what is in his power: repay debts, apologize, keep promises.

Why dream of feeding a dead mother in a dream? This is a very favorable sign, which is regarded by dream books as a reflection of the wealth of the family, worthy of the career of the father of the family. If material well-being is not yet observed, then it is expected in the near future. The time has come for the spouses to think about offspring, to become wonderful caring parents.

If the deceased mother dreamed drunk, dream books interpret this as a harbinger of impending depression. Psycho-emotional breakdowns, fatigue and apathy will lead to the failure of projects, the decline of business, and trouble at work. The tense atmosphere in the family will be the last straw.

To avoid extreme manifestations of fatigue, an urgent good rest is needed. It’s not scary if you have to take a short extraordinary vacation - a short trip will restore your strength and allow you to take fate into your own hands.

Just as sadly, dream books explain why one dreams of running away from the deceased - someone's envy will turn into black ingratitude and hurt the dreamer painfully.

Warmth of love

The warmth of motherly love is what is so lacking for all those who have experienced loss. This lack of tenderness is reflected in dreams.

According to the dream book of Nostradamus, hugging a dead mother in a dream means that in reality the dreamer cannot get rid of some deep fears. The dream is not able to help him, he himself must find the courage to overcome difficulties, to take responsibility. It is important not to follow the mother if she calls for her - otherwise a serious illness or even death awaits.

The sight of a calm, serene parent in a dream is calming - you can trust your fate and not worry about every trifle. Why dream that the deceased mother is smiling? Everything in life will develop according to the best scenario. Away with fears and insecurities. It's time to set goals and work towards achieving them.

The Muslim dream book claims that throwing yourself into the arms of the deceased in a dream is a sign of healthy longevity. If the deceased mother kisses in a dream, this unexpectedly confuses the dreamer. And no wonder, such a dream does not bode well - only illness and misfortune. It is especially bad if the deceased calls for herself. We must try to show will in a dream - this is possible - and not follow it, then diseases will lag behind. Otherwise, illness and death will lie in wait for the dreamer.

To humbly accept what has happened

If the late mother and grandmother dreamed together, then a person in reality is on the verge of important changes. It is at such a crucial moment that an attentive dreamer will see signs or direct instructions from the wise ancestors - what to do and what should not be done in any case. Dream Interpretations give detailed and sometimes contradictory interpretations of what they saw in a dream.

If in a dream the progenitors look calm and contented, then events are developing in the best possible way and there is nothing to worry about, all difficulties will be resolved by themselves in the near future. And if they are angry, it means that they do not approve of the chosen path.

Velesov's dream book, explaining why the dead mother dreams, predicts grief and serious illnesses. The Russian dream book speaks of guilt before the deceased: many during their lifetime do not have time to show their love for her and care in full force. Seeing the deceased mother as if alive, hug her and receive forgiveness.

dream interpretation /

1. Mother

2. Dead man

Seeing is a warning;
see your...

Often, the dreams in which the dead dream have the exact opposite meaning, that is, they portend a long life to the sleeper. However, the interpretation of sleep may vary, depending on the actions of the dreaming dead person in a dream.

For example, Sonan's dream book claims that if a deceased mother, who had a dream, talks to a sleeping person, then this means a deterioration in health. By the way, this applies not only to the sleeping person himself, it can be a warning for the whole family. For the correct interpretation of sleep, it is also necessary to take into account how much time has passed since the death of the mother. Suppose a recently deceased mother may dream of good news, but if in reality the mother died a long time ago, then this is interpreted as receiving unpleasant news or big changes that will occur in the dreamer's life.

Sometimes a sleeping person dreams of a late mother who is busy with some kind of work in his house - this means that not everything is fine in the family and the sleeping person needs to reconsider his attitude towards his spouse or ...

dream interpretation / Interpretation of sleep dead mother mother

1. Mother
Seeing your mother appearing in the house is encouraging results in any business;
having a conversation with her is good news about matters in which you are extremely interested;
for a woman - to see her mother - pleasant duties and marital happiness;
to see someone's mother sick or dead is sadness;
to hear that your mother is calling you - you are abandoned by everyone, and have chosen the wrong direction in your affairs;
hear her crying - she will get sick, or she will have a misfortune that threatens you.
Also see Bed, Cemetery, Feeding the baby, Rocking chair, Kiss, Cry, Talk.
Interpretation of sleep from: Miller's Dream Book

2. Dead man

Seeing is a warning;
to see your deceased father or talk to him is a danger of making a bad deal, be careful in business, because enemies surround you;
see your...

The invisible umbilical cord firmly connects us with our mother, even the deceased. Dream Interpretations confirm this mystical interaction, they find prophecies in the images that came in a dream, explain what the deceased parent is dreaming of.

Even more than other deceased relatives, the image of the mother protects a person from temptations and mistakes, like a guardian angel, he protects us from evil.

Invisible connection with the departed

Freud's dream book claims that deceased parents come into our dreams at crucial moments in life, when their wise advice and participation are so lacking. An invisible connection with a loved one is not interrupted after his departure.

Seeing a dead mother in a dream is interpreted as a caring warning about an impending misfortune. Maybe this is not about the family, but about the troubles outside the home - business, service, public duties.

It is difficult to say exactly what such a dream is dreaming of, but in any case, one must strive fully ...

In the vast majority of cases, parents are those people who are able to love a person for who he is. And after their death, the attachment to their child is not destroyed. If a person is in serious danger, the deceased mother can warn him about this in a dream.

What if a dead mother is dreaming?

Seeing in a dream a parent who asks to live in her child's house means that in real life a person makes many mistakes that can lead to a tragic outcome.

If the deceased mother offers the sleeper expensive updates, then in the near future he will receive a good profit from a profitable deal. In the event that the deceased washes the floor in her child’s apartment or paints the walls, the dream informs that the person will soon have to leave this place of residence.

Sometimes a dead mother looks young and healthy in a dream, which is a good sign. It means that the sleeper's life force is high and he has a strong connection with his ...

Parents are the closest people to a person. Whether they are alive or dead, their words always have a special meaning. All dream books, regardless of the people of what nationality they are compiled, agree on one thing: if the deceased mother had a dream, then this dream tells about something important.

What if the dead mother is dreaming?

The one who loved a person during his lifetime, and after death often appears to him in a dream, in a difficult life period for him. The appearance of a deceased relative, especially a mother, never goes unnoticed by consciousness. These dreams are often remembered, comprehended and cause deep emotional excitement. The words spoken by the mother are always important and her advice must be followed. If in a dream the deceased mother, with tears in her eyes, mournfully looks at the sleeping person and is silent, this is a very alarming sign. He reports that the parent expresses sadness in connection with the difficult trials ahead of her child. For women, such a dream often portends a divorce ...

Dream Interpretations / Dreams on P / Dream Interpretation mother of the deceased

What is the dream of a dead mother in a dream

Just like the father, the deceased mother in your dream is an important symbol. However, often this dream carries favorable predictions. Seeing your dead mother in the house means that a period of prosperity and peace has begun in your family. You will get pleasure and joy from communicating with your husband, the success of your children, and household chores will not be a burden to you. Also, a dream can portend the birth of a child, most likely a daughter, or some kind of joyful event in the family. It is possible that after such a dream, someone will ask you for help - provide it, and you will be rewarded for it.

Sometimes the deceased mother is dreamed of by those who have recently lost her, and this reflects the emotions that a person experiences in reality. She can also come in a dream to those who have not remembered her for a long time. In this case, it is necessary to put a candle in the church. An unfavorable dream in which you quarrel with the deceased is ...

Why does a dead mother dream in a dream

Deceased parents usually come in a dream at those moments when something very important happens in your life. Such dreams are a warning and may contain advice or blessings.

If in a dream you saw a dead mother, then this is a sign that you have a long life ahead of you.

If both deceased parents are present in your dream, such a dream also carries positive information - you will probably get rich soon and be happy. At the same time, the mother in such a dream is trying to warn you against unreasonable acts.

A dream in which you see that your dead mother has come to visit you warns you to pull yourself together. Perhaps your excessive nervousness has become the source of your troubles. Also, a dream can portend the illness of someone close to you.

If a woman who has a true friend dreams that she has become a mother, this is a sad dream for her.

If you dream that you have lost your mother forever, this is a prediction of her imminent illness.

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

If in a dream you are talking to your mother, this dream predicts your future prosperity.