Dream Interpretation robbed, why dream of being robbed in a dream. If you dream that your apartment has been robbed

Anchor points:

What does the dream in which you stole mean?

Seeing yourself stealing something means that in reality you will have troubles. If you stole in a public place, then soon you will be in financial trouble. Theft committed by you from people you know foreshadows a quarrel. Have you been accused of theft even though you didn't commit it? Such a dream speaks of an unpleasant incident that will prevent you from carrying out your plans. A reverse dream, when you stole and blamed someone else, warns you of the unnecessaryness of hasty conclusions. Seeing yourself in the role of a robber - do not try to start anything new during this period, luck is not on your side. Stealing food means not being able to adapt to current circumstances; you don’t see your future. Theft of clothes suggests that you will soon need to make a difficult choice between principles and earnings. Bicycle theft warns of dubious entertainment that leads to violation of the law. A dream in which you stole money predicts inept business management that will end in ruin. An attempt to sell or hide or throw away an item you have stolen symbolizes a negligent attitude towards work.

A dream in which you were robbed

You were robbed in a dream, which means that in reality changes in life are coming that do not promise anything good. If some small thing is stolen, then you are incredibly lucky. A dream where you were robbed threatens big troubles. You were robbed outside the home - in transport, on the street - the dream warns of danger. A dream in which your home was robbed foreshadows troubles associated with your softness and compliance. Theft predicts failure to take advantage of the situation. Having your phone, player, or anything similar stolen from you may indicate your fear of being left alone. Kidnapping in a dream, predicts self-doubt and tightness. A dream in which your documents were stolen represents adultery. If gold items are stolen, then your behavior provokes conflicts and quarrels. Money stolen from you in a dream can in reality become the beginning of a new stage in your working life.

Even in real life, theft scares people; it is an unpleasant moment in life. And in a dream you don’t even know what to expect from the subconscious. You need to figure out why you dream that someone was robbed, and what will happen in real life after such a dream.

What if you dream about what you dream about being robbed?

The most common dream book says that theft is a dream that a person will suffer a series of failures in his destiny. And all this will happen because of his spinelessness and lack of understanding of the matter. If the dreamer himself steals in a dream, then soon he himself will burn out in his own important business. If they steal from him, it means that someone will interfere with his business. But the wrong person will be accused, because of this the dreamer will be very ashamed and embarrassed. Coming from the end of a dream, we can also talk about the outcome of reality. The theft is found - everything will work out in life; if the loss has sunk into oblivion, you should not expect a quick solution to the problems.

But many people believe that theft in a dream foreshadows some important discovery in reality. Sometimes this works, but more often than not the loss leads to loss or even bankruptcy.

In general, there are many interpretations of the question “why do I dream if I was robbed?” It all depends on the dream book to which the dreamer turned. If he tries to analyze the dream according to the French dream book, then theft there means that higher powers help the dreamer in any matter and love him. Not a very clear explanation, but sometimes it works. For the French, in general, all such themes are associated with love and turning to God.

But the German psychologist Miller had a slightly different attitude towards the topic of theft in a dream.

He believed that theft in a dream can be interpreted as a failure of the dreamer’s character. He cannot live his life and tries to steal it a little from others. And if in a dream they steal from the dreamer, it means that he considers himself too wise and is afraid of losing his mind just like that. He is haunted by the fear that he will be robbed.

And other psychologists, besides him, came to the conclusion that dreams of theft mean that a person suffers from self-doubt and constantly suspects someone of something. One might say he has some kind of persecution mania. Either he steals from everyone, or he is afraid that everyone will steal from him. Such people, as a rule, cannot live a normal life.

The world-famous psychologist Loff argued that only unhappy people have such dreams. After all, it is enough to remember how a person feels morally after he was robbed, his most precious thing was taken away from him. He is depressed, humiliated, he is a victim of someone's trick. If you look from the side of the thief himself, then he feels no better, because the lack of something pushed him to steal. And depending on the point of view of which of these sides you look at, you can interpret the dream in different ways.

If in a dream the dreamer is a thief, it means that in real life he experiences an acute lack of resources for existence, he feels poor and hungry. Perhaps he cannot communicate normally with people, understanding this perfectly well, he is unable to remake himself. In this case, you should listen to your own desires and capabilities, and reconsider your behavior in society.

What does it portend?

If the dreamer sees himself in the role of a victim from whom something has been stolen, this means that he values ​​something very much. Here you need to analyze the symbolism of the dream, what the thief stole. Most often, such losses are not material objects, but self-esteem, the right to speech or freedom. For these reasons, very often people are tormented by such psychological nightmares. In real life, you need to think carefully about whether the worry is empty. Because a lot of people worry about things in vain and screw themselves up.

The love dream book says that theft means stealing the heart, falling in love. If an acquaintance stole something in a dream, then perhaps he will be an intermediary between lovers or one of them himself. But here it is also worth remembering the feelings and emotions that this dream evokes. After all, how can happiness be brought into life by a dream from which you wake up in a cold sweat and screaming?

The theft of a loved one means his long and happy life without unnecessary worries. There is no need to worry about this. If the dreamer himself stole a person, then in real life he lacks human communication, it is worth setting aside time for friends and relaxation. After all, most often the subconscious mind tells you what the body needs.

If the dreamer has anything to do with business, then theft in a dream may foreshadow problems with the financial police and prices for goods or services. But a dream only warns, so trouble can be easily avoided simply by correctly understanding your subconscious.

Fate itself, through dreams, tells a person his future and how to act correctly in a given situation. You just need to remember the interpretation. Then anyone who understands the owl’s subconscious will heal easier and calmer than before.

Vanga's dream book interprets such dreams differently. If a house is robbed in a dream, it means that a person will be able to make a successful deal. The profit from it will be more significant. It will allow you to improve your standard of living and make more important friends. If a car was robbed in a dream, then you should prepare for an addition to the family. In this case, most likely a boy will be born. He will have a brave and strong character.

Maya's dream book interprets dreams where I rob a person in a very positive way. So, according to him, they mean receiving unprecedented profits. A decision will be made to put her into action. This approach will allow you to promote your business to a high level. If in a dream you dreamed that your car was stolen, then this is a sign of a long trip that will not go well and will drag on for several weeks.

According to Miller’s dream book, if a person dreamed that his home was robbed, then this is a sign of positive changes in life. They will allow him to improve his financial situation. In addition, his personal life will develop according to a completely different scenario. Thanks to this, he can feel truly happy. If you dream that a person was robbed in the subway or in some establishment, then he should prepare for the fact that his colleagues will slander and gossip about him. As a result, there is a risk of losing your job. However, if this happens, then you should not be upset. You will be able to find a better place. They will offer you a highly paid position and career growth will not end there.

Continuing the topic of why you dream about being robbed, one cannot help but cite interpretations from Nostradamus’s dream book. According to him, such dreams are a good sign. They say that in the near future a person will go on a trip. There he will be able to meet his soulmate and make new contacts; they will be very useful in building business relationships. If a person dreams that he was robbed on the street by bandits and at the same time threatened to take his life, then in reality he will meet old friends with whom he has not been able to meet for a long time. Gatherings with them will be fun and relaxed. Positive memories will remain about them.

Such night dreams have a persistent psychological background - either a feeling of guilt or a painful feeling of incompleteness of life due to financial difficulties. Trying to solve them, the subconscious mind suggests the easiest way to gain additional money - theft.

To begin with, it is important to note that stealing in a dream is not the best sign. If a person sees something like this, then he better expect trouble or trouble. It is likely that such unpleasant situations will be associated with the betrayal of friends or loved ones.

It is also possible to see a friend in the role of a thief in a dream if the owner of the dream is secretly jealous of an acquaintance and cannot cope with it. Such envy will never lead to good, so it should be fought with the most effective methods.

It is important not to panic after a dream, even if it was frightening and terrible. If the interpretation turns out to be disappointing, it is better to tune in to a positive mood, and everything will definitely turn out well. Otherwise, panic and pessimism will not lead to any good.

When a house was robbed in a dream and a person was deprived of property, one should prepare for imminent changes. But the dream book informs: they will be directly opposite to the dreamed vision, that is, favorable for the sleeper. It is possible that you will receive money unexpectedly - they will give you a bonus or return a forgotten debt.

Sometimes the dream book interprets the plot in a dream about car theft positively. Such a vision means: the sleeper will soon change jobs. Moreover, the new place will turn out to be more promising, will provide an opportunity to express oneself in the best way, and strengthen one’s financial situation.

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Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Stealing?

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Author of the article: website

Very often, people who see some event or situation in a dream look for an explanation for this phenomenon, realizing that the subconscious is “speaking” to them in this way, trying to convey important information.

Psychologists believe that this is so, because it is in a dream that a person’s consciousness sleeps, while everything that was perceived during the day by the subconscious is subject to processing and often takes the form of dreams. This division of activities is very reminiscent of the game “Mafia”, and this article will consider situations when the “city is asleep” (consciousness) and the “mafia” (subconscious) wakes up. For example, why dream of theft, because such an unpleasant event does not happen to a person every day.

General meaning of dreams

Most people, even in childhood, are taught the simple truth that taking other people's property is not good. Some people present this to their children as an illustration of the commandment “thou shalt not steal,” while others patiently take someone else’s toy from the child’s hands, offering to play with their own.

Apparently, not all parents manage to cope with the task, because theft still exists in the world, scams are being improved, and the scale of thefts is changing. Be that as it may, it is not every day that people have to deal with thieves, but they hear about robberies quite often, which gives “food” for thought to their subconscious. So why dream of theft, especially for those who have never been robbed.

Many psychologists explain this by saying that on a subconscious level a person is afraid or does not want to feel like a victim. Intrenched fear can “work” both for the benefit of a person and against him. In the first case, people may not consciously notice any changes in those around them, omissions or events happening behind their backs, but the subconscious captures the smallest nuances in the behavior of relatives or colleagues and records this. In this case, the question of why theft is dreamed of disappears by itself. Through this situation, the subconscious warns its owner that he is either already in trouble, or some kind of intrigue is being prepared against him. In terms of emotional coloring, such a dream can be neutral or even upsetting, but, as a rule, it does not lead to depression.

When fear “plays” against a person, then phobias arise, for example, the fear of being betrayed, deceived or robbed. Dreams in this case have an extremely negative connotation, sometimes even causing depression or paranoia in the dreamer.

Let's consider and analyze several types of dreams related to theft.

Location of theft

As a rule, the place where the crime occurred is of utmost importance to the dreamer. After all, in this way the subconscious indicates exactly where danger awaits it.

For example, why dream of a bag with money being stolen at work? There may be several possible answers:

  • If a person is preparing some kind of project that should bring income to the business, then the dream warns of the treachery of competitors. They may have heard about current progress and are preparing to introduce a similar project first.
  • If a person has a high position or a large salary, then a dream about a bag with money being stolen means that someone is aiming for his place, so you should be careful with colleagues and not give them a reason to compromise yourself.

Actions: in the first case, the subconscious may make it clear that you cannot delay the project, since competitors are “stepping on your heels.” Secondly, you should take a better look at your work environment.

If you dream that a bag with money was stolen on the street, then there is a chance of being deceived, for example, by a seller. If the stolen property was returned, then such a successful outcome indicates that the dreamer will be able to avoid trouble or deception.

Car theft

Why do you dream about car theft? Such a dream is especially perplexing for those who do not have personal vehicles (unlike the hero A. Mironov in the film “Beware of the Car”). People began to dream of such visions only with the massive appearance of cars on the streets, so the interpretation of such situations is relatively new.

Most often, such a dream is associated with the business sector. Unfortunately, a dream where a car is stolen does not bode well for the poor fellow. It means that he may experience monetary losses due to the fault of competitors or his own rash actions. In reality, you should consider options for overcoming the crisis.

It’s another matter if the car was returned, which means that the intrigues of competitors will be exposed and the business saved.

What does a dream mean when the car itself is cleaned? Dream books say that someone may steal your idea or appropriate the fruits of your labors.

Actions: you should check the activities of competitors and find possible financial investment options to save the business. Also, you should not disclose your ideas and open developments until they reach the culmination stage, even to very close people.

If you dreamed about burglars

Why do you dream about theft in an apartment? If the dreamer himself has not conceived a scam, then such a dream may be a warning to him that he may become a victim of someone’s machinations. Of course, this dream has many interpretation options.

  • For example, if an apartment was robbed, and there was nothing valuable in it except for old things, the “New Family Dream Book” guarantees positive changes. Such a vision means getting rid of the old life, and if all things were stolen, then unprecedented profits await the dreamer.
  • In the event that valuables are taken out of the apartment, the “victim” will face material losses. They can be avoided if you find stolen property in a dream or find out who the culprit is and convict him of the crime.
  • If you dream that you are robbing the apartment of your friends, according to Loff’s dream book, this means that you subconsciously envy their greater wealth than yours.

Actions: being deprived of an apartment or things from it in a dream can cause negative emotions that you should listen to. Perhaps some rash actions will lead to financial loss or property litigation.

Stealing money

Financial issues, as scientists have found, most often occupy the minds of people (if they are not in love), and it does not matter whether they are related to the loss, increase or saving of money. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are present in human dreams from time to time. So how do dream books answer the question of why you dream about stealing money?

  • Miller's dream book warns that this is a bad sign, indicating possible losses and deprivation of well-being. The larger the amount, the greater the financial losses in reality. If small change is stolen, then the dreamer will expect squabbles with relatives or minor troubles. Paper bills lead to health problems or business problems.
  • The universal dream book warns that if your money is stolen, then difficult times are just around the corner. In this case, you should pay attention to the emotional coloring of the dream. If he only caused annoyance, then everything will end in a minor quarrel, but negative feelings entail serious consequences - from loss of business to serious illness.

Actions: you need to analyze the dream and think about whether there was carelessness in financial matters or, perhaps, what you saw was just a warning.

Bag stolen

Oddly enough, even a seemingly bad dream can turn into a pleasant surprise. So, if you believe Tsvetkov’s dream book, if you were robbed in a dream, then it’s time for the man to prepare for the wedding, and the woman will face changes in her personal life.

Then why dream of a bag being stolen? The women's dream book, for example, says that such a dream indicates the lady's spinelessness. In this case, we mean an old relationship, which is like a suitcase without a handle: it’s a shame to leave and hard to carry.

The French, as true optimists, say in their dream book that if the theft was minor, it means that God remembers you, loves and cares.

But what does it mean to dream about stealing a wallet? Dream books say that this is a warning, and someone from your environment, whom you trust unconditionally, will let you down, perhaps without even meaning to.

See a thief

If in a dream you had to witness a robbery, then dream books consider several interpretations of such events.

  • Tsvetkov's dream book interprets that to suffer from robbers in a dream means that you should soon expect an invitation to participate in some event, perhaps even illegal.
  • A thief (according to the same dream book) means deception in the house, and if there are several of them, this means disappointment.
  • According to Miller’s dream book, if in a dream a person is pursued by night robbers, then in reality expect intrigues from your enemies.

Actions: You should not panic after dreaming about a thief. Perhaps the subconscious is in this way trying to “reach out” to the owner, who is missing obvious signals from the Universe.

You are a thief

Why do you dream about theft, in which the dreamer sees himself as a robber? It turns out that this also happens: an honest person, but he suddenly dreams that he is stealing. Dream books have an answer to this question as well.

  • If the dreamer sees that he is accused of theft, of which he was only an eyewitness, but not a participant, then it means that in reality he undeservedly thinks or speaks poorly of someone (Home Dream Book).
  • When a person sees in a dream that he is stealing, it means that in reality the business on which he had high hopes will disappoint him, as it will fail (Home Dream Book).
  • If the dreamer sees himself stealing bread or other food in a dream, then in reality he is afraid of poverty or ruin (Loff’s Dream Book), and the subconscious opens his eyes to his fears.

Actions: You should sort out your affairs and work through your fears. This must be done, since everyone knows that what a person fears, he attracts to himself.

Phone theft

Do dreams about theft have positive interpretations? As practice shows, yes. According to Tsvetkova's Dream Book, being robbed in a dream means a wedding, and being caught means good luck. Although there are dreams that “hint” that a person needs changes.

For example, one of the interpretations of why a phone is stolen in a dream is a soft hint that the dreamer is losing some connections with the environment or has difficulties with communication. Sometimes such a dream warns of possible disappointment in a person. In any case, you should think about those who are not nearby and call these people in reality, or what steps should be taken to improve communication.


You should not ignore the clues of the subconscious. It is wise and notices much more than a person is consciously able to absorb. Everything that a person dreams is a wonderful reason to understand what is wrong in his life, or to correct mistakes in time.