List of lozenges for sore throat. Throat pills: varieties and features of use Throat pills white to dissolve

Pain in the throat is an unpleasant manifestation that indicates a cold or an infectious disease. There are many causes of pain symptoms. Knowing the etiology of pain, it is easy to choose an effective medicine. The editors of the YaNashla website bring to your attention an overview of the best sore throat remedies for 2020.

There are a number of reasons why the inflammatory process of the larynx begins:

  1. Firstly, if a person speaks a lot and for a long time, especially when he has to raise his voice, strain his vocal cords. Often this happens with lecturers, singers, as well as actors in drama theaters. Pedagogical workers, wanting to be heard by students, also run the risk of breaking the ligaments.
  2. Secondly, if harmful substances irritating the mucous membrane get on the larynx: dust, chemical elements. Smokers, painters, workers of chemical plants more often than others suffer from a sore throat, which appears as a result of an allergic response of the body to irritation by foreign microelements or a burn of the tissues of the throat.
  3. Thirdly, causes not associated with an infectious lesion of the mucous membrane. For example, pain occurs when wisdom teeth grow or a dental prosthesis is installed.
  4. Fourth, pathological causes associated with the ingestion of viruses, bacteria, microorganisms. This also includes disturbances in the work of other human organs that cause pain in the larynx.

Consequences of pain when swallowing:

  • headache;
  • a state of weakness;
  • elevated temperature;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • labored breathing.

What to treat?

Depending on the origin of inflammation of the tonsils, an individual treatment is selected.

Medicines are distinguished according to the following main characteristics of the impact:

  1. antiseptic, aimed at the destruction of microbes of various pathogenic origins;
  2. anti-inflammatory, which aims to relieve inflammation, as well as swelling, reduce hyperemia;
  3. antibacterial, with a deep effect on the microflora, cleansing the mucous from bacteria;
  4. analgesic, relieving pain, and discomfort, facilitating swallowing;
  5. emollient, aimed at protecting the mucous from drying out, healing cracks, having a preventive effect.

The most popular are drugs with combined properties that accelerate the relief of the condition, as well as the process of treating the disease.

The best cures for sore throat

roomNameaverage price
1 Miramistin326 rubles
2 Hexoral296 rubles
3 Maxicold Lore212 rubles
4 Lizobakt223 rubles
5 neo-angin153 rubles
1 Ingalipt75 rubles
2 Grammidin246 rubles
3 Theraflu lar267 rubles
4 Tantum Verde258 rubles
5 Aqualor333 rubles
1 Aroma Evalar280 rubles
2 Septolete242 rubles
3 Strepsils165 rubles
4 Gorpils99 rubles
5 Be healthy!46 rubles

The best antiseptic effect


Produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company INFAMED LLC. The drug has gained popularity due to a component called benzyldimethyl, which is highly effective against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. The list of indications of this tool is quite large. The bactericidal, antiviral, antifungal effect of Miramistin helps in the treatment of stomatitis, periodontal disease, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, herpes. Release form - spray. It is permissible to irrigate the throat 3-4 times a day, and more often in case of acute inflammation. It is released in pharmacies without prescriptions. The average cost is 326 rubles.



  • wide range of influence;
  • in addition to irrigation, rinsing is possible;
  • the drug is not absorbed into the tissues;
  • no smell, no taste;
  • does not cause irritation;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • allowed for pregnant, lactating women;
  • can be for children from 3 years;
  • no contraindications.


  • individual tolerance.


A drug of French production, the company Famar Orleans. The active substance is hexetidine. The drug has a minty smell. Shows antiseptic activity against bacteria, viruses, fungi of pathogenic origin. Effectively helps to treat sore throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. Actively affects the influenza virus. Customers purchase Hexoral spray or tablets. Irrigation of the larynx is performed 2-3 times a day. Average cost: 296 rubles.



  • high efficiency;
  • long-term action;
  • additional analgesic effect;
  • elimination of unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • safe impact;
  • use by pregnant, lactating women is acceptable;
  • children can be treated.


  • the medicine should not be swallowed;
  • individual intolerance is possible.

Maxicold Lore

The drug of domestic production, containing the active substance - hexetidine. Active against bacteria, fungi. Has a pleasant refreshing effect. Available as a spray, aerosol, drops. Treats inflammatory diseases of the mouth and throat. Average cost: 212 rubles.

Maxicold Lore


  • effective antiseptic action;
  • enveloping analgesic effect;
  • deodorizing effect;
  • use by pregnant, lactating mothers is acceptable;
  • can be for children from 3 years;
  • safe application;
  • affordable price.


  • the medicine should not be swallowed;
  • if swallowed, nausea may occur;
  • possible individual intolerance.


The manufacturer of the medicine is Bosnia and Herzegovina. The drug is popular because, in addition to the antiseptic action, it protects the mucous membrane, improves immunity, and accelerates healing. Suitable for the treatment of most tonsil infections. Buyers are offered in the form of tablets, which must be slowly absorbed 3-4 times a day. It does not have a pronounced irritating taste. Average cost: 223 rubles.



  • effective combined composition;
  • allowed for pregnant women, nursing mothers;
  • can be for children from 3 years;
  • contains vitamin B6;
  • enhances the action of antibiotics;
  • affordable price.


  • an allergic reaction is possible.


Produced by the German company Klosterfrau. Combined medicine. As an antiseptic, it is used in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and tonsils. Effective for pharyngitis, as well as tonsillitis. Nice refreshing taste. The main form of release is lozenges, which should be slowly absorbed every 2-3 hours. Average cost: 153 rubles.



  • deodorizes;
  • anesthetizes;
  • can be combined with other means;
  • allowed for children from 6 years old;
  • can be used by pregnant, lactating women;
  • affordable price.


  • contains dyes;
  • individual intolerance.

The best anti-inflammatory effect


A drug that is produced in Russia, as well as in Ukraine. Popular due to its high anti-inflammatory effect, it helps fight viruses, bacteria, fungi. It has a complex effect, contains an antibiotic. It has the greatest effectiveness from the first days of a cold. It contains herbal ingredients, essential oils. Pleasant to the taste. Sprayed 3-4 times a day. Average cost: from 75 rubles.



  • a complex of plant and synthetic components;
  • refreshing effect;
  • pleasant taste;
  • mild analgesic effect;
  • children allowed;
  • low price.


  • individual intolerance to plant components.


The product is made in the Netherlands. The effectiveness of the drug is explained by the content of the antibiotic gramicidin C. Grammidin helps in the treatment of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic combined effects. Strengthening the secretion of saliva, cleanses the mucous from bacteria. Reduces painful cleansing, relieves inflammation. Release form: tablets, spray. Average cost: 246 rubles.



  • pronounced analgesic effect;
  • destruction of a wide range of bacteria;
  • allowed for children from 4 years old;
  • long-term therapeutic effect;
  • reducing inflammation.


  • prohibited for pregnant women in the early stages;
  • not for breastfeeding mothers.

Theraflu lar

Medicine made in Canada. The combined effect provides rapid pain relief, antifungal and antibacterial activity, and a reduction in the inflammatory process. Helps in the treatment of pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis. Release form: spray, tablets. Average cost: 267 rubles.

Theraflu lar


  • powerful analgesic effect;
  • quick impact;
  • convenient use;
  • effective antiseptic;
  • allowed for children from 4 years old.


  • contraindicated in pregnant women, lactating;
  • an allergic reaction to the components of the drug is possible.

Tantum Verde

The medicine is made in Italy. Tantum Verde is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. The active substance is benzydamine. It has a high antibacterial property, easily penetrates into microorganisms, damaging their structure. Helps to treat pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis. Anesthetizes, reduces redness, relieves inflammation, alleviates the patient's condition. A common form of release is a spray. The average cost is 258 rubles.

Tantum Verde


  • quickly relieves pain;
  • copes with a wide range of bacteria;
  • allowed for children from 3 years old;
  • convenient form of application;
  • high anti-inflammatory effect.


  • contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation;
  • an allergic reaction to the components is likely.

Aqualor is made in France. It has a safe composition, therefore it is allowed for small children, pregnant women, nursing mothers. The drug provides complex treatment. The drug is a strong anti-inflammatory agent, an effective anesthetic that quickly relieves the symptoms of the disease. The combination of Aqualor with other drugs speeds up the healing process. It helps to treat tonsillitis, tonsillitis, fight the flu virus or acute respiratory infections. The convenient form of the spray allows you to irrigate the entire cavity of the larynx. The average cost is 333 rubles.

Aqualor for throat


  • natural ingredients;
  • use from 6 months;
  • rapid reduction of swelling of the throat;
  • restoration of mucosal tissues;
  • stimulation of immunity;
  • moisturizing effect;
  • there are no restrictions on the duration of treatment.


  • most effective when combined with antibacterial agents.

The best softening effect

Aroma Evalar

The drug produced in Russia is unique in that the main part of the drug consists of healing oils. They not only have a high antibacterial effect, help fight viruses, treat the larynx with antiseptics, but also soothe the mucous membranes and activate the immune system. Peppermint oil contained in the medicine contributes to the effective treatment of colds, bronchitis, and helps with flu. Release form - tablets. The average cost is 280 rubles.

Aroma Evalar


  • complex impact;
  • softening effect;
  • immunostimulating agent;
  • many natural ingredients.


  • allowed only for adults;
  • possible allergic reactions.


The medicine is produced by Slovenia. Peppermint, eucalyptus, and menthol oils have an analgesic effect, deodorize, facilitate breathing, and have an antiseptic effect. Helps in the treatment of inflammatory diseases: pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis. The use of the drug is allowed for pregnant women, nursing mothers. A popular form of release is lozenges, which must be sucked every 2-3 hours. Average cost: 242 rubles.



  • relieves pain;
  • freshens breath;
  • reduces inflammation;
  • can be for children from 4 years old;
  • suitable for preventive purposes;
  • has antifungal property.


  • due to the sugar content, it is not recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • individual intolerance to the components.


Country of origin UK. The drug has an antifungal, antiviral property, therefore it is a good antiseptic. Peppermint oil, lemon oil, honey give a softening effect. The medicine is an active assistant in the complex treatment of the patient, as it relieves annoying discomfort, anesthetizes. Strepsils helps to treat inflammatory diseases: pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis. It is in demand among workers in the chemical industry, education. The drug relieves hoarseness, reduces irritation, softens the mucous membrane, and has a preventive effect. The release form of the tablet is lozenges. Average cost: 165 rubles.

  • softens the mucous membrane;
  • can be given to children from 5 years;
  • minimum contraindications;
  • low price.
  • Disadvantages:

    • directed action - symptomatic relief;
    • effective in complex treatment.

    Be healthy!

    Offer, made in Russia, at a budget price. Lollipops are reminiscent of sweets with a refreshing taste. The drug is prescribed at the first stage of the disease, as an assistant to complex treatment. The property of the drug to remove the sensation of dryness, burning sensation relieves and relieves inflammation. Forming a protective film, the product prolongs the duration of the main drug, eliminates bouts of dry cough. The softening effect is given by oils, as well as honey. Helps to treat pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis. Average cost: 46 rubles.

    Be healthy! Lollipops


    • pleasant refreshing taste;
    • antimicrobial property;
    • relieves swelling;
    • reduces irritation;
    • allowed for children from 5 years old;
    • cheap.


    • plays the role of an aid;
    • contraindicated in diabetics.

    Important to remember!

    When treating a sore throat for a quick recovery, the following rules must be observed:

    1. Do not self-medicate. If after 2-3 days there is no relief, you should consult a doctor.
    2. Observe the drinking regime. This can timely remove harmful substances from the body, as well as avoid intoxication.
    3. Use complex treatment: rinsing, herbal teas, sprays, tablets with anti-inflammatory properties.
    4. Healthy food. During illness, it is not recommended to take spicy, fatty, salty foods. It is better to give preference to light broths, milk porridges and fortified dishes.

    Treatment will be effective, and recovery will be quick if the prescription of medicines is entrusted to specialists. If you have experience with the medicines described in the rating, or a more effective medicine, tell us about it in the comments.

    And discomfort in the throat - unpleasant symptoms of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the tonsils, pharynx and larynx, for the elimination of which local drugs are used, produced in various dosage forms. Among the existing variety of modern pharmaceuticals, throat tablets are the most convenient to use. They are especially popular with people who carry the disease on their feet. It is convenient to take such medicines with you on the road, to work, they are easy to buy at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Throat tablets eliminate the clinical signs of pathology and facilitate its course.

    The causes of sore throat are very diverse. This is infectious, stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis. In adults, sore throat occurs against the background of angina pectoris, and in children - against the background of measles, rubella, scarlet fever, mumps, chicken pox. A sore throat often becomes a harbinger of a commonplace -. At the same time, painful sensations in the mouth are aggravated by swallowing and talking and are often combined with fever, general weakness, runny nose, sneezing, and myalgia. Treatment of a sore throat should begin with the appearance of the first symptoms of the pathology. Tablets against sore throat relieve pain and significantly reduce the risk of developing severe complications.

    Throat pills, like any other medications, should be prescribed by an otorhinolaryngologist, therapist, pediatrician. Otherwise, the use of sore throat remedies can be harmful to the body. Before self-acquisition of tablets in a pharmacy, you should understand their types, highlight the best and most effective.

    Types of throat pills

    The main types of tablets from the throat:

    Tableted medicines have an optimal effect on the sore throat. They contain antiseptics, anesthetics, emollients - essential oils. Tablets are easy to use and convenient to store. They have a minimum list of contraindications and do not have a negative impact on the human body.

    Benefits of throat lozenges:

    1. Can be used every 4 hours
    2. Relatively low cost
    3. Wide range of,
    4. Convenient release form
    5. Possibility to use in public places.

    Mechanism of action and method of application

    Throat lozenges are effective medicines. They quickly eliminate the clinical signs of the disease and stop the further development of inflammation, which caused pain in the throat. The composition of such tablets, lozenges and lozenges includes antiseptics and disinfectants., which destroy the microbes that live in the oral cavity by violating the integrity of their cell membranes. Auxiliary substances have an anti-inflammatory and distracting effect. They eliminate pain, soften and moisturize the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx. A number of drugs contain NSAIDs that suppress the release of inflammatory mediators and relieve pain, discomfort, itching of the throat and the urge to cough.

    Indications for the use of tablets from the throat:

    • Inflammation of the pharynx -,
    • Inflammation of the larynx -,
    • Tonsillitis - ,
    • Acute infectious disease -
    • Inflammation of the trachea and larynx -,
    • Stomatitis,
    • Inflammation of the gums and tongue.


    1. Children's age: lozenges are allowed for children from 3 years old, and lozenges - from 5 years old,
    2. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug,
    3. Allergy,
    4. Ulcers and erosions on the gastrointestinal mucosa,
    5. fructose intolerance,
    6. Damage to the oral mucosa.

    Throat tablets are full-fledged and effective medicines that are freely sold in the pharmacy chain. Before using them, you should consult a doctor and carefully read the instructions. The specialist will help you choose the right dosage of the drug in accordance with the age and characteristics of the disease. Self-medication and drug abuse can lead to unpredictable results. So, sore throat lozenges with an antibacterial component will not have a therapeutic effect in case of a viral infection, but will only strain the liver.

    Rules for the use of effective remedies for sore throat:

    • Complete absorption of the drug
    • Taking medication strictly after eating and drinking,
    • A two-hour abstinence from food will allow the drug to be completely absorbed by the body,
    • In the absence of a therapeutic effect, the replacement of the drug with a similar agent,
    • Increased pain in the throat, fever, deterioration of the patient's well-being require an urgent visit to the doctor.

    Lozenges for sore throat

    These drugs are administered orally, sublingually or subbucally. They are kept in the mouth until completely dissolved, without chewing or swallowing. This is a mandatory requirement for the use of such tablets, lozenges and lozenges. After taking the drug, you can not eat for 2 hours. This time is necessary for the drug to fulfill its therapeutic purpose.

    1. Faringosept- an effective antiseptic that reduces pain, discomfort and sore throat. This is a fairly strong and cheap drug, contraindicated in women during lactation and children under 6 years of age.
    2. "Neo-Angin" an effective antiseptic for the throat, which has a pronounced disinfecting effect, eliminates inflammation and reduces the intensity of pain. Essential oils, which are part of the preparation, facilitate breathing, relieve irritation and improve microcirculation in the oral cavity. The drug has a bactericidal and fungicidal effect, it reduces the need for systemic antibiotics. The drug is effective against most bacteria that cause diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
    3. "Septolete"- a preparation containing essential oils. It makes breathing easier and reduces mucus secretion. Use "Septolete" for the treatment of pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis. The drug is contraindicated in persons with allergic reactions to the main components, with congenital fructose intolerance. According to the reviews of most patients, "Septolete" is a good throat pill that quickly has a therapeutic effect.
    4. "Sebedin"- a drug containing chlorhexidine and vitamin C. It is a fortified, antiseptic drug indicated for the treatment of a sore throat in adults and children. "Sebedin" has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect, destroying staphylococci, streptococci, fungi and anaerobic flora. Vitamin C promotes tissue regeneration, reduces swelling and capillary fragility. The drug has a general strengthening and local anti-edematous effect.
    5. "Trakhisan"- a drug containing antimicrobial substances and enzymes that start the process of tissue respiration. The drug is not absorbed into the blood and does not penetrate into the systemic circulation. It is well tolerated, but may cause a short-term change in taste and slight numbness of the tongue. "Trakhisan" helps to get rid of pain and discomfort in the throat. It is prescribed to patients who have undergone surgery on the nasopharynx to restore damaged cells and tissues.
    6. "Grammidin"- tablets that eliminate sore throat, have a pleasant taste and aroma, have a bactericidal and analgesic effect. The drug is effective for sore throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and is approved for the treatment of children aged 6 years and older. The antibiotic included in the drug destroys almost all pathogens that cause diseases of the oral cavity. It damages the cell wall membranes of the microorganism and destroys it. "Grammidin" acts quickly and stops infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It is contraindicated in women during lactation, as well as in persons with allergic reactions to the components of the drug. Grammidin is not addictive. It increases salivation and cleanses the oral cavity from the waste products of pathogenic microbes.
    7. "Decatilene"- an antiseptic that has a mint taste, destroys microbes, anesthetizes the throat, and eliminates a sore throat. "Decatilene" is recommended for people suffering from stomatitis, gingivitis, pharyngitis.
    8. Strepsils- fairly common antiseptic and analgesic lozenges that have antimicrobial and analgesic effects. The drug contains essential oils of medicinal herbs and is recommended for people with diseases of the oropharynx - pharyngitis, tonsillitis.
    9. "Geksoral"- lozenges that relieve pain and eliminate discomfort in the throat. They have a pleasant taste and aroma and have an enveloping, hemostatic, wound healing and analgesic effect. The components of the drug reduce the number of pathogenic microbes in the mouth and speed up the healing process.
    10. "Lizobakt" used to treat adults and children older than 3 years. It contains lysozyme and vitamin B6, related to the human body. Lysozyme is the main active ingredient of the drug, which has antimycotic, bactericidal and antiviral effects. "Lizobakt" enhances the effect of antibiotics, stimulates the local immune response and restores the microflora of the oral cavity.
    11. "Doctor Theiss Angi Sept"- anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiseptic agent that stimulates mucosal receptors and promotes the release of substances that suppress pain sensitivity.
    12. "Septefril"- an inexpensive drug with a wide spectrum of action that destroys staphylococcus aureus, enterobacteria and fungi. The drug is approved for the treatment of adults and children over 5 years of age. The duration of treatment for a sore throat is 7-10 days.

    Sucking tablets eliminate the symptoms of pathology, have a local effect and reduce inflammation. They cope with bacterial ailments of the throat and bring relief to the patient.

    Gramicidin, Lyzobakt, Strepsils, Faringosept wrap a sore throat with a protective film and soften it. It is forbidden to give small children lollipops and lozenges, which he can easily choke on.

    Pregnant women have weakened immunological protection. This leads to frequent inflammation of the pharynx and larynx. The safest throat pills for pregnant women are: "Lizobakt", "Grammidin", "Neo-Angin".

    Oral preparations

    homeopathic remedies contain in their composition only extracts of medicinal herbs that have a disinfectant, cooling and analgesic effect. These drugs increase the overall resistance of the body and reduce swelling, hyperemia of the mucosa and eliminate pain. Homeopathy is now very popular and is often used to treat diseases of the throat. Homeopathic medicines help to increase immunity and speedy recovery of the patient.

    "Tonsilotren" is an effective homeopathic remedy that relieves the throat, reduces swelling, has an antipyretic effect, relieves inflammation of the lymph nodes, and strengthens the body. The active components of the drug stimulate the immune system and restore the structure of inflamed and damaged tissues of the throat. Tonsilgon is a combined phytopreparation containing extracts and essential oils of chamomile, horsetail, yarrow and marshmallow. Dragee "Tonzilgon" is prescribed for the treatment of tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, as well as for the prevention of complications of SARS. Dragee is taken orally, without chewing, and washed down with a small amount of water. Often "Tonsilgon" is combined with antibacterial agents to enhance the action of the latter. Homeopathic treatment of bacterial and viral tonsillitis in most cases avoids surgical intervention.

    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and antihistamines help to get rid of fever, swelling and other signs of inflammation. They interrupt the course of inflammatory reactions, thereby eliminating the pain in the throat.

    Antibiotics almost always prescribed for angina and some other acute infectious diseases, manifested by sore throat.

    Immunostimulants often used in the complex treatment of sore throats. Vitamins will complement this treatment.

    Persons with acute viral pharyngitis, occurring against the background and manifested by sore throat and fever, are prescribed Paracetamol, Indomethacin, or Ibuprofen. Streptococcal angina requires antibiotics from the penicillin group - " Flemoxin Solutab, Amoxicillin, macrolides - Azithromycin, Erythromycin; fluoroquinolones - "Ofloxacin", "Ciprofloxacin". Local preparations complement the basic treatment of pathology and accelerate the healing process.

    Throat gargle tablets - furatsilin

    "Furacilin"- local antiseptic, produced in the form of tablets. Nitrofuran, which is part of it, has an antibacterial, antiprotozoal and disinfectant effect on the mucous membrane of the inflamed organ. Representatives of coccal microflora, enterobacteria, diphtheroids, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia and Haemophilus influenzae, protozoa, viruses are sensitive to it. By destroying the cell wall of microbes, the drug prevents their reproduction. Pathogenic microorganisms die within three minutes.

    "Furacilin" in tablets is used to prepare a solution that is used to rinse an inflamed throat. Two crushed tablets of the drug are dissolved in one glass of warm water. The resulting solution is rinsed with a sore throat up to 5 times a day. The duration of the therapeutic effect after rinsing is 40 minutes. That is why it is recommended to rinse the sore throat with a solution of "Furacilin" every hour. This safe and reliable drug is prescribed for pregnant women and young children for the treatment of sore throats. Rinsing helps to destroy viruses and bacteria that settle on the tonsils and remove plaque.

    Despite the absence of contraindications to the use of "Furacilin", it can cause a number of side effects when a large amount of the solution is ingested: nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions, headache.

    Any medication should be used on the advice of a qualified healthcare professional. but. Do not exceed the maximum allowable dosage of the drug. Before using the prescribed remedy, you must study the instructions.

    Video: sore throat, treatment in the program “About the most important thing”

    A sore throat is a nuisance that can significantly spoil your life. If you start treating it in time, the discomfort will pass in a few hours or a couple of days, but in a neglected state, a simple cold can provoke unpleasant complications, which will not be easy to get rid of. The treatment of a sore throat of a child is especially difficult: the child is naughty, refuses medicines, and it is difficult to persuade him to be treated. The best sucking tablets for sore throats come to the rescue - tasty preparations loved by people of any age, but at the same time useful.

    Cold is always a health problem

    As soon as the off-season begins, followed by winter, our cities are overwhelmed by an epidemic of the common cold. Runny nose and sore throat are symptoms familiar to every modern person. Equally, the problem attacks everyone, regardless of age or gender. Therefore, sucking lozenges are suitable for both children and the older generation. A quick start of treatment allows you to eliminate pain almost immediately, but a prolonged start can provoke complications. If the lozenges turned out to be powerless, you need to make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible in order to determine the exact diagnosis and understand how to treat the disease - perhaps we are talking about something more serious than a simple cold.

    Usually there are some kind of sore throat lozenges with sage or other useful herbs in any home just in case. This is useful, because painful sensations come suddenly and without warning. However, there are a huge number of options on the shelves of pharmacies, and not all drugs have an equal degree of effectiveness. It has long been known that Doctor Mom baby lozenges give a good effect, but they are also quite expensive. And what other options are there that are trustworthy and worth the money that the outlet asks for them?

    Lollipops: what are they?

    Currently, inexpensive, but effective throat lozenges are presented in pharmacies in a very large variety, and they are all very tasty. Both children and adults like these candies, but in addition to the taste, they also have the ability to greatly reduce the discomfort in the throat caused by hypothermia or infection. In addition to taste, inexpensive but effective throat lozenges differ in compositional features, which affects the mechanism of their effect on the human body.

    Most of the drugs are based on some substance that shows a good effect on the throat. Often it is phenol. It is on it that, for example, Grammidin lozenges are made. True, you can’t use them all in a row: in some people, phenol can provoke an allergic reaction, which will only worsen the condition. In general, in terms of allergies, you need to be extremely careful: even the simplest "Holls" can cause such a reaction, and the patient's condition will worsen dramatically.

    Tablets and antimicrobial components

    There are also various sucking tablets from the throat with an antibiotic on sale. These are effective drugs, the classic representative of which is Coldact Lorpils, although this is far from the only drug of this type. Antibiotics can get rid of a sore throat and defeat even a serious, including a chronic disease. The use of this group of drugs gives a good result with pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis. Help modern tablets for resorption from the throat with antimicrobial components and with a purulent form of sore throat.

    In addition to the antibacterial effect, sweets from this category have a good analgesic effect. The effect of cooling the irritated, infected mucosal surface is created, and the person's condition temporarily improves. Effective lozenges for resorption from the throat not only eliminate pain, but are also an independent remedy, effective against colds, infections, both in combination with other medicines, and on their own.

    Essential oils for sore throat

    Often, throat sweets are produced, including essential oils of a variety of herbs. Such drugs help to cope with perspiration and allow you to stop the development of the disease at its very beginning. The list of sucking tablets for a sore throat of this type is all preparations made according to folk recipes. Typical representatives are Travisil, Karmolis.

    Sweets are completely safe, they can be recommended to both adults and children. They are suitable for those who are allergic to chemical compounds. But it is also impossible to recklessly eat too many of them, this can cause a negative reaction of the body. As manufacturers advise, before using lozenges for sore throats for children and adults, it is better to first consult a doctor (although in practice this is rarely done). Many sweets have a pleasant, mild taste. They are menthol, with spicy notes. Modern high-quality herbal lollipops for sore throats for children and adults allow you to eliminate discomfort, at the same time freshen your breath.

    Tasty and nice

    No matter how the throat hurts, the child is still often naughty and refuses to take medicine with an unpleasant taste. This is where throat lozenges for children come to the rescue. They are tasty, sweet, fragrant - in a word, a real gift for any kid. It will not be difficult to persuade, the child will happily eat the candy. Many modern lollipops contain honey and are additionally enriched with vitamins. With a pleasant taste, they are really useful, so you should always keep such houses at hand so that at the first sign of a sore throat, give your child a healing sweetness.

    Sage for sore throat

    Many modern lozenges for sore throats are made with sage or contain it as an additional ingredient. The main feature of this unique plant is the benefits for human health, in particular, for the condition of the throat. Sweets allow you to eliminate hoarseness and stop the inflammatory process. Sore throat lozenges with sage freshen breath. Most of these drugs are intended for patients aged 12 years and older. The most popular products are those produced by the Doctor Theiss brand. These sore throat sucking tablets are rich not only in sage extract, but also in other beneficial ingredients. To make the preparation pleasant in taste and smell, the manufacturer added sugar, aromatic components and citric acid to it.

    Special Candies

    There are now on the market quite specific sucking tablets for sore throats, designed as especially effective preparations. They are approved for use in a variety of cases, have a narrow list of contraindications, restrictions on admission. For the most part, such drugs are perfectly combined with any other drugs, since they in no way affect the absorption of drugs. And yet, special candies from the throat should be purchased, first consulting a doctor. It is better to give preference to those lozenges that are sold in pharmacies. In the past few years, quite a few manufacturers have appeared offering customers simple sweets under the guise of useful for sore throats.

    Strepsils for sore throat

    This preparation contains menthol, eucalyptus and special ingredients that help eliminate inflammation in the throat. They are effective against cough, pain caused by inflammation or infection. Some types of these sweets are additionally enriched with ascorbic acid. You can use "Strepsils" as a method of symptomatic treatment. This is a good antiseptic that is suitable for patients from six years of age and older.

    As the manufacturer recommends, Strepsils is best used when the sore throat is just starting. At first, a lollipop should be consumed every two or three hours. Each candy is carefully sucked. Do not consume more than 12 sweets per day. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the patient's condition and the tolerability of the drug. Usually Strepsils does not cause allergic reactions, but in some cases, when treating children, you need to be especially careful. One package costs about 200 rubles.

    Agisept against infections

    In infectious, inflammatory processes, Ajisept lollipops show a good result. Up to eight candies can be used per day. Adults are advised to take them with an interval of two hours. On average, one package costs about a hundred rubles.

    Sore throat with an "interesting" condition

    During the period of bearing a child, not all medicines presented on the modern market of specialized goods can be used. This also applies to drugs to eliminate unpleasant symptoms in the throat. A good solution would be Septolete lozenges. It is they who are usually recommended by doctors if a sore throat torments a pregnant woman. You can also take these pills while breastfeeding. At the same time, you need to be extremely careful, read the instructions and ask your doctor for advice.

    Multicomponent drugs that eliminate sore throats, especially serious drugs, have a strong effect on the human body, affect different systems and organs, and can have an unpredictable effect on the fetus. If it is possible to completely avoid the use of medicines in the fight against a cold in an “interesting” state, you should trust the forces of the body. If you want to help him with external stimuli, then safe sweets with herbs and essential oils will come to the rescue. You can even buy simple lozenges at a regular grocery store: if they contain eucalyptus, mint or sage, they will have a short-term, but positive effect on a sore throat.

    Lollipops: we treat children

    Initially, Vokacept lozenges (like other brands) were invented to make it easier to treat a sore throat in young children, capricious and naughty - that is, those who do not allow themselves to be treated with bitter, tasteless drugs. Sweets were developed as a method of eliminating the most unpleasant manifestations of infection. At the same time, lozenges were not expected to become the main means of combating the disease. This is just a way to improve the condition and make the child more compliant to treatment. Many preparations contain components that create a coating of the mucosa, which softens the tissues and reduces tickling.

    Any self-respecting manufacturer must place instructions for the use of the drug in the packaging for the tablets. Before using sweets to treat a child, you need to read these recommendations to make sure that the remedy is suitable in this particular case. Many children have allergic reactions, in addition, different lozenges can be used from different ages. You must first make sure that the remedy is applicable, only then treat the baby.

    Nothing to hurry

    Some throat lozenges are recommended only from 10 or even 12 years old, but most of the drugs on the market are suitable for use as early as the age of five. But for younger children, lollipops are categorically not recommended: the baby can choke if he tries to swallow a delicious candy. In order not to harm the child, even by accident, you must carefully follow the instructions for use - the manufacturer indicates at what age you can use the tool he provides. It is known that the Strepsils mentioned above, as well as Faringosept tablets for resorption, show a quick and strong effect when used in childhood, they have a pleasant taste and help well against inflammation and cough.

    Colds and lozenges

    A cold is almost always accompanied by a sore throat. At the same time, the mucous membranes affect inflammatory processes, the tissues swell, and a whitish coating can be observed on the tonsils. There are quite a few drugs on sale, including tablets, but not all of them show a good effect, and it is difficult to swallow with a sore throat. But lozenges allow you to eliminate discomfort, and also go well with other medicines, so the popularity of this category of drugs is growing from year to year.

    In general, lozenges for sore throats should be used at the onset of the disease as one of the primary means of helping a person with a cold. It will not be superfluous during the period of colds to regularly dissolve sweets that are healthy for health as a prophylactic, they will help prevent infection and save you from a sore throat in advance. Sweet-tasting sweets cool, freshen breath, soften tissues and have a positive effect due to natural ingredients, essential oils. With a quick positive effect and the elimination of severe pain, sweets are quite cheap. They can be used for angina, when most of the medicines show low efficiency. Candies from the throat are always convenient to keep in the first aid kit, bag, at hand, use in any situation. They do not need to be washed down, you can take such sweets with you to a meeting, and put your child in a backpack, collecting him to school. With the help of sweets, you can get rid of perspiration, it prevents coughing attacks and effectively eliminates the accompanying symptoms.

    Market novelties: from year to year something special

    Every year more and more effective throat preparations appear on the market, they are faster acting, more effective, show a strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. If five or ten years ago, only a few items could be found on the shelves of pharmacies, now this variety has several dozen, and prices vary quite a lot. There are medicinal sweets with interesting additives: honey, herbal extracts, berry essences. At the same time, this is a real medicine, even if it has a pleasant taste, but it is packaged in a beautiful box. When choosing sweets for a sore throat, you need to pay attention to the features of the drug you like. For example, antimicrobial candy is a rather difficult medicine. When using it, you must carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions, do not give up sweets without completing the course, and do not repeat the reception earlier than the doctor advises. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics can cause side effects ranging from digestive upset to a serious allergic reaction.

    Mostly antibacterial drugs are sold only with a prescription from the attending doctor, but still the buyer must be careful: the pharmacist may simply lose sight of the fact that a particular name belongs to the category of antibiotics. If the doctor advised the use of such a medication, he also explains the optimal use regimen and makes recommendations for determining the effectiveness of the drug. Antibiotics are not suitable for fighting viral pathologies, so such lozenges, even if they do not seem like a serious medicine to the average person, should not be taken just like that: you must first consult a doctor and get tested.

    Herbs for the benefit of man

    If antibiotics are not recommended by the attending physician, and the throat hurts, you need to turn to options created using extracts of medicinal herbs. The most positive result is provided by sweets, which contain sage extract. They quickly return a healthy voice to a person, effectively remove perspiration and make breathing much fresher. When taking sweets, the sore throat disappears, the swelling subsides, the inflammation stops. The patient's condition as a whole becomes much better.

    Others believe that the treatment with sage sweets is grandmother's methods, folk recipes that cannot bring real benefits. This is a completely erroneous misconception: numerous official tests have shown that sage really has a strong positive effect on the throat, normalizes the mucous membrane and improves the human condition, returns the voice.

    Doctors recommend using sage lozenges for sore throats, any colds, viruses and infections that affect the throat. Sage extract has strong disinfectant properties, due to which sweets have no less powerful effect than tablets, but at the same time they have a pleasant taste and smell. Even better are those candies, which, in addition to sage, also contain honey. It is a natural antibiotic that effectively stops inflammation and destroys colonies of harmful microbes. True, such sweets cannot be used if it is known that the patient has

    Colds, respiratory and viral infections begin with soreness, dryness, sore throat. These symptoms indicate damage to the mucous membrane of the pharynx, an increase in pathogenic microflora. The rapid elimination of inflammation prevents the active reproduction of bacteria, improves well-being, and stops the further spread of the infection. The pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of effective and safe topical preparations. Lollipops, lozenges, dragees, lozenges help to cope with pain, treat the throat. Properly selected absorbable tablets quickly eliminate discomfort in the throat, speed up the healing process, regardless of the age category of the patient.

    The use of lozenges for resorption from the throat is one of the important measures in the medical treatment of patients. With the appearance of a specific sensation and discomfort in the throat, patients often buy such drugs on their own. It is better if a sick person seeks help from a specialist - an otolaryngologist.

    Absorbable preparations are a simple and affordable method of treatment. You should know that these drugs also have contraindications, so they should be taken under medical supervision.

    For what purpose are lozenges prescribed:

    1. To reduce unpleasant symptoms, to facilitate the patient's well-being.
    2. They quickly and effectively reduce pain in the throat.
    3. To suppress the inflammatory process, eliminate unpleasant manifestations in the pharynx - edema, hyperemia, irritation, dryness.
    4. They prevent the development of the pathological process caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi.
    5. To provide a disinfectant and antiseptic effect, reduce the time of treatment of throat diseases.

    Absorbable agents are convenient for local therapy, they act directly in the lesion.

    Absorbable drugs, whose actions are aimed at effectively solving throat problems, are approved for use by patients of all age groups, including children and pregnant women.

    It is undesirable to choose pharmaceutical preparations on your own, since you can provoke an allergic reaction, the development of side effects. An otolaryngologist is engaged in the treatment of ENT diseases, he is empowered to examine patients, draw up a treatment plan, prescribe absorbable tablets from the throat. Ignoring the advice of a specialist can lead to an aggravation of the situation, deterioration in health, and the rapid progression of the disease.

    When are absorbable tablets prescribed?

    The choice, dose and duration of treatment with absorbable drugs are determined on the basis of the diagnosis, the duration of the disease, the age of the patient, the nature and severity of symptoms.

    Indications for treatment with lozenges:

    • diagnosing ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza, tracheitis, bronchitis;
    • infection of the tissues of the oral cavity and gums (, gingivitis, periodontitis, candidiasis);
    • sudden appearance;
    • ingress of a foreign body, injury to the mucous tissues of the throat.

    Absorbable tablets from the throat in the shortest possible time will help eliminate inflammation of the gums, tonsils, pharynx.

    Varieties of drugs for resorption

    The modern pharmaceutical industry produces different types of absorbable tablets. They differ in composition, validity period, manufacturing companies, application features and price. Otolaryngologists distinguish between several groups of drugs that have a wide range of effects on the mucous membrane of the throat.

    Classification of lozenges:

    Drug Overview

    Name of the drugRelease formTastepharmachologic effectAdmission rulesspecial instructions
    Strepsilstabletsmany flavors, the most popular are mint, lemon, honeyantibiotic, fungicide, analgesic1 tablet every 2-3 hoursDesigned for adults and children from 7 years old
    Septoletelollipops, lozengesmintlocal anesthetic, antiseptic drug with a deodorizing effect, restores voice function1 lozenge every 3 hoursallowed for children from 4 years old, during lactation and pregnancy is prohibited
    Pharyngosepttabletslemon, vanilla, mint, cocoaantiseptic, bacteriostatic drug1 piece 3-5 times a daycontraindication limited to sensitivity to ambazone
    Grammidinlollipopsneutralantibiotic, anesthetic2 tablets 4 times a daycan be used by children from 12 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation - at the discretion of the doctor
    Decatylenetabletsmintantiseptic, antifungal agent1 tablet every 3-4 hoursadults and children over 4 years of age
    Falimintdrageefeeling of coolnesshas antitussive, antiseptic, analgesic effect1 tablet 4-5 times a dayprohibited for use during lactation and pregnancy
    Sebidinetabletsfruiteliminates bacteria, increases local immunity1 tablet 4 times a dayallowed for children from 12 years old, admission during lactation / pregnancy only on the recommendation of a doctor
    Lizobakttabletspleasantly sweetenzymatic antiseptic1 tablet 3-4 times a dayit is used for children from 3 years old, there are no restrictions for lactation and pregnancy
    Angiseptintabletsorangeantibiotic, anesthetic1 tablet every 2-4 hoursapproved for use in children from 5 years of age, during pregnancy - with caution
    Geksoral TABStabletshoney, lemon, currant, citrusbacteriostatic, analgesic, bactericidal action1 tablet every 2-3 hoursintended for adults and children from 6 years of age, can be taken during pregnancy or lactation under medical supervision
    Laripronttabletsneutralantibacterial and antifungal, mucolytic effectafter 3-4 hours 1 piecewith caution with a tendency to allergies
    streptocidetabletsbitterishbroad antimicrobial action1 tablet 3 times a day after mealslimited sensitivity to sulfanilamide
    Tantum Verdetabletssweetishnon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug1 piece 3-6 times a dayallowed for use by children from 6 years old, prohibited for bronchial asthma
    Doctor Momlollipopsberry, fruity, citrusanti-inflammatory, softening, antiseptic effect1 lozenge every 2 hoursis prescribed for adults and children from 7-10 years old, is contraindicated during pregnancy or lactation
    Carmolislollipopsalpine herbs, honey, vitamin C, with and without sugar (for diabetes)increase salivation, relieve congestion in the nasopharynx1 lozenge every 2-3 hoursno restrictions
    Agiseptlollipopscitrus, freshness, banana, pineapplereduce inflammation and swelling, reduce irritation, moisturize the mucousup to 8 lozenges per day can be consumedfor adults and children from 5-6 years old

    In general, absorbable drugs are safe, well tolerated by children and adults, and quickly stop the symptoms of the disease. In case of an overdose, negative effects are observed on the part of the digestive system. It can be abdominal cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea.

    Only the attending physician, when examining the patient, can decide which absorbable throat tablets are the best, which option is better and whether it is suitable for each specific case.

    Pain in the throat is one of the manifestations of influenza, tonsillitis, SARS, pharyngitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

    In addition to drugs for a systemic effect on the underlying factor that provokes inflammation, the use of symptomatic agents that contribute to the local elimination of pain is required.

    Topical preparations contain antiseptic, antibacterial components and plant extracts.

    Active substances do not enter the general circulation, so the likelihood of developing systemic adverse reactions is minimal.

    Lozenges and lozenges are first aid remedies for a sore throat. They act superficially, and the inflammatory process can affect, for example, the depths of the palatine tonsils.

    Tablets bring a strong, but short-term effect, so one use of them is not always enough.

    Antiseptics - help eliminate bacteria that are located on the surface of the mucous membranes. Not active against viral infections.

    • Anesthetics - block nerve conduction, eliminate pain.
    • topical antibiotics- inhibit the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
    • Herbal preparations- have a softening and anti-inflammatory effect. They suppress the production of inflammatory mediators, relieve local symptoms in the form of pain and sore throat.
    • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs- drugs with a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. They do not always affect the microorganisms that provoke discomfort, but quickly eliminate the symptom itself.

    Before choosing a suitable remedy, it is necessary to consult a doctor and identify the exact cause of the development of pain and an inflammatory reaction.

    Before taking the drug, you should carefully study the instructions, taking into account the method of application and the duration of use and possible adverse reactions.

    The cheapest pills with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties are:

    • Agisept - from 90 rubles.
    • Gorpils - from 80 rubles.
    • Suprima Lor - from 100 rubles.
    • Doctor Mom - from 130 rubles.
    • Chlorophyllipt tablets - from 100 rubles.

    Patients with a tendency to allergic reactions should be especially careful with plant-based tablets and with dyes in the composition.

    Medicines with anesthetic

    Septolete Plus (from 200 rubles)- contains benzocaine and cytylpyridinium chloride. It has a pronounced anesthetic and antiseptic effect.

    Allows you to relieve sore throat caused by laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis. It is not used for individual intolerance to the components, treatment of patients under 18 years of age.

    Sharing with non-narcotic analgesics (paracetamol, analgin, baralgin, ibuprofen) enhances the effectiveness of the anesthetic substance Septolete.

    If there are open wounds in the oral cavity, it is better to refrain from using the drug, since the antiseptic substance can slow down their regeneration.

    Hexoral tabs (from 170 rubles) A drug with a pronounced local anesthetic and antiseptic effect based on benzocaine and chlorhexidine.

    It is indicated for tonsillitis, pharyngitis and other inflammatory diseases of the pharynx. It is not recommended for individual intolerance, wound and ulcerative lesions of the throat and mouth, low plasma cholinesterase concentration.

    Prolonged use of tablets can lead to discoloration of the tongue and tooth enamel, short-term taste disturbances and numbness of the tongue.

    The tablet is kept in the mouth until completely dissolved. Treatment begins with the first signs of the disease and continues for several more days after the symptoms have disappeared.

    • 4-12 years old: up to 4 pcs. in a day.
    • 12 years old - adults: 1 pc. every 60-120 minutes. No more than 8 tablets per day.

    Benzocaine can reduce the antibacterial effect of drugs that belong to the sulfonamides and aminosalicylates.

    Grammidin Neo with anesthetic (from 270 rubles)- a multicomponent medicine with a local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and softening effect.

    In addition to anesthetic and antimicrobial substances, it contains menthol and eucalyptus oils.

    In the process of resorption of the tablet, salivation increases, which cleans the oral cavity from pathogenic microorganisms and their metabolic products.

    The drug can be used up to 4 times a day for 6 days. As side effects, a temporary violation of the sensitivity of the tongue may develop.

    antibiotic tablets

    Faringosept (from 120 rubles)- inexpensive tablets with bacteriostatic, antiseptic and antimicrobial action.

    Used for the following indications:

    • for the treatment of pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, stomatitis;
    • to prevent the development of occupational laryngitis.

    The active substance demonstrates efficacy against a large number of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, including streptococcal and staphylococcal infections. Begins to act on 30 minutes later from the moment of taking the medicine.

    Tablets should be taken half an hour after a meal. For 2 hours after using Faringosept, you should refrain from eating food and water.

    Children from 3 to 7 years old are shown up to 3 tablets per day, adults - up to 5. The course of treatment is no more than 4 days.

    Grammidin (from 250 rubles) as an active substance contains an antibacterial component for topical use in inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx.

    Violates resistance and leads to the death of microbial cells, is not addictive.

    It is well tolerated, and allergic reactions have been reported in rare cases.


    Septolete (from 210 rubles)- throat lozenges with antiseptic properties based on benzalkonium chloride, levomenthol, peppermint, thymol, eucalyptus oil.

    The drug acts on gram-positive organisms and fungi of the genus Candida, is active against lipophilic viruses.

    Thanks to menthol and essential oils, it is possible to achieve a moderate analgesic effect, reduce the secretion of mucus.

    The drug is used 1 lozenge every few hours:

    • patients from 4 years old - up to 4 pcs. per day;
    • from 10 years old - up to 6 lozenges per day;
    • from 12 years old - up to 8 lozenges per day.

    Septolete is dissolved before meals; simultaneous intake with milk is contraindicated. Tablets should not be used in conjunction with other topical antiseptics.

    Neo Angin (from 130 rubles)- antiseptic with local anesthetic and antimycotic (antifungal) effect.

    It is active against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, staphylococci, pneumococci, fusobacteria, pathogenic and yeast fungi.

    Neo Angin is well tolerated and has a pleasant taste; it can be used in the treatment of patients from 6 years of age. The following points must be taken into account:

    The composition of Neo Angina includes a dye that can provoke allergic reactions and have a destructive effect on tooth enamel.

    The manufacturer produces the medicine in several versions: with and without sugar.

    In rare cases, the development of allergic reactions, irritating effects on the mucous membrane of the mouth and stomach has been reported.

    The medicine is recommended to dissolve every few hours. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 6 tablets.

    Sebidin (from 139 rubles)- absorbable throat tablets based on chlorhexidine and ascorbic acid with antibacterial and bactericidal properties.

    The drug must be used in 1 pc. up to 5 times a day after the patient has eaten and brushed his teeth.

    For several hours after using the tablets, it is recommended to refrain from rinsing the mouth, drinking water and other liquids in large quantities.

    Sebidin does not affect microorganisms such as acid-fast bacilli, viruses and spores.

    Local anti-inflammatory

    Tantum Verde (from 240 rubles)- tablets for resorption, with a good analgesic, antiseptic effect for the throat. Stabilizes cell membranes and inhibits the production of inflammatory mediators.

    When applied topically, the active substances are quickly absorbed and penetrate the site of inflammation.

    Tablets can be used by patients from 6 years of age in accordance with the following indications: for gingivitis, glossitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, candidiasis, after surgical interventions in the oral cavity.

    Tablets must be taken after meals: 1 pc. three times a day. Keep in the mouth until completely dissolved. The duration of treatment should not exceed 1 week.

    If during this time there is no improvement, or new symptoms are observed, it is necessary to seek the advice of a doctor.

    Special care is required in the treatment of patients with bronchial asthma due to the high likelihood of developing bronchospasms.

    In childhood, Tantum Verde is used only under adult supervision in order to prevent swallowing the pill.

    T-Sept (from 130 rubles)
    - effective tablets for the treatment of throat with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic properties.

    The active component gradually accumulates in the thickness of the mucous membrane, the patient's health returns to normal 48 hours after the start of the drug.

    In this case, the substances do not penetrate into the general bloodstream and the likelihood of systemic exposure is minimal.

    Patients over 6 years of age should take 1 tablet up to 4 times a day.

    The duration of treatment should not exceed 1 week.

    T-Sept can provoke undesirable effects in the form of laryngospasms, hypersecretion of gastric juice, hyposecretion of the salivary glands, Quincke's edema, anaphylaxis.

    If the patient notes the described or any other adverse reactions, the use of tablets should be stopped immediately and consult a doctor.

    Herbal preparations

    Travisil (from 110 rubles)- a preparation with a plant composition. It has an immunostimulating, antiseptic, deodorizing, antitussive, antiemetic effect.

    Contains more than 10 active ingredients of plant origin. Recommended for coughing (including asthmatic origin), as well as infectious diseases of the respiratory system: tonsillitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis.

    The lollipop must be sucked until completely dissolved: one piece up to 3 times a day. Travisil is well tolerated by patients, in some cases skin allergic reactions are possible.

    Linkas (from 99 rubles)- inexpensive, but effective tablets, which include extracts of licorice, galangal, pepper, adhatoda, violet, hyssop. Demonstrates a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, helps to fight cough.

    Indicated for the following diseases:

    • Flu.
    • SARS.
    • Bronchitis.
    • Tracheitis.
    • Pneumonia.

    Pastilles use 1 pc. every few hours. The duration of the course of treatment should not exceed 1 week. The drug can provoke the development of allergic reactions.

    The composition of lozenges contains sugar, which must be taken into account in patients with a history of diabetes mellitus. Linkas is not used in conjunction with antitussive drugs, as well as drugs that help reduce sputum formation.

    Doctor Mom (from 130 rubles) herbal multicomponent preparation with anti-inflammatory, expectorant, distracting and locally irritating effects.

    Pastilles are prescribed for the symptomatic treatment of acute and chronic diseases accompanied by dry cough: pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis.

    May provoke the development of allergic reactions. Dr. Mom should not be used in conjunction with antitussive medicines.

    Duration of use - 14-20 days. Patients with diabetes should take into account that sugar is included in the lozenges.

    Tablets to give to children

    The selection of a safe and effective local drug for the treatment of the throat is the prerogative of the pediatrician after an internal examination of the patient and according to the results of the diagnosis.

    • Hexoral tabs - from 4 years old.
    • Pharyngosept - from 3 years.
    • Grammidin for children - from 4 years.
    • Lizobakt - from 3 years.
    • Isla Mint - from 4 years old.
    • Strepsils without sugar for children - from 6 years old.
    • Pastilles Linkas - from six months.
    • Septolete - from 4 years old.
    • Travisil - 3 years.

    Any of the described drugs is not intended for self-medication. Before use, a doctor's consultation is required.

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