Information about the company for the bank. Information letter about the company's activities

Contains information about the financial position of a potential partner, as well as information about the degree of commercial risk when doing business with him. The composition of the business reference:

1. General information about the company - address details, forms of ownership, a brief history of the creation and activities of the company, types of activities, products and services, information about the owners and managers of the company, information about branches and departments, about subsidiaries.

3. List of banks, the client of which is the given firm.

4. Individual events that characterize this firm, including participation in litigation.

5. Latest financial information, balance sheet data, income statement.

6. Information about the practice and terms of execution of payments of this company.

List of the main questions used in compiling a business reference:

1. official name of the company;

2. address, telephone, fax, telex, e-mail address and other means of communication;

3. senior staff;

4. founders of the company. Need to know company names and locations;

5. capital structure - the number, type and size of shares, nominal, issued and paid-in capital;

6. shareholders or shareholders of the company at the current moment (names, titles, location and percentage of shares they own);

7. date of foundation of the company;

8. date of commencement of business activity;

9. registration number, place and date of registration;

10. legal form;

11. a general description of the activity, broken down as a percentage for each type of activity;

12. permanent and large business partners-suppliers and customers. Names and locations;

13. export-import operations. Buyers-sellers. Products, breakdown by percentage by country;

14. subsidiaries (name and location);

15. participation in the capital of other companies (name and location);

16. branches (name and location);

17. number of full-time employees;

18. company property (premises, equipment);

19. banks where the company's couple is located (names, addresses, phone numbers of the contact person, account numbers);

20. auditor (name, address, phone numbers of the contact person);

21. financial information (sales volume, turnover, declared profit, fixed assets, assets, accounts payable and receivable);

22. balance sheet and income statement for the last three years;

23. business development plans;

25. information about the management (age, education, work experience)

As well as additional information at your discretion.

Obtaining this information provides the following options:

Ø reasonably and promptly make a decision on the expediency and conditions of relationships with partners;

Ø avoid issuing cash loans and credits for contacts with unreliable partners;

Ø assess the degree of financial risk by participating in projects together with partners;

Ø build relationships with existing partners.

An information letter is a kind of business documentation that serves to notify partners, customers, contractors, as well as team members about any news, changes, achievements, and other aspects of the organization's activities.

Writing information messages is a necessary part of the work for representatives of business structures and government agencies.

FILES Open these files online 2 files

Mandatory or not

This type of documents is not mandatory, because. informing anyone about the current affairs of the organization is at the mercy of its leadership and administration. Nevertheless, many enterprises, especially large ones, do not neglect the formation of such letters, thus achieving several goals at once:

  • inform interested persons about all occurring events;
  • motivate them to further cooperation and fruitful work;
  • enhance the company's image.

Who writes the newsletter

Usually, the responsibility for compiling an information letter lies with the head of the structural unit, who resolves the issues raised in the letter. It could be, for example:

  • head of the marketing department (if we are talking about new marketing offers for partners);
  • deputy director (if the administration of the company informs its employees about something through a letter), etc.

In any case, the compiler of the letter must be a person whose official functions include writing such letters or authorized to compile them by a separate order of the director.

The text of the information letter must be agreed with the direct supervisor of the compiler or the head of the company.

To whom to address an information letter about the activities of the company

An information letter can be sent to a specific person or group of persons: the director of a potential partner organization, the customer - an individual entrepreneur, team members, etc.

Letters can be:

  • confidential (intended for reading by a specific person);
  • open, public (to inform the widest possible range of people).

General rules for all letters

When forming an information letter, you need to carefully monitor the spelling and adhere to the written standards of the Russian language in terms of punctuation, vocabulary, grammar, etc.

We must remember the fact that the recipients of business correspondence always look at how correctly the information brought to them is described.

An illiterate letter can reduce the value of the information contained in it and even undermine the recipient's trust in the sender.

The letter should be written briefly, succinctly, to the point, remembering that "brevity is the sister of talent", and not spreading thought along the tree. It has been proven that the recipients of such letters are not ready to spend more than one minute reading them, which is due to the high pace of modern life. The addressee will surely notice that the sender values ​​his time, and if he is interested in the information contained in the letter, he will find a way and time to contact the author of the message.

What is forbidden in the letter

There are some absolute taboos in the rules for writing newsletters. In particular, a cheeky, rude or overly familiar tone is categorically unacceptable. It is also desirable to avoid "stamps" or excessively cold, "dry" formulations, special terminology, an abundance of numbers, a large number of adverbial and participial phrases, etc.

Do not include false, unverified or false data in the letter. It should be remembered that an information letter, under certain circumstances, can acquire the status of a legally significant document.

Key points and sample letter writing

Information messages, regardless of their author and addressee, should only concern the activities of the sending organization or related circumstances. At the same time, they must meet certain requirements in terms of structure and content:

  1. First of all, it should be noted that the information letter should always contain:
    • the date of its compilation,
    • details of the sender and recipient,
    • correct address address (for example, “Dear Petr Semenovich”, “Dear Irina Viktorovna”, “Dear colleagues”, etc.). But if the addressee is not defined, which sometimes happens, then you can limit yourself to the greeting “Good afternoon!”.
  2. Next comes the main, informational, part of the letter. Here you need to indicate the reason and purpose for writing it, as well as everything else that is relevant to the case being described: news, suggestions, changes, requests, explanations, etc.
  3. Below in the letter it is necessary to write a conclusion, which should sum up all of the above.

If any additional papers, video and photo files and evidence are attached to the letter, this should also be noted in its content as a separate item.

How to write an information letter

There are no special requirements for the design of the letter, as well as for its content. It is permissible to write it both on the letterhead of the enterprise, and on a standard sheet of any convenient format. The first option is preferable, since there is no need to manually write the details of the organization. In addition, such a letter looks much more solid and once again emphasizes his attitude to official correspondence.

An informational letter can be typed on a computer (good if you need several copies at once) or handwritten - letters written in calligraphic handwriting with a pen look especially advantageous.

The message must be certified by the signature of its compiler. If this is a printed letter, you can use a facsimile signature, if it is “live”, then only the original one.

There is no strict need to stamp a message with a seal, because. since 2016, legal entities have the right to use stamp products in their work only when this rule is enshrined in the internal regulatory legal acts of the company.

If necessary, before sending the message, it should be registered in the journal of internal documents or the journal of outgoing documentation.

How to send a letter

An information letter can be sent in several ways:

  1. The first and now the most common: through electronic means of communication. It makes it possible to send information of almost unlimited volume in a short period of time.
  2. The second way: send it by Russian Post by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt (relevant if the informational message refers to official documentation and is certified by “live” signatures and seals).
  3. It is also possible to send a letter via fax or modern instant messengers, but only when the relationship between the sender and the recipient is somewhat informal and allows such correspondence.

general information

Company details
Full company name: Kazan OJSC "Organic Synthesis"
Organizational and legal form: Public corporation
Mailing address: 420051, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Belomorskaya st., 101
Telephone: (8432) 12-30-09
Fax: (8432) 12-33-50
Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Enterprise management

List of main chemical and petrochemical products
High-pressure polyethylene, low-pressure polyethylene, corrosion inhibitors, textile auxiliaries, coolants, polyethylene pipes, phenol, acetone, glycols, monoethanolamine, connecting parts, metal-polymer pipes, polypropylene bags

Brief description of the enterprise
JSC "Kazanorgsintez" is the largest Russian manufacturer of high and low pressure polyethylene, as well as polyethylene pipes from it. The enterprise ranks first in terms of output, controlling 36.4% of the all-Russian production of polyethylene in 2004.

Another direction of the company's activity is the production of phenol and acetone, where the share of Kazanorgsintez JSC in the total Russian output in 2004 was 17.5% and 15.7%, respectively. In 2004, Kazanorgsintez JSC took the 130th position in the rating of the largest Russian companies in terms of product sales ("Expert-400").

Number of employees, pers.

Production information

Capacities and production volumes
Products Unit rev. Production volume, 2003 Production volume, 2004 Volume of production, 1 sq. 2005
High density polyethylene t 183734 202181 14881
Low-pressure polyethylene t 199640 186501 36752
Phenol t 41233 41900 11700
Acetone t 26005 24300 n.a.

Main suppliers of raw materials*

The supplier Share in the total volume of deliveries in 2004
JSC "AK Sibur", Moscow 22
OAO "Gazprom", Moscow 28
OOO Tatneft, Almetyevsk 12
LLC "Orsenal", Orenburg 14

* The main sources of raw materials for the production of polyethylene are ethane, ethylene, propane-butane fraction, wide fraction of light hydrocarbons.

International trade

Export of main products
Product Unit rev. Export volume, 2000 Export volume, 2001 Export volume, 2002 Export volume, 2003 Export volume, 2004
ethylene glycol t 4124.5 3127.7 7916.2 17711.4 20353.6
diethylene glycol t 3860 1391.8 2667.6 4686 3391.6
Phenol t 12075.1 10309.3 11252 35440.3 22663.3
Acetone t 1277.2 5122.1 5823.9 12583.6 15175.7
Monoethanolamine t 110 772 979.7 355.2 933.4
High density polyethylene t 32071.1 22117.6 22969.1 54433.1 46397.7
Low-pressure polyethylene t 21714.8 21405.3 23947.7 57082.5 29061.8
Dienalomin t - - - - 181.3
t - - - - 544.7
Propylene t - - - - 502
Antifreeze t - - - - 207.1

Geographic structure of exports of main products

Product Unit rev. Buying country, 2004 Export volume, 2004 Cost, thousand USD, 2004
ethylene glycol t Total 20353.6 14977.6
ethylene glycol including:
ethylene glycol t Germany 20 22.48
ethylene glycol t Kazakhstan 115.1 110.6
ethylene glycol t Latvia 2409.2 1617.6
ethylene glycol t Lithuania 365.3 414.9
ethylene glycol t Netherlands 7330.6 5093.7
ethylene glycol t Norway 987.4 688.6
ethylene glycol t Turkey 4570.5 3245.8
ethylene glycol t Ukraine 1801.3 1561.4
ethylene glycol t Finland 1929.9 1510.9
ethylene glycol t Estonia 824.3 711.6
diethylene glycol t Total 3391.6 2167.2
diethylene glycol including:
diethylene glycol t Kazakhstan 117.9 96.1
diethylene glycol t Latvia 116.5 106
diethylene glycol t Netherlands 113 89.4
diethylene glycol t Turkey 2428.8 1362.5
diethylene glycol t Ukraine 117.9 102.6
diethylene glycol t Finland 393.4 332.9
diethylene glycol t Estonia 104.1 77.8
Phenol t Total 22663.3 17908.4
Phenol including:
Phenol t Latvia 2483.4 2000.1
Phenol t Poland 2374.8 1932.4
Phenol t Finland 17540.9 13783.4
Phenol t Estonia 264.2 192.5
Acetone t Total 15175.7 9246.9
Acetone including:
Acetone t China 1506.3 1459
Acetone t Latvia 1273.6 886.4
Acetone t Finland 12395.8 6901.6
Monoethanolamine t Total 933.4 880.1
Monoethanolamine including:
Monoethanolamine t Kazakhstan 170 147.4
Monoethanolamine t Netherlands 338.9 329.7
Monoethanolamine t Ukraine 424.5 403.1
High density polyethylene t Total 46397.7 45296.6
High density polyethylene including:
High density polyethylene t Azerbaijan 192 240.9
High density polyethylene t Hungary 751 725.9
High density polyethylene t Germany 160 140.5
High density polyethylene t Georgia 48 60
High density polyethylene t Kazakhstan 1199.6 1168.2
High density polyethylene t Kyrgyzstan 144 171.4
High density polyethylene t China 19104 17883.2
High density polyethylene t Latvia 2102.9 2312.6
High density polyethylene t Lithuania 1201 1143.1
High density polyethylene t Poland 40 49.9
High density polyethylene t Romania 144 180.3
High density polyethylene t Tajikistan 47.9 43.2
High density polyethylene t Turkey 460 601.4
High density polyethylene t Uzbekistan 287.9 323.4
High density polyethylene t Ukraine 16687.2 16623.9
High density polyethylene t Finland 1869.9 1655.7
High density polyethylene t Estonia 1958 1963.8
Low-pressure polyethylene t Total 29061.8 25626.8
Low-pressure polyethylene including:
Low-pressure polyethylene t Azerbaijan 96 107.5
Low-pressure polyethylene t Hungary 1104 977.9
Low-pressure polyethylene t Kazakhstan 2489.5 2517.7
Low-pressure polyethylene t China 3840 2674.4
Low-pressure polyethylene t Latvia 1363.9 1301.1
Low-pressure polyethylene t Lithuania 385 365.9
Low-pressure polyethylene t Moldova 79.9 79.2
Low-pressure polyethylene t Poland 1080 1123.8
Low-pressure polyethylene t Turkey 320 374.9
Low-pressure polyethylene t Uzbekistan 95.9 74.9
Low-pressure polyethylene t Ukraine 15371.6 13418.7
Low-pressure polyethylene t Finland 2836 2610.6
Diethanolamine t Total 181.3 176.9
Diethanolamine including:
Diethanolamine t Kazakhstan 55 70.7
Diethanolamine t Uzbekistan 126.3 106.2
Rheological depressant additive t Kazakhstan 544.7 1174.5
Propylene t Poland 502 281.1
Antifreeze t Total 207.1 145.7
Antifreeze including:
Antifreeze t Lithuania 157.1 110.8
Antifreeze t Estonia 50 34.9

Import of main types of raw materials

Product Unit rev. Import volume, 2000 Import volume, 2001 Import volume, 2002 Import volume, 2003 Import volume, 2004
Lauric acid t 36.5 39 102 62.9 -
benzene chloride t 64.4 112.7 36.1 60 20.0
Antioxidants and Stabilizers t 144.4 90 72 90 -
Oleic acid t - 57.6 57.6 - -
Hydrocarbons cyclic t - - 9.5 11.3 -
Benzene t - - 118.4 2045.8 4435.7

Geographic structure of imports of the main types of raw materials

Product Unit rev. Supplier country, 2004 Import volume, 2004 Volume of imports, thousand dollars USA, 2004
benzene chloride t Ukraine 20 25.6
Benzene t Total 4435.7 1414.2
Benzene including:
Benzene t Kazakhstan 840 300.3
Benzene t Ukraine 3595.7 1113.9

Price level

Average export prices
Product Average level of export prices, USD/t, 2000 Average level of export prices, USD/t, 2001 Average level of export prices, USD/t, 2002 Average level of export prices, USD/t, 2003 Average level of export prices USD / ton 2004
Acetone 426.43 273.67 379.59 419.11 609.33
Diethanolamine - - - - 975.99
diethylene glycol 413.82 389.08 366.3 465.02 638.99
Monoethanolamine 1116 1116 561.09 756.14 942.87
Rheological depressant additive - - - - 2156.33
Propylene - - - - 560
High density polyethylene 719.29 672.55 608.78 704.65 976.27
Low-pressure polyethylene 669.07 631.14 571.03 676.43 881.8
Antifreeze - - - - 703.58
Phenol 504.75 460.58 422.72 569.31 790.19
ethylene glycol 435.03 397.75 353 494.45 735.87

Information about the authorized capital

Authorized capital
Authorized capital as of December 31, 2004: 1,904,710.0 thousand rubles.

Structure of the authorized capital as of December 31, 2004
Shareholder, location Share in the charter capital %
LLC "Medical Commercial Bank "Avers" 13.07
CJSC "Depository Clearing Company" 6.56
JSC "Central Depository of the Republic of Tatarstan" 26.83
Sintez-Management LLC 35.9
Other 17.64
Total 100

Equity participation in the authorized capital of other companies as of December 31, 2004

Company Location Share, % Profile
JSC "Agrosintez" Tatarstan, Kazan 100 Production and processing of agricultural products
OOO "Keramika-Sintez" 100 Production of consumer goods and building materials
OJSC "Spetsneftekhimmontazh" Tatarstan, Kazan 91.01 Repair Work
LLC "Trading House" Orgsintez " Tatarstan, Kazan 70 Trading activity
LLC NVP "Tatpak" Tatarstan, Kazan 51 Production of consumer goods from polymeric materials, scientific and technical activities
JV "Elmer LTD" Hungary, Budapest 50 Sales activities
JSC "Luch-Sintez" Tatarstan, Verkhneuslonsky district 48.69 Agricultural production
LLC "TAIF-Invest" Tatarstan, Kazan 40.3 Investment activity, work in the stock markets
CJSC "ANKORIT" Russian Federation, Moscow 39 Marketing, sales activities
LLC "Tatkhimremont" Tatarstan, Kazan 100
JSC "Shelangovsky fruit and berry state farm" Tatarstan, Verkhneuslonsky district 40.56

Financial indicators of economic activity

Balance for 2003-2004, thousand rubles
01.01.2004 01.01.2005
fixed assets 3456639 3714363
Construction in progress 699281 1471364
Long-term financial investments 521123 460092
Deferred tax assets 2293 6790
Other noncurrent assets 6457 5395
Total for Section I 4685793 5658278
Stocks 921061 1839311
Value added tax on acquired valuables 202609 251089
Accounts receivable (payments for which 899409 966364
Short-term financial investments 5379 97112
Cash 211479 165167
Total for Section II 2239937 3319043
BALANCE 6925730 8977321
Authorized capital 1904710 1904710
Extra capital 1852046 1853317
Reserve capital 4761 49219
Retained earnings (uncovered loss) 2508339 3969701
Total for Section III 6269856 7676870
82110 111068
Total for Section IV 82110 111068
Loans and credits - 459277
Accounts payable 573377 727810
Debts to participants (founders) for payment of income 164 2116
revenue of the future periods 223 180
Section V total 573764 1189383
Balance 6925730 8977321

Profit and loss statement for 2003-2004, thousand rubles

2003 2004
I. Income and expenses from ordinary activities
Revenue (net) from the sale of goods, products, works, services 8723711 11787768
Cost of sales of goods, products, works, services 5903620 7337195
Gross profit 2820091 4450573
Selling expenses 369974 438709
Management expenses 776555 967874
Profit (loss) from sales 1673562 3043990
II. Operating income and expenses
Income from participation in other organizations 14068 10543
Other operating income 2750460 2665273
Other operating expenses 2754584 2624346
III. Non-operating income and expenses
Non-operating income 72415 99845
non-operating expenses 476083 530920
Profit (loss) before tax 1279838 2664385
Deferred tax assets 1705 4496
Deferred tax liabilities 45672 28958
Current income tax 333341 658347
Net profit (loss) of the reporting period 889165 1981576

Cost structure

Share in total costs, %, 2004
Material costs 74
Labor costs 10.5
Deductions for social needs 3.2
Depreciation of fixed assets 3.2
Other costs 9.1
Total 100

In the article, we will consider what the SMP declaration under 44 FZ is, a sample of 2018, as well as what categories of entrepreneurs belong to small businesses.

What is a Declaration of Ownership

Declaration - a document in which a person declares that he belongs to small businesses (SMEs). And this gives him the right to participate in tenders with benefits (Article 30 of the Law on the contract system). The customer has an obligation to make purchases from the SMP in accordance with 44-FZ. If you look at the statistics, you can see that the percentage of purchases from the SMP under 44-FZ is at least 15% of the total annual purchases.

At the same time, from 08/01/2016, the Federal Tax Service maintains the Unified Register of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses. Accordingly, the participant has the right to confirm his belonging to them with an extract from the register. It looks like this.

The ability to provide a declaration instead of an extract is confirmed in the Resolution of the Arbitration Court of the North-Western District dated January 23, 2018 in case No. A56-2602 / 2017.

Form of certificate of assignment to small and medium-sized businesses

For example, if the organization is newly created and there is no information in the register, the participant can declare his affiliation to the SMP using a declaration. Some, out of habit, send a declaration of belonging to small businesses as part of the application.

If the customer conducts tenders only among small businesses, this must be specified in the tender documentation in the form of advantages and limitations. Then the participants are required to declare their belonging to those. Otherwise, it's their right.

From 07/01/2018, there will be no need to draw up and submit a separate document. Belonging to small businesses will be confirmed automatically on the electronic trading platform at the time of application.

As follows from the provisions of the Law, purchases from such entities are carried out in such ways as tenders (open, two-stage, with limited participation), electronic auctions, requests for quotations and requests for proposals. For a description of each of them, see the article “Procurement methods under 44-FZ and 223-FZ”.

Payment period

Separately, it should be noted that if such a restriction is established, the payment term for SMP under 44 FZ is almost two times less than in other orders. In this case, the time for payment of the SMP under 44 FZ is 15 days (working, not calendar, pay attention to this) from the moment the obligations under the contract are fulfilled. Whereas the payment term for other contracts is 30 calendar days.

Who belongs to the SMP according to 44-FZ

These are duly registered legal entities (business companies, partnerships, peasant farms) and individual entrepreneurs (Law No. 209). Criteria for belonging of certain persons to such subjects have been established (at least one of them is required):

  • participation of state, municipal bodies, public organizations, funds in excess of 25% is not allowed in the authorized capital;
  • no more than 49% of the shares belong to other companies (legal entities), including foreign ones;
  • activity consists in applying the results of intellectual activity;
  • has the status of a participant in the Skolkovo project;
  • founders are persons included in the list of those who provide state support for innovation;
  • the average number of employees does not exceed: for medium-sized enterprises - from 101 to 250 people, for small enterprises - up to 100 employees, for micro-enterprises - up to 15 people;
  • income for the year should not exceed the following limit values: micro-enterprises - 120 million rubles, small enterprises - 800 million rubles, medium-sized enterprises - 2 billion rubles.

Note that individuals cannot declare belonging to small businesses due to the fact that the law defines a closed list of persons who can be attributed to this category.

We offer you a service for obtaining detailed information about the activities of the company you are interested in for the entire time of its existence. Company information is issued in the form of a business reference with full information about the legal entity or individual entrepreneur registered in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Company Verification (Summary)

All change history


Financial condition

Arbitration cases

Government contracts

Execution proceedings

Bankruptcy notices

Information disclosure


Financial analysis by years

Total 600 rubles.

To order

Company check (detailed report)

All change history


Financial condition

Arbitration cases

Government contracts

Related organizations by members

Execution proceedings

Bankruptcy notices

Information disclosure


Financial analysis by years

Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP

Total 900 rubles.

To order

* Information is provided from official sources of information. The completeness and relevance of information is determined by the sources of information and the availability of data. Detailed statistics are collected throughout the activity. Business reference is issued by e-mail.

For any legal entity or individual entrepreneur in the territory of the Russian Federation
Order fulfillment time is 15 minutes.

Why do you need to check the company?

It is no secret that in Russia there are a huge number of fraudulent firms, one-day companies and simply financially unscrupulous businessmen. Without information about the company with which you are going to cooperate, you run the risk of being deceived.

ORDER a business certificate about the company

Today, the MIFNS calls for vigilance when choosing counterparties and checking information about the company by all available means. Information about the company obtained on the basis of data from this service will become a guarantee of the security of a transaction with a legal entity, information about which you receive.

When buying a ready-made business, you also need to be sure of the honesty of the seller and the clean history of his business. No one wants to clear up the debts and mistakes of the previous owners of the company, for this you need to check the company and protect yourself by learning all possible information.

The cost of checking the company and the term for obtaining a business certificate

Legal consultants of the company will process your request for information about a company registered in the Russian Federation within 10-15 minutes after receipt of payment for the order. The finished business certificate is received by the client in electronic form by e-mail.

Checking the company (abbreviated report) - 600 rubles.
Checking the company (detailed report) - 900 rubles.
Lead time - 15 minutes

The basis for issuing an information certificate about a company is information from the Federal State Statistics Service. If any information is missing from the business certificate, it means that the data was not provided.