Watch dogs. Guard dog breeds with photos and names Features of large guard breeds

Guard dog breeds are excellent guards of housing and the territory adjacent to it, good companions for the owner, they easily get along in a country house or in a city apartment.

The guard dog has a keen ear and increased attentiveness, a pronounced instinct to control its territory, and can notify the owner of the arrival of a stranger. They are unpretentious in content, tolerate different climatic conditions well, with a balanced and obedient character.

They have innate watchdog abilities, which manifest themselves when on guard duty. Despite its size, the pet must have an accommodating character, intelligence, obey the owner's commands, sharp instincts, endurance, and a loud, strong voice.

Above all, watchdog breeds should be healthy and easy to train.

The watchmen include a large number of dogs, but they are not always large. The breeder must clearly understand what this or that breed is capable of, since there is a difference between guard and guard breeds.

All guard dogs have a watchdog instinct, but their problem is that they are ready to immediately eliminate a stranger.

The watchdog breed of dogs, first of all, should warn of an approaching danger, clearly distinguish extraneous noises, and have a reasonable character. The pet needs to undergo a special training course, otherwise it will react to any rustle, bark for no reason at all moving objects, and will not be able to guard duty. A good breed is one that is always relaxed during a period of calm, and only at the first sign of danger is able to instantly concentrate, warn the owner about the arrival of a stranger, with a loud bark.

  • Fearless, beautiful, intelligent and very loyal breed. She has universal abilities, she can do any job: serve in the police, act in films, find on the trail and catch bandits. For the family in which he lives, the shepherd is the best friend and helper, can be a good nanny for children, loves to play and frolic with them. It lends itself well to training, obedient and affectionate pet.

  • In 1985, it became an officially recognized service breed. She is a pronounced territorial guard, has an excellent reaction to a stranger and an excellent grip. Feels the distance well, calms down as soon as the stranger leaves its territory, but at the same time remains ready for his return for a long time. With a loud strong voice and impressive size, this breed has everything a true watchman and guardian needs.

  • Initially, the Rottweiler was bred to be a fierce and aggressive guard dog, but with the right upbringing, he can be an obedient and affectionate pet. When defending the territory, he becomes cruel and merciless, on the contrary, in relation to the owner, this giant turns into a sweet and kind pet. Definitely needs early socialization and strict upbringing from puppyhood.

  • A dog of impressive size and a strong voice will be an excellent watchman and guard. The Turkmen wolfhound was bred to protect livestock, protect the owner, his family and property. A big, smart, restrained and kind pet for its owners, it will become a thunderstorm for ill-wishers who encroach on the territory it guards. It needs training and education, otherwise you will not be able to cope with a naughty pet of this size.

  • Playful, cheerful and cheerful pet. It has strong muscles, athletic physique, full of strength and energy. Thanks to these qualities, the breed is used to work in the police, to protect the territory. The boxer has excellent watchdog qualities, it will always warn the owner of the danger. He loves attention to his person, can be with the owner all day, and will be happy about it.

  • Brave, courageous, majestic breed, famous for its heroism and fearlessness. They are able to warn of the approach of avalanches, they can find missing people who have become victims of the snow element under the snow. The dog is a rescuer, he will never leave you in difficult times, and will do everything in his power to help you. He is big and formidable on the outside, but inside he has a kind, loving heart. Saint Bernard loves children, loves to play and frolic with them.

  • At one glance at the proud and majestic appearance of this dog, you feel respect for it. The Doberman is smart, noble, elegant and very beautiful. When he is in motion, every muscle plays on his athletic body. He is an excellent watchman and guard, but needs early socialization and professional education. Thanks to an athletic physique and a sharp mind, he can learn any work, and will become an indispensable assistant for the owner.

  • Chernysh or Russian Pearl, this giant is affectionately called by owners and breeders who know the price of this breed. Despite the large size, it is a very elegant and plastic dog. A good guard of the territory, he will not let a stranger close. But at the same time, to the family in which he lives, to the children of the owner, he is affectionate and gentle. Gets along well with animals. Can be friends and play with large dogs, and with small crumbs, without harming them.

  • An excellent watchdog breed, their territory is very important to them and they are ready to defend it to the end. Initially, they were bred as a fighting dog, but now it is a great friend and companion. But in order for an obedient and kind pet to grow out of a Shar Pei, the owner needs to work hard on his upbringing, and start training from puppyhood.

  • Guard breed of medium height. Considered a dog of one owner. In appearance, this is a teddy bear with a blue tongue, but in the soul it is a good watchman with an independent and independent character. He has strong nerves, excellent endurance and innate natural delicacy.

  • Agile, fast, brave and majestic dog. The Cane Corso, not only an ancient breed, has been admired and respected for many centuries. Many breeders, describing this beautiful breed, say that they combine the appearance of the devil and the character of an angel. And indeed, the pet shows great love and devotion to the owner and his family, but it is better not to meet with him for an uninvited guest.

  • This active, cheerful and hardy breed will become an indispensable friend and helper for the hunter. She fascinates with her beauty and grace, and her bright red hair is admirable. Her efficiency can be simply envied, and the hunting instinct and desire to please the owner make her an ideal companion on any hunt, be it bear baiting or searching for squirrels.

    This white handsome athlete will not leave anyone indifferent. The only breed bred in Argentina and recognized by the International Cynological Federation of the FCI. Argentines are so proud of him that they even erected a monument in his honor. And no wonder, he is an excellent athlete, hunter, companion, watchman, guide dog, and sometimes it seems that there are no impossible tasks for him.

    A large, strong, proud dog with a beautiful lion's mane and a brave heart. He is an excellent watchman and guard, infinitely loving the owner and all members of his family. This is a calm and affectionate dog, but if an ill-wisher walks near your house, his loud barking and menacing appearance will scare away a stranger for a long time. He will be faithful to you all his life, and in return only requires your attention, love and affection.

    Small size, smooth-haired dog. With its formidable and obese appearance, it easily replaces the watchdog, but in fact it is an affectionate and sweet dog. It lends itself well to training and does not tolerate screams and threats against him. Keeping this breed requires a well-ventilated area, because they do not tolerate overheating.

The best guard dog breeds have perfected their skills over the centuries. Weak individuals died in fights with opponents, the strongest, smartest and most balanced dogs survived and gave birth. The so-called native dogs show excellent results in work, although there are a number of specially bred breeds for home protection.

All guard dogs have a number of similar qualities:

  • Cold mind - the dog quickly falls into a rage, but knows how to pull himself together.
  • Desire to learn.
  • Balance - does not attack until it sees a clear threat.
  • Innate territoriality (not to be confused with sexual or dominant aggression).
  • Focus on the owner, that is, on one person. Most guard dogs for a private home once defended flocks and communicated only with a shepherd (shepherd) for months.
  • Endurance.
  • Sensitive hearing.
  • Sharply developed intuition.
  • The ability to make your own decisions and cunning are very important qualities, since the typical behavior of a guard is predictable for an enemy.

Some breeds do not need special training, their main mission is protection. Universal quadrupeds must clearly understand their task, that is, the owner will have to place emphasis in the process of basic education.

The future owner should know that not every barking dog is a guard. There are a number of breeds that have been bred for other work:

  • dogs protect the territory only in a flock. If the four-legged lives alone, he can imitate security, but you should not expect full protection from him.
  • cops bred for hunting, this is their passion, their excitement ... and protection is something boring.
  • they need serious loads, they run around the yard with pleasure and chase birds, but they do not have a pronounced guarding instinct.
  • - adore people and are completely devoid of aggression.
  • Burrows dogs are very capable of learning and can begin to guard, but when the choice arises: hunting or guarding, the pet will succumb to instincts.

It is rather difficult to list all breeds “suitable” for protection, it is more reasonable to single out the twenty most worthy and “tested” ones. For convenience, we will divide our TOP into groups, depending on the size of the dogs. So, the names, photos and descriptions of the best guard breeds for an apartment and a house.

Large breeds are suitable for keeping in the house, but some can live in an apartment. Most large guard breeds are strongly discouraged from chaining or otherwise restricting their will. Dogs that have worked in large areas for generations need activity and daily work.

- by right, one of the best guards. Independent and self-confident dog. Needs an experienced owner, basic training and active socialization. He knows how to protect by nature, he does not need specialized training. The breed is suitable for the street. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog can sleep in a snowdrift and feel comfortable. If you decide to purchase a booth or build an aviary, locate the shelter in the center of the yard. If the dog does not have a view, he will not rest in the "house".

- "light version" of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. CAO is more sociable and patient than Caucasians, it is easier to train them. Representatives of the breed need walks and communication with relatives. Similar to the Caucasian Shepherd Dogs, Alabai are bred to protect large flocks of livestock. Dogs are distinguished by poise and endurance.

- a deliberately bred service breed. The state project was not completed, and the Moscow watchdogs were not recognized in the world. The breed is bred successfully in Russia and the former CIS countries, but is not popular. Many people compare the Moscow watchdog with St. Bernard, the breeds are similar only in appearance. In terms of character, it is more logical to draw an analogy with the Caucasian Shepherd Dog.

Note! The Moscow watchdog is officially recognized in Russia, but the FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale) has not registered the breed. The reason for the refusal is the similarity with St. Bernard and not always a stable psyche in blood lines.

Russian black terrier- a relatively rare breed of dog due to its size and complex nature. Quadrupeds were bred according to the state project, as a working breed for service at important sites. Having received a large, powerful and restive dog, cynologists faced the difficulties of education. Like Moscow Watchdogs, Black Russian Terriers take a long time to mature and need individual attention.

It is interesting! The Black Russian Terrier is recognized by the FCI, and its second name, under which the breed has been recognized for a long time, is “Stalin's dog”.

Read also: Greyhound: history, standard, character, health and features of the breed

South Russian Shepherd Dog- the breed was bred to work with herds and protect the property of farmers. The rich hair allows the South Russian Shepherd Dog to work in any weather conditions, and the white color of the coat protects the four-legged dog from overheating when staying in open areas for a long time. Representatives of the breed have only one minus - the required care, otherwise, southerners are excellent guards and companions.

bullmastiff- the breed descended from two legendary ancestors - the English Mastiff and the Old English Bulldog. Mastiffs belong to the Molossian group, that is, service (in the past), fighting and guard dogs. The bulldog was bred for baiting animals (bulls). The pickling dogs were hardy, fierce and fearless. The Bullmastiff was deliberately bred to guard and patrol the territory. Despite their size, representatives of the breed are quite compact and can live in an apartment. The nuance that the future owner should be aware of is the profuse salivation characteristic of the breed.

- a breed that has a close relationship with gladiator dogs, who became famous for their fighting qualities during the time of Ancient Rome. After serving in the Roman army, Cane Corso was actively used in hunting large game. Having become an object of admiration, the breed spread throughout Europe and was retrained as a guard. Large four-legged animals helped with cattle shifting, guarded flocks and owners' houses. Even during the war, Cane Corso continued to carry out their usual service.

After the fighting, the economic crisis elevated the Cane Corso to the rank of luxury, it was difficult to feed such large tailed ones. The breed became a rarity and was even on the verge of extinction. Today, breeders are restoring the Cane Corso population.

It is interesting! The Hungarian Watchdog (Komondor) is an excellent watchdog and a very smart dog, but due to the difficulties with care, the breed remains rare.

Medium sized dogs suitable for home and apartment protection. It is worth noting that the guard and bodyguard are different areas of training. The first protects the house and property, the second - the owner. Almost any companion breed can act as a bodyguard. Even if the guard instinct is not developed in the four-legged dog, dogs are taught to defend the owner at the ZKS courses. American Pit Bull Terriers and Staffordshire Terriers can be attributed to the number of bodyguards, but (most likely) it will not work to bring up guards from them.

For many dog ​​lovers, medium breeds are the perfect combination of strength and efficiency. Most quadrupeds are listed as universal service breeds, that is, hypothetically, they can be trained in any job.

Note! Short-haired guard dogs should be kept in a dwelling or have an insulated aviary.

- the smartest breed among its generalist relatives. Shepherd dogs are rightfully called universal because they work in special services, are trained in rescue and guide work, are excellent at guarding, protecting and excelling in any kind of dog sport.

The breed appeared in the USSR as a war trophy. A crisis reigned in the country, there were few dogs, and it was expensive to import them from abroad. Having trophy German Shepherds at hand, cynologists of the USSR tried to breed their own breed - the East European Shepherd Dog (VEO). Soon, work to improve the new breed was abandoned. Today, breeds are not separated, although at international exhibitions, a German with VEO bloodlines can be rejected.

- It is believed that the breed originated from Roman fighting dogs that came to Germany during the wars. The breed was named after their hometown, Rothville. It is known that the ancestors of modern tetrapods worked for butchers, helped to drive cattle to slaughterhouses, transport meat to the market, and after work, guarded the wallet of the tipsy owner.

The breed has been widely used by the police for a long time. It must be said that the reputation earned while serving in the German police is still reaching for the Rottweilers. Many characterize the breed as aggressive and dangerous, in fact, the Rottweiler is a serious dog that should be owned and raised by one owner. With a sensible approach to socialization and upbringing, you cannot find a better companion and watchman.

Read also: Porselen (Porcelain Hound): features of keeping and caring for the breed (+ photo and video)

doberman- four-legged, bred to intimidate others and protect the owner. A well-groomed Doberman evokes mixed feelings, but few people doubt his physical strength and fighting ability. Representatives of the breed are great for keeping in an apartment, but they are able to protect a large territory. With an apartment content, the Doberman needs to be productively walked, in the summer near water bodies, in the winter at training grounds.

Quadrupeds do an excellent job with the general course of training (OKD) and ZKS. With proper socialization, Dobermans are indifferent to other people's animals, distrustful of strangers and ruthless towards bullies. The dog gets along well in a large family and is patient with children.

- Another great breed for an apartment. Representatives of the breed are very different in character depending on the sex. Males are more determined, females are more patient and affectionate. Boxers are very territorial, and they protect not only the home, but also the belongings of the owner. A trained dog will guard a bike you left or a bag left near a shop or entrance.

Boxers are great with kids. During a walk, the dog makes a discount to the young owner, does not pull the leash and avoids conflicts in every possible way. If the child is in danger, the Boxer is resolute, but reasonable. The dog will not touch a minor bully, but will boldly rush into battle if stray dogs or an adult are in charge of the owner.

It is interesting! With proper upbringing and maintenance, Akita shows himself to be an excellent guard and bodyguard.

- a cute bear with a blue tongue has an unexpectedly determined disposition. Even as a puppy, the four-legged is not shy in his actions and can get into fights. At the time of the birth of the breed, quadrupeds were kept in monasteries and faithfully guarded their home. Chow Chow is one of the excellent guards, which does not belong to the "clan of service breeds".

- representatives of the breed were dubbed dogs with a human mind. Dogs are able to master literally any skills and adequately serve throughout their lives. Representatives of the breed honor and instinctively protect the owner. The standard schnauzer will successfully guard the home if allowed. The dog should feel confident, receive enough attention and freedom of choice.

There are also nuances of content, for example, dogs are very active and if they do not let off steam, you need to expect trouble. An overstayed mittel turns into a destroyer and a fugitive, poorly trained and cunning. The standard schnauzer needs to be cut and trimmed. In winter and autumn, the dog must be dressed, otherwise frequent bathing will ruin the coat and harm the dog's skin.

Airedale- Despite the harmless appearance, under the wavy coat of the Airedale lies an athletic build and impressive strength. The true purpose of the breed is hunting for a large animal. Erdeli were bred to be hardy, brave, strong and controllable dogs. The closest ancestors of the breed hunted otters, and this is a very hard and exhausting job.

The Airedale Terrier gets along comfortably in urban environments. There are no problems with keeping in the apartment, because the dog does not shed. In order to preserve the appearance, the dog must be cut and trimmed.

Small breeds are traditionally seen as companions. It would seem, what can such a crumb do if it gets into a critical situation? You should not “meet by clothes”, among small dogs there are worthy guards.

Welsh Corgi - a small service dog with enviable endurance and developed intelligence. There are two types of breed:

  • - larger, with small ears, the neck is well arched, the back is wide, the line of the peritoneum is slightly tucked up. Some puppies are born without tails. Emotional, active and very sociable.
  • - have large ears, the body tapers to the croup, the groin line is well drawn. All dogs have a long tail. By nature, they are more restrained than brothers, distrustful of strangers.

Representatives of the breed were used for grazing small livestock and were used in search work. Today, Welsh Corgis are regarded as sporting companion dogs, although they have not lost their working skills.

Schipperke- a funny shepherd's shepherd dog of small size. Representatives of the breed are famous for their courage and desperation when guarding. A cute dog with shiny button-eyes in one moment turns into a gladiator snapping his teeth. Schipperke always act unexpectedly. Before the attack, the dog weighs his tactics for a few seconds, and as a deceptive maneuver, he may pretend to be frightened.

To say that only a powerful and reliable lock can save from thieves is only possible for someone who has never seen a watchdog “in action”. This is a special kind of representatives of canines, which a person created to protect the territory, property, his home and even children. By the way, some experts call a guard dog a guard dog, but it would be more correct to say that a guard dog is one of the guard dogs.

The best watchman can be seen immediately: by the way the animal behaves, by its gait, and even in the photo. So, the ideal watchman is in constant study of the environment, examines the territory and “silently” notes even the slightest changes. When the dog enters the “own zone” entrusted to it, it will show aggression not only to strangers, but even to other animals. Although outside of "its own zone" a guard dog can quite nicely "communicate" with other dogs and even pretend not to notice strangers. The best guard dog perfectly distinguishes the usual territory from the one entrusted to it in protection and behaves accordingly.

The guard is the result of genes and training

The quality of a guard dog is not just good genes from the same attentive ancestors, it is also the result of long and hard training. Each class of animals has its own scale, according to which the leader is determined, so the top 10 best guard dogs always fall into:

  • Caucasian Shepherds;
  • Asian;
  • South Russian;
  • Moscow watchdog, etc.

The Best of the Best Guard Dogs

In the top 10 of the best watchmen, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog is primarily included. This breed combines all the qualities of an ideal watchman, which makes it not only very popular, but also one of the most common. In principle, any guard dog inspires respect with its appearance, but especially the Caucasian (its power can be seen even from the photo). Few people dare to ignore the beast with a height of 74 cm to 88 cm, weighing from 65 to 100 kg! The uniqueness of the Caucasian lies in his adaptability. Due to its thick coat, the dog is not afraid of either cold or heat, and can either be kept in an aviary or just in the open. But before you start a Caucasian Shepherd Dog as a dog to guard your house or yard, you need to weigh the pros and cons well, since this breed has a rather ferocious temperament and it requires not only special regular training, but also socialization.

Another luxurious and powerful beauty, which is always in the top 10 of those who know how to guard and the most reliable, is the Asian Shepherd Dog, better known to the layman as the Alabai (see photo). Alabai is distinguished by endurance and fearlessness. At the same time, the animal has a pronounced watchdog instinct and remarkable self-confidence. A dog whose height reaches 70 cm and weighs up to 60 kg can show aggression not only towards a stranger who accidentally or deliberately wandered into a protected area, but also towards four-legged relatives. Despite the fact that the Alabai is still less aggressive than its Caucasian counterpart, it is impossible to do without enhanced training and regular training, or socialization during its upbringing.

Experts also included the South Russian Shepherd Dog in the top 10, which, in addition to its excellent qualities, is also distinguished by its unpretentiousness to the content. This dog is not only reliable, he is a workaholic. The South Russian Shepherd loves to "serve" and impresses with its tirelessness in the performance of its duty. In addition, this guard dog ranks first in speed among its peers. It is unlikely that even a runner-athlete will be able to escape from such a watchman, so it is better not to provoke her to demonstrate a dog running record.

As for the features of education, this animal will unconditionally obey only one and very strong moral owner. The slightest manifestation of weakness on the part of a person and an animal is unlikely to recognize you as its leader.

Top ten continues the Moscow watchdog. Even the name of the breed of this dog speaks for itself. This breed appeared as a result of a combination of genes of such serious canine representatives as:

  • St. Bernard, with whom she is sometimes confused especially in the photo;
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog;
  • Russian piebald hound.

From the first she "took" diligence, from the Caucasian - ferocity, and from the hound - endurance.

Well, what is the top 10 guard dogs for home and yard without a German Shepherd! Despite its almost miniature size (especially in comparison with Caucasians or Moscow watchdogs), the German Shepherd is considered one of the best in its class. The uniqueness of this animal, whose height is not more than 60 cm, and the weight is only 40 kg, is in its intelligence. Folk wisdom that "there is no need for strength" is not about the German. The combination of strength, agility, speed, lightning-fast reaction and high intelligence makes this breed just “terrible”. It is thanks to his mind that the German Shepherd is considered not just an excellent watchman, but a universal soldier who can be taught:

  • protect people;
  • to be a "cop";
  • cope with the search no worse than professional bloodhounds;
  • act as a companion;
  • work, no worse than working breeds.

Despite its aggressive past (the dog was originally trained on a person) and the fact that the shepherd is in the top 10 most dangerous breeds, the German can easily be brought even to a family with small children. And again, it's all about the mind and prudence. In relation to the children of his master, the dog will show his completely different qualities, such as calmness, condescension and endurance. Well, parents may not worry about the safety of their child near such a watchman. The animal will protect the little ward even at the cost of its own life.

In addition to various types of shepherd dogs, the top 10 best guard dogs include:

  • dogo argentino, which can scare away with its appearance alone (photos can be found on the net). Few people, looking at this large animal, want to be convinced of its fearlessness and ability to defend and protect its territory. It is almost impossible to overdo it in the rigor of raising a Dogo Argentino. Since the animal initially wants to dominate not only other animals, but also people, the owner of this handsome man will have to sweat a lot to prove his superiority and right to power. Only a special almost individual course of training and socialization is capable of making a devoted, and, most importantly, obedient guard out of this breed;
  • bullmastiff. The first thought that comes when meeting a bullmastiff one on one is to say goodbye to family and friends. The dog is really impressive, or rather, terrifying with its exterior, even in the photo. At the same time, her functions were almost childish. So, in the 19th century, the task of the bullmastiff was to protect game from poachers. But the modern bullmastiff perfectly copes with the protection of children, as it has an instinctive ability to distinguish enemy from friend. Although, some experts advise children not to be allowed close to this breed, given its simply innate aggressiveness. But other dog experts say it's all about the upbringing;
  • rottweiler. Another German breed that knows how to protect and protect. Despite the fact that the Rottweiler is one of the ten most dangerous dogs, he has found his place of honor in the top 10 best watchdogs for both home and yard. With a properly selected training course, you can grow an excellent watchman and protector from this dog. Moreover, in addition to self-confidence, Rottweilers are also distinguished by complete incorruptibility. So, hoping that the dog will leave his post for the sake of a treat is not worth it;
  • Doberman also constantly finds its place in the top 10 among the best watchmen and guards. Despite its truly aristocratic appearance (see photo), the Doberman is distinguished by strength, speed of reaction. But the hallmarks of these lean dogs are alertness and agility. If German breeders created the Rottweiler as an animal capable of defeating the enemy by force, then the Doberman was created as a unique breed that will delay the enemy and not injure him. Such jewelry work in the security business is characteristic only of the Doberman. Another feature that distinguishes the guard behavior of the Doberman is the ability of the dog to “make a detour”. Such a watchman can be entrusted with both an apartment and a luxurious country house;
  • The South African Boerboel is also valued as a watchman, but it is rather difficult to call this breed widespread in our region. The distinguishing features of the Boerboel (apart from its guard instinct and constant desire to dominate) are fearlessness, a high level of intelligence and a great sense of ownership. In order for the Boerboel not to create problems for the owner, it must be properly trained and the dog must undergo a course of socialization without fail. If there are children in the family, it is better not to start a Boerboel;
  • The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, better known as the Gross, is an ideal watchdog, especially in families with children. For his master, his child and even his property, the animal is ready to give his life. Despite the not very pronounced possessive instinct, the gross can weakly protect its territory, but the property entrusted to it or its owner - until the last breath. The main feature of the Gross is 100% loyalty, and this feature compensates for the absence of any other characteristics that are characteristic of watchdogs;
  • if the Thai Ridgeback is in the top 10 rarest dogs, then its Rhodesian relative confidently takes its place among the best guards. Despite its not too large size (as can be seen from the photo), the animal is very mobile. And the absence of aggressiveness is observed only as long as its owner is not in danger. If there are small children in the family, the Rhodesian Ridgeback will become not only an ideal watchman, but also an ideal assistant in their upbringing;
  • There are whole legends about Cane Corso and this is due to its Italian origin. Despite the fact that the southern part of Italy is considered to be the birthplace of the dog, the inhabitants of which have always been distinguished by their irascibility and bright temperament, the Cane Corso surprises with its poise and calmness. For a long time, this powerful dog, a photo that is on the network, was used during the hunt. The advantages of an animal whose weight reaches 50 kg and a height of 68 cm can be called easy adaptability, endurance and composure. But the disadvantages include dislike for four-legged relatives. After a course of socialization, the Canne Corso, in addition to all its virtues, also acquires a certain friendliness, which, however, is possible only in the absence of danger. Ideal for home and property protection.

Evil does not mean sentry

There is a stereotype that you can make a guard out of any dog, the main thing is that the beast be aggressive. But this is a delusion. The wrong approach to education will not only not make a good defender of the house and property out of the animal, but will easily spoil the breed. For the upbringing, training and training of guard dogs, it is better to use the services of a professional cynologist who not only knows the psychology of the animal, but knows how to put this knowledge into practice.

It’s not worth it to start a watchdog just so that the animal languishes in a city apartment. In limited conditions, both his character and his psyche will deteriorate. And the "shattered" psyche of any pet is very dangerous, even for the owner.

All breeds of dogs have a well-developed sense of their territory, therefore they have long been used as watchmen.

Of course, with the help of proper upbringing and training, you can make a guard out of any dog. However, representatives of some breeds have a penchant for this "profession". They constantly study the territory, mark it, react aggressively to the arrival of strangers.

For example, a good sentry will come out of a shepherd dog (Caucasian, South Russian, Asian) or a Moscow watchdog. They are considered the best guards. In addition to them, the Rottweiler, Doberman, Bullmastiff, Dogo Argentino are included in the category of guard dogs.

Guard dogs must be given their own space. If the dog will live in an apartment, it is worth giving him a separate corner. Guard breeds are more in need of their territory than their relatives. The place you have chosen for the dog should provide him with a good view. At the same time, it is important to provide comfort to the pet. Check if the place is in a draft.

If you plan to keep your dog on a chain in a private home, pick up a long leash. A guard dog should not feel restricted.

In no case do not keep guard dogs in a cramped room for a long time - this will negatively affect the psyche of the animal. The booth must be well insulated. Check how free the pet feels in it. He must freely change positions.

Guard dog care

You need to wash your guard dog every couple of months. If the dog lives in an apartment or periodically enters the house, you can wash his paws and wipe his coat with a terry towel.

Regularly clean your ears, monitor the condition of your nails, teeth and eyes. It is important that a watchdog has a healthy, thick coat. Dogs, who spend a lot of time in the yard, need a fur coat especially. Wool protects the animal from cold and direct sunlight.

Even if the dog lives in the yard of a private house, you need to systematically walk with it. Otherwise, the dog's muscles will weaken, he will begin to gain weight.

In addition, an active lifestyle has a positive effect on the internal systems of the body. Do not subject your dog to heavy physical exertion. If the dog is tired, do not force him to train. This will negatively affect health.

Feeding guard dogs

The food of watchdogs is not too different from the standard norms. The recommendations are the same - the basis of the menu is meat (60-70%), its cereals and vegetables complement it. Be sure to add vitamins to food.

You can switch your dog to commercial food (premium, super premium, holistic). Adjust the diet depending on the activity of the dog. If she, for the most part, sits in the yard on a chain, the food should be less high-calorie.

List of guard dog breeds:

Dog breeds

Dog breeds

Dog breeds

Dog breeds

Dog breeds

Dog breeds

Due to the fact that today in the world there are a huge number of breeds of dogs, everyone can find for themselves exactly the animal that fits perfectly into the conditions and lifestyle of a potential dog lover.

MirSovetov will introduce readers to those breeds of dogs that are ideal as an apartment or aviary watchman.

Choosing a watchman

Before mindlessly getting the first puppy you like, you need to think about what you can offer your pet: food and ammunition, care and maintenance, paying a veterinarian, etc.

  1. To begin with, decide what kind of dog you need - a serious dog for housing protection or a baby as a "bell"?
    Remember, if you live in a small apartment, then a large overweight and long-haired dog will be cramped for you.
    A short-haired dog, even if it is very large, cannot be kept in an aviary - it will freeze in the cold.
  2. Any guard dog needs special systematic and active physical activity.

You should not make a monster out of a dog that is unacceptable as a watchman:

  1. No matter how evil some breeds of hunting dogs are during the hunt, they are completely unsuitable for protection.
  2. Large dogs, which are used as rescuers, are devoid of aggression towards humans.
  3. The so-called "fighting" breeds of dogs, which were bred to fight with their own kind, will not be good watchmen, as they are very fond of people.
It is better to take a closer look at those representatives who were specially bred for protection. At the same time, one should not forget that there are four-legged animals that are ideal for an apartment, and there are those that will feel great only when kept outdoors.

TOP 5: the best guard dogs for home protection

To protect a private home, tall dogs of medium and above average height, with thick hair and a warm undercoat, are suitable. Only such individuals will feel comfortable outdoors during cold weather. In an apartment environment, these dogs will not be very comfortable. In addition, the owner will have to put up with the fact that during molting there will be a lot of wool in the apartment.

TOP 5: the best guard dogs for guarding an apartment

For serious protection of the apartment, medium and above average height dogs with short hair are suitable. These animals require a regular long walk, where it would be possible not only to stretch their paws, but also to give an outlet for energy.