Properties and uses of sage oil. Sage oil: benefits and application features Clary sage oil and application

The essential oil of clary sage was actively used in ancient Egypt long before our time. It was brought there from Crete, where it has long been used for religious, medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Gradually, EO spread throughout the Mediterranean and became one of the earliest discovered medicinal substances. Over time, a special remedy began to be obtained from the extract. Often it is called nutmeg, as the aroma is similar to a similar sort of wine drink. Ether is prepared in a very complex way and requires a huge amount of plant material.

Useful properties of clary sage essential oil

The substance is produced by pressing fresh flowering shoots. It has a very wide range of healing qualities. It is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes in Afghanistan, Bali, Great Britain, Holland, Germany, Denmark, Egypt, Spain, Italy, Iran, the Caucasus, Crimea, China, Morocco, Nicaragua, Russia, Slovenia, United States of America.

The extract is a strong-smelling substance of semi-liquid consistency and yellowish color. Ether emits the aroma of a flowering meadow, a green forest and a ripe walnut. It also has wine and tea shades.

Benefits of sage essential oil include:

  • reduction of the inflammatory process;
  • wound healing;
  • counteracting the growth of pathogenic bacteria;
  • elimination of pain;
  • destruction of the infection;
  • getting rid of edema;
  • sedative effect;
  • elimination of spasms;
  • destruction of free radicals;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • hypnotic action;
  • getting rid of cough;
  • softening of the bronchial mucosa;
  • increase the body's defenses;
  • improvement in general tone;
  • counteracting the influence of menopause;
  • normalization of hormonal levels, etc.

Health Application

The healing properties of clary sage essential oil are due to a number of special substances that make up the composition. These include:

  • alkaloids;
  • amino acids;
  • antioxidants;
  • bromine;
  • camphor;
  • limoneol;
  • linolene;
  • pinene;
  • salvin;
  • alcohols;
  • terpenic acid;
  • phytoncides;
  • peeled.

The extract perfectly helps to increase the overall resistance of the body with frequent respiratory diseases and during the recovery period after serious illnesses.

Clary sage essential oil helps alleviate the symptoms of both hypertension and hypotension. It also helps with the manifestation of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

The substance has an excellent effect on the nervous system, improving mood, relieving overstrain, irritability and tearfulness. It is recommended for use in the treatment of chronic fatigue. Ether effectively stops depression and eliminates the effects of stress.

The tool also allows you to remove muscle clamp and eliminate joint pain. This property has found application in sports medicine and traumatology. Clary sage essential oil relaxes both striated and smooth muscles. Therefore, after strong nervous, physical or emotional stress, it is worth taking a bath or having a massage.

In diseases of the digestive system, the extract eliminates spasms in the abdominal cavity, promotes the outflow of bile and reduces flatulence.

When applied externally, it reduces the manifestations of inflammatory processes, has anti-allergic and wound-healing effects. Therefore, the substance has found wide application in dental, dermatological and traumatological practice.

It improves the vein flow, which contributes to the stabilization of the condition of patients suffering from varicose veins.

With menopause, sage can reduce the frequency of hot flashes, get rid of edema and enrich the body with phytoestrogens. It stabilizes the onset of menstruation, facilitates their flow and reduces the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.

The remedy is a powerful aphrodisiac. Helps to improve potency, increase libido and sharpen sexual sensations.

It also contributes to the normalization of the heart rhythm, activation of blood circulation and stabilization of vascular activity.

Clary sage essential oil improves overall, fat and mineral metabolism.

Application in cosmetology

The extract is extremely useful in violation of the production of sebum, the formation of wrinkles on the face and the occurrence of acne. Actively cleanses pores and relieves inflammation. The substance helps to heal small wounds and smooth the overall surface of the epidermis. In general, it has powerful anti-aging properties.

There are several effective recipes.

  1. In order to cope with the manifestations of oily skin, it is advisable to take one teaspoon of lemon and avocado juice, as well as one tablespoon of white clay. To them it is necessary to add five drops of sage. The mixture eliminates blackheads, improves complexion and smoothes wrinkles.
  2. For a rejuvenating effect, you need to take half a glass of rose pomace and add five drops of tea tree and sage to it. The composition will moisturize the skin, activate blood circulation and increase the flow of estrogen.
  3. One tablespoon of beeswax is taken, mixed with jojoba and cocoa butter, one teaspoon of parsley juice is added, and then supplemented with three drops of sage. The composition allows you to improve lymph flow, eliminate pigmentation and enhance tissue trophism.
  4. You should take one baked apple in the oven, mash it, mix it with the juice of one lemon, add five drops of rosemary, sandalwood and sage. The tool improves the water-salt balance and enriches the complexion.
  5. Take a decoction of one tablespoon of chamomile, marsh cudweed, lavender and sage. Add five drops of extract. The mixture smoothes the skin, eliminates dryness and relieves irritation.
  6. It is required to take avocado oil and pour in five drops of the extract of the same avocado, bergamot, grape, geranium and sage. The composition smoothes wrinkles on the face and nourishes the tissues.

Essential oil is also used for hair growth. It strengthens them and stops the formation of split ends.

Ten drops of clary sage extract are best added to a conditioner. The curls will be well combed and will acquire a wonderful shine.

You can pour the substance into the shampoo. Then the bulbs will become stronger, and dandruff will disappear.

With increased secretion of sebum, it is worth adding five drops of bergamot, lavender, mint and sage to the treatment mask.

In cases where the hair is brittle, split and fall out, it is advisable to apply a mixture of a tablespoon of olive or sunflower oil with the addition of sage to them.


However, it must be remembered that the substance is produced in a concentrated form and it must be used only exactly following the instructions for use.

For water procedures, you need to take three drops of the product and add the same amount of lavender and lemon balm. It is also worth adding kefir, honey, milk or calendula decoction to the water.

It is advisable to drip eight drops of sage, two drops of rose and sandalwood extract, as well as five drops of tea tree and eucalyptus into the massage oil. As a base, you need to take a stack of jojoba or cocoa.

When using inhalations, you need to take two drops of sage per liter of treatment solution.

When steaming the face, one drop of the substance should be isolated, the essential oil of orange, bergamot and geranium should be added to it, and they should also be diluted with a decoction of St. John's wort, marigold and horsetail.

When used as an aroma lamp, five drops of the product are required to be applied to it.

If it is added to aroma coulombs, then it is worth taking two drops of the substance.

One drop of sage, apricot and valerian must be added to bed linen, sachet or handkerchief.

When adding to a perfume or liquid for applying to furniture, use three drops of sage, tea tree and eucalyptus.

For creativity, meditation, relaxation, yoga, prayers, reading and divination, seven drops of the substance should be taken.


Clary sage essential oil is actively used in aromatherapy. Its smell cannot be confused with anything.

Perhaps it is this extract that is used most often in such practice.

He helps:

  • calm down;
  • improve mood;
  • relieve stress;
  • reduce aggressiveness;
  • become more active;
  • relax;
  • eliminate insomnia;
  • increase metabolism;
  • stabilize the state of tissues;
  • improve water-salt balance;
  • relieve muscle tension;
  • relieve pain on critical days;
  • to relax;
  • reduce swelling;
  • improve vascular permeability;
  • activate the blood supply to the lower extremities;
  • eliminate the manifestations of cellulite, etc.

Extracts of bergamot, valerian, calendula, lavender, lemon balm, and rosemary are also added to aroma lamps, incense sticks, baths, massage mixtures. A particularly strong effect is obtained by mixing them with essential oils, geranium, jasmine, St. John's wort, cypress, cinnamon, lime, lemon or mint.


The substance has a huge set of healing properties. However, it is best not to use it when:

  • bearing a child;
  • alcoholism;
  • persistent hypertension;
  • hypotension;
  • convulsive readiness;
  • renal failure;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • work that requires increased concentration;
  • treatment with certain drugs, etc.

In other cases, sage extract is an excellent means of correcting many pathological and physiological conditions.

And yet, before using the substance, you need to carefully study the attached instructions. It must be strictly followed.

The extract should be used only in a mixture with the main agent and after having made a skin dermatological test. A drop is applied to the inside of the elbow or thigh and left for sixty minutes. If there is no swelling, itching and discoloration, then the essential oil of clary sage can be used completely freely.

However, it must be used very carefully, as an overdose can cause severe allergic reactions, severe nervous tension or alcohol poisoning.

Most often, clary sage essential oil is used in dermatology, dentistry, gynecology, cosmetology, therapy, neurology, and osteopathy. It has a persistent specific odor, which directly interacts with cell receptors. With an overabundance, psychomotor agitation and severe insomnia may occur.

The genus of sage has more than 700-900 plant species, among which two species are distinguished - clary sage (Salvia sclarea) and medicinal (Salvia officinalis) most commonly used and cultivated by humans.

  1. Used for skin diseases psoriasis, eczema and others. Substances such as coumarins have an antitumor effect.
  2. Widely used in cosmetology in the form of masks for hair, nails, face skin, body. Gets rid of dandruff. Especially effective for mature and oily skin - removes oily sheen, tightens pores, smoothes wrinkles, including regeneration processes in the skin epidermis. Easily fights acne in adolescents, relieves inflammation and redness. It is an essential ingredient in perfumes.
  3. Application justified in culinary arts in pastry shops and alcoholic beverages. It is also used in the tobacco industry to flavor expensive varieties.

Useful properties of sage oil and contraindications

The healing properties of sage ether lie in a large number of esters in its composition, which give a specific fruity smell with nutty-herbal notes of amber, bergamot.

In addition to a pleasant spicy aroma, clary sage essential oil has antiviral, balsamic, deodorant, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antirheumatic, hypotensive, expectorant, sedative, tonic effect.

It is a good antispasmodic, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, heals wounds and scars, tightens pores and reduces prolactin levels (stops lactation). Clary sage essential oil is absolutely non-toxic, unlike medicinal, but still, the recommended dosage should be strictly followed.

Sage, like any other plant, is immune to insects, fungi and other microorganisms. Phytoimmunity consists in the release of special substances (phytoncides) that adversely affect pests.

It is also one of the ways to protect the plant, so the essential oil contains the highest concentration of substances. Because of this, clary sage essential oil should only be used externally to avoid skin rashes and the development of allergic reactions.

Contraindications for use:

  • During pregnancy.
  • During lactation. If a woman is not going to stop breastfeeding.
  • With hypotension and complex course of hypertension.
  • When driving.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Children under 5 years old.
  • With individual intolerance to the components.

Sage Oil for Health - Recipes

The abundance of recipes for the use of clary sage essential oil can be confusing, so you should highlight the main positions that are constantly found in recipes:

  • Adding 1-2 drops is enough for inhalation, taking a tonic and soothing bath, as well as for wearing an aromatic personal pendant.
  • Adding 5-10 drops per 100 - 150 ml of liquid will be justified for washing the face or applying a warm compress.
  • Adding three drops will be enough for 10-15 g of cream, shampoo, conditioner, lotion.
  • The addition of 3-4 drops per 200-250 ml of liquid is used when rinsing the mouth for colds or diseases of the gums and teeth.
  • For seasonal prevention of colds, it is necessary to aromatize living quarters at the rate of 3-4 drops per 10-15 square meters. m.

Sage oil to stop lactation

The use of clary sage essential oil has a gradual effect of reducing the production of breast milk, due to an increase in the synthesis of estrogen by the ovaries.

To stop lactation the fastest and most effective method is ether-based water or oil compresses.

  1. The general principle is as follows - a gauze napkin is moistened in the prepared solution and applied to the chest for an hour and a half a day.
  2. An aqueous solution of a compress is similar to the position described above. The oil solution will contain 3 to 15 drops of ether per two tablespoons of base cream.

This method is useful for the breast, since there are no stagnant processes and inflammations against this background, the milk level decreases gradually, which favorably affects the well-being of mother and child.

Sage oil for menopause

During menopause, a woman's body cannot provide the necessary amount of sex hormones and this affects the general well-being of a woman.

In the event that a lack of hormones seriously affects the general condition of the body, there are headaches, hormonal fluctuations, cold and hot flushes, trembling, then hormonal “feeding” with clary sage essential oil is necessary, which has a number of phytohormones that are identical in structure to female sex hormones. hormones.

For hormonal regulation, inhalations are used, inhaling sage vapors. Also, rubbing your favorite cream with the addition of clary sage essential oil is used.

How to take sage oil for headaches?

The use of a mixture of cream and essential oil of clary sage is effective for severe headaches and migraine attacks.

  1. In this case, such a ratio is taken: 1⁄2 teaspoon of the main cream for 1-2 drops of ether, rubbed into the temporal region.
  2. Taking a soothing bath can help relieve headaches. Phytoncides have a very active effect on the parasympathetic nervous system, restoring balance with the sympathetic nervous system, which generally has a positive effect on all organs and systems.

Sage oil for hands and nails

The recipe for softening the skin of the hands we take the following components:

  • 2 tablespoons base cream.
  • Two drops of esters such as sage, lemon, lavender, chamomile.

Rub with massage movements. With wounds and peeling, you can make lotions or apply compresses, moisturizing dry skin.

Recipe for nails:

  • They will stop exfoliating, microcracks will disappear - dilute two teaspoons of salt for half a liter of milk, 1⁄2 tsp. soda and honey, two drops of iodine and essential oil of clary sage. Such baths should be taken 1-2 times a week, for 10-15 minutes.

Foot Recipe:

  1. 4 drops of ether.
  2. 10 ml base cream. This remedy is used as an oil for foot massage from the bottom up. Effective for swelling and heaviness of the legs.

How to take sage oil for gums and teeth

Thanks to phytoncides, in particular, salvina, sage ether is an indispensable tool for stomatitis, gingivitis, tonsillitis, bad breath, periodontitis, toothache, and inflammatory processes in the gums.

Usually use rinsing in boiled water, room temperature. To 200-250 ml of water add 6-7 drops of nutmeg essential oil. Rinse should be within 5 minutes after eating, be sure to brush your teeth before that. Rinse at least three times in one day.

How to use sage oil for inhalation - recipe

Inhalations are often prescribed for coughs, bronchitis and various respiratory diseases. Add 1-2 drops of ether to the inhaler. The duration of inhalation is from three to five minutes.

If there is no inhaler, use an ordinary plate with high sides, where hot water is poured and up to 50 drops of oil are dripped. Inhale the evaporating ether with an open mouth and covered with a towel on top.

How to use sage for colds and runny nose - recipes

For colds, sore throats and other diseases upper respiratory tract use gargles, where 2-4 drops of oil are diluted per 200-250 ml. After such rinses, after a couple of minutes, living pathogenic bacteria - staphylococcus and streptococcus die.

With a cold you can use inhalation, taking a therapeutic bath at the rate of 1-2 drops per bath. Applying compresses to the chest will help get rid of the cough. Inhalation with a strong cough should not be done, as this can cause additional irritation of the inflamed mucosa.

The use of sage oil in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of clary sage essential oil have made it one of the most effective skin care products for the face, body, and hair.

In addition to the antiseptic, wound-healing effect, the essential oil of clary sage is unique, rejuvenator and vitamin, which causes rapid skin regeneration and reduction in the number of wrinkles.

Clary sage essential oil occupies a special place in aromatherapy using aroma lamps, aroma pendants, inhalations and baths.

This ether is an essential component of perfumery compositions, is part of creams, massage oils, shampoos, lotions.

Sage oil beneficial properties for the face

Considering that there are different types of skin, it is possible to distinguish recipes corresponding to each of them.

Recipe for dry skin

  • strawberries - 2 pcs., one tablespoon of chopped oatmeal, two tablespoons of yogurt. Mix everything, add one teaspoon of honey, two drops of lavender ether and one drop of sage ether and rosemary. The mask is applied to the face and neck. Keep the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Mask recipe for normal skin

  • take two drops of sage ether and one teaspoon of base ether, cream (jojoba, wheat germ or currant). The mask is applied to cleansed facial skin, wait 30 minutes, then the mask is not washed off, but soaked with a paper towel.

Recipe for oily skin

  • 2 drops of sage nutmeg ester and one teaspoon of hazelnut or grape seed ester.

How to use sage essential oil for wrinkles - recipes

Clary sage essential oil contains antioxidants that restore the normal life cycle of epidermal cells and prevent premature skin aging. Therefore, masks, which contain sage nutmeg ether, are an indispensable tool in the home of every woman.

  • The mask includes one tablespoon of sage, chamomile and lavender herbs. Boiling water is added to the mixture of herbs and rubbed to a mushy state. Then you should cool and add five drops of clary sage ether to the mixture. Keep the mask on your face for at least 15 minutes.

How to use sage oil for hair

In addition to the healing effect on the condition of the hair, nutmeg ether strengthens the bulbs, relieves dandruff, prevents hair loss and, with constant use, helps in the fight against baldness.

  • You can simply add ether at the rate of 1 drop per 5 g of daily shampoo.

In addition to this, you can make masks every 3-5 days:

Dry hair

  • mix burdock ether (2 tablespoons) and castor oil (2 tablespoons), after which the mixture is heated in a bath. Next, add lavender (2 drops) and sage ether (4 drops). Mix the mixture and rub it into the scalp. Wrap in a towel and put on a hat. Wash off the mixture after 30-40 minutes.

normal hair

  • mix almond ether (2 tablespoons) and burdock (2 tablespoons), heat them in a bath. Add chamomile ether (2 drops) and sage, nutmeg ether (4 drops). The finished mixture is applied to the head, wrap the head in a towel, and put on a plastic cap. Wash off the mask after 30-40 minutes.

Greasy hair

  • mix lavender (2 tablespoons) and cypress esters (2 tablespoons) and heat them in a water bath. After that, add bergamot (2 drops) and sage essential oil (4 drops). The mixture is stirred and rubbed into the hair roots, wrapped with a towel and a cap for 40 minutes. After the mask is washed off.

Each type of hair has its own nuances of using clary sage ether.

The use of essential oil "Sage clary" and the properties will be considered further in more detail. Among the many different means, this oil has earned special attention, as it is effectively used in cosmetology, in medicine, and all thanks to its healing properties.

The raw material for the preparation of essential oil is clary sage. This representative of the flora belongs to the Lamiaceae family, the plant can reach a height of even one meter. The leaves are hairy heart-shaped. Stem with a reddish tinge. The flowers are small bluish in color.

A valuable product is obtained from the plant through the use of special technology and this is an essential oil. For its preparation, steam distillation is used, using the flowers and leaves of the plant, since they have a healing effect. The finished oil has a tart smell, some notes of musk are felt in it.

The properties of the oil are determined by its composition, in particular, there is geraniol, nerol, camphor, germacrene D, myrcene, borneol, sclareol, in addition, salvin (has an antibacterial effect), and there is also a component of linalyl acetate.

Essential oil has the following beneficial effects: expectorant, analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antiseptic, in addition, antidepressant, choleretic, bactericidal, lowers blood pressure, has a sedative effect, as well as antimicrobial and antirheumatic.

In addition, this oil can cheer up a person, which is important in stressful situations. In addition, inhaling the vapors of this valuable oil can have a positive effect on memory, improving it, in addition, normalizes concentration, and generally stimulates the brain.

The use of oil in folk medicine

This product actively stimulates the activity of the digestive tract. As a result, a person gets rid of both intestinal and gastric spasms, effectively copes with flatulence, colic, and constipation.

Clary sage oil is actively used for massage. For this, only 3 to 6 drops of this product should be used. You can use it in compresses, then add it in the amount of seven drops.

Oil is also effective in violation of the nervous system, as it is a natural antidepressant. It is able to relieve a person from a sense of fear, relieves excessive anxiety, and allows you to relieve the severity of stress. To do this, it can be used together with bergamot and lavender oil in equal proportions, after which the resulting mixture is poured into a bath or added to a special aroma lamp.

If you have a headache, you can rub it in a small amount into your whiskey, you will need literally one or two drops of this remedy. In addition, clary sage effectively helps with some pathology of the respiratory system. In particular, it can be used for bronchitis, with a diagnosed sore throat, as well as for bronchial asthma, in addition to laryngitis, with a pronounced cough.

If a sore throat occurs in a person, you can gargle with this oil, for this you need to add 2 drops to a glass of water, after which you rinse your throat with this solution. After a few minutes, you will notice a favorable result. This procedure eliminates pathogenic microflora.

The use of oil in cosmetology

Clary sage oil is used in cosmetic practice, as it relieves inflammatory processes that can be localized on the skin, in particular with eczema, psoriasis, as well as with diagnosed various dermatitis. Its use is recommended for normal skin and prone to oiliness. This unique product has a positive effect on the regeneration of the skin, in addition, it prevents the appearance of wrinkles and helps to preserve the youthfulness of the skin.

It is recommended to use this oil in the initial stages of baldness, as it strengthens the hair, affects the stimulation of their growth, and also eliminates such unpleasant phenomena as dandruff. To this end, it is added in the amount of a few drops to the water to rinse the curls after washing the head.


Often this valuable oil is used for aromatherapy. In particular, inhalation of its vapors helps to eliminate the depressive state. It is recommended to use it for easily excitable persons.

Oil dosage

It should be noted that this oil is a potent agent, so it is important to observe the correct dosage of this essential oil. It should be used very carefully and only according to the dosage. If it is used in an aroma lamp, then 2 drops should be added per 7 sq. meters. For inhalation, it is enough to apply one or two drops, while the procedure is carried out for no more than five minutes.

When adding essential oil to the bath, it is necessary to use it in the amount of one or two drops. It should be noted that oil can to some extent reduce a person's concentration of attention, respectively, after using it, one should not drive a car. In addition, women who are breastfeeding, that is, who are in the lactation period, should not use clary sage oil.

"Salvation", "rescuer" and simply "Be healthy!" - all this in Latin means sálvia, or sage. The genus of sage includes about 900 species that are used in everyday life, in cooking, in medicine, and in gardening. And some varieties of sage combine many miraculous properties at once - you can read about the beneficial properties of sage in one of. Sage essential oil was no exception - its use is possible almost everywhere: in aromatherapy, in medicine, and to preserve beauty, and in the kitchen - you just need to know how to use it correctly.

Sage was known in ancient Egypt: the priests prepared tea from the miraculous herb for young women to increase the birth rate. Mentions of sage were found among the ancient Romans and in the early Middle Ages: the monks used medicinal sage both as a common spice and as a cure for all diseases. The sage drink enjoyed universal love even before India and China revealed the secrets of real tea to the whole world. And later, in the era of ornamental gardening, a real “sage boom” swept over Europe, other types of this plant became popular. Today, sage is used in the form of decoctions, infusions, extracts and all kinds of tinctures, essential oils. The most useful species are clary sage and officinalis, and clary sage essential oil is a real lifesaver from all troubles.

Sage oil in aromatherapy

Sage oil is obtained by steam distillation from the upper parts of the plant - flowers and leaves. The result is an almost colorless transparent liquid with an amazing musky smell. The aroma of sage is fresh and very complex, with smoky, nutty and amber notes and a slight balsamic touch.

The smell of sage itself is very bright, but it also looks great in combination with other oils. Very often, a drop of limetta (sweet lime) oil is added to sage oil, it allows you to remove the medical shade and emphasize the cool freshness of sage. Sage also reveals itself beautifully in combination with other citrus fragrances, geranium, delicate and passionate cinnamon, as well as woody and cypress.

Clary sage oil is one of the best antidepressants. It is no coincidence that one of the rare varieties of sage - "sage of predictors" - today is on the verge of the law, because a strong hallucinogen is obtained from this plant. Even ancient shamans, under the influence of this mysterious herb, went into a trance and allegedly communicated with the dead. Harmless clary sage oil, of course, will not cause any hallucinations, but it can help relieve any stress: nervous, emotional and even muscular.

Sage has a unique ability to perfectly relax muscles after nervous or physical overwork, so workaholics, excitable natures and athletes should definitely take sage oil baths into service.

Sage oil works great for depression, relieves fatigue, anxiety and improves mood. Inhalation with clary sage oil will allow you to look at the world from a different angle, find the good in any controversial situation, push you to new solutions and self-development. The smell of sage activates mental activity, improves memory and awakens intuition.

Sage oil in medicine

The use of sage essential oil in medicine is simply amazing. This is an antiseptic, and an immunomodulator, and an anesthetic, and much, much more.

For women, sage oil is especially useful: it regulates bleeding during menstruation, relieves muscle spasms during this period, and normalizes hormonal levels.

Sage also has a good effect on the immune system, increases the body's resistance during periods of illness and helps to quickly recover from a severe cold or. With bronchitis, it removes spasms, improves the condition with asthma and tonsillitis. During the period of colds and bacterial sore throats, rinsing with sage oil is especially recommended, they perfectly kill microbes. Sage rinses are also useful for diseases of the oral cavity, they also remove bad breath.

With problems with the gastrointestinal tract, stomach cramps, colic and constipation, sage will also help.

Sage works well as an antiseptic: with psoriasis, various dermatitis and eczema, it significantly relieves skin inflammation, clary sage heals problematic wounds and burns.

Salvia officinalis and clary sage oils have many properties in common, but there are some differences:

- when choosing a healing oil, remember: if clary sage is absolutely safe, then medicinal sage is toxic, and it is important to strictly observe the dosage;

- sage is good for the heart and blood vessels, but if sage officinalis increases blood pressure, then clary - lowers;

- an antidepressant, and even - it's all clary sage, medicinal sage oil primarily heals and tones well.

Sage oil in cosmetology

In cosmetology, clary sage essential oil is used - its use is especially useful for oily and mature skin.

Antiseptic sage relieves inflammation in acne, tightens pores, removes oily sheen of the skin. Stimulates skin regeneration, works great as an anti-aging agent.

A natural deodorant, sage is often used for the feet - it regulates the sweat glands, removes odor, reduces excessive sweating: with sage - a real salvation for such a delicate problem.

very effective in hair loss - by itself and in combination with other oils, it perfectly strengthens the roots and stimulates growth: for normal hair, sage +

Dosage of sage oil:

- in the aroma pendant and for hot procedures (baths, inhalations) - 2 drops are enough;

- in cosmetics - 3 drops of sage per 15 g of the base;

- for warming compresses and washing - 10 drops in half a glass of water;

- rinses for colds: a glass of warm water + half a teaspoon and honey + 4 drops of clary sage;

- for aromatization of the room (including the prevention of colds during a dangerous period) - for every 15 square meters of the room, 3 drops of clary sage oil.

What is sage essential oil? This is a light, viscous and very liquid phyto-essence, which has a pleasant, lightish, yellow-green tint. The oil has a very bright, distinct camphor aroma, similar to ambergris. Due to its healing properties, it is widely used in cosmetology and medicine, and is one of the most popular products in Europe.

Essential oil of sage - composition

Medicinal essential oil of clary sage, widely used in folk medicine, has a tart-musky aroma. Among the varieties of sage, of which there are 700 in nature, one of the most common materials for cooking is nutmeg. The desired mixture is obtained by steam distillation, using flowering branches and leaves of the plant. The oil retains its aroma with notes of walnut, tobacco, and has a balsamic aftertaste.


  • alkaloids;
  • tannins;
  • foavonides;
  • resins;
  • phytoncides;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins and microelements.

Sage oil - properties

Esotericists consider sage to be a herb with specific properties, for example, it restores the aura after deceit, relieves tension, and removes depression. Sage essential oil, whose properties are described as immunomodulatory, soothing, antiseptic, is more often used for diseases of the throat or teeth.

Doctors note the benefits of sage oil:

  • treats diseases of the oral cavity;
  • restores voice;
  • normalizes the cardiovascular system;
  • increases physical and mental performance;
  • positively affects digestion, hormonal levels;
  • helps relieve joint pain.

Despite the extensive beneficial properties, sage essential oil also has contraindications, it should not be used for:

  • kidney disease;
  • reduced pressure;
  • during the menstrual cycle;
  • malfunctions of the thyroid gland;
  • breastfeeding.

Sage oil in cosmetology

The plant has a colossal list of medicinal properties, prevents the occurrence of skin tumors and helps fight melanoma. The presence of ursolic acid helps eliminate germs, tumors and fungi. In cosmetology, it is widely used, due to its effect on the skin, nutmeg essential oil has a deodorizing effect, eliminates wrinkles, helps with psoriasis, eczema and dermatosis.

Essential oil of sage in gynecology

Since ancient times, sage has been considered a "female herb" due to its special effect on the female body. The essential oil of sage in gynecology is often used today, the plant contains phytohormones that stimulate the functions of the gonads. Helps restore the reproductive system, normalize hormonal levels and the menstrual cycle. Effectively rubbing it in the abdomen.

Essential oil of sage in dentistry

People living in Southeast Asia, India and China used clary sage oil to treat toothache. Then, as in the East they preferred cloves, in Russia - cedar and pine balsams, in the Arabian Peninsula they gave wine tree resins to chew. Over time, these funds were replaced by sage, as a stronger antibiotic.

Healing sage essential oil has found application in dentistry, thanks to its rare composition:

  • phytoncides - protect the epithelium of the oral cavity;
  • vitamin-mineral complex - helps to reduce tissue friability;
  • resins - create a thin film that protects against bacteria;
  • acids - soften the mucous membrane, increasing regeneration in case of lesions of the oral cavity;
  • aromatic components deodorize the cavity, freshening breath.

Sage essential oil properties and uses

Clary sage oil, properties and applications have been studied for a long time, it contains more than 20 useful substances and components, among which alkaloids, acids, cedren and salvin are especially valued. It is extremely important to use the medicine correctly so as not to provoke an allergy. Before use, conduct a test by dropping on the elbow, if redness does not appear after half an hour, the product can be used.

Essential oil of sage, properties and application are adjusted taking into account the action of the components:

  • antifungal - stops the growth of infections and diseases;
  • anti-inflammatory - helps with skin redness, inflammation;
  • antispasmodic - recommended for muscle pain or cramps;
  • antibacterial - successfully fights viruses;
  • cleansing - removes toxins;
  • antipyretic - works like an antibiotic.

Sage oil for face

Sage oil is popular, properties and use for the face are very effective, it is recommended for multiple skin defects or diseases. Eliminates fine wrinkles, has a healing effect, regenerating tissues, effectively removes all inflammation and rashes. One of the most common uses is adding a few drops to your daily makeup.

  • antioxidant properties- the main component of beautiful and young skin, block premature aging;
  • anti-inflammatory properties- effectively copes with inflammation, acne, removes bumps and skin defects.

wrinkle mask recipe


  • sage - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • chamomile - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • lavender - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • sage oil - 6 drops;
  • water - 1 tbsp.

Preparation, application

  1. Mix herbs, pour hot water.
  2. Mix until a thick consistency is obtained.
  3. Cool, add sage oil.
  4. Apply the mixture on your face and keep it on for 15 minutes.

Sage oil for hair

Fresh clary sage oil for hair is an excellent natural remedy that helps restore hairs, fights breakage and. It is guaranteed to strengthen the roots, enhance growth processes, moisturize the strands, saturating them with shine and health. Eliminates dandruff, inflammation, fights baldness.

Recipe for aroma combing


  • sage oil - 2-3 drops.

Preparation, application

  1. Apply a few drops of oil to the comb.
  2. Run through hair, moving from roots to ends.

Sage oil for gums

Thanks to this plant, the antibiotic salvin is produced. Like sage essential oil, it has a strong antibacterial effect. Fresh sage leaves are also used for swelling of the gums, the ancient Greeks were the first to try these recipes, they use nutmeg oil in folk medicine today. Thanks to its strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action, it helps to cope with stomatitis, gum disease.

Recipe for gum disease


  • sage - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 1 tbsp.

Preparation, application

  1. Fill the raw material with water.
  2. Hold in a water bath for 15 minutes, avoiding boiling.
  3. Strain, add boiled water to a glass.
  4. Take the infusion warm, 2 times a day.

Sage oil for teeth

When mixed with peppermint oil, this remedy is ideal for protecting the oral cavity from infections, it is also recommended in the treatment of gingivitis,. Helps relieve toothache. How to use sage oil in this case? Select a few drops on a cotton swab and put in the ear, on the side of the diseased tooth. You can make a warm broth for rinsing.

Recipe for a decoction for toothache


  • sage - 5 g;
  • oak bark - 1 teaspoon;
  • water - 1 tbsp.

Preparation, application

  1. Mix the bark and sage, pour boiling water.
  2. Rinse your mouth 2 times a day.

sage oil for conception

Even in ancient times, couples who could not have children in any way were recommended sage oil for conception. Thanks to this therapy, the likelihood of becoming pregnant increased many times over. This is due to the fact that the oil allowed the growth of the endometrium, helped to eliminate pathologies that cause. In tips on how to take sage oil for the endometrium, doctors recommend decoctions.

For the treatment of infertility, experts advise taking sage oil in the first phase of the menstrual cycle. Upon completion - drink decoctions, starting from the 5th day and up to the 15th. With a long absence of blood, oil intake is allowed on any day, it is not recommended to take it together with other hormonal drugs.

The recipe for a decoction for infertility


  • sage - 15 g;
  • water - 250 ml.

Preparation, application

  1. Pour boiling water over the grass, boil for 5 minutes.
  2. Cool, strain.
  3. Drink 100 ml of decoction twice a day.

Sage oil to stop lactation

For women, this remedy is especially valuable because it helps relieve pain during menstruation, this healing oil is also recommended when you need to restore the cycle, get rid of thrush or genital herpes, and relieve symptoms of menopause. After 40 years, doctors advise doing breast massage with this remedy so that there are no seals.

Since ancient times, women have known how to take sage oil for (excretion of breast milk). It often happens that the child refuses to breastfeed or has already grown up for such feeding, but the mother still has a lot of milk. Bandaging the breast can cause inflammation of the mammary glands, it is much safer to take decoctions of sage.

Recipe for infusion to stop lactation