Dark discharge in dogs. Uterine purulent discharge in a dog

The loop is an organ of the dog's reproductive system. Anxiety symptoms are a concern not only for breeders of purebred dogs, but also for those whose animal is spayed or will never be bred. Different types of discharge can indicate local and global disturbances in the functioning of the body.

What discharge is normal? Transparent mucous membranes are considered unequivocally natural, sometimes with a small admixture of blood (irregularly), without foreign smell and inflammation. Appear during estrus, during prenatal activities and a few days after.

Dog has loop discharge during estrus

Estrus speaks of reaching puberty. It is divided into 3 stages: forerunner, ovulation, termination. After comes sexual rest for 100-150 days.

Brown discharge from the loop appears in the forerunner, but ovulation has not yet occurred. In order not to get dirty, the owners use special panties.
During ovulation:

  • missing;
  • become pink;
  • do not change color.

When ready to happen, the dog lets the dog in without aggression, becomes in a certain position. After the end of estrus, the discharge disappears, and sexual rest sets in. If there was a mating, then pregnancy is possible.

More about estrus and pregnancy in that terrier:.

Discharge from a dog after childbirth: what to do

It is normal if they last up to 2-3 days. Usually brownish in color, sticky. Over time, they lighten to transparency. Should stop completely after 2 weeks if the uterus has returned to prenatal size.


In nulliparous dogs, the process of reducing the organ is delayed, then the discharge is sticky with an admixture of blood. The danger of an enlarged uterus in risks:

  • development of endometriosis;
  • infections;
  • emergence of pathogenic bacterial flora.

And, conversely, too narrowly closed uterus does not release the afterbirth. Therefore, for diagnosis after whelping, ultrasound is done, as a rule, on the fourth or fifth day.

Care and care

The owner should provide care for the mother and puppies, proper sanitization and nutrition. Veterinarians emphasize that discharge from the loop during pregnancy is a pathology, and requires specialist advice.

Usually, the discharge appears a few hours before the birth - thick white or gray. They are odorless, the body temperature of the female decreases.

Diagnosis by color of discharge

The type of disease can be determined by consistency and color, but these indicators are not obvious. Therefore, they still consult a doctor who prescribes effective treatment.

whitish discharge

They testify to vaginitis - inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina. The owners do not notice them or confuse them with the onset of estrus, because the female licks them. It happens in mature dogs, but juvenile (puppy) vaginitis also happens. Treatment is antibiotic therapy.

Bloody discharge in a dog

If drops of blood are released from the loop in the female, this may indicate venereal sarcoma. The tumor is transmitted by mating. It affects the mucous membranes not only of the genital organs, but is more often localized there. It is necessary to do research and choose methods of treatment together with the doctor.

If the dog has purulent discharge from the loop

Copious with a bad smell attributed to pyometra. It flows in two forms: when the pus comes out and when it accumulates. Deadly inflammation that requires immediate treatment.

Causes of discharge in a dog after sterilization

The following:

  • the remnant of a full-fledged ovary, estrus occurs;
  • inflammation of the stump;
  • vaginitis, because the vagina is not removed during the operation;
  • neoplasms.

It is possible to diagnose the cause only after research. Complications after surgery appear extremely rarely, in addition, they normalize the hormonal state of the animal if it is not planned to happen.

Therefore, sterilization and castration are shown to domestic dogs not for breeding.

What does discharge in a dog after estrus mean?

Normal if transparent and smearing, without much odor. Often occurs in young females with an unsteady cycle. If there are brown or purulent impurities in the discharge for a long time, there is a risk of infection, and it is better to consult a doctor.

Poor awareness of owners about what discharge from a pregnant dog's loop is considered normal often leads to unreasonable panic and rash, sometimes irreversible actions. If your pet plans to become a mother, you, as the owner, need to be able to distinguish between symptoms and normal physiological reactions of the body.

“According to the textbook, after mating, the dog should stop estrus, but in practice, the discharge may continue. Slight, "smearing" mucous discharge of a transparent or light pink color is normal. Slime with a yellow-white color without a pungent odor and blood (similar to mayonnaise) - the reaction of the mucous membrane to the male's seed, you should not worry.

By 20-21 days after urination, a pregnant dog has a transparent discharge with a watery consistency - also a normal phenomenon and confirmation of the success of mating. At about 3 weeks, the cervix closes with a mucous plug, and the remnants come out. Sometimes, blood "threads" or blotches are noticeable in the mucus, this is due to the "dumping" of unfertilized eggs.

As experience and reviews of veterinarians show, the most frightening moment for inexperienced breeders is 3-4 weeks of pregnancy. Wild dogs retain the ability to actively hunt until 1 month of pregnancy, and not 3-4 weeks, the female's uterus begins to actively increase in size so that the puppies have room to grow. "Transformation" is accompanied by the following features:

  • On palpation of the abdomen, the wateriness of the cavity is felt - the uterus is filled with amniotic fluid.
  • The blows of the puppies are insignificant in strength - the cubs simply “flounder” in the vacated cavity.
  • The secretion of mucus in a pregnant dog after urination, in the people, this phenomenon is called "pregnancy snot". Mucus is transparent, viscous, sticky. The clot hangs on the loop and can glue the hair under the tail.
  • If left unwashed, the discharge may form a caramel or brown crust.
  • The crust sticks together the loop, which is why it is confused with a wound or an inflammatory process.
  • With mucus, greenish or black clots can come out - embryos that died at the initial stage of development. If the dead embryos are not embroidered with secretions, they are mummified in the uterus and expelled during childbirth.

Read also: How to understand that a dog is pregnant: visual, behavioral and medical methods

If bright scarlet spotting is found in the mucus at 3-4 weeks, immediately take the dog to the veterinarian. There are several reasons for hemorrhages, first of all, ultrasound is performed to exclude uterine ruptures.

Discharge in a pregnant dog before childbirth is also a normal phenomenon. In 24-48 hours, sometimes earlier, a transparent, whitish, greenish, light brown discharge appears from the dog's loop - rejection of the mucous plug. This is one of the clearest harbingers of childbirth. Sometimes, the discharge can simply not be noticed if the entire cork came out in one "stop" when urinating.

Discharge from the loop of a pregnant dog, as a symptom

Dark green discharge with a pungent smell of decay at any time indicates intrauterine fetal death or placental abruption. In the first case, the dog suffers rapid intoxication, and the puppies die. Do not wait and do not hesitate - right on the operating table, you may be able to save the surviving puppies and the dog. In the second option, both mother and puppies face a quick and sudden, at first glance, death. The instructions for action are the same - see a doctor!

Discharge from a dog after estrus may be present: spotting, odorless, transparent. Only in this case is it a variant of the norm. In any other situation, you need to contact your veterinarian, as discharge with a strong odor, bloody or purulent can cause serious diseases that need to be treated urgently.

During estrus, the dog is prone to numerous infections, since during this period of time, the body's immunity decreases as well as its natural defenses. Infections are easy to pick up during an active walk and when communicating with other animals.

It is especially worth paying attention if there is bleeding after estrus. In this case, it is possible that we are talking about the course of a serious illness. So do not delay your visit to the veterinarian - the sooner treatment is started, the better for your pet.

Loop discharge in a dog

Allocations in a dog after estrus are always an occasion to take a closer look at the health of your pet. If there are no pathological processes in the body, then the discharge is quite possible (transparent, odorless).

If the dog's discharge has an extremely unpleasant odor, bloody or too abundant, then it is almost one hundred percent likely that it needs prompt treatment.

By the way, also pay your attention to the marks of the dog. During estrus, almost all dogs mark their territory, but the amount of urine they produce should be negligible. If after each mark you see large puddles, then you should show the dog to a veterinarian.

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unit of measurement

Service cost, rub.

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one animal

one animal

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Doctor's consultation on test results

Doctor's consultation, no pet

Brown discharge after estrus

Especially the owner should be wary if the dog has brown discharge after estrus. To find out what is causing them, you need to take your pet to the veterinarian.

Our clinic employs experienced veterinarians who will examine your dog and take tests. Having been working in veterinary medicine for many years, our doctors are qualified specialists who, at the same time, love animals and always try to do everything in their power to make them feel better.

The modern veterinary laboratory is equipped with everything necessary, so that the results of the tests will be ready on the day of treatment, which means that the doctor will soon be able to make a diagnosis and start treating your dog.

The loop is an externally visible area of ​​the dog's vulva. During estrus, it becomes somewhat inflamed and discharge begins. This is considered normal, but what if the dog's discharge from the loop appeared in a different period or after sterilization? Such a symptom does not mean anything good and a visit to the veterinarian will be required. What should owners prepare themselves for when taking their pet to the clinic?

Normal discharge

As dogs reach puberty, estrus occurs - a period of physical readiness for mating. In addition to the characteristic behavior, clear discharge from the loop also appears in dogs. They don't have a particularly strong smell. Basically, they are observed directly during estrus, as well as before and after childbirth. A small amount of blood in them is quite normal. If you can’t tell by the dog that she is ill or has a temperature, then even after minor bloody marks left by the dog on the floor or carpet, there is no need to worry.

The first heat in a bitch can be expected after the onset of 12 months. Delays are possible, but it should not come later than 2 years. The normal duration of estrus (scientific name for estrus) is about 19-23 days. If this time frame is violated, you should definitely contact your veterinarian, but you need to remember that a normal cycle is not established immediately. It will take several heats for the formation of a regular hormonal rhythm. If they constantly occur more than 2 times a year, then this is not the norm.

Light, somewhat whitish discharge a day or two before childbirth shows that a “prenatal plug” has come out. This is normal and should not be alarming, you just need to be prepared for the fact that that very important moment will come soon. The outgoing mucus should have practically no smell. But if it is - rotten, sour and very strong, then this may be an indicator of a strong increase in temperature. This should not happen before childbirth, on the contrary - as a protective mechanism, the body temperature in such cases decreases.

After childbirth, up to two weeks of time, there may be light spotting or just brown discharge. So the body of the dog is cleansed, the uterus is gradually reduced and restored. Bleeding as such should not be. If there is a large amount of blood or thick mucus, it is necessary to examine the pet for endometritis.

Discharge from a dog's loop photo

What are the warning signs to look out for?

As already mentioned, brown discharge from a loop in a dog just before and after pregnancy is a completely natural phenomenon. You need to worry when they go during it. This should never happen, this is a sure indicator of some kind of health problem in the bitch. In the veterinary clinic, she will most likely have an ultrasound scan to ascertain the health of the expectant mother and her offspring.

In spayed dogs, in principle, the loop should remain clean at all times - they do not experience oestrus in principle. Therefore, if during periods of sexual dormancy and in operated animals, discharge is observed, this may be a symptom of such diseases:

  • endometritis;
  • vaginitis;
  • pyometra;
  • Venereal sarcoma;
  • tumors;
  • cult;

Thick white discharge from a loop in a dog, bleeding, suppuration - all this should not only alert the owner, with such symptoms you should definitely rush to the veterinarian, because all these diseases are accompanied by inflammatory processes in the sensitive mucous membranes of the genital organs. This is fraught with severe consequences and even death. Such diseases are difficult to notice immediately, and treatment will take a long time and with the use of a large number of medicines.

Of particular note are tumors that may not bother at all for a long time. Venereal sarcoma, which is actually an infectious disease, contributes to the active growth of neoplasms on the mucous membranes of the body. It is transmitted through sexual contact between animals. This is just another reasonable argument in favor of castration and sterilization of pets, for the health of which the owners are directly responsible.

Very young animals and puppies can be diagnosed with juvenile vaginitis. The reason for it is the pathology of the hormonal system of the body. The examination is carried out with taking a smear for cytology. Fever is often also present, because the disease can be complicated by a bacterial infection.

Small bleeding from a loop in a dog during estrus is not an indicator of health problems. This is absolutely normal. Follow their cycle and density. Discharges from spayed animals should be of concern, especially if they are odorous and opaque. Self-treatment and diagnosis is completely impossible here, a trip to the veterinarian will be necessary.

Dog owners should not only be well versed in the training techniques and methods of raising their pets, but also have some knowledge in the field of veterinary medicine. Of course, an experienced veterinarian should treat the animal, as well as make a diagnosis. But it is the duty of the owner to recognize problems in the health of the pet and seek help in a timely manner.

Everyone knows that discharge from the loop in a bitch occurs during estrus. But alas, very often the appearance of a liquid substance from the vagina is not limited to this natural period, but can be accompanied constantly, thereby indicating the presence of health problems. To determine the norm or pathology of excretion in a dog after estrus, it will not be superfluous to figure out what they can be and what are the reasons for their appearance.

Types and features

Discharge in a dog after estrus, before or during estrus is the appearance of a liquid substance (in addition to urine) on the external genitalia, that is, on the labia. Depending on the cause of their appearance, the discharge is watery (serous) or clear, cloudy (gray) or bloody, purulent (green and yellow) or brown.

Brown drops in dogs often accompany the postpartum period. There are also white discharges, which may or may not smell. The bitch is usually licked, so the owner may not immediately notice the discharge during estrus in dogs, as well as before and after it. But if your pet licks more often than usual, then this is already a signal that there is fluid from the vagina. The task of the owner is to contact the veterinarian and find out what the discharge before or after estrus is in dogs - is this the norm or a symptom of some kind of disease.

Causes and symptoms

There are natural (normal) causes that lead to the appearance of a liquid substance from the vagina in a bitch. These natural causes include:

  • childbirth. In the postpartum period, the female has the appearance of drops of a dark brown color, which can last 2 or even 3 weeks;
  • estrus. In this case, bloody discharge appears during estrus in dogs from the vagina, as a signal that the bitch is ready for mating and fertilization.

The duration of the appearance of blood depends on the breed and size of the animal, but as a rule this period lasts several days.

But there are many more reasons for “abnormal” discharge, and each of them is an occasion to visit a veterinarian. So after giving birth, the dog may have watery drops from the vagina, caused by a "not gone" placenta. This process is pathological and involves contacting a veterinarian.

Pathological processes include the appearance of a liquid substance from the vagina before estrus and after childbirth. Also, the appearance of fluid from the vagina in a dog during pregnancy is positioned as pathological and may signal problems in bearing puppies. In this case, the color of the substance (white discharge, brown, bloody) does not matter. The appearance of fluid from the loop during pregnancy is always a signal of a problem that requires immediate analysis.

In the presence of urogenital infections such as infections of the uterus or urinary tract, vaginal discharge also appears. In this case, the liquid may have either a pinkish color or greenish (be purulent). If a dog has purulent discharge after estrus, then you should immediately contact a specialist. Since, one of the reasons why purulent discharge from the loop appears is pyometra, which is considered a very dangerous pathology, then contacting a specialist is not only desirable, but mandatory.

Bloody or purulent discharge also accompanies such a pathology as cancer (neoplasia) of the urogenital tract. Accordingly, if the owner saw that purulent, brown or greenish liquid droplets appear from his pet’s loop, which appear both before estrus and after and even during, then you need to contact the clinic and show the pet to a specialist.

But that's not all

The reasons why a dog has discharge from a loop can also be:

  • vaginitis (mucous and watery discharge);
  • problems with blood clotting (abnormal bloody discharge that appears constantly, and not just during estrus);
  • the presence of a foreign body or trauma (blood discharge at the initial stage, later turning into watery and purulent);
  • problems with the sphincter or malposition of the ureter (constant watery discharge, which is often mistaken for urinary incontinence).

Additional symptoms

Since the animal is licking, it is not so easy to detect discharge before estrus in dogs as well as after it. But there is a whole set of additional symptoms with which the owner can detect the problem. So, if the dog is too actively attracting males or licking the vagina too thoroughly, this is already a signal that there is a problem. Also, the dog will rub his bottom on the floor, look lethargic and experience increased thirst. But in order to make an accurate diagnosis, you will have to not just visit the clinic, but pass a whole range of tests and undergo a thorough examination.

A thorough examination includes a complete blood count, urinalysis, biochemistry, culture of secretions, vaginal cytology, abdominal ultrasound, herpes tests, vaginoscopy, etc.

This is the only way to identify the exact cause due to which the dog began to discharge from the loop after estrus or before it, and prescribe the correct and effective treatment.

Possible treatment options

If there is vaginal discharge in a dog, then the specialist can prescribe both medication and surgery. Of course, if this is a natural discharge (during estrus or the postpartum period), then no treatment is required.

If we are talking about a pathological phenomenon (white discharge, purulent, brown, etc.), then this is usually:

  • surgical removal of the infected uterus. A foreign body, vaginal or uterine tumor is also subject to removal;
  • surgical correction of congenital pathologies of the ureter, rectum or vaginal walls;
  • Medication with antibiotics to clear up any infections, bacteria, or inflammation caused by the injury
  • drug therapy if a problem with blood clotting is identified;
  • treatment with chemotherapy (indicated in the presence of tumors).

If the elimination of secretions does not require surgical intervention or complex drug therapy, then you can help your pet get rid of the problem at home. True, for this you will have to make a lot of effort and follow the recommendations of a specialist. At the time of treatment, you need to be patient and before you start solving the problem, be sure to show your pet to the veterinarian.

high danger

The cause of discharge from the loop in a dog may be the presence of one of such dangerous diseases as venereal sarcoma, pyometra or hemometra.

With purulent inflammation of the uterus, that is, with pyometra, vaginal discharge has a greenish purulent appearance and the solution to the problem involves immediate surgical intervention. Given that the percentage of deaths is very high, the treatment of pyometra is a matter of life and death for the dog. Therefore, all vaginal discharge that is brown, yellowish, or reddish in color, and which is not a sign of estrus, should alert the owner and cause an emergency visit to the clinic.

As for treatment, today the only correct method is surgical intervention. There is also a preventive technique - sterilization. But this solution is only suitable for those dogs that are not planned for further mating and procreation.

You should not engage in self-treatment of an animal, as this can end very sadly for your pet. In addition, you are wasting valuable time. Therefore, as soon as you see that the dog has a discharge from the loop (not during estrus and not in the postpartum period), be sure to take your pet to an experienced veterinarian who will conduct a full examination and make an accurate diagnosis. After all, this is the only way to prescribe the right treatment that will save your pet from the problem, and maybe save his life.