Temperature when molars climb in children. Which molars are still milk, and which are already permanent: symptoms and signs in children of different ages

Many people think that molars are those that grow to replace milk teeth and form a permanent bite. But it's not. A molar tooth can be either milk or permanent.

Considering the molars from a scientific point of view, these are the so-called molars and premolars located behind the incisors and canines.

milk teeth

Dates of laying teeth, starting from the embryo.

The laying of molars begins in the second half of pregnancy, and a balanced diet of the mother, rich in calcium and phosphorus, has a special influence on it and on the further growth of molars.

Photo of molars

What time do milk teeth appear?

The appearance of milk teeth begins at about six months, but the time of eruption may vary. This is due to a genetic predisposition, that is, if one of the parents, milk teeth began to erupt not at 6, but at 7.5 months, then such a phenomenon in a child should not be regarded as a pathology.

Scheme of the growth of milk teeth according to the age of the child.

Complementary foods are also introduced to the child from the age of 6 months, so that by the time the baby begins to eat solid food, grind and grind food with the help of erupted milk teeth.

A complete milk dentition is formed at 2 years and lasts approximately 5-8 years.

The lower central incisors come in first, then the upper central and upper lateral incisors. By the year, the lower lateral incisors, upper and lower first molars erupt. The last, at the age of 1.5-2 years, the first canine and second molars appear.

When the first teeth (milk) grow, this process is accompanied by a violation of the general condition of the child (the temperature may rise, a slight runny nose and cough may appear, and stool disorder).

During the teething period, the child is often naughty, does not sleep well. The gums swell and hurt. These sensations cause a desire in the child to put various objects into his mouth, to climb there with his hands. Although milk teeth will last for several years, this does not mean that they do not require maintenance. Teaching a child how to properly care for their teeth from early childhood is the task of any parent.

Milk teeth are also susceptible to caries and gum disease.

Children's milk teeth, as well as permanent ones, need care, and non-compliance with it can affect the incorrect formation of permanent ones, and the presence of caries can provoke the eruption of permanent ones already affected.

Change of milk teeth to permanent (molars)

The process of replacing teeth with molars is not accompanied by pain.

This is due to the anatomical features of milk teeth:

  • absorbable roots diverging over time, which leads to their loss;
  • small sizes, they do not go much beyond the gums, and the presence of a smaller number of tubercles.

The prolapse begins with the fact that the teeth are loose, there may be a slight soreness. The prolapse itself is not accompanied by pain, there is a slight bleeding from the tooth socket, which stops within 2 minutes.

Permanent teeth begin to grow from the first molars and end by the age of 13, with the exception of the third molars. They grow up to 30 years, but they may also not be laid at all.


What problems can lead to a violation of the eruption of molars?

In addition to the presence of common dental diseases, such as caries, periodontitis, and others, which can affect both milk and permanent molars.

There are also problems of eruption of molars.

A delay in the eruption of molars for several months may indicate such problems:

  • . This is the absence of bookmarks and, accordingly, their eruption.
  • False adentia, or retention- delayed eruption due to genetic predisposition to late eruption.
  • Anomalies of the maxillofacial skeleton. Various congenital anomalies of the jaw can lead to a delay in eruption or their incorrect position.
  • Rickets. Vitamin D deficiency in a child's body is accompanied not only by late molars eruption, but also by other anomalies of the facial skeleton, the formation of malocclusion and an elongated palate.

When changing dairy to indigenous, a disturbing factor may be the absence of a permanent tooth in place of the fallen milk tooth.

The reasons for the lack of eruption of permanent molars are various bookmark anomalies, metabolic disorders in the body and eating disorders.

Functions of molars

Each group of teeth has a specific function, which is to influence the food they eat:

  1. They bite with the front incisors.
  2. The fangs hold the food in the mouth and serve to separate the fibrous food into its constituents.
  3. Small and large molars actually serve for grinding and final crushing of food before it enters the next sections of the digestive tract.

Therefore, teething is important not only in the proper consumption of food, but also affects the formation of health. Insufficient mechanical processing of food can lead to the formation of diseases of the stomach and intestines.

At what age do wisdom teeth grow?

Serious trouble can bring third molars, or as they are also called wisdom teeth.

They erupt for a long time, the process is always accompanied by pain, the inability to chew food, and sometimes just lead a normal life.

Third molars are larger than other molars, so they can lead to cracks in adjacent teeth, the development of periodontitis, and even the loss of large or small molars. And even the fact that wisdom teeth can distort a smile and lead to curvature and loss of teeth, dentists do not recommend removing them, since they completely hold the entire dentition.
Misaligned third molars.

An exception to the rule is the incorrect location of the third molars, when their tip is not directed towards eruption, but towards the jaw, when the tooth “lies” and grows right in the hole, or when they crawl out at an angle directed to the cheek or to the back of the oral cavity .

Then wisdom teeth should be removed even before eruption. The function of holding the dentition is taken over by the second molars, so regular visits to the dentist will ensure the health of the molars and help avoid implantation.


We have already said that from the age of 5, children begin the process of falling out of temporary milk teeth and their gradual replacement with permanent teeth that will last a lifetime. To a question of interest to many parents: how many teeth change in children, we repeat - all milk teeth fall out, and permanent ones grow in their place. The order of change is the same as it was during their eruption. But parents should be aware that at the age of 6-7 years, the child grows first permanent indigenous teeth(sixes, 6th teeth from the center) - they are for life. The last to fall out and be replaced by permanent ones will be milk teeth in children(5th). As a rule, a complete replacement ends by the age of 12-14 - this is individual, depending on the characteristics of the body and some other factors.

Features of replacing milk teeth with permanent ones

Often, in the process of replacing teeth, some features and non-standard situations are observed that become a cause for concern for parents. Let's take a quick look at the most common parenting questions:

1. What reactions of the child's body can be during the loss of milk teeth and during the period of growth of permanent teeth?

Answer: The process of replacing teeth is almost painless. Milk teeth fall out on their own after complete resorption of the root or are removed at home, or better, by a pediatric dentist, when a permanent tooth is already growing, and the milk one has not yet fallen out. The eruption of permanent teeth is not accompanied by pain. In very rare cases, there may be a slight increase in temperature, abdominal pain, itching of the gums. Treatment is not required, but a consultation with a dentist is recommended.

2. Why do paired teeth fall out not at the same time, but sometimes with a long period of time?

Answer: Firstly, it is so appointed by nature, and each child individually. Secondly, it all depends on the time period of resorption of the root of the milk tooth. If milk teeth were treated, filled, then the root resolves much more slowly, sometimes it does not resolve at all. Filled roots of milk teeth often have to be removed by the dentist, because they may not fall out on their own.

3. Why does a lot of time often pass between the loss of a milk tooth and the appearance of a permanent one?

Answer: As a rule, the front teeth grow quickly. And here are the premolars ( milk molars) and the fangs often linger. After a temporary tooth falls out, even 4-6 months can pass before the permanent tooth erupts in this place. Therefore, it is worth just waiting and quality care. But if the period exceeds six months, and you are very worried, come to the appointment. After the examination, the doctor will decide on the need to stimulate the growth of a permanent tooth.

4. What teeth in children 8 years old should change?

Answer: By the age of eight, a child should normally have such permanent teeth - 6th molars, 4 upper incisors and 4 lower incisors. Plus/minus six months is the norm.

5. Why it is necessary to carry out caries treatment in children, if then you have to pull out the sealed roots of milk teeth?

To the question: how to treat dental caries, you will find the full answer in the section on caries in children's teeth. It also provides recommendations for the prevention of caries, as well as decayed teeth in children a photo. Read about other changes in children's teeth, diseases, methods of their treatment, elimination of deficiencies and pathologies in special articles. "Drive in" the information you are interested in in the "Search on the site" section and you will find articles with answers from our qualified specialists. Or make an appointment with a pediatric dentist at the Utkinzub clinic, especially during the eruption of the first teeth and the change of temporary teeth to permanent ones in your children.

The time when a child's adult teeth are being cut is one of the most serious and difficult periods of his development. To help the baby survive it without problems, parents need to know what symptoms indicate molars eruption, and how to help the child in this situation.

Molar milk teeth

  1. Milk incisors, as well as permanent ones, have a root.
  2. The rudiments of such dental units are formed in the prenatal period.
  3. When a temporary tooth is replaced by an adult, the old root resolves itself over time.
  4. On the first teeth, the enamel is softer.
  5. Milk teeth are smooth, and their roots are wide, so that there is room for the development of the rudiments of permanent teeth.
  6. Temporary teeth are canines and lateral incisors, central and first molars, premolars. The second molars in four-year-old children are already adults.

When the rudiments of an adult tooth appear, the root of its predecessor weakens, the tooth loosens. If it is not pulled out, then under it you can see the emerging adult tooth. When dairy interferes with it, it can grow abnormally.

The dentition is symmetrical in nature, and the teeth erupt in pairs: on both parts of the dentition, they appear almost simultaneously.

Video: Teething in children - important nuances

Eruption of adult teeth

The rudiments of the first teeth (on average - about 20 units) in infants are formed during the first two years of life. When it comes time to replace them with permanent teeth, the milk teeth loosen and fall out. There are no definite terms for the eruption of molars; many factors can affect the speed: the ecological situation, climate, water quality and diet. Genetic features also play a certain role, some of which make themselves felt even during the formation of the fetus. The impact can be both positive and negative. If the parents have healthy teeth from birth, then there is no need to worry about the teeth of the child. If the first incisors, canines and premolars grow in 3 years, then the permanent ones erupt for a long time. The first symptoms of a change in the dentition can be seen at the age of 5, and it continues until the age of 21, when the third molars appear.

Video: Terms of eruption of permanent teeth

Signs of the formation of permanent teeth

The most characteristic symptom of the formation of adult teeth in childhood is an increase in the size of the jaw. The gaps between the first teeth are small, if the jaw grows, this means that it creates the conditions for new dental units. Adult teeth are larger than temporary teeth, so they require a lot of space. Distances between milk teeth increase. They lose stability and fall out. With any deviations, the teeth will break through with pain, bend, spoil the bite. In order for a child's teeth to grow properly, parents need to control this process.

Permanent teeth can erupt at the age of 6-7 without any symptoms, but most often the child behaves restlessly, is naughty, gets irritated over trifles, and does not eat well. Often, the formation of permanent teeth has the same signs as with the eruption of milk teeth. If some other diseases occur against the background of teething, they can distort the symptoms.

Increased salivation is a very common symptom, although it is no longer as abundant as in infancy, but you can notice the difference. At the age of 6, children can already be taught to wipe their mouths with a napkin, otherwise irritation will appear on the face, since saliva contains many microbes that aggressively affect delicate skin.

During the period of growth of permanent teeth, the gums and mucous membranes become inflamed again. If redness is noticed in the mouth, it is better to show the child to the dentist, who can accurately distinguish the onset of teething from a banal viral infection.

Over time, swelling is observed on the gums - this is an adult tooth breaking through to replace the temporary one. The germination process is painful, parents can alleviate the child's condition with anesthetics.

The pain is replaced by itching. The child pulls things to the mouth to soothe the gums.

A natural symptom will be a deterioration in the quality of sleep. If he is worried about a toothache, the baby will not be able to fall asleep for a long time, often wakes up at night, cries, tosses and turns.

Some children have a fever, cough, upset stool.

These signs may appear periodically and do not necessarily have to be present in all children.

Sequence of appearance of adult teeth

Almost all milk teeth, which erupted in the first two and a half years, 10 pieces on each half, replace the permanent ones. Compared to their predecessors, adult teeth form in a different order.

Table. The sequence of formation of permanent teeth

Name of the toothDevelopment timelinePeculiarities
Lower and then upper molarsThis usually occurs in the seventh year of life.They make their way behind the second primary molars
Indigenous sideIn time, it can take three years - from 6 to 9 yearsGerminate when the central incisors are already formed
permanent fangsNormally, this happens at the age of 9-11 years.Cutting the gum from the inside, they seem to displace milk precursors
First and second adult premolarsAppear at 10-13 years oldGrow instead of central incisors that wobble and fall out
Third molars, better known as wisdom teethMay erupt at age 18, or at 25, or not erupt at allSuch cases are not considered a deviation from the norm.

If individual teeth grow in a different order in a baby, this is not dangerous. Individual characteristics, deficiency of vitamins and minerals slow down the speed and sequence of the formation of permanent teeth. It is important for parents to know that an adult tooth should not be loose, if there are similar symptoms, this should be a reason to visit the dentist.

Associated features

These symptoms are not so often manifested, but they should not be ignored. If the baby has a fever, an incomprehensible cough, diarrhea - this can be both a sign of an infection and a reaction of a weakened body to pathogenic microflora.

During the formation of teeth, the temperature usually lasts 3-4 days to 38.5 ° C. This symptom is irregular, so the fever in children should be periodic. If it lasts for a long time, you need to show the child to the pediatrician. Some doctors believe that the symptoms of a cold have nothing to do with teething and prescribe appropriate treatment for cough and fever.

What does a cough and runny nose have to do with new teeth, adults also do not understand. The gums are directly related to the blood supply to the nose and airways. As teeth form in the mouth, blood flow increases. The nasal mucosa is close, so its glands also begin to produce more mucus, which children try to get rid of. Residual mucus sinks down the throat, irritating the airways and causing coughing.

Another symptom is loose stools with a frequency of no more than 3 times a day. Combing the gums, the baby constantly pulls dirty fingers and the first objects that come across into his mouth. In addition to infection, diarrhea is promoted by increased salivation, constantly washing the intestines. If the stool is short-term, does not contain blood impurities, you can not be afraid for the health of the child. It is necessary to monitor his condition, since with a weakened immune system there is always a risk of attaching an infection that exacerbates all symptoms.

Children's problems of adult teeth

Hardly erupting permanent teeth may already have developmental deviations, and parents should be prepared for this.

  1. Absence of permanent teeth. If all the normal terms have passed, but they never appeared, the dentist examines the radiograph, on which you can see the jaw with new teeth. The reasons may be heredity (this is noticeable in the picture) or adentia - the absence of laying the rudiments even in the womb. Sometimes newborn teeth die during inflammation. In such cases, children are given prostheses.

  2. Molar pain. The new tooth does not yet have a normal layer of minerals. Due to weak mineralization, it is easy for a child to pick up caries, and with deep destruction, pulpitis with periodontitis. Toothache in such cases will be accompanied by fever, weakness. Postponing a visit to the dentist threatens to lose an adult tooth. With weak enamel and milk caries, fissure sealing is sometimes recommended - closing the recesses on permanent teeth with a composite material.

  3. Irregular growth of permanent teeth. If the growth of an adult tooth is ahead of the loss of a temporary one, the bite is disturbed. Orthodontic therapy is required, in which the temporary tooth is removed. At home, loosen and remove it is not worth it.

  4. Loss of adult teeth. It happens both with inflammation of the gums, pulpitis, caries, and with general diseases (diabetes mellitus, systemic pathologies of connective tissues). The loss of the teeth of the anterior group is a serious problem: in order for the maxillofacial apparatus to form normally, the baby needs temporary prosthetics. When the jaw is fully formed, temporary prostheses are replaced with permanent ones.

  5. Injury to molars. Most modern children are hyperactive, so there is always a risk of mechanical damage to the teeth, especially since they fully mature only a few years after the appearance. With minor fractures and cracks, the volume is increased with a composite material.

Erupting teeth care

When changing teeth, care for them should be especially thorough, because a fallen tooth tears tissue, and when infected, it quickly becomes inflamed. To prevent such problems, you need to:

  • teach children to brush their teeth regularly, use a scraper and floss, rinse their mouth;

  • to support the enamel, buy a baby paste with the addition of calcium and fluorine;

  • to strengthen new teeth and protect them from caries will help proper nutrition with the restriction of sweets and carbohydrates in favor of vegetables, fruits, dairy products;

  • consult a doctor on the choice of vitamins (vitamin D is especially needed) and gels to improve the mineralization of new teeth;

  • in case of inflammation, before meeting with the dentist, it is necessary to actively rinse the child's mouth with antiseptics and herbal decoctions.

You can buy rinses for children or prepare herbal teas for this purpose.

Bad habits interfere with the normal growth of adult teeth: sucking fingers or tongue, pacifiers and any objects. Despite the teeth that have fallen out, do not limit the baby in solid food. A piece of apple or carrot massages and strengthens the gums, frees the teeth from plaque.

When is the right time to visit the dentist?

The formation of the dentition requires constant monitoring and competent assistance from the parents to the child in order to notice the pathology in time in case of developmental deviations.

It is good if, when the first permanent teeth appear, the child visits a pediatric dentist for a preventive purpose.

Such a survey will help identify a number of problems:

  • malocclusion;
  • gum disease;
  • inadequate mineralization of enamel;
  • curvature of the dentition;
  • milk caries.

Insufficient attention to teeth in childhood is not only excruciating pain, tears and insomnia for the whole family, but also painful treatment and fear of the dentist for life. Therefore, it is important to constantly keep in touch with your doctor and give enough time to the health of children.

The loss of the first teeth is a natural process for all children. And you need to worry only when there are problems with the formation of adult teeth. They can be prevented by controlling eruption from the first tooth. you will find the answer in the link.

Rare parents can boast that their kids' teeth climbed without problems. Usually this is accompanied by a special nervousness of the child, he cries a lot, may refuse to eat and sleep. Many children have a fever, and the states of "teething" of dad and mom are understandably afraid. But not only babies suffer from severe teething, teething can also cause some inconvenience to older children.

How to recognize that a child is teething

In order for the parent to react in time and help the baby, he must understand that the moment has come when the child has teeth. And parents should not confuse the signs of teething with anything.

How to understand that teeth have begun to cut:

  • swelling and inflammation of the gums, it seems to swell;
  • there may be redness of the cheeks;
  • salivation is very active, saliva sometimes gets on the chin, cheek or neck, and irritation appears at this place;
  • the child is capricious, restless, hardly sleeps during the day and wakes up at night;
  • to reduce itching in the gum, the baby rubs it with a fist, tries to gnaw and suck something;
  • the child's appetite is reduced;
  • the temperature rises (the threshold of increase is individual).

Moreover, if the gum is swollen, this does not mean that the tooth will erupt literally today. Redness of the gums and swelling may appear two weeks before the teeth erupt. That is why this period is so difficult for many children: the child simply gets tired of constant discomfort, soreness.

Chewing, wider teeth in a baby can be especially difficult to erupt. The eruption area is different, so this period can be difficult.

By the way, not all symptoms, popularly called signs of teething, are really associated with the growth of teeth. For example, diarrhea, nausea, cough and runny nose are also considered by some parents as a possible reaction to teething. But most pediatricians will not agree with this opinion. They say that the connection between these symptoms and teething can be motivated only by the fact that while the teeth are “going”, the body is in tension, the immune system is slightly weakened. Against this background, as you might guess, you can catch the virus faster.

To make it easier for parents to navigate the teething system, they can print out a reminder for themselves with a picture of the jaws, an indication of the teeth, and a description of exactly when certain dental units are cut.

This is how a child's teeth erupt according to the following scheme:

  • 6-10 months - central incisor, lower jaw;
  • 8-12 months - central incisor, upper jaw;
  • 9-13 months - lateral incisors, upper jaw;
  • 10-16 months - lateral incisors, lower jaw;
  • 13-19 months - molar, upper jaw;
  • 14-18 months - molar, lower jaw;
  • 16-22 months - fangs, upper jaw;
  • 17-23 months - fangs, lower jaw;
  • 23-31 months - the second root, lower jaw;
  • 21-31 months - the second root, upper jaw.

It turns out that at two years old, the second molars of both jaws usually climb in a child. But it is difficult to say whether this is the most difficult teething for the baby. It is believed that fangs are more painful, due to their sharp edges. They literally tear the gum. The fangs of the upper jaw are perhaps the most painful in their eruption. They are also called ophthalmic, as they are connected with the facial nerve.

Table. Peculiarities of eruption of milk teeth

Category for evaluationDescriptionProcess features
AgeMilk teeth climb from six months to three years, if something does not go according to plan, be sure to go to the doctor.The average eruption rate may be shifted for some time
Duration2-7 days - this is the norm for the duration of the eruption of one toothIt happens that this period is delayed: if it lasts more than two weeks, consult a doctor
Usually climbs longer than others, i.e. more than a weekDepends on the individual characteristics of the organism

It seems to many parents that the first teeth are cut more painfully than others, and the eruption of molars in two-year-old children is not accompanied by such pain. Therefore, parents may not understand what causes the capricious behavior of a two-year-old child, what worries him.

Video: What are the signs of teething and what should mom do?

How second molars are cut in children of two years

Chewing teeth are located further than the incisors and canines, it is correct to call them premolars and molars. The popular name for these dental units is molars or back teeth. This is not to say that chewing teeth erupt without problems. For some children, molar eruption is at least uncomfortable.

When teething second molars, the following symptoms can be observed:

In rare cases, the baby may even experience allergies or diathesis. In any case, all the signs indicate that the baby is going through a difficult period - he is in pain, uncomfortable, scared. He suffers, but far from always being able to convey to his parents the reason for his concern. It is necessary to help the child to ease this difficult period.

What should parents do when teething in children

If you notice the first symptoms of teething, the tactics of behavior during this period should be as follows. The daily routine of the child is as calm and familiar as possible. No long trips, trips to visit and other extraordinary events. The child should sleep at home, in his favorite bed under his favorite blanket. It is especially important for him at this time to feel the stability that his usual circumstances and environment give him.

If the child clings to the mother all the time, the mother should be close to the maximum. Do not show your irritation, do not raise your voice, calm down and smile. It is important to try to distract the baby, but only gently, without pressure: read a book to him, draw with him, play with the designer.

It is very important not to force the child to eat. He already has serious discomfort in his mouth, the place of eruption itches. Doctors believe that not every adult would have steadfastly endured this period. Therefore, these days you can make some indulgences on the menu. Prepare what the child is always willing to eat. Food should not be solid, hot and cold are also excluded.

But at this time it is better to refuse sweets altogether. The body is under stress, it reacts to teething in the same way as it usually responds to the inflammatory process. And the use of sweets during this period can be equated with adding fuel to the fire. This will definitely not support a weakened body.

Special gels will help to facilitate the eruption process. For example, the same Calgel based on lidocaine. It is a mild anesthetic that relieves inflammation and redness. If a child has an allergic reaction to the components of the drug, this remedy has to be abandoned. Younger children love the so-called silicone teethers, which help them relieve itchy gums. But two-year-olds often enjoy using such a device.

Gum massage is another option for helping a child during such a difficult period. Only you need to do it with perfectly clean hands, gentle and delicate movements. If the child does not like such manipulations, stop the massage. But usually children respond well to it. You can do a massage before going to bed by turning on your child's favorite lullaby. Pleasant associations make this procedure comfortable for the baby.

If the child has a fever

A temperature of 37 degrees is considered the norm, up to 37.5 this will also not be considered a special and complicated situation. Usually children with such a slight increase in temperature feel good. Naturally, it makes no sense to give an antipyretic in this case.

If the temperature has risen above 38 degrees, it is worth saying that inflammation or infection has joined the eruption process. This situation requires a visit to a doctor (he needs to be called to the house), and only his recommendations will be your tactics in your future behavior.

During teething, the temperature is usually:

  • rises in the evening, at night;
  • lasts up to three days;
  • requires an antipyretic if the child is suffering.

There is no exact temperature mark when you need to go for medicine. Of course, a temperature above 39 is already a serious signal, a doctor's control is required in this case. But some parents tend to bring down the temperature at 37.5, while others consider the indicator “it's time to drink antipyretic” as a mark of 38.5 -39 degrees.

Temperatures above 39 degrees are dangerous because the child may have seizures. The baby's brain is still adapted to such changes in body temperature, and such a neurological reaction is natural. But the condition is not harmless - be sure to call a doctor. It is also dangerous that fever causes dehydration and exhaustion of a small organism. The younger the child, the more dangerous this situation is: fever in babies, especially if it does not go astray, requires hospitalization.

And remember that the antipyretic should be strictly for children, ideally recommended by a doctor. Usually these are drugs based on paracetamol. If they did not help, you can give the child Ibuprofen (but prescribe it to babies from a year old).

But drugs of the aspirin and analgin group should never be given to children. These are toxic drugs that cause side effects.

Humidification of the air in the room, regular airing (while the child is in another room), drinking plenty of water and eating as desired will be an excellent tactic for high temperatures. The child should drink plenty of warm drinks, and eat only when he wants to. Exclude dry air, wrapping up under three pajamas and two blankets. If a child wants to play at a high temperature, do not force him to go to bed.

It is important to understand that if the temperature is elevated for more than three days, it is unlikely that the problem is teething. And when she still does not go astray, urgently call a doctor and look for the real reason for such a reaction of the body.

Video: Temperature increase during teething

Teething is not a very long period. By the age of three, it definitely ends, and then you will already be waiting for the loss of milk teeth and the growth of permanent ones. As a rule, the child tolerates these processes normally. To make sure everything is in order, visit a pediatric dentist every six months. You can take care of milk teeth from the moment they appear. Teach your child to brush their teeth twice a day, monitor the quality of brushing. read the link.

Very rarely, the process of eruption of any teeth, both milk and indigenous, is completely painless in children. But, in most cases, this event can be accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms. Not all molars in children are permanent, some of them are milk teeth and eventually they will fall out. Most often, the dentist will offer to pull out such a tooth if it is loose, in other cases, treatment will be provided.

The eruption of molars in children, according to experts, begins at about six months, but they are considered milk, not permanent. They appear above and below, there are four of them in total. By about a year and a half, the baby's central molars come out, and by two and a half lateral molars. At the age of five, permanent teeth begin to erupt in children, which completely replace milk teeth.

The scheme of changing milk teeth is almost similar to the scheme of their eruption

It happens that the baby does not even have a single tooth even at nine months, the parents in this case begin to panic, but you should not worry too much. Dentists consider a six-month delay in teething to be quite natural. In boys, teeth come out a little later than in girls. To speed up the process, which involves teething and alleviate the suffering of the baby, you can give him special toys designed for this purpose to gnaw. If parents think that the baby has not been teething for too long, then it is worth checking it for the presence of concomitant diseases, for example, rickets. In this case, the pediatrician will prescribe a complex of vitamins and other measures that will eliminate this problem.

The reason for the delay in teething can also be adentia. This anomaly is detected by pediatric dentists using X-rays. But, this phenomenon is quite rare.

teething symptoms

When children grow molars, many parents think about the symptoms that accompany this process. As a rule, the following symptoms are characteristic of this phenomenon:

  • An increase in the child's temperature.
  • Increased salivation.
  • Whims, pain and crying.
  • Stool disorders such as diarrhea.
  • Refusal of food.
  • Swollen gums.
  • The appearance of three (small gaps) that form between milk teeth.

But, these symptoms occur when the child’s molars do not always climb, as he grows and his jaw grows with him, the teeth gradually move away from each other and the eruption process is greatly facilitated. When milk teeth are replaced by indigenous children, they do not feel much discomfort. The molars destroy the root of the milk teeth, loosen them and thereby prepare them for loss.

When milk teeth are replaced by indigenous children, they do not feel much discomfort.

There are cases that in children with the growth of molars and milk teeth, an increase in temperature is observed. Many doctors do not agree that this is due to the teething process, since as a rule, children immediately have a runny nose and cough, and all this is considered signs of a cold. Parents can make the baby's condition easier by giving him antipyretics, such as Nurofen, and call a pediatrician to clarify the diagnosis. Also, very often antipyretics can relieve pain. The temperature in case of eruption should not last more than five or seven days. In the case of painful teething without fever, the dentist may advise parents to purchase special gels that relieve pain. It can be holisal, kalgel, camistad, mundizal, dentinox. These gels are based on lidocaine, which relieves discomfort and has a calming effect.

All drugs are safe, but you should not use them without a prescription from your dentist, as sometimes they can still cause an allergic reaction.

Gels should also not be used for more than three or four days, you can give preference to folk remedies, for example, rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile or sage.

Growth order

Many parents have questions about whether the molars in children and their eruption order are changing compared to milk teeth. The answer to them can be given by the attending dentist, who usually cite the following order as an example:

  • Molars are cut first.
  • Next are the central incisors.
  • Then the lateral incisors.
  • First premolars.
  • Later fangs.
  • Second molars.
  • Third molars.

But, not always such an order can be during teething, violations in the order of teething are not an anomaly.

Changing the order of teething is not an anomaly

The timing of the eruption of permanent teeth in children and their symptoms are rather vague, if the symptoms are very similar to those that the child experiences when the milk teeth are cut, then the age can fluctuate greatly. For example, in the period from five to eight years, children may develop lower incisors, from six to ten the central upper teeth, four lateral incisors cut through until eleven years old, fangs can be cut from twelve to fourteen years old, eights are cut from the age of fifteen to twenty-five years. If, in the opinion of the parents, the child's molars do not grow for too long, then this is not always a cause for great concern, since the eruption periods indicated above are very arbitrary. But, if this phenomenon causes too much concern, then you should seek the advice of a doctor at a dental clinic. On average, the eruption time varies by about 2 years, that is, the normal period, for example, is considered to be from five to seven years, etc. Also, a fairly common question is whether molars fall out in children. The answer to it is in the affirmative, since it is the first root teeth that are milk, they will be replaced by permanent ones. They differ somewhat from their predecessors in a whiter color and smaller size.

The growth of the molars should be monitored very carefully so that they correspond to the approximate terms of eruption and are even, for this you can use the photo presented in this article, at the slightest thought and suspicion that they are growing crookedly, you should immediately take the child to the doctor - dentist.

How to take care of your teeth

In order for the molars to grow healthy, even and beautiful, parents should instill in their child some rules for caring for them:

It will be great if the child follows the example of their parents and brushes their teeth every time after they eat. You can also offer him to take care of the oral cavity with the help of rinses, and even teach the baby to rinse his mouth with a decoction of chamomile. The molars of children, like milk teeth, should be protected, at the slightest sign of tooth loosening, caries and other diseases of the teeth and oral cavity, the child must be taken to a dental clinic for examination by a specialist.