The third negative blood type in women is compatibility. Blood compatibility for transfusion

Pregnancy planning becomes a special event for many parents-to-be. Most of them wonder, how important is the compatibility of blood types for conception? This question worries people, probably, from the moment of the discovery of blood groups, therefore, quite a lot of attention was paid to its study. In the process of birth, the blood of both parents mixes, this is how it is formed in the fetus. At the same time, the baby has a chance to get any group, because at the moment of conception all four blood groups are formed, but their percentage is different. Naturally, the largest percentage is given to parental blood. Therefore, most often the child receives a blood type of one of them. If both parents have the same group, then the possibility of the baby forming it is about ninety-eight percent.

The Rh factor is a specific protein found in erythrocyte cells, regardless of group. If this protein is determined during the analysis, then the blood is positive, and in the absence of it, it is negative.

When determining the presence of the Rh factor in the mother, that is, positive blood, and the father is negative, then the child has a great chance of getting exactly positive blood. In this case, at conception, blood incompatibility may occur. Throughout pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother produces special antibodies, the purpose of which is to fight foreign objects, which may include the body of the unborn child. The result can be attacks of these antibodies on the cells of the fetus. It is these attacks that can become a serious danger to a child still inside the mother's womb. In this case, even the death of a child is possible.

Even if the baby survives and the body repels all these attacks, the course of pregnancy is likely to occur with numerous complications. The expectant mother will certainly experience a number of difficulties, at least she will experience strong manifestations of toxicosis and a noticeable weakening of the body.

The influence of blood features on pregnancy

The entire gestation period will pass without problems if the child's fetus is not perceived by the antibodies produced by the mother's body as a foreign object. It should be noted that if the mother has the first group, then usually the bearing and birth of a child occur without any complications. Moreover, there are no difficulties even if the groups and Rh factors of the father and mother do not match.

The most optimal combinations of blood groups of the father and mother are shown in the table below:

A (II group) B (III gr.) AB (IV gr.) 0 (I gr)
BUT + +
AT + +
AB + + + +
0 +

However, if the future parents have mismatched groups, then you should not especially worry, because in this case the conflict does not always arise and, as a rule, the course of pregnancy occurs quite normally.

But the mismatch of rhesus can have much more unfortunate consequences. At the same time, you need to know that the presence of positive blood in the mother almost always allows you to survive the conception and the period of pregnancy without trouble. Even if the father has negative blood, then the Rh-conflict of the child and the mother does not arise, they are completely compatible. In this situation, the child will be born with the presence of protein inside the red blood cells.

If the mother's blood is negative, then it is possible to speak with full confidence about the successful course of pregnancy only if the father has the same blood. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the child will receive negative blood, which will also not cause trouble, but another option is also possible. Problems can arise only if the child and mother have a different Rh factor, however, this does not always happen.

conflict pregnancy

A conflict pregnancy occurs almost inevitably if the mother has a negative Rh factor, and the fetus in the womb is positive. The tragedy of this situation lies in the fact that the mother's body perceives the fetus as a foreign object, and this forces it to make every effort to reject it. This is precisely the reaction of the body, which defends itself and tries by any means to eliminate the foreignness found in itself. In the mother's body, an increased production of antibodies begins, which, after penetrating the placenta, immediately attack the fetus, trying to destroy its red blood cells.

According to the experience of doctors, a conflict pregnancy can end like this:

  • miscarriage (loss of fetus);
  • excessive work (almost wear and tear) of the spleen and liver of the fetus;
  • the development of anemia in a child, which is the result of an abnormal enlargement of the liver, which is overloaded during pregnancy.

It is in connection with the danger of conflict pregnancy that all expectant mothers are recommended to undergo special testing without fail to determine the compatibility of blood at conception. Ignoring this study greatly increases the likelihood of a newborn developing pathologies such as anemia, jaundice, dropsy and mental retardation.

How to avoid the consequences of a rhesus conflict

The conception of a child can occur quite successfully in parents who have an Rhesus conflict. However, in this case, the expectant mother will have to be regularly observed by a gynecologist for the entire period of pregnancy. Only an experienced doctor will be able to determine the necessary measures for the proper development of the fetus, and all recommendations must be followed without question.

What actions will the expectant mother have to take:

  • As soon as blood incompatibility is diagnosed in future parents, a chorionic biopsy will have to be taken immediately. With the help of this procedure, the Rh factor of the baby is determined.
  • You may need regular administration of immunoglobulin to the expectant mother.
  • In some cases, when there is a danger to the life of the fetus or mother, artificial induction of labor may be offered.
  • As a last resort, if the fetus still in the mother's womb is at immediate risk, a cordocentesis may be offered by a gynecologist.

Of course, these are only the most common recommendations, there are often more. But even according to these recommendations, which can significantly facilitate the course of gestation in case of a Rh conflict, it becomes clear how important it is to determine the blood type and Rh factor of future parents in a timely manner.

Specificity of blood groups

Today it is generally accepted that the first or zero group is the most powerful and aggressive. People with this group should prefer meat in food and are ideal donors. This group is combined with any others, the main thing is that the Rh factor matches. The second group (A) consists of people who are vegetarians and lovers of berries. The owners of the third group (B) usually prefer cereals and bread.

The fourth group (AB) is considered the most low-quality, but at the same time the most adaptive. Doctors call its owners "universal vampires", which should not be surprising, because if they match Rhesus, they can accept any other group.

Of course, the ideal option for conception would be a complete match in the parents of the group and the Rh factor of the blood, alas, this happens quite rarely. However, loving spouses who want to raise a child will be able to overcome all difficulties and even become parents with Rhesus incompatibility. The main thing is to be observed by good specialists and steadily follow all their recommendations.

There is a table that, with a certain probability, allows you to predict the blood type of the unborn child:

Of course, the exact determination of the blood group of the unborn child is possible only in one case, but even such an approximate prediction is sometimes very valuable.

A mandatory analysis when planning a pregnancy is a blood sample that reveals the indicators of the group and Rhesus. Both future parents are analyzed to identify compatibility or possible conflict. Incompatibility can be predicted both by the parameter of the blood group or the Rh factor, and in the aggregate of both indicators. The analysis allows you to calculate the percentage probability of pregnancy complications and gives time to undergo treatment courses designed to overcome the possible consequences of a blood conflict.

The genetic parameters of the blood of the parents form a set of genes for inheritance by the fetus that is formed at the time of conception.

The group and the Rh factor are constant throughout life, so a preliminary study before pregnancy allows you to identify possible conflicts in advance.

When planning a pregnancy, parents have the opportunity to calculate their blood compatibility options. If the percentage of the absence of any blood conflict is high, then for future parents, conception and the gestation period will proceed normally.

What is incompatibility

Incompatibility is a conflict between the mother's body and the fertilized egg, which manifests itself from the moment of conception in the reaction of the mother's body to the embryo as to a foreign object. The mother's reproductive system joins with the immune system to fight the embryo and try to deprive it of life support, eventually getting rid of it.

The classification of blood groups into the first, second, third and fourth is based on the content of agglutinins in plasma and agglutinogens in erythrocytes. The Rh factor is the presence (positive) or absence (negative) of an antigen protein on the surface of red blood cells, the most common of which is type D antigen.

When it happens

  1. when the mother's blood type does not match that of the fetus
  2. in a situation of an Rh-negative mother pregnant with an Rh-positive child.


It is a prophylactic drug necessary to stop the production of antibodies by the mother's body that fight the Rh-positive fetus. The introduction of the drug allows you to save the pregnancy and prevent possible pathologies of the mother and child.

The use of immunoglobulin is prescribed by a doctor according to an individual scheme and implies:

  • monthly check-ups up to 30 weeks
  • once every two weeks for a period of 30 to 36 weeks
  • once a week for a period of 36 weeks until delivery.

Also, the prophylactic administration of anti-Rhesus is carried out immediately after childbirth, which helps to prevent conflict in case of possible future pregnancies.

Is pregnancy and childbirth possible?

Modern medical technologies allow you to save a pregnancy in any conflict.

The greatest help is the planning of conception, since the attending physician is aware of the risks of incompatibility in advance, which allows him to choose a scheme for pre-treatment and subsequent pregnancy management. During the gestation period, the problem of incompatibility is concentrated on measures that prevent the reaction of the mother's immunity to the fetus.

During childbirth, incompatibility results in health problems for the baby, which are dealt with by the neonatologist after birth.

dangerous moments

The greatest danger to the fetus is the Rh conflict. The mother organism regards the antigen protein as a microorganism that poses a threat, and directs the activity of all systems to produce antibodies. They subject the fetus to an attack, which is designed to get rid of it as soon as possible, which often ends in the fading of pregnancy, the death of the fetus and miscarriage.

With incompatibility between mother and fetus, the most dangerous developmental option is hemolytic disease of the embryo, which leads to an abnormal increase in the size of the child's liver, jaundice, developmental delay due to insufficient blood supply to the brain.

More important for pregnancy blood type or Rh factor

It is impossible to choose a single important factor, because the incompatibility of partners for a healthy pregnancy cannot be accurately predicted, whether it is possible to assess the likelihood of a conflict. The most stringent medical control requires the pregnancy of an Rh-negative mother with an Rh-positive child.

However, the conflict between maternal and fetal blood types is more difficult to trace, as it occurs in the first days after conception. Then a miscarriage may occur, which will pass unnoticed by the couple (like another menstruation) and will not provide information about what happened for further pregnancy planning.

Identical blood types: compatibility

When a couple with the same blood types plans a pregnancy, the child is protected from incompatibility.

If the parental blood types match, the fetus has several inheritance options, but all of them are safe and fully compatible.

The only obstacle to successful conception can only be the Rh factor of partners, which must be monitored even at the stage of pregnancy planning.


Parents with the first blood groups pass on to the gene pool of future children a set of proteins only for this group. This means that the child will definitely inherit the first group.


Parents with second blood groups have a chance of conceiving both a child with the same group and with the first. In the first case, the probability of inheriting the second blood type is 94%, while the first is only 6%. In both cases, there will be no conflict.


Parents with third blood types are 94% likely to pass it on to their child. However, there is a 6% chance of conceiving a fetus of the first group.


The largest range of possible blood types of the future baby in partners with the fourth blood groups. Such couples can also conceive a child with the fourth group in 50% of cases, with the second - in 25%, with the third - in 25%.

Probability of Rh conflict: incompatibility table

Rh incompatibility occurs only when the mother's Rh negative conflicts with the child's Rh positive. Maternal blood, which does not contain the antigen protein, perceives the blood of the fetus as hostile due to the presence of the D-antigen on its erythrocytes. Such a Rh conflict is fraught with rejection of the fetus already in the very early stages of pregnancy.

In cases where a miscarriage does not occur, during the period of gestation, the embryo is constantly attacked by the immune cells of the mother's body, which provokes the development of jaundice, anemia, and dropsy in the child.

With which group is it difficult for a woman to get pregnant

The process of fertilization of an egg by a sperm is in no way connected with the characteristics of the blood of each of the parents. Conception occurs or not according to its own laws, separately diagnosed by a doctor and not building a prognosis for the course of gestation. The difficulties of pregnancy are associated only with the gradually developing incompatibility of partners, which is detected already during the course of pregnancy.

First negative

The I negative blood type of a woman has the most limited number of safe pregnancy options. Firstly, a negative Rh is demanding to that of a partner. Secondly, group I, which does not have protein tags, will conflict with male II, III, and IV, producing anti-tags to A, B, and AB proteins, respectively. A healthy pregnancy without worries about any incompatibility for women with I negative blood is promised by a partner who has exactly the same group.

In addition, repeated studies of female subjects aged 35 years have shown that it is the owners of group I who have increased levels of follicle-stimulating hormone, which indicates the imminent depletion of the ovarian reserve.

Second negative

It has type A antigen, which indicates a probable conflict with the blood of a man of III and IV groups. A positive Rh in a partner can aggravate a planned pregnancy.

Third negative

Statistically, the most rare blood group, so the prediction of conception and the course of pregnancy is purely individual. It contains type B protein, therefore, for easy fertilization and gestation, it requires a negative partner with group I or III.

fourth negative

A rare blood type, with which the greatest number of conjectures and calculations are associated, based more on rumors and superstitions than on scientific facts. In fact, group IV has AB tags, which makes it ideally compatible with any partner's blood type. Negative Rhesus requires standard for all groups of accounting for Rhesus men and therapy in the case of a positive spouse.

Positive group in a woman

Women with a positive blood type may not be afraid of an Rhesus conflict. The presence of a protein antigen in their blood makes it possible to conceive and bear a child with any Rh factor inherited from both parents without any problems.

This happens due to the fact that the body, which first encountered the antigen, will try with all its might to overcome it and remove it from its blood system.

In the blood of a positive Rh factor, the protein is already present and is easily recognized by the mother's organism in the embryo, if any. If the fetus inherits a negative Rh, then the mother's immunity simply has nothing to react to, the pregnancy proceeds well.

Positive blood type in a man

In the case of a positive Rh male, a strict comparison with the group and mother's Rh is necessary. The presence of Rh will not affect the pregnancy if the partner is also Rh positive. If the mother's body is unfamiliar with the Rh antigen, then possible fertilization with the development of a positive blood group in the fetus will lead to provoking rejection (miscarriage) by the mother's womb.

Therefore, future fathers still need to prepare for pregnancy to do an analysis that specifies the group and Rh (even if they are completely confident in their knowledge), so that in case of incompatibility it is possible to take precautions in advance.

Different blood types of parents: compatibility table

Father's blood type Mother's blood type Child's blood group Probability of conflict
First Second First or second 0%
First Third First or third 0%
First Fourth Second or third 0%
Second First First or second 50%
Second Third Any of the four 25%
Second Fourth 0%
Third First First or third 50%
Third Second Any of the four 50%
Third Fourth 0%
Fourth First Second or third 100%
Fourth Second First or second or fourth ≈66%
Fourth Third First or third or fourth ≈66%

The table shows data on the probabilistic incompatibility of the mother's blood group with the blood group of the embryo, based on data on the groups of both parents. So, pregnancy is complicated in cases where the group of the child is different from the group of the mother. At the stage of pregnancy planning, an accurate prediction of the group of the future embryo with different blood types of the parents is impossible, so the consequences of the conflict are neutralized already during gestation.

The most common of these is the hemolytic disease of the baby, which provokes jaundice and increases the level of bilirubin. Hemolytic disease is most severe when the mother's first blood group conflicts with the second or third fetus.

Does a negative Rh factor play a role in men?

The absence of Rh in the blood of a man does not affect the course of pregnancy. If the mother of the child also has a negative Rh, then the fetus inherits it from both parents and is not a carrier of an unfamiliar protein for the mother's womb. If the mother has a positive Rh, then the child can inherit both the presence of Rh and the absence of Rh, which in any case is also not regarded by the mother's body as a threat to the immune system.

How to get pregnant for a married couple with incompatibility

Couples with different mother and father groups face the greatest difficulties in getting pregnant in options such as I + II, I + III and II + III. With this ratio, a fertilized egg can be rejected by the mother's body within 3-4 days, so the woman does not have time to notice the pregnancy. To avoid miscarriage, pre-planned continuous ultrasound monitoring of ovulation and fertilization is necessary.

It is impossible to maintain pregnancy with blood group I in the mother and IV in the father, since possible II or III blood groups of the embryo will be perceived by the maternal immune system as hostile. In this case, surrogate motherhood technologies and the expectation of other innovations in medicine come to the aid of parents.

Partner analysis to determine compatibility

As a rule, the initial stage of checking for compatibility involves determining the main indicators of partners in the clinic. Based on the data, a forecast is made about a possible conflict of groups or Rh factors. At this stage, the analysis indicators provide information only about the probabilistic incompatibility, which may not occur. If, during pregnancy, the fact of incompatibility between the fetus and the mother's body is confirmed, then the necessary drug therapy is selected individually by the doctor.

Solving the problem in the presence of a blood conflict

Modern medicine offers several essentially different options for maintaining pregnancy with any type of incompatibility. Timely examination at the planning stage and regular visits to the doctor leading the pregnancy can minimize the risks of complications.


The procedure for purifying the mother's blood plasma from antibodies and its possible replacement with sterile or vitamin solutions. Plasmapheresis is carried out at different stages:

  • When planning pregnancy to cleanse the body of toxins and antibodies;
  • With the initial detection of a Rh conflict, when replacing about 30% of the plasma with saline or albumin solution makes the development of the embryo safe;
  • With a sharp increase in the level of antibodies in the mother's blood, diagnosed at any stage of pregnancy.

Blood transfusion

It is a process of blood transfusion to the fetus inside the womb for a period of 22 weeks. In this case, blood is taken of the same group as that of a child, and always Rh-negative. The procedure is performed through the umbilical vein under ultrasound control and is designed to stop the rejection of the child by the mother's immune system.

The main indications for transfusion are:

  • polyhydramnios;
  • Detection in a child of fluid on ultrasound of the abdominal cavity or an enlarged liver;
  • Thickening of the placenta;
  • Change in the diameter of the umbilical veins.

Labor induction

If, when a blood conflict is detected, the number of antibodies is small, then preference is given to natural childbirth. Stimulation of labor or the appointment of a caesarean section require constant medical supervision in a hospital setting. The number of antigens is measured twice a day, and in case of a significant excess of the usual level, labor is induced immediately. At the same time, the treatment of a newborn from the possible consequences of a conflict with maternal blood is carried out after childbirth.

Prognosis for bearing a child

The developments of modern medicine offer more and more innovations in the field of reproduction - precision equipment, analyzes of the necessary samples, IVF procedures, etc.

Timely selection by a doctor of a complex of means to neutralize the incompatibility of parents can guarantee a desired pregnancy.

Numerous treatment options based on the artificial introduction of immunoglobulin into the maternal body are called upon to avoid pregnancy fading or miscarriage. This procedure allows you to save the pregnancy and facilitate its course.

In case of a diagnosed conflict between the blood of the parents, it is necessary to strictly follow the examination plan and strictly follow the medical recommendations.

The incompatibility of partners can lie both in psychological reasons, and be predicted in advance with the help of analyzes at the stage of preparation for conception. About 15% of couples face the problem of the impossibility of a successful pregnancy due to the Rh-conflict of partners. However, early medical control and a responsible approach to the necessary procedures provide a high chance of a healthy pregnancy.

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In modern medicine, the compatibility of blood groups is of great importance. Hemotransfusion is an indispensable procedure for the treatment of diseases. But the mystery of blood compatibility tormented more than one generation of doctors. Transfusion experiments have been carried out for many years. Scientists could not understand why, in one case, transfused blood saves a person, and in another, it kills in a matter of seconds. Hundreds of lives were saved, but countless people died on the altar of science.

When planning a pregnancy, the blood type is of great importance. Compatibility of parents on this basis will make the course of pregnancy favorable and prevent possible complications.

The origins of ideas about blood groups go deep into the 17th century. Back in 1628, W. Harvey discovered the phenomenon of fluid circulation in the body. The English doctor initiated numerous experiments with transfusion.

For many years there was no positive result. With varying success, the procedure ended successfully, but this was due to luck, not regularity. Until the 20th century, the procedure for blood transfusion was random. It was resorted to in case of emergency, when the patient's life was at stake.

The pioneer in this area was K. Landsteiner. After conducting a series of experiments with erythrocytes and plasma, in 1901 he published an article "On the phenomena of agglutination of normal human blood." He described three of today's main groups. The fourth group was discovered by his student a little later. A relatively recent discovery made it possible to solve a problem over which several generations had struggled unsuccessfully.

Landsteiner's discovery was not appreciated in society. This led to the fact that blood types were "discovered" several more times. There was confusion in nomenclature and terminology. The generally accepted classification "AB0" was adopted at a congress in Paris in 1937.

Blood type is a genetic trait controlled by non-sex genes. The classification is based on the differences between antigens on the surface of erythrocytes and antibodies in plasma. Self antigens are receptor molecules on the surface of every cell in the body. Both antibodies and antigens are "recorded" in the genetic code and are inherited. The body's own antigens should not be confused with pathogenic ones that enter the human body from the outside.

Three groups of different antigens are present on erythrocytes: heterophilic, species and specific. It is specific antigens and their differences that determine whether a person belongs to a certain classification of blood groups.

There are 500 antigens in the blood. About half of them are on red blood cells. To simplify, antigens are combined into systems. It turns out there are about 40 of them. In medicine, cellular antigenic systems are important, blood plasma systems do not play any role.

There are many antigenic systems in human blood, for example: AB0, Kell, Duffy, Kidd, Rh, MNSs, Lutheran, etc.

In hemotransfusiology, the systems of AB0 and Rh-factor are the most significant.

Blood groups according to the AB0 system

It includes antigens (agglutinogens) A and B and antibodies (agglutinins) α and β. At the same time, they cannot be in the body, this will lead to the destruction of red blood cells.


  • 0 (I) – both antigens are absent, antibodies α and β;
  • A (II) - antigen A, antibodies β are present;
  • B (III) - antigen B, antibodies α are present;
  • AB (IV) - both antigens are present, there are no antibodies.

Blood groups according to the Rh-factor system

There are only two of them. The first group (Rh+) is characterized by the presence of the Rh0(D) antigen, the second (Rh-) by its absence. This classification will be discussed in more detail below.

Group-specific blood transfusion: complications

Like any other medical procedure, blood transfusion has its contraindications. Incorrect technique and insufficient research before surgery can lead to fatal complications.

Table. Post-transfusion complications

TypeNameWhat are the reasonsSymptoms
Non-specificBacterial toxic shock, air embolism, thromboembolismBacterial contamination of the infusion medium, changes in its physical and chemical parameters, violation of the infusion technique.Inflammation, fever, chills, blackout, vascular embolism, hematoma formation.
SpecificTransfusion shockImmune features of the blood of the donor and recipient.Anxiety, excitation of the nervous system, shortness of breath, lowering blood pressure, cyanosis, pain in the muscles, lower back, headache, vomiting, cardiovascular insufficiency, in severe cases - death.

Features of complications

After transfusion of even compatible blood, local post-transfusion reactions may occur. They do not lead to serious violations of vital functions, in contrast to complications. These are allergies and reactions that can cause fever. They develop 30-60 minutes after transfusion. Their symptoms: fever, weakness, itching, swelling of mucous membranes, weakness.

The most important complication of blood transfusion is blood transfusion shock. It occurs when a recipient is transfused with antigenic blood that is incompatible with him. In simple terms, this is a reaction of aggregation of red blood cells, leading to their subsequent destruction. It is based on the agglutination reaction.

It occurs due to the adsorption of agglutinins on the surface of erythrocytes, which interact with agglutinogens of the same name. To prevent the development of this and other complications, careful checking of blood for compatibility before infusion is required.

Blood type compatibility in transfusion

Transfusion is carried out taking into account the AB0 system. The reason for the incompatibility is antigens. Agglutination occurs if the same name antigens and antibodies α and β are found in the recipient's body. This reaction requires a sufficient concentration of antibodies in the serum. In this regard, there is a special rule.

Ottenberg's rule is as follows. Donor blood erythrocytes are agglutinated, because there is a sufficient level of antibodies in the recipient's plasma, and donor antibodies during transfusion are strongly diluted by the recipient's blood serum, and they are not enough for erythrocytes to stick together.

According to this rule, taking into account the Rh factor, everyone can be transfused with the first group, since there are no agglutinins in it. And the carriers of the fourth group can safely transfuse the blood of the other three, because it does not contain antibodies.

With a massive infusion, the concentration of donor antibodies may increase, and hemolysis of red blood cells will occur. Therefore, according to the Ottenberg rule, it is used for transfusions of up to half a liter of blood.

Compatibility of 1 group with the rest

People with the first group are universal donors only according to the Ottenberg rule, if the volume of transfused blood is about half a liter. 500 ml in an emergency can be transfused to representatives of other groups. But if a larger volume of transfusion is needed, then the first group will not work, since both agglutinins are in its plasma. Plasma of the first blood group is transfused only to the group of the same name.

Compatibility 2 groups with the rest

This blood can be transfused to your group. Plasma - recipients with 1 group.

Compatibility 3 groups with the rest

Similarly with the second group.

Compatibility 4 groups with others

Considered a universal recipient. Due to the lack of antibodies, any blood type can be transfused. Plasma of the fourth group can be transfused to all recipients.

Rh compatibility will be discussed below.

According to the modern rule, blood transfusion is performed only within the same group with a single Rh value.

The decision to have a child is an important step for every couple. To prevent undesirable consequences, complications and violations of the course of pregnancy, it is important to know the group and compatibility of the blood of the parents. In the compatibility of blood groups for the conception of a child, the Rh-factor system plays the main role.

Everything you need to know about the Rh factor

The Rh factor system includes 6 antigens - D, d, C, c, E, e. Antigen D has the strongest antigenic properties, so two blood groups are distinguished precisely by its presence or absence. 85% of the population are Rh-positive, 15% are Rh-negative.

If Rh+ blood gets into Rh-negative blood, then antibodies to the Rh-antigen will begin to be produced in the human body. Initially, these will be IgM antibodies, they will not affect health. But upon repeated contact of the antigen with the blood of a sensitized person, IgG is produced, which leads to an immune conflict.

In the recipient - in severe cases, hemotransfusion shock, in pregnant women - miscarriage. This is the basis of the Rhesus conflict.

Rhesus conflict during pregnancy. What to do?

This problem is caused by the incompatibility of blood types in the mother and fetus, when the baby's blood is Rh-positive, and the woman's blood is Rh-negative. Antibodies pass through the hemoplacental barrier with the bloodstream and destroy the erythrocytes of the fetus, which leads to malformations and death. It is important to understand that there are no incompatible blood types for conceiving a child, all possible problems are successfully solved by modern medicine. It is only time to contact a specialist.

To resolve the Rh conflict, there are two types of treatment.

Non-specific prophylactic treatment
ExamplesWhat does it includeAchieved effect
hormone therapyProgesteroneReduces the risk of miscarriage.
DietIt is recommended to eat undercooked liverStrengthens the hemoplacental barrier, improves the condition of the fetus, reduces the symptoms of hemolytic disease of the newborn.
VitaminizationVitamin C in solution with 40% glucose and B vitamins
PhysiotherapyUltraviolet irradiation, oxygen therapy, diathermy
Medical therapyLiver extracts, hepatoprotectors, metabolic and antihistamines, iron and calcium preparations
Specific treatment
ExamplesWhat does it includeAchieved effect
Early caesarean sectionTermination of pregnancy after 36 weeksReducing the risk of hemolytic disease of the newborn.
Prolongation of pregnancyThe introduction of drugs that improve the blood supply to the fetus and placentaStabilization of the fetus, improvement of its condition.
Intrauterine blood transfusion to the fetusFetal infusions of "pure" erythrocytesPrevention of anemia and hypoxia in a child.
PlasmapheresisPurification of mother's blood from antibodiesReduces hemolysis of fetal erythrocytes.

The most reliable way of prevention is for a woman to choose a partner of the same Rh-negative partner. Then the occurrence of Rhesus conflict is completely excluded. If this is not possible, the following measures should be taken.

  • To prevent the development of anti-Rhesus antibodies:
    • when transfusing a woman with Rh + blood;
    • during an abortion;
    • during the first pregnancy.

For this, anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin is used. It destroys Rh + fetal erythrocytes in the woman's body, preventing the response production of antibodies to them. The injection is carried out intramuscularly. The main condition is the introduction of the drug 24-72 hours after the infusion of Rh + blood, before the start of the immune response. Often it is administered before the onset of labor.

  • Before each pregnancy, undergo a mandatory medical examination for the presence of the first symptoms of a developing conflict:
    • dopplerometry;
    • cardiotocography;
    • amniocentesis;
    • cordocentesis;
    • blood test for antibodies.

Determination of the blood type of the unborn child

This question is of interest to many couples. To determine the blood group of a child, you need to know the belonging of his parents to a particular group. It is not necessary to be a geneticist, you can use the tables below.

According to the AB0 system

Blood type of mom and dadProbable blood type of the child (%)
I+I100 0 0 0
I+II50 50 0 0
I+III50 0 50 0
I+IV0 50 50 0
II+II25 75 0 0
II+III25 25 25 25
II+IV0 50 25 25
III+III25 0 75 0
III+IV0 25 50 25
IV+IV0 25 25 50

According to the Rh-factor system

Mother's Rh factorDad's Rh factorRh factor of the child
Rh+(Dd)Rh+Rh+ (50%)Rh+ (50%)
Rh-(dd)Rh+Rh+ (50%)Rh-

The Rh+(Dd) columns are used if one of the spouses had parents with opposite blood types according to the Rh factor.


The discovery of blood types took medicine to a new level. Thanks to this, a new science took shape - transfusiology. She has branched out into a new medical specialty. The accumulated knowledge of blood transfusion saves many people from death - in burns, gynecological, traumatic, infectious and many other clinical departments.

Compatibility of blood groups is also important in determining the characteristics of the child and excluding such a dangerous condition as Rhesus conflict.

Questions of blood compatibility are quite a relevant topic of modern medicine. It gained its significance with the development of genetics and immunohistochemistry, which were able to substantiate absolutely paradoxical cases in medical practice. After all, sometimes things happen that defy absolutely no logical justification. This happens especially often when determining the compatibility of blood for conception when planning a family, pregnancy or the need for a transfusion. All these paradoxes once again confirm that there is nothing absolute in medicine, since a lot of things are still covered with secrets that humanity has to reveal. But even what is already known deserves close attention.

The basic concept of the Rh factor

The specificity of any organism is determined by a set of proteins or antigens that are part of any tissue. In relation to blood and its erythrocytes, these are their surface antigenic complexes. One of them is the Rh factor or Rh antigen. Depending on its presence, all people are divided into Rh-positive (carriers of the antigen) and Rh-negative (people who do not have the Rh antigen). All life situations that are associated with the need to mix the blood of different people are determined by the ability of the blood not to disrupt its structure after such a procedure. In many respects it depends on Rh compatibility.

Important to remember! Compatible blood according to the Rh factor system is that which will be perceived by the body as its own. This means that only blood that is identical in terms of the Rh factor can be so!

Blood compatibility for conception

Family planning is a very correct direction of obstetrics, which has significantly reduced the number of complicated or unwanted pregnancies. This was manifested by the birth of a smaller number of seriously ill children. Today, every woman knows about all the threats that can await her and her child in case of a cold-blooded attitude to some details of proper family planning. One of these details is the compatibility of the blood of sexual partners.

In fact, this topic is slightly misrepresented in the media. Everyone who misunderstood it interprets everything in his own way, spreading unreliable and, most importantly, untrue information. In this regard, it is worth considering the issues of immunological compatibility of spouses and compatibility of the blood of spouses at conception, which were mixed with each other and are discussed as one and the same problem. This sows panic and makes people look for a non-existent truth. Therefore, it is important to understand that:

  1. The compatibility of spouses when a woman is unable to become pregnant does not depend on the compatibility of blood groups or the Rh factor, but on the immunological compatibility of a woman and a man. This means that antibodies are produced for the components of a particular male sperm in the body of a woman who simply does not perceive it. The group and the Rh factor have nothing to do with it at all;
  2. An Rh-negative mother can give birth to a child with Rh-positive blood. This can only affect the course of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus, but cannot be regarded as Rh factor incompatibility for conceiving a child;
  3. A couple with different Rh factors can quite easily have healthy children. It is not necessary to destroy the relationship due to the fact that the Rhesus of the mother and fetus can potentially be incompatible. But you should definitely follow the recommendations in the framework of family planning, which will be pointed out by specialists. Some of these recommendations are given in the next section.

It is impossible to reliably predict the development of Rh-conflict pregnancy

Blood compatibility during pregnancy

If a married couple has decided on pregnancy, they must follow this process from the planning stage to the birth of a child. With regard to the potential for Rhesus conflict during pregnancy, the following should be alert:

  • Married couples in which the woman is Rh-negative and the man is Rh-positive. The maximum probability of a conflict pregnancy is 50% if the partner is homozygous (each of the chromosomes of one pair encodes the Rh antigen) and 25% if it is heterozygous (Rhesus is encoded by only one chromosome of the pair);
  • Spouses whose blood mixing is potentially capable of ending with an Rh-conflict pregnancy, with previous pregnancies and childbirth. Their favorable outcome does not mean anything. On the contrary, the likelihood of developing maternal and fetal blood incompatibility increases with each subsequent pregnancy.

Compatibility of blood groups and the table is compatible with the Rh factor with possible options for its inheritance by the child.

Rh factor of the mother Father's Rh factor The probability of Rh belonging to the child The likelihood of Rh-conflict pregnancy
Positive Positive If the parents are homozygous - 100% positive;

If parents are heterozygous - 50% positive;

If one of the spouses is homozygous, and the second is heterozygous - 75% positive.

Positive Negative If the partner is Rh positive or the partner is homozygous for Rh - 50% positive;

If heterozygous - 25% positive.

The probability of a conflict developing does not exceed 50%
Negative Positive
Negative Negative The blood of the child in 100% of cases will be Rh-negative. Conflict pregnancy does not occur

Note: A homozygous is a person who contains identical genes on similar chromosomes. They, getting into the composition of the chromosome set of the fetus, will unambiguously encode the synthesis of the Rh factor. A heterozygote contains such a gene only in one of the chromosomes, which significantly reduces the risk of its inheritance.

Important to remember!!!

  1. The blood of an Rh-positive mother is compatible with any fetal blood;
  2. The probability of a conflict in the Rh system is possible only in mothers with Rh-negative blood and does not exceed 50%;
  3. The inheritance of the Rh factor by a child depends not only on the actual Rh of the parents, but also on the set of genes that did not manifest themselves, but were inherited by the child.

Donor compatibility

Despite all modern concepts and the desire of physicians to avoid transfusion of blood and its components, in practice this is not feasible. After all, thousands of situations arise every day when only these drugs can save a person's life. One of the main postulates in this regard is the determination of the compatibility of the blood of the donor and the recipient. Indeed, otherwise, inappropriate blood will not only not help, but will also cause the death of the patient.

With regard to donor compatibility, only erythrocyte preparations (erythrocyte mass and washed erythrocytes) are considered. Before direct blood transfusion, blood group compatibility and Rh compatibility are determined. In the classic version, only blood with an identical Rh factor and group is considered absolutely compatible. But this rule does not always work in practice. In some situations where an emergency blood transfusion is required in a matter of minutes, there is no time to determine compatibility. The only salvation is the transfusion of whole blood or red blood cells on the principle of hypothetical compatibility. Its options are given in the form of a table.

First Second Third Fourth
First 0(I) compatible Incompatible Incompatible Incompatible
Second A (II) compatible compatible Incompatible Incompatible
Third B(III) compatible Incompatible compatible Incompatible
Fourth AB(IV) compatible compatible compatible compatible

The following practical conclusions can be drawn from the table:

  • People with the first blood group are, but they themselves can only become recipients of the blood of the first group;
  • People with are a universal recipient, although they themselves can only be donors for people with the fourth group;
  • Donor compatibility is possible only if the donor's erythrocytes do not contain the appropriate antibodies that will cause their destruction after transfusion.

Important to remember! Blood compatibility for the Rh factor is determined only in two ways, regardless of group affiliation: people with Rh-negative blood can only be transfused with Rh-negative blood. People with Rh-positive blood can become recipients of blood from both Rh-positive and Rh-negative donors!

People fall in love with each other, get married, create a family, dream of a child... But, unfortunately, sometimes it happens that a couple fails to conceive a baby, although both spouses are absolutely healthy. Why is this happening?

In medicine, such situations are called incompatibility at conception. There are the following types of incompatibility:

  • immune - by blood group / Rh;
  • genetic - the birth of children with or with other disabilities in absolutely healthy parents.

Does this diagnosis become a sentence for a married couple, or do the spouses still have a chance to conceive an heir? And what is it - incompatibility at conception?

Causes of incompatibility at conception

The number of infertile marriages around the world is increasing every year. In Russia itself, approximately 15 percent of married couples cannot conceive a child due to the infertility of one spouse or both. The causes of infertility are distributed between both spouses almost equally: one third of cases are associated with women, one third with men, the last third are joint projects (20%) and unexplained cases (10%). Research by practitioners and scientists indicates the presence of psychogenic changes and psychological trauma in all situations of infertility.

Marriage is said to be infertile when a married couple who lives a regular sexual life does not achieve the desired pregnancy within a year. At the same time, the spouses do not use any type of contraception.

Immunological incompatibility at conception

In such cases, couples are often given a disappointing diagnosis of "immunological infertility". Although conception is still possible with such a diagnosis, in the absence of constant medical supervision and appropriate treatment, pregnancy is interrupted in most cases.

First of all, if there is a suspicion of immunological incompatibility of a particular pair, a man needs to be examined, for which he will have to pass the seminal fluid for research (). This should be done in clinics specializing in family planning. The results of this analysis will determine the number and motility of spermatozoa, as well as evaluate other equally important indicators of sperm. In addition, they will confirm or, conversely, refute the presence of inflammatory diseases in the organs of the male genitourinary system.

So what is immunological infertility?

This means that the immune system of a particular woman produces antibodies that destroy the sperm of a particular man. Recent studies show that in about 30 percent of cases, the cause of infertility in marriages is precisely this form of infertility, or the so-called incompatibility factor. We are talking about some kind of allergy to the sperm of a man, or, strange as it sounds, an allergic reaction of the man himself to his own seed. The reason for this is the too high amount of so-called "anti-sperm antibodies", which prevent the sperm cell from fulfilling its fertilizing function. They can be formed in the body of both men and women.

Antisperm antibodies prevent not only conception, but also affect the course of pregnancy.

So why does an “allergy” to a particular person arise? And why does the level of antisperm antibodies increase?

Antisperm antibodies - the culprits of incompatibility

There is a scientific opinion that the risk of these antibodies in a woman is directly proportional to the number of her sexual partners. An unfavorable factor can also be transferred sexual infections. But still, the main reason for the appearance of antisperm antibodies in the female body is a specific immune reaction to the seed of a particular man. Both our psyche and the brain contribute to this, which directly affect the most subtle mechanisms of the body, incl. and the reactions of the immune system itself.

The presence of a certain amount of these antibodies in a woman's body can lead to toxicosis, spontaneous abortion, or a delay in the development of the fetus. Therefore, the test for immunological compatibility must be passed to both spouses.

Often the reason for the impossibility of conception are additional complications in the form of a bicornuate uterus, ovarian malformation or cervical hypoplasia.

Rhesus conflict and incompatibility at conception

Incompatibility at conception is also possible if the spouses have different Rh factors. To successfully conceive a child, both spouses must have the same - positive or negative.

If the Rh factors are different, then problems may arise not only during the conception of a child and during pregnancy, but even after his birth (meaning the health of the newborn).

If spouses with different Rh blood factors decide to give birth to a child, they definitely need to undergo a course of special therapy before conception so that the mother's body does not subsequently reject the fetus. It should be noted that a healthier child is born in the couple where the blood type of the father is higher than that of the mother.

But there is always hope

Under no circumstances should you despair. Even in such situations, there is a fairly high chance of getting pregnant and bearing the first child. However, with subsequent pregnancies, a number of difficulties may arise.

In some cases, the mother's immunological mechanism may begin to produce antibodies against the father's Rh factor. As a result, maternal antibodies cross the placenta and begin to attack the erythrocytes of the fetus, thereby causing the development of anemia in him.

From a genetic and immunological point of view, spouses with different blood types, but having the same RH (negative or positive), are considered to be well compatible. But in married couples who have the same blood type, but different Rh factors, there is a very high probability of incompatibility during conception.

Compatibility Test

If the spouses have not been able to conceive a baby for a long time, they both need to pass a compatibility test, for which they will have to take a blood test and undergo other related studies that the attending physician will already appoint.

But even if as a result of all the research and testing carried out, incompatibility is found for any factor - do not get depressed and do not despair. Remember: modern medicine is in constant development, in constant discoveries, which always gives potential mothers a great chance to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby. And do not forget that the most important factor for conceiving a child is not so much the compatibility of the spouses as the presence of sincere feelings in them. The birth of a long-awaited baby will overcome all obstacles!

Specially for Anna Zhirko