The kitten has watery eyes: what to do? Watery eyes and a runny nose in a kitten - Healthy breathing.

The eyes are one of the most vulnerable organs from birth. The problem can appear not only in babies, but also in older cats. There can be several reasons for teary eyes in kittens, often this is a sign of a disease. If you notice this problem in your pet, you need to take him to the veterinarian. Why does a kitten have watery eyes, what to do in this case and how to help him? Only a specialist can accurately answer these questions.

In cats, if they are healthy, there is generally no excessive tearfulness and discharge from the eyes. There may be several reasons why a cat has watery eyes:

What else to pay attention to

In addition to tearfulness, the owner can observe swelling of the eyes, discharge from them, or dried crusts in his pet. The animal may be lethargic, hiding from the light. If it is tormented by itching, then it rubs its eyes with its paws, which can injure them even more. The dullness of the eyes, a change in their color, excessive bulge, or vice versa, hollowness should also alert the owner. It is recommended to show the animal to the veterinarian at the first symptoms in order to start treatment on time and avoid serious complications.

Diagnosis and treatment

What to do if a kitten has watery eyes, how to treat it? As soon as the owner noticed increased tearfulness in his pet, he can rinse his eyes with boiled water or tea on his own. The veterinarian can find out the cause of this phenomenon by talking with the owner, and based on the results of some tests. To make an accurate diagnosis, it is sometimes necessary to take a wash from the conjunctival sac for analysis. If worms are suspected, an analysis of the animal's feces is taken for research.

If a kitten has a watery one eye and conjunctivitis is found in it, washing with a weak solution of furacilin or potassium permanganate, chamomile decoction can be applied. It should be borne in mind that it is necessary to wash not only a sore eye, but also a healthy one, to prevent the disease. A cotton swab for washing for each eye should be separate. With a bacterial form of the disease, therapeutic ointments can be used, which are applied up to 3 times a day.

If the eye is injured before contacting a doctor, the owner can wash the pet with saline, and then treat it with 1% tetracycline ointment. If the eye is swollen or enlarged after an injury, the cornea should not be allowed to dry out. To do this, it is necessary to drip clean warm water into it every 5 minutes. If a foreign body has entered the organ, then before removing it, the doctor injects an anesthetic into the animal. Then the eyelid turns outward and the procedure is carried out with tweezers.

If the cause of increased tearing is a disease such as ulcerative blepharitis, then cauterization of some parts of the eyelids will be required, after which they are smeared with an antibiotic ointment. The torsion of the eyelids will have to be treated surgically, to exclude suppuration, the eyelids are treated with an antiseptic.

So that the pet does not have increased tearfulness of one eye or two at once, the owner can take care of this by carrying out simple prevention. From an early age, little kittens need help and daily care for their eyes. You can simply wash them with boiled water or tea, or use the special preparation "Diamond Eyes". This remedy should be instilled twice a day, 2 drops in each eye. In order for the eyes to be as open as possible, the kitten must be held by the scruff of the neck, head up. After instillation, the eyes must be lightly wiped with a clean cotton pad so that the kitten does not scratch them.

It is useful for a healthy kitten or adult cat to wipe their eyes once a day with a clean cloth dipped in water. This will save them from souring and dry crusts that may appear after sleep. Wiping should be done carefully, without pressure, from the outer corner to the inner. Decoctions of medicinal herbs, such as chamomile, calendula, sage or St. John's wort, are also well suited for this procedure.

Daily care of the pet's eyes should be carried out before each use of medications prescribed by a doctor. If washing and prescribed treatment for several days does not give a visible positive effect, you must re-apply to the veterinary clinic.

How to treat an animal, the dosage and duration of the use of drugs, the doctor reports in each individual case. The owner can only provide first aid to his pet in order to alleviate his suffering. You have to be careful about the health of your pet.

The eyes of kittens are considered a vulnerable organ from birth. There can be several reasons for tearfulness, often it is a symptom of a disease. How to help the pet will be prompted by a specialized doctor, without whose recommendations it is impossible to treat the animal.

Causes and ways of arranging a violation

Harmless factors are slight morning discharge from the eyes for physiological reasons, as one of the ways to moisturize the eyeball. What else can affect the tearing of a kitten - how to eliminate such a violation:


If the kitten has conjunctivitis, then it is necessary to wash the eyes with a weak solution of furacilin or potassium permanganate, you can use decoctions of medicinal plants - sage, chamomile.

All manipulations are carried out from the outer eyelid to the inner eyelid, movements are carried out without pressure. In case of bacterial damage, drip a special solution into the eyes. Then give your pet a tasty morsel of food.

Cats often suffer from allergies, histamines are used to treat the symptom of lacrimation - Suprastin (the fourth part of the tablet 1 time per day), and Tavegil, Claritin, Dimedrol are also used. Appointed by a specialist taking into account the patient's condition.

Mechanical damage

With profuse lacrimation, it is important to examine the eye for a foreign object. Remove it with plenty of water, after cleansing the eye, use tetracycline ointment 1%. Gently put on the upper eyelid of the pet and go to the veterinarian.

After an eye injury, it is difficult for an animal to close the eyelids, which leads to excessive dryness of the cornea. In such a situation, it is useful to drip boiled warm water into the eye, treat the damaged area every 5 minutes. Be sure to contact the clinic for further treatment.


With infectious diseases, it is better not to hesitate, a course of antibiotics, vaccinations, and careful hygiene of the eye area will be required. Your veterinarian may prescribe one of the following antibiotics:

  • Thevomycetin;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Sofradex.

Additional therapy will require anti-inflammatory drops, such as Kleene's cleansing eye lotion. The causative agent can be of a different nature, and therefore one cannot do without diagnostic measures and a visit to a specialist.

Epiphora disease

This is a type of severe lacrimation, which appears in the process of oxidation in the air of a brown crust. The discharge exceeds the norm, the disease is characterized by moist fur in the eye area, brown accumulations in the corners of the eyelids, itching, burning, traces of dark tears.

In this case, it is important to establish the cause of the violation - damage to the lacrimal canal, anatomical features, pathology of the organs of vision. Treatment is prescribed only by the attending doctor, after properly selected therapy, the disease disappears.

Preventive actions

To avoid lacrimation in a kitten, it is enough to follow a number of simple preventive rules:

  • Daily care for the eyes, rinse them with warm water or a special preparation "Diamond Eyes";
  • As an alternative, wipe the eye once a day with a clean cloth dipped in water;
  • When treating any diseases, strictly observe the dosage of medicinal preparations, do not interrupt the course of treatment.

In case of damage to the eyes, be sure to seek help from a veterinarian in order to avoid serious complications - up to loss of vision.

Take care of your animals and be in a great mood!

Your cat's eyes, which are usually clear and bright, look a bit "gooey" due to the large amount of exudate coming out of them. Your pet suddenly begins to be afraid of light, constantly rubbing his eyelids with his paws. You should be wary: if a cat's eyes are flowing, then this almost certainly indicates some kind of unpleasant ophthalmic disease. If nothing is done, then the animal may well lose not only sight, but even eyes.

In general, the causes of what is happening can be extremely diverse: from severe hypothermia (banal cold) to a deadly viral infection. It is useful for cat owners to be aware of some of the most important predisposing factors that most often lead to copious discharge from the eyes of their pets.

So, the eyes of a healthy cat can only be (!) clear and clean. Any deviation indicates pathology. Most often, attempts to rub the eyes with a paw all the time, or painful blinking, the cat's desire to avoid bright places, speak of problems. In cats, unlike dogs, these symptoms often indicate infectious diseases.

For example, on caused by a herpes virus (the cat constantly sneezes at the same time). Often, other diseases caused by bacteria or protozoa lead to such symptoms. Symptoms in this case depend on the course of the disease, and can vary from the release of a small amount of exudate to the constant outflow of mucous, watery or bloody substance from the eyes.

Other eye diseases

To specify the possible causes, we list the types of ophthalmic diseases that are most common in cats:

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In some cases, cases of infectious peritonitis, allergies (while the cat also has snot flowing), and small insects getting into the eye lead to a massive outflow from the eyes.

Basic information about the treatment of ophthalmic pathologies

Let me warn you right away: do not attempt to treat your pet at home without first consulting with a veterinarian. Only when the specialist makes the correct diagnosis and gives the go-ahead, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Feline upper respiratory tract infections. Therapy depends on the causative agent of the disease and the possible consequences for the eyes. As a rule, antibiotics, other antimicrobial agents, anti-edema drugs are prescribed.
  • Conjunctivitis. Pollen, dust, grass stubble or other irritants can cause inflammation, which is treated with tetracycline ointment, as well as gels that have the effect of local anesthesia. Conjunctivitis accompanied by fever, diarrhea, and respiratory distress syndrome can point to potentially fatal feline infectious peritonitis, although this disease is not common.
  • Corneal lesions. Therapy depends both on the nature of the injuries and on the "depth" of the process. In mild cases, the eyes are simply washed with weak peroxide or furatsilin, in severe cases it comes to surgery.
  • Epiphora of all etiologies. Under general anesthesia, your veterinarian may use plain distilled water or saline to flush out a blocked tear duct. If some kind of infection has led to the development of the pathology, broad-spectrum antibiotics, various ointments are prescribed, the eyes can be washed with decoctions of some herbs (chamomile, calendula).

Any disturbances in the functioning of the body in an animal are manifested by certain symptoms, which should not be ignored by the owner. If the cat has watery eyes, then something is wrong with the health of your pet. There are several reasons for the occurrence of this symptom, from a banal violation of the rules of animal hygiene to the most unpleasant diseases of an ophthalmic and viral nature.

In our article, we will consider the possible causes of tearing of the visual organs, effective methods of treatment and prevention. Our information will allow you to find the answer to the most pressing questions in this situation - why a domestic cat has watery eyes and how to eliminate this unpleasant symptom at home.

Causes of disease in cats

Cats have watery eyes for a variety of reasons. This may be a physiological feature of the organism of a thoroughbred animal, morning tears, age-related, allergic or pathological process.

The most common causes of pathological lacrimation in domestic cats are:

To find out exactly the pathological cause of watery eyes in a pet, you need to contact a veterinary clinic.

Symptoms of natural tearing

First of all, it should be noted that a slight lacrimation in animals is a physiological norm that does not require medical intervention. This feature is especially relevant for some breeds: Persian, British and Scottish.

Tearing is facilitated by strongly protruding eyes, a short lacrimal canal and long hair. Such pets must be provided with proper hygienic eye care, which includes regular washing with diluted saline or decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Pets of other breeds may also experience teary eyes of a non-pathological nature, which can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • do not worry if the cat has a watery eye without visible injuries and clouding;
  • there are no painful signs and swelling;
  • no additional purulent discharge;
  • the animal does not experience discomfort, does not rub its eyes, does not squint, etc.;
  • the pupil responds well to light;
  • healthy shiny color of the cornea.

It is not uncommon for a pet to have teary eyes in the morning. Such a symptom is not a sign of an inflammatory process, but has a completely natural reaction of the body after waking up.

Thus, the cat's eyes are self-cleaning to improve the functioning of the lacrimal glands. A caring owner can wash the cat's eyes with ordinary boiled water or herbal decoction (chamomile or calendula).

It is also important to pay attention to the tearing of the eye in small pets. During the first days of life, the kitten has closed organs of vision. During eruption, profuse lacrimation is observed, which is a natural process.

However, in order to prevent the penetration of infection and the development of the inflammatory process, it is necessary to regularly wash the eyes of the animal with clean warm water. Hygiene procedure will benefit your fluffy baby!

Symptoms of painful tearing

My kitten has watery eyes, what should I do? First of all, try to find out the reason. The pathological nature of the tearing of the eyes in an animal can be determined by the following signs:

  • the eye is festering, swollen, reddened, puffiness is noticeable;
  • there is profuse lacrimation;
  • asymmetric pupils appeared;
  • the color of the iris has changed;
  • poor pupillary response to light;
  • injuries, bleeding are noticeable, foreign bodies are present;
  • purulent discharge is noted;
  • a painful crust or cloudy film has formed on the visual organs;
  • there are specific signs of morbidity (general deterioration, loss of appetite, restless behavior, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.);
  • increase in body temperature;
  • irritated cornea;
  • it hurts for the cat to close his eyes, it is clear that he is experiencing painful discomfort.

All these signs should not be ignored. A trip to an experienced veterinarian will allow you to find out the exact cause of the painful process. After a visual examination and diagnostic examination, the specialist will select an effective treatment plan.

Treatment of teary eyes in a cat

So, we found out why a domestic cat has watery eyes, and now we will find out what methods of treatment are relevant in each case.

Veterinary pharmacies sell special products for the treatment of watery eyes in animals. However, it is unacceptable to choose a drug at random, it is necessary to take into account the exact cause of the pathology, the age of the pet and other important nuances. We strongly recommend that you do not self-medicate, but provide all the necessary assistance to your pet only as directed by a doctor!

What drugs can be used to treat lacrimation in cats without prescription:

  1. A weakly concentrated solution of 0.2% furacilin is an excellent antiseptic used to treat conjunctivitis.
  2. Aqueous solution of chloramphenicol for eye instillation in case of bacterial infection.
  3. To reduce pain, you can inject novocaine with hydrocortisone solution (the dosage is selected based on the weight of the animal).
  4. If the cat's lacrimation is caused by a foreign object, it is necessary to wash the eyes with a cotton swab dipped in sodium chloride 8.5% in combination with an anesthetic.

You can also use special antibacterial solutions, medicinal ointments for laying in the eyelid and hormonal agents necessary for the treatment of allergic lacrimation. It is necessary to drip eyes with special drops after washing.

With lacrimation of an allergic nature, drugs for the internal use of corticosteroid and antihistamine groups are prescribed. Such treatment should be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor.

Use antibiotics with caution in the treatment course. These medications can cause side effects that are very bad for your furry friend.

If you decide to treat yourself, without a preliminary examination by a doctor, carefully monitor the condition of the pet and monitor the effectiveness of the therapy. If after 2-3 days after the start of treatment you have not noticed any improvement, contact your veterinarian!

Medicines to cure the disease

Medicines to treat watery eyes in domestic cats:

  • tetracycline ointment;
  • drops "Bars";
  • "Anandin";
  • "Diamond Eyes";
  • ointment Levomycetin;
  • a solution of 2% boric acid;
  • "Tsiprovet", etc.

Detailed appointments are issued by the attending physician, taking into account the severity of the symptoms and the reason that provoked such an unpleasant process. You need to follow all the recommendations responsibly, this will allow you to save your beloved pet from painful tearing as soon as possible.

Folk remedies

As an additional treatment, you can use effective traditional medicine recipes.

Required ComponentsHow to prepare a medicinal composition?Methods of treatment, effect
pharmaceutical camomilePrepare a decoction. Cool to room temperature.Rinse your pet's eyes 3-4 times a day using a cotton swab. Relieves inflammation, has an antibacterial effect.
Sage, St. John's wort, calendulaMix herbs in equal proportions. Prepare a decoction. Cool down a bit.Rinse with warm water several times a day. This tool is effective for eliminating purulent discharge.
Black teaBrew strong tea. Cool until warm.Excellent eye wash with anti-inflammatory effect.
Potassium permanganatePrepare a weakly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate.Rinse your pet's eyes twice a day. The product has a good antibacterial effect.
Green teaBrew tea, insist. Strain through cheesecloth and sue until warm.This tool must be used to treat the area around the eyes. It has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.

Prevention of cat lacrimation

To minimize the risks of unpleasant tearing of the organs of vision in a domestic cat, regularly conduct inspections and hygiene care procedures. To cleanse the eye in the morning, use clean warm water, a cotton swab, or a freshly prepared herbal decoction. If the eye begins to turn sour, perform a similar procedure using anti-inflammatory drugs.

  • Trim your pet's nails regularly to avoid accidental injury to the eyes.
  • carry out systematic deworming;
  • be sure to follow the rules of hygienic care (bathing, combing hair, processing the organs of vision, etc.);
  • vaccinate your pet in a timely manner;
  • create the right diet from healthy and balanced foods, which will strengthen the protective functions of the body.

Compliance with these simple rules of preventive care will preserve the cat's vision for many years and reduce the risk of developing various diseases that cause painful symptoms and profuse lacrimation.

Do not ignore preventive examinations at the veterinarian and be sure to visit the doctor if painful symptoms are detected in your pet. Do not forget that it is you who are responsible for the life and health of a four-legged friend who came to a large family on your personal initiative.

More articles on this topic.

Tearing in a kitten can be caused by natural causes, but it can also be a symptom of the disease. If you notice that your pet has watery eyes, do not panic. However, it is also not necessary to leave this situation unattended - you can miss the onset of a serious illness.

Causes of lacrimation in kittens

First of all, evaluate the scale of the problem. If the discharge from the eyes is insignificant and you can usually notice them after sleep, this is normal physiological lacrimation. You should be alerted by the obvious anxiety of the animal - the kitten can rub its watery eyes with its paws, try to scratch them on various objects, squint. Abundant discharge also indicates that the kitten is unwell.

If a kitten is found on the street, its eyes may be watery due to dirt getting into them. Often, discharge from the eyes is noticeable in very young kittens who were taken away from their mother early and have not yet learned to take care of hygiene on their own.

An anatomical feature can provoke lacrimation most often in kittens of Persian or British breeds: due to the peculiar structure of the skull and flattened muzzle, they may have an abnormal structure of the nasolacrimal canal. Also, sphinxes and rexes sometimes suffer from lacrimation, for cats of these breeds, the inversion of the eyelids is natural, but sometimes leads to eye injuries.

An allergic reaction in kittens can occur to household chemicals, construction or household dust, poplar fluff, and sometimes to certain types of food.

Tearing, accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, may be a sign of a viral or bacterial infection. What exactly caused the disease, the veterinarian will determine with the help of a wash from the mucous membrane, he will also prescribe medication.

Tearing can be caused by sand or small debris getting into the eye, and the kitten can also get bruised or scratched while playing. In such cases, one eye usually waters profusely.

In rare cases, lacrimation in cats can be caused by inappropriate lighting - it has been observed that some animals do not tolerate prolonged exposure to fluorescent lights

How to treat?

If, after examining the kitten, you came to the conclusion that lacrimation does not cause him concern and is not a sign of illness, just pay more attention to the pet's hygiene. Clean your kitten's eyes daily. To do this, you need to put the animal on your knees and tilt its head back, taking the skin fold at the back of the head. Clean your eyes with a cotton swab or cotton pad soaked in boiled water. For breeds that are prone to tearing, special wipes can be purchased at the pet store.

If you suspect a disease, do not postpone a visit to the veterinarian, you may need to do tests. In case of infection, the doctor will prescribe antibacterial drops or antibiotic ointments, in all cases of lacrimation, washing with antiseptics is usually also prescribed. If a foreign object gets into the kitten's eye, the veterinarian will remove it.

To put medicated drops in the kitten's eye or inject ointment into the conjunctival sac, place the animal on your lap in the same way as for hygienic cleaning of the eyes. Put the medicine in, and then use a cotton pad or a piece of clean gauze to wipe the kitten's eyes so that he does not start scratching them due to the discomfort caused by the medicine.