Educational and methodological material in the Russian language (grade 6) on the topic: Distinguishing adjective suffixes -k- and -sk in writing. Distinguishing in writing the suffixes of adjectives -k- and -sk

Class : 6

Thing: Russian language

Lesson topic: " Spelling of the suffixes K and SK in adjectives»

Lesson Objectives:

1. Educational: to acquaint students with the conditions for choosing the spelling "Spelling of adjective suffixes."

2. Practical : to improve the ability to write words with the studied spelling; develop spelling awareness.

3. Educational: cultivate a sense of respect and love for the motherland.

4. Developing: enrich students' vocabulary; to teach comparison, the ability to highlight the main thing, systematize, explain concepts; develop students' creativity.

Lesson type: a lesson in learning new knowledge and ways of acting

Planned results:

cognitive UUD: independent selection and formulation of a cognitive goal, conscious and arbitrary construction of a speech statement in oral form, choosing the most effective ways to solve problems, structuring knowledge;

personal UUD : the establishment by students of a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive, self-determination;

regulatory UUD: goal-setting, planning, evaluation of work results, making necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in case of discrepancy between the standard, the actual action and its result;

communicative UUD: planningeducational cooperation with the teacher and peers, compliance with the rules of speech behavior, the ability to express and justify one's point of view.

Means of education: computer, projector, textbook, text cards, algorithm;

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual - practical, problem presentation, self-control.

During the classes

    Organization of the lesson

    Motivation of educational activity.

Teacher: - Guys, what do you think, is it necessary to write correctly? Maybe it's enough that we know how to speak correctly?

(reading the poem "Sad News" by A. Shibaev)

A letter came to me

I look -

From the camp, from Mishka...

Here is a wonderful bow, and I lick, -

Written in a letter.

Onion lick? What are miracles?

Probably joking, rogue ...

Nice long rod...

The other day I found sadness in the fox

And I was very happy...

No, no, he's not joking! I'm afraid,

My friend is seriously ill.

Will return - it is necessary to heal:

Force the rules to be taught.

Is it important to be literate?

    Checking homework (slide 1,2)

    Introduction to the topic.

Creative dictation (slide 3). Highlight suffixes.

The work is carried out in groups. The results of the work are recorded on sheets of A3 format, posted on the board for verification.

Let's see how the groups completed the task. (Checking)

What suffixes are used to form adjectives? (-K- and -SK-).

    Exit to the educational problem.

So what happened? I gave everyone one task, but how did you complete it? (Differently)

Why did it happen? What do we not know? (We don’t know when and what suffixes to write)

Check yourself (slide 4)

Formulate, based on the recorded examples, the topic of today's lesson. (Suffixes of adjectives).

So. Who can express it better? Who thinks otherwise? (Choice of suffixes -K- and -SK- in adjectives. Spelling of adjective suffixes -K- and -SK-).

Let's write the topic of the lesson. What do you think is the purpose of our lesson? What do we need to know and learn? (Learn the conditions for choosing suffixes -K- and -SK-. Learn how to write adjectives with suffixes -K- and -SK- correctly).

6. Introduction of new knowledge. (slide 6).

Look at 2 columns of words. In the first word with the suffix -K-, in the second - -SK-. They will help you discover the rule yourself. (Group work is in progress. Hypotheses are put forward, their truth is checked).

So what did you notice? Any ideas about the spelling of the suffixes -K- and -SK-? (Group 1. In adjectives formed from animate nouns, it is written -К-.)

So. What other ideas are there? (Group 2. It may be necessary to look at which letter the stem of the noun ends.

3rd group. The suffix -K- is written after K, C, Ch, and after other letters -SK- is written)

Does everyone agree with this? How can you check this? (The version of the 1st group is not suitable, since the noun French is animated, and -SK- is written in the adjective.)

Formulate a conclusion about the spelling of the suffixes –K- and –SK-.

    Work with the textbook. (slide 7).

Compare your output with the rule in the textbook. Is everything right?

What haven't we talked about? (About short form adjectives).

What can we add to our conclusion? (In adjectives that have a short form, the suffix -SK- is written).

I want to add that this rule has exceptions: Uzbek, Tajik.

What identification feature can be used to find the studied spelling-consonant? (confluence of consonants).

    productive task.

Draw up a new rule. Make a scheme-support for distinguishing between the adjective suffixes -K- and -SK-. (Each group offers its own memory support scheme, which is posted on the board).

All agree? There are changes? Add-ons? (slide 8)

Let's talk about the basic rule.

And now, so that you better remember the spelling of adjectives, I will read you a rhyme.

In the word K, C, H, see.

If these letters are three

They look at you from the sheet

Substitute the suffix K for them.

And don't forget

Check the short form!

Know what's here for sure

There will also be a K suffix.

And I also give advice:

If there is no short form,

K, C, H cannot be found,

We need to -SK- write.

    Practical work.

Using the reference scheme-rule and the poem, explain the spelling of adjectives (slide 9).


If the word has the -K- suffix, you clap. If the word has the suffix -SK-, stomp.

    Traveling in Italy (slides 15 - 27)

    Homework 9 (slide 28).

    Fix the mistake.

By evening, Lom returns and brings a sailor with him. I look - the guy looks nothing. Growth, however, is small. But it is clear from his eyes that he is nimble, and he has a beard like that of a sea robber. Only those, according to rumors, are increasingly red, and this is a typical brunette. Non-smoker, clean clothes. Knows four languages: English, German, French and Russian. This Loma especially seduced; By that time he had already begun to forget the English speech. Lom said that this Fuchs was a treasure, not a sailor: he was very good at cards. (A. Nekrasov).

Write down the number, cool work

What morphemes are shown on the slide?

What morpheme is missing?

Yes, suffix. What do suffixes do?

Used to form new words

True, they do a very important job of forming new words. And let's work together with suffixes and form new words

Form adjectives from given nouns

What do they mean?

- (names of nationalities living in Russia.)

Try to formulate the topic of the lesson

Write down the topic of the lesson

"Distinguishing adjective suffixes in writing–k- and -sk-»

Thus, The purpose of our lesson...

Find out when adj suffixes are written. to and sk.

To be able to distinguish in writing the suffixes of adjectives k and sk

1. What question do we have?

Determine when -k is written, and when -sk is written in adj. suffixes;

  1. Work planning: how will we work?

1. Find out when it is written k, when - ck? To do this, analyze adjectives, compare them, find a pattern.

2. After that, fix the found solution in the model or diagram.

3. Create an action algorithm.

4. Fix the algorithm when doing exercises.

  1. To answer this question:

Understand all the adjectives written on the board

Compare all three columns

Make a conclusion.

Viscous Cossack French

sharp weaving novosibirsk

Fragile German Odessa

Words are written in a column on the board, you need to highlight their stem and suffix.

What suffixes are used to form these words?

- - to- and -sk-.

Which lexical meaninghave these suffixes?

(suffix K forms an adjective with the meaning prone to some kind of action, one that often does something, or one with which something is often done (smelly, tenacious);

suffix SK with the meaning of relation, property or typical belonging to what is named;with the meaning of someone (by geographical name): Dutch sky

But how to distinguish them?

Today our new topic will deal with two categories of adjectives: qualitative and relative.

How to determine the rank?

Which adjectives can be more or less and have a short form? (quality)
- Which adjectives cannot be more or less and have a short form? (relative)
- Try to form a short form of the adjectives in the first column.

Viscous - viscous, sharp - sharp, brittle - breaking

And from the 2nd and 3rd columns of words a short form is formed?


So, what are the categories of adj.?


Teacher: Here is the first part of the rule.


The suffix -k- is written in adjectives (qualitative),

having a short form.

Let's move on to the words in the second column.

What kind of adjectives are these?


What nouns are they derived from?

Student: Kaza k, weaver and German.

(Leading dialogue in case the children fail:

What consonants end in the stems of nouns from which adjectives with suffixes are formed. -TO-?)

What happens to the final consonant of noun stems in the process of this formation?

Alternation k / / c, h / / c

The second part of the rule: "The suffix -k- is written in relative adjectives formed from nouns with the stem ending in -k, -h, -ts."

And what is the rank of adjectives from column 3?


Are there letters k, h, c in the basis of words?



In other relative adjectives, the suffix -sk- is written.

– How many conditions for choosing the spelling of the suffix in the rule - to - and - sk -?


State the conclusion when the suffix is ​​written. -TO-.

What can you say about writing suffix. -TO-?

Under what conditions is suffix used? -SK-?

The suffix -k- is written:

1) in adjectives that have a short form; (i.e. for qualities.)

2) in adjectives (relative) formed from some nouns with a base on -k, -h, -ts.

In other adjectives (referential), the suffix -sk- is written.

Work with the textbook.

Consonant consonant.

– Represent the rule as a model or diagram

K, C, Ch - K

Other agreement SC


"Spelling of adjective suffixes -k- and -sk-"


Qualitative Relative Possessive

Practicing the ability to explain the spelling on the basis of pronunciation.

Task number 1. Explain the spelling of adjective suffixes -k- their -sk- using the algorithm.

(Spelling mark)

  1. Blackboard work. Development of spelling skills

Exercise 327


There is a red form

From noun. With a basis on k, h, c

There is no red form, not from the existing. With a basis on k, h, c


German, Cossack, Turkish

Belarusian, Kyrgyz, French, Hindu, Odessa, sailor, Ukrainian

  1. Work on cards with mutual verification. From these geographical names form adjectives with suffixes -k- and -sk-.

France, Iceland, Turkey, Siberia, Sweden

Caucasus, Volgograd, Kyrgyzstan, England, China

  1. Work in pairs. Phrase replacement

noun + noun = adj. + noun

Why are we doing this task?

Actor profession - actor sky profession

Neighbor's dacha - neighbor sky dacha

High Low)

Wide narrow)


  1. teach to correctly form and use adjectives with suffixes -K-, -SK- in speech;
  2. to teach to distinguish the suffix -K- from the suffix -SK-;
  3. enrich students' vocabulary;
  4. to cultivate a feeling of love for the games of grandparents, to arouse interest in them.

During the classes

I. Checking homework.

Students write letters from memory.

II. Repetition of the past.

1) Lexical work. Task: to determine the lexical meaning of foreign adjectives, choosing synonyms for them. Then, with any adjective, each student will make one sentence.

Avant-garde, infectious, phlegmatic, active, delicate, similar.

Reference words:

advanced, contagious, calm, active, polite, similar.

2) Syntactic analysis of the sentence

The horses were black.
The steppe snow desert is monotonous and boring.

3) Formation of adjectives with suffixes -CHIV-, -OVAT-, -LIV-.

Respond, disassemble, blue, bother, gray, red, be silent.

III. Assimilation of new material.

1) Analysis of examples.

Today in the lesson we will continue to study the rules for the formation of adjectives using suffixes. Namely, with the help of suffixes -K-, -SK-. In writing, students often mix the suffixes -K-, -SK-. It is necessary to learn to distinguish adjectives with suffixes -K- (low) from adjectives with suffixes -SK- (Caucasian). Let's write adjectives in notebooks and on the board LOW, UZBEK, CLOSE. Form their short form (low, narrow, close).

- When is the suffix -K- written in adjectives? (In quality adjectives, the suffix -K- is written (i.e., in adjectives, if you can form a short form)).

And now we form adjectives from nouns:

German - German, fisherman - fisherman, weaver - weaver.

What are these adjectives? What do noun stems end with?

What happens in the root when adjectives are formed? (alternating C//C, B//C)

What suffix is ​​used to form adjectives?


  1. The suffix -К- is added to the basis of words on -Ц in the formation of adjectives.
  2. In other adjectives, most often formed from various geographical names and names of persons (Moscow, Ural, Norwegian), the suffix -SK- is used.

IV . Fixing the material.

1. Task: highlight suffixes, agree with nouns.

Turk - Turkish language, Leningrad bridges, Komsomol, Georgian. Tatar, Portuguese, teacher's, audience, sharp, sensitive, Volga, children's, Chinese, coachman.

2. Perform exercise 676. Write out adjectives with suffixes -SK-, disassemble by composition.

3. Individual work on the board. Task: to disassemble the words by composition

a) Russians, Belarusian; b) Udmurt, Kalmyk.

4. Exercise 677 is being performed.

V. Physical education.

VI. Reading the § 88 rule (p. 274)

VII. Assimilation of new material.

Spelling of the letter b before the suffix -ck-

- After what consonant in adjectives with suffixes -CK- is the letter b written?

- When is the letter b not written?

What word is the exception?

VIII. Fixing the rule.

1. Exercise 678, 679 is being performed.

2. Dictation with digital (or alphabetic) designations. Task: Write numbers (or letters) instead of adjectives:

-LSK- denoted by the number 1 (or the letter A);
-SK- is denoted by the number 2 (or the letter B).
-K- denoted by the number 3 (or the letter B);

  1. The evening was clear, quiet and fresh, as usual. December evenings in the Caucasus.
  2. We hunted on Lake Orsa, where there was only a few centimeters of clear water, and under it lay a bottomless viscous ill.
  3. was clear January day, the silver sun shone everywhere.
  4. Birds flew from all sides of the earth: French tits, Belgian carduelis, Norwegian loons, Dutch diving.
  5. Narrow the streets quickly fill with people.
  6. The army has broken through German defense and entered the gap with all her might, clearing the way Soviet troops on the offensive.
  7. Bengal the lights are lit on New Year's Eve.

Quest Key: 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1. (AVBBBBBBVBA)

IX. Lesson summary.

- What did you learn at the lesson?

- When is it written in adjectives -K-, -SK-?

X. Homework.

- What games of the Chuvash people do you know about? Ask your grandparents about them. Record the progress of the game.

For example, the game "Rural round dance".

The Chuvash people have an amazing game "Rural round dance", in Chuvash it sounds "Vaya Karti". In the old, ancient times, red maidens and good fellows gathered after evening work on the main street of villages or in a wide meadow. Here, from the feast of the Holy Trinity to Peter's Day (July 12), rural youth began

her cultural rest, led a round dance. Round dance - a folk game - the movement of people in a circle with singing and dancing, as well as in general a ring of people holding hands - participants in some kind of game, dance.

Rural youth had fun, enjoyed life.