Types of fungus in dogs, treatment and prevention of fungal infections. How to recognize a fungus in dogs, symptoms of the disease

The skin of a dog is a dense and durable outer shell of the body, which sooner or later can be affected by a fungus. Young pets with weak immunity and pets that have been poorly cared for are at high risk of contracting fungal diseases. Dogs with poor heredity and special individual characteristics of the body are also vulnerable to fungal dermatitis.

Fungal diseases in dogs are accompanied by the destruction of the skin, leading to poor health of the animal. It is important to determine the fungus in the dog in a timely manner and not to delay the treatment. When the first signs of fungal dermatitis appear, you should immediately seek help from an experienced veterinarian.

When should you contact the veterinarian?

In order for the dog to become a faithful friend for many years, it is important to carefully monitor the health of the pet, including coat and skin. The first signs of the development of fungal diseases are:

  • The formation of bald patches. The development of a fungal infection in a dog most often begins with the formation of a bald spot on the coat. Depending on the immunity of the pet, the conditions of detention and hereditary predisposition, the rate of spread of the fungus throughout the body may be different. In some dogs, the fungus affects the skin in one week, in others - within 1-3 months. Bald patches most often occur first on the paws and head, and then transferred to the nose, behind the ear and cervical region. With baldness, the skin of a dog acquires a reddish or grayish tint, and sometimes exfoliating particles of the skin can be traced;
  • severe itching. Constant scratching of the skin between the fingers, behind the ears, near the nose, in the lower area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe paws and other areas may indicate the beginning of the development of the fungus. Particular attention should be paid to the dog if it combs the lesion with a fungus until it bleeds. In this case, it is necessary to treat the scratched place with any antiseptic and show it to the veterinarian. Frequent scratching of certain areas of the skin leads, as a rule, to the fact that the skin cracks and becomes scarlet, rough and dense. In advanced cases, a pet experiences severe pain to such an extent that it cannot even stand on paws suffering from a fungus;
  • Deterioration in the appearance of the coat. If the dog is affected by the fungus malassezia, in the early stages of the disease, the coat may gradually change. Depending on the stage of the disease, the coat can crumble, tangle and fade. Many dog ​​owners mistakenly believe that these changes in coat appearance are the result of a change in food, a sudden change in the weather, or a change in hygiene products. In fact, none of these factors can have such a strong negative effect.

You should visit your veterinarian as soon as possible if your dog:

  • itching and pain appeared;
  • reddened or flaky skin;
  • swelling or swelling has formed in certain places of the skin;
  • a bald spot appeared;
  • the local temperature has risen.

It is important to remember that fungal dermatitis and which develop very quickly, negatively affect the immune system of the canine body.

Self-treatment is considered unacceptable, because fungi can actively spread throughout the body of the animal and lead to negative consequences.

At best, pustules may form, and at worst, a putrefactive process of the skin and intoxication.

Diagnosis of fungal dermatitis

Going to a veterinary clinic is the best solution for a pet owner prone to fungus infection. Before prescribing a course of treatment, the veterinarian examines the animal, establishes the clinical picture of the disease and conducts diagnostic measures. To exclude other diseases, for example.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the specialist performs the following steps:

  • collects an anamnesis, asks the owner of the dog about the current state of the animal;
  • conducts a clinical examination of the pet;
  • makes scraping from the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • performs mycological and bacteriological cultures from foci of inflammation;
  • takes blood, urine and stool samples.

If, after the diagnosis, malassezia in dogs is confirmed, the veterinarian prescribes a course of treatment. At the initial stage of the disease, treatment can be carried out at home by the owner himself. In the case of an advanced stage and prevention of recurrence of the disease, the course of treatment is carried out under the supervision of veterinarians in a veterinary clinic.

How to treat fungal dermatitis?

Treatment of fungus in dogs at the initial stage of the disease is carried out locally using shampoos or ointments. At advanced stages, drug treatment is carried out, in which antifungal drugs are used.

Treatment of fungal dermatitis consists in carrying out the following cycle of measures:

  • relief of itching and local anesthesia;
  • treatment of affected areas of the skin with the help of special ointments;
  • systemic antibiotic therapy;
  • detoxifying and strengthening therapy.

A specific course is assigned taking into account the general condition of the pet. To improve the clinical picture, the veterinarian can apply the following treatments and drugs for dogs.

  1. Local treatment according to the scheme: an ointment or cream (synthomycin ointment, Levomekol or Vishnevsky ointment) is applied to dry affected areas of the skin. Bandages are changed 1-2 times a day. Drying antimicrobial agents in the form of powders or solutions (streptocid or iodoform solution with boric acid) are applied to open wounds, weeping ulcers and pustules.
  2. Effective treatment with the antifungal agent fluconazole. The pain syndrome is relieved by intravenous administration of 0.25% novocaine (dosage 5-20 ml, taking into account the weight and characteristics of the animal). The condition of the dog is closely monitored by a veterinarian for several hours after the injection. Itching is relieved with the help of suprastin, tavegil or other antihistamines.
  3. Antibiotic therapy is actively used in case of a protracted purulent disease. The course of treatment may be as follows: 15-30 mg/kg of cephalexin 2 times a day for 1 week, 5-10 mg/kg of enrofloxacin 1 time per day for 5 days and 0.2 ml/kg of baytril 1 time per day for within 5-10 days depending on the condition of the infected animal.
  4. Autohemotherapy is necessary to improve the condition of the animal. The modern method of skin treatment involves the subcutaneous or intramuscular injection of 5 ml of blood taken from the forearm saphenous vein into the affected area. In total, 4 injections are given every 2, 3 or 4 days, depending on the course of the dog's illness.
  5. Vitamin therapy is essential to boost immunity. To the main treatment, the veterinarian additionally prescribes vitamins of groups A, PP, B and E, immunofan, cicoveron and gamavit.

It is important to remember that self-treatment can lead to negative consequences and a deterioration in the well-being of a pet.

Therefore, in order to cure dermatitis, you should immediately contact the veterinary clinic, where the doctor will conduct all the necessary studies, examination and prescribe effective treatment. In order to avoid the formation and infection of a fungal infection, a number of preventive measures must be observed.

Prevention of fungal dermatitis

Compliance with preventive measures will reduce the risk of infection with a fungus on the paws, behind the ears and other places on the dog's body. Here are some tips for caring for your pet:

  • inspect your pet daily, avoid irritation and allergies;
  • cut the animal regularly, especially in the summer during extreme heat. To prevent dermatitis in dogs, be sure to wash them with a special shampoo;
  • use medicines only as directed by your doctor. Do not self-medicate, which can only worsen the clinical picture and harm the animal;
  • timely treat any wounds and scratches with special ointments, solutions or powders, depending on its nature;
  • offer your beloved pet only high-quality food according to age. A balanced diet and intake of vitamins will improve health and boost immunity;
  • before walking, treat the paws with special protective creams and ointments. Be sure to wash your four-legged friend's paws after a walk to prevent claw infections.

Fungal dermatitis in dogs is a common disease that entails unpleasant consequences. Carefully monitor the health of the skin and coat of your household. Take care and take care of your pets, and they will definitely answer you with love!

Scientists have identified many boles of the fungus, but only some of them are the most dangerous for pets. How to detect this disease and how to treat a four-legged friend, because if you do not help in time, the dog will pose a threat to others.

How Can a Dog Get a Fungus?

The risk group primarily includes young puppies and individuals with a weakened immune system. A pet is able to get infected on a walk by talking to an infected dog.

Fungal spores are dispersed and transmitted through the grass in one walking area. Or a beloved owner can bring it into the house on shoe soles. These pathogenic types of "contagion" are dangerous not only for pets, but also for all family members.

Another way of infection is the weak immunity of the animal. Yeast fungi are always present on the skin of a dog. When a favorable microflora is formed for its development, it begins to grow and multiply. All this leads to Malassezia disease.

Young puppies and weakened dogs, during the recovery period after serious illnesses, individuals with a tendency to allergies are predisposed to dermatophytosis. In this case, the provoking factor will be the wrong conditions for keeping the dog, too humid environment and unbalanced, malnutrition.

Too clean, redeemed dog skin can become a favorable environment for the reproduction of fungal spores. During frequent bathing (1 time per week), the protective function of the skin decreases, and in these areas the number of fungi increases.

As soon as the first symptoms of this disease are detected, you should immediately seek help from veterinarians. The fungus not only destroys the health of the poor animal. The epithelium of the skin, falling out of the patient's coat, spreads around the entire perimeter of the dog's stay, so the risk of human infection is very high. Especially in people with weakened immune systems (children, the elderly).

How to recognize fungus in dogs

Initially, a small, almost imperceptible speck or several spots form on the skin of a four-legged friend. The hairs in these places break off at the root and crumble.

Depending on how weakened the immune system is and what kind of fungus the dog is sick with, spots either spread very quickly through the body, or remain in their original form for a long time.

First of all, slight baldness on the skin is fashionable to detect on the neck and behind the ears, on the nose and head, or on the lower parts of the limbs.

Even if a similar spot forms on any other part of the animal's body, it is better to immediately contact the clinic.

The skin in these places changes its color, it becomes pink - scarlet or with a grayish tint. Another sign by which it is determined that these are fungal infections is peeling.

If you do not immediately seek help, such bald patches will become more and more. This disease is also dangerous because it penetrates under the skin of the dog. Such penetration of a fungal spore complicates the inflammatory process, respectively, and the treatment will be much longer and more difficult.

If the animal is not helped, baldness will become huge, they will spread to the sides and back. The skin will become rough and rough. If the case is severely neglected, the fungal spore kills the hair follicle for a long time and the dog may become completely bald for a long time.

Symptoms of fungal skin lesions in dogs

A very characteristic symptom of this infection is incessant itching. The disease can cause slight flaking and slight itching, or the animal will scratch itself into blood in order to somehow calm it down.

It is important to know that itching can be a symptom of other ailments, so you can not make a self-diagnosis, let alone start self-treatment.

The more the dog combs itself, the more likely it is to contract additional infections. Anything can get into open wounds. Therefore, before the visit of the doctor, the pet should definitely be given any remedy to soothe itching.

In some cases, the fungal infection only affects the toes. In places between the fingers, the skin becomes inflamed and cracked, also around the claws and on the pads of the paws. Such a fungal infection is determined by a change in the color of the nails, they acquire a yellow-red tint, deform and exfoliate.

This type of disease is exacerbated in the spring and autumn seasons, when it is cool and damp outside. At first, the dog will begin to limp on his paw, will often bite his nails, or even stop stepping on the diseased limb.

Before the doctor's appointment and for the period of treatment, the paws are protected from moisture, for this, after bathing, they must be dried, some owners use the cool air of a hair dryer. When walking, dogs must wear protective boots.

Fungus spores do not start on their own during infection, they are a secondary consequence, a complication from a previous illness. Often, ear fungus occurs after otitis media or allergies, fleas or ticks, a weakened immune system, or a bacterial infection.

How to diagnose fungus in dogs and how to treat it

Turning to the veterinary clinic, the doctor will examine the animal's coat with a lamp with a special light. But, this is also not a 100 percent option for diagnosing the disease.

Having found the presence of a fungal spore, you need to find out what the nature of the disease is or what provoked it. Next, you need to take a scraping from the affected area. It is necessary to determine exactly what kind of fungus, how quickly it spreads and the sensitivity of the dog to certain drugs.

The blood and urine of the animal is also donated to make a bacteriological analysis, to determine if the pet has allergies and to conduct biochemistry.

The doctor prescribes ointments and solutions, antifungal agents. In order to prevent the disease from recurring in the future, it is necessary to carry out the prevention of the disease. This is a complete and balanced diet, pet hygiene. It is worth taking seriously the place of walking the dog, you should not spend time with it where there are a lot of stray animals.

There are many types of fungus in dogs. Some of them are caused by the pathological growth of normal microflora (a set of fungal organisms) on the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs. Weakened immunity after a severe or protracted illness, the state of pregnancy, the early age of puppies, the period after vaccination are the conditions most conducive to the growth of mycoflora. Normally, these mushrooms benefit their "carrier", but when there are too many of them, they harm him.

Mycoses affect almost all parts of the animal's body - paws (fingers, pads, interdigital space), tail, ears, mucous membranes of the mouth and genital organs, nose, eyes, skin over the entire surface, skin appendages (claws, hair, sebaceous glands), internal organs. Some types of fungal organisms are able to develop anywhere, others - only in certain places. Specific microflora is formed in the mouth, nasal passages, in the vagina of the animal. Pathogenic microflora is formed on any part of the body.

Fungus in dogs and its periods of development

Fungus on the paws of a dog usually develops in the spring and autumn periods, when the weather is slushy and damp. In some regions of the country, where wet rainy summers or warm snowless winters, foot fungus is diagnosed in animals all year round. The dog licks and gnaws its paws, limps or pulls its paws. Externally, the owner may find that:

  • claws are exfoliating, have changed their color and / or structure,
  • the pads peel off, bleed, are covered with cracks or wounds,
  • the fingers turned red, swollen, left without hair, the interdigital space turned red, the skin in it exfoliates, exfoliates.

Any of these signs is a reason for an urgent visit to the veterinarian. An advanced form of mycosis on the paws leads to loss of hair, a change in the dog's gait due to constant lameness, chewing and licking of itchy places by animals. When a dog constantly licks or gnaws on a foot affected by a fungus, harmful microorganisms enter his digestive tract and can begin to multiply there. Thus, the external disease becomes internal and much more difficult to treat. In addition, self-bites and scratches on the paws can begin to become inflamed, infected, and fester. Then the fungal infection is complicated by an abscess and even sepsis.

Fungus on the tail of an animal

Mycosis of the tail in a dog is usually not limited to one area and spreads to the skin of other parts of the body - most often on the back and sides. If a dog strongly combs the tail, gnaws it or licks it, it runs the risk of bringing pathogenic fungi into its mouth, digestive tract, and also into the genitals, if after licking the tail it licks the prepuce or genital slit. This is especially dangerous for pregnant bitches due to the risk of infection of fetuses, young puppies and very old animals with chronic diseases or weakened immune systems. Foci of mycosis on the tail are a type of skin fungus.

Skin fungus in dogs is the most common reason for owners to visit a veterinary dermatologist. The disease is often contagious and is caused by fungal organisms - normal, opportunistic and pathogenic. Often accompanied by a bacterial or viral infection.

Mycosis on the ears

Ear fungus in dogs is not a contagious disease and develops against the background of a general weakening of the immune system with the participation of fungi of the genus Candida and Malassezia, which are characteristic of the skin of a dog. These are yeast fungi that are constantly present in the ears and other parts of the animal's body. Under favorable conditions, yeast fungi begin to actively multiply and change the myco- and microflora in the external auditory canals.

The impetus for the pathological growth of a fungal colony most often becomes a bacterial infection. Fungal organisms perceive bacteria as a threat and begin to fight them. Also, the growth of microflora is often caused by an ear mite - otodectosis. In this case, it is necessary to treat both bacterial, and tick-borne, and fungal infections.

Exudate forms in the ear canal, which dries up, forms crusts and clogs the canal. The dog hears worse, becomes more nervous and even aggressive. If the nerves are affected, then the dog also has nervous seizures, reminiscent of attacks of rabies or epilepsy.

Lack of adequate treatment of ear fungus can lead to hearing impairment and even loss of hearing in the dog. In addition, constant scratching of the ears is complicated by infection with bacteria and viruses, as a result, inflammatory and purulent-inflammatory processes of the auditory canal, tympanic membrane, and external auricle.

Ear fungus in dogs has the following symptoms:

  • the dog shakes its head violently, as if trying to shake out droplets of water or a foreign body from the ear canal,
  • the animal strongly scratches its ears and head with its paws or rubs its head against objects,
  • ears acquired a reddish color, a vascular network appeared on the auricle (not always),
  • on the ears there are signs of alopecia - a pathological loss of hair and the appearance of short thickened or, on the contrary, thinned hairs in places of bald patches.

Noticing something like this in your pet, the owner should take him to the veterinarian for taking tests and scrapings. Confirmation of mycosis requires an urgent start of treatment. However, even if the dog's ears are not affected by a fungus, but by another infection, they still need treatment because of the risk of complications or the development of ringworm.

Treatment of fungal infections in dogs

How to treat a fungus in a dog can only be decided by a veterinarian after a thorough examination of a four-legged patient. Some types of fungal organisms glow green when irradiated with an ultraviolet lamp. To diagnose other types, the doctor takes scrapings from the site of the localization of fungi and inoculates in the laboratory.

Only after the diagnosis - mycosis - and the exact definition of the pathogen, medications are prescribed. It is impossible to use anything to treat your pet from a fungus on your own, on the recommendation of a neighbor, or because this remedy helped last time, because what is effective against one type of microorganism does not work at all against another type.

Antifungal drugs for dogs are available in various dosage forms:

  • Shampoos with antimycotic components - nizoral, clotrimazole, ketoconazole. These shampoos have a therapeutic effect, but they can also be used to prevent fungal infections. In particular, such a shampoo is simply necessary after a dog has contact with an infected animal, after swimming in an open reservoir, especially where the water “blooms”, after a dog wallows in a puddle, excrement of other animals, and also after hunting a fox, badger, with which the hunting dog entered the fray. Wild animals are potential sources of fungal and other infections.
  • Antifungal vaccines - vakderm, polivak, microderm. They are used for the prevention of mycoses, as well as for the treatment of an already diagnosed disease. Vaccination is carried out in two stages with an interval of two weeks. It is necessary to take into account the breed characteristics of the pet, because some hunting breeds develop an allergy to antifungal vaccines and even an abscess occurs at the injection site.
  • Antifungal spray - zoomikol, fungyl, which are sprayed on the affected areas or even on the entire surface of the animal's body. Sprays penetrate well through even long and thick hair.
  • Ointments with components against fungal microorganisms. They are applied to the lesion, slightly beyond its area. If necessary, apply a loose bandage. For the best therapeutic effect, it is worth cutting or shaving off the hair from the treated area.
  • A good effect is given by birch tar - a previously known folk remedy. It is a very unpleasant and pungent-smelling liquid. Tar is completely unsuitable for cats due to the risk of developing a severe allergic reaction. But it is safe for dogs and helps them well, relieving itching, eliminating all pathogens and drying bitten wounds and scratches.

Sometimes the fungus in dogs is so spread through the body of the dog that the affected areas are difficult to treat. A long-haired dog should be cut as short as possible if he does not live outside in the winter or does not participate in exhibitions. In extreme cases, long hair must be carefully combed out with a brush and comb, untangled and removed matted hair. If possible, you need to use a furminator and remove the faded undercoat. If weather conditions allow and the long-haired dog does not need to perform at the exhibition, then it is worth profiling, in other words, thinning out the dense awn.

To prevent self-bites and licking of lesions, as well as licking of medicinal ointments, it is advisable to wear a protective collar on the animal. Such collars are sold in veterinary clinics and pharmacies, in pet stores, they are selected according to the volume of the neck and the length of the dog's muzzle.

Causes and prevention of the development of fungal diseases in dogs

Fungal microorganisms exist in absolutely all biological niches: in saline and fresh water bodies, on soils of any type, on any substrates, including living organisms, in dry and wet, in acidic and alkaline environments. Therefore, it is not easy to deal with them. Mushrooms are very tenacious and are able to completely restore their colony in a short time, like leishmania.

The causes of infection with a fungal infection are numerous: contact with an infected animal, contact with the excrement of a sick dog, bathing in a pond with stagnant and "blooming" water.

One of the main conditions for the treatment and prevention of fungal infections in dogs is the cleansing of the room where the dog lives, the aviary, and bedding from sources of infection. It is necessary to carefully treat all surfaces with cold water with dissolved chloramine. You need to process the floor, walls, furniture sets. It is better to entrust upholstered furniture on which a dog can lie, carpets and rugs to a professional pest control service. But it is also allowed to clean them yourself with a solution of chlordesin.

Toys, cages, bowls and other accessories of the animal must be treated with formalin and thoroughly rinsed from the slightest residue of the substance. Bedding, soft toys, cloth collars, leashes and harnesses should ideally be replaced with new ones. But in extreme cases, they can be soaked in very hot water with baking soda dissolved in it, and then rinsed.

If the animal is kept in the yard, then the aviary and kennel should be treated with a disinfectant solution, the bedding, the top layer of sand or gravel in the aviary should be replaced. In order to prevent litter and bulk coverings in the yard, it is necessary to regularly change or clean from dirt and disinfect. It is necessary to wash outdoor shoes daily and put them in a place inaccessible to the dog so that the pet does not play with them.

Fungal diseases for dogs are not at all alien. The course of the disease in animals is the same as in humans. The causes of occurrence can be very diverse. Dermaphytosis (the medical name for the fungus) is provoked by pathogens such as microsporum and mallasesia. Treatment is required immediately upon the appearance of the first symptoms in the animal, since may pose a danger to the individual.

What does dog fungus look like? In order to start treatment on time and prevent serious consequences for the animal, you need to know exactly everything disease symptoms:

  1. One of the very first and distinguishing features of the fungus - itching. The dog begins to actively raschuhivat places of defeat. In places where the virus is localized, peeling appears with worn areas of wool. If this symptom is manifested, then the infection most likely occurred with microsporum bacteria.
  2. receding hairline, rounded in shape with a clear outline, are formed as a result of infection with the trichophytosis fungus. Most often, the symptom is accompanied by purulent discharge at the site of the lesion. After that, a dense layer of crusts can form on the skin. Even after a complete cure for the disease, the bald patch on the body of the animal remains, since the hair follicles were affected by the fungus.
  3. If the dog lives in a private sector where there are poultry, then there is a possibility of infection. On contact, the animal may injure favus fungus. It is characterized by special places of localization - these are areas with the smallest hairline (fungus on the ears, paws of the dog). It differs in that it has a bright pronounced unpleasant odor. The lesions are covered with gray-yellow crusts. Once the hair has fallen out, it will never recover again.
  4. Requires special attention surface form. If it is not healed in time, it can develop into a follicular form and become chronic. The symptoms are not very pronounced, but the animal feels severe discomfort. The danger is no longer only for the dog, but also for the person.

If we take the reasons as a whole, then its occurrence such factors, as an unbalanced diet of the animal, increased humidity of the room in which the dog lives. Wool requires special attention, because microorganisms can multiply at a very high speed. Conversely, frequent bathing with shampoo can reduce the protective function of the skin and make the skin vulnerable to fungal bacteria.

There are many reasons why an animal can become ill with a fungus. So It's best to have regular check-ups with your veterinarian. A fungal infection can greatly weaken the immune system, which increases the risk of contracting other more serious diseases.

How to treat a fungus in a dog

First of all, the veterinarian must diagnose the disease. For this a special lamp is used, which helps to inspect the coat. The areas of the skin affected by the fungus will glow green. An analysis is then needed that will provide data on the rate of infection, the reaction of the dog's body to drugs, and the amount of fungus.

If a deep analysis was not carried out, and only superficial treatment in the form of ointments and tablets was prescribed, then the treatment may be delayed for several months. Therefore, the behavior of deep analysis should be mandatory. It is not recommended to self-medicate by arbitrarily testing various fungus shampoos on dogs.

It can also provoke the appearance of fungus. Then the skin of the dog will be inflamed. In this case, the course of treatment should be aimed at eliminating the root cause.

Prevention of fungus is very simple - the main thing is maintain hygiene at all times. When walking in open areas, limit your pet's contact with stray dogs. A balanced diet is also important.

You can resort to, but it does not provide one hundred percent protection. Therefore, the main preventive measures will be regular examinations at the veterinarian.

Only timely assistance to an animal can save its health. Do not neglect preventive measures.