Influence of environmental factors on the cardiovascular system. Presentation on the topic "The influence of factors on the cardiovascular system"

slide 2

What are the causes of cardiovascular disease? What factors affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system? How can you strengthen your cardiovascular system?

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"cardiovascular accidents".

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1 million 300 thousand people die every year from diseases of the cardiovascular system, and this figure is increasing from year to year. Among the total mortality in Russia, cardiovascular diseases account for 57%. About 85% of all diseases of modern man are associated with adverse environmental conditions that arise through his own fault.

slide 5

The influence of the consequences of human activity on the work of the cardiovascular system

It is impossible to find a place on the globe where pollutants would not be present in one or another concentration. Even in the ice of Antarctica, where there are no industrial facilities, and people live only at small scientific stations, scientists have found toxic (poisonous) substances of modern industries. They are brought here by atmospheric flows from other continents.

slide 6

The impact of human activity on the work of the cardiovascular system

Human economic activity is the main source of pollution of the biosphere. Gaseous, liquid and solid production wastes enter the natural environment. Various chemicals in the waste, getting into the soil, air or water, pass through the ecological links from one chain to another, eventually getting into the human body.

Slide 7

90% of CVS defects in children in unfavorable ecological zones Lack of oxygen in the atmosphere causes hypoxia, changes in heart rate Stress, noise, fast pace of life deplete the heart muscle Factors that negatively affect the cardiovascular system Environmental pollution from industrial waste leads to developmental pathology cardiovascular system in children Increased background radiation leads to irreversible changes in hematopoietic tissue In areas with polluted air In people, high blood pressure

Slide 8


In Russia, out of 100 thousand people, 330 men and 154 women die annually from myocardial infarction, 250 men and 230 women from strokes. The structure of mortality from cardiovascular diseases in Russia

Slide 9

The main risk factors leading to the development of cardiovascular diseases:

high blood pressure; age: men over 40 years old, women over 50 years old; psycho-emotional stress; cardiovascular disease in close relatives; diabetes; obesity; total cholesterol over 5.5 mmol/l; smoking.

Slide 10

Heart disease congenital heart defects rheumatic diseases coronary artery disease hypertension disease valvular infections primary lesion of the heart muscle

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Excess weight contributes to high blood pressure High cholesterol leads to loss of vascular elasticity Pathogenic microorganisms cause infectious diseases of the heart Sedentary lifestyle leads to flabbiness of all body systems Heredity increases the likelihood of developing diseases Factors that negatively affect the cardiovascular system Frequent use of drugs poisons the heart muscle develops heart failure

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Animals feed, people eat; but only smart people know how to eat. A. Brillat-Savarin

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What food can harm the cardiovascular system?

  • Slide 14


    "Do not drink wine, do not upset your heart with tobacco - and you will live as long as Titian lived" Academician I.P. Pavlov Effect of alcohol and nicotine on the heart: Tachycardia; - Violation of the neurohumoral regulation of the heart; Fast fatiguability; Flabbiness of the heart muscle; Disorders of the heart rhythm; Premature aging of the heart muscle; Increased risk of heart attack; development of hypertension.

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    Why is beer bad?

    A large mass of the heart develops due to the destruction of muscle fibers and their replacement with connective tissue that cannot contract.

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    Assess the state of the cardiovascular system in yourself. This will require indicators of systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) pressure, heart rate (Pulse), height and weight.

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    Assessment of adaptive potential

    AP = 0.0011(PR) + 0.014(SBP) + 0.008(DBP) + 0.009(BW) - 0.009(P) + 0.014(B)-0.27; where AP is the adaptive potential of the circulatory system in points, PR is the pulse rate (beats/min); SBP and DBP - systolic and diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg); P - height (cm); MT - body weight (kg); B - age (years).

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    According to the values ​​of the adaptive potential, the functional state of the patient is determined: Interpretation of the test: below 2.6 - satisfactory adaptation; 2.6 - 3.9 - tension of adaptation mechanisms; 3.10 - 3.49 - unsatisfactory adaptation; 3.5 and above - failure of adaptation.

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    Calculation of the Kerdo index

    The Kerdo index is an indicator used to assess the activity of the autonomic nervous system. The index is calculated by the formula: Index=100(1-DAD) , where: Pulse DAD - diastolic pressure (mm Hg); Pulse - pulse rate (bpm). Norm indicator: from - 10 to + 10%

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    Interpretation of the sample: a positive value - the predominance of sympathetic influences, a negative value - the predominance of parasympathetic influences. If the value of this index is greater than zero, then they speak of the predominance of sympathetic influences in the activity of the autonomic nervous system, if it is less than zero, then the predominance of parasympathetic influences, if it is equal to zero, then this indicates a functional balance. In a healthy person, it is close to zero.

    slide 21

    Determination of fitness of the heart

    P2 - P1 T \u003d -------------- * 100% P1 P1 - pulse rate in a sitting position P2 - pulse rate after 10 squats.

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    T - 30% - fitness of the heart is good, the heart strengthens its work by increasing the amount of blood ejected with each contraction. T - 38% - insufficient training of the heart. T - 45% - fitness is low, the heart strengthens its work due to the heart rate.

    Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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    Dosugovsky branch of MBOU Noskovskaya school Presentation The work of the heart. Influence of environmental factors on the human cardiovascular system. Completed by: Korshunova Nina Vladimirovna Biology teacher

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    Formation of new anatomical concepts: phases of the heart, pause, automatic characterize the neurohumoral regulation of this process; to acquaint students with human diseases caused by the influence of environmental factors, with the features of biological and social adaptation of a person to environmental conditions; develop the ability to analyze, generalize, draw conclusions, compare; continue the development of the concept of human dependence on environmental conditions. Lesson objectives:

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    Blood circulation is a closed vascular pathway that provides a continuous flow of blood, carrying oxygen and nutrition to the cells, carrying away carbon dioxide and metabolic products. What is circulation?

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    The heart is located in the pericardial sac - the pericardium The pericardium secretes a fluid that weakens the friction of the heart

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    The structure of the blood vessels The structure of the artery Comes from the heart Outer layer - connective tissue Middle layer - a thick layer of smooth muscle tissue Inner layer - a thin layer of epithelial tissue

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    The structure of blood vessels The structure of a vein Carries blood to the heart Outer layer - connective tissue Middle layer - a thin layer of smooth muscle tissue Inner layer - single-layer epithelium Have pocket valves

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    The human heart is located in the chest cavity. The word "heart" comes from the word "middle". The heart is located in the middle between the right and left lungs and is slightly shifted to the left side. The apex of the heart points down, forward, and slightly to the left, so the heart beats are felt to the left of the sternum. The heart of an adult human weighs approximately 300g. The size of a human heart is approximately equal to the size of his fist. The mass of the heart is 1/200 of the mass of the human body. In people trained for muscular work, the size of the heart is larger.

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    The heart contracts about 100 thousand times per day, pumping over 7 thousand liters. blood, for spending E, this is tantamount to raising a railway freight car to a height of 1 m. It makes 40 million strokes in a year. During a person's life, it is reduced 25 billion times. This work is enough to lift the train up Mont Blanc. Weight - 300 g, which is 1\200 body weight, however, 1\20 of all energy resources of the body are spent on its work. Size - with a clenched fist of the left hand. What is my heart like?

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    It is known that the human heart contracts on average 70 times per minute, with each contraction throwing out about 150 cubic meters. see blood. How much blood does your heart pump in 6 lessons? A TASK. SOLUTION. 70 x 40 = 2800 times reduced in 1 lesson. 2800 x150 = 420.000 cubic meters see = 420 l. blood is pumped for 1 lesson. 420 l. x 6 lessons = 2520 l. blood is pumped for 6 lessons.

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    What explains such a high efficiency of the heart? The pericardium (pericardial sac) is a thin and dense membrane that forms a closed sac that covers the outside of the heart. Between it and the heart is a fluid that moisturizes the heart and reduces friction during contraction. Coronary (coronary) vessels - vessels that feed the heart itself (10% of the total volume)

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    The heart is a four-chambered hollow muscular organ resembling a flattened cone and consisting of 2 parts: right and left. Each part includes an atrium and a ventricle. The heart is located in a connective tissue sac - the pericardial sac. The heart wall consists of 3 layers: Epicardium - the outer layer, consisting of connective tissue. The myocardium is a medium powerful muscle layer. Endocardium - the inner layer, consisting of a flat epithelium. Between the heart and the pericardial sac is a fluid that moisturizes the heart and reduces friction during its contractions. The muscular walls of the ventricles are much thicker than the walls of the atria. This is because the ventricles do a greater job of pumping blood than the atria. The muscular wall of the left ventricle is especially thick, which, contracting, pushes blood through the vessels of the systemic circulation.

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    The walls of the chambers consist of cardiac muscle fibers - myocardium, connective tissue and numerous blood vessels. The chamber walls vary in thickness. The thickness of the left ventricle is 2.5 - 3 times thicker than the walls of the right one. The valves ensure movement in a strictly one direction. Valvular between the atria and ventricles Lunate between the ventricles and arteries, consisting of 3 pockets Bicuspid on the left side Tricuspid on the right side

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    The cardiac cycle is the sequence of events that occur during one heartbeat. Duration less than 0.8 sec. Atria Ventricles Phase II The cuspid valves are closed. Duration - 0.3 s I phase The flap valves are open. Lunar - closed. Duration - 0.1 s. Phase III Diastole, complete relaxation of the heart. Duration - 0.4 s. Systole (contraction) Diastole (relaxation) Systole (contraction) Diastole (relaxation) Diastole (relaxation) Diastole (relaxation) Systole - 0.1 s. Diastole - 0.7 s. Systole - 0.3 s. Distola - 0.5 s.

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    The cardiac cycle is the contraction and relaxation of the atria and ventricles of the heart in a certain sequence and in strict coordination in time. Phases of the cardiac cycle: 1. Atrial contraction - 0.1 s. 2. Contraction of the ventricles - 0.3 s. 3. Pause (general relaxation of the heart) - 0.4 s. The blood-filled atria contract and push blood into the ventricles. This stage of contraction is called atrial systole. Atrial systoles cause blood to enter the ventricles, which are relaxed at this time. This state of the ventricles is called diastole. At the same time, the atria are in systole and the ventricles are in diastole. This is followed by contraction, that is, ventricular systole and blood flows from the left ventricle into the aorta, and from the right into the pulmonary artery. During atrial contraction, the cuspid valves are open and the semilunar valves are closed. During ventricular contraction, the cusp valves are closed and the semilunar valves are open. Then the reverse flow of blood fills the "pockets" and the semilunar valves close. When paused, the cuspid valves are open and the semilunar valves are closed.

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    Knowing the cardiac cycle and the time of contraction of the heart in 1 minute (70 beats), it can be determined that out of 80 years of life: the muscles of the ventricles rest - 50 years. atrial muscles rest - 70 years.

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    A high level of metabolic processes occurring in the heart; The high efficiency of the heart is due to the increased supply of blood to the heart muscles; The strict rhythm of his activity (the phases of work and rest of each department strictly alternate)

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    The heart works automatically; Regulates the central nervous system - parasympathetic (vagus) nerve - slows down work; sympathetic nerve - enhances the work Hormones - adrenaline - enhances, and norepinephrine - slows down; Ions K + slows down the work of the heart; The Ca2+ ion enhances its work. How is the work of the heart regulated?

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    Changes in the frequency and strength of heart contractions occur under the influence of impulses from the central nervous system and biologically active substances that come with the blood. Nervous regulation: the walls of arteries and veins contain numerous nerve endings - receptors that are associated with the central nervous system, due to which, according to the mechanism of reflexes, nervous regulation of blood circulation is carried out. Parasympathetic (vagus nerve) and sympathetic nerves approach the heart. Irritation of the parasympathetic nerves reduces the frequency and strength of heart contractions. At the same time, the rate of blood flow in the vessels decreases. Irritation of the sympathetic nerves is accompanied by an acceleration of the heart rate. REGULATION OF HEART CONTRACTIONS:

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    Humoral regulation - various biologically active substances affect the functioning of the heart. For example, the hormone adrenaline and calcium salts increase the strength and frequency of heart contractions, while the substance acetylcholine and potassium ions decrease them. By order of the hypothalamus, the adrenal medulla releases a large amount of adrenaline into the blood - a broad-spectrum hormone: it narrows the blood vessels of the internal organs and skin, dilates the coronary vessels of the heart, and increases the frequency and strength of heart contractions. Incentives for the release of adrenaline: stress, emotional arousal. Frequent repetition of these phenomena can cause a violation of the activity of the heart.

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    The experience of reviving an isolated human heart for the first time in the world was successfully carried out by the Russian scientist A. A. Kulyabko in 1902 - he revived the heart of a child 20 hours after death from pneumonia. AUTOMATIC What is the reason?

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    Location: special muscle cells of the right atrium - sinoatrial node Automaticity is the ability of the heart to contract rhythmically regardless of external influences, but only due to impulses that occur in the heart muscle.

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    Anthropogenic factors are a set of influences of human activities on the environment

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    Heart disease (heart disease) is a violation of the normal functioning of the heart. Includes damage to the pericardium, myocardium, endocardium, valvular apparatus of the heart, heart vessels. Classification according to ICD-10 - sections I00 - I52. HEART DISEASES

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    Rhythm and conduction disorders Inflammatory heart diseases Valvular defects Arterial hypertension Ischemic lesions Damage to the heart vessels Pathological changes CLASSIFICATION OF TYPES OF HEART DISEASES

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    Physical exercises can replace many medicines, but no medicine in the world can replace physical exercises J. Tissot. A famous French doctor of the 18th century. Nothing exhausts and destroys a person like prolonged inactivity. Aristotle Movement is life!

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    Physical education is a publicly available way to prevent many diseases and improve health. Physical education should be an integral part of every person's life.

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    In order to be healthy in full, everyone needs physical education. To begin with, in order - In the morning we will do exercises! In order to develop successfully You need to go in for sports From physical education There will be a slim figure Going in for sports

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    On the recommendation of a doctor, long and frequent business trips, night and evening shifts, and work in the cold should be abandoned; dosed walking is useful, while the pulse must be controlled; both unreasonable inactivity and work with overloads are harmful, especially in severe cases of the disease; the level of permissible loads is determined by the boundaries of the safe pulse zone, which is individual and determined by the doctor; regular morning exercises, physiotherapy exercises, dosed walking are useful; isometric efforts should be avoided. WORK LOADS

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    Annual leave is necessary for strengthening and restoring health. It is necessary to coordinate with the doctor the choice of the place of rest. It is desirable to rest in the climatic zone in which the patient lives. RECREATION AND LEISURE

    The influence of various factors on the human cardiovascular system

    What are the causes of cardiovascular disease? What factors affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system? How can you strengthen your cardiovascular system?

    Ecologists "cardiovascular catastrophes".

    Statistics 1 million 300 thousand people die every year from diseases of the cardiovascular system, and this figure is increasing from year to year. Among the total mortality in Russia, cardiovascular diseases account for 57%. About 85% of all diseases of modern man are associated with adverse environmental conditions that arise through his own fault.

    Influence of the consequences of human activity on the work of the cardiovascular system It is impossible to find a place on the globe where pollutants would not be present in one or another concentration. Even in the ice of Antarctica, where there are no industrial facilities, and people live only at small scientific stations, scientists have found toxic (poisonous) substances of modern industries. They are brought here by atmospheric flows from other continents.

    Influence of human activity on the work of the cardiovascular system Human economic activity is the main source of pollution of the biosphere. Gaseous, liquid and solid production wastes enter the natural environment. Various chemicals in the waste, getting into the soil, air or water, pass through the ecological links from one chain to another, eventually getting into the human body.

    90% of CVS defects in children in unfavorable ecological zones Lack of oxygen in the atmosphere causes hypoxia, changes in heart rate Stress, noise, fast pace of life deplete the heart muscle Factors that negatively affect the cardiovascular system Environmental pollution from industrial waste leads to developmental pathology cardiovascular system in children Increased background radiation leads to irreversible changes in hematopoietic tissue In areas with polluted air In people, high blood pressure

    Cardiologists In Russia, out of 100,000 people, 330 men and 154 women die annually from myocardial infarction, 250 men and 230 women from strokes. The structure of mortality from cardiovascular diseases in Russia

    The main risk factors leading to the development of cardiovascular diseases are: high blood pressure; age: men over 40 years old, women over 50 years old; psycho-emotional stress; cardiovascular disease in close relatives; diabetes; obesity; total cholesterol over 5.5 mmol/l; smoking.

    Heart disease congenital heart defects rheumatic diseases coronary artery disease hypertension disease valvular infections primary lesion of the heart muscle

    Excess weight contributes to high blood pressure High cholesterol leads to loss of vascular elasticity Pathogenic microorganisms cause infectious diseases of the heart Sedentary lifestyle leads to flabbiness of all body systems Heredity increases the likelihood of developing diseases Factors that negatively affect the cardiovascular system Frequent use of drugs poisons the heart muscle develops heart failure

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    Slides captions:

    Conditions for the full development of the circulatory system. Ecology. 8th grade.

    The movement of blood ensures the interconnection of all cells of the body. Blood circulation depends on the work of the heart and blood vessels. The normal functioning of all organs and tissues depends on the work of the heart. As the body grows, so does the heart. (newborn heart stroke volume 1 ml, adult 70-100 ml, athlete 150-200 ml) A change in the volume of blood ejected by the heart in one contraction entails a change in heart rate. In schoolchildren 70-80 (bpm), in adults 70-75 (bpm)

    An active lifestyle leads to an enlarged heart and a decrease in heart rate. If in childhood movements were limited due to illness or a sedentary lifestyle, then the heart rate remains high.

    Changes occur not only in the heart but also in the vessels: arteries, veins, capillaries. The arteries in children are wider, and the veins are narrower than those in adults. Therefore, the blood cycle in children is faster than in adults. The high speed of the blood circulation better ensures the supply of nutrients to the growing organs and tissues and the removal of metabolic products. In addition to blood vessels and their lumen, wall thickness and elasticity also change. All this affects the greatness of blood pressure, it is unnecessary to be afraid if your blood pressure is slightly higher than normal - this is youthful hypertension. Its manifestation is associated with an increase in the activity of the endocrine glands, as a result of which the growth of the heart outstrips the growth of blood vessels. During this period of life, it is especially important to dose physical activity in order to avoid disturbances in the circulatory system. Muscular activity leads to an increase in the number of capillaries per unit of muscle area, to an increase in the elasticity of blood vessels.

    Factors that worsen cardiovascular activity One of the factors, in addition to those listed, that adversely affect the cardiovascular system, is physical inactivity.

    Laboratory work. The response of the cardiovascular system to physical activity. Progress of work 1. Count the pulse in a calm state in a sitting position for 10 s (PE 1) 2. Within 90 s, do 20 downward bends with lowering of the arms. 3. Count the pulse in the sitting position immediately after doing the 10 s bends (PE 2) 4. Count the pulse in the sitting position after a few minutes of doing the 10 s bends (PE 3). 5. Calculate the indicator of the response of the cardiovascular system to physical activity (PR): PR = PR1 + PR2 + PR3-33 10 6 . Compare the research results with the results of the table: 7. Make a conclusion about the state of your cardiovascular system. Indicator of the response of the cardiovascular system to physical activity O score 0-0.3 0.31-0.6 0.61-0.9 0.91-1.2 More than 1.2 Heart in excellent condition Heart in good condition Heart in an average condition Heart in a mediocre condition See a doctor

    Homework. fill in the table, essay "Sport in my family." Factors deteriorating health Ways of exposure to the body Possible health hazard Measures to prevent harmful effects 1. 2. 3.

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