In a dream, a home flower bloomed. Why is the pot dreaming? Why dream of flowers in pots? The interpretation of the dream "pot"

It has long been believed that any dream carries a hidden meaning. Psychologists agree with this opinion, believing that sleep is nothing more than a prism of the intensive work of the subconscious, internal experiences. Often in dreams you can see indoor plants. What flowers in pots dream of depends on how the plant looks, what color it is, how they interact with it.

The interpretation of a dream in which a beautiful flower in a pot or vase was dreamed is a very auspicious sign. In general terms, such a dream symbolizes great luck, success in business, love. Of course, these are all general meanings, any image seen in a dream requires a deeper interpretation and study of several dream books, because any detail can be important. If you saw indoor plants in pots in a dream, then The following details may change the interpretation:

  • Plant, flowering or just green, with buds, blooming flowers;
  • flower shade;
  • They are dry, sluggish, or fragrant;
  • The appearance of the pot - large, small, broken;
  • Interaction with the plant - watering, care, inhalation of aroma, etc.

Any little thing can change the meaning of a dreaming object. Many interpreters agree that fresh, blooming flowers promise great success, material well-being, or a successful purchase in the future. But shrunken or withered plants, on the contrary, indicate that soon you may expect big losses, troubles at work, disagreements in the family. Falling petals or leaves warn a person of a health hazard.

An important role in the interpretation is played by the type of flower. For example, a sunflower in a pot, dreamed of by a girl, speaks of marital fidelity and devotion. Snowdrops in a pot symbolize endless happiness and joy, and lily of the valley - unprecedented pleasure.

Flowerpot and personal relationships

If in the life of a sleeping person who sees indoor flowers in pots in a dream, problems occur in his personal life or, conversely, some pleasant turn in love relationships is expected, then such a dream can tell a lot. Bright, lush plants indicate that the relationship between a man and a woman has become strong, reached a new level. In some cases, such a dream promises a quick wedding for lovers.

If the flowers are large and colorful, then your partner is experiencing deep, sincere feelings. Withered plant - a harbinger of an imminent crisis in relationships, speaking of the fading of feelings that need emotional "feeding". But the artificial flowers dreamed of by one of the partners indicate that love relationships are shallow and superficial.

plant color palette

When wondering why flowers in blooming pots are dreaming, you should be especially attentive to the tint palette of indoor plants, whether they are the same color or not, whether some shade prevails during flowering. Here are some color interpretations:

  • Red - passionate love or career success;
  • White - high spirituality of relationships and purity of thoughts of your partner;
  • Pink - relationships that are built on trust and tenderness;
  • Blue - the care of a loved one and the sincerity of feelings.

Multi-colored buds portend great joy and vivid emotions that will overtake you in the near future. But the flowers, in which the yellow tint predominates, become a warning that the partner may soon change or is already cheating. And not necessarily physically.

Flower care, transplanting and watering

Certainly, appearance and the number of colors is far from everything. The correct interpretation of the dream largely depends on the interaction with the house plant. Quite often, people mention that they were transplanting flowers. Such a dream carries a positive meaning and speaks of imminent changes for the better. Changes may affect work, personal life, family relationships, material well-being.

If in the life of a person who has seen such a dream, now is not the best of times, then soon everything will work out, and the black stripe will be replaced by white. Transplanting plants into flower pots also symbolizes a quick move, a long journey or vacation, parting with loved ones.

When a married woman dreams of transplanting indoor flowers, she will soon see an increase in the family budget or pregnancy. If the transplanted flowers bloom before your eyes, begin to bloom and grow violently, then this promises success in a recently started business. If the planted plant did not take root in the pot and began to deteriorate, then this is a bad sign. Perhaps financial difficulties, disagreements in the family, a quarrel with a loved one will soon arise. If a sleeping person dreamed that another person breaks a transplanted flower, then this promises failure in business, the appearance of an enemy or ill-wisher.

Here are a few more interpretations of planting houseplants in pots:

  • Seeing a small sprout that has made its way from a seed is a quick recovery of a loved one (Wanga's dream book);
  • Planting flowers in large pots with bowls is the implementation of the plan as soon as possible (interpreter Grishina);
  • The rapid withering of only a transplanted flower is the occurrence of problems in personal life that should not be resolved hastily (Eastern dream book);
  • Transplanting seedlings into pots is the imminent birth of a long-awaited baby (Universal Interpreter).

If in a dream you are watering potted plants, then, according to Miller's interpretation, rapid career growth, receiving monetary rewards at work, or winning the lottery are expected in the near future.

Why dream of the death of plants

Such a dream speaks of inner experiences that can be transferred to reality. Withered buds portend trouble in the future. If in a dream you saw flowers in pots with many dead buds, then a great grief may soon happen. It is worth considering the dream not as an evil fate, but as a warning. No need to despair, it is better to try in every possible way to prevent trouble in order to survive it with minimal losses.

Withered flower buds can also speak of disagreements in the family, disputes with a loved one. You should not immediately break off relations, because such a dream, although it promises disagreements with your lover, promises a successful outcome and quick reconciliation. If the plant was green, and then withered sharply, then you will be disappointed in some business or person. Try to be more attentive to the people around you and don't do rash things anytime soon.

Dreams with blooming buds

If a person dreamed of home flowers during flowering, then it is worth getting ready for a large material reward: receiving bonus money, lottery winnings, salary increase, business success. The larger the blossoming bud and the more lush the vegetation, the greater the financial increase will be.

If a snow-white flower bloomed in a dream, then soon you will meet a person on your life path, acquaintance with whom will radically change your life. Another interpretation of what indoor flowers on the windowsill dream of, according to the female dream book, promises a quick meeting with a person who will enter your life for a long time.

The interpreter Veles tells that flowering houseplants in pots symbolize great joy. The larger the buds, the more happiness is expected ahead.. Numerous flowers of a delicate pink hue speak of the devotion of a partner, and bright yellow petals dreamed of in a dream warn of a possible betrayal of the second half. Fragrant blue buds portend a meeting with an influential, wealthy person who can become your patron.

Other interpretations of sleep

Many people who see a home plant on the windowsill in a dream are curious about what flowers in pots dream of. Of course, such a dream can mean not only imminent changes in life, but also tell about the character of a person. If you saw such a dream, this may indicate secrecy, isolation, the habit of holding back emotions in yourself. Perhaps you often suppress your feelings, which in the future can have a bad effect on your health. Blooming indoor plants seen in a dream become an incentive to change character and behavior.

Flowers in pots in a dream have other meanings:

  • To receive a plant as a gift is a favorable sign, indicating a meeting with a new person who will become dear and close, or an old acquaintance from whom there has been no news for a long time;
  • Watering potted plants - the emergence of a new idea and plans that will be crowned with success. If after watering the flower blossomed, then your efforts will be appreciated;
  • A house filled with flowering plants in pots indicates that there is a person in your life who has strong love for you, who is afraid to confess his feelings;
  • A window sill lined with pots - the imminent arrival of true love and the creation of a strong family;
  • Empty flower pots - a long journey or difficulties, after passing through which you will be able to fulfill your plan;
  • Dry plants - cooling of feelings between lovers. If the flowers were black, then the cooling period may end in parting or a strong emotional shock;
  • Buying artificial vegetation in pots is hypocrisy and deception of loved ones;
  • Flowers with dense green foliage are a symbol of a measured and calm life.

Trying to interpret a dream, you must try to remember its smallest details, because the meaning of sleep directly depends on the color of a flowering plant, its density, condition, number of flowers. In any case, a flower seen in a pot does not portend something bad. Even if the interpretation says that a person will have to face difficulties, they will certainly end, sooner or later success will come.

All women love flowers.

But some prefer flowers in pots. In reality, they look just great. But why dream of flowers in pots? Worth sorting out.

Why dream of flowers in pots - the main interpretation

Flowers are always beautiful, there are several thousand species. They can grow as simply on the street, and displayed in a special way. In any case, flowers always give a lot of positive emotions to those to whom they will be presented.

Flowers in a dream are a good sign, except for those dreams in which the flowers fade and are lost. Then you should be afraid of unforeseen situations in life, troubles that you may not be able to avoid. Flowers presented in a dream can symbolize gifts and pleasant surprises in reality.

Be sure to look at all the little things in a dream, not to miss an important moment, an important hint. In some cases, the plot of a dream can be varied, and the flowers in it will act as an auxiliary factor, and in this case it is worth explaining the meaning of their appearance.

It is important to remember the state of flowers, whether they were wilted or fragrant with their beauty. Among other things, it is important to remember who exactly gave them. If the flowers are beautiful and grow well, such a dream promises the acquisition of some important item, property. Many flowers in pots - your wish will come true. Also, such a dream may indicate romantic events in the life of the dreamer. It is worth preparing for pleasant surprises.

If a flower suddenly blooms in a dream, such a dream speaks of an unexpected meeting. If the flower has faded, you should be attentive to your health, an exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible.

If in a dream you see a flower fading before your eyes - such a dream suggests that, most likely, your soulmate will cheat on you. If you found a wilted flower at home, although you had previously seen it blooming in a dream, betrayal has already occurred. Also, such a dream may indicate a sharp deterioration in the state of relations between spouses.

If the flowers in a dream are artificial, then you will be betrayed by a loved one. You won't be able to get away from it for a long time. You will be surrounded by lies and evil. If a guy decided to make a marriage proposal to a girl, but before this event he dreamed of withered flowers in pots, it is worth postponing the event, as the proposal will not be taken seriously.

Also, dry flowers in pots in a dream may indicate that financial affairs will go from bad to worse. What should be done to improve the situation? Breathe life into business through new ideas. After such a dream, you need to carefully consider each of your actions, because unforeseen losses are possible due to rash and hasty decisions. Also dry flowers in pots may indicate:

Betrayal of a friend, soulmate;

car accident;

Loss of opportunity to earn money;

Deterioration in health.

Why dream of flowers in pots according to Meneghetti's dream book

Meneghetti's dream book says that flowers in pots are dreamed of as a sign of superiority, a sign of gaining strength and prosperity. If a person decides to realize an important business, then after such a dream he will definitely succeed.

If a man dreams about how he admires a flower in a dream and takes care of it. In reality, he needs attention from the female. He really wants to find a life partner and devote himself to making her life better.

If a woman dreams that a flower in her hands begins to bloom, she will soon receive the desired happiness. Her man will give her gifts and flattering words. If she doesn’t have a man yet, she will get the opportunity to build a relationship with someone new. If flowers wither in a woman’s hands in a dream, a difficult fate awaits her and it will be difficult to fight her. It's easier to calm down.

Why dream of flowers in pots according to Freud's dream book

Why dream of flowers in pots? Freud's dream book says that a flower represents feelings and relationships. If it only blooms in a dream, or just begins to sprout from the ground, relationships are emerging, and you should not rush the course of events. It is important to pay special attention to the desires of the partner, so as not to spoil everything.

If a young lonely girl sees in a dream a huge number of flowers in pots, she will be torn between different options. She will not end up with suitors. But is she ready to choose? Such a dream suggests that not all bright flowers smell good and are easy to care for. Not all relationships that are beautiful at the beginning will bring happiness to the girl later.

If a man has a dream about how his girlfriend is caring for a flower, she secretly glances at another man. It is worth clarifying the relationship and preventing treason. It is also important to be attentive to each other's needs. Perhaps this behavior of the girl is a consequence of the inattention of her partner to her.

If you dream of withered flowers that you are trying in every possible way to save in a dream, your relationship will become obsolete, and you will struggle to breathe life into them. Your attempts will be in vain, because the relationship is over and there are objective reasons for that. The dream interpretation advises to cultivate new relationships and not fight for those that can no longer be saved.

Why dream of flowers in pots in other dream books

The big dream book says why flowers in pots are dreaming - if they are red - you will have a financial upsurge, an improvement in business. Things will go well, prosperity is guaranteed to you. Against the background of an improvement in the financial situation in life, the situation in personal life will also improve.

If you have a multi-colored composition in a pot, you should expect joyful events in reality. It can be a wonderful trip, celebration, unexpected pleasant acquaintances and meetings. If a flower blooms before your eyes, your work will be appreciated.

It is also worth considering the appearance of flowers in a pot in a dream as an indication that you are endowed with unique abilities to give people care, happiness, joy. If a flower in a dream is fantastic, and in real life these do not exist, then you have a unique gift that needs to be developed. Which one? The dream itself will tell.

In Hasse's dream book it is said that flowers in pots dream as the personification of a favorable development of events. If there are many flowers and they are all different, a kaleidoscope of joyful events awaits a person, which will immediately replace each other.

If the flowers are just starting to open their buds, such a dream may indicate the emergence of friendship, new relationships. If the buds have faded, but the flower itself has remained unharmed, you should not spread rumors and talk a lot. It is important to tell the truth, then everything in life will turn out in the best way.

Also, flowers in dreams indicate pleasant events, moving, a change of scenery. If you pack flowers in boxes in a dream, then in reality you should also prepare for the move. If you find your flowers plucked, broken in a dream, someone will disrupt the course of events in your life, upset your plans. In order to determine who this ill-wisher is, you need to interpret the entire dream.

If in a dream you see how a lemon or other trees begin to bloom in your pot, you should take care of the house. You left caring for people close to you for later and in vain, because they really need it.

A dream in which a stranger brought you flowers and left them on the doorstep indicates that you should expect uninvited guests. Although a dream can disturb, the meeting in reality will be pleasant and very friendly. Also, such a dream may indicate that you will soon make new friends for yourself, who will help you not only brighten up loneliness, but also solve many accumulated problems.

In any case, it is very pleasant to find a beautiful and fragrant flower on your window. It is also nice to give flowers. If in a dream you give someone flowers in pots, in reality you will be generous with good deeds and words. Your actions will benefit you. Because you will make new contacts, new friends. If a girl dreams about how a withered flower has blossomed again, in reality she will have a revival of relations with her former lover. But she must remember that it depends on the gardener exactly how the relationship will develop. If you look after relationships and cultivate love and trust in them, this will give a wonderful result and the relationship will blossom with happiness.

Dream Interpretation indoor plants

Plants are an incredible natural phenomenon. They are pleasing to the eye and good for health. Many signs are associated with them, and each person, for his own reasons, seeks to place even a small plant in his house. It is not surprising that one happens to see plants in a dream, so brightly that it seems as if they have stood on the windowsill of the dreamer all their lives.

There is no doubt that this is an ambiguous, yet very significant symbol. Many interpreters, both modern and older, have readily considered this image. Each dream book gave its own interpretation, and none of them should be ignored.

General value

According to the dream book, indoor plants that bloom mean joy in the family, not very significant events, which, however, will strengthen relations between spouses. But the dried ones, on the contrary, speak of the coming dark streak of life.

Dreamed of flowerpots

Do not limit yourself to a general interpretation. Depending on how many details you remember, you will be able to make a correct prediction.


First of all, we pay attention to the appearance of an object or living being. That's where you should start.


It is very important to remember what color the plants were, this detail can tell a lot about your future:

plant type

When you see a houseplant, you immediately understand its appearance. So, if you dreamed of geraniums, then you can only rejoice, because everything that you have long dreamed of will finally come true. Dream Interpretations claim that this will not apply to those desires that you do not want to fulfill very much. But the dream of many years may well come true.

The orchid is quite popular with many indoor plant lovers. If she dreamed in a dream, then be prepared for the fact that you will soon have to take a chance. You should not be afraid to take on risky activities, as they will lead to overwhelming success and big profits.

Dreaming of a cactus

How does the interpreter of dreams consider a cactus? Such a picture suggests that in real life you are a rather callous person who is stingy with compassion, any sincere emotions. It is this trait that repels other people from you, you should reconsider your behavior.

According to the dream book, green plants with curly leaves hint that you are not completely frank with yourself and other people. Often you lie unconsciously without even realizing it. Also, you should look not only at yourself, but also at others. Probably, you are skillfully manipulated, and you voluntarily fulfill the whims of others.

Plants in pots, the appearance of which you cannot understand, mean a lot of trouble around the house. Probably, someone close to you will decide to tie the knot, and you will have to make an effort to organize a celebration.

Ficus speaks of your excessive conservatism. You prefer to be content with little, do not like to take risks. However, in order to move forward, it is sometimes worth changing your lifestyle.

But such a plant as dracaena characterizes you as a rather capricious, whimsical person. You are very difficult to please, your relatives and friends constantly experience some discomfort in communicating with you. The dream interpretation claims that soon their patience may run out, so you should reconsider your behavior and approach to people.

How much?

It is important to remember how many indoor plants you saw in your dream. In general, if it was one, then this is a good sign that speaks of well-being both in the family circle and in the working field. But what if there were more:

I dreamed of a window sill full of flowerpots

  1. Lots of different plants. You regret mistakes that were made a long time ago. Dream Interpretations note that the past haunts you, you cannot fully live. You should deal with what has been bothering you for so long.
  2. Potted, two or more. This is a good sign. A bright future awaits you, you should not doubt what you are doing.
  3. The entire window sill. According to the dream book, indoor plants that have occupied the entire windowsill indicate that there are a lot of unnecessary things in your life. You tend to accumulate everything, while not parting with anything.

Why dream of houseplants that are all dried up? You need to take care of your own health as a matter of urgency. Also pay attention to relatives who, due to their carelessness, can get into a dangerous situation.

Dreamed of a cactus that you eat? A rather unusual dream, indicating that you are missing out on many chances in life due to your indecision. You realize this, which is why you regret a lot. You should feel less sorry for yourself, and take more action.

If the dreamer stole a houseplant from a market or store, then success awaits her. However, it will not be achieved through her own efforts. If a man stole, then he will have some difficulties at work because of colleagues who will try to interfere with success.

Water flowerpots in a dream

Watering indoor plants is at a loss. In the near future, you will invest a lot of money in a certain business, but it will not pay off, moreover, in addition to losses, it will also bring disappointment. It will be difficult for you to find the strength in yourself to start all over again.

Why dream of plants that you water at night? Be careful, you may suffer losses, however, it is still possible to prevent if you make decisions after consulting with other people.

If you dream of watering only one plant, then in the future you will have to face many difficulties. You should not run away from them and shift the responsibility onto other people's shoulders. You will gain tremendous experience that you can successfully apply in later life.

According to the dream book, plants that dry up before your eyes are indicators that your relationship with your soulmate has exhausted itself. You should not try to return the past, nothing will be the same as before.

Are you repotting houseplants? A wonderful sign that you will finally find hope for a brighter future after a series of painful trials and hardships. All you have to do is not lose heart and wait for the moment when everything will work out.

Transplant shoots in a dream

Transplanting shoots - make peace with the person with whom you were in a protracted quarrel. The dream interpretation claims that he can become your close friend in the future. There is also another interpretation of such a dream. Very soon you will find yourself in a situation where you have to make a rather difficult decision. However, you will amaze everyone with your wisdom and foresight, and make the right choice.

Miller's opinion

What does the plant dream about, according to the famous psychologist? Miller argued that this is a harbinger of good changes, family well-being and great accomplishments, but only if you did not notice the dried leaves, and the plant itself was blooming and pleasing to the eye.

If it bloomed before your eyes, then soon you will receive a small gift from your soulmate, or just hear nice words from her. And in general, your relationship will be filled with even more tenderness and love.

Dreaming of a lot of green plants

Had a chance to see only leaves, flowers were not visible? Pay attention to how you manage your household. You try to keep up with everything, but the results are very modest. You should learn how to plan your time, as in the near future there will be many unplanned cases.

Quite an interesting dream, when only flower roots appeared at night. This is a sign that you are deceiving yourself, prefer not to notice problems. This approach will not lead to anything good, you should not run away from difficulties, you need to solve them.

Damaged roots - a sign that you are too carried away by some business, but do not notice serious miscalculations in your plans. You should find them before your competitors notice.

A lot of green plants are a sign that soon you will seriously engage in self-education. This will help you find happiness in the future, find the path to yourself.

But white flowers are an indicator that everything will get better in your life very soon. You will stop worrying about trifles, it will be difficult to piss you off. Your condition will affect other people, as a result of which they will become as calm and peaceful thanks to you.

Near your home - promises prosperity and the acquisition of knowledge that will help you become happy.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Plants- symbolize life, therefore their nature and their states (juicy, green or dried) are important.

Succulent, green plants- to well-being.

withered- to illness, the end of a relationship.

Freud's dream book

Various plants, their thickets, crops, etc.- symbolize your sexual ideas and fantasies. Additional information is required to interpret such a dream.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

cultivated plants- portend love between spouses, peace in the family and comfort in the house.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Plants in a dream- symbolize current worries and reflect the state of certain affairs. Different plants have different meanings, as described in the relevant articles.

withered plants- warn of possible failures or problems. After such a dream, you should be more careful in business and more attentive to your own health.

weed plants- symbolize interference. Such dreams warn you of mistakes that may harm your business.

see many different- sometimes: regret about past joys.

Lots of climbing plants- gossip or lies through which the truth is not visible.

On stone, sand- moods caused not by external events, but by the efforts of the will.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Some flower growers admit that trying to put their site in order, they lost their strength and patience. So that the flowers do not cover each other, do not block the sun, and they are easy to process and water. And sometimes they admit that they are dragging flower pots all over the site until they start dreaming.

Many people who are passionate about growing flowers prefer to get a live flower in a pot instead. Well, in a dream? To correctly interpret this dream, you need to remember all the details of the dream. What pot? What did the flowers look like? And even your emotions at the sight of a flower. Let's try to see what such an unpretentious object as a pot with a planted flower tells us in a dream.

A girl has a dream

To a girl who dreams of many flowers in pots, dream book promises a large number of fans. But she will be able to find her betrothed and create a family hearth.

A married lady dreamed of living, strong flowers - a good sign that speaks of excellent family relationships.

A flower in a dream does not bloom

The interpretation depends on who sees the flower in the dream. If a girl sees a dream, then the dream book says that the time for her flowering has not yet come. For a woman in years - a hint that the time of her flowering has already passed. For women of childbearing age - advice to contact. There are some health problems that prevent you from "blooming".

Watering a flower in a dream

pour water flowers in pots- a symbol of your good luck and rapid career advancement. In a dream, flowers immediately begin to bloom after watering - a sign that your undertakings will be quite successful, and the authorities will note the effort worthy of you. There is also such a commentary on the dream - everything is in your hands and well-being depends only on you.

Such a dream is a symbol of changes in your life. Sleep can affect both work and personal life. It may well mean both the breakup of your family.

For a married lady, it can be a symbol. Flowers in a dream immediately begin to bloom - all your new business will be successful and profitable.

See the pot on the balcony

A dream in which the entire balcony is covered with flower pots is considered by dream books as a prediction of a new, long-term and romantic hobby.

The dream has another interpretation. A balcony in flowers is a symbol of well-being and success in business. But in order to more accurately understand the dream, you need to remember what flowers were in your dream.

Violets and lilies of the valley

Violet in a dream a symbol of a calm, without any shock family life.

You admire violets for a long time in a dream - a prediction of your imminent acquaintance with a person who can become your patron for a long time.

But a lily of the valley in a pot in a dream predicts some kind of pleasure for you. Romantic and completely innocent.

blooming flower

A very good sign is a dream in which you see flowers blooming. They can predict an early meeting with their "future soul mate." A dream can also talk about reconciliation in case of disagreements in the family.

Dried flower in a pot is a symbol of disgusting relations between spouses. One of them is quite possible.

A man dreams of dry flowers mixed with artificial ones. Dream Interpretations advise you not to rush to propose marriage to your chosen one.

Flowers dried up in a dream turned black - most likely your family life has ended and is to come.

Dry lilies of the valley and lavender speak of your irritation due to too high demands on the people around you.

White flowers

dreamed White flowers- to a quick meeting with a person who will change your life completely. A flower in a dream at your place is a person for a long time in your life.

Interpretation of sleep by plant color

Pink flowers - you will be very gentle with your partner.

Flower petals of yellow shades warn you of what has happened in the physical plane.

Flowers with blue petals indicate that you have a very influential patron.

Flowers promise you success in business and career growth.

Multi-colored plants in one pot - in real life there will be many joyful, happy events.

The flower has wilted leaves

In a dream, you saw flowers that withered - you have personal problems. You will be waiting if you saw that the petals began to crumble from these flowers.

The same dream tells you to be careful. A dense network of intrigues has already been woven against you. You will need to work hard to break out of this network. You pricked your finger on a thorn on a withered stem- most likely, betrayal by the person you trusted will follow.

Plants blooming and green

Green is the color of hope and peace. But, nevertheless, green flowers in a dream are a symbol of contradictions. Treat dreams with flowers of this shade with caution. Green flowers from friends in a dream speak of their envy of your business partners.

At the same time, they can serve as a symbol of hope and optimism. They are also a symbol of good luck and success in business. They portend the growth of your spiritual forces and an increase in well-being.

Dreaming of indoor flowers

with indoor flowers has many different meanings:

  • Symbol of your spiritual world;
  • A large number of flowers speaks of a secret admirer;
  • Withered flowers - a prediction of trouble;
  • Beautiful flowers - a girl has a lot of admirers;
  • The flower does not bloom - unfortunately soon;
  • Broken indoor flower - important information is hidden from you.

Actions with a plant in a dream

Cut the flower very carefully - a gentle attitude towards your chosen one.

Rip off or break a flower in a dream- sudden passion or quick enrichment.

An exotic flower has blossomed - you have abilities that need to be developed.

Dream interpretations have the following meanings:

  • Flowers are a symbol of the feminine and the genitals of a woman;
  • White flowers- designation of the vices of a woman, up to prostitution;
  • Red flowers are a symbol of innocence or fast menstruation;
  • Giving flowers to someone - wanting sex with this person;
  • Crushing flowers with your feet is sadism towards a sex partner;
  • Throw flowers - refusal to have sex with a partner;
  • Withered flowers are a symbol of the woman's former partners.

Remembering everything sleep details, and having received its interpretation based on these nuances, you will be able to correct actions in the direction you need.