All the most interesting in one magazine. Subbotnik is a holiday or duty

With the arrival of spring and the establishment of warm weather, there is an urgent need for high-quality cleaning of the territories. Beautiful winter landscapes and white snowdrifts are replaced by mud, slush and other unpleasant natural phenomena. In this regard, responsible services and conscious citizens resort to subbotniks. For this event to be useful, it must be organized in accordance with all the rules.

Who came up with the idea of ​​holding a subbotnik

The date of the first subbotnik in Russia is April 12, 1919. The event was organized at the Moscow-Sortirovochnaya depot of the Moscow Ring Railway. Representatives of the party of the enterprise came up with the initiative to leave the employees of the railway after a working day, so that they could restore the work of three steam locomotives within 10 hours before morning. All this happened on the night from Friday to Saturday, and that is why the event was called "subbotnik". As V.I. Lenin, the holding of such events was a "great initiative", since the unpaid work of citizens on a voluntary basis for the benefit of others was a manifestation of a healthy and correct attitude towards work, their loved ones and to the communist ideology in general.

A month later, employees of the Nikolaevskaya, Ryazan-Uralskaya, Aleksandrovskaya, Kursk and Moscow-Vindavskaya railways began to practice subbotniks.

Following the example of railway teams, employees of factories and factories in Moscow and other Russian regions also organize subbotniks. Following them, ordinary people began to be attracted to such events. Once, Lenin himself became a member of one of the Kremlin subbotniks. It was in connection with this that such stable phrases as "Lenin's communist subbotnik" and "All-Union communist subbotnik" arose.

Subbotniks have been relevant at all times: both during the civil and Great Patriotic Wars, and during the period of industrialization of the Soviet Union and the revival of the national economy. Often they were connected with some topical issues, for example, front-line work, assistance to workers in other countries, solidarity between peoples. Subbotniks helped to speed up the construction of educational institutions, economic facilities, and contributed to the faster greening of cities.

Russian citizens supported this initiative. In April 1969, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the appearance of the first subbotniks, a grandiose All-Union communist cleanup took place. In April 1970, the All-Union Communist Subbotnik was held. In honor of the birthday of V. I. Lenin, a subbotnik was also organized. In April 1972, another large-scale event dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the emergence of the USSR took place. Practically all able-bodied citizens went to subbotniks. During the periods of the events (in 1970 and 1972), industrial-type products worth more than 600 million rubles were produced. It is such data that the Great Soviet Encyclopedia cites.

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It is worth noting that the collective improvement and cleaning of land is an old tradition in our country that has developed historically. On the eve of Easter, the inhabitants of Russia went out to put the streets in order. Residents of other states have also always taken care of organizing cleaning in their territories and maintaining cleanliness. The pharaohs of ancient Egypt, along with slaves, planted plants, and the inhabitants of ancient Rome repaired water pipes.

George W. Bush cleared the area around the O-Sable River in New York (USA) during his presidency. The subbotnik was then timed to coincide with Earth Day (a traditional American holiday), and it was held under the motto "Clear Skies". The purpose of the event was to improve the environmental situation.

Until today, every year from September 18 to 20, the UN controls the holding of an action to maintain order in the streets, parks, squares and embankments. The motto of the event is “Let's clean up the world”. The action originated in Australia and brought together volunteers from different countries and all those who care about the environment on the planet.

People whose formation took place during the period of communism remember how important subbotniks were in those days. Despite the fact that attendance at these events was voluntary, nonetheless everyone was required to attend. There was an ideology according to which work was a "second home". That is why employees of all organizations and enterprises had to take care of cleaning and maintaining cleanliness in their workplaces.

Despite the fact that subbotniks today do not have the character of “communist”, “Leninist” and “all-Union”, no one has forgotten their original meaning. The traditions of holding these events are supported by both housing and communal services employees and the authorities of settlements, periodically turning to citizens with a request to maintain order in the adjacent and public territories. Subbotniks are timed to coincide with City Days and often have the character of Free Labor Day. The proceeds from them often go to various funds.

Alas, today few Russians strive to take part in subbotniks, organize and conduct them. A significant part of citizens explain their reluctance to attend socially useful events by the fact that they transfer considerable taxes and pay for housing and communal services at fairly high rates, and these funds should be enough for the work of janitors, the purchase and use of special equipment. That is why Russians often ignore the official orders issued by government officials to hold subbotniks and participate in them. People understand that they will not be held responsible for failure to comply with these instructions, since no penalties are provided for by law. According to paragraph 2 of Article 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, our society is democratic, and forced labor is prohibited in it.

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Step-by-step organization of the subbotnik

To conduct a subbotnik, you should invite people who are ready to work on a voluntary basis, as well as prepare the necessary tools, materials, and vehicles for garbage collection. To facilitate the organization of this event, you must follow a number of simple steps:

Step 1. We coordinate the holding of a subbotnik with the organization that has administrative subordination of the proposed cleaning object.

Step 2 We make a list of what you will need during the event. The list of works directly depends on the venue of the subbotnik. It can be house plots, yards, playgrounds. In addition to clearing areas, volunteers can paint metal structures, swings, improve sandboxes and plant trees. You will need gardening gloves, garbage bags, detergents and cleaners, choppers and rakes, so it is worth purchasing all this in the right amount in advance.

Step 3 We warn all potential participants of the subbotnik about the place and time of the gathering. It is better for the participants of the event to dress in accordance with its specifics and the weather. The best option for notifying citizens about the subbotnik will be posting relevant announcements. For example: “Dear employees of the organization (residents of the house, employees of the enterprise). Let's take care of the cleanliness of our territory (household, factory) together and put it in order. Subbotnik is scheduled for (day, month, time)."

Step 4. Choosing a garbage disposal company. Take care of the convenience of the event participants by purchasing the necessary consumables and garbage containers in advance. Note! The remains of building materials and fallen leaves should not be placed in bags and containers for household waste.

Step 5 We start the subbotnik with cleaning the territory. To speed up cleaning activities and increase their productivity, divide people into groups. Let some collect fallen leaves, the second put it in bags, the third take out or take out the garbage on carts to the tanks. A properly organized subbotnik, which you plan in advance, will benefit all participants in the event.

Step 6 We wash surfaces and structures in the area to be cleaned. When holding a subbotnik on the street, you can do with cleaning with water. As for confined spaces, in these cases it is better to use household chemicals. Wipe floors, furniture, windows and wait until completely dry.

Step 7 We paint the structures and details of the sites. The distribution of participants into groups will also be relevant here. This will make cleaning more efficient, as people will paint surfaces at the same time without changing cans and brushes.

Step 8 We organize unobtrusive musical accompaniment of the subbotnik so that the participants have more fun.

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5 tips on how to persuade tenants to hold a subbotnik

Tip 1. Choose the right day of the week.

It is important that the day of the subbotnik be convenient for the participants - only in this case a large number of people will join the action. Typically, such events are organized on weekends, when residents of houses and employees of enterprises are not busy with work. But it doesn't take long to choose a date. Look at the weather forecast and stop at the next clear weekend, then let people know about the day of the subbotnik.

It should be remembered that in the spring there are many joyful events - this is March 8, and May Day, and Easter. A strong enough motivation for people to plan a subbotnik should be that the holidays will turn out to be even more pleasant and bright if the rooms and courtyards are clean and tidy. After you have decided on the day, inform the authorities, administration, public organizations of the city that public works are planned to be carried out (you will prepare an event plan in advance). If the above persons are not able to take part in the subbotnik, you can ask them to support the cleanliness campaign financially and allocate money for gasoline for garbage trucks, consumables, and tools.

Tip 2: Inform tenants correctly.

Inform residents of households that have a common plot about the upcoming event. Print ads on your computer, create bright posters using markers or paints. In the information materials, indicate the day on which the subbotnik is scheduled. As for the quantity, make exactly as many leaflets as there are entrances in households, and leave a few pieces for posting near the elevators and in front of the entrances.

Display in the announcements all the important, in your opinion, information about the subbotnik and the plan for the event. It would be useful to clarify that residents bring the necessary supplies with them. This applies to construction gloves, shovels, rags, garbage bags. To take out the garbage, purchase large plastic bags, thick bags for packing bulk products and cereals. By distributing waste in this way, you will take care of the environment. On the posters, also indicate that the participants of the subbotnik can take old ski poles with them - it is convenient to string rubbish on them.

Since it is the 21st century in the yard, it is possible to notify the residents of the houses about the conduct of socially useful work in social networks. There you can post information about the upcoming event, indicating the day and time for which it is scheduled. Plan in advance the necessary amount of work and distribute responsibilities among residents. Let everyone do their own thing: clean up the playground, collect foliage, whitewash the walls, uproot stumps and snags. Be sure to consider the musical accompaniment of the event! This will help the participants of the subbotnik to work quickly and smoothly.

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Tip 3. Think of ways to encourage.

An effective way to motivate volunteers to work well is to reward them. You can create different nominations, according to which the most active ones will be awarded in the end. These can be, for example, "The fastest shovel", "Indefatigable gardener", "Amateur florist", "Master of digging up the earth", etc. Let the main prize be a banner or a medal, in a word, any award that can be transferred from the previous winner to the next as the subbotniks are held in the future. Consider incentive prizes. These can be, for example, house cleaning tools, household chemicals, crafts made from natural materials, light bulbs, TV antennas and other useful household items.

Tip 4. Think of an entertainment program.

An important point is the development of an entertainment program after cleaning. Inform the participants of the subbotnik about your plans in advance. You can also invite sponsors. As a rule, the owners of nearby stores are not opposed to their products being provided to the winners. Organizers often collect minimal sums from the participants of the subbotnik for the purchase of meat for barbecue and picnic products. Residents of houses can be involved in organizing an amateur event and think together about a program with dances and songs. Thus, with a competent approach, the subbotnik can be combined with a festive concert and give all participants pleasant emotions. By holding such events regularly, you will not only keep your home clean, but also rally your neighbors.

Tip 5. Invite a photographer.

Arrange with a photographer who could capture your local area before the cleanup and after cleaning. It's a good idea to ask them to film the funniest and most important moments of the event. Photos will be an excellent solution for placing on stands in the yard and can even take their rightful place in family albums, becoming memorabilia for each member of the subbotnik.

  • Illegal maintenance fee

Can the Criminal Code fine tenants for ignoring the subbotnik?

The law on housing and communal services does not provide for penalties for non-attendance at the subbotnik. In addition, HOA and housing cooperatives are non-profit organizations that cannot work to make a profit. Their main goal is to ensure the proper level of public services. Thus, the management company, the HOA and the housing cooperative do not have the authority to issue fines, while subbotniks are voluntary events.

Often tenants of houses pay targeted contributions. The issue of their accrual is discussed during general meetings, where more than half of the apartment owners are present. Each owner has the right to vote. In addition, at the legislative level, payments are prescribed that can be included in receipts.

Example. The leaders of ZhSK No. 73 (Vladivostok) posted announcements about the mandatory attendance of all residents of the house on a subbotnik. At the same time, representatives of the cooperative decided to fine citizens for absenteeism. The amount of the fine was to be 250 rubles.

Most of the tenants had nothing against such conditions, since the decision on the fine was made at the general meeting. However, later the head of the housing cooperative admitted that only 3 people out of 175 participated in the meeting, and they were members of the board. The general meeting was not held, and the opinions "against" were not taken into account.

In case of illegal accrual of a fine for failure to appear on subbotniks, residents have the right to write an application to the management company, and the organization, in turn, must explain on what grounds the decision was made. If the explanations of the management do not suit the residents, the latter may complain to Rospotrebnadzor.

Can the Criminal Code or the HOA organize a subbotnik with the participation of their employees

Labor legislation does not provide for a normative legal act, on the basis of which it is possible to forcefully or voluntarily involve employees or company executives in holding subbotniks. In addition, such events are usually organized on non-working days, which is prohibited by law. Thus, if the manager supports the initiative of the employees, the subbotnik will be of a public nature and be something like a “corporate holiday” organized at the request of the workers. The financial costs of the event must be paid either by the participants themselves or by the employer. Moreover, if the manager wants to reward subordinates for their work, he must allocate money for the purchase of gifts from his own profit, in accordance with tax legislation.

The employer should remember that Article 4 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prohibits forced labor. If the subbotnik is a socio-political, and not a labor-legal event, there should not be a disciplinary sanction for it. Do not forget that, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is forbidden to require an employee to participate in work, the performance of which is not provided for by the contract. As mentioned earlier, labor legislation, in principle, does not provide for subbotniks, which means that it is forbidden for managers to contact subordinates with requests for cleaning premises or territory.

When organizing work in accordance with the obligations of the employee, this work, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is an activity outside the schedule. This paragraph may well be applied to the organization of cleaning on a day off, if such activities are carried out in excess of the working norm per month. If the manager characterizes the participation of a subordinate in subbotniks as overtime work, which he performs on his initiative outside of working hours, the employee should be involved in subbotniks only with his consent.

Thus, the employer must comply with all the rules for organizing overtime activities of the team, and also remember that participation in such events is paid at an increased rate. When an employee performs overtime work, the manager pays one and a half rates for the first 2 hours, then double. The exact amount of payment can be stated in the local regulation, labor or collective agreement. In accordance with the desire of a person, you can not pay him for overtime work, providing in return for additional rest time.

If the manager acts in accordance with all the rules of the Labor Code listed above, he will be able to attract employees to conduct subbotniks only on the basis of their labor functions, qualifications, etc.

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How to arrange a subbotnik using an order

The text of the order to hold a subbotnik, like any other document, must contain two parts. This is the preamble, i.e. substantiation, and assignment - the administrative part. In the first one, you can say how important it is for the organization to hold a subbotnik; in the second, you can outline the work plan and describe the inventory that is required for the event.

Each employee of the enterprise must receive a separate assignment. That is why the text of the order should contain not only the date on which the subbotnik is scheduled, but also points with instructions to the management of various departments to prepare subordinates for participation in the cleaning. If necessary, in the second paragraph, you can say about the conditions for the participation of employees in the event, as well as exceptions for individual employees (if any).

The following items include instructions to the leadership of the security and economic and administrative services on organizing and participating in the community work day, a plan for which the responsible persons develop in advance.

How is the organization of the subbotnik abroad

The term "subbotnik" is only in Russian. Nevertheless, the cleanliness on the streets of many states can only be envied, and this is not only the merit of public utilities.

Consider the features of street cleaning in different countries of the world.

  • Norway

Harvesting events in Norway are called "dugnad" (dugnad), and they are held annually. There are practically no differences from Russian subbotniks. Residents of cities on a certain date go out and clean up garbage on the streets. Participation in the event is, of course, voluntary, and dugnad itself takes place on weekends. What is the difference between Russian subbotnik and Norwegian? In terms of implementation and approach to it. People will learn about the upcoming event through regular mail. The letters they receive contain the date of the subbotnik, as well as a receipt for paying the bill of 200 kroons.

Norwegians participate in this event voluntarily. At the same time, at least one tenant can come from each house or apartment. If no one wants to participate in the subbotnik, this is a personal matter for everyone, but in this case the family needs to pay 200 crowns. It must be said that such a measure is fair. You can not come to the event, but at the same time pay the bill, since other people will clean your territory for you.

Any residents can organize dugnad. To determine who is responsible for holding the subbotnik, they choose a specific apartment (there is a queue order). It is its owners who will have to control attendance, the quality of cleaning, the availability of consumables, and the sorting of waste.

At the same time, dugnad participants often prepare tables with refreshments. Everyone who is tired of cleaning can have a snack and a little rest.

  • Finland

In Finland, Saturday is called talkoot. In megacities, this option has not received much distribution, unlike dugnad (Norway). Talkoot is more suitable for residents of country houses, which is fully consistent with the lifestyle of the Finns: almost all of them have private properties away from the bustle of the city.

During the Finnish community work day, people clean up forests, roadsides and parks, build playgrounds, and help elderly neighbors fix their houses. Those who cannot directly clean up the mess and do physical work feed the volunteers or look after their children. Participation in the Finnish subbotnik is free. If a person does not show up for talkoot without a good reason, they will not be fined for this. However, this situation will greatly affect his reputation.

  • Ireland

Conducting and organizing subbotniks in Ireland does not exist. No one glues ads, does not charge fees. However, there is such a thing as Meitheal, which arose quite a long time ago and is still relevant. For the Irish, this term means working on a voluntary basis. In Meitheal, neighbors, house owners in the same area, etc. come to the gathering and work collectively, harvesting crops, planting trees, and putting up fences.

Today, activists from the popular Mountain Meitheal movement, people of all ages, get together on their day off and reconstruct mountain trails for tourists. People lay out stone on paths, repair benches and gazebos, and make potentially dangerous places safer. Mountain Meitheal's motto is "Leave No Trace". Virtually no one in Ireland refuses to hold this type of subbotniks and participate in them - this simply contradicts the mentality of the country's inhabitants.

  • Philippines

The idea of ​​collective labor activity on a voluntary basis (Bayanihan - Bayanihan) in the Philippines was developed for the purpose of mutual assistance when moving. Simply put, the Filipinos took dwellings on their shoulders (the houses are actually very light) and transferred them to new places. The one who invited the rest, according to tradition, treated the participants.

Bayanihan eventually came to mean any joint effort of citizens to resolve difficult situations. Residents of the Philippines today help those in need, clean up polluted streets, keep municipal buildings clean. Bayanihans, according to the Filipinos, contribute to the creation and maintenance of a collective spirit, unity of people and the emergence of new friends.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saturday (Sunday)- conscious voluntary organized free labor for the benefit of society in their free time, on weekends (hence the name).

The first communist subbotniks

The initiators of the first subbotnik were the Communists of the Moscow-Sorting Depot of the Moscow-Kazan Railway.

On the night of Saturday (hence the name) on April 12, 1919, at the Moscow-Sorting depot, a group of workers of 15 people after a working day returned to the shop to repair steam locomotives. In the protocol record of the organizer of the event, the chairman of the depot cell, I. E. Burakov, it was noted:

They worked continuously until 6 o'clock in the morning (ten o'clock) and repaired three current repair steam locomotives No. 358, 4 and 7024. The work went on amicably and argued like never before. At 6 o'clock in the morning we gathered in the service car, where, after resting and drinking tea, we began to discuss the current situation and decided to continue our night work - from Saturday to Sunday, to continue weekly - "until complete victory over Kolchak". Then they sang " The Internationale" and began to disperse ...

Communist subbotniks in Moscow and the Moscow province in 1919-1920.

15 people participated in the first communist subbotnik. Of these, 13 communists (E. Apukhtin - locksmith, I. E. Burakov - locksmith, Ya. F. Gorlupin - locksmith, M. A. Kabanov - locksmith, P. S. Kabanov - locksmith, A. V. Karakcheev - locksmith , Ya. M. Kondratiev - machinist, V. I. Naperstkov - locksmith, F. I. Pavlov - boilermaker, P. S. Petrov - locksmith, A. A. Slivkov - machinist, A. I. Usachev - locksmith, P I. Shatkov - a locksmith) and two sympathizers (A.V. Kabanova - a laborer, V.M. Sidelnikov - a locksmith).

On May 10, 1919, the first mass (205 people) communist subbotnik took place on the Moscow-Kazan railway, which became the reason for the article by V.I. first published as a separate pamphlet in July 1919. The initiative of the Moscow railroad workers, picked up at industrial enterprises, Lenin called a manifestation of the heroism of the working masses, who began the practical construction of socialism. In an environment of economic ruin, famine, and a drop in labor productivity, he perceived subbotniks as an expression of a new, communist attitude to work.

The movement reached its greatest extent in 1920. In January, during the "Week of the Front", thousands of workers worked on subbotniks to help the front. By decision of the 9th Congress of the RCP (b), on May 1, the All-Russian Subbotnik was held. In the Kremlin, the head of the Soviet state, V. I. Lenin, took part in the work on this subbotnik. Subsequently, this fact was actively used in communist propaganda.

It was about such communist subbotniks that Vladimir Mayakovsky wrote in.

Saturdays today

The very concept of "subbotnik" was widespread only in the Soviet Union and is now known only in countries that emerged after its collapse. In fact, it is the involvement of citizens employed in various areas of the economy in voluntary labor for cleaning, as a rule, territories adjacent to the place of work / residence, their ennoblement, etc.

In other countries, however, there are similar concepts that imply voluntary free (or carried out for a symbolic reward, such as food) joint work on the improvement of the territory or general assistance in a particular matter. See community service.

In modern Russia and other CIS countries, subbotnik is called any work on the improvement of the territory, if it is not carried out by specialized organizations. In the Baltic countries, this work is called talka. So, many private and state enterprises carry out cleaning by their employees, and the management of educational institutions attracts pupils and students to subbotniks. These events are by no means always timed to coincide with Saturday, much less the week around Lenin's birthday. Sometimes such work is counted towards working time, and sometimes it is used by unscrupulous officials as free labor for emergency workers and for extortion from the population - transfers of a one-day salary to the subbotnik even from those who did not participate in the subbotnik. However, to this day, the tradition of holding subbotniks for Lenin's birthday has been preserved in a number of institutions.

The matter is not limited to the level of enterprises, organizations and universities, in some cities citywide ones are announced, and in some countries, for example, in Uzbekistan and Belarus, nationwide subbotniks.

see also

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An excerpt characterizing Subbotnik

“Well, I’m just like everyone else when it comes to bullying. Well, stay here!” it seemed to Nikolai that the sight of this dog spoke.
When, long after, the uncle drove up to Nikolai and spoke to him, Nikolai was flattered that the uncle, after everything that had happened, still deigned to speak with him.

When in the evening Ilagin said goodbye to Nikolai, Nikolai found himself at such a far distance from home that he accepted his uncle's offer to leave the desire to spend the night with him (at his uncle's) in his village of Mikhailovka.
- And if they stopped by to me - a clean business march! - said the uncle, it would be even better; you see, the weather is wet, my uncle said, we would have had a rest, the countess would have been taken in a droshky. - Uncle's proposal was accepted, a hunter was sent to Otradnoye for the droshky; and Nikolai, with Natasha and Petya, went to see their uncle.
Five people, big and small, yard men ran out to the front porch to meet the master. Dozens of women, old, big and small, leaned out from the back porch to look at the approaching hunters. The presence of Natasha, a woman, a lady on horseback, brought the curiosity of the yard uncle to such limits that many, not embarrassed by her presence, approached her, looked into her eyes and made their remarks about her, as if they were showing a miracle that is not a person, and cannot hear and understand what is being said about him.
- Arinka, look, he is sitting on the side! She sits herself, and the hem dangles ... Look at the horn!
- Father of light, then a knife ...
- Look, Tatar!
- How did you not flip over then? - said the most daring, directly addressing Natasha.
Uncle dismounted from his horse at the porch of his wooden house overgrown with a garden, and looking around his household, shouted imperatively that the superfluous depart and that everything necessary for receiving guests and hunting be done.
Everything fled. Uncle took Natasha off the horse and led her by the hand up the rickety board steps of the porch. In the house, not plastered, with log walls, it was not very clean - it was not clear that the goal of the people who lived was that there were no stains, but there was no noticeable neglect.
The hallway smelled of fresh apples, and wolf and fox skins hung. Through the front uncle led his guests into a small hall with a folding table and red chairs, then into a living room with a round birch table and a sofa, then into an office with a tattered sofa, a worn-out carpet and with portraits of Suvorov, the father and mother of the host and himself in a military uniform. . There was a strong smell of tobacco and dogs in the office. In the office, the uncle asked the guests to sit down and make themselves at home, and he left. The scold, with his back uncleaned, entered the office and lay down on the sofa, cleaning himself with his tongue and teeth. From the office there was a corridor in which screens with torn curtains could be seen. Women's laughter and whispers could be heard from behind the screens. Natasha, Nikolai and Petya undressed and sat on the sofa. Petya leaned on his arm and immediately fell asleep; Natasha and Nikolai sat in silence. Their faces were on fire, they were very hungry and very cheerful. They looked at each other (after the hunt, in the room, Nikolai no longer considered it necessary to show his male superiority to his sister); Natasha winked at her brother, and both did not hold back for long and laughed out loud, not having time to think of an excuse for their laughter.
A little later, my uncle came in wearing a Cossack coat, blue trousers and small boots. And Natasha felt that this very suit, in which she saw her uncle in Otradnoye with surprise and mockery, was a real suit, which was no worse than frock coats and tailcoats. Uncle was also cheerful; not only was he not offended by the laughter of his brother and sister (it could not have entered his head that they could laugh at his life), but he himself joined in their causeless laughter.
“That’s how the young countess is - a clean march - I haven’t seen another one like it!” - he said, giving one pipe with a long shank to Rostov, and laying the other short, cut shank between three fingers with a habitual gesture.
- I left for a day, even though the man was on time and as if nothing had happened!
Soon after uncle, the door was opened, obviously a barefoot girl by the sound of her feet, and a fat, ruddy, beautiful woman of about 40 years old, with a double chin, and full, ruddy lips, entered the door with a large tray in her hands. She, with hospitable representativeness and attractiveness in her eyes and every movement, looked round at the guests and bowed respectfully to them with an affectionate smile. Despite the thickness of more than usual, forcing her to put forward her chest and stomach and hold her head back, this woman (uncle's housekeeper) stepped extremely lightly. She walked over to the table, set down the tray, and with her white, chubby hands deftly removed and arranged the bottles, snacks, and treats on the table. Having finished this, she moved away and stood at the door with a smile on her face. “Here she is and me! Do you understand your uncle now?” her appearance told Rostov. How not to understand: not only Rostov, but also Natasha understood the uncle and the meaning of frowned eyebrows, and the happy, self-satisfied smile that wrinkled his lips a little while Anisya Fyodorovna entered. On the tray were a herbalist, liqueurs, mushrooms, black flour cakes on yurag, honeycomb, boiled and effervescent honey, apples, raw and roasted nuts, and nuts in honey. Then Anisya Fyodorovna brought jam with honey and sugar, and ham, and chicken, freshly fried.
All this was Anisya Fyodorovna's household, collection and jam. All this smelled and resonated and had the taste of Anisya Fyodorovna. Everything resonated with juiciness, purity, whiteness and a pleasant smile.
“Eat, young lady countess,” she kept saying, giving Natasha one thing, then another. Natasha ate everything, and it seemed to her that she had never seen or eaten such cakes on yuraga, with such a bouquet of jams, nuts on honey, and such a chicken. Anisya Fyodorovna went out. Rostov and his uncle, washing down their dinner with cherry liqueur, talked about past and future hunting, about Rugai and the Ilaginsky dogs. Natasha, with sparkling eyes, sat straight up on the sofa, listening to them. Several times she tried to wake Petya to give him something to eat, but he said something incomprehensible, obviously not waking up. Natasha was so cheerful at heart, so happy in this new environment for her, that she was only afraid that the droshky would come for her too soon. After an accidental silence, as almost always happens with people who receive their acquaintances for the first time in their house, the uncle said, answering the thought that his guests had:
“So I’m living out my life… If you die, it’s a pure march—nothing will be left.” What a sin then!
Uncle's face was very significant and even beautiful when he said this. At the same time, Rostov involuntarily remembered everything that he had heard good things from his father and neighbors about his uncle. My uncle had a reputation throughout the whole neighborhood of the province as the noblest and most disinterested eccentric. He was called upon to judge family affairs, he was made an executor, secrets were trusted to him, he was elected to judges and other positions, but he stubbornly refused public service, spending autumn and spring in the fields on his brown gelding, sitting at home in winter, lying in his overgrown summer garden.
- Why don't you serve, uncle?
- He served, but quit. I'm not fit, it's a clean march, I can't make out anything. It's your business, and I'm not smart enough. As for hunting, it's another matter, it's a pure march! Open that door, he shouted. - What did they shut up! - The door at the end of the corridor (which uncle called the kolidor) led to an idle hunting room: that was the name of the human for hunters. Bare feet quickly slapped and an invisible hand opened the door to the hunting room. From the corridor, the sounds of a balalaika were clearly audible, which was apparently played by some kind of master of this craft. Natasha had been listening to these sounds for a long time and now went out into the corridor to hear them more clearly.
- This is my coachman Mitka ... I bought him a good balalaika, I love it, - said my uncle. - It was customary for my uncle that when he came home from hunting, Mitka would play the balalaika in the bachelor's hunting lodge. Uncle loved to listen to this music.
“How good, really excellent,” said Nikolai with some involuntary disdain, as if he was ashamed to admit that these sounds were very pleasant to him.
- How great? - Natasha said reproachfully, feeling the tone in which her brother said this. - Not great, but it's a charm, what is it! - Just like mushrooms, honey and uncle's liqueurs seemed to her the best in the world, so this song seemed to her at that moment the height of musical charm.
“More, please, more,” Natasha said at the door, as soon as the balalaika fell silent. Mitka tuned in and again valiantly rattled the Lady with busts and interceptions. Uncle sat and listened, his head tilted to one side with a slight smile. The motif of the Lady was repeated a hundred times. The balalaika was tuned several times and the same sounds rattled again, and the listeners did not get bored, but only wanted to hear this game again and again. Anisya Fyodorovna came in and leaned her fat body against the lintel.
“If you please listen,” she said to Natasha, with a smile very similar to her uncle’s smile. “He plays well with us,” she said.
“He’s doing something wrong in this knee,” my uncle suddenly said with an energetic gesture. - Here it is necessary to scatter - a clean march - scatter ...
– Do you know how? Natasha asked. Uncle smiled without answering.


Saturday (Sunday)- conscious organized free labor for the benefit of society in their free time, on weekends (hence the name)

The first communist subbotniks

The first communist subbotnik at the Moscow-Sorting depot of the Moscow-Kazan railway on April 12, 1919.

The initiators of the first subbotnik were the Communists of the Moscow-Sorting Depot of the Moscow-Kazan Railway.

On the night of Saturday (hence the name) on April 12, 1919, at the Moscow-Sorting depot, a group of workers of 15 people after a working day returned to the shop to repair steam locomotives. In the protocol record of the organizer of the event, the chairman of the depot cell, I. E. Burakov, it was noted:

They worked continuously until 6 o'clock in the morning (ten o'clock) and repaired three current repair steam locomotives No. 358, 4 and 7024. The work went on amicably and argued like never before. At 6 o'clock in the morning we gathered in the service car, where, after resting and drinking tea, we began to discuss the current situation and decided to continue our night work - from Saturday to Sunday, to continue weekly - "until complete victory over Kolchak". Then they sang " The Internationale" and began to disperse ...

Communist subbotniks in Moscow and the Moscow province in 1919-1920.

15 people participated in the first communist subbotnik. Of these, 13 communists (E. Apukhtin - locksmith, I. E. Burakov - locksmith, Ya. F. Gorlupin - locksmith, M. A. Kabanov - locksmith, P. S. Kabanov - locksmith, A. V. Karakcheev - locksmith , Ya. M. Kondratiev - machinist, V. I. Naperstkov - locksmith, F. I. Pavlov - boilermaker, P. S. Petrov - locksmith, A. A. Slivkov - machinist, A. I. Usachev - locksmith, P I. Shatkov - a locksmith) and two sympathizers (A.V. Kabanova - a laborer, V.M. Sidelnikov - a locksmith).

On May 10, 1919, the first mass (205 people) communist subbotnik took place on the Moscow-Kazan railway, which became the reason for the article by V.I. first published as a separate pamphlet in July 1919. The initiative of the Moscow railroad workers, picked up at industrial enterprises, Lenin called a manifestation of the heroism of the working masses, who began the practical construction of socialism. In an environment of economic ruin, famine, and a drop in labor productivity, he perceived subbotniks as an expression of a new, communist attitude to work.

The movement reached its greatest extent in 1920. In January, during the "Week of the Front", thousands of workers worked on subbotniks to help the front. By decision of the 9th Congress of the RCP (b), on May 1, the All-Russian Subbotnik was held. In the Kremlin, the head of the Soviet state, V. I. Lenin, took part in the work on this subbotnik. Subsequently, this fact was actively used in communist propaganda.

It was about such communist subbotniks that Vladimir Mayakovsky wrote in.

Subbotniks became widespread in the 1930s - at the same time they temporarily turned from voluntary to compulsory voluntary.

The tradition of holding subbotniks survived until the fall of the socialist system in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Subbotniks were usually held at the place of work, and then during the subbotnik people did their usual, daily work. But sometimes subbotniks were held at the place of residence, at the initiative of local governments, and then people worked to improve their native area, performing various construction works: building and painting fences, repairing buildings, plastering, decorating rooms, planting lawns, creating and arranging flower beds, parks , playgrounds. Such “construction subbotniks”, however, could also be arranged at the place of work, if, for example, the institution moved to another building. It also happened that schools convened the parents of students for such subbotniks (with the aim of repairing the school).

The frequency of subbotniks was variable. Sometimes subbotniks could be held every week, sometimes only a few times a year. All-Union Leninist communist subbotniks, timed to coincide with the birthday of V.I. Lenin (April 22), were held annually. They seemed to mark the final arrival of spring and were used to prepare for the celebration of May Day.

Saturdays today

The very concept of "subbotnik" was widespread only in the Soviet Union and is now known only in countries that emerged after its collapse.

see also

  • Bayanihan (Filipino)
  • Naffir (Sudanese Arabic)
  • Meitheal (Irish)
  • Talkoot (Finnish)
  • Talgud (Estonian)
  • Gadugi (Cherokee)
  • Gotong royong (Indonesia and Malaysia)
  • Working Bee (English, especially in Australia and New Zealand)



  • Museum "Great Initiative" of the locomotive depot "Moscow-sorting"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


See what "Subbotnik" is in other dictionaries:

    Volunteer janitor's day, work, communist subbotnik, red Saturday, sectarian, labor holiday, fucking motherfucker Dictionary of Russian synonyms. subbotnik n., number of synonyms: 6 ... Synonym dictionary

    - [subbotnik], subbotnik, husband. 1. Voluntary and free collective overtime performance of a socially useful labor task, which took place initially. on Saturdays (neol.). “Communist subbotniks are extraordinarily valuable, as ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    SATURDAY, husband. Voluntary collective gratuitous work for each individual participant on one of the Saturdays or at other non-working hours. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    subbotnik-, a, m. Voluntary collective performance of some l. community service (originally performed on Saturdays). MAS, vol. 4, 298. ◘ In the spring of 1920, subbotniks were held to clean up the Kremlin. Moscow, 1968, No. 1, 194. In 1920, thousands ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of the Language of Soviet Deputies

    SATURDAY- Voluntary collective gratuitous work for each individual participant on one of the Saturdays or other non-working hours. The first subbotnik took place in 1919 at the initiative of the Communists, the depot Moscow Sortirovochnaya of the Moscow Kazanskaya ... ... Linguistic Dictionary

    Send someone to Saturday. Jarg. injection. Subject someone to gang rape. Maksimov. 293 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

The word "subbotnik" came to us from the distant 1919. It was a time when the workers and peasants who took power into their own hands were forced to defend it from the former owners. Civil War 1918-1920 caused an unprecedented rise in patriotism of all working people.

Along with heroism on the fronts, the workers and peasants of the rear, overcoming the difficulties of wartime, did everything for the victory of the Red Army. They supplied her with food, clothing, weapons and ammunition. Everyone tried to make his own contribution to the victory over the bourgeoisie and landlords.

On April 12, 1919, 15 workers of the Moscow-Sortirovochnaya railway depot decided to increase their working day by an hour, declare Saturday a working day, and work for free until complete victory over Kolchak. In the extra time they repaired three steam locomotives. On Saturday, May 10, the workers of the Moscow-Kazan Railway repaired 4 locomotives and 16 wagons and unloaded several trains.

On May 17, the newspaper Pravda published an article titled "Work in a Revolutionary Way (Communist Saturday)", which described the work that the Moscow railway workers had been able to do over the past Saturdays. From the table in the article, it was clear that the workers worked with the highest labor productivity rates - 270%.

Communist subbotniks were held in many industrial centers. Very soon this movement became massive. Not only communists, but also non-party people took part in unpaid labor. Everyone strove to make their own contribution to the common cause - the defeat of the enemy, threatening to return the old order by force.

Today, for us, gratuitous work for the benefit of society has become something ordinary. According to Soviet habit, in the spring, on the last Saturday of April, we all go out to improve our yards and streets, plant trees, remove garbage, paint trees, dig up lawns, etc. And in those difficult years for the young republic, hated for centuries, exhausting work for the master suddenly acquired a new quality. Freed from exploitation, the working class demonstrated unprecedented productivity.

The workers of the home front very quickly learned that by their unpaid labor they were strengthening their own fatherland.

It is this new (communist) attitude to work by V.I. Lenin called the "Great Initiative" in his famous pamphlet, written on June 28, 1919.

The communist subbotniks gained wide scope in 1920. It is known that the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars V. Lenin himself took part in a similar subbotnik for cleaning the territory of the Moscow Kremlin on May 1, 1920. In peacetime, subbotniks (Sundays) were held at the initiative of the management of enterprises. Often, at the expense of additional labor, the management of enterprises tried to increase production and economic indicators for the fulfillment of planned targets and increase labor productivity.

In the post-war period, the All-Union Lenin Subbotnik was held annually on the eve of May Day, on April 22, in the USSR. It was a national holiday of gratuitous labor for the benefit of society. Someone defended the shift at the machine, someone put things in order on the factory territory, cleaned up the dump. Pensioners, schoolchildren, townspeople and villagers put cities and villages in order. Music played everywhere, the streets were decorated with banners and slogans. For some, participation in the subbotnik was a holiday, for others it was a communist coercion.

With the change in the social structure in our country, voluntary, social, gratuitous labor is forgotten. Sometimes during natural disasters (floods, fires, earthquakes), people wake up in mutual assistance, the collective instinct of self-preservation, and they rise to help the victims. But such cases are becoming rarer and rarer.

Thus, the word subbotnik was coined by the Moscow railway workers in April 1919, and the Pravda newspaper and V.I. Lenin called them "communist".

V. Ivanov “V. I. Lenin at a subbotnik in the Kremlin”

On April 12, 1919, the first Communist Subbotnik took place in Soviet Russia. At the Moscow-Sortirovochnaya station, 3 steam locomotives were repaired by the disinterested efforts of the workers.
Subbotnik is organized free work in free time, that is, on Saturday or Sunday. At the dawn of Soviet power, subbotniks arose spontaneously, but against the backdrop of the revolutionary enthusiasm of ordinary citizens. Subbotniks were absolutely voluntary, they were attended by communists (mainly Komsomol members), and other, older citizens who sympathize with revolutionary ideas.
Subbotniks arose in 1919, during the Civil War, they appeared after Lenin called for better work of the railways. In this regard, on April 12, the first subbotnik was held at the Moscow-Sorting Depot of the Moscow-Kazan Railway. The initiators of the first subbotnik were the communist activists of the depot.

The first communist subbotnik at the Moscow-Sorting depot of the Moscow-Kazan railway on April 12, 1919.

However, the subbotnik began not on Saturday morning, but on Saturday night. After a working day, a group of workers of 15 people returned to the workshop of the Moscow-Sortirovochnaya depot, of which 13 were communists, and two were “sympathizers”. Workers began to repair locomotives. As noted in the protocol record of the organizer of the event, the chairman of the depot cell, I. E. Burakov, they worked continuously until 6 a.m. (ten hours) and repaired three current repair steam locomotives No. 358, 4 and 7024. The work went on amicably and argued like never before before.
At 6 o'clock in the morning, the proletarians gathered in the service car, where, after resting and drinking tea, they began to discuss the current situation and decided to continue such night work - from Saturday to Sunday, weekly.

Participants of the communist subbotnik, Moscow, 1920

On May 10, 1919, the first mass communist subbotnik took place on the Moscow-Kazan railway. Already 205 people participated in the subbotnik. After this event, Lenin wrote the article "The Great Initiative (On the Heroism of the Workers in the Home Front. Concerning the 'Communist Subbotniks')", which was published as a separate pamphlet in July 1919.
According to Lenin, the initiative of the Moscow railroad workers, picked up at industrial enterprises, became a manifestation of the heroism of the working masses, who began the practical construction of socialism. Subbotniks were an expression of a new, "voluntary" approach to work in the conditions of economic recession and famine that reigned in Russia during these years.
By 1920, subbotniks had reached a significant scale. In January, thousands of workers were already working on subbotniks to help the front - this event was called "Front Week".
By decision of the 9th Congress of the RCP (b) on May 1, 1920, an even more massive All-Russian Subbotnik was held. Lenin himself, the head of the Soviet state, took part in the work on this subbotnik. He, in particular, dragged logs, which formed the basis of many works of art, legends, stories and anecdotes.

VI Lenin in the Kremlin at the first All-Russian subbotnik. May 1, 1920

As a rule, subbotniks were held at the place of work; in such cases, citizens carried out their usual work during the subbotnik. When subbotniks were held at the place of residence, at the initiative of local governments, the task was to clean up the territory and carry out construction work, for example, repairing buildings, plastering, decorating rooms, painting fences, planting lawns, creating and arranging flower beds, parks, playgrounds .
However, the so-called "construction subbotniks" could also be arranged at the place of work. Sometimes schools invited the parents of the students to subbotniks in order to repair the premises.
The frequency of subbotniks was variable, in some periods subbotniks could be held every week, in others - several times a year. The most massive All-Union Leninist communist subbotniks, timed to coincide with Lenin's birthday (April 22), were held annually. These subbotniks for Soviet citizens were associated with the final arrival of spring. They were also used to prepare for May Day celebrations.
Gradually, the enthusiasm of the citizens waned, and subbotniks became a habitual routine, an unpleasant duty that many wanted to avoid. Nevertheless, the memory of the first voluntary subbotniks has been preserved in Russia to this day, and many citizens, even in our time, independently organize themselves for voluntary creative work.
In 1957, in honor of the first communist subbotnik, the museum "Great Initiative" of the locomotive depot "Moscow-sorting" was opened. On the territory of the depot, a steam locomotive of the Ov series has been preserved, which was repaired by workers in 1919. It is one of the exhibits of the museum.

Subbotnik on the laying of Nizami's garden. Baku, 1930