The choice of skis according to the weight of the skier. How to choose the right skis: cross-country, skating, mountain, roller skis

It is not always easy for outdoor enthusiasts who are just starting their skiing journey to understand the variety of sports equipment. In order to enjoy winter skiing, you need to choose the right skis, poles, boots and bindings.

How to choose a comfortable and reliable set for ski trips at minimal cost?

Choosing skis.

Let's start with skis. If you don't have skis yet, or if you want to buy new ones, choose a time and visit one of our shops. Choose a pair of skis from inexpensive touring models, for example TISA SPORT WAX or TISA SPORT STEP with notch against recoil. Choose the length of the skis according to your height, about 15-20 cm more than your height. You can also opt for higher quality models, such as FISCHER RIDGE or ATOMIC MOTION 52. All these models are wider than racing skis, they will not fall into the snow on soft ski tracks rolled by skiers and tourists in the city's forest parks or in mass skiing areas outside the city.

If you want to ski on tougher, specially prepared trails, or along the rolled alleys of forest parks, you can opt for narrower skis with a width of 46 mm, for example ATOMIC MOTION 46 or entry-level racing skis TISA TOP CLASSIC. A convenient option that will save you the hassle of installing bindings is skis. DINAMIC 46 or 52 mm wide with pre-installed bindings, but in this case you need to purchase the appropriate boots for the bindings of the system SNS PROFILE.

Pleasure skis are usually quite “soft”, that is, they compress under the block without much effort. This has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that such skis are easier to properly lubricate with anti-recoil holding ointment, which is absolutely necessary during a ski trip on "tourist" ski tracks. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to skate on soft skis, as they are completely “pressed through” under the block and therefore do not “spring” enough and glide worse. If you prefer skating, buy stiffer racing skis, while remembering that you need to choose shorter skis for skating, only 10-15 cm more than your height.

Anti-kickback notched skis will save you the trouble of lubricating them with grip wax, but you will have to “pay” for this with a slower glide. In addition, in conditions of thaw or ice, the notch may not help. And, of course, on such skis it is almost impossible to move by skating.

Boots and bindings.

Having chosen skis, we move on to boots and bindings. Boots and bindings must be selected at the same time, since they are interconnected. In addition to traditional (cheap, but obsolete) bindings for welted ski boots, there are two mounting systems - NNN and SNS. The differences between them are not so significant for beginner skiers, you just need to choose one of them.

The most "budget" option is the boots of the company SPINE, which are produced with both the NNN sole and the SNS sole. We recommend choosing from models with internal lacing, closed at the top with a zipper. Thus, you protect yourself from getting snow inside the boot. Even more reliable in this sense are models with a plastic cuff covering the ankle and equipped with a Velcro strap with a buckle, for example SPINE RIDER or X-RIDER. Models of walking boots of a higher level of comfort and quality are produced by companies ALPINA, MADSHUS, FISCHER and ROSSIGNOL(NNN system), as well as SALOMON(SNS system).

When trying on, keep in mind that you will wear winter socks for a walk, so pick up boots that are more spacious than your everyday shoes. Try on several pairs of boots in different sizes and from different manufacturers, since boots differ not only in size, but also in the width of the last, which can only be established experimentally during the fitting. Remember that narrow or tight ski boots can cause frostbite in low temperatures.

Having picked up the boots, immediately choose the appropriate bindings of the corresponding system (NNN or SNS). Most of the so-called walking bindings have an automatic fastening mechanism. That is, it is enough to step on a fixed ski in the right place for the metal axle on the sole to fall into the corresponding recess on the mount, after which you will feel a slight click, indicating that the boot is fixed in the mount. In order to unfasten the boot from the fastening, it is necessary to press the plastic cover of the fastening and pull the foot up. For ease of unfastening, a recess is made in the lid so that you can press it with a ski pole without bending over.

This is convenient, but still, automatic mounts have their drawback - with a slight "minus" and high humidity, snow can get into the groove of the mounts and freeze there, then it will not be so easy to unfasten the ski. In this sense, fasteners with a manual fastening and unfastening handle are a bit more secure. But these tend to be more expensive racing mounts.

If you buy skis and bindings in our stores, sales assistants will install ski bindings for you free of charge. Doing this at home without a special template and drill is risky, you can ruin the skis by placing the mounts with a warp, or by drilling through the ski.

Ski poles.

What do we have left? Well, sticks, of course. Pay attention to what they are made of. The most reliable option is walking poles with an aluminum shaft. Such sticks can bend slightly in case of an unsuccessful fall, but they break very rarely. Sticks made of composite materials (fiberglass or carbon fiber, as well as their combination in various ratios) are noticeably lighter than metal ones, but are more vulnerable, especially in side impacts. Ski poles have a fairly wide support foot that does not fall into the snow on soft ski tracks, as well as a standard loop-shaped lanyard. More expensive models of sticks are equipped with a carbide metal tip that does not slip even on ice, as well as a trap-type lanyard with Velcro, so that your hand will not jump out of the lanyard even with an accidental sharp jerk, but these attributes are not for walking sticks. mandatory. And finally, the length of the sticks. For skiing, pick up sticks 25-30 cm below your height. For skating along the alleys of the park or along the prepared ski slopes, the poles should be longer - about 20 cm less than the height.

Ski preparation

Modern skis with a sliding surface made of high molecular weight polyethylene, unlike older wooden skis, require a fundamentally different approach to lubrication and maintenance. The minimum required set of tools, care products and ointments consists of one or two universal slip ointments that do not require heating during their application, for example SKI GO EASY GLIDE or SWIX F4, as well as two or three holding ointments (two ointments in jars for cold and relatively warm weather, and one in a tube or in an aerosol package for ice and thaw). If you have skis with anti-kickback notches, you don't need any grip waxes, but you do need a silicone-based fluid to treat the notched area to prevent ice from freezing and snow sticking. To apply ointments, you need to have a rubbing (preferably synthetic, but you can also use natural cork), and to clean the skis from old grease - a special solvent-washer. For better ski preparation and proper care, you should get a lubricating iron, a set of paraffins, a polyacrylic scraper, one or more brushes, as well as other special equipment, but that's a completely different story. At first, what we listed at the beginning of this paragraph will be enough for you. Read more in the following articles.


The most economical option is walking skis for 2000 rubles, boots for 1250 rubles, bindings for 1200 rubles and poles for 500 rubles. In general, it comes out to about five thousand.

A comfortable option for walking equipment is skis for 4000 rubles, boots for 3500 rubles, bindings for the same 1200 rubles and sticks for 1500 rubles. This option will cost you around ten thousand

We wish you a pleasant and healthy skiing holiday!

In this article, you will learn how to choose cross-country skis and poles for height as a beginner skier, as well as how to choose the right size for ski boots. Below are tables for selecting ski sizes and boot sizes.

Choice of cross-country skis and poles

In order to choose the right cross-country ski length, you need to decide what style you are going to ride - classic (on the ski track) or skating:

  • For a classic move, add to your height 20-25 cm
  • For skating, add to your height 10-15 cm

There are two types:

  • Notched (step): the notch is a ribbed sliding surface of the ski in the binding area. The notch allows the skis not to slip and not to use holding ointments. Perfect for pleasure skiing with classic cross-country skiing.

  • With a smooth sliding surface (wax): these are skis without a system of notches, the sliding surface is smooth, the use of holding ointments is required. Unlike notched skis, these skis are suitable for any style of skiing and are better suited for combined skiing, skating, and sport skiing.

When selecting ski pole lengths also focus on the style of riding:

  • Sticks for the classic move should be about 25 cm smaller than your height. In this case, when you are skiing in boots, the sticks will go into the snow up to their feet, and the handle of the sticks will reach your armpits. It is this length of ski poles that is optimal for classic skiing.
  • For skating, ski poles must be longer - approximately 15 cm less than your height.

Table of selection of cross-country skis and poles by height:

Skate style Growth Classic style
skis sticks cm skis sticks
200 175 195 210 165
200 175 190 205 165
200 170 185 205 160
195 165 180 200-205 155
190 160 175 195-200 150
185 155 170 190-195 145
180 150 165 185-190 140
175 145 160 180-185 135
170 140 155 180 130
165 135 150 170 125
160 130 145 170 120
155 125 140 160 115
150 120 135 160 110
145 115 130 150 105
140 110 125 150 100
135 105 120 140 95
130 100 115 140 90
120 95 110 130 85
120 90 105 130 80
110 90 100 120 80

Choice of cross-country ski bindings

The most popular types are:

  • 75 mm (NN75)- classic steel mounts (three-pin system), familiar to everyone since Soviet times, are still very popular due to their simplicity, reliability and low cost. These mounts are perfect for touring.
  • NNN and SNS- modern binding systems, differing from each other with guides for boots along the bindings. Such mounts are better suited for more active and sporty riding.

Choice of ski boots

All are made from modern frost-resistant synthetic materials, less often - from genuine leather.

All ski boots are insulated, which allows you to choose boots of your size without a stock and wear them without a woolen sock. We recommend using thermal socks.

The sole of the ski boots is suitable for a specific binding system: 75 mm, NNN or SNS:

  • Boots for bindings 75 mm are available in standard Russian sizes. The size of the boots can be chosen completely according to your foot size.
  • Boots for NNN / SNS bindings are produced in Euro sizes, which are approximately 1.5-2 sizes smaller than Russian ones, i.e. if you wear Russian size 39, then you should take size 41 boots.

The easiest way to choose your shoe size is to measure with a ruler shoe insole length that you are wearing.If it is not possible to get the insole out of the shoe, then it is necessary to measure the length of the foot. How to do it correctly - see under the table below.

Ski boot size selection table according to insole length:

Insole length, cm Russia size Euro size
19 - 30
19,5 - 31
20 30 -
20,5 31 32
21,5 32 33
22 33 34
22,5 34 35
23 35 36
24 36 37
24,5 37 38
25 - 39
25,5 38 40
26 39 41
26,5 40 -
27 41 42
27,5 - 43
28 42 44
28,5 43 -
29 44 45
29,5 - 46
30 45 47
30,5 46 -
31 47 -

How to measure your foot length correctly:

Stand on a piece of paper so that your heels only lightly touched behind the wall (doors, cabinet sides, etc.). If you press your heel hard against the wall, the measurement will be wrong.

The weight of the body should be transferred to the leg being measured.

Hold a pencil strictly vertical, do not get it under your fingers!

Mark lines near the thumb and second finger, draw a line along the wall. Measure the maximum distance between the marks with a ruler. Measure both feet as size may vary.

Ready ski sets

In our online store you can choose and buy, consisting of cross-country skis, poles, bindings, boots and ski bundles.

We have prepared for you several options on skis from the Russian manufacturer STC (Sports Technology Center). You can choose skis with or without notches. The kit includes 75 mm or NNN / SNS bindings, matching ski boots, some ski kits include additional accessories - a ski bag and a set of ski waxes.

Especially for parents of schoolchildren, we have 2 options for inexpensive Ski set Schoolboy: a simple and budget kit with 75mm mounts and a kit with NNN / SNS mounts. Both sets of skis are perfect for physical education at school, as well as just for skiing and skiing in the winter.

Every novice skier faces the difficulties of choosing cross-country skis. How to choose cross-country skis? Skate or classic? Or maybe universal? More expensive or cheaper? The correct answer to these questions will determine whether you love this sport or hate it.

In this article, we will tell you how to choose cross-country skis and not turn the buying process into a headache. How to choose skating and classic skis, how they differ and what to look for.

First you need to understand a few important points. Buy sports equipment maximum quality which your family budget can afford. Even for occasional family outings do not choose the cheapest skis. This principle is similar to or other sports equipment. The miser pays twice - this has long been known to everyone.

You can often hear from beginners: "I ride 5 times a year, I need the cheapest." Such an installation will spoil the impression of skiing for you and your loved ones. Moreover, if you ride 5 times a year, then it is better to spend this time with pleasure, and not in torment. Of course, the financial condition imposes a framework on this principle, but this is a personal matter for everyone.

One thing is for sure, it's better to buy inventory, proven brands. They have appropriate quality control and reputation care. Here are the brands we trust and recommend for purchase:

  • Salomon
  • Fischer
  • Atomic
  • Rossignol
  • Tisa (owned by Fischer)
  • Peltonen

What is the difference between classic skis and skate skis?

First of all, they differ construction or, as skiers say, diagram. The work of skis depends on this, but for a skate and a classic it is completely different. Also, for the classics, the skis are selected longer, and for the skate, shorter. This is explained by the fact that in the skate you need to swing the skis to the sides and do it more conveniently short. In the classics, it is better to take longer skis. According to the laws of physics, the longer the ski, the less pressure it creates on the snow, the less friction and the better the glide.

How skate skiing should work

As can be seen from the figure, skating never completely crushed. It works like a spring and has maximum pressure points in the toe and heel. In the foreground, the diagram reflects the pressure when the athlete is positioned on 2 legs. In the background - the transfer of weight to 1 leg during the rental. The pressure increases significantly on the toe and heel, and almost does not change under the last.

How a classic ski (classic) should work

image from the magazine "Skiing"

Classic, on the other hand, completely crushed under the block. It is understandable - under the block there is a holding ointment that does not allow the ski to slide back when repulsed. In the foreground of the scheme, the skier stands on 2 legs, in the background, the weight is transferred to 1 leg and repulsion occurs.

The diagrams clearly show why it is almost impossible to skate on classic skis and vice versa.

What is combined skiing (combi)?

Combined skis or just combi are classic with increased rigidity. Roughly speaking, these are skis for the classics, with the opportunity to skate sometimes. True, there is one minus - for a classic move under the block, it is necessary to apply holding ointments, and this ointment will only interfere with skating. That is, the combi needs to be constantly re-greased, which causes inconvenience and takes time.

Advantages of combination skis:

  • savings (no need to spend money on 2 sets)
  • a good option for the first skis (in the future you can decide which move you like more)

Cons of combined skis:

  • you need to constantly apply and wash off the holding ointment
  • do not fully reveal the features of riding styles

How to choose cross-country skiing for a beginner?

First you need to decide what move you want to ride, where you will ride and what goals you set. There is not always a prepared wide track for skating, but a ski track can be trodden in every park, even in the center of a big city. If there is no good track nearby, which is looked after, then definitely take classic skis. If the track is nearby or there is an opportunity to drive to it, then the choice is more difficult. To simplify, we conditionally divide skating into several categories:

  • walks with family and friends

On walks, the main thing is to have fun, fresh air, communication, hot tea from a thermos. For such riding it is better to choose classical. We advise you to pay attention to oil-free skis- with notches or mohair modules (Skintech, Twinskin and the like). They do not need to be smeared so that they do not roll back, you can comfortably stand on them and drink tea, and it is much easier to climb a mountain without serious physical training.

Skating is not suitable for these purposes. Skating is an energy-intensive type of skating; walking with a skate will not work. Without proper preparation, it will not be possible to communicate during skating, someone from the company will definitely fall behind, and skating will not last long.

  • regular exercise to keep fit and healthy

Simply put, exercise for health 2-3 times a week. Here you can already connect the skating and alternate it with the classic - combined skis are suitable for these purposes. If you are not afraid of the disadvantages of this type of ski, which we have listed above. Or buy skis for every move from the middle price segment.

  • improving the technique of skiing, the desire to improve in skiing

If you want to learn how to ski technically, then you need to think about buying 2 pairs - one for each style of skiing. Combined will not allow you to put equipment

  • participation in competitions, the desire to improve the sports category

To fight for the result in competitions, of course, you need several pairs. At least 1 for each style, ideally 2-3 for each style. Moreover, the skis must be of the highest level. Here it is already worth starting from how much you are willing to invest in your hobby. It is always better to take 2 good pairs than 4 mediocre ones. The selection of professional skis requires a special approach. About, how to choose professional skis, read in our separate article.

  • Geometry. Skis should not be curved in the longitudinal direction (it is convenient to look at the groove), there should not be a helical bend

image from the magazine "Skiing"

  • sliding surface should be flat, plastic without waves, bumps and pits
  • The laminate should not be damage. Moisture can get inside through them, then the core will swell and become unusable.
  • Should shrink the same and evenly. It should not be that one ski compresses lighter than the other harder

How to choose skis for classic skiing?

By height

Classics are selected based on the formula: skier height + 20-30 cm. If your height is 180 cm, choose skis 200 - 210 cm long.

By weight

Skis for the classic course are selected based on surface weight markings. Such designations are even on some inexpensive skis from well-known manufacturers, such as Salomon. In the photo, the skis are designed for a weight of 65-78 kg.

If there are no markings, then you can pick them up by weight popular among skiers paper dough:

  1. Find a balance point. This can be done by placing the ski on a thin ruler or a knife. If there is nothing at hand, then you can take the ski with 2 fingers by the sidewalls and find the balance point.
  2. Put your skis on a flat floor and stand on them so that the toes of your boots are on the line of balance
  3. Have someone run a piece of paper under the skis. You need to stand straight, distributing the weight on 2 legs. A sheet of A4 paper should come out about 20-25 cm ahead of the boot and reach the heel. When transferring weight to one foot, the ski should almost press down on the sheet. If you take a narrower sheet of paper, then it should walk a little under the ski.

There are rougher ways to select skis by weight if the store does not allow a paper test. Such methods are only suitable for the cheapest ones, which do not have weight markings.

Please note that the strength of the brush is different for each person and this selection method cannot be used as the main one.

The first way - squeezing with one hand:

  1. Find a point of balance
  2. 5 cm below the balance point, squeeze a pair of skis with one hand. There should be a gap of about 1 mm

Another way our fathers and grandfathers checked the stiffness of skis:

  1. Find a point of balance
  2. Squeeze a pair of skis with 2 hands below the balance point. Thus, you need to find a pair that you barely squeeze, if squeezed too lightly, then they are soft. If you can't squeeze it, then it's hard.

Last and the easiest selection method if you don't want to bother at all. When the weight of the skier is above the norm, it is better to take the upper limit of the length, that is, the height of the skier is + 25-30 cm. When the weight is normal, the average value is selected (height + 20-25 cm), the weight is below the norm - height + 20 cm) . Also, for overweight people, we recommend paying attention to the combined ones and picking them up according to the height according to the classic scheme. They differ from the classic ones only in increased rigidity.

How to choose skis for skating?

By height

For skating, they are selected according to their height as follows: skier height + 10-15 cm. Short skis are more maneuverable and easier to manage. Therefore, it is better for beginners to take shorter lengths, if body weight allows. For experienced skiers, we recommend longer skis (closer to +15 cm).

By weight

On some models, as in the case of classic ones, it is indicated skier weight range for a specific couple. If there are no such markings, then you can use the same methods as in the selection of classic ones, except for squeezing with 1 hand. But there are a few features:

  1. On a paper test, when transferring the mass of the skier to one leg, the paper should move freely under the ski in the binding area
  2. When squeezing with 2 hands, there should be a gap of about 2mm

Many specialized stores have special devices for measuring the stiffness of cross-country skis.

How to choose combination skis?

Combi are selected as a cross between a skate and a classic: skier height + 15-20 cm. As we wrote above, combi skis are classic skis with increased rigidity. Therefore, the selection of combined skis is identical to the selection of classic ones with a slight bias in skating. The selection methods have been described in detail above.

How to choose skis by stiffness: video instruction from Fischer

Many specialized shops have devices for measuring the stiffness of cross-country skis. In the video, the selection of skis is made on a special stand, but on a flat floor with a piece of paper, you can conduct a similar test.

It is not easy to choose skis that would be completely suitable for a person. Especially for someone who has never experienced this before. After all, there are many factors that affect the choice of skis, for example, the weight and height of the athlete, the style of skiing, the area where they are planned to be used. This article was created to acquaint readers with the main nuances in the selection of skis according to anthropometric data and to help with their selection and purchase.

In fact, skis can be divided into sports (racing) and recreational.

Sports skis are used by athletes to participate in competitions or training in cross-country skiing, biathlon, ski orienteering and similar disciplines. This species is characterized by low weight and special dynamic characteristics. The sliding surface of racing skis provides the best glide in various weather conditions.

This type, in turn, is divided into skis for skating and for classic. The differences between these subtypes are so significant that each of them can only be used for riding in this style.

Sports skis can be used for skiing on specially prepared tracks. They are absolutely not suitable for skiing on loose snow. Among Madshus racing skis, the following can be distinguished: Nanosonic - expensive skis used by professional athletes and Hypersonic - less expensive skis for amateur racers.

Pleasure skis are designed primarily for outdoor enthusiasts. This species is the most in demand, and therefore they are relatively inexpensive and versatile for most weather conditions. They are designed for skiing on prepared tracks, as well as for loose snow and unprepared skiing. They are slightly wider and heavier than racing ones, but more stable and perfect for a beginner skier.

As a special category, skis of the series should be attributed. They are designed for those people who do not intend to play sports professionally, but want to keep fit through various ski exercises. They are made from high quality materials, and therefore their price is close to the price of racing skis.

Touring skis (Cruising and Touring series) are designed for those people who like hiking in conditions where there are no prepared tracks, or even amateur skiing. They are wide enough, and therefore they can move on untouched virgin soil. Their cost is quite high, because they are made of durable materials and pass many strength tests. After all, the success of the campaign, and sometimes the life of a person, depends on their quality.

Among children's and teenage skis, you can find both elite ones, close in quality to racing ones, and cheap walking skis for those who go skiing for the first time.
When choosing skis, be especially careful, because comfort and pleasure from your skiing depend on their choice.

The choice of skis according to weight and height.

The length parameters of the skis should correspond to your height, and their stiffness to your weight.
For skating and classic style skis, there are different selection conditions. In skating style, skis should be 10-15 cm longer than the athlete's height. In the classic style - 20-25 cm. Walking skis should be chosen 15-25 cm longer than their height. When choosing walking skis, people with a large weight are advised to adhere to the upper limit (20-25 cm) of the range, with a small one - the lower one (15-20 cm).

Also, do not forget that short skis are better in control, but worse in sliding. A short ski will have increased slip resistance. Long skis can be chosen by skiers who have some skiing experience. Long skis are good because they glide better.

A short ski will not be able to flex under your weight and will create increased slip resistance.

If you want to ski both in that and in that style, using one pair of skis, stop your attention on the combined models. If there are none, then it is best to purchase short classic skis. The design of skating skis does not allow you to move in a classic style, but on short classic skis you can skate in a skating style.

Selection of skis in accordance with the weight of the athlete.

The stiffness of skis is determined using a special stiffness meter on a flat surface or on a special board. People with experience with skis can determine the stiffness by squeezing the skis with their hands.

Selection with the help of a flex tester.

Flex tester - a device that allows you to choose the stiffness of skis in accordance with the weight of the skier. The sellers of specialized stores should help you choose skis using this device.
Selection procedure:
First of all, you need to take a pair of skis, fix them in a clamp and reproduce an effort equal to half your weight, taking into account clothes, focusing on the dynamometer readings. Between the skis there should be a gap of one or two centimeters in height and about fifty centimeters in length. If the resulting gap is smaller, then you should choose another pair of skis, more rigid. With an increase in the compression force to a value equal to the weight of the athlete, the gap should decrease in length by ten to fifteen centimeters for racing skis, or completely disappear for pleasure skis. If the clearance is too large, softer skis should be selected.

Selection of racing skis.

Classic skis.

When choosing classic-style skis, you need to be very careful, because the comfort of your skiing depends on the correct choice. When choosing such skis, the weather conditions under which you are going to use the skis, your weight and the strength of your foot push should be taken into account.

For cold weather, softer and more elastic skis are usually chosen, and in positive temperatures, on the contrary, they are more rigid. This is due to the fact that in cold weather it is not necessary to apply many layers of ointments, but in warm weather it is necessary, and the deflection of the ski should compensate for the difference in the thickness of the lubricant layer.

Well-trained athletes with high point strength are advised to choose stiffer skis. On such skis, an athlete can do a long rental. For insufficiently trained people, it is better to choose softer skis. On such skis, the ointment will hold more securely, and it will also be easier to maintain balance during rentals.

The choice of classic skis is to determine their stiffness and determine the area for applying holding ointments.

Having picked up the skis that are suitable for you in terms of stiffness, you need to find the center of gravity of each and mark it with a marker. Then, putting the skis on a flat surface, you need to stand on them so that the toes of the shoes are on the line of the center of gravity. Having distributed the weight of the body evenly, ask the assistant to pass a thin sheet or probe 0.2 mm thick under the ski. If the skis are chosen correctly in terms of stiffness, then the sheet should move freely under the skis for twenty-five to forty centimeters towards the toe, and in the opposite direction - to the end of the boot. If the probe moves forward a shorter distance, then stiffer skis should be selected. If the probe moves back three to five centimeters beyond the end of the boot, then softer skis should be selected.

With the body weight transferred to one of the skis, the probe or sheet of paper should move freely ten to fifteen centimeters forward from the center of gravity, and back - half the length of the foot. By transferring body weight to the toe, the probe or paper should be firmly clamped between the floor and the ski. If the skis meet the above requirements, then they are suitable for you in terms of stiffness.

Marking for applying ointments.

Find the center of gravity of each ski. Then, make marks with a blue marker (on both skis) where the marker stopped moving when moving forward. After that, do a similar operation with a probe 0.8 mm thick. These lines will be the front boundaries of the holding zones. The blue mark is for solid ointments, the red one is for liquid ones.

Skating skis.

When choosing this type of ski, you do not need such care as when choosing classic style skis. Here, more attention should be paid to the personal preferences of the athlete. In general, skating skis should be stiffer than classic ones, but they need to keep better balance when rolling. Therefore, for skating-style walks or light training, it is better to choose softer skis. When checking the stiffness of skating skis, you need to use the thinnest probes.

Criteria for the selection of skating skis.

When distributing the weight of the skier on both feet, the probe should move forward from the center of gravity forty centimeters, and ten centimeters back from the heel of the boot. When transferring weight to one of the skis, the gap should decrease by no more than ten centimeters towards the tip of the ski. The gap should not end under the heel of the boot. When repulsed, there should be a gap equal to thirty to forty centimeters.
When choosing skate skis for competitions, it is important to take into account the weather conditions. Soft skis are better for soft snow, harder skis for hard slopes.

Walking skis.

When choosing touring skis, you should follow the same recommendations as when choosing skis for a classic style. It should be noted that it will not be easy for people with a lot of weight to choose walking skis that would meet all the necessary requirements. Since walking skis are inexpensive and do not have the same stiffness as racing ones. Therefore, people with a large weight are advised to choose the most rigid skis available. It is necessary to take into account the fact that when transferring body weight to one silt of skis, at least a small gap must remain under the ski. If you can't find skis that are stiff enough, try skis that are slightly longer. Among long skis, it is easier to find stiffer ones.

How to choose the right skis for a beginner, what types of skis are available, and what to look for - a guide to the main winter sports purchase from Soviet Sport Life & Style.

What skis are

Skiing is varied. Before buying, you need to understand exactly how and where you are going to ride: in the nearest park with children, in the mountains or on special race tracks. Depending on this, you should choose the type of skis.

Race or competition skis. They are divided into skis for skating and for classic skiing. The first ones are more rigid and shorter (the maximum length rarely reaches 190 cm), which allows the athlete to push off and spring along the rolled snow flooring without a ski track. The second ones are longer (often over 200 cm), softer, with pointed toes. The average width of racing skis is 44-48 mm.

Skis for tourism (Back Country). Wide (average width 75 mm) and long (up to 200 cm). These parameters help to overcome impassability, crust and not “fall through” into the snow.

Skiing. Designed for various types of skiing in the mountains. As a rule, they are shorter (less than 170 cm in length) and wider than cross-country skis.

Walking skis. Cross-country skiing for recreation and fitness. They can be used in parks and on special tracks. They are suitable for both classic and (slightly less) skating, so this type of ski is also called combined. In sports shops, this type is usually the most common. Can be wider than racing skis (over 48 mm): it is believed that the wider the skis, the easier it is to stand on them.

Summary: Pleasure skis are best suited for a beginner who is going to ride in city parks or suburban forests.

Which skis to choose: with a notch or without

If you are going to ski in a classic way, you should choose skis with a notch on the sliding surface. The notch “holds” the skis, helps them not to slip back. Such skis do not need to be lubricated with ointments. But they have disadvantages: notches (often made of plastic) do not allow to develop high speed and can slip on icy surfaces and on a hard track.

Smooth skis without notches will require special lubrication. Lubrication improves gliding properties, allows you to gain maximum speed or reduces kickback and slipping back. Holding ointments are applied under the ski block - from the heel of the boot to 10-25 centimeters up from the mount on the sliding side. Glide ointments - along the entire length of the ski. Lubrication must be removed and changed depending on the temperature outside, soft or hard snow

Summary: it is better for a beginner to purchase skis with notches. They are versatile and easy to use. To ride such skis, you do not need to learn the technique of lubrication.

Which skis to choose according to stiffness

For normal skiing in a classic style on a ski track, soft and medium (soft-medium) degrees of hardness are used. If you stand on such skis, they should almost completely touch the floor under the block (boot and mount) - the allowable gap will be about 0.5 mm. When transferring body weight to one leg, a small (0.2-0.3 mm) gap should also remain. You can check this if you put a regular sheet of paper under the sliding surface of the skis - the sheet should move under your foot.

Hard skis are used for skating: the gap between the floor and the block when you are on skis should be 1-2 mm (sometimes more).

Summary: choose skis of medium hardness - with a gap of about 0.5-0.7 mm between the surface and the block. If you find it difficult to independently determine the stiffness of skis, contact the seller. The shops have special equipment for determining the stiffness of skis - the so-called. flex testers.

How to choose skis by height

The “average” rule for choosing skis by height: if you are going to ski in a classic style, the length of the skis should be your height + 25-30 cm. If you are looking for skis for skating, add 10-15 cm to your height. For skating, add to a height of 10-15 cm. If the skis chosen along the length turn out to be too “soft” (completely, without a gap, they will lie on the floor when you stand on them) - take a longer pair.

For detailed instructions on how to choose skis by length - with growth tables, see our website.

Articles | How to choose skis and poles for height

How to choose ski boots

The selection criteria are about the same as when buying skis. Boots for skating are more rigid: their soles practically do not bend, the boot holds the ankle well.

For a “classic move”, such a boot will not be very comfortable. If you are going to ride in this style, choose boots with soft soles, lower. Their flexibility will allow you to push off without discomfort. If you are going to alternate riding styles, look for combination boots with medium hard soles.

You need to try on ski boots with the sock in which you are going to ski. Otherwise, you can buy shoes that are tight. Socks for skiing should have a function of moisture removal: such socks will save you from chafing and blisters on your feet.