The delay in menstruation increases. Reasons for delayed menstruation

Violation of the menstrual cycle, in particular the delay in menstruation, is expressed in the absence of recurrent bleeding for more than 35 days. This may be due, at best, to the presence of pregnancy or the onset of premenopause, as physiological factors. Otherwise, such a violation is associated with organic or functional disorders.

The non-appearance of monthly discharge can worry women at any age - both during the period of menstrual function, and in the reproductive period and during premenopause. Any sane girl and woman with a delay in menstruation for more than five days should be alert and make an appointment with a gynecologist.

Menstrual cycle

The female body is designed in such a way that cyclic processes take place in it. They are associated with the reproductive function of women. The cycle ends with the physiological release of epithelial tissue with blood - bleeding. This confirms the fact that the insemination of the egg did not happen, i.e. pregnancy did not occur. It is also proof of the proper functioning of the body.

Menstrual flow in girls begins at the age of 11-15 years. They are quite irregular and a delay in such a period should not be alarming. The final cycle will be established after 1-1.5 years. The onset of physiological maturation (presence of menstruation) up to 11 years and later than 17 years is a deviation. If menstruation has not come at a later age, you should definitely consult a doctor. The reason may be a delay in physiological maturation, interruptions in the functions of the pituitary or ovaries, uterine hypoplasia, and many other reasons.

With a fully established cycle, menstruation comes after a certain number of days. The duration of the cycle is 21-35 days, the average for most women is 28 days. Menstrual bleeding lasts three to seven days. Menstruation stops after 40-45 years, and menopause begins.

If menstruation is irregular, their duration fluctuates, often menstruation is delayed, then they are scarce, then plentiful - deviations from the norm of physiology occur in the body.

To control the monthly cycles, each representative of the weaker sex needs to have a special calendar in which she will mark the beginning and end of menstruation. This will be operational control over the cycles.

Delayed menstruation - pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most common reason for missed periods. It is also accompanied by a change in taste sensations and preferences, a change in olfactory sensitivity, a change in a woman's appetite, bouts of nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning, lethargy, pain in the mammary glands.

In this case, you can simply find out the reason for the delay in menstruation using a special test to determine pregnancy. The principle of operation of the tests is based on determining the presence of human chorionic gonadotropic hormone in the urine. Its synthesis begins 7 days after the fertilization of the egg by the sperm. Tests can determine the presence of a hormone in the urine only 2 weeks after conception, when its concentration rises.

Often, the reason for the delay in menstruation, in addition to pregnancy, is associated with the presence of negative currents in the body.

Other reasons

The delay in menstruation due to adaptive, unsteady periods for the body, as a rule, is no more than seven days. But in the case when these periods are limiting and with a simultaneous exacerbation of health from a different system of the body, organic disorders may occur. Violations lead to a delay in menstruation as a manifestation of pathology. All causes of delayed menstruation are conventionally divided by gynecologists into two main groups - physiological causes and pathological ones.

Physiological causes that can lead to a delay in menstruation:

  • strong emotions, physical stress (stress, high workloads in studies, work and sports). The reason is that stress leads to disruption of the hypothalamus, which regulates the activity of the ovaries and uterus. Thus, in particularly sensitive women, menstruation may be delayed or completely disappear due to problems in their personal lives, difficulties at work, during the exam and various life situations;
  • lifestyle changes (job change, climate change);
  • malnutrition and adherence to strict dietary requirements, as well as sudden weight gain. This is due to a deficiency of estrogen and progesterone. It is subcutaneous fat that produces a small part of these hormones. Similar effects are caused by rapid weight gain. A large amount of fat is formed, as a result of which the amount of estrogen in the body increases dramatically, which leads to a failure in the cycle. Restriction of the body in food is a huge stress for him. A woman cuts her daily diet, and this causes a double blow to the body. It can become the basis for a delay in menstruation and the loss of the ability to conceive a child. Under certain circumstances, there are delays in menstruation in teenage girls. One factor is being underweight. In gynecology, there is the concept of critical menstrual mass. This is the weight limit that must be so that menstruation does not disappear. If the girl has reached puberty, but weighs less than 45 kg, menstruation may not begin;
  • hormonal changes in the body (puberty, menopause);
  • stopping the use of contraceptives;
  • use of emergency contraception. Even a single dose of such a contraceptive can bring down the menstrual cycle for a long time;
  • postpartum period (up to a year after childbirth). The level of the hormone responsible for the production of breast milk during this period is quite high and therefore, usually menstruation may be absent. This is the case if breastfeeding predominates. In non-nursing mothers, the cycle is restored a few months after childbirth;
  • colds (flu, SARS), chronic disorders (gastritis, thyroid dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, and others);
  • taking hormonal drugs. This can lead to ovarian hyperinhibition, and menstruation does not occur at the time. After changing the drug or completely completing the course of treatment, the cycle usually recovers on its own. If you stop taking the pills, and your period has not come after a couple of months, contact a specialist;
  • taking antidepressants, diuretics, antiulcers.

Often, cycle disorders occur due to an imbalance in metabolism, as well as due to a deficiency of vitamins and beneficial trace elements. The absence of menstruation provokes intoxication due to alcohol or chemical poisoning.

The delay in menstruation for more than 7 days as a result of physiological reasons is a reason to visit a gynecologist.

To pathological reasons delays are mainly diseases of the genital area:

  • inflammatory and tumor diseases of the genital organs (adnexitis, oophoritis, uterine fibroids). Additional symptoms are specific discharge and pain in the lower abdomen. Emergency treatment is required, otherwise complications will follow, leading in some cases to infertility;
  • polycystic ovaries and accompanying hormonal disorders. It is characterized by constant delays in the onset of menstruation. The body weight of a woman increases, problems with the skin and hair appear. Due to the production of an excess amount of male hormones (androgens), ovulation does not occur, and this can lead to infertility. Causes - violations of the endocrine glands - ovaries, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, pituitary gland and thyroid gland;
  • corpus luteum cyst. During ovulation, the corpus luteum appears, but before the onset of menstruation, hormonal failure occurs and a corpus luteum cyst forms. Due to the strong stress of the body, the corpus luteum "works" further - pregnancy does not occur;
  • abortion. As a result of scraping, mechanical injuries are applied or too many tissues have been removed, this also leads to a delay in menstruation;
  • frozen or ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage in the early stages. Urgent surgical intervention is needed;
  • incorrect installation of the gynecological spiral;
  • sudden weight gain or loss. With anorexia, a delay in menstruation can lead to their complete cessation.

Therefore, no matter what caused the delay in menstruation, every girl and woman should take this situation seriously. A visit to a gynecologist is a must.


When contacting a gynecologist with a delay in menstruation, in addition to the mandatory gynecological examination, be prepared for additional procedures:

  • measurement of basal temperature. Necessary for evidence of the presence or absence of ovulation;
  • determination in the blood of the level of chorionic gonadotropic hormone (hCG), as well as hormones of the ovaries, pituitary gland and other glands;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. For diagnosing pregnancy, tumor changes in the organs of the reproductive system;
  • CT and MRI of the brain - diagnosis of tumors of the pituitary gland and ovaries.

After the final diagnosis is made, the gynecologist appoints additional consultations of other specialists - an endocrinologist, a psychotherapist, a therapist.

Summarizing all the causes and consequences of a delay in menstruation, we can conclude that a very dangerous symptom for the health of the female body. It is a special signal for action, which should be relied upon when making a diagnosis and further treatment, and should not be left unattended.

Both banal stress and the joy of motherhood can cause a delay in menstruation. But do not forget that the most serious diseases have the same symptom. Therefore, you should not put off visiting a doctor indefinitely, so as not to aggravate the processes that have already begun.

Parents of girls need to prepare the younger generation for the onset of menstruation so that they do not find themselves in an awkward and incomprehensible situation for them. It is important to correctly explain the structure of the body to the girl and tell about the physiological processes occurring in it. At the same time, tell her about the need to report a delay in menstruation.

The menstrual cycle is one of the most delicate and sensitive mechanisms in the female body. It is on how the menstrual cycle proceeds that the ability of a woman to bear children depends. Many factors can lead to menstrual irregularities, such as stress, chronic and acute diseases, pathology of the reproductive system, and much more. Of no small importance for the menstrual cycle is the body weight of a woman. As a rule, both insufficient and overweight are accompanied by a violation of the menstrual cycle. It is known that in economically developed countries more than 25% of the population suffers from obesity (overweight). The World Health Organization has noted a tendency to increase body weight with each subsequent year.

Overweight or obesity

Obesity is nothing more than an excess of adipose tissue in the body. Overweight is defined as excess body weight by more than 15% of normal. The factors that lead to overweight include: genetic predisposition, lifestyle characteristics (overeating or physical inactivity), various hormonal disorders (including diabetes), environmental conditions. Obesity (overweight) increases the risk of various diseases (hypertension, diabetes , pathology of the cardiovascular system, etc.). In addition, excess weight not only causes menstrual dysfunction, but also causes anovulation (lack of ovulation), and, as a result, infertility.

Irregular menstruation due to overweight

Body weight plays a big role in the formation of menstrual function. It is known that adipose tissue is involved in the regulation of the menstrual cycle, since it also synthesizes female sex hormones - estrogens. Being overweight in teenage girls may lead to earlier puberty , in particular, to the early onset of menstruation.

An increased amount of adipose tissue (more than 15-20%) causes disturbances in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system. Obesity can be a factor in the occurrence of polycystic ovary syndrome. This syndrome is characterized by irregular menstruation, endocrine infertility, excessive hair growth, alopecia (hair loss on the head), seborrhea, and acne. Polycystic ovary syndrome, which occurs with obesity, is associated with the conversion of excess amounts of estrogens produced in adipose tissue into androgens (male sex hormones).

In the presence of overweight, menstrual irregularities, such as oligomenorrhea, are much (about five to six times) more common. (rare menstruation) and amenorrhea (absence of menstruation). In turn, this leads to the development of secondary and primary infertility. But with obesity, not only delays or absence of menstruation are possible, but also uterine bleeding, as a result of hyperestrogenemia. Often, with excess body weight, proliferative conditions of the endometrium (hyperplasia and precancer of the endometrium) are observed. These processes increase the risk of endometrial, ovarian, and breast cancer.

In turn, various violations of the menstrual cycle with excess weight also affect the course of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. During pregnancy, the percentage of gestosis increases, cardiac activity is disturbed, and blood clotting increases.

Girls, here's the question.
I had some kind of malfunction in my body. Literally in 4 days, the weight of 4 kg was added. Back in July. This weight gain was accompanied by trash. There were no periods for two months, her face was covered with some kind of ulcers. Never had acne before.

The lifestyle has not changed. I have always limited myself in food. In terms of fast food, fatty, fried, flour, and food at night. So. I have been on a diet since the end of August. I drank two liters of water a day. Did protein days. In general, she excluded sweets and flour, fried, three times a week she began to practice at home.

Everything is useless, the weight is worth it. Before, I would have lost 6 kilograms for sure.
The most interesting thing is that the parameters (og, from, about, oh, he) have not changed at all. The clothes were all what they were - just, even tight-fitting. But on the outside, I'm like poured all over, like jelly. The swelling has gone. There were some bumps like cellulite. Everywhere! Even on the hands and ankles. I'm so uncomfortable, I'm like a balloon puffed up all inside. Went to the endocrinologist, handed over anlizy for hormones, they are normal. Sugar is normal. Only I have VSD.

Maybe I need to cleanse the body somehow, remove excess fluid, toxins, salts, what else is removed there? Advise me what to do. I wanted to drink Polysorb for two weeks, and at that time go on a strict, strict diet. A friend advises a diuretic to drink. Have you had any body cleansing experience? What did you take? If you go to a doctor, which one?
Or diet? I have never had problems with my kidneys, the last time I checked them was in June, by the way. Did an ultrasound.

I am 24 years old. Height 164. And weight 58 kg, it was 54. And these 4 kg do not let me live. How to lose weight, tell me!

Maybe problems with the lymphatic system? You yourself write that all swollen. If everything is normal with the kidneys, then maybe something gave lymph stagnation? And do an MRI of the brain, maybe a pituitary cyst.

Are you not pregnant? I had one to one during pregnancy, which is interesting, then the menstruation went once, and that's it, the fetus just moved.

According to your description, it looks like swelling! It can be related to both the kidneys and the heart. Go to a cardiologist, nephrologist, do not self-medicate!

Here the problem is definitely in health, and not in being overweight, go to a gastroenterologist. And you really only weight gain soars against all this background? And the fact that menstruation, swelling, acne disappeared? No, it doesn't float?

It looks like swelling from the description, I had this, they put me on droppers and it went away, but I have problems with my kidneys.

Bumps from water retention in the body. If you drink a diuretic, then not hard, veroshpiron, for example. But this will not eliminate the cause, the water will simply go away, most likely temporarily. I don’t know which hormones you took, you need to find out how much prolactin and estradiol.

Go to a therapist and ask which doctor you can go to. Maybe she will guide you. Really the endocrinologist has not advised to go to whom it is still possible? Without the advice of a doctor, it is better not to diuretic, you can get even more harm.

Seriously? Only kg? What about all the other factors? Run to the doctor! It all sounds like a hormonal imbalance to you.

There was a case - once I decided to go on a diet to simply lose weight from a legon so as not to bother. I chose the stupid kefir option, firstly, it’s not difficult, and secondly, it’s convenient at work, on the way I went to the store in the morning, took a litre of fat-free, and you turn it off during the day as you feel the urge. Well, within 2 weeks it took about three kilos, not so much, but I found that the cellulite on the buttocks disappeared (and by that time I had already come to terms with it), and the complexion improved. Here, I think, to repeat this case.

Thyroid problems, on the contrary, are accompanied by weight loss. So it's not about endocrinology. Be sure to explore.

Make an MRI of the head, they correctly wrote above that there may be a pituitary cyst. In my opinion, hormonal failure on the face, maybe go to another endocrinologist?

Descend or go to the endocrinologist and the gynecologist, for a start. For 4 days +4 kg is not fat, it does not appear so quickly. And you obviously should not worry about how to lose weight now.

The body retains water, there are two reasons: either the kidneys can not cope, or the heart, since the kidneys are normal, then the heart. Go see a cardiologist.

There is a rash, no periods. Maybe with the pituitary gland, but she says that she has already visited the endocrinologist, and everything is fine. Then a cardiologist, this heart can be.

Now you are only fooling her brains with your comments. The author will stop doing garbage, eat as you eat and move more.

Well, a dermatologist will prescribe her all sorts of garbage on her face to smear. And it won't solve the problem. No, here 100% you need an MRI. And a complete analysis of hormones, since such a failure in the body. And here, basically, an examination is advised, which has not harmed anyone yet.

I had the same crash. The pregnancy tests were negative. Until I went to the ultrasound. This blond "failure" is a year and a half already.
To you to the endocrinologist on a hypothyroidism to be checked up. There, weight is gained with it and swelling. Brain MRI check. Ultrasound of the heart and again ultrasound of the kidneys and adrenal glands. Tests for TSH hormones, prolactin are required.

There is no VVD disease, look for the cause, a complete analysis for hormones (not only thyroid glands) and an examination of the body, preferably an MRI. Such a rapid weight gain is not just.

Didn't have a period for 2 months? I would have already beaten off all the thresholds of polyclinics! You have a hormonal imbalance! Go to a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Damn ... Until I read that these 4 kg do not let me live .... 58 kg. The author, well, don’t be ridiculous, by God, you are getting old, congratulations - all the problems and problems are all made up. Kapets sho will be with you in menopause then - weight jumps, hot flashes, panic attacks, dizziness. Women cope with this, and here 4 kg. Well, amenorrhea, because you need to eat, and not suffer from garbage. Protein diet, no fluid restrictions. And protein does not mean eliminating carbohydrates, otherwise, judging by your character, you are capable of it.

These are edema. First, check your kidneys. Secondly - to the gynecologist, maybe cysts or something else in a feminine way, which leads to a delay.

Excuse me, and there were no hints that you were pregnant? I'm just always surprised by things like this.

Yes, it was just a moral feeling, all other signs were like the author’s, except for the absence of menstruation. But there were periods, and the tests were negative, then only hcg and ultrasound did, it was 6 weeks.

This is only one side of the coin. Not always, oh, how not always, thyroid problems are accompanied by weight loss. And what the girl described is very similar to hypothyroidism.

It's funny that the delay of menstruation for 2 months does not bother the author at all, but +4 kg is yes, panic. What it has come to, that I can’t lose weight worries a person much more than objective health jambs.

Delayed menstruation is one of the most common complaints at gynecological appointments. Although a missed period is an obvious symptom of pregnancy, the absence of a period can be associated with other conditions. In this article, we list the most common causes of missed periods.


If you are sexually active and have had sexual intercourse this month, then a delay of 3 days or more may indicate that you are pregnant.

If a pregnancy test is negative with a delay in menstruation, then other reasons listed below are possible.

Stress and physical fatigue

Problems at work, conflicts with loved ones, exams or the defense of a thesis - any stressful situation can lead to a failure of the menstrual cycle and a delay in menstruation for a week or more.

Another possible reason for the delay is overwork, which can sometimes be combined with stress. An active lifestyle is certainly good for our body, however, if a woman overdoes physical activity and overworks, this can affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle. Excessive physical activity (especially when combined with a strict diet) disrupts the production of the hormone estrogen, which can lead to menstrual irregularities and delayed periods.

If your body mass index is below 18, or exceeds 25, then the delay in menstruation may be due to weight.

Normalization of weight usually leads to the restoration of a regular menstrual cycle.

Change of residence and time zones, travel

The habitual rhythm of life, or the so-called biological clock, is important for the normal regulation of the menstrual cycle. And if you changed day and night (for example, flew to another country, or began to work at night), the biological clock may go astray, which will lead to a delay in menstruation.

If the reason for the delay lies in a change in the rhythm of life, then the normal menstrual cycle usually recovers on its own within a few months.

Teenage years

Colds and other inflammatory diseases

Any disease can negatively affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle and lead to a delay. Think about whether you had a cold, exacerbation of chronic diseases or other health problems in the past month. If the reason for the delay lies in this, then the menstrual cycle will recover on its own within a few months.


Some medications can interfere with your menstrual cycle, causing your period to be delayed.

Birth control pills are the most common cause of missed periods due to medication. If you are taking oral contraceptives (for example, etc.), then the absence of menstruation between packs or on inactive tablets may be normal. However, in case of a delay while taking OK, gynecologists recommend doing it to make sure that the delay is not related to pregnancy.

If the cause of the delay is polycystic ovary syndrome, then the gynecologist may recommend taking birth control pills in order to regulate the menstrual cycle.

Thyroid dysfunction

Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism. An excess of these hormones, or vice versa, their lack, can affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle and cause a delay in menstruation.

With an increased level of thyroid hormones, the following symptoms can be observed: weight loss, palpitations, excessive sweating, insomnia, emotional instability, etc. With a deficiency of thyroid hormones, weight gain, swelling, hair loss, and drowsiness are observed.

If you suspect that you have a thyroid problem, see an endocrinologist.