Prohibited mental test to pass. The Most Accurate Mental State Test: What Do You See? Mental State Test

Test for the psyche - choose one of the 4 figures and find out the property of your character. The self-confidence test also offers 4 figures of the psyche, each determines the side of the character. The psychogeometry of the nature of this mental test will show the advantages and disadvantages of the character, you just have to choose one of the 4 geometric shapes in the picture.

Test for the properties of the psyche

Test for the properties of the psyche - this is the definition of character traits, personality or cognitive processes of a person.

Character, as something acquired in the process of education by society, according to the principle of similarity, correlates with the geometric figures of the surrounding world. .

The human psyche is more changeable than its character. Therefore, this is a test for character traits.

“Weaker and simpler people are best judged by their characters, while smarter and more secretive ones are judged by their goals.” Francis Bacon.

Geometry as a science allows you to measure not only the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba figure, but also the properties of a person’s character.

Choose from 4 figures the one that suits you best.

Psychogeometry of character: a test for the psyche

Let me introduce you a psychogeometric test of 4 figures that will help you to know your character even better and more accurately .

Character is destiny, change your character and your destiny will change. To change something, you first need to know it better. The Psychologist of Happiness.

Choose from the 4 shapes in the picture above the one that suits you best, that looks at you and attracts your attention.

Poll: which of the 4 figures of psycho-geometry of the nature of the psyche was chosen?

5 figure tor alive and out of the mental test - focus for one minute!

Rectangular mentality test

In most cases, this figure is chosen by women who are dissatisfied with themselves and their lives during this period. They very much desire change for the better and do everything possible for this.

Advantages of a rectangle shape:

If you chose a rectangle out of all the figures, this indicates that you are a prudent person. You are unlikely to be seduced by a story about a suitcase of dollars buried somewhere or a set of self-sharpening knives that a stubborn peddler is trying to foist.

You are hardworking, and going to work does not give you much torment. And given that you take your duties very seriously and can easily answer the question: ‘What did Tolstoy write: a book, a picture, or an obscene word on the fence?’, management considers you an exceptionally valuable and erudite employee.

Disadvantages of a rectangle shape:

Well, in all honesty, I have to admit that you are a rare bore and with your pedantry, pettiness and lack of a sense of humor can bring others to nervous hiccups and trembling limbs.

Well, if you start talking about something intellectual, your interlocutor will very soon want to quickly and painfully strangle you, just to end the boring conversation.

Test for the psyche of a triangular character

The triangle is the leader, which is similar to the energizer rabbit. It is always active regardless of the season, day or night, the vagaries of the weather, etc. These are quite ambitious, ambitious and even prudent people. They always know what they want from life. In addition, they know how to convince others that they are right.

Advantages of the triangle shape:

You are a born leader. If you need to organize some kind of process, whether it be digging up potatoes in a summer cottage or launching a ballistic missile, you will handle it brilliantly. Your inexhaustible energy would be enough to replace the Bratsk hydroelectric power station, besides, you are able to captivate and force even notorious lazy people and patients who are in a coma to work for the common good.

In general, your talent as a leader is so obvious that if you suddenly come to work as an ordinary janitor, you will immediately be called a senior disinfection manager, put in a commanding chair and given a brigade of cleaners under your command.

Disadvantages of the triangle shape:

Generally speaking, people don't like being forced to organize them. And therefore, all your attempts to get colleagues to publish their own wall newspaper or sign up for macrame courses bring others to an extreme degree of irritation.

You are persistently considered a brazen upstart and arrogant. In addition, you are completely unable to admit your own mistake and apologize to the person. This also does not add to your popularity in the team.

Test for the psyche of a round character

A woman whose favorite figure is a circle is very friendly and always ready to help. She, like no one else, knows how to sympathize, worry, put herself in the place of other people and feel their emotions. Therefore, there will be such people only if not only everything is fine with them, but with relatives and close friends.

Advantages of the circle shape:

You are a master at resolving all sorts of conflicts. As soon as someone's face begins to harmonize in color with freshly boiled beets, and the voice resembles a locomotive whistle, you are right there.

Oddly enough, you instantly manage to calm the brawler and win his sincere favor. You always perceive someone else's misfortune as your own, you cannot sit still when an old woman enters a crowded bus, and weep over the sad fate of children in Somalia.

Disadvantages of the circle shape:

Firstly, because of the abundance of old women, you constantly stand in buses, and this causes calluses. You should at least sometimes think about yourself, otherwise your fragile shoulder will be completely smeared with snot, which are let out by friends thirsting for sympathy.

In addition, you are completely incapable and can stand at the store counter for half an hour, trying to cope with an insoluble task: what to choose for dinner - sausages or meatballs. Yours really gets on the nerves of your friends and family, who often go to bed hungry, without waiting for the coveted dinner.

Test for the psyche of character broken line

The broken line is loved by creative, original and unusual women. They do not like clichés, stereotypes and already solved problems. They do everything in their own way, and using unusual moves. Often, such people are quite charming and attract attention with their originality.

Advantages of the broken line figure:

Your main feature is the ability to think outside the box. not for you, but when it comes to creativity, such as having to fit a wide sofa in a narrow doorway or developing a concept for bringing rattles to the Papua New Guinea market, you have no equal.

In addition, you are very witty, it is interesting to communicate with you. You are always up to date with news from different areas of life.

Disadvantages of the broken line figure:

In no case can you be forced to do something that you are not interested in. And therefore, anyone will take out the garbage can, but not you (if there are no people willing, the garbage can easily stand in the kitchen for a couple of months).

Being late for at least half an hour is normal for you, however, as is the habit of completely forgetting your promises. Because of this, many consider you a careless and irresponsible person, and, I must say, they are doing it right.

Video test for the psyche

I’m sure you didn’t pass this test for the psyche in the format of a funny video, if you even smiled at least once.

Share your observations about the manifestations of the 4 figures-characters of the test for the psyche in life.

Take the test "What is your character" >>>


Galina Ilya Yurievich! Thank you very much for your sessions, in which I was lucky to take part. Thanks to them, I became more confident in many issues and situations that previously caused anxiety and concern. You taught me how to deal with this in a short amount of time. It's a pleasure to deal with a high-level professional!

Anna Ilya Yurievich, it is difficult to find words to express my gratitude to you for your help. I remembered in what state and with what thoughts I met the last year, 2017. I remember those feelings of bitterness, anxiety that did not come out of me under any circumstances. Finally, I left this desire for self-destruction and now I can breathe differently. Thank you!

Tatyana Thank you, Ilya Yurievich, for the advice. Indeed, it allowed me to look at my life situation from a different angle. Thanks again!

Vladimir Thank you very much for your advice! Indeed, I noticed that memories pop up at a time when I was in a bad mood or irritable, but I could not understand that this was a defense mechanism. At his next appearance, I will try to talk about what exactly causes irritation, instead of plunging into memories.

Daria Thank you very much for your help! I am very glad you helped me understand myself and showed me a new way to improve my life!

It is no secret that the mental and mental health of each person is no less important value than physical. However, the fast pace of life for many people is a real psychological test. In order to check the state of your psyche, the level of emotional control, feelings and sensations of the world around us, we have collected a number of effective and informative tests for the psyche. In most of them, we recommend that you quickly answer questions and mark only those associations that visited your mind in the very first seconds after reading a particular statement.

A healthy psyche is not only strong nerves from birth. Do not forget about the daily irritating factors that gradually bring the nerves to the state of tight ropes. Having analyzed the level of internal experiences using the test, you can find ground under your feet and bring the nervous system out of a state of hypersensitivity.

This test will help determine the degree of disorder in your nervous system. What state is the psyche in? Are you able to respond normally to stimuli, make informed decisions? What should I do to stabilize and equalize my reactions? Help in the work on introspection will be the answers given at the end of the test.

Not every one of us is satisfied with ourselves every day. Some reassure themselves that self-esteem is changing for the worse due to mood and various annoying factors. However, psychotherapists around the world have proven that much depends on inner peace. A person who is satisfied with himself will attract good luck to himself and will succeed in everything, will enthusiastically take on any business and work productively. The next test will show your degree of agreement with yourself.

Regular stress at work, domestic quarrels, lack of sleep, traffic jams, poor ecological environment, irregular meals and improper diet - each of these causes has a direct impact on a person's state of mind. Check your mental health will help the questions of our test. For an objective assessment, answer quickly without delving into each question. These should be the first thoughts that come to your mind.

This test was developed by psychologists about half a century ago. Here the direction of your actions in various life situations will be determined. As a result, you will be able to understand whether the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder are present in your behavior and daily habits. To see if your beliefs cross conventional lines, choose the options True and False. The result will show for sure whether your actions are a normal reflection of character or an obsessive-compulsive disorder syndrome.

Surely you have repeatedly thought inside yourself about one of your colleagues, friends, neighbors or relatives that he is a real psycho. However, not everyone thought about the true meaning of this term. Not all psychopaths are serial killers or maniacs serving sentences in strict regime colonies. Almost 3% of the world's population has a tendency to psychopathy. The most remarkable thing is that most of them do not show alarming signs of this deviation for a long time. To check if your friend is a psychopath, the following test will help.

Without a doubt, in order to properly get out of any situation, the first step is to find solutions and act. The next test will not only clearly show what type of psychological support you need. After answering all the questions, you will understand whether you need the help of a psychotherapist in solving personal problems in principle. Before you take a mental test, we recommend that you remember what events have happened to you over the past month, as well as your thoughts, feelings and experiences on various occasions.

The following interesting test will help determine if you have any autistic disabilities. After analyzing your answers, we will tell you if you suffer from Asperger's Syndrome, which is characterized by impaired social development, stereotyped thinking and difficulties in social interaction. Keep in mind that the test is not intended for diagnosis and is recommended for personal use only.

Most people are offended by such a characterization as a person with oddities, while others consider this statement a compliment. In a deep sense, weird people don't do anything wrong. In essence, strange is an amazing, special and extraordinary person who is slightly different from the rest. Since not everyone treats people with oddities favorably, you should look for compromises in dealing with the world. And the next test will tell you in which direction to move.

In Latin, frustration literally means deception or useless waiting. They usually fall into this state if they cannot achieve the desired result due to the prevailing circumstances, or because of bad manners and character. The state of frustration is characterized by increased excitability, anger, aggression, anxiety and despair. As a result, an inferiority complex usually develops, and in order to avoid it, be sure to take an online test.

If you are characterized by sudden mood swings, and you just rejoiced at the bonus from your superiors, and after a couple of minutes you are crying because of misunderstandings with colleagues, we recommend that you take the following free test. The survey will help determine what degree of uncontrollable excitability and negative emotions is characteristic of a particular person when he is subjected to pressure from the environment.

Surely each of us knows that it is possible to judge the emotions, mood and hidden intentions of people not only verbally (by the meaning of sentences) and through paralinguistic tools (by intonation and voice timbre). The real motives of a person can be understood by gestures in conversation, facial expressions and the posture in which he is located. Non-verbal tools easily betray a liar, because it is with the help of words that such people try to hide their true motives and thoughts. The following online test will tell you how well you understand people, based only on their facial expressions and gestures.

The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung, who worked in depth analytical psychology in the early 20th century, developed an interesting theory of archetypes. Today, the whole world uses analysis, and after passing this free test, you can easily determine which behavior model is inherent in you. You will learn which aspects of personality (universal, innate or hereditary) determine your character.

In view of its specific features, the next survey wanted to be banned in many countries. To test the predisposition to schizophrenia, you will have to give the same type of answers to a series of questions. Do not forget that the analysis is preliminary and does not mean an accurate diagnosis from a medical point of view. The prohibited mental test is recommended for persons who have reached the age of majority, who have oddities and emotional swings in behavior.

Following popular belief, it is safe to say that males are strong and courageous defenders, and females are weak, refined, impressionable and gentle natures. However, nature does not always make us like this, and real men and true women are becoming rarer. The following free survey will determine all the properties of your mind and help you figure out what qualities, based on your subconscious, are embedded in the masculinity and femininity of people. You can take the test without registering on the site.

The technique is based on such terms as internality and externality, which will tell about a person's readiness to take responsibility for the events taking place around. The test was developed and tested at the end of the 20th century, and since then, the results have only confirmed its validity. You will be able to accurately determine the degree of your control and self-esteem with various achievements, as well as when a streak of failures appears in life.

Here you have to assess the degree of readiness of a person to commit extreme acts. This technique is able to diagnose not only the willingness to take risks, it can check the level of justification for the desire to take risks. Each question must be given an appropriate score. As a result of the mental test, errors in risky behavior will be revealed, thereby you will achieve success with less effort and energy in the future.

The questionnaire will accurately reveal predisposition to different types of profession. The text of the questions presents alternative judgments that you need to sort based on your personal preferences. Next, your inclinations will be identified according to the classification of the main types of professions, which was compiled by the Soviet psychophysiologist and scientist Yevgeny Klimov. After passing the test, you will freely determine your career guidance.

Online research will reveal the psychopathic characteristics of people who are outside psychiatric hospitals and places of detention. After assessing each item in the survey on a 4-point scale, the person will be assigned to a group of people who are prone to either ruthless attitude towards people around, or impulsiveness, which prompts them to get thrills and extraordinary behavior.

The free questionnaire is designed to assess the ability to act in a way that respects the rights and freedoms of strangers. The test will help determine your ability to avoid actions that could harm someone, while not allowing yourself to be manipulated. To find out the degree of assertiveness, highlight the statements with which you agree. Then compare the circled answers with the score scale to find out your exact personality.

Alexithymia is a psychological term that describes the qualities of an individual in difficult situations. These features may be related to the difficulty of distinguishing one's own emotions and bodily sensations, as well as the feelings of others. Some may focus exclusively on events from the outside, while forgetting about their inner experiences, and also lack the ability for fantasy thinking. After answering the questions, this test for mental disorders will reveal the person's predominant tendencies on the alexithymia scale.

How to detect a mental disorder at an early stage?

Are any alarming symptoms a sign of deviation?

Apathy, disorientation, overexcitation, causeless anxiety, depression, hallucinations in themselves are not always the cause of a serious pathology.

You can take the online mental health test below for free. It will help determine if you have signs of various mental disorders.

It's not hard to get through. The online test allows you to identify signs of disorders such as borderline, paranoia, addiction, narcissism, obsession, schizoid and antisocial personality disorder, as well as anxiety syndrome.

Answering questions "Yes" or "No"

Questions must be answered in the affirmative or negative. The answer "Yes" means that you experience similar states or ideas for a long time, and they repeat.

The impetus for the development of mental disorders is the inability to cope with stress in various life situations. Therefore, the test rather indicates the direction in which measures should be taken to avoid unpleasant symptoms.

You need to look not only at the results. Pay attention to the situation in which you are.

Test: 17 questions that will reveal the truth

Before you take the test, take a pencil and a sheet of paper. During the passage, write the number of the question and the answer.

1. Do you feel like you are being watched, followed by other people?

2. Do you have certain rituals that you use to calm your anxiety?

3. People often tell you that you:

  • Restless.
  • Possessed.
  • Paranoid.
  • Too often you are in your own world.
  • Duplicitous.

4. Do you experience fluctuations in energy and vitality?

5. Are people around you often annoyed by the fact that you are immersed (leaving) in your world?

6. You repeat various activities for a strictly defined number of times (for example, take exactly 4 sips from a drinking fountain, count to 4, say, before starting to do something).

7. Do your palms often sweat, and do you feel fluttering in the pit of your stomach?

8. If someone disappears from your life, do you think that he did it on purpose to annoy you?

9. One of your features:

  • Trying to do everything perfectly.
  • You are distracted too often.
  • Worry about what others say about you.
  • Come into indescribable excitement because of the little things.
  • You are in a depressed state.
  • I don't have any features.

10. Do you have conflicting feelings for others, love today, hate tomorrow?

11. Do you hurt yourself to feel better, calmer?

12. Do you have few friends?

13. Are you afraid of commitment?

14. Do you sometimes feel hyper and drive yourself crazy?

15. Are you quiet and reserved?

16. Do you miss various events because you can’t communicate with anyone, do you think you are being eavesdropped on?

17. Do you have a need to touch things? If you cannot satisfy her, do you become extremely restless?

Results: Mania or Attention Deficit?

If you answered yes to less than two questions on the test, your state of mind is absolutely normal. Depending on which questions you answered yes to, this may indicate the following deviations.

1. About attention deficit says the desire to stay in your world, bouts of absent-mindedness, inability to concentrate, unwillingness to take responsibility.

2. If a person feels either good or bad, feels a feeling of boundless sympathy for people, then inexplicable hostility, gets angry for unknown reasons and worries about what others think, harms himself (for example, hurts himself, scratches), this signs of manic-depressive psychosis.

3. If a person avoids crowded places, it seems to him that he is being followed or eavesdropped, this signs of paranoia.

4. Rituals, attachment to numbers, the need to touch things and often rearrange them, changing the order, testify to obsessive-compulsive syndrome (neurosis).

And yet, just passing the test is not enough! You need to look at the results as a whole. If you are seriously concerned about your condition, which seems unusual to you, it makes sense to consult a specialist.

He will be able to accurately diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment. In a polyclinic or public hospital, this can be done free of charge.

If there is a clinical disorder, it will not go away by itself. In the fight against such ailments, professional support and help is needed.
Author: Maria Ariel

This quick picture test will help determine your state of mind at the moment. Agree that we ourselves do not always understand what is happening in our soul, why the mood has deteriorated and what we really want.

We invite you to learn about your inner psychological state right now!

Carefully consider all the symbols shown in the picture. In each group of symbols (Movement, Calmness, Confidence and Uncertainty), choose the one you like. In the end, you must select 4 characters from each square. Calculate the number of points you got and read the result.

test result

From 8 to 13 points. At the moment, your internal state, your decisions and actions are more dependent on the people around you. You can easily lose heart and find it hard to force yourself to do something you don't like. You are in a stage of some kind of dependence on circumstances, and this is very depressing for you.

From 14 to 20 points. You are looking for your way, although in fact, for the most part, you go with the flow. You are guided by common sense, are able to look at yourself and the world around you without illusions. At the moment, you are difficult to manage, as you clearly adhere to your positions.

From 21 to 27 points. You think that you are right in everything and live correctly, unlike many people around you. Be proud of your achievements. At the moment, there are several people in your life that you give in to. But despite this, you still try to find a compromise between your views and the current situations. You follow your instincts and intuition and that helps you.

From 28 to 34 points. You show great perseverance and even stubbornness. Even if you understand that you are wrong, it is still very difficult for you to give up your position. The more pressure you get, the more you resist.

From 35 to 40 points. It's hard to convince you of something. You are a tough person who, no matter what, goes to the goal. Sometimes you are able to burn bridges without thinking, because you are not afraid to lose, which you later, most often, regret. You lack flexibility and ingenuity.

Did the interpretation of the test match your personal feelings? We are waiting for your comments and do not forget to press the buttons and