“Those who want to“ save the child ”quickly realize that they can only save themselves. Adoption: formal laws and real life What is it

Unfortunately, this is indeed the case. You either read inattentively, or interpret everything in your own way.
Because the bottom topic has gone far down, I will quote from your previous post:

the problems that Lyusya described apply not only to people with disabilities, but to everyone living in Russia, so it is not clear why this is called the problems of raising a disabled person; there only disabled people suffer from rudeness and lack of money? you can't go there and there with wheelchairs, but can you use ordinary wheelchairs? retirees still live with a pension of two thousand; and the society there not only discriminates against the disabled, but all those who are not rich-famous-great; I think it's not me who needs to go to special children, but you need to read more Russian newspapers and go there more often; that's why she asked, since society is such and such, now everyone who lives in Russia to lie down and die?
and in general, I think that the author meant specific aspects of raising the disabled, and not a story about rudeness around and a lack of money. >>

I want to note that I have not written anywhere about LACK of money, and even more rudeness AROUND. I wrote that you need a LOT of money. And rudeness in INSTITUTIONS, and not around. There are just a lot more good and helpful people around. And as a practically healthy person and not being rich-famous-great, I hardly come across rudeness, living in Russia, and unlike you, I do not need to read for this I grew up. newspapers to understand the specifics of life in this country.
But a sick child / adult becomes very vulnerable and dependent on the tyranny of institutions (medical and social).

We must make an appointment with a doctor at the hospital to which we are assigned. You can't get through, none of the mothers I know have been able to. So you have to go through all of Moscow, back and forth for 3 hours on the road. For healthy people, this is not a problem. And for mothers, if she is alone and the child is not walking. This means traveling with the child, carrying it on yourself, or hiring someone. Reception during EU working hours. Here my husband went. He arrived, he was told that the recording was only for May. He says okay, write it down for May. They: “For May, the record is from tomorrow. Come tomorrow ”. All point, the conversation is over. And so it is almost everywhere in institutions.

Doctor: “You have to go to our hospital for rehabilitation every 4 months.” Going to their hospital is to collect a bunch of tests and go through all the doctors up to the dentist. Put the reb in the stroller and go along the snowdrifts and boulders forward. I am silent that we have another 5th floor without an elevator. A blood test from a vein in our clinic - only 5 tubes per week for all. And they will not be admitted to the hospital if they did not sign on some certificate or use other ink. Those. either scandal or bribe. Plus it means I will have to be in the hospital almost all day, cleaning the floors, looking after other children ... I ask: "What is rehabilitation?" He: "Electrophoresis, exercise therapy, magnetic therapy and massage." I told him: "We can do all this on an outpatient basis." ! "
We were in their hospital 1 time. Every day a round and examination of the child. On the third (!) Day of the round, the doctor noticed a scar after the operation and asked "What is this?" I told her what the operation was and what kind. Those. she didn’t even look at the child’s map! And the child is undergoing the procedures she prescribed for the third day!
In the card for rehabilitation for disabilities, we have written the passage of this particular medical institution. And we decided not to go there anymore. And I don’t know what they will tell us at the next medical examination on disability. we shy away from undergoing treatment in an attached institution and undergo rehabilitation abroad, every 4 months (yeah, money again).

This is just a small piece of our life. Yes, and between all this, we must manage to earn money. Would there be such problems if the child was healthy ?! It seems to me - no. 04/09/2009 11:19:57,

02/08/2019 The Ministry of Education will submit a bill to amend the procedure for the adoption of minors to the Government .

On February 8, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation held hearings on the draft law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Children's Rights”. The event was attended by Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation T. Yu. Sinyugina.

During her speech, T. Yu. Sinyugina said that the department was ready to submit a bill to amend the procedure for the adoption of minors to the Government.

Over the course of six months, we have met with you several times. And the reason for our meetings was an interested and not indifferent conversation and work on the bill, which today is already ready for us to submit it to the Government, - said T. Yu. Sinyugina.

For reference

In December 2018, members of the Interdepartmental Working Group under the Ministry of Education of Russia prepared a draft law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Children's Rights." The bill was posted on the federal portal of draft regulations for broad public discussion.

The bill contains new approaches to the transfer of orphans to foster care in families, which will allow the development of the institution of guardianship, improve conditions for the preparation of persons wishing to take an orphan child into their family.

For the first time, the bill proposes to introduce the concept of "accompaniment" into federal legislation. It is planned that authorized regional authorities and organizations, including NGOs, will be vested with this authority.

Special attention in the document is paid to the adoption procedure, a provision has been added there on the procedure for reinstating adoptive parents in the duties of parents, if they were previously deprived of such an opportunity.


All news

On November 21-22, 2019, the GRANI Center for Civic Analysis and Independent Research Foundation (GRANI Center), with the participation of the National Fund for the Protection of Children from Abuse, is holding a methodological seminar for methodologists of foster parent schools on the financial literacy of foster parents.

If the employees of the guardianship authorities reveal non-compliance with the established requirements, then they will issue a written refusal, which, in case of disagreement, can be appealed in court. Searching for a child If the guardianship has issued a positive conclusion, then citizens can start looking for a child using a single electronic database located at: http://www.usynovite.ru/db/?p=3&last-search. After the child is selected, citizens need to re-apply to custody and obtain permission to visit him. The validity of the permission to visit the child is 10 days - if the allotted time is missed, the procedure will have to be repeated again. As part of the permit, the adoptive parent has the right to meet and communicate with the child, as well as to familiarize himself with his medical documentation.

How to adopt a child from an orphanage? not easy, but quite real

Preparing prospective adoptive parents In 2012, training was included in the list of mandatory requirements for adoptive parents. But there are exceptions to this rule. So, in accordance with the law, they have the right not to undergo training:

  1. Citizens who are close relatives of the child whose adoption is required.

    Close relatives include: sisters, brothers, grandparents.

  2. Persons who have previously adopted / adopted a child. That is, if citizens have already become adoptive parents, then they do not need to undergo training.

All other citizens must undergo training, which in some localities is free of charge, and in others on a paid basis.

As a rule, the list of places where you can receive training can be clarified with the guardianship authorities.

How to adopt a child from an orphanage?

Video: The procedure for adopting a child Guardianship and Adoption Bodies (PLO) With a full package of documents, citizens who decide to adopt a child go to the PLO. After the paperwork is completed, potential parents are expected to visit the PLO staff home.

An act of inspection of housing conditions is drawn up. The living space should be well-groomed, clean, tidy. Within 15 days, employees prepare a conclusion. If the impression of citizens who wish to adopt a child is positive, they are recognized as candidates for adoptive parents.

If a refusal follows, it must be issued in the form of an official letter indicating the reason. Searching for a child You can search for a child through the Federal Data Bank of Orphans (http://www.usynovite.ru/db/?p=3&last-search) or the base of video questionnaires of orphans, also through the PLO at the place of residence or Regional operator of the State Public Library about orphans.

Disability and adoption of children

  • 1 Who can be adopted or adopted
  • 2 Who can become an adoptive parent
    • 2.1 Requirements
    • 2.2 Single mother
    • 2.3 Foreign citizens
  • 3 How to take a child from an orphanage
    • 3.1 Where to go
    • 3.2 Database
    • 3.3 Registration procedure
    • 3.4 Required documents
    • 3.5 Grounds for cancellation
  • 4 Features of adopting a child from an orphanage
    • 4.1 Consent to adoption
    • 4.2 Determining the surname, name and patronymic of the child
    • 4.3 The secret of adoption
  • 5 Payments and benefits
    • 5.1 Maternity capital
  • 6 Legislative regulation

Of course, almost all married couples dream of having their own children, but not all of them have this dream come true for many reasons.

Adoption of a disabled child


    The adoptive parent will need to provide an autobiography, indicating in it the full name, address and place of birth, education, place of work and position, salary level, as well as other important, in his opinion, information.
  1. Employer's certificate

Also, the adoptive parent will need to attach a certificate from the place of work, containing information about the position he occupies and the level of his salary. If a person carries out a private entrepreneurial activity, instead of a certificate, income statements for several previous periods are suitable.

  1. Residential property documents

A survey of the living space where the child will live with the adoptive parents is an integral part of the process under consideration.

That is why the applicant will need to present documents related to this residential property.

How is the adoption of a disabled child


Also, not only living conditions will be checked, but also personal qualities according to characteristics from places of work and residence. to the table of contents Procedure for adopting a child from an orphanage The first thing to do is to go to the inspector of the guardianship and adoption authorities at the place of residence. Here you will receive answers to questions about the timing, documents that need to be prepared.

It should be borne in mind that the papers are prepared in duplicate at once - for the department of guardianship and trusteeship (hereinafter referred to as PLO) and for the court. Of course, you will need to write an application to the PLO department with a request to issue an opinion that the applicant has no obstacles and is suitable for the role of an adoptive parent.

The list of necessary papers is specified in each specific case by an employee of the PLO. All documents collected for adoption are valid for 1 year, except for a medical examination, which is valid for only 3 months.

How to adopt a child from an orphanage and who can be an adoptive parent

When all papers with the application are accepted for consideration and preparation of a response, those eager to taste parental happiness will receive the result within 15 to 30 days. This time is needed to check the information provided to the PLO, about the condition of housing, about the personalities of potential dad and mom or one of them.

The response from the department of guardianship may contain a refusal or an opinion with a positive result will be issued. If you want to adopt / adopt a child, then you need to submit this application to the guardianship authorities: Download the sample.
to the table of contents Searching for a child in the database: where to get information about children in need of a family Data on children in need of a family is available in the regional database or in the OOP at the location of a specific orphanage.

The procedure for adoption from an orphanage: requirements for adoptive parents, documents


The applicant's identity has been established, his legal capacity has been verified, and I certify his signature. March 17, 2018 Head of the guardianship and trusteeship body at the place of adoption of the child Lyubentseva Veronika Grigorievna (signature).

Also, when accepting a child into a family (if he is not 10 years old), a notarized consent for adoption is required from blood parents, but some difficulties may arise if:
  • parents are missing or died;
  • incapacitated;
  • deprived of parental rights.

Determination of the surname, name and patronymic of the child The change of the surname of the name and patronymic of the baby can occur at the request of the adoptive parents when changing the birth certificate in the registry office. This procedure implies the secret of adoption. But if there is no such desire, the adopted son or daughter can remain in their last name.
The child will not be handed over to the family if:

  • this will contradict the child's wishes, create a threat to his life, health, violate his rights and interests;
  • it turns out that the parent of the child who has been deprived of parental rights lives with the citizen who took the child “on a visit”.

The total stay cannot be more than three months. In some cases, it is extended up to six months. If the biological parents of the child could not, for some reason, properly fulfill their obligations, this can be done by adoptive parents, guardians or adoptive parents.

But both candidates for adoptive parents and guardians must understand that a new family member is a responsibility, it is forever. They will have all the same responsibilities as the biological family.

Who can be adopted or adopted According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, adopted or adopted can be an orphan from 0 to 18 years old. A child can be adopted:

  • From a previous marriage of a spouse or spouse. If there is a desire to take on all the rights and obligations of a full-fledged parent. But care should be taken to obtain consent from the biological father.
  • From the baby's house.

    Kid aged 0-3 years.

  • From an orphanage, 3-18 years old.
  • Newborn. The procedure for adopting a child from a maternity hospital does not actually differ from the adoption of a child from an orphanage or a baby's home.

Who can become an adoptive parent Many people want to take an orphan into a family, but not all citizens are given the right to adoption, since there are a number of requirements and nuances that candidates must take into account.

Photo: Press Service of the Mayor and the Moscow Government. Denis Grishkin

By November 2016, more than 90 percent of the capital's orphans and children left without parental care had already been placed in new families. the site tells what benefits new dads and mothers can count on, how adoption differs from custody, and how to take a child into a family.

The number of Muscovites who are not indifferent to the fate of children in orphanages is increasing every year. The number of foster families in only nine months of 2016 increased by 4.3 percent - from 2537 to 2646 families, and 240 children have found a new home in foster families.

Over the past six years, the number of orphans and children left without parental care who have found a new family has increased by 48 percent.

Family Education Support Centers

All boarding schools, orphanages and children's homes, as well as boarding schools for mentally retarded children in the city of Moscow by the end of 2015 were transformed into centers for the promotion of family education. Here residents can communicate with children, learn how to issue guardianship or patronage, become foster parents or adopt children.

In Moscow, there are 31 state centers and 7 more private institutions for orphans and children left without parental care. At the same time, the number of children brought up in them has decreased by 20 percent since the beginning of 2016 - from 2,473 to 1,980 people. These are mainly children over 10 years old and with disabilities, including those suffering from Down syndrome. In general, over six years, the number of pupils in boarding schools has more than halved.

More than 18.7 thousand children are brought up in foster families. The most common form of family arrangement is gratuitous guardianship (guardianship), followed by adoption, foster family.

Guardianship and guardianship

Now there are 7.6 thousand guardianship families in the city, in which almost 8.6 thousand children are being brought up.

Adult capable citizens, most often relatives of children, become guardians and trustees. This takes into account the moral qualities of a person and the desire of the child himself.

Guardians are appointed for minors under 14 years of age. They become legal representatives and can act on their behalf, undertake to raise children, educate them, care for and protect their interests. When the child turns 14, the guardian becomes the guardian. Guardianship ends when the pupil turns 18 or when he gets married.

Guardians (trustees) are paid money to support the child, support is provided in organizing his education, recreation and treatment.

Living with guardians, the child can, if desired, see blood relatives. But it will not be possible to change the surname or date of birth of children under guardianship.

Adoption (adoption)

Since the beginning of the year, 187 children have been adopted in Moscow. In total, there are now more than 5.1 thousand families in the city, where 5.7 thousand adopted children are being brought up.

Upon adoption, persons who have adopted a child into their family acquire all parental rights and responsibilities. The adoptive parents give the child their last name and bring up as their own.

The age difference between the parents-to-be and the child must be more than 16 years old. Only capable citizens who do not have a criminal record under grave offenses can become adoptive parents, provided that they have housing and the necessary income. Children will not be sent to families where parents use alcohol or drugs, are carriers of infections, suffer from mental illness or have previously been deprived of parental rights or have been removed from the duties of a guardian.

Foster families

Over the nine months of 2016, 109 foster families appeared in the capital, into which 240 children were taken. In total, there are 2.6 thousand foster families in the city. 4412 children are being brought up in them.

Such a family is created under an agreement concluded with the guardianship and guardianship authorities. Foster parents become the child's legal guardians and legal representatives. But unlike ordinary guardians, they are rewarded for their services.

Both married couples and single citizens can become parents. The main thing is not to have serious illnesses and convictions, not to use drugs and alcohol, and also to be able to provide the child with everything necessary for life and study.

Learn to be a parent

Spouses who want to adopt or take care of children can get specialist advice at foster schools. Here they will tell you what documents need to be prepared, what benefits you can count on, how to help your child adapt in a new family and avoid conflict situations, and also how to educate children with disabilities.

Today there are 57 schools for foster parents in the city. In just nine months of this year, 2,637 people were trained in them. Another 54 organizations accompany foster families. Escort agreements have been concluded with 1149 families, where 1754 children are being brought up.

Social payments to families with orphans and children left without parental care

When a child is transferred to a family for upbringing, the capital's social security authorities pay a lump sum stipulated by Federal Law No. 81-FZ of 19.05.1995 “On State Benefits to Citizens with Children”.

The allowance is paid for all forms of family placement of children left without parental care (adoption, establishment of guardianship (guardianship), placement in a foster family). The amount of the allowance is:

- for persons who have adopted a disabled child, a child over the age of seven, as well as children who are brothers and (or) sisters - 118,529 rubles 25 kopecks;

- for persons who have adopted an orphan child, a child left without parental care, into a foster family or under guardianship (guardianship), as well as for persons who have adopted an orphan child, a child left without parental care, who is not a disabled person, a child under seven years or a child not adopted at the same time as a brother (sister) - 15 512 rubles 65 kopecks.

Last year, the allowance was paid for 2304 children placed in foster care, including the parents of 106 children who received the maximum amount of the allowance. Since the beginning of this year, the parents of 1,855 children have received it. Families of 100 children - 118.5 thousand rubles each.

In addition, families receive a monthly payment from the capital's budget. From January 1 of this year, the amount of monthly allowances for orphans and children left without parental care, who are in the families of guardians, trustees, foster parents, foster carers, as well as monthly compensation payments to persons who have adopted on the territory of the city of Moscow after January 1, 2009 an orphan child or a child left without parental care was increased by 10 percent and ranges from 16.5 thousand to 27.5 thousand rubles per month, depending on the age, number of children and their state of health.

From January 1, the size of the monthly remuneration paid to foster parents (foster carers) has also been increased.

Foster parents and foster carers receive monthly remuneration in the amount of 16.7 thousand rubles for each foster child, and the payment for a disabled child has been increased to 28 390 rubles. At the same time, in families with one or two children, only one of the parents receives payments, and when raising more than three children, both spouses are entitled to a monthly remuneration for each child.

A one-time compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses in connection with the adoption of a child in Moscow depends on the sequence of adoption of children and amounts to 76.9 thousand rubles, 107.7 thousand rubles or 153.8 thousand rubles.

In addition, the city reimburses families for the costs of housing and communal services and the telephone, and provides free travel on public transport. Children are provided annually with vacation vouchers, and once every two years they can relax with their foster parents. Also, since 2014, foster families have been compensated for part of the cost - up to 45 thousand rubles - of self-purchased vouchers.

After reaching the age of majority, orphans or children without parental care who do not have a living quarters assigned to them are provided with housing that meets the established social norms.

A new family - to a new home

Since 2014, a project has been launched in the capital on property support for families who have adopted older orphans and (or) disabled children for upbringing.

Families who have taken into the upbringing of at least five orphans, three of whom are over 10 years old and / or are disabled, receive housing for a comfortable living for a large family. The area of ​​a house or apartment is calculated at the rate of 10 to 18 square meters for each family member (parents, their own minor children and foster children).

If the spouses have been married for at least three years and successfully undergo psychological diagnostics, then a contract for the free use of residential premises for 10 years is concluded with them. After this period, the family has the right to receive an apartment under a social tenancy agreement.

34 foster families became participants in the project, to which 203 children were transferred. Of these, 63 are disabled children, 93 children are over 10 years old.

A truly family award

For their significant contribution to the development of family organization, residents and organizations are awarded the Stork Wings Prize. The laureates receive a commemorative sign - a statuette depicting a flying stork and a baby.

Natalia's family became laureates of the "Wings of a Stork" award in one of the most significant nominations "To adoptive parents, guardians (trustees), foster or foster families for a special personal contribution to the development of the family arrangement of orphans and children left without parental care in the city of Moscow" and Valeria Zhuravlev. They are raising three children and 15 foster children, six of whom have Down syndrome. At the same time, the spouses assisted in the transfer of 38 more children with such a diagnosis to other families.

And the award among public organizations was received by the St. Sophia orphanage, which became one of the first non-state orphanages in Russia for disabled people with severe multiple developmental disabilities. Now there are 22 children in it. Employees are looking for families. And those who remain in this institution will be taken care of even after their majority.

Here, children have opportunities not only for learning, but also for social adaptation - volunteers help them in this.

This year there is a new nomination - "Person". The award in this category is awarded for a special personal contribution to the development of a family arrangement. It was received by Galina Semya, Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Psychological Anthropology at Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Reply from 02/03/2014 19:59

Please note that you can be recognized as an adoptive parent only on the basis of the totality of all legal facts (health status, living conditions, income (earnings), no criminal record, etc.).

Article 127. Persons entitled to be adoptive parents (Family Code)

1. Adopters can be adults of both sexes, with the exception of:

Persons recognized by the court as incapable or partially incapacitated;

Spouses, one of whom is recognized by the court as incapable or partially incapacitated;

Persons deprived of parental rights by the court or limited by the court in parental rights;
persons removed from the duties of a guardian (curator) for improper performance of the duties assigned to him by law;

Former adoptive parents, if the adoption was canceled by the court due to their fault;

Persons who, for health reasons, cannot adopt a child. The "list" of diseases, in the presence of which a person cannot adopt (adopt) a child, take him under guardianship, guardianship, or take him into a foster or foster family, is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Medical examination of persons wishing to adopt (adopt) children left without parental care is carried out within the framework of the "program" of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens in the "procedure" established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation;

Persons who, at the time of establishment of adoption, do not have income that provides the adopted child with a living wage established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which the adoptive parents (adoptive parent) live;

Persons without a permanent place of residence;

Persons who have or have had a criminal record, are subject to or have been subjected to criminal prosecution (with the exception of persons whose criminal prosecution has been terminated on exonerating grounds) for crimes against life and health, freedom, honor and dignity of the person (except for illegal placement in a psychiatric hospital, libel and insults), sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of the individual, against family and minors, public health and public morals, as well as against public safety;

Persons with an unexpunged or "outstanding conviction" for grave or especially grave crimes;

The paragraph is no longer valid. - Federal "law" dated 02.07.2013 N 167-FZ;

Persons who have not undergone training in the manner prescribed by "paragraph 4" of this article (except for close relatives of the child, as well as persons who are or were adoptive parents and in respect of whom the adoption has not been canceled, and persons who are or were guardians (trustees) children and who have not been removed from the performance of the duties assigned to them);
persons who are in an alliance concluded between persons of the same sex, recognized as a marriage and registered in accordance with the legislation of the state in which such marriage is permitted, as well as persons who are citizens of that state and who are not married.

1.1. When making a decision on the adoption of a child, the court has the right to deviate from the provisions established by "paragraphs eighth", "twelfth" and "thirteenth paragraph 1" of this article, taking into account the interests of the child being adopted and the circumstances deserving attention.

1.2. The provisions established by "paragraphs eighth", "twelfth" and "thirteenth paragraph 1" of this article do not apply to the stepfather (stepmother) of the adopted child.

2. Persons who are not married to each other cannot jointly adopt the same child.

3. If there are several persons wishing to adopt the same child, the priority right is granted to the relatives of the child, subject to the mandatory compliance with the requirements of "paragraphs 1" and "2" of this article and the interests of the adopted child.

4. In order to facilitate the psychological, pedagogical and legal training of persons wishing to take up a child without parental care into their family, their training is carried out according to the program approved by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

"Requirements" for the content of the training program, the procedure for organizing and carrying out activities for the preparation of persons wishing to adopt a child without parental care into their families, and the "form" of a certificate of completion of such training on the territory of the Russian Federation are approved by the Federal Government authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation. an executive authority.
The organization of training for persons wishing to take up a child left without parental care into their family is carried out by the guardianship and guardianship authorities at the expense and within the funds provided for these purposes in the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
Foreign citizens, stateless persons or citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing outside the territory of the Russian Federation, who wish to adopt a child left without parental care and who is a citizen of the Russian Federation into their family, may submit documents confirming the passage of appropriate training on the territory of the state. , in which they permanently reside, taking into account the subject matter and in an amount not less than that provided for by the requirements specified in the second paragraph of this clause for the content of the training program for persons wishing to take up a child left without parental care into their family.
In the event that foreign citizens, stateless persons or citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing outside the territory of the Russian Federation, who wish to adopt a child left without parental care into their family, have not undergone appropriate training on the territory of a foreign state in which they permanently reside, the specified training is carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation in the manner prescribed by this paragraph.